Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, June 26, 2009

Six Week Body Makeover

By Rico Kidd

Knowing what type of body you have is the first step in weight loss. Learning what type of body you have will help you know what types of foods you should consume to assist you in losing weight. The key to losing weight is eating smart, not eating less.

The first step in the body makeover diet is to know your body structure. Your body structure is unique and can be categorized into four different types: A, B, C or D. The body blue print asks you 48 questions about your weight loss goals, exercise activities, where you gain weight and eating habits.

Type A bodies have very sluggish metabolisms and these type of people have struggled with weight gain their whole lives. These people should eat less simple and complex carbohydrates and should eat more seafood (white fish) and lean meats such as turkey/chicken breast.

People with B bodies tend to have more lean muscle and an easier time gaining lean muscle mass. Type B people have higher metabolisms than Type A's, however, these people still have problems losing weight as their metabolisms are not quite at the point where their bodies burn off as many calories as they take in. People that have a B body need to stay away from rice, pasta and processed carbs. Type C people have similar bodies to Type B people, the only difference is that C people can eat more carbohydrates as their lean muscle mass tends to burn off calories faster than B people.

D body types have very slow metabolisms due to a lack of lean muscle mass. They should stay away from most carbohydrates and focus on eating protein rich foods such as red meat and chicken. A sample recipe for a D body is a New York steak with steamed garden vegetables.

Knowing what type of body you have is the first step in weight loss. Taking the blue print is an important part of the body makeover diet. You will start losing weight once you know what types of foods work well with your body. - 17269

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6 Week Body Makeover - Diets Make You Fat

By Rico Kidd

Diets do not work. Learning to eat right is the best way to lose weight. When you diet, your metabolism slows down as it thinks you are starving. When your metabolism decreases, every calorie you consume burns slower and turns into fat storage.

When dieting, your body thinks your starving. You know that you're not starving, but your body is programmed to store fat regardless of what you think is right for your body. Your brain thinks that there is not enough food, which triggers the metabolism to slow down and store fat for fuel.

Eating less actually does not help your body. Some people who diet might gain weight, rather than lose weight. The reason is that once your metabolism has established itself in "starvation mode", you will burn fewer calories and store more body fat.

Eating more meals (and smaller portions) will actually make you lose more weight. The reason is that when you eat more meals, your brain thinks that food is abundant and will not trigger the survival mode effect. If your body is not in survival mode, you will burn calories faster and this will lead to weight loss.

Training your metabolism to get out of survival mode will benefit you in the long run. Matter of fact, you will be able to eat fatty foods (once in awhile) and you will still lose weight. Unlike traditional diets, once you learn how to eat correctly, even having a slice of pizza or a beer once in awhile won't hurt your weight loss goals. - 17269

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Knee Replacement: An Overview of the Most Frequently Asked Questions

By Dr. Stefan Tarlow

What's involved in knee replacement?

When your knee is replaced, worn-out, damaged, and diseased natural parts will be removed and new, efficient, artificial prosthetic joints will be put in their place.

A prosthetic joint works just like a real, natural, healthy joint. It allows you to go back to enjoying all the physical activities you used to enjoy without knee pain.

Does my knee joint have to be in really bad shape before I begin thinking about having it replaced?

Consult with your doctor for an answer to this question. He or she may refer you to an orthopedist for an evaluation and consultation. Once you have talked it over with your doctor and orthopedist, do some thinking about how knee replacement will affect your life. Then you can decide whether or not it is right for you.

Daily knee pain may cause you to stay off your feet and rest your knees. Unfortunately, this has a negative impact on your health, not the least of which is a weakening of the muscles around the knees. This weakening increases knee pain.

If you have tried other options like physical therapy and medication, without relief, it may be time for you to consider joint replacement.

Click here to learn more about surgery for ACL tear.

Minimally Invasive Knee Joint Replacement (MIS)

When you have MIS, specialized techniques will be used. These techniques let the doctor do major surgery without making any large incisions. That is why this procedure is called minimally invasive. There is less trauma to the soft tissues because a much smaller incision is made.

MIS knee surgery is a big improvement in total knee replacement for many reasons. For one thing, with MIS, you will have a much shorter hospital stay. Additionally, you will recover more quickly and experience less scarring. Nonetheless, it is important to note that not everyone can use MIS.

Your orthopedist is the only one who can really tell you if MIS is the right procedure for you.

What risks are involved in MIS?

Of course, MIS is a major operation, and there are always risks involved with any surgery.

Any time you have a major surgical procedure performed, there may be complications. However, most of the time, these can be avoided or dealt with successfully.

So, how soon can I go back to my regular schedule? I need to be able to drive and work!

Consulting with your doctor, orthopedist, and surgeon will help you to arrive at an answer to this question. It depends on your physical condition, the demands of your daily life, and the advice of your health care professionals.

Click here to learn more about knee arthroscopy. - 17269

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It's Not Hard To Burn Your Tummy Fat! A Little Effort Goes A Long Way!

By Harvey Schnider

It is far easier to gain belly fat weight than to lose it. Ugh! There are few things as stubborn as belly fat, and it doesnt seem to matter how many sit ups or crunches you suffer through it sticks. Do you mourn the loss of your flat stomach? It doesn't have to work out like that.

To loose the Belly Fat it takes more than sit ups and crunches. This is the fact. You will have to combine both diet and exercise to help you get rid of all that extra fat in your tummy, hiding your abs. You don't want to hear this but you know its true, in order to burn belly fat you must burn more calories than you are consuming in a day. Yup, eat less and get more exercise.

Heres two proven ways to get started: Eat Low Fat and Low Calorie

Heres a couple ways to get started: Eat Low Fat and Low Calorie One of the best and easiest ways to start burning belly fat is to start eating a low fat, low calorie diet. You dont have to starve yourself or give up your favorite fun food, just think before you eat and make healthier choices. For example, go ahead eat dessert, but maybe make it low calorie ice cream rather than fully loaded! There are some good ones out there to choose from and they taste great!

Cutting out red meat and adding whole wheat and lean meats to your diet will help it. To help you lose weight you should try to replace butter, which is high in calories, with a low-fat canola oil that you try to use less of. In your grocery store there are so many low calorie butter type products. Select the one that suits you best.

Stock up on fruits and veggies. They're low-fat, filling and to top it off, great-tasting. Are you not fond of vegetables and fruits? But if you think you don't want to lose weight, I have to ask, what did that extra tummy fat do for you today?

You should cut down on your calories, and make sure you get out for 20 to 30 minutes per day in order to get some exercise. Yes, youll have to do some sit up and crunches but even walking at a brisk pace for 20 to 30 minutes a day will get the process started. One should do twenty to thirty minutes of exercise regularly to burn the belly fat. Everything in life is more fun and easier with a buddy, especially exercise, so grab one and get started.

Exercising daily is the best way to lose that belly weight. Between 20 to 30 minutes and eat a low fat, low calorie diet. If you make a plan, stay focused youll burn belly fat before you know it. - 17269

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Amazing Energy Foods for Athletes

By Curtis Ludlow

It's important to learn what to eat if you want to stay healthy.

Fresh fish, fruit, and green vegetables are the preferred food sources since these foods aid in providing the vitamin requirements of the body.

Women have different dietary requirements as compared to men. Hence, they need to eat differently at various stages of life. Women need more iron and calcium as compared to men. Keeping nutrition requirements in mind here are the top 10 power foods which can help women with weight loss and maintaining a healthy body.

Cold Water Fish

A problem with some fish is that it is farm raised. Many of these farm raised fish are given hormones that accelerate the rate of it's development and growth. Be sure to eat only wild fish - not farm raised. Wild salmon is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids that are very important for women in particular.

Live Culture Yogurt

Women suffer from more osteoporosis related problems than men. Moreover, due to pregnancy and menopause related issues, the level of calcium is generally low in a woman's body. Hence yogurt is one of the best sources of calcium since it also has some gut friendly bacteria to prevent the age old Candida related infections and can be digested easily.


Greens like broccoli, spinach and asparagus are great store houses of a wide variety of nutrients including calcium, potassium and vitamin B complex. They also contain antioxidants too.


Water is in the list of nutrients since it's vital for the proper processing of fats and other nutrients. It is also natural and one of the most well known appetite suppressants. Hence, this is one drink you need to get drunk on and even your fitness boot camp trainer will approve of your addiction!

Soy Beans

Soybeans and other soy products are great for fighting the bad cholesterol (LDL) and increasing the good cholesterol levels. They are also rich in phytoestrogen as well. You can have soy in the form of tofu or soybean nuggets.


Steak is a great way to get more iron into your diet. Be sure to eat leaner cuts so as to minimize the levels of saturated fats you consume.

Flax Seed

Rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, fibre and antioxidants, flax seeds are a great source of an abundance of nutrients. Flax seeds are beneficial to prevent problems related with arthritis and heart problems.


Beta Carotene is also an essential super nutrient found in foods like carrots, pumpkin, sweet potato and squash. These foods are rich in antioxidants which help in preventing ageing and breast cancer problems.


Beans are rich in soluble fiber, protein and they also attract bile. This is good because it removes it from your system before the cholesterol inside of it can do damage.

After you incorporate these amazing super foods into your diet you'll notice a significant jump in your overall performance level. Your energy will be sustain itself all day long. - 17269

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Learn About Mesotherapy

By El Bilson

Mesotherapy may be something you've heard about recently. But what exactly does this cellulite treatment involve? It is the injection of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and various medicines into the body. It has many different uses including:

* Speeds up the weight loss process * Decreases wrinkles and fine lines that come with aging * Improves acne scars * Smooths out stretch marks caused by weight gain and pregnancy * Improves the appearance of cellulite

Sound like something you might be interested in? Mesotherapy is practiced all throughout the United States. Although the procedure originated in France, this procedure is now available worldwide. Many major US cities such as Houston and Los Angeles are home to some of the best treatment centers in the world.

It is important to trust the person performing the treatment. The last thing you want is a botched procedure! Be sure to ask any question you may have and read up on the procedure you want to have before you go.

As with any cosmetic procedure there are certain risks involved with meso. Although this treatment has been around for a while, it is not currently approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). However many people have had very positive results with meso treatments.

Meso is thought to be more effective than liposuction in the treatment of cellulite. This is because it treats cellulite directly unlike liposuction which can potentially worsen the appearance of cellulite.

Another plus about meso is that it does not involve recovery time or extensive hospital stays. This makes it an appealing treatment for those who are crunched for time yet still want to look their best. The treatments can easily be done during a lunch break or after work.

Results from treatment will vary. Several session may be needed to get you the results you're looking for. Most often though, patients report seeing results after just one session. This can be encouraging for those who may be skeptical about getting the treatments.

To make sure you maintain the results after the initial procedure, doctors recommend sticking to a healthy diet and regular exercise routine. Many people find that an occasional follow up treatment may be necessary to keep them looking their best.

For the majority of patients, side effects will be mild to non existent. Bruising and soreness are often reported on the affected area. To help speed up the healing process, doctors recommend patients take the supplement arnica on a daily basis.

In conclusion, meso is a great way to improve your skin and reduce the amount of cellulite you have on your body. This treatment is ideal for not only cellulite, but a wide variety of skin disorders. - 17269

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Living Healthy with Acai Berry

By Anne Torres

Losing weight has been a struggle for me for pretty much a long time. I have been obese all my life and I have been taunted by many people including my classmates in grades school and high school.

Believe me, it was the nastiest part of my life. Boys treated me badly because I was fat and girls don't want to make friends with me. They only wanted to make friends wit skinny and beautiful girls and I did not qualify to their criteria at all. Not even close. Because of that, losing those unnecessary fats has been my advocacy ever since. I was eager to try everything just to be thin.

I tried different kinds of diet pills but none of them worked for me. I have even tried going to the gym daily but it did not work for me because after working out, I just indulge myself with all my favorite food from pizza down to different kinds of deserts like chocolates and ice cream. So the work out will just be a waste because of the food I take after.

My mom helped me lose weight by giving me different kinds of book, reader's digest, in losing weight for me to find wisdom, inspiration and determination. But I have not read the books even. I hate reading so the books were just left in the shelves full of dirt and dust.

Until one day, I tried reading one of them and there was an article about Acai berry and the surprises that it can bring to women who desire to lose weight.

Acai berry has startling substances that can help us get rid of our hunger for food. It binds fat meaning they remove all our food cravings like craving for chocolates and ice cream. Acai berry also has antioxidants that are amazing for the skin and for detoxification, particularly in our colon. - 17269

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The Grilling Tips You Need For This Summer Holidays

By Ferdinand Emy

Always check the internal temperature of food to be certain it is done. Of all the grilling tips, this is one that can assure your food is safe to eat. There are two primary types of grilling methods; They are indirect grilling and direct grilling. When the juices are released, the food tends to dry out rather quickly from the heat of the grill. Many people depend upon the outer appearance of food to determine whether it is done or not but this is actually not a reliable method and can result in food borne illness.

Following the right grilling tips also means making sure you know how to properly handle the food. Many people make the same mistake of handling the food too much while grilling it. A meat fork will pierce the skin of the meat and release juices while tongs help the food to retain moisture. Following these grilling tips can help you to produce perfectly and deliciously grilled food every time.

Indirect grilling involves cooking the food away from the heat while direct grilling involves cooking food directly on the fire. One of the most important grilling tips that should be followed, no matter what type of grill or grilling method you are using, is to make sure that you use a meat thermometer in order to test the interior temperature of the food that you are grilling. Also, one of the most important grilling tips you can follow is to make sure that you use tongs instead of a meat fork when grilling. Instead, avoid 'playing' with the food and allow it to cook evenly. Indirect grilling is best for foods that can be cooked in less than 30 minutes while direct grilling is better for foods that can be cooked in more than 30 minutes.

Other grilling tips include using the right grilling method. Grilling is a favorite pastime and it is a wonderful way to enjoy time outside with family and friends as well as prepare a meal that is second to none. Are you looking forward to putting some meat on the grill and enjoying a wonderfully grilled meal? If so, you are not alone.

There are some grilling tips that you can follow which will assist you to accomplish delicious food time after time. This can result in cold spots in the food and can increase the chances of uneven cooking and food borne illness. - 17269

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6 Keys to Find the Best Home Exercise Equipment

By Thong M. Dao

Purchasing the best home exercise equipment isn't as simple as you may believe. Indeed, you've to think a lot. Here are a few essential elements to think of while making a decision.

1. Decide your target. The whole procedure of choosing which kind of workout equipment is good for you and how much you have to spend for this depends on what targets you want to achieve along with your actual physical fitness level. Therefore prior to choosing 1 or restricting yourself to which elliptical trainer or treadmill is good for you, ask yourself, "What do I need to accomplish?" Do you want to boost your cardiovascular wellness? Do you prefer to build up strength? Do you like to increase your energy? Those questions, if responded immediately would direct you to discovering which kind of equipment you truly need.

2. How much can you invest? You have to determine how much you can pay for your equipment. The prices vary. A treadmill costs anywhere from $1500 to $3500, an elliptical trainer from $2000 to $5000, a stationary bike from $500 to $1000. Don't forget "you get what you pay for", thus look at everything: features, usability and affordability.

3. Space. Never forget to test the equipment and estimate how much room it takes up. This is something that's not paid enough attention. You may not tell if the equipment can fit into your room at home when you're at a large store. So take this into consideration.

4. Take a look around. It's not really wise to settle in the first store. Visit other stores and compare to find the best home exercise equipment. You should also do some research on the Internet to get informed of the product you want to buy. Find product reviews if possible.

5. Avoid being deceived. People will do whatever it takes to sell. So if you see ads that are too good to be true, beware, as they usually are. "Before" and "after" photos can be so tempting, but think about it, miracles do not happen overnight.

6. Look into all the cost. Transportation, installation and additional charges are often overlooked. So make sure you're aware of all the cost and ready to pay for the final amount of your best home exercise equipment.

- 17269

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Lose 10 Pounds Faster By Consuming More Water

By Gerard Francis

Water is an underrated tool used in weight loss. But it not only help's the body in its metabolism, it helps in the transport of fluids around the body.

It keeps the joints well lubricated, and this helps us to have better results from exercising. Its important to drink plenty both before and during exercise.

Water also helps the body to move fiber out, and it adds bulk so that you feel "fuller" . This is a great way to curb the appetite. On average, we require a minimum of 64 ounces (1.9L) daily for this.

Another great attribute of water, is that it enables the body, each day, to properly absorb the necessary nutrients it needs into the body's tissues.

In order that the body's energy levels are maintained throughout the day, it is essential that we consume water at regular intervals. 6 ounces (170 ml) every hour is the recommended level, except when taking part in exercise.

The best way to drink water is slowly. It's no great advantage to consume a lot at one sitting. And the body reacts differently to different water temperatures.

To drop those 10 pounds as quickly as possible, drinking the water at room temperature will mean that the body will absorb it better. However, ice water is better at burning calories. So to lose weight ,the best advice is, alternate between both temperatures.

This makes sense when you realise that the body burns up energy when heating up the ice water, but also the water at room temperature helps the body by preventing the retention of tissue fluid. Both help you to lose weight.

If you get dehydrated, the body will begin to store water in tissues, for protection. This could add 5 pounds to your weight!

Drinking water always help to stifle the hunger pangs. This is especially true when you observe the routine of alternating between ice water and tepid, and using filtered water only. Its the easiest type for the body to assimilate.

If you are serious about losing 10 pounds, drinking more water is the way to go. It boosts the body's metabolism. Also, more water means less fat deposits.

This is because the liver will not have to work so hard metabolizing fat. The liver is the main organ used in fat burning by the body, and requires lots of pure water.

That is why it is so important to consume lots of water when you are exercising. When you are doing all that strenuous activity, you are sweating and your heart is racing, the sludge produce needs to be flushed out of your body.

After exercise, a good guide is to drink 16 to 24 ounces (470 to 700 ml). This will greatly help in the cleaning process, providing an easy exit for those toxins. The more water that gets to your liver, the better it will operate.

Water is the main tool used by our bodies in the process of detoxification, and it enables the liver to sort between nutrients and toxins. It will increase your energy levels, and decrease your waistline.

So go ahead and enjoy more water each day. Try to make it a part of your daily routine, rather than something you turn to occasionally. You will lose 10 pounds faster! - 17269

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Treating the Knee with Total Knee Replacement Surgery

By Dr. Stefan Tarlow

Minimally Invasive Surgery for Total Knee Replacement

For a better postoperative experience that includes reduced pain, a minimal hospital stay and quick recovery, patients are enjoying the benefits of minimally invasive surgery for total knee replacement. (MIS TKR).

With MIS TKR, a very small skin incision is made. The exact site of the location is determined based on a number of individual factors about the patient. This incision does not affect the quadriceps tendon - the large muscle located on the anterior of the thigh. Therefore, there is less soft tissue trauma, and the patient experiences greater recovery benefits.

Since August 2004, Dr. Tarlow has used a combination of MIS TKR techniques and Computer Navigation. Using this innovative combination of procedures allows him to provide the most precise possible knee placement.

Patients often want to know if they will be a good candidate for MIS TKR. Experienced MIS TKR surgeons can make that determination in-office with an examination and evaluation. Occasionally, the decision to do MIS TKR will be made during knee surgery.

Click here for more on Knee Arthroscopy.

Women are usually better candidates for MIS TKR. This is because they tend to have flexibility of the knee tissue, also called good soft tissue mobility. Additionally, they may tend toward a mild knee deformity - bowed or knocked knees, which is an advantage. Good preoperative ROM (range of motion) and BMI (body mass index) less than 35 are also helpful.

Men, on the other hand, may not be ideal candidates due to their tendency to have more muscle tissue and more stiffness of the knee tissue. This is known as poor soft tissue mobility. Aside from this, men frequently have had knee surgeries in the past. This may result in large knee deformity and poor preoperative ROM (range of motion). To make matters worse, men often have a BMI of greater than 35.

The use of computer-assisted surgery is good for reducing surgical errors and improving surgical outcomes in knee and hip surgery. Computer assisted orthopedic surgery helps with the identification of surgical anatomy and improves surgical accuracy.

Surgical procedures may be more reliably repeated and quality control more accurately monitored thanks to the use of computer based tools. Regardless of this, computer assisted techniques have not yet caught on in the US. This may be because of surgeon preferences, cost, efficacy and/or variations in technology. Whatever the reason, only about 3% of knee surgeries are done using this method in the US. This is a sharp contrast with Germany, where these tools are used 40% of the time.

In order to best benefit society with this technology, it will be necessary for industry, government, and surgeons to work together to develop standards for computer assisted surgery and imaging.

Click here for more on Dr. Stefan Tarlow, a leading Phoenix knee doctor. - 17269

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The Complex Nutrition From The Superfood's

By Elizabeth Brown

There is a class of foods that are measured to be "superfoods" because of the superior nourishment that they offer. Each one knows that some foods are better than others, for illustration, an apple is more nourishing than a potato chip, and broccoli trumps gummy bears. The actuality is that there are some foods that can help us to live longer, healthier and more vibrant lives.

Superfoods have a elevated intensity of essential nutrients compared to the sum of calories that they have. Examination on many of these nutrients show that they can be valuable in the impediment of disease and well as the reversal of lots of the normal signs of aging. Consuming a diet that is extreme in the nutrition found in superfoods can help check certain types of cancers, cardiovascular disease, type II Diabetes, hypertension and Alzheimer's disease.

Most of these extremely nourishing foods boast a selection of antioxidants, phytonutrients, polyphenols, omega fatty acids, and more. The majority of them are found whole in nature with trivial processing. They are complex and they contain hundreds of yet to be recognized compounds and nutrients.

A increasing body of investigation suggests that the nutrients from food work best in performance with each other. That is why it is best to eat a mishmash of beneficial foods rather than concentrate on just a few. Nutrients from a extensive array of foods work in concert to advance good health and to inhibit the problems of aging.

Antioxidants are compounds in food that defuse oxygen free radicals. The ORAC or Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity is the mode that we measure food for antioxidant capability. The higher the ORAC level the higher the antioxidant aptitude of the food.

Many foods score great on the ORAC scale but the food that scores the supreme is the acai berry from the rainforests of Brazil. The little berry is rich with antioxidants, polyphenols, essential fatty omega acids and even a full range of amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein.

Other superfoods incorporate spinach and other greens, all of the berries, including blueberries and cranberries, cabbage, cauliflower and other cruciferous vegetables, wild salmon, walnuts and other nuts and seeds and even dark chocolate and tea.

Eating a wholesome and balanced diet that includes the superior nourishment of the most nutritious foods on earth is perhaps the very greatest system in the world to keep on fit and strong, and to ward off sickness as we grow old. - 17269

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