Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Smoking and Cellulite

By El Bilson

You may have wondered if smoking and cellulite go hand in hand. Smoking is one of the most frowned-upon but amongst the most widely-practiced of bad habits. The habit slowly destroys your lungs and leaves you at greater risk for lung cancer, throat cancer, and mouth cancer. And while smoking causes problems with organs, it also deteriorates the quality of your skin.

Cigarette smoke contains a toxic mix of chemicals - among them, cyanide, benzene, formaldehyde, methanol, acetylene (the fuel used in welding torches), and ammonia. Each of the chemicals, some of them lethal within if consumed in any other form, so its no surprise that these toxins can lead to skin problems including cellulite.

Smoking accelerates the aging process of the body, which makes cellulite look worse. One of the ways smoking damages your skin is by affecting collagen. Collagen is the main structural protein of the skin. It provides the structure necessary to keep skin firm and taut. Collagen is also a component of everything from blood vessels to organs. Naturally as a person ages, the cells of the body gradually produces less collagen. Smoking accelerates the breakdown of collagen in the skin and in the body. Collagen breakdown starts at a younger age and a faster rate for regular smokers.

Hyaluronic acid is a compound produced in the body that adds fullness and tautness to the skin. It helps prevent the hollow look that is often seen in older skin. It works by helping the cells retain moisture. As with collagen, the body naturally produces less hyaluronic acid as it ages. But the free radicals that are either present in cigarette smoke breaks down the chains of hyaluronic acid, leading poor skin.

The problems of collagen and hyaluronic acid loss have great effects on cellulite. Firm skin is able to retain moisture and will be able to better hide the fat that cellulite exists on the body. Think of skin like fabric. Healthy skin is like denim, and can better hide cellulite infected thighs. But skin that has been ravaged by years of smoking is more like spandex - stretchy, weak, and shows everything!

Smoking also affects the quality of the blood and lymphatic vessels. This is due to the fact that both compounds are major components in the pipes that support our blood and lymphatic fluids. Smoking damages the vessels in our body, making them less able to transport nutrients to the organs that need them, including the skin. Smoking also affects blood flow by constricting the vessels. Both of these side effects contribute to poor nutrient transport and fluid retention which can lead to an increase in cellulite.

Fortunately, the effects of smoking are not seen always immediately seen. In fact, if you are a younger adult, many of the physical problems that come with smoking may actually be reversed by leading a more healthy lifestyle. In addition to quitting smoking, eating quality foods and getting regular exercise will help your body as well. However, the longer you wait, the more irreversible damage that will be done to your body. - 17269

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Ten Steps to Reduce Bruising, Step 1 - The Primary Bruising Cause!

By Carolyn Cooper

If you are someone who is interested in making sure that the bruises that have recently been appearing disappear and how to prevent bruising easily in the first place, you are going to need to consider why they appear in the first place. There are many people out there who find that they are bruising more and more, and their reactions might range anywhere from simple annoyance to near panic. For our own peace of mind, we must make sure that we are aware of the most common causes of bruising.

To begin with, we need to consider the fact that there are a variety of natural causes for bruising easily. When some people see a bruise, they often nervously wonder about serious issues, like blood problems or cancer, but in the majority of most situations, there is really nothing to worry about. Even if they are a bit unattractive, bruises have normal causes for their being present.

When you determine that you should educate yourself on what causes easy bruising, you first have to understand what bruises really are. A bruise is created when the tiny blood vessels just below your skin are damaged from pressure or shock and your skin does not break. The blood from the damaged blood vessels will collect just beneath the skin, so this then becomes the coloration of your bruise.

Keeping this in mind, you are probably wondering why you are bruising so much more frequently. There is a two-fold reason for this more frequent bruising. The first part of the reason that you are subject to bruising more easily is the fact that your skin has lost a large amount of its elasticity thanks to collagen breaking down quicker. That means that your skin can not protect your blood vessels as well as it once could.

Collagen is the substance in your skin that gives it the ability to bounce back when you touch it; it makes your skin firm to the touch, and it prevents your skin from becoming wrinkled. As you age, the breakdown of collagen in your skin is the primary cause of wrinkles forming. When most people think about the collagen in your body breaking down, they think about wrinkles; but bruises are another side effect of this collagen breakdown.

The fact that collagen is no longer being produced in the quantities or as frequently as it once was is the second factor that must be considered when thinking about bruising prevention. Although bruising can be common in aging people and is generally not harmful, some spectacular bruises can still form.

When you are looking at these bruising causes, a few things will occur to you. The first is that yes, you are seeing more bruising. There are some people who wonder if they have simply become more observant. After all, you have not become noticeably more clumsy as you age. The truth of the matter is just that your body is reacting differently from the way that it used to.

You should recognize that there are a number of ways to treat your condition of bruising easily. You are one person in a group of many in your age group whose bodies are readjusting to new conditions, and most of these people are also experiencing the same conditions that you are now facing.

Now that you have learned about the first of the major causes of bruising easily, you need to be certain that you can find a means to overcome your easy bruising as well. You should research a daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned which can provide you with the proper solution to help you prevent bruising easily. - 17269

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How to Build Pecs Safely

By Frank Hommes

Beginners at weight lifting might feel like they are missing something when they are trying to learn how to build their pecs. They do all of the same exercises they see other people doing and still have trouble getting their pecs built up. This is because not everything is about the exercise itself.

1. Eating the proper types of food is just as important as doing the necessary exercises. This is because without certain nutrients, muscles can't be properly built. Protein is what muscle is made up of and therefore to build the muscle, you need to be eating a lot of protein. Carbohydrates are also a big help because they will provide your body more energy for the workout.

Overall health is a big part of how to build pecs so having a well balanced diet will be useful. Along with eating a lot of protein a person should be eating many fruits and vegetables. The body will be able to focus on building new muscle as long as it is healthy.

2. The second tip is to stretch. If you're trying to build up your pecs, you should be doing stretches which get the upper chest ready to do some tough work. You can do something as easy as doing a push-up motion while standing, to stretch out your pectoral muscles.

People should avoid overworking their pecs for the same reason they should stretch. Too much activity on the pectoral muscles can strain the muscles causing them damage as opposed to making them stronger. It could also lead to overly pronounced pecs which some people call "man boobs."

3. You need to do the correct types of exercises if you want to build your pectorals. Exercises like push-ups effectively work the pecs and can be done without a gym. If you have access to a weight lifting bench, you can do bench presses as well. - 17269

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Maximum Health For All Age Results

By Carlos Hbojanic PHD

Aside from the acai berry being an unsullied, mouth-watering, organically grown fruit- it is also rich with antioxidants. Antioxidants are nutrients as well as substances that slow the oxidation damage to our body.

The process of the body's cells consuming oxygen, creates a by-product known as a free radical that can do lots of harm to the body. Antioxidants play a huge role in preventing and repairing the damage done by these free radicals. Adding antioxidants to your daily diet is the best way to protect yourself from these free radicals.

The breaking down of the body's DNA and causes of cancer have been linked to Free radicals. They can wreak havoc on the body when left unchecked. The damage can be so severe to the cells that at times free radicals are responsible for them not working at all.

The types of damage these free radicals can do range neurological damage down to hormonal problems. A perfect food with just the right amount of antioxidants to fight these free radicals is found in the acai fruit.

Research has shown for years that when antioxidants are taken on a regular basis, the body is able to repair and maintain its cellular strength from recent as well as future attacks from these dangerous free radicals.

Dr. Perricone is the one who introduced the mainstream audience to this amazing fruit by writing a book entitled, the Perricone Promise. In this book he writes that the acai berry is the most perfect food on the planet.

In this book, Dr. Perricone also states that the acai fruit berry has every ingredient needed to look and feel younger. Also, according to Dr. Perricone the fruit contains everything needed to revitalize your health and hinder the process of aging.

The acai fruit is known as a super food that contains every nutrient your body needs in fighting harmful free radicals. If your goal is to improve your overall health, as well as strengthen and maintain your body, then you should look further into the numerous benefits of the this amazing fruit.

The acai berry is the perfect food to improve overall health, reduce aging, and fighting free radicals and could be just the missing supplement your body needs to creating the new you. - 17269

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Learn How Deep Sleep Helps You To Grow Taller

By Rodney Williams

You've probably heard that you are about 1 to 2 inches taller in the morning than in the night. Ever wondered what makes it happen? It is deep sleep for a good duration of time that makes you taller.

Nature induces sleep in us every night so that it can repair the body cells, replenish them and make the body grow. It is the most natural way on how to increase height. It is in sleep that the body strengthens and recharges the central nervous system. Growth hormones are sent to all corners of the body to thicken and lengthen bones and tissues, resulting in increase of height.

In addition to sound sleep, the duration of sleep is also important. Gravity has no effects on the spinal column for as long as you sleep, which makes the joints relax and nourish in the spinal fluid. The increased gaps result in a longer spine during the night.

So how to reap all the benefits of a good night's sleep? Here are some helpful tips to achieve deep sleep.

Sleep in a room that is well ventilated and fresh. Your brain needs fresh air to stimulate body growth during sleep. Use gloves and socks to keep warm if it's too cold. Warm hands and feet induce deep sleep. Use a firm mattress to sleep on and help your spine elongate. If you suffer from insomnia, try taking a hot water bath before sleeping to soothe your nerves. Eat 3 hours before bedtime. The only thing you can consume later is warm milk.

Posture is important for growth during sleep. Here are some more tips to grow taller as you sleep. Do not use a pillow or use a very thin one if at all you need one. Pillows cause rounded shoulders which not only makes you shorter but also affect muscles in the neck and shoulders. When sleeping on your back, use a pillow under your knees to support the spine. This also helps in more blood supply to the brain while you sleep. When sleeping on your side, do use a pillow under your head as well as one between your knees.

You need to be tired at bedtime to get great sleep. Make sure you exercise during the day to tire yourself out. Performing height increasing exercises will give you added advantage. When you lie down on your bed to sleep, stretch your arms and legs out and wiggle your body to drop off to sleep.

Sleep is known as the cheapest medicine for many conditions. Growing taller is just one of it several benefits. Make use of it. - 17269

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Fitness Training Supplementation: What Works, What's Healthy and What's Not

By Levi Herbert

There are numerous sports supplements saturating the fitness industry claiming quick results with little effort. However, the problem lies with the consumer being able to determine which ones are beneficial and which ones are scams. Supplementation, if used properly and responsibly can be highly beneficial in muscle recovery, preventing injury and increasing general health. Below is a list of supplements I highly recommend to my customers.


Multivitamins should be taken by everyone, especially those that partake in a regular fitness routine. During a heavy workout, the body looses vital vitamins and minerals it needs for muscle recovery as well as the ability to remove foreign toxins. By taking a daily multivitamin, these lost nutrients are replaced making the body better able to recover from a workout as well as fight off unwanted infections.

Using Protein Powder

Many people discourage the use of protein powders as they believe they are the same as steroids and other chemical enhancements. This however, could not be further from the truth. In fact, protein powders taken before a workout can be highly beneficial as they promote quality calorie consumption as well as decreasing fat accumulation.

Protein powder is in essence a dehydrated or powdered chicken, simply to encourage convenience when time is not available to eat a full meal. The use of protein powders ALONG with a full and proper diet increases the recovery rate and boosts immune system, allowing for greater results.

Implementing Creatine

Clouted in controversy, creatine remains the most commonly misunderstood OTC supplement to date. With claims ranging from testicular atrophy, to rage, and further to liver and kidney failure, false representations appear to follow the name alone more than any other available supplement. Interestingly enough, creatine still remains the most researched, studied, and developed sports supplement ever isolated.

Ignore what you may have heard, besides slight water retention, creatine proves to have no other side effects associated with short or long term use, and further consists of completely natural ingredients. The benefits of creatine are many, with the most noticeable surrounding the decrease of lactic acid (the chemical causing "the burn associated with lifting weights), and a heavy decrease in recovery time.

Creatine Monohydrate is recommended at 5 grams daily. This can be absorbed into the muscles more quickly by mixing it with a cup of grape juice or other sugar based fruit juice. Creatine is generally available at local grocery and nutrition stores.

Proper supplementation continues to allow amazing benefits when used properly, and can allow your designated goals to appear much more obtainable. Of course there are more quality supplements than those listed above, yet the three I have noted come standard before considering further supplements in your fitness routine. Use them properly, and the results will continue to encourage hard work and persistence. - 17269

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Red Meat Linked To Health Problems

By Kirsten Whittaker

In a study involving over half a million men and women, mature Americans who eat large amounts of red meat, as well as processed meats were found to have a greater risk of death from heart disease and cancer - Finding a link between red meat and health.

This extensive study confirms the advice of other experts to limit both these kinds of meats, and appears in the March 23, 2009 Archives of Internal Medicine.

The researchers looked at over 545,000 subjects aged 50 to 71 years old, recruited from AARP members as part of the National Institutes of Health Diet and Health Study, and asked about their eating habits.

The results relied on participants remembering what they ate, and this of course isn't always accurate.

Over 70,000 of the subjects died during the ten year long study, and the researchers took into account risk factors like smoking, high BMI (body mass index) and family history of cancer in their analysis.

The findings however still point an accusing finger at red and processed meats.

The equivalent of eating a quarter pound hamburger daily gave a 22% higher risk of dying from cancer; 27% higher risk of dying from heart disease when compared to subjects who ate just 5 ounces of meat a week.

Women who ate more ed meat had a 20% higher risk of dying of cancer; but a 50% higher risk of dying of heart disease than women who ate less.

This consumption level might seem pretty high. In 2003-2004, the most recent year's statistics are available, on average adults ate 2.5 ounces of red meat each day.

"The consumption of red meat was associated with a modest increase in total mortality," declared Rashmi Sinha, lead author of the study.

Amazingly, processed meats carried lower overall risks than red meat according to the research.

However, it is important to note that those whose diets had more white meat (chicken and fish) were discovered to have lower risks of death.

"This fits together with the findings of the American Institute for Cancer Research and the World Cancer Research Fund and the American Cancer Society, which recommend limiting the consumption of red meat," added Sinha, who's a senior investigator with the nutrition epidemiological branch at the Cancer Institute.

So, just why are red meats in excess so bad for our bodies?

Sadly, the research has not pinned down the answer quite yet.

Some experts believe the trouble might come from the iron and fat in the meats, others blame the salt, nitrates/nitrites of processed meats.

Also, when meat is cooked (especially fried or charbroiled) at high temperatures compounds are created in the meat that can be mutagenic or even carcinogenic.

Another argument for reducing the amount of red meat consumed?

Also, conservationists will point to the issue with livestock contributing to greenhouse gas emissions that have been implicated in global warming.

Barry Popkin, who wrote an accompanying editorial to the study, suggests, "We've promoted a diet that has added excessively to global warming."

Most suggest that meat should not be eliminated from your diet, but become a supporting part of meals along with other healthy options.

Choosing fish, poultry or beans as an alternative to the red meats is a great option. Leaner cuts can also be part of a healthy diet, and according to the American Meat Institute are an excellent source of iron, B12 and zinc, as well as other essential vitamins and minerals.

So, especially if you already at risk of heart disease and cancer, don't let the link between red meat and health be your downfall. - 17269

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Your Depleted Toxic Filled Body

By Ezekial Bramschild

The acai fruit is a tasteful, fresh, organic fruit that comes with a wealth of antioxidants. In order to prevent damage to the body as well as slow the aging process, antioxidants are needed as part of a regular diet.

When the body's cells consume oxygen, it creates free radicals (or by-products) that can cause a lot of problems to our body. Antioxidants play an important role in preventing, repairing, and removing the damage done by these toxic by-products. Having a daily supplement of antioxidants is the best way known to protect yourself from these harmful free radicals.

Terrible consequences can occur when free radicals are able to roam free in the body. These toxic by-products are the reason our DNA breaks down opening the door for cancer. free radicals can destroy our cells to the point where they break down so much they stop working.

The types of damage these free radicals can do range neurological damage down to hormonal problems. A perfect food with just the right amount of antioxidants to fight these free radicals is found in the acai fruit.

Research has shown for years that when antioxidants are taken on a regular basis, the body is able to repair and maintain its cellular strength from recent as well as future attacks from these dangerous free radicals.

Dr. Perricone is the one who introduced the mainstream audience to this amazing fruit by writing a book entitled, the Perricone Promise. In this book he writes that the acai berry is the most perfect food on the planet.

Dr. Perricone also states in his book that this food is number one when it comes to foods with essential ingredients to look and feel younger. He also states that the acai berry has the ingredients needed to revitalize your health as well as slowing the aging process.

The acai fruit is known as a super food that contains every nutrient your body needs in fighting harmful free radicals. If your goal is to improve your overall health, as well as strengthen and maintain your body, then you should look further into the numerous benefits of the this amazing fruit.

The acai berry is the perfect food to improve overall health, reduce aging, and fighting free radicals and could be just the missing supplement your body needs to creating the new you. - 17269

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The Amazing Papaya and it's Benefits

By Fredrick Baxter

Often we will eat our food without knowing what its good for, or what the benefits of it are. Just by taking a short time to learn about all the benefits of what you are eating you can eat according to what you think your body needs at the time.

A food you eat or foods you are eating may be adversely affecting your health. Without understanding how your eating habits affect your body, you may unknowingly be doing yourself harm. Certain foods do certain things, and in the end you are what you eat!

The food you eat often has nutritional, as well as medicinal value. Knowing what the benefits are helps you choose to eat food that fits with what your body needs at the time. If you have a cold, instead of reaching for that tub of chocolate ice cream (which wouldn't help at all) try eating something spicy with cayenne pepper.

Papaya is full of vitamins A, C, E, potassium, folate, fiber, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, calcium, lycopene, lutein, zeaxathin, and enzymes for digestion. As you can see, papaya has many wonderful nutrients in it, and is very good for you!

On top of the wonderful nutritional value the papaya has, it is also great for your digestion. It offers aid for indigestion, acid reflux, constipation, gastrointestinal distress, and is good for your overall digestive health.

On top of getting your digestive system back on track it also helps flush out the lymph system, fight infections, and its good for your heart.

Papaya is good for you, and it's even low in calories. Don't bother eating a candy bar and give your body a real treat by eating a papaya. Your body will thank you!

Papaya packs a high nutritional punch and is loaded with wonderful vitamins and nutrients. With all the benefits of papaya there are, your body will surely thank you for eating one! - 17269

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Why Strength Training

By Ivan Girevoy

Strength training is an important element of fitness and exercise. If you are trying to lose weight then it is essential that you incorporate some strength training activities into your routine. Losing weight is about burning calories. It is about burning fat and one way to do that is to build your muscles. Basically the more muscle you develop the more energy you burn, resulting in greater weight loss success.

Strength training does not have to be a daily grind. There are many classes or exercise programs you can follow that will help with building your muscles. Most gyms have classes like total body fitness or group power lifting. Typically these types of classes use many types of weight training equipment including barbells, hand weights,resistance bands and my favorite....Kettlebells. The typical class lasts for about an hour.

Over all it seems to be women seem to enjoy these types of strength training classes more than men. Men typically enjoy working out the muscle groups by adding bulk. Strength training classes help to shape and tone your muscles into lean mass without the bulk. In addition, since the instructor pushes you along during the class at a very rapid pace, there is a bit of cardiovascular benefit as well. If your goal is to have both strength training as well as muscle endurance, then you should consider a "cross fit" type class that can focus on both of those areas. Keep in mind that those types of classes not only build strength...but they melt away the love handles much faster.

So you do not care for classes. Thats ok, there are many exercises that you can do from home using just simple hand weights will do just fine, and there are many strength exercises that require no equipment like the simple pushup. Find a DVD to follow along to help you with your exercise. A good program to follow will help keep you on track, motivated and more likely to do the exercises correctly.

Many people go to the gym to lift weights. Typical regimens include alternating days of upper body work with lower body work. For instance, on Monday and Thursday you might work your upper body, while on Tuesday and Friday you might work your lower body. This gives the muscles time to repair and grow between workouts. Most weight lifting programs involve lifting in sets. For instance you might do three sets of ten repetitions of bench press exercises. It really depends on your goals how many sets and repetitions of each that you attempt to do. - 17269

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Back Pain-Am I At Risk?

By Dr. Jason Fowler

Are there risk factors for back pain? And, if there are, what can I do to keep myself healthy and well? Your chiropractor can help answer these questions and more.

One primary risk factor relates to exercise. Everyone has heard, "if you don't use it, you lose it". If you're not exercising regularly, your back muscles are deconditioned and much more susceptible to injury - the strains and sprains we're accustomed to calling "back pain".

Muscles get stronger when they're required to do work. Also exercise helps "train" the soft tissues around a joint - the ligaments and tendons - these supporting structures "learn" how to withstand mechanical stresses and loads without becoming injured. Basically, when you exercise - when you do any kind of exercise - your body gets "smarter" and you're less likely to get those annoying back problems.1

A related risk factor is weak abdominal muscles. When you were a kid, at some point one of your gym teachers probably told you to "suck in your stomach". Actually, it turns out that was pretty good advice. Your abdominal muscles support the muscles of your lower back. If your abdominals are weak or if you are not using them - letting them hang out and droop instead of keeping them activated - your body weight has to be held up by the muscles of your lower back. They're not designed to do that - they're designed to move your spine around. And eventually, these lower back muscles will give way under the excess strain. The result is a very painful lower back injury.

There are many easy-to-do exercises for your abdominal muscles. The key is to actually do them - and do them after you're finished doing the rest of whatever exercises you've scheduled for that day. How often? Three times a week is plenty. Abdominal routines are quick - no more than 10 minutes. And, remember to use your abdominal muscles throughout the day. Imagine your abdominals are being pulled in and lifted up. This is not a "tightening" - your thought should be "activate". Your body will know what to do, once you've started adding consistent abdominal training to your exercise routine.

Risk factors for back pain may also be found in your personal and family medical history.2,3 During your initial visit your chiropractor will ask you about accidents and surgeries you've experienced, and discuss any important elements in your family history. For example, surgery to remove an inflamed galllbladder or appendix or to repair a hernia may result in weakened abdominal muscles. A motor vehicle accident or a fall from a height might have caused injuries that healed with soft tissue scarring.

Learning about potential risk factors and taking appropriate action will help ensure a stronger, more flexible, and healthier lower back.

1Jones MA, et al. Recurrent non-specific low-back pain in adolescents: the role of exercise. Ergonomics 50(10):1680-1688, 2007 2Cherniack M, et al. Clinical and psychological correlates of lumbar motion abnormalities in low back disorders. Spine J 1)4):290-298, 2001 3Plouvier S et al. Biomechanical strains and low back disorders. Occup Environ Med 2007 (in press) - 17269

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10 Weight Loss Dieting Tips

By Jhon Cockey

1)Never ever skip a meal. You have to eat 3 meals each day if you want to lose weight. Avoid making the mistake of starving yourself during the day and binging during the night. Eat 4-5 times per day smaller portions and you will lose weight faster.

2)Avoid snaking often during the day. You can eat more than 600 calories just by snacking on some pretzels. If you are stressed go jogging and if you feel hungry eat a fruit or even better a vegetable.

3)When traveling or during the holidays wear tight clothes that won't let you binge like crazy and stuff yourself with everything in sight. It is a good idea to wear a little tighter clothes every time you go out to prevent overeating.

4)After you eat a good healthy dinner go and brush your teeth. You will be far less tempted to eat something after that thinking that you have to brush your teeth again. It sends the message to the brain: "I am done with eating for today."

5)You should exercise on a weekly basis is you want to ever lose weight. Dieting can help you lose a couple of pounds but for long lasting weight loss results you have to merge exercising with dieting.

6)Snaking a lot on nuts will make you fat in time. Nuts and dried fruits contain a lot of calories and fats. It is true that they are healthy and recommended, but not all the time.

7)If you skip breakfast you will feel tires soon and hunger will hit you pretty hard by lunch time making you binge on unhealthy junk food. So whatever you do never ever skip eating a healthy breakfast.

8)Instead of a large dinner you can eat a smoothie made out of fat-free milk, some frozen fruits and wheat germ.

9)You have to drink 8-10 cups of water daily if you want to lose weight. Sometimes your body can mix the signals for thirst with those of hunger, making you eat when all you need is water. By avoiding dehydration you will eat fat less food.

10)Find a registered dietitian and ask him to help you lose weight. Sure it costs a little money but you get super fast results, making it a steal. You will get a personalized diet that you will enjoy which counts a lot when you want to lose weight. - 17269

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