Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Are there bad side effects with using green tea?

By Collin De Ruyck

Scientific views on how well green tea works for dieting are still mixed. Some researchers have stated cases that go both ways, for and against it. A recent article in the Archives of Internal Medicine shows that American and Chinese researchers discuss how green tea effects cholesterol levels.

Out of 200 men and women who recently participated in a case study using green tea. Out of the 50% of the people who implemented green tea in there diet, they recorded losing 15% of their cholesterol levels after only 12 weeks of using green tea in there diets. Researchers told all participants in this case study that nothing in there daily lives needed to be changed. All they had to do was just drink the green tea as directed.

Earlier studies have proven that certain elements found in green tea play a vital role in reducing cholesterol that is absorbed by the body. Researchers are yet to explain how exactly green tea or consuming green tea can reduce your cholesterol levels but it has been made very clear that a green tea diet will reduce your cholesterol levels.

Once again, after further testing was done on the first group of participants researchers are stating that the green tea diet had no effect on cholesterol levels, that the participants using green tea lost cholesterol some other way.

The medical community really frustrates me at times. It seems that anything organic does not get the support it should get. Here is an example of what I am talking about.

A few years back my oldest got the worse case of chicken pox known to man. He got in everywhere and there was not a single square inch of him that didn't have a pox on it. W ended up taking him to the hospital 3 times to try and get him something to help with his pain but the doctors kept saying, there was nothing they could do. Basically, let him suffer until it passes.

I was extremely frustrated with this situation so I decided I was going to try some extract from an Aloe Vera Plant. Funny thing was, once I applied it to my son. His itching stopped with in 15 minuets, two days later, he started to clear up.

My youngest son got the chicken pox when he was 6 months old. We had to take him to the hospital just to be safe (6 months old is a bad age to get the chicken pox) and when we were there I told the nurse what we got to work with our oldest boy. She told us she knew that all ready. I asked why no one would tell us and her response was "we are not permitted to recommend organic forms of medicine" I was like.....ok, just let the kid suffer then?

So you can clearly see that the opinion of some doctors is swayed by the opinion of the pharmaceutical companies. I guess if it is not supported by the big pharmaceutical companies then it can't be good for you right? - 17269

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How To Determine What Is The Best Acne Remedy For You.

By Clayton D.

Defining acne- Acne can be defined as a skin condition caused by over active sebum producing glands clogging pores with dead skin, dirt and hair instead of evenly coating the skin with the sebum. The exact cause of the condition must be determined before a suitable acne remedy is identified.

Identification- It is absolutely essential to identify and diagnose acne correctly, often very difficult to do as acne resembles many other skin problems. Acne features include excessive oil on skin surface, white and black heads and large lumps or bumps on or below skin surface.

Types- Acne can inflammatory and non-inflammatory in nature, depending how serious the condition is. White- and black heads are considered non-inflammatory acne. White heads form when oil and bacteria plugs pores just below skin surface. Whiteheads are least visible of all the acne types. Blackheads are formed in the exact same manner whiteheads do with oil and dirty plugging pores. However black heads' colour is derived from the melanin and oxidizes contained in the oil changing colour. Blacheads' are the most stubborn acne to get rid of. Washing or scrubbing alone will not be sufficient with sebum content taking a very long time to drain. Papule's and Pustules are inflammatory in nature due to the extreme pain and discomfort caused by the legions. Papules form with follicle wall breakage and white blood cells rushing to the pores causing intense inflammation after a couple of days. The inflammation may increase to such an extreme that the papules collapse totally and Nodules or Cysts are formed.

Causes- Acne break-outs can be triggered by an endless list of causes such as bad eating habits, lack of proper hygiene, insomnia, vitamin deficiency, stress, hormonal changes during puberty and pregnancy.

Treatments available- Acne treatments have developed so much over the past couple of years that you will be able to treat your condition will great success ranging from homemade remedies to prescription drugs in the form of antibiotics, topical creams and solutions.

Natural remedies- Homemade as well as natural remedies are great for treating acne. Apple Cider Vinegar or ACV for short, is super for treating and clearing spots and acne scars. Dab the spots with a ACV soaked cotton ball and leave overnight. Calamine Lotion is a wonder cure both drying and clearing acne by merely rubbing a bit of lotion on the spots and leaving it to dry. Juice of gel made from Aloe Vera will clear the condition with a couple of weeks of regular application. The skins' overall health and glow will also significantly improve.

Plenty of water- Water is the key to flushing out poison and toxin build up in your blood and liver having a very negative effect on your skin. Your skin will love the detox effect from mere consumption of plenty water. You will notice the difference almost immediately, your skin will be soft, glowing and acne outbreaks significantly reduced or even cured.

Nutrients- A lack of vitamins or minerals in your dietary programme can cause severe acne break-outs. Various vit and mineral supplements are available at your local health store.

Medical attention- It is always recommended to seek medical attention before you start treatment to any medical condition. Your Physician or Dermatologist will shed light on the best treatment for your skin condition as acne and skin type should be taken into consideration. - 17269

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A Cellulite Solution - Treatment Options

By El Bilson

Spending time looking for a cellulite solution? With so much emphasis on youthful beauty in the media today, people are looking for ways to get flawless skin. New technologies coupled with old remedies can be your ticket to smooth, dimple free skin. Heres a look at the latest cellulite treatments " try one of these if nothing else seems to be working!

Cellulite and Diet - A healthy diet is one of the first steps to improved skin. Our bodies were not designed to handle the large amounts of processed foods that are currently found in your neighborhood grocery store. What is often best for us is the stuff right from nature. This means getting your fair share of fruits & veggies, lean meats, whole grains and low fat diary products. Dont discount the power of healthy eating when looking for a cellulite solution!

Cellulite and Exercise - Another key component in the search for a cellulite cure is exercise. Exercise not only helps improve your bodys metabolism, but can firm up your muscles as well. Toned muscles will give the skin cells a smooth place to rest - this will help hide your cellulite. Exercise can also help give you more energy and can lead to weight loss.

Massage for Cellulite - You may think a massage is just for relaxing, but it can also be a way to improve the appearance of your skin. A deep tissue massage can help get rid of unwanted toxins and waste that are stuck near the skin cells. These toxins can contribute to cellulite.

Natural Cures for Cellulite - There are many natural remedies for unsightly skin. Apart from a healthy diet and regular exercise, supplements such as evening primrose oil and fish oil can be used. Coffee grounds are another potential remedy, as it has been shown that caffeine can help eliminate cellulite. A little thought of cellulite solution - the regular practice of dry brushing which involves a special massage technique.

Cellulite Treatment Creams - There are many new products on the market aimed at reducing cellulite. Murad, Nivea, and Avon are all brands that come to mind. These creams contain ingredients such as sea minerals and caffeine which have been shown to improve the appearance of cellulite. Treatment creams can be a very cost effective way to deal with cellulite.

Mesotherapy for Cellulite - One of the hottest trends in cellulite treatment is mesotherapy. Mesotherapy is a treatment that involves injecting a special blend of minerals and amino acids into the affected area. It may take a few treatment sessions to see results. However many women find the wait to be well worth it. Mesotherapy helps to release the toxins that contribute to cellulite.

Velasmooth for Cellulite - VelaSmooth is a non-invasive device that utilizes a combination of bi-polar RF and light energy. VelaSmooth has the unique title of being the only treatment approved by the FDA for cellulite reduction. There are many people who have had good success with VelaSmooth. However this is mostly because they stick with a healthy lifestyle after treatment.

Ionithermie for Cellulite - Inoithermie is another great procedure to help you get rid of cellulite. Ionithermie works by provoking an intense detoxification of the affected area through the use of herbal ingredients and minerals infused in a body wrap. Then the treatment area is stimulated with a high-energy electrical device.

Proellixe for Cellulite - You may not have heard of a Proellixe machine. These vibrating exercise machines are one of the newest ways to treat cellulite. The constant vibration of the Proellixe machine is thought to help break up fat deposits and thus help reduce the appearance of cellulite. The vibration aims to target all muscle groups, both large and small. The effects of this mean that you can lose weight and reduce cellulite as well as getting more toned and healthy overall.

A cellulite solution can be a hard thing to find. As you can see however, there are plenty of treatment options to pick from. With the right treatment plan, you can effectively control this frustrating skin condition. - 17269

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Losing Weight Fast With Acai - SlimAcai

By Jake Wakefield

If you are looking for a dietary supplement that aids you in the loss of weight and keeping it off, you may want to try SlimAcai.

SlimAcai can be used by anyone looking to lose weight and is completely nontoxic.

Clinical trials that were done on SlimAcai revealed that many participants were able to lose waist circumference while also experiencing reduced hunger levels. Also, many participants reported that there was a reduction in fat and body weight, as well.

Also in a study done in California and India, many users were able to lose weight off their hips and waists without any problem.

SlimAcai contains a substance called acai and Caralluma Fimbriata. Caralluma Fimbriata is a vegetable that is used daily in india. It is eaten in several different forms but is often cooked as a regular vegetable with spices and salt.

Members of Indian tribes often chewed chunks of Caralluma Fimbriata in order to suppress their hunger on a day's hunt when they wouldn't have access to food for a long time. It is also used by laborers in South India to suppress appetite and increase endurance.

Because Caralluma Fimbriata is part of a normal vegetable that has been consumed by humans safely for thousands of years, there are no side effects and can be safely consumed.

So, if you want to lose weight fast and keep that weight off for a long time, then give SlimAcai a try today. At the time of writing, SlimAcai has a free offer trial being offered so that you can see the results for yourself without having to spend a single penny first! - 17269

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Is Wu Yi Tea as Effective as Green Tea?

By Jared Rothe

Both green tea and wu yi tea are very good for the body. They each contain vitamins and nutrients that help to protect the body from harmful free radicals and help improve your cholesterol. Both tea products come from the same source but the difference is where and how they harvested.

Nevertheless, these natural substances come in different concentrations in green tea and wu yi tea. The main reason for this is the different fermentation processes that these tealeaves undergo. Green tea is dried and packaged without fermentation. Wu yi tea, on the other hand, is semi-fermented. This means that wu yi undergoes a certain level of fermentation under the sun that of course affects its flavor, aroma and texture, and the concentration of substances in it as well.

There are very important substances in tea that are fantastic for good health such as: cathecin, polyphenols, flavin, and tearubigin, these are subcategorized and are in the tannin classification. The difference in the two types of teas is the amounts of these nutrients.

Wu yi tea and green tea contain about the same concentration of caffeine. Studies have concluded that caffeine is good for preventing type two diabetes, colon cancer, and parkinsons disease. Caffeine is no longer being scrutinized like it was before. It is actually quite good for you.

In the tannin sub-groups there are slight differences in green tea and wu yi tea. Green tea has higher levels of catechin than wu yi tea. Catechin is important in reducing the risk of diabetes, stroke, and heart failure. Catechins have been associated with delaying the aging process as well.

Wu yi tea contains a much higher level of tearubugin and teaflavin. Thease are important to prevent dementia and memory loss as well as lowering blood cholesterol levels.

The biggest difference is in there levels of polyphenols. There is a much higher concentration in wu yi tea compared to green tea. Polyphenols help to reduce the risk of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and many other diseases. It is a very powerful antioxidant compound that works to remove toxins from our body. - 17269

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Stopping Joint Pain With Arthenol GS

By John Steely

As we get older, our bodies begin to age, too, and we begin to see the results of wear and tear from many years of use.

Among some of the more common problems are joint mobility problems. You may experience a loss of flexibility or pain when you try to move about.

Often these problems happen for us when we try to do enjoyable activities like playing tennis, golf or going hiking.

Should you endure this pain or give up these activities? The answer is no. There are a wide variety of options for you today to overcome these joint problems and even fix them.

What you might be ready for is "Arthenol GS", a supplement designed specifically for joints.

Arthenol is considered to be the highest, most advanced supplement available at this time.

Its ingredients include the likes of Chondroitin Sulfate, Hyaluronic Acid, BioCell Collagen II and Glucosamine Sulfate.

You may be wondering what these ingredients are able to do for your joints.

Essentially, they act in order to reduce joint stiffness, promote mobility, help comfort sore joints, renew cartilage, promote flexibility and more.

Through this, you can easily comfort your joints while helping with lubrication to get more mobility quicker.

If you want to get better joint mobility and reduce stiffness and pain in your joints, then pick up your free trial of Arthenol available for a limited time today. You can try it for yourself and see the results without even needing to spend a penny first! - 17269

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Detoxification diet is it an effective method to treat obesity

By Ron C George

A detoxification or detox program is among the oldest medical treatments on Earth that entails natural process of removing toxins from the body. Toxins and other unwanted substances are transformed to harmless compounds and sent away from the body as pee and stools. A detox diet calls for your dietary as well as lifestyle alterations which include staying way from bad substances like alcoholic drinks, tobacco, drugs, high fat content foods, processed foods and so much more.

A basic detoxification diet is one which entails taking fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, whole grains that are high in fiber and other organic foods. Throughout the duration of diet, you're additionally prohibited from eating bread, baked goods, pasta, animal or dairy products as well as nuts. The detoxification diet helps increase the amount of water as well as fiber in the body that causes cleaning of the colon and the rest of the digestive tract.

Detox diet aids you to clear out ailments, treat disease and prevent later problems, though a few utilize it for spiritual renewal, to feel more alive, and alert. It promotes a lifestyle free from abuses as well as dependencies such as alcohol and tobacco. Most often body energies are increased using a detox diet thereby, rendering an individual more flexible to change both inside and out.

If you want to detoxify only one time per year, the best time is during spring or autumn season. The hardest period in the detox program is the initial 2 days where you might feel symptoms like headaches, fatigue, irritability, mucous congestion's and different bodily discomforts. However, according to medical experts any person can maintain a normal working schedule throughout the detoxification diet.

The best day during a week for the detoxification diet is Friday as you are supposed to relax the rest of the weekend. That aids you to feel more relaxed and free from stress if a work place or to exposure. It's also best to do detox diet on that day as you may circumvent the enticement of breaking from the program and be with people who will back your choice.

A person's way of life influences how frequently the detoxification will be required by the system. The more frequent ailments of toxicity are worry, over tiredness, aching of the back, stomach complaints, allergic reactions, and predisposition to chemicals, fragrances and finally synthetic substances. But before doing a detox diet it's essential to talk to your doctor to determine the actual catalyst of these issues.

Detoxification diet is additionally an effective method to treat obesity as it almost always interconnected with toxicity and losing weight means eliminating body fats as well as getting rid of poisons within your system. But, you have to be extremely cautious because you might also loose essential nutrients in your body however physical exercise would make for greater weight reduction as well as detoxification. Also, detox not only involves the elimination of unwanted body substances but spiritual replenishment also. - 17269

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Acai Berries Nutritional Value

By Carter Sinclair

You are probably wondering what the hype is about Acai berries and why you should eat them. After hearing countless friends and reports talk about acai there has to be something to this little berry. Many television commercials, magazines, and radio shows are talking about acai berry. So what is with this berry from the Amazons?

Acai berries are the fruit that grow on palm trees, found in Central and South America. They look similar to grapes, but have less pulp, and are significantly darker in color (almost black). The juice and pulp are available in smoothies, sodas, juices, and other beverages.

In addition to the versatility of using acai berries, they have great nutritional value. The fruit contains oleic acid (omega-9) and fatty enzymes (omega-3 and omega-6). These are beneficial in lowering Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) levels in the body. They also contain lots of calcium, vitamin E, and polyphenols, which makes it a powerful antioxidant.

Because of the acai berries great nutritional benefits it is the main component of many people of the Amazons diet. The skin contains the powerful antioxidant found in red wine, anthocyanin. So not only does the pulp contain a lot of health benefits so does the skin of the acai berry.

In addition, acai berries are used as an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antimutagenic, and even a cardiovascular system supporter. It's also being tested for use as a dyeing agent to prepare the human body for MRI scans of the gastrointestinal tract. In the United States, supplements are available for weight loss and energy boosters, as well.

The nutritional value of acai berries make them a great addition to any diet, whether you eat the fruit, drink the juice, or add acai berries to your usual healthy smoothie. You can even get berry bars or find it in powdered form as a capsule to take, or as a mixer to add to something else. Regardless of how you take it, it's clear that the nutritional value of acai berries can make a difference in your body, with just a small berry addition to your diet. - 17269

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Eating Raw Foods for a Trimmer Body

By Thong M. Dao

Many individuals are interested in caring for their health. When it comes to our well-being a lot of us could use a small amount of work - remember this isn't necessarily a bad thing. However, healthy practices are often equated to some bad practices by some individuals.

For instance, the weight control industry is full of fast and easy ways to drop some weight but they will leave your body unwell and potentially with some problems that will show up in the future. That is why numerous people have adopted a simple, sound way of eating.

A great way to maintain health is to eat a raw food diet. Many people have improved their health by consuming raw vegetables.

We are often surrounded by wonderful smelling food and that makes it difficult to eat this way. Lots of people plainly like to enjoy prepared and cooked food sometimes. What are ways that we can relish the benefits of eating nutritiously but not push ourselves to the extreme?

Another form of eating which is very popular is known as a high raw diet. But you don't have to thoroughly eliminate cooked food. This option gives you the best of both scenarios.

You are having more than just the benefits from the raw food - you're also allowing yourself to live in today's world by consuming cooked foods from time to time. Your life could be reflected on the benefits of the food you eat.

If turn to eat this way, you will surely acknowledge the benefits. If there were no weight loss benefits to this form of eating, many people like it enough to still continue to eat this way.

That is why they feel the effect on their overall health. Therefore, if you have a wish to be healthy as well as reduce your weight despite the modern world, eating mainly raw foods can get you on the right course. - 17269

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I've Got an Emergency, How Can I Hide This Bruise?

By Carolyn Cooper

It rarely ever fails. Although youre responsibly taking your Bruises Be Banned to help in reducing or preventing bruises, no product is 100% effective all of the time. The day when you have an outdoor happening to go to, or you're just going out to enjoy the first great spring day of the year in a short skirt and a sleeveless blouse, you glance down and discover that you have a big, blotchy bruise on your arm or your calf. Bruises are a great way to get lots of unwanted looks and lots of unneeded questions, but just remember that it's not necessary to cover up in a long skirt or a long sleeved top. Just take the time to pillage your cosmetics bags, because it is entirely possible to cover over bruises, even the ones that are beginning to turn black and blue.

The first thing that you need to do is to reduce the bruise down as much as possible. A towel packed with ice can help do this, as can a washcloth soaked in ice water. Don't do this for any longer than fifteen minutes or so, or you might end up really uncomfortable. This helps you take down any noticeable swelling, and if you are very lucky, it might even make the bruise fade a little bit breaking up the blood clot underneath the skin.

Now we need to consider what the colors of the bruise are. If you're seeing a lot of blue in the bruise, use a concealer that has a little more yellow in it than what you would normally use. When you choose a concealer that works well for you (ideally, you will use one that is creamy or a liquid), rub it over the bruised area. Feather the edges of the concealer outside the edges of the bruise. This will give you a more normal look, other than just a splotch of color that might look just as apparent as the bruise itself.

Let the concealer dry thoroughly, and see if you need another layer. Depending how thinly you spread it, you might. You may wish to use a setting powder over the concealer. This can help keep the concealer from brushing or flaking away. This will also bring down any shine that you have to worry about on your bruise. A number 1 brush can be used to very nicely to this effect.

If you are dealing with smaller bruises, you may want to forgo the concealer and look into eye shadow instead. If you have darker skin, make sure that you are using cosmetics that are intended for your skin tone. For instance, when you are planning to cover up bruises with an angry red or purple tint, consider a matching green eye shadow to cool some of the hot colors down, but if you have bruises that shade more towards blue, consider yellow colors.

There are a host of tips and tricks that can be used to hide bruises. But you should always remember that you should be looking for a solution to eliminate bruises entirely, but you should also keep a few tips at hand just in case of an emergency. - 17269

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