Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Fish Oil Used as Treatment for Psychosis

By Michael Byrd

Fish oil as a treatment for psychosis is a fresh topic for research.

Quite a number of scientists were impressed on what they have discovered and I know you will also be thrilled to know.

According to the Medline Plus online encyclopaedia, psychosis is defined as the "loss of contact with reality. This typically includes delusions (false ideas about what's taking place or who one is) and hallucinations (seeing or hearing things which aren't there)."

Bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, depression, dementia, hallucinations, unfounded fears, extreme excitement, abnormal emotions, delusions, confusion and delusions are among the general definitions of psychosis.

If you have doubts that you have psychosis because you have some of the symptoms, do remember that the symptoms have to be chronic and consistent.

There can be many factors that may bring a person to psychosis. It may be attributed to the use of illegal drugs, alcoholism, or any condition that could cause the brain to be damaged, like a stroke or Alzheimer's Disease.

We should be aware that proper nutrition can be a factor for psychosis. Nobody can just eat junk food and expect to live a healthy and longer life. Eat well!

What has the research found?

The recent and continuing research has discovered that there are major health benefits when fish oil is used as treatment for psychosis, along with bipolar syndrome and depression. A few of the findings are here.

The research conducted in the Journal of Affective Disorders reveal that "Major depressed subjects showed significantly lower total omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids?than minor depressed subjects and healthy controls." (Vol. 26, No. 38, 35-46)

In other words: a diet rich in fish oil fatty acids will make a person less depressed.

Another research conducted amongst patients with major depressive disorders was published in the American Journal of Psychiatry and it concludes that, "Highly significant benefits of the addition of the omega-3 fatty acid compared with placebo were found by week 3 of treatment." (Vol. 159:477-479)

Meaning: in a matter of 3 weeks, fish oil can give you great health benefits.

Research conducted at the Harvard University was published in the Archives of General Psychiatry and it found that, "Omega 3 fatty acids were well tolerated and improved the short-term course of illness in this preliminary study of patients with bipolar disorder." (Vol. 56 No. 5)

In other words: Patients with bipolar disorder had their conditions improved after taking fish oil.

Additional research accounted in the American Journal of Psychiatry says, "The results of this study suggest that EPA may be a safe and effective form of monotherapy for women with moderately severe borderline personality disorder." (Vol. 160:167-169)

Meaning: Fish oil is a good supplement to help women who have severe personality disorders.

The research conducted by the UK University of Sheffield that was published in the Journal of Affective Disorders reveals "The findings [of their study] raise the possibility that depressive symptoms may be alleviated by omega 3 PUFA [polyunsaturated fatty acid] supplementation." (Vol. 48(2-3):149-55)

In other words: A good supplement of high quality fish oil can reduce depression.

That's the rundown ? short, sweet and to the point. The above researches should help you make your decision on using fish oil as treatment for psychosis and minor depressions.

The health benefits of fish oil can speak for itself naturally. - 17269

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Secrets Of Staying Young From The Acai Berry

By Kelly T Torres

When you scan the ads for acai berry products you see an amazing amount of claims about how magical this tiny berry is for everything from fat loss, to healthier slumber to halting sickness and the normal declines of aging.

The fact is that there is not any concrete scientific confirmation of any of these claims. There just hasn't been enough study on the berry exclusively. All of the verification of these claims is anecdotal based on the experiences of actual folks who have had vast accomplishment with acai berry products.

Even so, it has been proven that the acai berry is one of the most nutritious fare ever found on the earth. A list of ORAC values, or Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity values, the acai berry rates higher than any other food and the only other food products that surpass it is a few spices, such as ground cloves, ground cinnamon and ground oregano and sorghum bran and sumac bran.

Antioxidants are a instinctive staying young therapy from nature. They are important for staying young, weight loss and superior fitness in general. Our bodies necessitate oxygen for almost every separate process, yet when we employ oxygen our bodies generate free radicals. A free radical is an changeable molecule that is absent an electron. These unpredictable molecules trigger inflammation, which is a essential factor in aging, obesity and even disease.

An antioxidant will come into the body and attach itself to the free radical so offering the lacking electron. This instantaneously stabilizes the molecule and reduces the inflammation. This is a essential process for our excellent healthiness and well-being.

Antioxidants can be located in a mixture of foodstuff from coffee and tea to blueberries and spinach. All berries are elevated in antioxidant power, however the acai has an outstandingly high ORAC level.

When we diminish the inflammation in our bodies we can help to stop the predictable signs of aging, like sagging skin and wrinkles, loss of stamina and even memory loss and dementia. We can constantly drop the inflammation in our bodies by consuming a diet that is high in diverse antioxidants. Acai berry products can be a healthy complement to a wholesome pattern of eating that can give a multitude of nourishing antioxidants.

We are all going to become old and get older but the folks who take precautionary procedures and diminish the inflammation that can produce many of the difficulties will be the ones who are able to grow old more elegantly. And that is imperative to all of us. - 17269

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Why Health Drinks are Becoming More Popular

By Sandra Ryan

It is vital to have a good variety of healthy drinks in your diet. Today, there are a lot of people continually relying on diet sodas, regular sodas, and energy boosting drinks. These contain mainly artificial sweeteners, artificial flavorings, and caffeine. The body cannot perform and reach its peak performance with a continual intake of these types of drinks.

I have found simple orange juice to be a good substitute for many of these drinks. It is easily available, completely natural and tastes great. As a citrus fruit it contains high levels of Vitamin C which can help in destroying free radicals and fight infectious diseases. It contains high levels of potassium and a large number of phytonutrients. Some studies have also indicated that it can lower your blood pressure too.

Another great drink is apple juice. Like orange juice it contains a lot of Vitamin C as well as Vitamin A. It has been demonstrated to slow down the processes that can lead to heart disease. An apple a day keeps the doctor away may be more than just an old saying.

Cranberry juice is another on of those powerful drinks that can provide a lot of benefits if added to your diet. Medicinal properties of the cranberry have been known for many centuries. It has significant antioxidant properties. It is used as a common treatment for urinary tract infections. It is widely held that the strong acidic nature of the juice provides an unfavorable environment for bacteria.

Beyond the standard juices that you commonly find, you can get a little bit more exotic in your choices. Mango, pineapple, carrot, and wheatgrass are all great produce that provide wonderful health benefitting juices. A lot of companies are now offering these in the form of smoothies and other freshly made juices. As people become more and more conscious of their health, these will become the future of the drinks industry.

As you can see, there are many more options available to you than the regular sodas. Once you give these a go you will be amazed at how quickly you will start to feel healthier and you will soon find yourself turning away from sodas and energy drinks altogether. Like anything, it takes will power at first but you will soon lose the taste for the unhealthy varieties. - 17269

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How To Make Your Own Popsicles

By Dania Petrevski

It's barely the end of July and you're already broke from doling out money for popsicles from the Ice Cream Man. And what are your kids really eating everday? A rocket-shaped block of frozen water, sugar, coloring and a few drops of artificial flavoring. You can make a much healthier snack for your kids for pennies on the dollar if you make your own popsicles.

Basic Ingredients Turn Into Frozen Ice Pops

Serve your kids a delicious treat that you make yourself from ingredients you probably already have on hand. Fruit juices are an excellent choice to start with. Combining juices with whole fruits that you've crushed in your blender will add even more nutritional impact. Don't have any juice in the fridge? Try using yogurt as your base for a creamy, smooth treat. Combine any yogurt and some whole fruit in your blender, then pour into molds and freeze. It's that easy!

Basic Popsicles From Fruit Juice

Fruit juices, by themselves, make excellent, cheap popsicles, but tend to be a little too watery and might not freeze well. Pour your favorite fruit juice into a sauce pan and simmer for a little while to reduce it by about half. This will get rid of some of the water and make the juice thicker, closer to a syrup consistency. Stir in 1 tablespoon of corn syrup to help stabilize it. Then just pour into molds and freeze.

Use Frozen Juice Concentrates To Make Tasty Ice Pops

Using frozen juice concentrates as the base for your popsicles is a great money saver. You can get really good deals on these at the grocery store. Even easier to use than bottled fruit juice, just mix according to the package directions but use only half the water. Stir in 1 Tablespoon of corn syrup to help stabilize it, then pour into molds and freeze.

How To Make Lemonade Popsicles

The only thing more refreshing than lemonade after an afternoon of softball practice is a Lemonade Popsicle! In a small saucepan, heat 1 Cup of Water and 3/4 to 1 Cup of Sugar until all the sugar dissolves. Stir in 1 tablespoon of corn syrup, simmer for a couple of minutes and remove from heat. Allow to cool. Stir in 1 Cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice (2-4 lemons) and pour into molds. Freeze for about 4 hours. Recipe can be multiplied for more popsicles.

Strawberry Creamsicles

These pops are a great way to serve your kids a healthy snack! Combine " Cup Strawberries, " Cup Vanilla Yogurt, 1 Cup Orange Juice and " Tablespoon of sugar in your blender until smooth. Then just pour into molds and freeze for approximately 4 hours. Voila! Strawberry Creamsicles!

Fruit Cocktail Pops

Every kid loves fruit cocktail. Sometimes, it's the only fruit they'll eat. Here's a tasty cocktail that you can freeze! Mash one banana and one 10 ounce package of frozen, sliced strawberries with juice with a fork. Stir in one 8 ounce can of crushed pineapple with syrup and Cup milk. Toss in a few maraschino cherries or some green grapes to really spice it up. Pour into ice pop molds and freeze.

Apple Grape Popsicles

This is an easy recipe and a great way to serve your kids a healthy snack. And what kid doesn't like applesauce and grape juice?! Just mix one cup of frozen grape juice concentrate with 3 cups of applesauce. Pour the mixture into molds and freeze. Note: different types of applesauce freeze differently. You may have to simmer the applesauce for a few minutes to reduce some of the liquid out of it. - 17269

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Fight Acne and Win with an Alternative Safe Remedy

By George Alarcon

Acne is one of the world's most sought after cures. It strikes when you least expect it and has no true hold on age. People can develop acne in their early teens to late 40's. These plugged pores can effect the face, neck, back, chest, shoulders and even on the upper arms. Depending on the severity of the condition, it can be extremely disfiguring. Teens refer to acne as pimples, zits, and blackheads. So, it is understandable when it becomes an excess, it can be traumatic. Before seeking treatment with strong prescription drugs, try a more organic approach. For centuries, we have relied on nature's bounty of healing powers to relieve our ailments. So it is natural to turn there first. Think of treatment results as you would with antibiotics. If the strongest is applied first and fails, then there's nowhere to go.

Blue light therapy is a narrow band, high intensity blue light therapy for the treatment of several types of acne. Known for being one of the best types of light therapy for acne, blue light therapy works by killing the acne causing bacteria and is widely used in the treatment of inflammatory acne (vulgaris) that has not responded to conventional acne treatments. The blue light therapy of today does not utilize ultraviolet (UV) light, which was commonly used in former light therapy to treat acne. Ultraviolet (UV) light is known to damage the skin and is no longer used as a treatment.

Clay masks are great for drawing out the oils. Clay is filled with minerals that open the pores, clean them out, and then shrink the pores. Keeping the skin clean is the primary key. This process is repeated until the skin finds a balance.

Pulsed light and heat energy (LHE) therapy puts together pulses of light and heat which is believed to target two root causes of acne. LHE is known to eradicate P. acne, the bacteria that causes acne and also may decrease sebum (an oily substance) by the shrinking of the sebaceous glands. This treatment combines pulses of green light and heat that have been approved by the FDA for the treatment of mild to moderate acne.

Although it is scientifically proven that food is not the direct cause of acne, eating improperly will definitely stress the body. High sugar, low protein diets will leave one with a nutrient/vitamin deficiency which may result in acne. Thus, try to replace soda with water (after a few months soda will disgust you if you follow through with this), eat plenty of vegetables, and cut back on fast food. Moderation is the key here, there is no reason to completely remove your favorite foods and drinks from your diet, but try to make them more of an exception rather than the rule. Try to avoid excessive recreational drug use, especially use of opiates and methamphetamine, which can cause endorphin deficits and may result in acne in many individuals.

Both blue light therapy and LHE treatment have been proven a safe and effective alternative to popular chemical treatments for acne - 17269

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Personal Training - Why It Is Worth Your Money?

By Sherinaya Mason

In their quest to lose a few pounds, people often opt for strict diets, which impose limits on the amount and kind of food a person eats. Such extreme methods may help in shedding some fat, but they always have grave consequences on your health in the future. Exercising on a daily basis is a healthier and more efficient option, and getting a personal trainer to help you with this is a wise decision.

But a large number of people are uncertain about the effectiveness of daily exercise under the supervision of a personal trainer, and don't feel there is a good enough case to get into such an arrangement. As a matter of fact, engaging a personal trainer has a whole lot of advantages for an individual.

In the first place, a personal trainer provides the inspiration that you need to achieve your goals through a well planned exercise program. This will propel you to make the optimum use of your abilities in maintaining your health and physique.

Secondly, a personal trainer, being an expert, supervises you on the correct exercises and methods to use while working out, and will offer an exercise schedule and diet plan suited to your body and its specific needs. Thus, you can move beyond random exercising and crash dieting towards a routine that really works for you and does not harm you in any way.

Thirdly, issues regarding your health and fitness standard that you could be disinclined to face will be posed to you by your trainer. Your road to a longer and healthier life will also be paved by a personal trainer who will devise for you mechanisms to battle against common health issues.

Fourthly, preventive measures against injury and rapid recovery from an injury can also be taught by a personal trainer, and he can make you informed enough to carry on with your exercises without his instructions.

Lastly, a personal trainer makes you more committed towards your deadlines and schedules so that you can be persistent in your efforts to keep up the good health you've newly gained.

In a personal training program, you and your fitness needs get full attention from your trainer. If you are aware of the health improvements you need to make and where you have to reach, then you can derive maximum advantages from personal training. Besides, perusing the trainer's certificates and testimonials will make you confident that you are appointing the correct guy, and you should build a good communication with him once your sessions starts. A cautious consideration of all these factors can ensure a very successful personal training experience. - 17269

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The Simple Science Behind How A Bread Maker Works

By Chris Channing

Technology is great, considering that today we don't have to spend the long hours kneading and baking bread in order to get the taste of fresh bread. Instead we can use a machine that does all the hard work for us- but how exactly does the machine operate, and how easy is it to use?

We didn't always have bread makers around to do the work for us. It was once required that we had to take several hours to prepare, bake, and cool the bread by our own account. Today we have the power of smart electrical circuits that can make actual decisions to do the job without much interference- allowing you to relax as the bread machine does the majority of the work.

The most strength-intensive part of making bread was once kneading it. Getting the dough to the right consistency involved a little elbow grease, as the dough's viscosity became increasingly harder to work with. Bread machines today will instead do the hard work for you and only require that you put in the ingredients in which it will knead. In the end you save effort and time and let technology take care of it.

The rising of the bread is the next point of concern with the machine. Rising bread is done through increasing the temperature of the environment around the dough- which the machine will do automatically. The rising process should not require any interaction from the cook at this point. Once fully raised, the dough is then able to be baked until ready for cooling.

The temperature is again raised for the cooking process. This time you actually tell the bread maker how long you want the bread to bake, since it would be impossible for the machine to determine this. Look in your recipe book to see what baking times you need and program it in before going about the baking process. The machine should automatically quit at the timer, and pause itself as it allows the bread to finally cool in the end.

Baking a good loaf of bread doesn't require that you buy the most expensive machine you can find. Instead, you need only to find a machine that is moderately priced and has good reviews among others. The price should be easily justified once you see how easy the baking process truly is. And once you start baking your own bread regularly, you can save money on food costs from that point forward.

Closing Comments

You won't have to conduct your search long to find a bread maker that would suit you. Many retail stores stock them, from cooking stores to department stores. For the best selection you can go online to see how much the bread maker is going to cost you and to compare. - 17269

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Why Natural Sweeteners are The Best Sugar Substitute

By Jamis Hartley

Despite its yummyness, sugar has taken its toll on our bodies and many are looking for a healthy way out. Some are strong willed enough to eliminate it completely while others still need that sweetness. Fortunately, there are some good options available, but before you buy take some time to learn what will work best for you.

There are a few options that very smart people have invented for sugar substitutes like saccharin and aspartame. Unfortunately, the way these products are processed and produced is turning out to be not such a healthy option. Fortunately, there are some all natural options too, like Erythritol and Xylitol. In general I like to go with the mother nature option over the well intentioned man.

Natural sweeteners like Erythritol, Stevia, Mannitol and Xylitol are a much better choice than that of the man made sort. The natural sweeteners are derived from fruits and vegetables and formulated into a sugar like granule. Some will effect your digestive system differently than others depending on intake levels. Erythritol has proven so far to be the best of all the choices.

Calorie free and 100% natural, Erythritol sweeteners are likely to be your safest bet. Other natural sweeteners have been known to cause gas and other stomach and intestinal discomfort. Because of the way your body digests Erythritol you are not going to have any side effects and Erythritol doesn't cause tooth decay. It's as safe as eating pears, grapes, melons, mushrooms and many other fruits and vegetables because that's where it comes from.

People with diabetes or other medical conditions will appreciate the benefits of Erythritol because it doesn't raise blood sugar levels. Even those counting calories on a specific diet will find that Erythritol is an excellent solution. Erythritol has a glycemic index of zero, contains not carbohydrates and has .2 calories per gram. Better yet, you can cook with Erythritol because it doesn't break down like other sugar substitutes. There are excellent choices of Erythritol sweeteners out there that can be your natural sweetener alternative to sugar. - 17269

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