Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Gynecomastia Or Pseudogynecomastia: Can I Diagnose It Myself?

By Dustin Fennell

The conditions gynecomastia and pseudogynecomastia (false gynecomastia) are so similar that it may not be easy to distinguish them easily. But both have their own set of behavior, diagnosis and treatment. Pseudogynecomastia actually carries no risk as it is simply the case of excess fat accumulation in the chest area due to fat gain.

Here is how you can tell which condition you have. Lie down on your back, place your forefinger and thumb and gently press the areola(the darkened circular region surrounding the nipple). If both of your fingers are able to touch each other, then it is pseudogynecomastia. If you find that there is a mound of rubbery tissue in proportion to the nipple, it implies that you have gynecomastia. If the lump or glandular tissue swells and covers more area, it can cause pain too.

There are different ways to find out if have gynecomastia. Check the size of your testicles, any nodules or enlargement of the testicles can be an indication. Also find out from your parents or grandparents if they had the condition. The carrier of this problem often has an extra X chromosome that secretes less testosterone, leading to under development of masculine characteristics and causing it to develop.

Drugs like antidepressants, anabolic steroids can also increase the chances of gynecomastia. It is always a good thing to check with your doctor if you have either condition. The doctor will ascertain it with mammograms, blood tests, testicular ultrasound and biopsies.

Doctors however are your best solution to determine if you have gynecomastia or pseudogynecomastia. They conduct tests like biopsies, mammogram tests, blood tests and even testicular ultrasound to arrive at a logical conclusion. Medical evidence has proved that males who take anti-depressants and anabolic steroids contract gynecomastia easily.

For pseudogynecomastia, proper diet or exercise can definitely solve the problem. The reason for it to develop is excess fat, and that can be worn away by chest fat burning exercise. Hit the gym; ask your nutritionist or fitness trainer to help you get the best results.

Apart from aerobics and gym exercises, things like cycling, cardio, jogging and push-ups can also be quite beneficial. Whatever form of exercise you may take, it is important to have a goal-oriented, time bound approach.

So, if you have pseudogynecomastia, you need not be so worried or tensed up. It is just the matter of burning excess fat. For those who have gynecomastia, they may also find some difference through exercising and diet, but the best solution in that case would be male breast reduction surgery. - 17269

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Food: Five Tips On Cooking Food

By Owen Jones

There can not be many people who do not like their food, but the human race, being what it is, I expect that there are a few of them. However, for the rest of us, food is a font of daily pleasure and, like a beverage, it is often employed to commemorate a celebration. not only that, but different foods are served for the different meals or distinct celebrations.

Commemorative meals were indubitably planned around the seasonal foods available, but some foodstuffs were ferried huge distances for the benefit of those who could afford them. For example, my Dad considered it a grand treat to be given an orange in his stocking on Christmas Day 60 years ago. How the times have altered! Very few kids would think an orange a gift, special or not, any day of the year nowadays.

Nevertheless, the storage of foodstuff is still a daily affair and subsequently, I have written a few top tips on storing food below, so that you will get the best from what you have bought or grown in your garden even a long time later.

The Quickest Quiche: a quiche is the conventional healthy fast food and this is one of the finest quick methods to make one. Put one onion, four eggs four ounces/125 grammes of butter, half a pint/250 ml milk, baking powder, 2 ounces/60 grammes of grated Cheddar cheese, parsley, salt and pepper and whatever else you like into a strong food mixer/blender. Whirl it all up together and pour it into an appropriate dish, lined if you have it with some pre-made, shop bought, pastry. Bake at 190C/375F/Gas Mark 6 for 40 minutes. It serves four and is delicious.

Heavenly Hamburgers: next time you make hamburgers, do not salt the meat before cooking them. Use your traditional recipe and make the patties as usual. Then, put a handful of sea salt in your favourite heavy duty frying pan and heat it up to very hot. Drop the hamburgers onto the salt and cook as usual. The outside of the hamburger will go crisp and the grease will be kept to the absolute minimum.

Salmon In The Papers: a fantastic way to cook a whole salmon is to cook it in newspaper. You ought to try it. Prepare your salmon according to your favourite recipe. Then wrap in three or four thoroughly drenched sheets of newspaper (any one). Make a nice parcel out of it; as neat as you can. Place the soaking-wet parcel on a baking tray in the centre of a moderate oven. Bake until the paper is dry on the top and then flip it over. When that side is dry the salmon is done. It'll take about an hour. If you want to eat it hot, peal the paper off straight away and serve. If you want to eat it cold, leave the package until it is cold and then unwrap. Either way the skin will stick to the newspaper.

Off The Wall: if you are unsure when spaghetti is fit to be eaten, through a strand at a tiled wall. If it sticks, it is done.

Cheap And Cheerful: for a quick, healthy, extraordinary summer sandwich filling, pick some fresh, young dandelion leaves; wash them thoroughly; dress if you want and put between slices off a good loaf of bread. - 17269

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Reduce Belly Fat - Diet And Exercises For Busy Women

By Adrian Edwards

This is how to reduce belly fat using diet and exercises... Specifically for busy girls. Since time is at a premium, you need something that is's quick and gets results. I have what you're attempting to find.

Reduce Belly Fat - Diet and Exercises

1.Do Belly Rubs

What you do is rub your hands together really hard for fifteen seconds. Now, while lying down, rub tiny circles around you belly button with one of the hands for thirty seconds. Rest and repeat for a total of five minutes a day. Best to do it twice a day for 2-3 minutes every time.

This works due to the heat energy in your hands. It goes straight thru your skin and right into the belly fat deposits... Either loosening them up for excretion or literally destroying them right on the spot.

2.Eat 3 apples a day

Laugh at the dull tip if you want, but if you want a straightforward way to lose two pounds a month for a few months... Here it is.

3.Jump on a mini-trampoline during your free time

This is a great and convenient exercise. What I do that literally saves me 10's of hours of time each month is I jump on the mini-trampoline during TV commercials. So I combine my TV time with my workout time... So saving a big bit of workout time and the drives to and from the gym!

You'd be amazed at how many commercials get stuffed into tv programs... About 22 mins worth of commercials an hour. So get jumping... It's maybe the best $25 I ever invested.

4.Walk on an incline

I hate walking and jogging when it comes to weight reduction. A nice walk is fine, but I do it for leisure, not weight loss. But walking on an incline, WOW, that could be a massively weight reduction exercise.

So if you can find a treadmill, incline it 10-15 degrees and walk on it for 15-20 mins. Try it and get back to me... Malicious laugh! It's a love-hate type of exercise. You're going to love the weight loss results... Especially it peeling away belly fat. - 17269

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The Start of the Acai Berry Craze

By Brittany Koxlauger

The acai berry is indigenous to the swamps and floodplains of Central and South American where the acai palm also grows. In the local dialect acai translates to 'fruit that cries or expels water' and the acai fruit fits the depiction impeccably. In the native tribes of Brazil, the acai berry formed a considerable component of the nutritional regime. However, the recent rush in international call for this berry have also led to the farming of the palm which was not so prevalent formerly.

The acai berry is either dark purple or green in color, depending on the species as well as ripeness of the fruit and suspend in bunches of 500 to 900 fruit. Each berry is pretty tiny in magnitude - approx. 25 mm in diameter and has a strong likeness to grapes, but with a great deal a lesser amount of pulp. There is a very thin layer of pulp which covers the seed of the berry. The seed itself takes up 80% of the capacity of the fruit. Depending on individual preferences, the acai berry is taken salty or sweet and is considered a food by itself. The pulp and juice obtained from it are served in a assortment of ways all across Brazil, Peru, Belize and other countries in the region; with granola, mixed with ice cream, in liqueur, etc. Because of these pioneering uses, the acai berry has grown in demand. This growth is also due in part to the recent advertising promotion as a dietary supplement.

Even if marketers advertise the acai berry as a marvel fruit with high fiber content, capable of producing amplified libido, heart health, skin appearance, improved digestion, heightened energy levels, reduced cholesterol, etc., there have been no independent scientific studies confirming any of these claims. There have been many complaints from consumers that the manufacturers and retailers are scamming them and even though they have applied for refunds at some point in the free trial period, the consumers are being rejected. So it is prudent that potential purchasers of this product think over their options thoroughly before taking a determination to go for it or not. Taken overall, the acai berry is precisely average as compared to other fruit in terms of nutritional content, anti - oxidant levels, vital vitamin content, etc.

Whatever little scientific studies have been conducted has revealed the berry in some of the forms mentioned in the preceding paragraph works well as a contrast agent in MRI scans. It is also a stable natural coloring agent and tests have revealed that its use may bring about a reduction in the proliferation of experimental leukemia cells in the laboratory.

Now that the plant is being cultivated, ample quantities of the seeds are set aside aside for planting in new groves or replenish damaged or destroyed tress. The seeds are regularly ground up to make food for pigs and consist of part of organic soil used at some stage in planting. - 17269

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Goji Berry Active: Additional Sources Of Nutrition

By Rachel Clark

The Goji berries found in the Himalayan region of Tibet and China are known worldwide as the most nutritious food on earth. They are very rich sources of antioxidants, phytolectins and also contain huge amounts of vitamins and polysaccharides. All these components make Goji berries the best way to have a healthy body. Goji juice is known to provide various benefits. This fruit has been recommended by the herbalists in Tibet, China and India since centuries, to increase the strength of the liver, for increased eyesight, to improve the sexual ability and has also been used to increase the fertility. The Goji berry has also been known to have anti aging properties. These can also give a boost to the immune system. This berry also gives strength to legs and also improves the physical performance of the individuals.

Goji berries are a very rich source of carotene that acts as antioxidants and have the ability to prevent the cases of cataracts and the muscular degeneration of the eyes. The Goji berry also has a unique property that can help us reduce the adaptation time, which our eyes can take whenever we enter a dark room from sunlight or vice versa. As it enhances the immune system of the body, it prevents us from falling sick and fights against diseases.

The juice of this berry is very nutritious. As in the preparation, it is pasteurized with heat, which results in a considerable loss of its nutrients; it still is very beneficial to health. It has the maximum number of anti toxins than any other health supplement. It is a very delicious and a nutritious health drink. This drink should be taken once a day.

The Goji juice is rich in the nutrients like zinc, calcium and iron. It is also known to have good amounts of germanium, selenium, phosphorus and also iron. This juice also is rich in the special components called as the polysaccharides and the phytolectins. It is the best way to get all the nutrients required by our body.

The Goji berries can help cure many diseases, and the most attractive feature is that they do not have any side effects. They are totally safe and this increases their value tremendously. These berries are also very rich in proteins and the essential amino acids. By weight, they are known to have more vitamin C than the oranges and also have the highest beta carotene. They have about 21 trace minerals and 19 amino acids. They contain a good amount of vitamins B1, B2, B6 and the vitamin E as well. These berries are loaded with four polysaccharides that help in the regulation of the human body. All these nutrients together make Goji berries a super food.

The longevity factor of these berries has also been supported by a real life story. There have been many people who have claimed to live for extremely long years as they consumed Goji berries regularly. - 17269

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Colon Cleansing Benefits

By Sunny Matthews

It is not uncommon to have a buildup of excess waste and toxins in your colon. Unfortunately many people do not eat a diet that promotes regularity and good colon health. Your body can find it difficult to process and digest many of the foods that you eat. This can cause a wide range of health ailments.

When you experience a buildup of waste in your colon, you will start to have toxins in your system. These toxins can make you feel lousy. Some experts believe that poor colon health can lead to just about any illness including: heart disease, chronic pain, depression, colds, cancers and allergies. You might also notice that you have been putting on some extra weight in your midsection. Colon cleansing can help if you are concerned.

If you use a colon cleansing diet, you will take steps to eat foods that will be easily digested by your body. You will also want foods high in fiber that will help to improve colon health so that your body can rid itself of harmful toxins and waste. For several days it will be important not to eat meat or much if any milk or other dairy products. You will only want to eat whole foods and not to eat processed or fatty meals. During this time, you should be eating a lot of vegetables and fruits.

After you have used a colon cleansing diet for a few days, you can start to eat a little more of a variety. You still will not want to eat highly processed foods, fatty foods or white pasta or bread. A large portion of your diet should still consist of fruits and vegetables. You can eat poultry products and seafood as well as some lean meats. A good diet can help to prevent a buildup of too much waste in your colon again.

You might decide to try a colon cleansing product. These products can further help to clean out your colon and to get you on the right track to good colon health. Talk to your doctor to make certain any products that you are considering using will be safe for your body. Do not use a colon cleansing products too often or for an extended period of time.

Colon cleansing can help you to feel better. As you remove excess buildup in your colon, you can also drop some excess pounds. You can use colon cleansing products and/or modify your diet in order to cleanse your colon and to keep it that way. - 17269

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Best Fat Burning Food Options - Your Top 9

By Travis Hunt

The best fat burning food doesn't grow on scarce trees in the middle of the tropical rain forest, I can tell you that much. You won't have to break the bank for this one either. Finding fat burning foods couldn't be easier.

Below, you will find a list of readily available fat burning super foods that can be found at your local grocer, the nearby supermarket, or even your own kitchen. Check out your top 9 best fat burning food choices that will help you get that smoking hot body you've always dreamed of:

* Vegetables. Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, tomatoes, spinach, asparagus, cabbages, and other leafy veggies help keep normal insulin levels and regulate metabolism, thanks to their high fiber content.

* Spices. Ginger, garlic, cinnamon, mustard, and hot peppers are perfect examples of thermogenic foods. I'm sure you already consume these spices to add a little oomph in your food. They increase the heat inside your body while positively affecting your metabolic rate.

* Complex Carbs. If you don't eat enough carbs, you're actually getting not enough nutrients into your body. Stick with complex high-fiber carbs and you're good to go. Brown rice, beans, oatmeal, and whole grain breads are the best fat burning food complex carbs you can buy.

* Lean Meats. Your metabolic rate increases from eating foods that are packed with protein. Turkey breast, eggs, and fish are rich sources of lean protein, but the best fat burning food, and probably the easiest to find, is lean chicken meat.

Here are other fat burning foods you might enjoy:

* Fresh Fruits. These can make deliciously healthy smoothies. Who said you had to give up taste to take advantage of food's fat burning properties?

* Regular Vinegar or Apple Cider Vinegar.

* Essential fatty acids and other foods rich in Leptin like sardines, tuna, and salmon.

* White or Green Tea. Drink it hot or ice cold; it's your call.

* Low-fat dairy. Abstaining from fat completely can't be good for you either. Snacking on junk food and highly processed fat is. Treat yourself with a small piece of dark chocolate once in a while.

These 9 mouth-watering thermogenic foods can really spice up any meal - breakfast, lunch, dinner, or in between meals. I'm guessing you already have some of these foods in your kitchen. Incorporating all these spices and ingredients can certainly add variety to your own personal menu.

Dine and unwind with these best fat burning food options today! - 17269

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Day 16! Still on the HCG Diet!

By Amelia Handley

Having completed Day 16 on the HCG diet means that I'm more than halfway through the low calorie portion of the diet. It's a pretty exciting landmark in the course of the diet, I think. It started off with 2 loading days (during which I ate tons of fatty foods). The loading days are intended to accelerate the rate at which the body absorbs the HCG. Then I started the next 23 days of low calorie dieting (500 calories)! This is a personal choice. The lengths of the programs vary.

After the 23rd day on the very low calorie diet comes the HCG maintenance diet. I'm kind of big on preparation (or some might call it unnecessary torture since I don't really have to worry about this extension of the diet for quite a bit). During the HCG maintenance diet you can eat as much food of any type of food you choose (up to 1500 calories per day). There are, of course, some heft exceptions to this eat anything rule. During the HCG maintenance diet you cannot eat: sugar, dextrose, sucrose, honey, molasses, high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, starch of any kind, artificial sweeteners, fast food, trans fat, and nitrites.

When I first read it that seemed like a pretty big list of exceptions, but in comparison to the short list of approved foods while on the low calorie portion of the diet it's no biggie! 1500 calories is a massive increase from 500, right? And I'm definitely accustomed to limiting my food intake after the 500 calorie portion of the diet. All this weight loss has definitely been inspiring me to keep heading in the right direction.

Alright so now that we've had that nice little recap from loading to low calorie to HCG maintenance diet we can move on. Today I weighed in at 156. I know! I did so good yesterday and no weight loss. I decided to add some green tea in (which I did...YUCK!) and try to drink a lot more water. I think I messed up with my water intake yesterday. I didn't fill a pitcher first thing in the morning so I don't really know how much I drank.

I took my HCG and my B-Total as required for the HCG diet. I'm getting used to the timing required; no eating/drinking for 15 minutes before or after you take the drops three times per day. And the hold under your tongue for 15 seconds thing isn't a big deal. The stuff doesn't taste disgusting or anything. It's fine.

On day 16 I focused on leftovers. At lunch I had leftover green onion burger with Melba toasts and grapefruit. For dinner I had leftover chicken (the last of it) with strawberries and more Melba Toasts. I drank a ton of water. And I'm hoping I'll drop down in weight again tomorrow; fingers crossed! - 17269

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Discover How To Get Ripped

By David Argo

Every single day thousands of men rush online trying to figure out how to get ripped but sadly most men get so frustrated that they simple give up. Truth be told most of the information out there regarding getting ripped is simply false. It just doesn't work. I've put together a few little tips to getting ripped. These won't get you ripped magically - you have to consistently do them.

I actually preformed a search for "How to get ripped" and came across sites with only pictures on them! That's not what I wanted to find. I went in an endless circle trying to find out quality information but simply couldn't do it. To help you out I've decided to jot down a few helpful tips that will help you get ripped.

Keep hydrated. You always, always, always have to keep yourself hydrated. Now what liquids you drink doesn't really matter all that much. But you want to drink at least six tall glasses of water each and every day. Keeping hydrated circulation and blood control so your muscles can continue to grow at their maximum rate.

Resting is also a very crucial part in order to get ripped. Most guys think you need to exercise five times a week when in reality you just have to exercise once or twice. Contrary to popular belief your muscles grow when you are resting so getting all the rest you possibly can is really important.

Eating healthy is another big part in getting ripped. Sometimes not eating chips can seem like a really hard habit to break but let me tell you it most certainly isn't a hard habit to break at all! Force yourself to eat more healthy and then go back to eating chips - you'll find them disgusting.

Of course you are going to need to watch out for the odd scam floating around. They are everywhere these days it seems and some are getting pretty nasty. To avoid these just make sure, as always, to do your homework before buying. - 17269

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