Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, November 5, 2009

No Nonsense Muscle Building Review: How Might It Benefit You?

By Daniel Wishe

Exercise is something we all know is crucial. Today, you'll be able to find gymnasiums packed with folk making an attempt to get those unwished-for pounds burned off, or people who just want to be in better shape and increase muscle. There are people who work out all the time and don't get to the shape they have to be in. The rest of us don't seem to be able to work enough exercise into our busy days. Regardless of what your problem it, you can read Vince Delmonte's No Nonsense Muscle Building system and use it to reduce the work involved in giving your body intense muscles in a brief period of time.

Vince Delmonte has himself become one of the world's premier body builders from his origins as a 190 pound scrawny kid, so he's uniquely qualified for this system. Vince Delmonte has his own book to tell you how it is possible to get the kind of results that have got him awards.

His system attempts to take issue with so called "nonsense" legends and other threatening fitness ideas that often plague those attempting to build muscles. Additionally, he recommends strongly against nasty habits and additions like diet pills or performance steroids, as well as over-priced gear that do not deliver. The book comprises 9 chapters, each pertaining to a different concept that Vince Delmonte utilized in order to help develop and hone his body into the awesome form it is today.

The book addresses the most typical mistakes most people make when beginning a muscle building routine. This info is exceedingly helpful for any individual who either wants to start a muscle building program, or anyone who has already started one and is failing to see important results. In addition, this info also address the numerous misconceptions and misconceptions that people often believe about body building.

After these common misunderstandings are handled, Vince details his system, starting with his basic principles in order to build your muscle size and finishing with a total outline of the program. Similarly, Vince discusses other important H...S issues related working out, including subjects like proper nutrition, the importance of cooling down, and the hormones involved in body building.

The No Nonsense Muscle Building System is, hands down, the most effective way to get fit and gain that musculature you have always wanted. Vince Delmonte has private experience turning himself into a musclebound paragon of fitness, and he can pass this knowledge on to you. - 17269

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High Protein Low Carb Foods - How To Make The Right Choices

By Rob Bryan

We often do not make mindful decisions when it comes to food choices. It is just easier to pick our favorite foods or foods that taste good or are quick and easy to prepare - or require no preparation at all. Many people don't think twice about the quality of the nourishment they give (or don't give) their bodies. Given a choice between a high protein diet with low carb food or one with low protein and high carbs, people will generally choose the one higher in carbohydrates. Though a high protein low carb intake is preferable, foods containing more carbs are usually more tasty and/or convenient.

If your goal is to starting eating right for a new healthier you, choosing high protein low carb foods as the mainstay of your diet is the best choice. Eating too many carbs can be very unhealthy. so cutting down on these and adding protein is the way to go.

Do you want to have plenty of energy to go out and do the things you love without that nagging feeling of tiredness? You can achieve that by making sure to eat high protein low carb foods. This combination will balance your energy levels and help you avoid "bottoming out" when you really want to keep up your activities.

If you have the desire to start transforming your diet by including more high protein low carb foods, you should begin by first investigating which foods belong to this group. Foods with a lot of protein in them consist of nuts and meats such as fish, lean beef, pork, lamb, turkey and chicken.

Foods that we term "low carb" include both foods that have a small amount of carbohydrates and foods that have the "good carbohydrates" that are necessary for your optimal health. So what foods can you eat that will help you get "good carbohydrates"? The very best things you can eat to get your good carbs are most fresh fruits and vegetables.

A regular diet of high protein low carb foods will help your body in numerous ways. You will start to feel better all around, not only since you know you're eating healthier foods, but also since you'll be using a diet which will balance your levels of insulin and blood sugar. This is why the high protein low carb diet is often prescribed by doctors for their diabetic patients who must keep careful track of their blood sugar and insulin.

Of course, when you are modifying your diet to incorporate high protein low carb foods, you will want to make your changes in increments. It is never a good idea to make a sudden, dramatic change in your diet. You can acclimate your body to your new way of eating by making small substitutions. Reduce your carbohydrate intake a little bit at a time while simultaneously increasing your protein intake. When you have reached your goal of balance, you will not really feel as if you are on a diet. You will just know you are eating better and feeling better. - 17269

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Supplementing Your Way to a Fit Body Made Easy

By Thong M. Dao

It's always a sound idea for us to train in one way or another but we can also enjoy a level of health and physical fitness as a result of the supplements that we consume. Not all supplements are the same, thus, using the good ones goes a long way to keep our bodies healthy and balanced.

Let's consider for a minute or two about the foods we eat which can help us here. You might be surprised to find out that one of them will work for you as well.

You can find supplements in the market that will arouse your metabolism in a natural way and result in weight loss. You may decide to try employing something that will help lower your need to eat naturally.

Drinking green tea helps you burn fat. Growing in the desert areas of Africa is a cactus known as Hoodia Gordonii. Essentially working as an appetite suppressant, this plant will trick your brain into believing that you're full and no longer hungry.

It may likewise be necessary for you to equalise your body out in one way or another with the use of supplements. Most of us are having vitamin inadequacies unless we have been using supplements for a period of time.

Vitamin B and C are 2 things that you should always have in your daily nutrition plan. They will assist you to achieve your fitness goals and keep your body under control. You should take vitamin supplements your whole life to ward off a vitamin imbalance.

By removing free radicals from the body, supplements offer another vital benefit for your system. Free radicals in the body result from environmental exposure and poor dietary selections.

They can be very damaging to your cell tissue as well as flip your system out of balance. Employing powerful antioxidants, for instance, green tea, will help make the body physically fit and well, along with working out. - 17269

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Best Method to Lose Fat Fast

By Nik Tartin

If you are prepared to start a weight loss reduction plan and change your lifestyle, then read each word in this piece. You will discover some main components which can speed up your fat loss and help increase your metabolism.

These 3 tips are the backbone of each approach to life change.

1. Protein is the building block of each cell in our body. On average most of the people don't eat near enough. You must start consuming at least 1.5 grams of protein per body pound. Every meal should contain a lean source of protein.

2. Inflating your fiber intake from veggies serves 2 purposes. It helps your body break down fats and it helps move them thru the gut faster. Start out slow and boost your fiber weekly.

3. Begin cutting back on starchy carbohydrates does not stop eating them. You still need them for fuel. Instead of eating a bake potato, replace it with oatmeal and yams.

As with all diet plans if you want to hurry up the fat burning process then you want to start some kind of exercise plan. Regimen could be tough word to swallow ; you would like to begin working out. It will help your body consume calories cells. When you add strength coaching, you can replace greasy tissue with lean muscles tissue which can put your constitution on rocket fuel.

The more you eat throughout the day ; the less complicated it is to lose pounds. Most people think you need to eat less. In fact, the more you eat, the faster your body burns excess fat.

If you are adamant to lose weight come up hell or high water, then positive for you. Nonetheless be mindful on diet selection. No issue how great and enticing the spiel falls upon for a specific diet promotion - saying you it is the foremost on the market is not good enough for you to leap in chief first and depart with your money or your life. don't ever confide diets that assure quick fat loss without any effort. It will never take place as there would ever be a little play on your side required regardless. - 17269

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Expresso Coffee Is Rich In Flavor

By Lucia Latte

Expresso coffee has been around for a long time but the term that we refer to it by today is relatively new. Expresso coffee is named after espresso the term that originated in Italy to describe individually brewed coffee. Espresso in Italian means brewed for you. There is some popular confusion on what exactly Expresso coffee is.

It is commonly thought that Expresso coffee is based on a type of coffee bean. While there are particular beans that tend to be used in making Expresso coffee it is not the bean that makes Expresso different. In fact any coffee bean could be used to make a cup of Expresso coffee.

So if it is not the particular bean it must be the blend. This is only partly true. There are specific blends that are designed for espresso but this blend does not make it expresso. Coffee. While it may be true that a better cup of expresso coffee can be made from a specialty blend this does not mean that you cannot make a cup of espresso out of any bean.

It's not the bean and it's not the blend so is it the roast? There is common thought that expresso coffee must be a dark roast coffee. While actually the right roast will vary based on the part of the country you are in. For instance on the east coast of the Us people favor a light roast while Californians tend to prefer a dark roast. The standard in Italy is actually a medium roast. What roast is used depends entirely on personal taste.

Generally coffee is about what is in the coffee such as the bean and the blend but this is not the case for Expresso coffee. Expresso coffee is actually all about the way it is brewed. Remember this does not mean that there are not certain blends or beans that are designed for Expresso coffee but rather that the brewing method is the true difference between Expresso coffee and other types of coffee. Expresso coffee is actually not a cup of coffee at all at least not in the traditional sense. Expresso coffee is actually a small shot of coffee that has been brewed from extra fine ground beans and prepared under lots of pressure.

Making expresso coffee is a skill. A properly made cup of expresso coffee will have a light brown layer on the top. This layer is known as crema. Crema can only be produced if the coffee is made properly. In order to make an authentic cup of espresso you must have a true espresso machine. The difference in machines is how much pressure is applied to the brewing process.

Expresso coffee is not only made differently than all other coffees it is also drank differently. Drinking a fine cup of expresso coffee can be as methodical as sampling a fine glass of vintage wine, while also being as direct as drinking a rich stout. The process starts by smelling the coffee and inhaling the aroma. Then the coffee needs to drank in several swallows. Then to appear proper the drinker should place the cup firmly back onto the saucer it is served on.

It is not a sin to sweeten Expresso coffee but it is best savored just the way it was brewed. However if you are the type that just has to have a little sugar with your coffee feel free to add it to your Expresso coffee. In fact it is often done this way in Italy. No matter if you like it sweet or not enjoying a cup of Expresso can be a very unique and bold experience. - 17269

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Review For The Panasonic EP1273 Massage Chair

By Jason Flora

Panasonic has been making massage chairs for about 30 years. They have a full range of massage chairs at many different price points. We are going to review the EP1273 which is in the 2 to 3 thousand dollar price range. We make a comprehensive review by rating a massage chair in five important categories where it can get up to twenty points. The sum of the points then yields the chair's overall rating out of 100 possible points. Here is our evaluation of the Panasonic EP 1273 massage chair recliner.

Warranty Coverage ... Customer Service: The first area we like to cover is the warranty coverage for massage chairs. This is an important long-term consideration. Massage chairs have many moving parts and complex electronics. You want to make sure you are adequately protected. Let us look at the warranty of the Panasonic EP-1273KL massage chair. The EP-1273 comes with the following warranty coverage: 1 year parts, 1 year labor, 1 year shipping and 1 year in-home service. This is a fair warranty for a mid-level. Although, you may want to consider getting an extended warranty for additional protection. Customer service for Panasonic is fair. Overall, we rate the warranty and customer service a 16.

Comfort ... Ergonomics: We have this category because with the increasing number of features, some functions are not easily accessible or hard to reach. Also, we have tried massage chars that were simply not comfortable to sit after a few minutes. Panasonic has designed the EP 1273 to be comfortable to relax in. The materials are soft to the touch and it comes with a pillow to support your head. The remote control is laid out well and easy to understand. This model rates an 18 for this key area.

Ease of Use: As technology advances, we are seeing that more features are being added at incrementally lower costs. That is an excellent trend for consumers. On the other side of this is for manufacturers to keep the use of their equipment simple and easy to use. Luckily, Panasonic is an expert in this field. The EP 1273 is no exception. You can master the controls very quickly and easily. We give this massage chair an 18 for ease of use.

Key Features: There are quite a few important features, but we will narrow it down to two. The two key features are the 8 manual massage treatments and the Swede-Atsu massage mechanism. Panasonic incorporates an amazing array of eight manual techniques. The manual techniques include Shiatsu, Swedish, Hawaiian, tapping, rolling, kneading, compression and percussion. There is a massage therapy for virtually every need. The other key feature is the Swede-Atsu massage mechanism. This is a mechanical feature that is designed to replicate the feel of the use of thumbs and the palm of the hand. The mechanics were patterned after real hand movements and then built into the massage chair. These advance features rate an 18 in our book.

Massage Therapy: This is the most important category for a massage chair. Obviously, the massage therapy needs to be effective or else it is a disappointment. There are eight manual massage techniques that will please the most demanding of massage enthusiasts. You also can choose to target specific regions of the back or pinpoint a specific place. The pre-programs provide effective full body massage at the touch of a button. There are 3 fifteen minute massage programs and a five minute program. These are well programmed and provide effective relief. The air massage system adds the calves and feet into the equation. Overall, you get a very good set of massage treatments for this price range. We give the EP 1273 an 18 in this category.

The Panasonic EP-1273 KL is a great value for a midrange chair. We give it an overall rating of 88 out of 100 points. We are most concerned with the short warranty for parts and labor. Otherwise, you get an excellent variety of massage treatments to choose from. The stretching function is another nice feature added into this massage recliner. The EP1273 massage chair is definitely worth checking out if you are looking at mid range massage chairs. - 17269

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Common Root Causes For High Back Misery

By Mike Berrafato

Some of us may occasionally have discomfort in the upper back. The upper back is the 12 vertebrates with ribs attached to it that connect to the breastbone. This skeletal area is commonly referred to as the thoracic cage. It provides protection for the major organs of the body. This area consists of the thoracic cage and the soft tissues and muscles between them.

The upper back tends to not move very much. Is designed to be sturdy yet have a level of flexibility to support standing upright. Other areas of the spine are more flexible and tend to move more. The neck, for instance, has a much greater range of movement and the upper back does.

There are a number of conditions which can affect the upper back. Although, upper back pain is less likely then lower back pain or neck pain. However, there are situations involving the thoracic area. This can lead to pain, soreness and discomfort.

There are two major functions for the upper back. One major function is to provide a protected area for the vital organs. The thoracic cage provides a protective area for the heart and liver. The other major function is the distribution of body weight. The upper back must be able to transmit fluctuations in how weight is distributed and to be able to transmit those between the upper and lower body.

What are causes of upper back pain? There seem to be two main groups of discomfort coming from this region. One general group is joint dysfunction. The other is classified as soft tissue irritation.

In the case of joint dysfunction, this generally involves the soft tissue and state of the bone in the spinal column. The spine consists of many small bones and the soft tissues in between. Discomfort can result when these joints do not function correctly.

The soft tissue areas which hold the bones of the spine together are the most susceptible to injuries. The muscle can be strain due to excessive stretching. This can be a quick movement that over extends the muscle. Sprains generally have to do with the tendons between the bones.

When we picture over exerting our muscles, we think that we are strenuously working them out. In the case of upper back pain, working at the computer can cause much discomfort to this area. If the muscles are held under tension, they become fatigued and stiff.

Arthritis is another potential problem for the upper back. The most common form is osteoarthritis. This condition occurs with the wearing down of cartilage around the joints. This can cause swelling, stiffness and aches. Other conditions affecting the upper back include fibromyalgia, osteoporosis and ruptured discs.

The treatment for upper back pain can vary substantially. For more chronic conditions, it may involve surgery. Lesser conditions may be relieved with proper stretching, exercise and massage therapy. The key is to keep the strength of muscles and to retain their flexibility. Many people seek chiropractic treatment. Chiropractors help to adjust the spine to better align it as well as provide supplemental therapies such as massage therapy.

Always check with your physician and get a diagnosis as to your situation. There are quite a number of factors which can contribute to upper back pain. Your physician can run a number of tests to determine what issues may need to be resolved. They can also discuss with you treatment options available.

It is important to use natural ways to restore the health and vitality of your upper back. The goal of any treatment is to restore the strength and flexibility of the spinal column. This ensures it long-term health and vitality. - 17269

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Detoxification Can Aid in Ridding Your Body of Toxins

By Bruce Carl

We are exposing our bodies to preservatives everyday. We tend not think about preservatives building up in our bodies. Yet, everyday people eat foods filled with preservatives to keep them fresh. These toxins enter our body, every time we consume these foods. Toxins also come from second hand cigarette smoking, car exhaust, factories, chemicals used to purify the water, and a multitude of other environmental sources.

Not all of the preservatives exit our bodies. Many of these toxins stay in the body, especially in systems like the colon. These chemicals clog our arteries and produce many other side effects.

Does our bodies not have a natural filtering system? Yes, the liver is meant to rid the body of preservatives,however, the liver may not be able to take care of the volume of chemicals being taken in. DetoxFresh.com found, If too much toxins are stored in the liver there is a big possibility that the liver will become congested (The Benefits of Drinking a Liver Detox Tea, n.d.). When the liver become congested, toxic compounds begin to build up in the system. Toxic compounds begin to build up over each and every day. The build of toxins begins to adversely affect our health. The bodys ability to absorb nutrients can become diminished.

Toxins do much more than just slow our digestive tract or clog our arteries. These preservatives also allow bacteria to grow in our body. Chemicals can affect the colon. The colon is one of the last stops along the digestive system. The colon may start to lose the ability to rid itself of all the bodys waste. Our colon can grow bacteria. When our colons become plugged with a large amount of waste. Providing bacteria all the supplies necessary to grow. Our colon is warm, has liquid, and food provides the food required by bacteria to grow.

One of the side effects of bacterial build up is smelly gas. A large amount of people believe that room clearing flagalance is produced by Methane gas. Methane gas is odorous and colorless. The smell is caused by bacteria in the digestive tract.

Eliminating harmful chemicals allows our bodies to work better. Elimination of harmful toxins lets our bodies to use less energy to digestion. The excess energy lets other body systems to work much more efficiently. We are able to concentrate more, your other body systems work more efficiently, and your mind is sharper. It will not take very long before you realize the benefits of detoxification.

Detoxification assists in eliminating the impurities in our bodies. Potentially even eliminating effects of obesity, and many skin problems. In addition such things as headaches, fatigue, and general malaise can become things of the past.

Detoxification can be achieved by implementing a plethora of diets including a vegetarian eating plan, Acai Berry Juice, raw diet, and many other things. Even though you now understand the benefits of detoxification, be sure to speak with your family doctor before undergoing drastic life changes. - 17269

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Answers About Total Knee Replacement

By Dr. Stefan Tarlow

Have you tried everything to get some relief from your knee pain? If you are no stranger to braces, canes, cortisone injections, and other methods of dealing with knee pain, yet you still have knee pain, you may want to consider total knee replacement. This successful, time-tested method of eliminating knee pain and returning mobility may be exactly what you need.

If you are having problems with knee pain while performing ADL (activities of daily living) from resting and relaxing to climbing stairs, you will surely want to consider taking some positive action to resolve your difficulty.

Total knee replacement surgery is one of the most popular surgeries in the world for good reason. This technique has been around since 1968. It was a boon for orthopedic surgery when it first came into use, and it has only improved in every way since that time. With modern techniques and top-of-the-line materials, over 581,000 patients a year are able to find relief from knee pain in the U.S.

Have you spoken with your orthopedic surgeon about knee replacement yet, or are you just starting to think about it? Either way, you are sure to find useful information in this article.

Click here for more on total knee replacement .

How Is The Knee Put Together?

The shin bone, the knee cap, and the thigh bone are the main components of the knee. In medical terminology, these are called the tibia, the patella, and the femur. Your knee is in almost constant use, and it is the largest joint in your body. For these reasons, you are highly likely to injure your knee or experience some wear and tear at some point in your life.

The bones of the knee are held together and stabilized by ligaments. These are called the medial and lateral collateral ligaments and the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments.

Another important part of the knee is the thigh muscle. If the thigh muscles are strong, the knee will also be strong and more stable.

Articular cartilage is a substance that pads the knee and keeps the bones from grinding against each other. This smooth material forms a cushion that allows the parts of the knee to move freely. Additionally, fibrous semicircular rings of cartilage tissue called the medial and lateral menisci absorb shock and stabilize the knee.

Over all of this structure lies the synovial membrane. This is a smooth, thin tissue that lines the interior surfaces of healthy knees. It produces a lubricant that keeps everything running smoothly and painlessly in healthy knees.

All of these parts should work well together and give you a lifetime of painless service. However, because the knee is the most used and most often injured joint in the body, this is often not the case. An injury or illness such as arthritis can throw this delicate balance off. This can cause you loss of mobility and strength, as well as a great deal of pain.

Generally speaking, knee replacement surgery is done in patients ranging in age from sixty to eighty. However, this is not set in stone. Your orthopedic surgeon will look at your disability and your level of pain to determine whether or not you would be a good candidate for total knee replacement surgery. This surgery has been successful in people of all ages - ranging from very young teens with juvenile arthritis, to the very elderly with degenerative arthritis. - 17269

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Colon Cleanse Benefits

By Bart Icles

For centuries, colon cleansing has been used to help detoxify our body and free us from the discomforts brought about by an unhealthy colon. Colon cleanse is a detoxification process that can help us maintain proper digestion, as well as good overall health. In fact, a lot of weight-loss programs these days include colon cleansing in its daily regimen because there are certain dieticians and nutritionists who believe that once our colon is free of toxic substances, we can start absorbing nutrients from our meals more effectively.

You should not discount the magnitude of health problems that can develop from having sluggish or poor digestion. There can be scores of disorders that can originate from the not so simple poor digestion. This is mainly the reason why more and more people are turning to colon cleanse products and methods to help alleviate a bloating sensation, cardio-vascular diseases, constipation, obesity, and many other colon-related disorders and discomforts. You can even start a colon cleanse diet on your own to help make you feel lighter and at the same time, more energetic.

Colon cleansing can bring lots of benefits to our health and body. One of the most popular benefits that many people aim at experiencing is weight loss. Some experts say that as colon cleansing flushes away thick layers of mucus plaque that have been sitting on your colonic walls for a long time, your fat burning process can be sped up.

Colon cleansing also helps improve cardio-vascular functions, and it can also help regulate blood sugar levels. Other benefits associated with colonic cleansing include an improved immune system, improved sleep patterns, relief from constipation, and regular bowel movements. These are only some of the many benefits that cleansing your colon can bring you. You will be able to notice more improvements in your overall health if you make it a habit to cleanse your colon every couple of months or so.

With the kind of lifestyle we are living, and the kind of food we eat and beverages we drink, it is not all too difficult to drive our colon to poor health. You can help your body get back to normal and help yourself get back into tip top shape by adopting a colon cleanse regimen. Just keep in mind that you should be selective in choosing the colon cleansing product or method that you will use. There are lots of scams out there so better not allow yourself to fall prey into their futile gimmicks. - 17269

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George Washington University Weight Loss Expert Reveals 4 Fat Cell Facts

By Josef Brandenburg

If you've been fighting the "battle of the bulge" for some time, and you can't quite figure out just why that stubborn fat won't budge, you're in luck. A George Washington University weight loss expert reveals four fat cell facts that in fact, may just help you get and stay slim and in shape.

Fact Number One: Pre fat cells are destined to get converted into fat cells and most of the time you help them in this conversion process

Our body manufactures millions of pre-fat cells that try to become full fledged fat cells also known as adipocytes. Even though you do not wish to convert them, without your knowledge, you help them get converted. How can you put an end to this?

Our George Washington University weight loss expert reveals this: The thing is, pre-fat cells don't store fat; full-fledged fat cells do. So when you help a pre-fat cell become a full fat cell, you do it by encouraging two hormones to produce themselves to excess in your body.

Insulin and cortisol are the two hormones and our busy life styles aid in over producing them in the body.

Lack of proper sleep and too much of stress are the main reasons. Both these reasons lead to excess production of the hormone cortisol. This will sound familiar to you only because it is. You do not get proper sleep and are stressing yourself too much leading to fat cell growth.

Little sleep and extra stress is also the reason behind the other hormone-insulin being produced in excess. Not only this, it is also over produced under the influence of our unhealthy food habits. Food which is high in simple carbohydrates, stimulate insulin production which results in weight gain thus and accumulation of fat deposits. Your insulin levels will also be higher than what they should be if you do not exercise.

Fact Number Two: Fat cells once acquired stay there forever

Again, this is something that's your responsibility. It takes some doing to get those fat cells, but once you've got them, you've got them forever. So congratulations. Your new fat cell friends got to jump on board because you didn't take care of yourself, didn't sleep enough, didn't eat right, didn't exercise, had too much stress, and so on.

How can you change this?

Fact Number Three: Sufficient sleep can help you shed excess weight

If you spend at least seven to nine hours a night asleep (REALLY asleep, no TV going, in other words) you're going to lower your levels of cortisol and raise your levels of beneficial, fat-hating hormones like testosterone, leptin, and growth hormone. With enough leptin, for example, you're less hungry (which will help you make better food choices) and your metabolism is higher (which will help you burn fat). Growth hormone and testosterone (yup, even for women in smaller amounts than for men) encourage muscle growth and fat burning.

But this does not have anything to do with artificially inducing any of these hormones. A good night's sleep is helpful in doing this job perfectly.

Fact Number Four: Sufficient sleep can put off fat storage by bringing down levels of cortisol and insulin

According to our weight loss expert at George Washington University, fat cells once accumulated are there forever. Your body only needs a certain amount of fat and reducing insulin levels will keep off the excess fat by increasing the levels of hormone sensitive lipase (HSL). HSL keeps fat out of the fat cells. On the other hand, increasing levels of insulin results in production of lipoprotein lipase (LPL). This allows fat to get deposited within the cells, which is not something you want.

The solution to this problem is quite simple. Proper sleep and a stress free environment accompanied by healthy diet and proper exercise can help shed excess fat from your body. - 17269

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Add A Dumbbell Set To Your Home Gym

By Ricardo d Argence

You definitely need a Dumbbell set when you are thinking about setting up a gym or exercise room in your home. Since there are different kinds to choose from you can find the perfect Dumbbell set for your home workout room.

These dumbbells are perfect for any type of physical fitness done, not only at the gym but also at home. With all its sizes and weights, you can make your home fitness gym suitable even for ladies and teenagers. Having these at home will help you succeed in your muscle building and physical training.

A home gym allows you to work out on your own schedule, so you can get back in shape in privacy, and save money on travel expenses and gym memberships. A dumbbell set is an excellent addition to your home gym when you are looking at the different exercise equipment available.

If you are thinking of where to get the set of dumbbells that you want to add inn your home-based gym equipments, there are lots of options for that. First is to get it from the sports and fitness stores. You can also look for it in other stores that sell gym equipments.

Probably one of the best places to find a dumbbell set is online. There are many websites that offer them, and you can not only find them brand spanking new, but you can buy them used too. You have many more options when you purchase on the web.

While dumbbell sets are not always cheap, you can find some great deals on them, if you search the Internet websites. Purchasing them online lets you compare costs and find a deal to fit your budget from the convenience of your own home.

There are a variety of different manufacturers to choose from as well when making this choice. Some of the options include Powerblock, Hamptom, Cap Barbell, and Troy. These are just a few of the manufacturers that you can check into if you want to purchase a Dumbbell set.

The dumbbell sets also come in different types. The common types are the pro sets, the chrome sets, the rubber coated sets, and a lot more. You can choose your type of dumbbell set based on your needs and personal style. In addition to that, you can also find the right dumbbell accessories that you might need for your set of dumbbells. The dumbbell bench or dumbbell racks are one of the examples.

You can find cheap priced and expensive priced Dumbbell sets on the Internet, depending on what type of set you decide to purchase. Some dumbbell sets might be $100, and other sets might cost more than $1000, so the prices can vary somewhat dramatically. Try to find the best dumbbell set to fit your budget, since it is an investment in your home gym that will get a lot of use.

Dumbbells are basic fitness equipment that you can expect to find in any gym, including home gyms. You can look for alternatives and variations to routines for dumbbells, if you get bored with a weight lifting routine. If you visit some physical fitness web sites, you can get suggestions to different routines or fitness programs that might be suitable to fit your goals. - 17269

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