Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, April 25, 2009

How to Nix Poor Health Habits

By Benedict Hunter

Choosing to live an active, conscientious lifestyle can do wonders for your health. Exercise is an indispensable part of a healthy lifestyle and everyone who aspires to live a long healthy life needs to practice it.

There are a lot of simple activities one can do to stay fit such as walking or jogging, playing tennis with friends, or even mowing the lawn. However, if you are after muscle mass or great-looking abs, then spending some time in a gym will work for you.

Why Do You Exercise?

There are three reasons why people go to the gym:

* They are overweight and the only way to shed those extra fats apart from sensible dieting is to sweat it out in the gym through rigorous exercise.

* They want to gain pounds in the form of muscle mass by weight training.

* They just want to stay in shape and enjoy the social interaction at the same time.

An effective workout should cover all the bases. It should include aerobic and strength building exercises, as well as stretches to improve flexibility and prevent injuries. These comprehensive programs burn lots of calories, lower your body fat percentage, and improve metabolism.

Some benefits of regular exercise

1. Exercise is one of the easiest ways to improve and protect your health from a slew of diseases and early death.

2. Regulate hormone levels that cause stress, fatigue, and other symptoms of an imbalanced system. Promote the production of endorphins, the hormones the create feelings of satiety and well-being.

3. Live a longer, healthier life than someone who does not engage in physical activity.

Reaching your fitness goal will not happen over night. You will need to work your way toward total fitness by gradually stepping up your workout routine. A reasonable fitness program will allow you to reach your goals over time and offers extraordinary rewards.

Eating your way to good health

You will never see the full rewards of a great fitness program if you don't eat healthily. A good-for-you diet will require some patience and determination on your part. But a good diet will work together with a sound exercise program to help you reach your peak physical condition.

A good eating and exercise regimen will get your body functioning at maximum setting without supplements and costly gym equipment. Bear in mind that dieting doesn't require you to starve yourself. You can eat portions of your favorite foods. Just be sure to burn those extra calories through regular exercise.

Eat primarily foods that are high in vitamins and fiber. Good sources of these include potatoes, rice, nuts, and whole grains. The easiest and most efficient way to get your nutrients is by eating fruits and veggies, which supply you with phytochemicals. These substances are made up of micronutrients and enzymes and are indispensable to your health.

Fats and oils get a lot of bad press, but they are actually a necessary part of a healthy diet. The trick is choosing the right kinds of fats and oils. Mono- and poly-unsaturated fats are beneficial to your health, but you should avoid animal fats as they can cause health problems.

Make Your Body a Temple

If you smoke or take alcohol, then you must quit at once. Smoking causes lung cancer as well as creates complications in pregnant women. Excessive drinking likewise causes liver disease and hypertension.

Good habits like diet and exercise take time and effort to take root. Just like a bad habit, once it takes hold, it will be just as hard to quit. - 17269

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If I Don't Have Enough Vitamin C In My System, What Happens?

By Carolyn Cooper

When you are thinking about vitamin C, it's very likely that you think about tall, ice cold glasses of orange juice. While that is one tasty source, vitamin C can be found in a host of different foods, and that's a fortunate thing. Vitamin C is critical for our bodies to function correctly, and not having enough of what we need can cause some very ugly results. Consider and really give some thought to whether you are getting enough vitamin C in your diet and if your body might be trying to tell you that you do not.

To begin with, think about where you get vitamin C from. Oranges, and in fact all citrus fruit, has a high vitamin C content, but almost any fresh fruit or vegetable will have a detectable amount of this vitamin in it. As an example, some other fruits and vegetables that contain a high concentration of vitamin C include guava, spinach, persimmons, Brussels sprouts, mangoes and melons. Even though animal products will give you considerably less vitamin C per the amount of food consumed, vitamin C can also be found in animal liver. If you have concerns that you are not getting enough, a multivitamin or a supplement can help offset an inadequate diet.

Have you ever felt a cold or flu coming on and managed to fight back by drinking large amounts of juices rich in vitamin C? This vitamin plays an integral part in making your immune system buck up, and when you take it early and often enough, you can significantly shorten your sick time. Vitamin C is an irreplaceable resource for your body, and the results of you're not getting enough can be easily noticeable. As an example, you may find yourself feeling sick, puny or irritable almost all the time. You could very well become prone to illness and infections. When babies don't get enough vitamin C, their growth is likely to be impaired.

If you continue to let a vitamin C deficiency get out of hand, severe complications like scurvy can develop. Extreme symptoms may include bleeding under the skin, the massive development of bruises, and the loosening of your teeth. Anemia can develop from this condition, and you will find yourself more and more prone to illness and fatigue.

When you are trying to be certain that you are getting enough vitamin C in your diet, keep in mind that the recommended daily amount for women is about 75 mg a day, with 90 mg as the approved amount for men. Pregnant women should plan to add another 10 mg in addition to that, and women who are breastfeeding should add on another 45 mg. If you are a smoker, your minimum should be at least 100 mg of vitamin C per day.

Consider taking some time to be sure that you are taking the right amount of vitamin C into your body. This is a situation that many people discover that they must really think about, and if you become aware of any of the symptoms above, you'll find that saturating your body with the positive effects of vitamin C can have some truly distinguished results. - 17269

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Learn Foods That Control Diabetes

By Jake Ryan

In addition to exercise a good diet can be extremely helpful in controlling diabetes. By eating the proper foods you can control your diabetes better.

It is true that sugar can be harmful to you if you have diabetes. However by itself sugar does not cause diabetes. The most common cause is from being obese. If you have diabetes you need to pay particular attention to the type of carbohydrates you eat. You need to pay attention to the ones high on the glycemic index.

The Glycemic index is a way of measuring how fast a food is metabolized in your body. The range is 1-100 and the higher the number the faster the food turns to sugar in your body. This is a simple way of monitoring your carbohydrate intake.

Using the index as a guide is a great way to combat diabetes. Foods that control diabetes in this category are: Beans, Lentils, Whole grain bread, Brown rice, Sweet potatoes, and Some dairy products. There is a good variety of tasty foods that control diabetes by lowering the amount of sugar or glucose in your system. You can use this list as a base to build your diet from.

Vegetables and fruits are some of the healthiest foods for us to eat when they are not processed. They are much healthier than juices. Those who do not have diabetes should be wary when eating fatty foods and foods high on the glycemic index because there can be unhealthy side effects from eating those types of foods.

In fact, the American Association on Diabetes recommends limiting many types of fat in your diet. Particularly Trans fats and saturated fats. Vegetables come in as foods that control diabetes on two levels; one they are nearly always low on the glycemic index and two they address common side issues like heart disease.

The best vegetables to consume are the fresh or frozen variety that contains no added sauces or salt. The darker in color the vegetable is the better. Cauliflower, Broccoli, Green Beans, Carrots, Chili and peppers. - 17269

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What Would Happen if You Didn't Have Any Vitamin K in Your System?

By Carolyn Cooper

If you are someone who is concerned about inexplicable bruising, or if you seem to bruise dramatically with seemingly no reason, you will discover that one factor that you will want to consider is the possibility of having a vitamin K deficiency. The concerns of bruising, particularly as we mature, is something that we must face head on. The reality is that there are a variety of reasons why bruising can become a concern, and you may not know how to deal with the situation A deficiency in vitamin K is something that can take place in people of any age, and although it is most common in young people and pregnant women, it is still a situation that you should be aware of.

What are the symptoms that might come from a vitamin K deficiency? When you are investigating vitamin K, give thought to how your body uses it. Its primary function is to cause your blood to clot, and it is critically important when it gets down to maintaining correct bone density. It is essential in the functioning of most of the proteins that are involved in blood clotting. It plays a very necessary part in the development of the fetus, and the proper intake of vitamin K during pregnancy helps your infant become a healthy child. As you have learned, a vitamin K deficiency may cause some severe consequences.

Unusually heavy menstrual bleeding is known to be one side effect of having a vitamin K deficiency, as well as nose bleeds, anemia, bleeding of the gums, hematomas and a thinning of the blood. A deficiency of vitamin K can also make you bruise very easily, to the point where you can't even recall how the bruise got there in the first place. When looking at a vitamin K deficiency, you'll find that most of the harmful effects have to do with a lack in your body's ability to cause the blood to clot. If you discover that you are afflicted by any of these symptoms, try to determine whether a vitamin K deficiency is something that you need account for.

How do you determine if you are at risk for a vitamin K deficiency? Vitamin K is generally not a problem for adults because it can be found in a wide variety of foods, but if you are prescribed anticonvulsants, it may interfere with the vitamin K that is present in your system. It should also be noted that people who have disorders involving the malabsorption of fat can be subject to having a vitamin K deficiency. Some foods that can augment the amount of vitamin K present in your body include broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, wheat bran, cereals and soya beans.

We all want to stay healthy, and if you have noticed any of the symptoms that are listed above, take some time and speak to a doctor about your condition. It may be that being prone to bruising can point to other, more serious conditions, so always be aware of what your body needs. It is very important to pay attention to the signs that your body gives you when something is going wrong, so be diligent. - 17269

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Bring Sexy Back

By Metilda Sackerwack

Summer is coming and its time to trim down and bring out your sexy summer-body so you can enjoy the warm weather to its fullest. Its time to shed the winter pounds and give yourself a sexy summer look.

Here are the Top 4 ways to get sexy this summer:

1. Drink Plenty of Water

One of the easiest ways to get rid of that bloated, swollen look around your stomach is to drink more water. You should be drinking between 6 and 8 glasses a day to help your bodys metabolism work optimally and to help cleanse your system of any stored toxins in the liver or kidneys.

2. Eat Sexy Foods

Many foods actually help increase metabolism, which is helpful when you are trying to reach your weight loss goal. Whether you're out at a restaurant or doing some cooking, a simple move like picking the right foods to eat can definitely get you towards your sexy body in no time!

Increase the amount of fresh fruit you eat through your day, perhaps eating fruit for snacks or chopping up different fruits to make a fruit salad for dessert instead of cakes or sweets.

3. Detoxify The Body

After a long, cold winter, the body usually stores waste and toxins in your colon. That nasty waste can give you a stuffed and bloated appearance, which can often make you feel tired. Try Ever Cleanse to thoroughly cleanse your system.

Eating unhealthy junk foods over the long and cold winter season can leave behind a build-up of toxins in your bowels? When you fail to detoxify your body, you can potentially be piling up anywhere from 15 to 20 pounds of waste, which can definitely make you look and feel swollen and bloated all over.

Using a detoxifying formula like EverCleanse can help get rid of these toxins quickly and easily. The gentle formula can help to flush away many of the toxins stored within your system, giving you more energy and helping to reduce the bloating quickly.

4. Exercise!

Getting that sexy summer body doesn't mean you have to go off and train for the Olympic team, but you should increase the amount of exercise you are currently doing. Take it slow by walking everyday for 30 minutes. Not only will it help clear your mind, but it will also keep you moving!

Quick and easy exercises that focus on certain areas of the body are perfect for bringing your sexy back! You may want to try lunges and squats to help tone those legs and butt; also, crunches and sit-ups help flatten the mid-section, making it perfect for that two-piece! - 17269

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Good Anti-Wrinkle Cream Reviews on www.smartskincare.com

By Jodi Nephali

If you've ever looked for an anti-wrinkle cream that will be effective in reducing the signs of aging on your face, you know that there are hundreds of them to choose from. It can be hard narrowing down the products to find the one that's right for you. That's when a website like http://www.smartskincare.com/reviews/product/functionidx/antiaging/ can give you a lot of practical assistance. This website is filled with hundreds of anti-wrinkle cream reviews, and you can find all the information you'll ever need there.

All of the products reviewed on this site are in alphabetical order to give you an easy way to locate a particular product you're interested in. Each person who writes a review signs their name and tells you where they're from which gives the site a more personal touch. They then give you a rating on the product and tell you any benefits and drawbacks they have encountered. They include a section of details explaining to you exactly why they feel the way they do about that product and end up with a summary statement, the price they paid for the product, and where you can buy it. Overall, each review is very comprehensive and packed with all the information you need to know.

It's rather fascinating to see how very differently reviewers can feel about the very same products. One review may call a product excellent, a second says it's fair, and a third might describe adverse reactions she had to the cream. Of all the products that were reviewed, the people who reviewed them didn't seem to agree on any of them. This is a good thing for people like you who are looking for information, because you can really get both sides of a story by reading the various anti-wrinkle cream reviews.

This same website has numerous other sections to help you learn how to care for your skin. You'll find information about the biology of skin, skin protection, skin care, the best nutrition for your skin, and a list of chemicals that can be harmful to your skin. By reading all the information supplied by the website, you'll develop a good, comprehensive understanding of your own skin. You'll also learn everything you need to know to keep your skin younger looking, supple, and radiant.

You may have read about how the FDA considers anti-wrinkle creams to be cosmetics and, therefore, doesn't regulate them the way they do medications. In order to be a wise consumer, you need to know which products contain ingredients which have and haven't been tested. This website provides you with such a list broken down into sections of ingredients which have been clinically proven, those that need more testing, and those that haven't been tested at all. By incorporating this information in your product search, you'll be better able to choose a product that's going to be safe and effective.

Anti-wrinkle cream reviews can be fascinating and total eye-openers. There is no reason for the people posting the reviews on this website to lie, because they aren't trying to sell you anything, so you can trust the information they give you. Doing some research like this and reading anti-wrinkle cream reviews can save you a lot of time and hassle when it comes to sorting through the myriad of anti-aging products that are being marketed today. - 17269

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Relieve Low Back Pain with a Massage Chair

By Steve Esquire

Do you suffer from low back pain? Pain is a symptom of a musculoskeletal disorder occurring in the lower back. The intensity of the pain felt depends on the extent of the disorder. There are numerous causes such as injury or strains to the lower back. Each case involves issues with the discs, ligaments, soft tissue and muscles in the lower back. Treatments vary depending on the extent and area of damage, but one popular therapy is the use of massage chairs to relieve low back pain.

The importance of the lower back to us getting around is critical. The lower back takes the majority of our weight and more so if we lift something. There are certain conditions that occur in time due to aging of the body. Most low back pain problems are preventable with proper posture, lifting, etc.

There are certain spine conditions that are treated by medical doctors which include Ulcers, Scheuermanns disorder, Pancreatitis, Pagets disease, Pelvic inflammatory disease, Ankylosing spondylitis, and Spinal stenosis. You may require surgery and physical therapy afterwards. In some cases, prescriptions are given.

Many of the causes of low back pain can be prevented. They may result from improper lifting techniques, poor posture when standing or sitting or from injuries. It is always best to warm up your body so the muscles of the back are flexible. Pain associated with these items stem from muscle stiffness.

The common motion causing low back pain that can be prevented is how the body is used. From an anatomical point of view, the weight being put on the spine tends to be concentrated on a few muscles, ligaments and tendons in the lower back. This concentration of force tends to tire out these muscles causing them to become stiff and more brittle. If the force continues to be applied, then these soft tissues can become further fatigued causing them damage.

Massage chairs have found their way into more medical and chiropractic offices as a treatment to the muscles, ligaments and tendons of the lower back. The role of the massage chair is to help to loosen and relax these tight muscles. They have a number of specialized techniques that are applied for effective therapy.

A rolling massage is used to provide a traction function with a massage chair. The rolling is performed by rollers located in the back of the chair to target the spine. The patient is reclined back in the chair, and with the use of the patients weight and the angle of recliner, the rollers gently elongate the soft tissues between the discs. This helps to restore flexibility.

Another common task of a massage chair is to provide heat therapy to full body. Special heaters are included throughout the massage chair. Areas that require heat to be applied are selected. The heat is used to reduce swelling and improve blood flow in the targeted area.

Massage chairs have the capability to apply traction. Traction is used to stretch out a given set of muscles. The rolling massage applies traction to the vertebra in the spine. Each vertebra is individually adjusted as the rollers progress up the length of the spine. Massage chairs can apply traction to the lower body and to the arms and shoulders.

If you are getting a massage, you might as well relax. Massage chairs incorporate MP3 Players where you can play soft soothing music. Music helps the mind to relax and to let go. This letting go releases the tension in the muscles that the mind is holding. This provides an important environment of relaxation in what may normally be a busy location in offices today.

Low back pain can be particularly agitating because we depend so much on our spine for mobility. Take the precautionary advice here and adapt your lifting techniques and correct your posture. Give your back a fighting chance to avoid injury. Warm up before activities. A massage chair can be used in these pro-active ways as well. You can use the stretching functions and massage treatments to help warm the body up or after to warm down. If you have other stress and tension, then massage chairs are excellent assets to help you care for your back. - 17269

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