Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Foot Reflexology Massage Now In Massage Chairs

By Amee Mayers

Maybe you are familiar with some of the alternative types of medicine. Many of these alternative medicines have been practiced since ancient times. They have evolved over many generations. One form of alternative medicine is reflexology. Reflexology was first documented to have started in ancient Egyptian culture. Technology has now made it available in massage chairs.

The theory behind reflexology is that by manipulating certain areas of the feet it can make significant impact relaxing the organs of the body. Reflexology like many of into medical arts, it has been classified as an alternative medicine.

Reflexology involves two main components. One part is to massage thoroughly the feet. The other is to stimulate these trigger points located on the soles of the feet. Reflexology is known to have no negative side effects.

Technology is making major strides and now reflexology foot massage has been added to the arsenal of treatments in massage chairs. Massage chairs utilize different types of technology to replicate reflexology foot massage. This provides anyone with convenient access to this ancient medical art.

Massage chairs come with leg rests that contain foot wells. The foot wells are specially designed to deliver an effective reflexology foot massage. Located under need the feet are either reflexology plates or airbags with reflexology nodes. These are designed to gently stimulate the trigger points on the soles of the feet.

An air massage system is also used to provide soothing relief to the feet. Specially designed airbags are used to provide a compression massage. This provides squeezing, massaging and pulling of the feet to relieve tightness, soreness and stiffness.

A computer in the massage chair coordinates the activity to deliver a reflexology foot massage. Typically, these airbags are located on the sides of the feet. They are activated by and air compressor which will start to fill them up with air.

The compression massage which is part of the reflexology foot massage is very relieving. The massage chair performs a firm squeezing action for the feet. This helps to stretch out the type muscles and soft tissues between the metacarpals.

Some massage chairs use airbags with specially designed reflexology nodes. These airbags are activated which gently push up into the bottom of the feet. As they push up into the feet, the trigger points are stimulated which is believed to induce relaxation to corresponding organs.

A variety of different reflexology foot charts have been developed. These charts are visual representations of where the trigger points are located on the soles of the feet. By stimulating these different areas, it helps to relax its corresponding organ.

Massage chairs have incorporated these two features in order to provide an effective reflexology foot massage. Receiving a reflexology foot massage does two things. It helps to rejuvenate tired and aching feet and also to induce full body relaxation.

If you are interested in learning more about reflexology foot massage, then check out some of the models from Omega, Panasonic and Sanyo. These are the top manufacturers of massage chairs and they have developed effective reflexology foot massages. Many of their models contain reflexology foot massage as a standard feature.

Reflexology foot massage is a great way to rejuvenate your tired and aching feet. If you are looking for a massage chair, make sure that it comes with a reflexology foot massage. Your feet will be happy that you did. - 17269

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Discover First-Class Health And Nutritional Supplements Right Now

By Leo K Matthews

Every grocery store, national shopping chain and even thousands of online stores all sell nutritional supplements like multivitamins, single vitamins, minerals and even herbs. Individuals habitually utilize supplements since they grasp that they are not getting the proper nutrition that their bodies require from their day after day diet and nutritional supplements fill in the breach.

There is great debate about which dietary supplements if any are beneficial for human health because of apprehension over the body's aptitude to soak up fundamental nutrients from a pill or capsule form. However, there have been some considerable findings that normal and repetitive use of multivitamins and other supplements can add to good health and thwart poor health and disease.

Continuous use of nutritional supplements like multivitamins and other single supplements like folic acid and calcium displayed a constructive consequence in a number of responses in the human body like amplified immunity and substantial decrease of neural tube birth defects in newborn babies.

Did you know that the Council for Responsible Nutrition released a report called The Benefits of Nutritional Supplements? They reviewed over 10 years worth of studies that looked over the health benefits of multivitamins and dietary supplements. Some of these nutritional supplements included Calcium, Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin D, antioxidants, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin B-6 and folic acid. Findings show that comprehensive utilization of dietary supplements or multivitamins grant the top health benefits for humans.

Extraordinary answer's in the Council for Responsible Nutrition's report demonstrate that if all females of childbearing age took a multivitamin or even a folic acid nutritional supplement, it might be possible to lessen the rate of neural tube birth defects by up to 70%. Elderly patients taking dietary supplements could improve their immune systems and slash the danger of hip fractures. Health care savings owed to superior wellbeing by taking nutritional supplements could be substantial to folks as multivitamins and other supplements could put a stop to or put off illness and disease by a matter of years.

The reports on supplements is not all good however. Beta-carotene is an antioxidant that converts to vitamin A within the body. It has been found that beta carotene from the diet can bring down the risks of cancer and heart disease. It also boosts immunity and supports good vision. Due to these exciting results, some dietary experts started recommending beta-carotene supplements.

Then came two outstanding studies that showed that these supplements could cause critical impairment, specially in smokers. The studies tested beta-carotene and vitamin A supplements in individuals at high risk for lung cancer-smokers, former smokers and asbestos industry workers. The study was halted when it became apparent that those taking the beta-carotene supplements in reality had a higher percentage of lung cancer and a elevated death rate than those taking the placebo.

Beta-carotene has been proven harmless and advantageous when received from foods and this specific antioxidant is ample in fruits and vegetables. However, supplementation of many nutrients may perhaps be a good solution because the bulk of today's diets do not bestow adequate sustenance to maintain good health. - 17269

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How Can I Grow Taller - With This Advice

By Shaun Davids

Is "how can I grow taller" the most common question you think about? Are you still asking that question today. Well, read this article and you will never worry about your height again.

The quickest way to reach your desired height is to follow the right height increase program. One that provides you with a diet, exercise and resting regimen. Massage and deep breathing techniques should also be included. Despite the fact that breathing and massage do not have a direct effect on your spine and other bones, they do promote the release of grow taller hormones into your blood stream.

Deep Breathing for growing taller:

In your quest on "how can I grow taller", deep breathing should be done properly to make it effective for your exercises to become taller. This would help bring more oxygen to your body, and have oxygen carried into your blood stream. Through proper oxygenation, your blood can now carry oxygenated blood as well as the hormones to the right areas in the body.

To answer your question on "How can I grow taller", let's say that you are performing your daily stretches, accompany it with deep breathing exercises. Through deep breathing alone, you need to focus on inhaling, holding your breath, and then after, exhaling. This exercise would involve your nose and your mouth.

For growing tall with deep breathing, you should inhale through your nose, hold that breath for a few seconds, then exhale through your mouth.

Using Massage to Grow Taller:

"How can I grow taller?" Have you considered massage? Massaging has been one way of relaxing the body, through massaging, the reflex points which is concentrated on the different parts of our body may stimulate the production and functions of the hormones related to growth.

There actually is a special nerve that is connected to the pituitary gland, that when stimulated through a reflex point, would allow the pituitary gland to send signals to the thyroid, and stimulate the growth hormones to work accordingly and help you become taller.

In fact, your growing taller hormones can be stimulated by two main pressure points - one being on the soft part of your thumb and the other on your neck. For best results, these pressure points should be massaged in a clockwise direction.

These are only 2 of the natural ways for growing taller, which you should incorporate into a growth program. And the sooner you start on the right program, the sooner you will stop asking "how can I grow taller". - 17269

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5 Terrible Sources Of Protein For Flabby Arms

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Protein is essential for any effective arm toning program. It plays so many important roles in the female body that close attention has to be given to its management. After all, a lack of protein quality and quantity will set back your sexy arm mission by leaps and bounds.

But not all protein is created equal.

In fact, there are some types of protein that you should avoid at ALL costs. So here are 5 types of protein you should NOT eat when toning flabby arms:

1. Non-wild salmon. Any type of salmon that is farm raised is likely to be loaded with toxins such as PCB's. There is some solid research backing this up. So if your budget permits, stick to wild salmon with the highest fat content.

2. Protein that has been deep fried. Not only is the fat on the protein bad for you, but so are the fumes. In fact, inhaling fumes while frying meat increases rates of lung cancer.

3. Charred meats. We love big grills and big barbecues. Unfortunately, all those black and crunchy edges of meat increase colon cancer risk. So stay away from any type of meat that has been cooked to the point of blackness.

4. Fatty cuts of marbled meat. As the level of fat in meat increases, the level of healthfulness decreases. Now meat isn't inherently bad for you, it's the saturated fat that causes harm. So if you can, stick to grass fed meats.

5. Thin-sliced deli cuts. The convenience of deli cut meats is cancelled out by nitrates. What do nitrates do? Increase rates of colon cancer. Not good. So stick with natural sources of protein and avoid highly processed protein like deli cuts.

Reaching your arm toning potential with protein doesn't have to compromise your health. Getting sexy and lean arms should be a healthy process in both the short and long term. So stay away from the above sources of protein as often as possible and you'll be one step closer to sexy arm stardom! - 17269

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Protein is Good for Solid Muscle Growth

By Dr. Dorothy Nevelestein

Out of the many protein sources out there, whey protein is the ultimate. It comes from milk. During the process of turning milk into cheese, whey protein is separated out. Protein can be found in a variety of foods -mainly meats, such as fish, beef, and chicken.

Dairy products as well as eggs, cottage cheese, soy and vegetable protein also contain good amounts of protein. Nevertheless, none of these sources compares in quality or ease of use like whey protein. Whey protein has the highest value in providing branched-chain amino acids, which result in building and retaining muscle tissue.

When you use that protein powder, though, can really help you. So you want to strategically place when you are adding the protein powder in. It's a great tool also, because it's digested easily, it's easily absorbed. So it makes a great post-workout recovery drink.

A human body needs daily protein because that is what muscles and tissues are built from, and there is no place where the body can store extra protein. The need for adequate protein in the human body is second only to the need for water.

Luckily, it has been found that most varied diets - including vegan get plenty of protein through daily intake of various food combinations. However, some people like to supplement their protein intake, or occasionally substitute a fast, easy protein shake for a meal.

Whey protein also plays a role as an antioxidant and helps support a health immune system. Most importantly, consistent whey protein intake coupled with exercise will result in consistent muscle building.

Protein powders can also be a combination of one or more ingredients.

These concentrated sources of protein are processed into the powdered form, to be reconstituted into liquid form as a protein shake, or mixed with fruit juice or milk. Additionally, protein powders can be sprinkled on cereal, stirred into soups or stews, and cooked into baked goods.

Such as glutamine (a muscle enhancer, endurance builder, and muscle deterioration reducer), the content from high quality whey protein not only can, but will help one's muscles recover and grow faster by bring up the levels of protein. - 17269

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Cellulite Treatment Creams - Will They Work for You?

By El Bilson

Cellulite treatment creams have been on the market for a few years now. These creams come in a wide variety of sizes and vary in price as well as effectiveness. Are they worth your time and effort? The answer can depend on your expectations. Cellulite treatment creams can be a great way to tone and firm your skin without having to pay a fortune for cosmetic procedures.

A couple big brands come to mind when it comes to these creams. A product that has been popular for several years now is Nivea's Goodbye Cellulite Cream. This brand has paired up with MTV recently to offer a contest to women willing to try their product. The Hello Bikini Challenge offers a 4 week plan for women looking to tone their skin and get rid of their cellulite.

Another big brand associated with cellulite creams is Revitols Cellulite Solution. This brand is one of the more expensive products on the market. Does this make it any more effective? Not really - sometimes price has nothing to do with how well a cosmetic product will work!

To have any success with cellulite creams, you need to be willing to apply them on a regular basis. It is recommended that a massaging technique be used to apply the cream to your skin. Regular massages to the problem areas have been shown to reduce the appearance of cellulite. This is due to the fact that a deep massage will release toxins and fluids that build up under the skin. These can lead to cellulite!

Another important part of success with cellulite creams is your ability to apply them at least twice a day for at least four to six weeks. As with many cellulite treatments, the creams can take some time to work. Women who are dedicated to applying the cream on a regular basis will most likely see results. It can be difficult to find the time to apply the cream twice a day however! Many of us have busy schedules that make it difficult to find time to take care of our bodies.

One of the advantages of a cellulite cream is that you don't need to use it year round. If price is an issue, you can buy the treatment creams only in the summer months when you are wearing shorter clothes. By starting to apply a cellulite treatment cream in April or May, you will be ready to hit the beach by June. This is also a great option for women who are strapped for time. However women living in warmer climates might find that they need to use a cellulite cream on a regular basis.

Mainly composed of ingredients such as caffeine and sea minerals, cellulite creams work to smooth out the skin in problem areas. You can also wear cellulite reduction shorts and wraps to help the creams sink in more fully.

Are cellulite creams able to penetrate the cells deeply enough to give results? Some doctors remain skeptical. However cellulite creams do seem to be able to provide some toning to the skin. Women with advanced cellulite may find that they need a stronger treatment to really see results. Regardless of the scientific studies, the best way to figure out if a cellulite cream works for you is to try one! At the worst, youll have moisturized skin. At best, you will lessen the appearance of your cellulite! - 17269

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HCG's Exercise Requirement

By Amelia Handley

Everyone's heard it...if you exercise and east less you'll lose weight. It seems so logical and it seems so easy. But what about those who have a hard time accomplishing this simple directive. What about those who turn to popular diet plans that discourage exercise? For instance, the HCG diet strongly discourages dieters from exercising while on the plan.

Eliza G., a successful HCG Diet Direct dieter, explained, "I was bothered when I realized that I'd have to stop my exercise program, but as soon as the pounds started to fall off I couldn't care less. I lost 6 pounds the first week and when it was all said and done I'd lost 23. It was amazing."

HCG has a physiological place in the human body. Its physiological purpose is to make the body feel that its full; its had plenty of food. This is important because the "diet" portion of the HCG diet consists of 500 calories per day. This very low calorie plan just does not support intense exercise.

Some dieters insist on exercising while on the HCG diet. It often inhibits their success. They'll see less weight loss. To these dieters we suggest low key exercise like walking for 20 minutes or doing a limited number of sit ups and pushups. Always remember that exercise increases hunger and its important while on the HCG diet that you don't hurt yourself by increasing feelings of hunger.

And intense exercise will often cause the dieter to go into starvation mode. The body will start holding on to the fat instead of letting it to. It also lowers your endurance, your stamina and your ability to stay committed to the program.

Interested dieters considering HCG who saw the lack of exercise as a downfall of the program quickly change their mind once they're on the plan. The weight loss makes a huge difference when they do get back to the gym. They're able to pick up where they left off and work out harder and longer because they are at a healthier weight. They experience higher energy levels and a renewed dedication after the successful weight loss they obtained through HCG. - 17269

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Antioxidant Benefits of the Acai Berry

By Russell Knight

So far many claims have been made for the acai (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) berry which was discovered on the slopes of the rain forest of Brazil. There have been so many benefits claimed by people, that scientists have started researches to compare the said benefits of this small fruit and other fruits or berries.

Besides the extra advantages such as making insulin stable, reducing blood pressure, supporting the intake of various vitamins, fats and other nutrients, properties of the berries are beyond imagination. Scientists are now testing this berry extract on cancer cells and leukemia cells with positive results. It is the darkness of the berry which holds all the health giving products and this berry in particular is jam packed with all good stuff.

The people of North Brazil call this berry 'the fruit that cries' and is buried deep in their ancient stories. All report that, when they take it on a regular basis, they receive an amazing energy boost and have used if for its health giving properties for many years. Indeed, this fruit is becoming so popular that even prestigious television shows are highlighting the benefits on a regular basis!

This small berry has health value 30 times more than the red wine or olive oil. Compared to wine and oil it is easier to take, gives quicker and faster results and is without detrimental effect of wine. The fruit was available in juice form in many health foods shops and gourmet outlets but the trend now is to get it in several different forms. Many types are available such as freeze dried, pureed or in a pill. Anything suitable for your lifestyle can be found out. Quick delivery is guaranteed by a good portion of outlets willing to sell direct to the public.

Check the newspapers regularly for announcements regarding the new 'super' food. The increasing frequency of unique claims have forced scientists to seriously reconsider the veracity of these claims. Whatever discoveries come in the future, you could be already taking it so what are you waiting for? - 17269

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The Key to Youth is Found in Cellular Integrity

By Dr. Lorna Mistranski

The human body is comprised of various kinds of cells and by looking at the body from this perspective is the best way to comprehend what free radicals are.

The chemical bond of a cell is comprised of various types of molecules that are held together with one or more atom.

Atoms are comprised of protons, neutrons, and electrons whereby the total amount of protons that are in the nucleus determine how many electrons will surround them.

The role of the electrons is to manage chemical reactions that occur inside the atom as well as the substances that makes the atoms form molecules. Much like planets, electrons revolve around the atom in one or more shells.

A atom is considered full when two electrons occupy the innermost layer. When the second layer is filled with electrons, the process starts all over again

The most important thing in determining the structural characteristic of an atom is the number of electrons in the outermost shell.

Maximum stability is reached when the atom has a full outer shell. This is the ideal condition every atom seeks to attain and is achieved by the following conditions:

Gaining or losing electrons to either fill or empty its outer shell

Bonding together with other atoms and sharing electrons to complete the outer most shell

The typical way an atom achieves maximum stability is sharing electrons with other atoms. This allows the conditions to for the atoms sustain the molecules in the most efficient way.

Often, the bonds that the atoms form remain in tact so that maximum stability is maintained. However, when these bonds do tear, the highly unstable free radical is born and swiftly seeks to make itself more stable.

The ideal way free radicals attack is by locating the nearest molecule they can find that has achieved maximum stability and start stealing electrons. Once a molecule is attacked, it too becomes a free radical. This process creates a chain reaction that continues until it causes cells to become damaged.

Common times when free radicals occur are during metabolism as well as when the body is fighting off bacteria or viruses. Pollution, cigarette smoke, radiation, and pesticides are other times when free radicals can occur.

The body is usually able to fight off free radicals unless it's empty of antioxidants or free radicals production accumulates too much, damage can occur. The older you get the more free radical damage occurs. - 17269

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