Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Is the Wu Yi Tea Safe?

By Jared Rothe

Is Wu Yi tea safe? The quick answer is yes. The people of China have had it in their diet for hundreds of years. Tea is believed to be a leading cause to their society having low body fat.

Today many researchers are trying to come up with an answer to why Chinese people have such great healthy. All knowledge and evidence keeps turning back to their food and drinks. Since tea is such a huge part of their lifestyles it would make since for this to be a leading cause of their metabolic levels and healthier bodies.

Their diets and lifestyles are much different but if the wu yi tea is a staple in China. Then it should be considered safe because of so much testing.

One thing should be mentioned about its processing. If you get the purest loose leaf version of the wu yi tea that is the most healthy form of it. If however you get the processed version you may not be getting the best and most healthiest version of wu yi. This is particularly true when you go to purchase encapsulated pills.

Once the finished form of the tea has been transformed into gel caps or tablets, gelatins, binders and other agents must enter the process to achieve this finished form. Just as one needs to consider drug interactions with teas and caffeine, one must know whether the manufacturer has added other products and fillers to the product to "enhance" its effectiveness. Such additives to watch out for include proteins, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and herbal extracts. You should never introduce any material into your body without knowing with certainty what it contains.

One last thing, if you take any form of medication for a specific condition make sure your medicine like high blood pressure meds, statins, and insuclin, do not interfere with the tea. Make sure you talk to your physician to see if wu yi tea is the best solution. Take care of your body and good health to you! - 17269

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Organic food products

By Karol Wariala

Sent by: Salad Ceasar. Natural organic products have got the upper-hand when it comes to shoppers' preferences, and lots of companies have started introducing them as a means to increase their sales. Natural organic products bring a quality and health promise because of the special non-processed form of the ingredients. Presently, vegetables, fruit, meat and dairy products have labels with the organic certification to inform the shopper on their validity. In fact, lots of supermarket chains have special contracts with exclusive suppliers of natural organic products, and this influences positively the price policy applied.

Moreover, consumers are more and more interested to read and learn about natural organic products, they need to know what they pay their money for. Market studies indicate that there is quite a number of consumers who do not choose natural organic products because they don't make a difference. The advantages of organic foods represent the elements that influence a smart purchase.

Thus, the fact that organic food means more food than conventional items should be enough to convince one to buy organic. Thus, there are more minerals, antioxidants, vitamins and proteins.

There are other issues closely connected with the purchase of natural organic products. When you mainly rely on this kind of food, there are more benefits than you can suspect: thus, the environment suffers from a lot less pressure, for instance. This is the reason why so many green life supporters focus on the organic side of food and ban anything that has been highly processed, fertilized or treated with insecticides.

With the increased exposure of natural organic products we may wonder on the possible evolution of the food market in the coming years.

Will natural organic products stick to a high quality level? Is there any risk of alteration of the system that favors organic items over the conventional ones? Will regular crops disappear? One can definitely predict, but the truth is that the future is constantly being written and re-written. It is easy to figure out why in the context of a more organic-demanding market, many regular food producers will switch to the new conditions. However, the problem of this adjustment is the potential deterioration of the high quality of the natural organic products. It therefore remains to be seen which will win the battle of regular vs. organic. - 17269

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Usana Vitamins - The Nutritious Way to a Healthy Life

By Angela Giles

The No.1 nutritional supplement for 4 years in a row, Usana Health Sciences is marketing Usana Vitamins and Usana Mineral supplements since 1992. Its charismatic founder, Myron Wentz is a recipient of the prestigious Albert Einstein Award for a lifetime dedication to nutritional science.

Nutritional supplements have become a necessity in a world of fast food and processed food. Our regular diets no longer provide the body with the essential nutrition that is required for good health. Therefore, across the world, nutrition related diseases like obesity are rampant. Personal habits like smoking and drinking alcohol increase the risk of damage to cells from free radicals. Environmental pollution also augments the activity of free radicals. Therefore, experts advise taking vitamin supplements.

Usana Vitamins and Usana Minerals are science-based formulations of various essential ingredients like vitamin A, C, E and zinc, calcium, and magnesium. They are carefully prepared in the right quantity, proportion and form that are required by children, teenagers and adults.

Usanimals are Usana Vitamins for children above 13 months and below 12 years of age. They are available in tasty wild berry flavor, prepared with powdered blackberry, raspberry and cranberry. Their cute animal shaped chewable tablets are quite attractive to children. At this age, children need a large dose of Vitamin C and Vitamin E, which have good anti-oxidant properties. Usanimals contains both these vitamins in high quantity to support the nutritional needs of children.

Usana Vitamins for teenagers in the 12-18 year age-group, known as BodyRox, supply the essential nutrients for a body undergoing tremendous hormonal and physiological changes. In less than 5 years, the body's strength, height and weight increase significantly. BodyRox contains 31 unique vitamins, mineral and antioxidants.

Chelated Mineral and Mega Anti-oxidant are Usana Vitamin formulations for the adult human being. Free radical damage is more common in adults and this affects normal cell metabolism. To counteract this, Mega Anti-oxidant is packed with a generous dose of 30 separate vitamins and nutrients. Chelated Mineral combines essential minerals in a form that can be readily absorbed by the body.

Usana also markets energy drinks and nutrition bars. Their low glycemic food alternatives have proved to be effective in countering uncontrolled weight gain. In general, Usana Vitamins are safe, nutritious and of the highest pharmaceutical quality. They are also consumed regularly by many athletes and sportsmen. - 17269

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Is There a Wu Yi Tea Scam?

By Jared Rothe

It depends on who you ask but if you go to a quality supplier then Wu Yi tea isn't a scam. It is oolong tea and it has a lot of healthy benefits. However, if you go to a less reputable site then you may get a poor low quality product.

Some say they could've got the same results without the tea. And yes no one reputable is saying that Wu yi tea will make you lose weight on its own. It doesn't do that. It does however raise your metabolism to help you lose weight.

Like most plants, even Wu Yi Tea can be grown in many regions around the world, but the alteration of age-old methods is evident in the quality and effectiveness of the finished product. Since the highest quality teas are hand-farmed, harvested, processed and packaged, the tea from the Wuyi Shan Mountains and Taiwanese mountains undergoes stringent quality control from plant to cup. Hence, the somewhat daunting price of the tea produced from this region.

Some may stay that there tea is from the Shan Mountains as well but the packaging and processing is certainly different. Because only in this part of the world can the proper harvesting, mechanizing, and processing be performed.

The Wu yi tea weight loss program faces a lot of scrutiny but it has been proven that oolong tea helps to raise your metabolism after drinking it. Therefore, you will burn more calories and it facilitates losing weight.

Is Wu Yi Tea a scam? The number of success stories the world over for several years say no, but only you can reach that decision for yourself with certainty. - 17269

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Discover Some Great Fat Burning Secrets

By Christina Carey

We all want to believe that there are some fat burning secrets that will help us lose weight. The truth is that no matter how bad you want to lose weight; there are no secrets why you and millions of other people are constantly struggling with weight loss.

While we all want to believe that there are fat burning secrets that we do not know about. The truth is that unless you are willing to take the necessary action to begin developing the body that you desire; chances are you will not notice any of the desired results that you want to see.

The weight is not just going to magically fall off of your body. People who first set weight loss goals for themselves become all excited in the beginning. After awhile of doing all the fat burning exercises and watching what they eat; they easily become depressed because they are not noticing the results that they would like to see.

If you have ever tried to lose fat from your body then you know that it can be very difficult. Here is one of the only fat burning secrets that you need to know; you have to keep persisting until you reach your weight loss goals.

Millions of people are not willing to do whatever it takes to reach their goals. This is the reason that so many people are overweight in our society.

Visit our site below and access some valuable tips and information that will have your body burning fat in no time at all. Do not forget to sign up for our FREE 10 day ecourse that is filled with valuable tips and information for anyone who wants to get into shape. - 17269

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It's Time for a Raw Foods Diet

By Thong M. Dao

There are so many people that are preoccupied about their health. When it comes to our well-being, a lot of us will do something about it, remember this isn't necessarily a bad thing. Sadly, some people may connect very negative practices with ones that are in reality healthy.

For instance, the weight loss industry has no shortage of gimmicky diets that will let you quickly and easily drop a few pounds, but which will leave you open to later health problems. This is the reason why people move to a healthy style of eating.

An all raw food diet is a very healthy way to eat, in fact it's one of the healthiest. By eating fruits and vegetables regularly, that are uncooked, numerous people have helped their well-being in amazing ways.

The trouble with this type of diet is that it's tough to stick to since we're perpetually around cooked food which both appears and smells delicious. A lot of people like to occasionally eat cooked food. What is the best and most efficient way to get the benefits of eating this way while still not going to the extreme one way or the other?

Another way of eating which is very popular is a high raw diet. But you don't have to thoroughly eliminate cooked food. You actually do get the best of both worlds in this.

Not simply are you acquiring the advantages of the raw food but you're also surviving in today's society by consuming some cooked food once in a while. The advantages of the raw food will surely show up in your life in the form of a fitter body as well as one that is trim.

If you turn to eat this way, you will surely recognize the benefits. Even if there were no weight loss benefits to this form of eating, many people like it enough to still continue to eat this way.

That is because they are experiencing the result on their overall health. Therefore, if you have a wish to be fit and healthy as well as reduce your weight despite the modern world, eating mainly raw foods can get you on the right course. - 17269

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Muscle Building: Steps To An Effective Body Building Program

By Mike

What comes to mind when you hear the phrase 'body building'? Body building is a very popular sport that enables people who are committed to develop strong, muscular bodies through the right food and exercise program.

Those who have paid the price of adhering to an intensive and disciplined physical routine will soon reap the rewards in the form of well-developed, strong, toned muscles which has a distinctive attractive appeal to anyone. Is there a way to ensure that bodybuilding standards will be achieved and the criteria necessary in order achieve the desired outcome? There are basically two steps to an effective body building program, the first is weight training and second through the use of proper nutrition.

Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle Review

The first step to an effective body building program is weight lifting. The weight lifting routines can be rather demanding, therefore a high level of strength and endurance is usually necessary.

While weight lifting is often linked to athletic purposes, it is good to note that they do include those that are using it for other purposes as well. It is amazing to see how weight lifting can enhance the overall appearance and structure of the body, and they are beneficial when recovering from injury. Weight lifting can be incorporated as part of a health or rehabilitation program.

Proper food intake and the right nutrition is crucial for success in any muscle building effort. Ideally the suggested best ratio of protein, carbohydrate and fat would be 2:2:1. Carbohydrates are the main sources of energy for your body. When selecting your carbohydrate foods, brown rice, sweet potato and oatmeal are excellent choice to include. For a healthy bowel system, include a nice portion of fiber rich food such as vegetables and broccoli.

Remember to drink plenty of fresh, energizing water. One good habit you can develop is to drink water before and after every session at the gym. Water is important to keep you alert, so drink plenty of it during breaks at the gym, before you start a new set of exercises. To prevent the risk of injury to tendons and ligaments, you could hire a training instructor to help you develop the right lifting habits necessary for long term success of your body building efforts. - 17269

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The Miracle Mineral Solution Story - MMS

By Lydia Peru

Miracle Mineral Solution is what its called. Is it all that, some miracle mineral that when used in the recommended solution helps the healing process?

MMS or miracle mineral solution is a diluted form of sodium chlorite. This common mineral has been used for many years to purify water.

MMS has been used to treat thousands of cases of malaria in third-world countries. Its effect, cheap, easy to use. This natural substance uses an activator to produce an amazing detox process.

But what is this talk of an activator? The activator is citric acid. Some people use lemon juice as their activator, or vinegar. It's all a matter of taste.

MMS is a bit strong to taste. You can mix it with water, a very important step. If you want to improve the taste you can use apple juice, just make sure there is no added vitamin C.

When you take MMS make sure you read the recommended protocol and not take too much of it. This is tested and has worked for many others. Follow the directions.

If you want to read what others are saying about MMS and join in a forum or discussion there is a group on Curezone as well as other alternative health sites. These groups include some doctors and other health professionals.

Can MMS really be the miracle mineral its claimed to be, or is it all just another tall tale? You be the judge of it. Use common sense, read some of the stories, and you may find MMS to be an effective part of your wellness program. - 17269

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Is There Help For Tinnitus?

By Matt Hellstrom

Tinnitus is something that seems to be more and more prevalent in today's society. When you think about it, it is completely understandable with the development of the Walkman, Bluetooth technology and the iPod. If you are unfamiliar with this condition, it is when you have a ringing or some other type of noise that you constantly hear in your ears and it usually leads to much more complicated hearing issues.

You may hear that there are people that have gotten tinnitus and they had no way of preventing it. It is probably a safe bet that a lot of these people work in loud surroundings, attended concerts or things of that nature. Well guess what? It was actually very preventable for these individuals and there was plenty that they could have done to avoid getting tinnitus.

Someone like a construction worker who is around a very loud piece of equipment all the time is an example of someone who should be wearing protective ear phones whenever they are at work. There are also plenty of other occupations that are extremely noisy environments and constant exposure without taking the proper precautions can lead to many hearing complications.

The same thing can be said for people who either work in a concert setting or who often attend them. Get a good set of earplugs to wear during the events and you will very likely prevent this condition from developing. Everyone knows how loud the music is at a concert and even though you are wearing ear plugs, the music will still get through, just not as loudly and therefore reducing the risk of you getting tinnitus.

Stress is another great cause of Tinnitus. You may think that there is nothing you can do about your job or life to change this, but you are very wrong about that. You need to learn how to control your stress and manage it better you will find that you may no longer suffer from tinnitus. There may be no reversing of the damage that has been done, but at least you can prevent it from getting any worse.

What everyone needs to realize is that tinnitus is something that we often allow ourselves to develop. In most cases, there is no cure for tinnitus and you are stuck with whatever damage that you get as a result.

If you've haven't yet experienced sympstoms, it's not too late to get help for tinnitus. You have a simple choice to make, do you want to hear ringing in your ears for the rest of your life or do you want to turn the volume down a notch or two on your iPod and wear protective earplugs whenever you're exposed to continuous loud sounds? - 17269

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