Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Many Health Conscience People Use Acai Berry Juice

By Kelani Lee

The Acai berry juice craze is growing in popularity for good reasons. The acai fruit that comes from the rainforest and is loaded with vitamins and anti oxidants known to help those that drink acai juice or take acai berry supplements live stronger and healthier lives.

A prime example of just one of the benefits of consuming natural acai juice is its effect on aging skin. There are many conditions and diseases that can cause the skin to age. Oxidation is among one of the diseases. Oxidation can cause cells to be damaged creating wrinkles and a difference in skin pigment or color. Exercise can cause the influx of oxidants which will eventually cause the body to lose oxygen.

Studies have shown that the acai berry contains more anti oxidant than any other berry. They are rumored to be one of the healthiest foods that can be consumed by humans. It often helps with stomach and heart ailments, along with improving a number of other medical conditions.

There are many other important reasons to consume acai berries juice. It gives the body necessary proteins and vitamins than can help add strength to the body and the mind. The juice of the acai berry is also gaining recognition because it seems to ward of allergens. Thousands of people all over the world suffer from allergies of some sort and studies have shown that they are relieved of those allergies with regular use of acai berry juice.

An example of a different type of juice that is known to have the anti oxidants the body needs is red grape juice. Red wine and red grape juice has the same chemical in them that helps in many different ways. The chemical is found in the skin of the red grape. The darker the grape, the more anti oxidants is found in the skin of the fruit.

The acai berry can greatly improve conditions by simply being ingested in the body. One of the most common uses of acai juice is for weight loss and to speed up the metabolic rate. It has many other benefits such as helping the body detoxify and helping improve conditions of sexual dysfunction. Many pregnant women claim that it helps keep them from getting morning sickness. It has also been used as part of a treatment for hepatitis B.

There are many products to choose from when considering a healthier lifestyle with acai berry juice as the most accessible in today's consumer product lines. Many people have realized the benefits of the natural acai juice which has created more demand. Including the demand to grow and harvest their own acai berry plants, allowing them to have 100% natural acai juice with no preservatives or additives. People who may have thought this was impossible at one time have realized that they can grow their own aca berries and extract the acai juice themselves, getting full benefits from the acai fruit. All you need to do is move to the Amazon region where acai palm flourishes. - 17269

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How Bowtrol Can Help Your Irritable Bowel Syndrome

By Kor Rassad

Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS is an affliction that affects the health of millions of people. It causes constipation, diarrhea, stomach pain, bloating and heartburn. Many of the patients who suffer with this condition are searching for natural relief to help them with this ailment. Bowtrol is an effective colon cleansing product and has been proven to be beneficial to people with IBS.

A natural way to rid your body of impurities and toxins is to use a colon cleanser. This can also regulate your bowels and keep your symptoms under control. Regulation is a very important factor in living with this ailment.

Your doctor can prescribe prescription medication, but these carry along many harmful side effects and are much harsher for your system to handle. Natural remedies are becoming increasingly popular due to the fact that they are mild to the system and they do not cause side effects. These types of remedies can also be used safely for long periods of time.

When the muscles in the intestinal wall contract and spasm, you will experience abdominal pain. This may cause even more harm to your body because it can affect your other organs. You may also experience an increase in the harmful toxins that are trapped in your body if you frequently suffer from constipation. A colon cleanser will release these toxins and essentially cleanse your body.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a very serious condition and one that needs to be treated. Your digestive tract is not functioning properly and this will eventually affect your entire body. Contrary to popular belief, the symptoms of IBS are real and are not psychosomatic.

Prescription medications are very strong and are harder for your body to process. Natural remedies such as Bowtrol are a great alternative to prescription drugs. Many people have suffered for years with this condition and are now symptom free thanks to this natural treatment. It is truly amazing to see the difference that it can make in your life.

Bowtrol can help you to become symptom free and to feel better than you have in years. Your body will function much better when it is regulated and your stomach will feel much better. This type of treatment is helping so many people to regain their digestive health. - 17269

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3 Great Reasons To Try Focus Factor

By Shawne M. Patrick

Ever found yourself standing at the credit card machine in the grocery store checkout lane, making an attempt to pay for your groceries, and having no concept what your pin number is? Sure, you remember after a couple of minutes, but for the few mins the information is MIA, it can cause you to feel a small upset not having the ability to immediately retrieve info that important!

Either unimportant or crucial, it can be annoying and unusual not having the ability to pull something from your memory that you know is there. For many individuals, the solution to these eventualities is Focus Factor; here, then, are the top 3 reasons to try out Focus Factor.

Reason one: The trial bottle is free. Everybody loves getting something absolutely free especially when it can make life just a bit easier. Naturally, things aren't always fully'free', which is true of Focus Factor also. But $4.95 isn't too bad a price to pay for shipping, and if it will help you stop forgetting your wife's's birthday, then that $4.95 is money well spent. Heck, you almost certainly spend more each day on coffee!

Reason two: It's made out of natural, food based nutrients. If you are going to take a supplement to enhance memory, concentration and focus, you may as well take one that is natural and that's going to be good for the remainder of your body too. According to their website, Focus Factor can replace your current multivitamin, and can even be taken with other, prescription medications. It also meets FDA axioms, which is vital when you are putting something into your body!

Reason 3: If it does not work, you can send it back. Even though there are tons of testimonials saying that Focus Factor works, it may not work for you. And you know what? That is's okay! The sign of a good manufacturer is one that is ready to stand behind its product, and give you a reimbursement if it doesn't work. If you are attempting to find something to boost your memory anyhow, you might as well try something that is safe, backed up by the maker, and guaranteed to work by lots of folks that have tried it and use it. - 17269

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What To Do To Develop A Wide, Muscular Back

By Ricardo d Argence

For most aspiring lifters, it's all about building a huge chest and arms. Week after week they slave away on endless sets of bench presses and barbell curls in search of the rippling muscle gains they want so badly. Not surprisingly, those gains never appear in any significant form.

It's obvious why most lifters neglect the back muscles. 1) The back is not a "showy" muscle and you can't see it in the mirror. 2) Back training is far more stressful and taxing to the body than chest or arm training. 3) Most lifters are simply unaware of how important the development of these muscles really is.

70% of your upper body muscle mass resides in the back area! Nothing can replace the upper body thickening effect of big, bulging lats and a set of wide, tall trapezius muscles. That's how important your back is. I am, of course, talking about the major muscles of the back: the lats, traps, spinal erectors, rhomboids and lower back.

There are 4 major movements that you must perform to properly develop your back. And here they are:

1) Deadlifts. There is not a single exercise out there that can even come close to matching the effectiveness of a basic, bent-legged barbell deadlift. This should be the most important part of your routine.

2) A vertical pulling movement. These exercises mainly target the lat muscles and will help you to attain that wide, v-tapered look from behind. You can try with lat pulldowns, v-bar pulldowns and chin-ups.

3) Horizontal pulling movement. There are a ton of different rowing movements to choose from: bent over barbell rows, dumbbell rows, seated machine rows and cable rows just to name a few.

4) A shrugging movement. While not quite as important as the above mentioned lifts, a shrugging movement should still be performed at the end of the workout to target the upper traps and develop that mountainous, diamond-shaped look from behind. A basic barbell or dumbbell shrug will do the trick.

Okay, let's put it all together Deadlifts - 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps. Overhand Chin-Ups - 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps. Bent Over Barbell Rows - 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps. Barbell Shrugs - 2 Sets of 10 to 12 reps.

Make sure to keep a written record of every workout that you perform, and focus each week on increasing either the weight that you lift or the number of reps that you perform within the given rep range.

What about specific routines for the chest? What about the biceps, triceps and shoulders? How about the thighs, calves and abs? Don't worry, I will write about them in future articles. - 17269

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The Natural Diet For Excellent Health

By Ali Bautista

The natural diet is also known as a raw food diet. In this diet the only foods you eat are uncooked and unprocessed plant foods, such as nuts, fresh fruit, sprouts, vegetables, dried fruit, seeds, beans, grains and seaweed. About 75% of all of the foods you eats should be live foods or raw foods.

The theory behind the natural diet is that important enzymes present in the raw food are broken down and become inactive when the food is cooked above 116 degrees Fahrenheit. These enzymes will help with digestion. Those that follow the diet believe that each food has a life force that will go away when it is cooked.

Those that use the natural diet do so because they feel that it helps their heart, helps with digestion, improves their skin, helps with weight loss and gives them increased energy. Raw foods do not contain any of the bad fats such as saturated and Trans fat that can be quite damaging to their health.

The foods that are traditionally eaten in the natural diet include unprocessed natural foods, grains, fresh vegetables, young coconut milk, seaweed, beans, nuts, legumes, freshly juiced vegetables and fruits, fresh fruits, seeds, dried fruit and purified water. These foods should be eaten as whole foods, raw and if possible organically grown.

While you cannot heat any of the food you can manipulate it in other ways. Some foods need to be processed a bit in order to make them more digestible. It is possible to blend food in a blender, soak nuts and dried fruits, sprout seeds, beans and grains, juice fruits and vegetables and dehydrate foods.

Unlike most popular fad diets the natural diet does not have any harmful side effects. This diet will get rid of any toxin build ups in your body and the side effects are related to these toxins leaving your body. Most of these side effects include feeling tired, having nausea, mild headaches and specific food cravings. However these symptoms will go away in a few days. - 17269

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The Atkins Grapefruit Diet Plan Information

By Lee Reid

Dr. Robert Coleman Atkins (17.10.1930-17.04.2003) was an American physician and cardiologist. Controversial dieting plan he has produced has made him immensely popular. The dieting plan enables individuals to consume unlimited amounts of fats and proteins. This however is made possible only by limiting the intake of carbohydrates. another dietary technique called the Atkins grapefruit diet was introduced after many controversial opinions.

The Atkins grapefruit diet is said to be a combination between the Atkins Nutritional Approach and the Hollywood or Mayo Diet. This diet consists of the addition of a serving of grapefruit juice, grapefruit or grapefruit pills before every meal that is eaten. The guidelines for the meal go along the lines of the Atkins Diet. The universal success of the Atkins grapefruit diet is mainly due to recent findings that reported an enzyme in grapefruits that help burn unwanted fats in the body. Getting rid of the muffin top the Atkins low carb diet and the Grapefruit diet works as a dynamic duo .

Only 20 grams of carbohydrates for the first two weeks is allowed by the Atkins low carb diet and the Grapefruit diet works as a dynamic duo. This is made to happen to integrate the human metabolism system for the new dieting method. Since it won't strain to burn the carbohydrates you intake, the methodology will help one very well to burn fat.

Just like in all other diet plans the Atkins grapefruit diet plan too has been criticized by many experts; who say that it is extremely unhealthy to consume unlimited amounts of anything else other than carbohydrates. This is a common misconception. In the Atkins grapefruit diet one's body gets a desired amount of carbohydrates because a glass of grapefruit juice contains 9 grams of carbohydrates.

Hence Atkins grapefruit diet will give a better balance in every intake of food. The Atkins Grapefruit Diet becomes more lenient when the dieter is 10 pounds within their ideal weight. As a reward the person will be allowed to add more carbohydrate food. This though should be controlled as overindulgence may put the weight you lost right back on and make your tedious efforts fruitless. - 17269

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Various Classes of Treatments for Constipation

By Anson Chang

(Foreword/Disclaimer: All writing here is supplied on an informational basis, with no endorsement of any of the particular products that may be mentioned. In addition, any interested party should seek the knowledge of a board-certified physician. The writer here is not and does not represent himself as a physician. All research provided here has been gathered from other written sources.)

Numerous statistical figures have quoted that the impact of constipation to be as low as 2% to as high as 30%. A large recent 2006 survey conducted by the famous pharmaceutical company Boehringer Ingelheim pinpoints the number to be at 12% worldwide. Even at 2% though, most people would agree that constipation seems to be a problem afflicting a broad segment of the population.

One explanation for why the statistics are so inconsistent is that constipation has historically been a poorly-defined condition. The poor definitions are due the fact that constipation varies quite a bit between patients. Frequency of bowel movements, time spent straining at the toilet and hardness of feces are but three examples of patient-reported symptoms that vary wildly from person-to-person. Some attempt has been made by both U.S. national agencies and private groups (such as the Rome Foundation) in unifying our definition of constipation. Nevertheless, diagnosis is made difficult by such variations.

After diagnosis, the patient and the physician must still face the task of trying to determine the fundamental cause of constipation. For some, the constellation of symptoms might suggest something such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). For others, incomplete control of muscles in the rectum due to trauma or injury can be a source of constipation. Yet for the largest group, there is no clear cause. This last group are classified into the "idiopathic" group.

The first step a patient diagnosed with idiopathic constipation might take is high fiber therapy, whether or not the patient's self-reported intake of fiber seems to be sufficient. The reason for this is that high fiber therapy is accessible and gentle on the patient. There are two ways to carry out the treatment, one by increasing intake of foods high in insoluble fiber, the other by dosing with specific amounts of fiber supplements. The advantage of high fiber therapy is that the success of the therapy also confirms the diagnosis.

There are several other natural remedies which are not fiber-related, examples of which are anthraquinone herbs such as senna. However, one should never succumb to the idea that a natural treatment is a safe one automatically. The Federal Drug Agency (FDA) recently forced some natural remedies off the market for safety reasons. As a result, manufacturers can no longer market aloe vera and cascara medications as constipation remedies. Nevertheless, other remedies are available.

One other option is therapy via one of the many prescription drugs for constipation. A number of these overlap with over-the-counter laxatives. A very small handful are advanced, "targeted" drugs which affect the digestive tract in specific ways. In recent times, unique approaches such as electrode-assisted biofeedback have been studied as possible medical therapies. The field of constipation remedies seems poised for great changes in the coming decade. - 17269

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5 Pre Workout Tips To Bear In Mind

By Ecasiaa Mantiu

Everybody wants to be healthy all the time. It is always true that eating the right nutrients alone is not enough to attain a healthy and attractive body. Health is important for the survival. Most of us are lazy to have a routine exercise plan for our self to follow. We are usually determined to workout with other people who does the same, right? We need to be energetic and lively all them time. However, it is not advisable to work out anytime you wish to. We always need to prepare our body when we want to do something stressful. We have to admit that working out is a stressful activity for our body. Timing and preparation is vital. Therefore, you have to bear in mind 5 pre workout tips to achieve maximum results.

1.Have a pre work out meal. It is not advisable to eat a full meal before working out in the gym. Eat a carbohydrate-rich protein meal to provide you all the energy you will need in your exercise. Remember that carbohydrates provide the energy and endurance that you need to sustain long training. Consume your meal two hours before your training.

2.Avoid increasing your stress hormones. In working out, you exert too much effort to achieve the appearance of your body that you need. If possible, do not visit the gym or your instructor after a major fight with your partner for it will only increase your stress hormones. Additional stress before working out is never helpful for it becomes a factor to experience body fatigue and you cannot finish your training in a specific time.

3.Get rid of free radicals in your body by taking in pre work out supplement that can boost your immune system. One good example of these supplements that can be taken daily are Vitamin C and Vitamin E. If you don't intend to buy these supplements, you may eat green leafy vegetables, yellow and orange fruits like mangoes and papayas. These antioxidants supplements will help you optimize your workout recovery and performance.

4.Hydrate yourself always. Avoid working out if you do not have enough fluids in your body. Remember that in working out, you burn fats and looses water due to sweat. We always have to replace these sensible loses that we have. When you are dehydrated, you tend to be weak in performing working out activities.

5.Perform warm up exercises to prepare your body. Even we engage in stressful exercises, we do not want to experience muscle cramps, muscle fatigue, injuries, and soreness the day after the training, right? So you have to heat up your body to send a message to your brain that you are about to perform a stressful exercises.

Always remember these 5 pre workout tips before doing any stressful activity in your body. Timing and preparation is always important so you have to make sure that you practice the tips mentioned above. - 17269

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The Best Way To Reduce Belly Fat In A Week- Get A Flat Midsection Fast

By Santos Mccoy

How would you like to reduce belly fat in a week plus get a slimmer waistline? Take 2 minutes out of your day to read this article and discover which diet actually works the handiest to lose that determined belly fat and get accelerated weight loss!

The rationale why majority of these diets that you see out here today are ineffective is simply because they're based around fad dieting methodologies. Low calorie, locarb, low-fat types of programs don't work simply because they will be able to all cause your metabolic rate to slow down!

What you need to do to reduce belly fat in a week is boost your metabolism and give your body what it wants...PROPER nutrition. The best diet program that may help you with all of that's the calorie shifting program from Fat Loss 4 idiots.You can eat plenty of food, but your calorie consumption needs to be either seriously lower or higher than the previous day. It helps to have a general meal plan so you stay on track with your shifting. That is what becomes a fast way to lose belly fat.

The calorie shifting diet is powerful at burning away unyielding fat such as that on your midsection because of the fact that it will cause your constitution to accelerate to the highest point possible. This happens by using the "shifting" idea that you are going to learn after you download the diet program. With the "shifting" idea, you will find out how to alternate the calories from the foods that you eat so you can trick your constitution into raising to the highest point possible.

The end result with the calorie shifting system is you'll be able to reduce belly fat in a week, lose a lot of weight, and keep it all off permanently since you will be doing so 100% naturally!

So, if you would like to reduce belly fat in a week and lose get a slimmer waistline, then I recommend you try out the calorie shifting diet today. - 17269

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Using a Colon Cleansing Detox Diet with a Colon Cleansing Program

By William Wallace

Detoxification, or detox, is done by removing potential toxins from the body. While most commonly associated with drug and alcohol treatment, it is also used to describe diets, herbs and a variety of other methods for removing toxins to increase overall health. Colon cleansing detox is one of the methods.

A variety of detox diets are available and are meant for short duration. Check with your doctor to find out which one may be right for you. Unhealthy eating habits leave our body without the nutrients that it needs to flush the toxins out of our system. Air, water and food bring these toxins in as well. Studies show that as a result, the toxins are stored in our body's fat cells. Breathing techniques, sauna and hydrotherapy, exercise, supplements and herbs may be part of the diet regimen.

As a collective, accumulated toxins in our bodies have been shown to have effects on metabolism, hormonal balances, immune systems and the body's overall health. Symptoms may include: indigestion, tiredness, bad breath, muscle pain and poor skin. Detox diets can bring improvement in digestion, the ability to focus, regular bowels and clearer skin.

Before trying any colon cleansing detox, seek professional advice from your doctor first. Those who are pregnant or nursing and children should not try this. People with certain disorders such as: anemia, eating disorder, diabetes, kidney disease, thyroid disease, autoimmune disease, cancer, terminal illness, certain genetic diseases, and other chronic conditions should avoid detox diets as well.

Headaches are the most common side effect for coffee lovers when using colon cleansing detox diets because of caffeine withdrawals. Consider decreasing caffeine consumption gradually before beginning the diet. Start the diet on a weekend or a few days off from work if possible. Fatigue, hunger, weight loss, irritability, constipation, diarrhea and acne are some signs. To avoid dehydration or constipation, increase the amount of water you drink. Consult your doctor if symptoms worsen or new ones develop.

Those who support colon cleansing detox diets suggest performing them one to two times a year for overall health improvement and disease prevention. Using the diet more than twice a year is not recommended without medical supervision. There are times alternative practitioners might suggest it be used more often or for a longer period of time.

To avoid complications with a colon cleansing detox, slowly bring other less restrictive, healthy foods back into your diet when the term is over. Healthier lifestyles can begin with these detox diets as the fruits and vegetables you enjoy are available on and off the diet. A reduction or stopping of medication should never be done without consulting a physician. - 17269

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Other Options For Amino Acids

By Keith Woolley

There are a lot of vitamin companies out there but Solgar is one of the most successful. You can learn a lot about your body's needs from their website which has a lot of interactive health information. On this site, you will probably learn about amino acids and how significant they are to your nutrition. Solgar amino acids are vitamin supplements to help boost what you would naturally find in many foods but do not always get around to eating.

But not everyone needs to take them. You should first know what amino acids are and how they help your body. There are about twenty-two kinds and they all have different jobs inside your body. They can unite proteins or become sugar or energy.

The body can not function and grow properly without them. There are eight that are really critical. They can be found in food products like chicken and eggs, wheat products, vegetables, and beans. Without them, you can lead to extreme malnutrition and eventually death. For many people it is not a problem to receive these daily. But some people do not want to risk any lacking of their amino acids.

If you would like to boost your system and little, you may end up turning to Solgar to help your vitamin situation. As with any change to your health, you should let your doctor know what you intend on doing. If he or she says it is not a good idea, then follow the advice of the professional. If you get the green light to proceed, you will have plenty to choose from. Solgar sells eleven amino acid products on their website. These products each contain several of the twenty-two you are supposed to take every day.

The company ships from Great Britain, so allow for shipping time and start eating extra healthy in the meantime. Their products are not 'designer' vitamins, meaning that they are economical. Bottles go from three pounds to fifty pounds, but this is based on the size of the bottle. In addition to vitamin supplements, they also have whey powders for shakes.

If you have other health issues and have talked to your doctor about them, the Solgar website has a health guide for their vitamins. You can find a vitamin recommended for just about any medical condition. Make sure you've done your correct research first, though, and do not buy just anything. It is tempting to think that vitamins can do not harm and only improve your living conditions, but this is not true. Where your health is concerned, you can have too much of a good thing.

The company would not want you to buy blindly, though it is tempting to do so since they make such a statement out of their healthy living mottoes. Each product is supposedly tested hundreds of times before it is available to the public. Solgar stresses correct diet and exercise in addition to their pills. This is wise advice, because everyone should know that a vitamin is not the same as eating healthy.

Their amino acid products have full content information online so you and a doctor can actively match the product with your own health concerns. It is then easy to see if the product will interfere with any other medication you are taking. The products are suitable for vegans but do not compromise any necessary vitamins to do so. - 17269

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Lalanne Juicer: Tips On Choosing The Best Model

By Stacey Wood

Every person who enjoys fresh fruit or vegetable juice should seriously consider purchasing a Lalanne Juicer, a fruit juicer which clearly is superior to others. Whenever you buy juice at a juice bar or store, you pay more for each glass than you should. All these overly expensive glasses of juice add up to a significant sum of money over the course of a year, not to mention the inconvenience and cost of needing to leave your house whenever you want some fresh juice.

The Lalanne Juicer is a cost efficient and convenient way to make the fresh fruit and vegetable juice that you crave when you want it the most, which is why it is a vital part of countless kitchens all over the world. Once people try one of these juicers, they simply cannot do without them ever again.

The first step when you are purchasing a Lalanne Juicer is to determine which specific model you will buy. Lalanne offers a full range of superior juicers, so you will want to choose the version that is best for your particular needs. In part the suitable model will be determined by how much room your kitchen has for a juicer, because some models are wider than others. If you only have a small area available you will need to choose one of the smaller versions. Not to worry, though, because the small models are just as capable as the larger versions. There are some differences in functionality between the models, however, so carefully evaluate what each model offers before you make your final selection.

An important thing to remember is that every Lalanne Juicer, no matter which model, uses stainless steel blades and operates remarkably quietly. They are so quiet that you will be able to enjoy an early morning glass of fresh juice without worrying about waking your family. Each Lalanne Juicer also includes built in safety features so you or a loved one will not be accidentally injured while making juice. Cleanup is extremely easy because Lalanne Juicers may safely be washed in an automatic dishwasher. Just pour out the juice and toss the juicer inside; its stainless steel blades are able to withstand all sorts of abuse.

More advanced models of the Lalanne Juicer can process stems, pits, seeds and cores, so you will be able to toss almost anything in and have it come out well. These more advanced versions are a bit more costly but they are extremely convenient, saving you a good bit of time. Your fruit juicer will become one of your favorite kitchen items and you will probably use it every day for years to come. People everywhere are extremely happy with their juicers, and if you buy a Lalanne Juicer you will join a long lineup of satisfied customers. - 17269

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