Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Healthy Diet Tips That Work

By Peggy Gunthur

When you're ready to lose weight shoot for the first 10 pounds. Our fist focus is to pay attention to the amount of food you're eating. Eliminate those unnecessary sugar and fatty foods from your meals while making delicious meals and snacks that keep your palate happy.

Most easy-to-use weight loss programs use a balanced and flexible diet. Get ready to, however, first by focusing on losing the first 10 pounds and then shoot for the next 10 pounds.

You need to lose weight by keeping track of what you eat. Cut out fats by eliminating butter, margarine, mayonnaise, oil from your sandwiches and food preparations. You don't have to write down the calorie count, but write down what you eat.

Cut down in your fat intake by cutting out whole milk. Use skim milk or if you're hooked on whole milk, use 2 percent milk.

You?ll need to draw the boundaries on the sugar treats to three times per week maximum and include good sources of protein at meal, chicken, fish, legumes, peanut, cottage cheese, eggs or yogurt. Eat at least one meatless lunch and dinner each week to reduce fat, increase fiber, and get yourself into the habit of building meals around whole grains, beans and vegetables.

Eat at least two servings of fresh fruit every day. Choose whatever type of fruit is in season. Instead of fruit juice for breakfast or snack, drink water. Add a slice of lemon or lime for zest. Include two servings of vegetables with lunch and dinner, for a total of at least four servings per day.

Choose one to two servings of foods made from whole grains with every meal. Shut off the TV whenever you eat meals and snacks. Studies show that we automatically eat larger portions when we snack in front of the tube, and typically those foods are high in fat and sugar, which means excess calories!

Chew your calories. Don't consume liquids rife with calories by drinking them. That means cutting out soda and high-calorie fruit juices and drinking tea or water instead. Plan ahead what you are going to eat. Last-minute planning tends to veer you off your diet. - 17269

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A Washington, DC Fitness Coach Can Help You Save Money

By Josef Brandenburg

The number of people that are concerned about their appearance is increasing and they are showing interest in getting in to shape. They are willing to spend any amount of money, when what they should be doing is finding a good Washington, DC fitness coach to invest in. A lot of people think that personal trainers can ensure better results from your workouts, which may not always be the case.

Be prudent and invest on a Washington DC fitness coach. Hiring a fitness coach will not only guarantee effective workouts but also help you in saving a lot of your money. No matter what your financial stability is or what the condition of present economy is, saving money is always a god thing since it can always be used for other purposes.

Just think how you might be wasting your money. Is a babysitter what you really need to help you get in shape? Do you really find someone who will stand by and count your reps, which you can do yourself, helpful? You don't need to hire people and pay them for all the things you could do for yourself. Instead why not get a Washington DC fitness coach and get help with things you really could use help with.

Instead of standing over you for an hour, the fitness coach will give you a written plan that is complete and guaranteed to work. It will give you a plan for proven success. There will also be regular check-ins by the Washington, DC fitness coach in order to make sure that you are right on track.

You can also have a one on one session with your fitness coach. And because the setting is semi private and you are not chaperoned through out your workouts, it brings down the costs when compared to hiring a personal trainer. So, plan on how to spend all the money that you have saved using a fitness coach. Maybe you can treat yourself by going out or buy something for yourself.

You still need to make sure that you choose the best coach for yourself, and look for someone you are more comfortable with and who has a pretty decent track record. If you are not comfortable with your coach or with his training program, then the chances of your success are very limited. You have to develop confidence in your coach in addition to yourself in order to make the workout effective.

You will be able to notice remarkable changes once you start working with your Washington DC fitness coach. The benefits derived from a fitness coach are beyond comparison with those derived from a personal trainer. The gap is so huge that you would be shocked when you see the difference. Just try it and you will see for yourself that your efforts have paved way to the perfect shape that you have been looking for. - 17269

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Healthy Diet Program To Begin Weight Loss

By Peggy Gunthur

First rule: pay attention! Lose weight by first paying attention to the foods you eat eliminating unnecessary fats and sugary foods. Pay attention to the amount of food you eat. Keep your taste buds healthy eating delicious but intelligent choices.

A uncomplicated balanced and flexible weight loss program is best. Prepare to focus on the first 10 pounds of weight loss and the rest will follow.

You need to lose weight by keeping track of what you eat. Cut out fats by eliminating butter, margarine, mayonnaise, oil from your sandwiches and food preparations. You don't have to write down the calorie count, but write down what you eat.

Use skim milk and make a habit to drink tea. If you insist on using whole milk at least use two percent milk in your diet. This helps cutting down on your fat intake.

Be certain to include legumes, peanut, cottage cheese, chicken, fish, eggs or yogurt. Try to curb your sugar treats to a few times a week max. Eat one or more meatless lunches and dinners each week.

Pay attention to the fresh fruit you eat. Try for 2 servings of fresh fruit a day by eating what is in season. Drink water instead of sugary fruit juice. Add lemon for some zip. Eat vegetables with lunch and dinner.

Kill the thought the eating food or snacks while watching TV. Many studies show that people watching TV and eating tend to eat more and opt for higher calorie snacks high in fat and sugar.

Chew your calories. Don't consume liquids loaded with calories by drinking them. That means cutting out soda and high-calorie fruit juices and drinking tea or water instead. Plan ahead what you are going to eat. Last-minute planning tends to veer you off your diet. - 17269

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The Truth About Core Training Unmasked by Washington, DC Personal Trainer

By Josef Brandenburg

Many people have taken up the fitness regiment of Pilates either at their local gym, their local Pilates studio, or the comfort and privacy of their own homes. Pilates is centered around your core muscles which consist the abdominals and the surrounding muscles. These muscles have been a target of working out for centuries with simple sit-ups and crunches and any other variation of the two exercises. The ever wanted six-pack abs or washboard stomach is the reason working out your core is so popular. Since the release of the hit Hollywood movie "300", a six-pack has become the must have fashion accessory on the beach or underneath your favorite shirt.

Most people don't realize that core training by sit-ups and crunches alone does not normally give you the results that you desire. Those that work solely on their core or abs rarely see any kind of results at all. Many Washington D.C. personal trainers and other physical coaches know this little tidbit of information, but fail to mention it to their clients in order to keep them working on the unattainable, thus their clients keep coming to them for help and putting money in their pockets.

Why doing crunches seem to be getting you nowhere in the shrinking tummy department

There are many contributing factors to obtaining the unicorn of muscle sculpting, the six-pack. Most people will never accomplish this feet. The six-pack really does require a ton of dedication and hard work including years of training, eating right and the thing many people omit from the "How to obtain a Six-Pack" speech, good genes. So instead of daydreaming about the six-pack, we should really simply be concentrating on a flat and toned stomach!

The biggest waste of time when working out at the gym or at home, thinking you will lose the pounds and inches, is only core training. The midsection or abdominal region seems to collect fat quicker than any other part of the body, especially in men. This seems to be evident in the amount of men sporting the beer belly look and their determination in getting rid of that "spare tire". They are so desperate to get rid of their ever growing abdomen that they work out only on those muscles without realizing that it is really doing nothing but making them work extra hard and seeing no results.

Everyone has abdominal muscles but you can't always see them because they are located under a layer of fat. Getting rid of the fat layer that is on top of your core is really the only way to get a flat stomach or the mystical six-pack. Simply working these muscles with core training, though making your muscles a little stronger, will not get rid of this layer enough to be seen by the naked eye.

There are so many people that believe the myth that working out one particular area of the body will result in weight loss in that zone. This is defined as target weight loss and it is simply not true. Our body is programmed to function as a whole unit, not in individual sections so weight loss happens all over the body, not just in one place.

There are many workouts that can help you to achieve the weight loss that you desire. Anything in the cardiovascular family will certainly do this for you. Running, walking, swimming, using an elliptical, or jumping rope are all effective, popular and proven ways to keep your heart rate up and help you burn the calories needed to lose weight. Core training alone does not provide the calorie burning needed to achieve weight loss.

The act of core training can have more issues than just not providing results. This exercise can cause injuries if not done properly. Damages to the neck and spine are some of the most common injuries that are associated with core training. Keeping your form is an important part of preventing these types of injuries and people that have a pre-existing condition such as back and neck problems really should stay away from core training all together!!

Core training is a waste of your gym and working out time. To those people that are concentrating solely on core training, please stop and try picking up some cardio to burn that fat that you want to lose. It is about time you started seeing results from your workouts. - 17269

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Healthy and Great-Tasting Acai Berry Recipes

By Travis Van Slooten

Acai berry recipes remain uncommon to date. Unless you're in that part of Brazil where acai berries grow, getting your hands on fresh acai berries are almost impossible. However, regardless of where you are in the world, you can find frozen acai pulp which is just as nutritious and almost as flavorful as freshly picked acai berries. Below are some acai berry recipes to give you enticingly good and healthy desserts and refreshingly nutritious cold drinks.

Acai Berry Smoothies

Smoothies are a treat for anyone of any age. Aside from being great-tasting, they can also be prepared in a variety of ways depending on what suits your fancy at a given time. You can try different blends, experiment with different mixes, and have fun doing it. Why not prepare something new using the healthy and versatile acai berry? It may be a new flavor, but definitely one that you and your loved ones can enjoy.

1 cup acai berry pulp 1 cups of your favorite yogurt or just vanilla 1 cup pomegranate juice 1 banana

In a blender, put all the above ingredients and blend them until you get a good and thick smoothie consistency. There are plenty of ways to add variety to this acai berry recipe. One is by using a mix of flavors. Pomegranate juice is recommended but you may also try orange juice or pineapple juice for a stronger flavor. You can experiment all you want until you get the right blend to suit your taste buds.

Acai Berry Whipped Cream

The next time you have some ice cream, top it off with a healthy dose of whipped cream. Making an acai berry whipped cream is not as difficult as you think. In fact, you can even make your whipped cream taste like freshly picked acai berries. Here's how:

1 cup heavy cream 2 teaspoons acai berry juice 1 teaspoon sugar or substitute

Start by pouring the heavy cream into a bowl. Add the other ingredients. You may choose to use an electric mixer or whisk it manually ? very slowly at first. As the cream starts to get thicker, whisk faster. Continue whisking fast until the cream achieves the texture of commercial creams. And then, you're done! Use your healthy cream to top off your sweet cravings.

Feel free to make yourself as creative as you can when coming up with yummy and healthy recipes. Think of new ingredients. Be innovative in your cooking techniques. Have fun as much as possible. The more creative you are, the more flavorful your acai berry recipes will taste. - 17269

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Treating Constipation Naturally

By Troy Adams

Constipation can be treated with natural ingredients you can purchase in the grocery store or probably already have at home. Flaxseed, rhubarb, buckthorn, and aloe or senna are frequently ingredients in natural constipation remedies, but often no special remedies are needed. Rather, changing your diet and increasing your intake of water can treat constipation naturally. Eating a diet rich in insoluble fiber helps clean the intestines out and soften stools so they pass easier. Drinking lots of water also moistens stools for easier passing.

Insoluble fiber can be found in things like whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Since fiber passes through the digestive tract virtually unchanged, wheat bran, brown rice or whole grain breads are a good way to add fiber, but eating plenty of fruits and vegetables daily is a good preventive measure. For example, eating raw vegetables, such as celery, cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower can be the most effective because they act as natural scrubbers as they pass through the intestinal system. Of course, you can cook the fruits and vegetables, but for the most fiber and nutrient content, raw is recommended.

Water is the cheapest and most accessible of the natural treatments for constipation. Many people fail to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day which is essential for proper functioning. Some soft drinks, especially diet sodas, include high amounts of sodium, which acts as a drying agent. Alcoholic beverages can be de-hydrating and sometimes drinking too much coffee and tea can upset the intestinal system, although for some people it has the opposite effect and they develop diarrhea.

Another thing to keep in mind is that you go to the bathroom as soon as you feel the urge. Some people hold off on going and this can cause stools to become dry and harder to pass. This is the most common cause of hemorrhoids. For the most part, diet and de-hydration are found to be the most common causes and so natural treatments for constipation would be to first make changes in those areas.

Colon cleansing has also become a popular way to clean out the body and improve bowel habits. For people who have a lot of mucus within their intestines and thus find it difficult to pass stools, a color cleanse can be helpful. You can also do this at home easily, but do it when you can stay home near the bathroom, because it works!

The first part of this remedy is to add a teaspoon of sea salt to a glass of warm water and drink twice a day, to be supplemented with the colon cleanser detox formula. The colon cleanser formula is 2 tablespoons of natural lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of organic maple syrup and 1/10 teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a glass of water, to be drank 6 to 10 times a day.

This is a colon cleansing diet that has been used for weight loss when used for seven to ten days, but it is effective as one of the natural treatments for constipation. Some people may have heard of the lemon-maple syrup detox or colon cleanser, but it contains natural ingredients that are helpful in cleaning out the digestive and intestinal systems. Many people will use this once a quarter to keep the system clean. In the meanwhile, the best natural treatments for constipation are to eat plenty of grains, fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of water. A healthy, balanced diet can make your system regular. - 17269

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Detoxing : The Natural Way Is Best

By Wayne Bridge

You don't need to deprive yourself of food and drink in order to perform a detox diet. In fact, you'll harm your body rather than do it any good if you do that. Instead, you just need to be eating and drinking healthier alternatives.

Instead of eating just 2 or 3 large meals a day, try eating 4-6 smaller meals ones. Do so at consistent times each day and look to have your largest meal in the morning as opposed to the late afternoon or evening.

A another key part of a successful detox diet is fruit and vegetables. They are ok in any form, from dried, canned to fresh or frozen; try to have five portions of them daily.

Fruits that will benefit you that you can choose from include strawberries, tangerines, raspberries, pineapples, peaches, pomegranates, pears, melons, oranges, passion fruit, mangoes, kiwifruit, mandarins, limes, lemons dates, gooseberries, grapes, figs, chestnuts, currants, clementines, blackcurrants, cherries, blueberries, bananas, avocados, apples, blackberries, and apricots.

As for vegetables, choose from spring onions, asparagus, beetroot, brussels sprouts, gherkins, cabbage, potato, carrots, cauliflower, red pepper, celery, cress, radish, cucumber, green pepper, aubergine, haricot beans, lettuce, swede, marrow, onion, courgette, peas, green beans, parsnip, pumpkin, rhubarb, spinach, sweet corn, broad beans, runner beans, turnips, watercress or yellow pepper.

Increase your intake of grains, beans, fiber, nuts and seeds. Specifically, increase your intake of quinoa, buckwheat, lentils, brown rice, millet, chickpeas, kidney beans, pinto beans, cereal, mung beans, wholemeal pasta, baked beans, cashews, almonds, flax seed, walnuts, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds.

Now for food types to avoid. As part of a healthy detox diet, try not to eat anything that contains sugar, processed meat, red meat, pastry, breads, wheat and any dairy products. Though they may not be outright bad for you, they are more difficult for your body to digest and process. - 17269

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Ways To Grow Taller: How You Can Do Stretches To Help

By Fiona Wyresdle

By the time you arrive at your teens, you are by now worried in relation to your height and if you are less than normally tall, you have already started searching the internet and other domains, for ways and means to add those critical inches that will help achieve the proverbial status of "Tall, Dark and Handsome".

The characters that control growth and height are also part of this. Stretching exercises are known to invigorate positive reactions from the human body. Many athletes and sports persons use regular stretching exercises to condition their body in their quest to reach the top of the line in their respective fields.

First of all, you should recognize the fact that the height of a person depends on the genetic address of the particular individual. It is the essential factor in the height of an individual. Beyond that the stretching exercises do have an effect on the structure of the human body. These stretching exercises are mostly used by athletes and other sports personalities to gain advantage in their respective sports and games.

A lot of scams have surfaced in the form of tablets and pills that assure height gain. The companies that have embarked on production of these products, have raked in the cash on the strength of exhaustive direct and internet advertising, though none is able to verify the claims of success. Cycling, swimming and a host of other anaerobic exercises on a daily basis are acknowledged to yield positive results. These exercises will make hormone secretions known to affect body growth and stretching, which will translate into your growing taller.

Exercises for growth are meant to sensitize growth hormones to effect physiological changes in the human body, which could be shown scientifically. The major elements in this action are the manufacture of nitric oxide and lactates, which are enhanced during these exercises and make the stretching action complete.

It need not be stressed herein that the secretions of the growth hormones increase in direct proportion to the volume of exercise and favorably affect the bones and cartilages. Greater bone density coupled with thicker cartilages provides more flexibility during the stretching work outs.

The stretching exercises also help in the increased secretion of lactates to reach the muscles, giving them more energy and power. Regular stretching exercises kick start the hormone secretion until the body takes on the continuity of the process for a period that is credited with enhancing your height. By then you have already earned a good height due to the process of stretching exercises. - 17269

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On Your Way To Health With Your iPod

By Thom Yarborough

It may not make sense to you immediately, but it could be true that you iPhone could actually be your way to good health. iTunes has hundreds of apps from which you can learn to how to stay fit and healthy. While most of these apps provide hints on how to stay fit, some others are very useful and once you get the hang of it, you might start noticing some real difference in your lifestyle! So take a look at some of these apps.


You know you want that hot bod; the one that's fit with those oh so awesome abs and biceps. But the case is always, that you don't know what the right exercises are and trying random exercises isn't very advisable now is it? And to top that, hiring a personal trainer could be a bit too heavy on the pocket.

One simple and absolutely free app can pave your way to fitness. With iFitness you will be provided with images of people taken while they perform over 230 exercises that focus on the body region and muscle. Just double tab the image to read up on the instructions and single tab your way to view videos of the ore tougher ones.

Meditation Timer:

If meditation is something you prefer not missing even if you're not in the comfort of your own home, then the Meditation Timer app for your iPhone, is something that you must download. This timer will let you set the amount of time you'd want for your daily sitting. This app has a recording of some soothing gentle music that can be played and also comes in two different calming color sequences. To save yourself from sudden disruptions while meditating, you can set the phone on gentle vibration and relax.

7 Day Detox:

If you're looking to lose weight and flushing out all those harmful toxins from your body, imagine getting to follow a perfect diet program for it? Even though such plans are available aplenty on the internet, it's not very easy to follow them because our knowledge on what is to be done is just vague. With the 7 Day Detox program that can be downloaded onto your iPhone, you will be given instructions on a daily basis as to what to eat and at what intervals. - 17269

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Good Computer Ergonomics For Your Children

By Dr. Jason Fowler

At least 70 percent of America's 30 million elementary school students use computers, according to a recent New York Times article. As a result of this increased usage, doctors of chiropractic are treating more young patients suffering from the effects of working at computer stations that are either designed for adults or poorly designed for children. Many children are already suffering from repetitive motion injuries (RMI) such as carpal tunnel syndrome and chronic pain in the hands, back, neck and shoulders.

A recently published study conducted by a team of researchers from Cornell University found that 40% of the elementary school children they studied used computer workstations that put them at postural risk. And the remaining 60% scored in a range indicating "some concern."

"Emphasis needs to be placed on teaching children how to properly use computer workstations," stated Dr. Scott Bautch, past president of the American Chiropractic Association's Council on Occupational Health. "Poor work habits and computer workstations that don't fit your child's body during the developing years can have harmful physical effects that can last a lifetime. Parents need to be just as concerned about their children's interaction with their computer workstations as they are with any activities that may affect their children's long-term health," added Dr. Bautch.

What can you do? To reduce the possibility of your child suffering painful and possibly disabling injuries, the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) and its Council on Occupational Health offer the following tips:

If children and adults in your home share the same computer workstation, make certain that the workstation can be modified for each child's use. Position the computer monitor so the top of the screen is at or below your child's eye level. This can be accomplished by taking the computer off its base or stand, or having the child sit on firm pillows or phone books to reach the desired height. Make sure the chair at the workstation fits the child correctly. An ergonomic back cushion, pillow or a rolled-up towel can be placed in the small of the child's back for added back support. There should be two inches between the front edge of the seat and the back of the knees. The chair should have arm supports so that elbows are resting within a 70- to 135-degree angle to the computer keyboard. Wrists should be held in a neutral position while typing - not angled up or down. The mousing surface should be close to the keyboard so your child doesn't have to reach or hold the arm away from the body. The child's knees should be positioned at an approximate 90- to 120-degree angle. To accomplish this angle, feet can be placed on a foot rest, box, stool or similar object. Reduce eyestrain by making sure there is adequate lighting and that there is no glare on the monitor screen. Use an antiglare screen if necessary. Limit your child's time at the computer and make sure he or she takes periodic stretch breaks during computing time. Stretches can include: clenching hands into fists and moving them in 10 circles inward and 10 circles outward; placing hands in a praying position and squeezing them together for 10 seconds and then pointing them downward and squeezing them together for 10 seconds; spreading fingers apart and then closing them one by one; standing and wrapping arms around the body and turning all the way to the left and then all the way to the right. Your child's muscles need adequate hydration to work properly and avoid injury. Encourage your child to drink four 8-ounce glasses of water a day. Carbonated beverages, juices and other sweet drinks are not a substitute. Urge your child's school or PTA officials to provide education on correct computer ergonomics and to install ergonomically correct workstations. "If your child continues to complain of pain and strain from sitting at a computer, see a doctor of chiropractic," urges Dr. Bautch. "A chiropractor can help alleviate your child's pain and help prevent further injury. - 17269

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Women Gain Health Benefits From Coffee

By Kirsten Whittaker

Tea and coffee drinkers can finally shout with joy - there are coffee health benefits to be had.

Some new studies agrees with your wise choice of beverage!

It looks like endometrial cancer risk could be reduced by drinking more coffee or tea on a daily basis, a cancer of the reproductive organs that's unfortunately quite common.

In 2008, the American Cancer Society estimates, over 40000 women would be diagnosed; and around 7400 died from it.

The elements that increase the risk of this cancer are well understood.

Being overweight, getting older and being exposed to higher levels of estrogen, like estrogen therapy, late menopause, erratic periods and considered as risk factors.

You may have heard that diet may also play a role, the risks though are less clear. This research found answers to the role popular drinks could play in cancer risk.

This hospital based, case controlled research involved a survey of nearly 1,100 women; 541 patients diagnosed with endometrial cancer.

It was shown that those who consumed coffee and black tea had a lower risk of uterine cancer.

Subjects who drank 4 cups of coffee or tea/day had only half the chance as those who didn't consume these beverages to have endometrial cancer.

Those that drank over 2 cups of tea had a 44% reduced risk of the disease. The reduced chance was for those who just consumed coffee (over 2 cups/day), at only 29%, though these were not considered statistically significant.

The benefits for people who were overweight were less pronounced.

Those included decaffeinated coffee as one of the drinks they enjoyed, but when they looked at decaffeinated coffee, there wasn't a link between the drink and the risk of endometrial cancer.

Previous studies have shown that caffeine can induce certain enzymes to neutralize certain cancer causing substances.

And if it is not the caffeine that is helping to reduce the risk then other compounds may be at work. Coffee and tea have antioxidants, flavonoids, catechins and isoflavonoids that could also be helping to protect the body from cancer.

Your choice of drink is of course not a guarantee of protection despite the coffee health gains and and should never take the place of proper diet and medical care, a wholesome diet and other careful lifestyle choices. - 17269

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