Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Eating in Phases for Improved Muscle Strength and Endurance

By Alexander Q. Haynes

Increasing muscle size, strength and endurance is the result of a consistent workout regimen and a sound nutrition program. Almost all professional bodybuilders and athletes go through 'phases' during their training programs to ensure they are meeting their performance goals and eating just enough to feed their muscles. It's important to note that most of the muscle gaining takes place in the off season, a time when eating large amounts of protein and eating small meals throughout the day is essential for success.

There are other phases besides off season. Each phase requires an athlete to alter his or her nutritional program in terms of the amount of carbohydrates, protein and supplements in support of his or her training regimen for the specific phase. Knowledge of these phases can help you maximize the results you get out of all the effort you put in training.

The Off Season - the goal of this phase is to build as much muscle as possible. According to Louise Burke, author of the book "Practical Sports Nutrition", bodybuilders support their performance outcome by eating high amounts of protein and healthy carbs throughout the day. They typically follow a consistent schedule of these foods to make sure they're meeting their protein requirements and may design their eating plan around their workouts to further enhance results.

Hypertrophy Phase - during this phase, it is common practice to follow a very rigid eating plan that means eating every 2-3 hours - even overnight. The goal here is to eat just enough food to maintain weight and allow the body to increase strength. This is done with careful selection of muscle-building foods and healthy carbs that provide sustainable energy.

Competition Prep - most bodybuilders begin their competition preparation between 6 to 16 weeks before the event. This period may involve severe calorie restriction to reduce body fat, and maintain a schedule of sustained weight loss up to the event. The primary goal here is to lose body fat and not muscle that was built up during the off-season. This can be achieved by eating low-fat, high protein meals and coordinating meals with a consistent workout regimen.

Cutting Phase - this phase typically occurs right before the competitive event, and involves severe calorie restriction to stimulate rapid fat loss. Many bodybuilders drastically reduce their calories and rely on supplements to achieve nutritional balance. This phase may also include intensive circuit training routines and getting more rest so that the body can recover easily.

Post Competition phase - Bodybuilders are often tempted to overindulge themselves in food after going through restricted diets for months. This practice is dangerous as it promotes rapid weight gain in a small span of time. Besides being a health hazard, most of the results that have been built up during previous phases are erased with rapid weight gain. It is highly recommended for bodybuilders to transition slowly into a healthy nutritional program after each competition.

Each phase requires changing from one diet to another that it is hard for most bodybuilders to keep up with their nutritional plans. Work with a dietitian or a nutritionist to help you in developing a sound nutritional program for a successful career. - 17269

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Important Information On How To Stay Healthy

By Tina Peters

Our health is an important issue to all of us as it should be in order for us to get the most out of life. We need to remain in good health in order to be productive doing whatever it is that we decide to do. No one wants to spend any said number of days in a hospital or a bed lying in pain or discomfort. Therefore we have to strive as a community, society and or people to understand what causes us to be ill and do everything in our power to fight against it. If we don't then we have to suffer from the consequences and again none of us want to voluntarily go through any of them.

One way to remain healthy is to watch your food and drink intake as often as you can. For instance doing nothing but eating donuts for a week isn't going to do miraculous things to your stomach. Granted they may taste good and seem tempting still everything should be taken in moderation. This is one of the key elements of staying healthy actually, everything in moderation.

The more you spend your life eating unhealthy and not exercising the more problems that could arise from not giving your body the proper and necessary things it needs to continue without complications. Most of the physical problems or diseases we can run into in life can actually be avoided or lessened to various extents.

The other thing to remember when talking about health is to also talk about mental health. Mental health is also as important of an issue as physical health. The two go hand in hand really. If you are ever feeling like you may be having an issue with mental health that it is highly advised to consult a mental health counselor to help work out any issues you are having.

For these reasons it is important to stay healthy. If you want to live a longer life and a good one at that then remember to avoid doing bad things to your body. - 17269

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How The Acai Berry Can Help You To Lose Weight

By Damien Surplus

The acai berry is a deep purple fruit that grows on trees in the Amazonian rain forests of South and Central America. It has recently been touted as a super food and popular weight loss supplement. Celebrities like Oprah Winfrey have helped to popularize the fruit and its health and weight loss benefits.

With all of the claims and hypes about different weight loss program and products, it is very important that you do understand that acai berries alone will not cause you to lose weight. Any weight loss program that is going to provide you with effective results requires that you exercise regularly and eat healthy, low calorie foods. However, it is true that the acai berry can help you in your quest to lose weight.

Although the acai berry alone is not the sole answer to weight loss, the berry does have several important beneficial properties which can help you lose weight. The berry is rich in fatty acids, antioxidants, phytosterols, fiber and minerals. These are all important things that your body needs to stay healthy and can utilize to help you lose weight.

One of the most important things you need to do in order to lose weight is raise your metabolism. What this is help your body burn calories at a faster rate and also more efficiently. The acai berry is packed with both Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, helping you to boost your metabolism and burn off calories and fat more effectively.

Acai berries are also full of fiber which offers you a couple of important benefits related to losing weight. First of all fiber helps your digestive tract to break down and move food through and out of your body rather than storing it as fat. Eating foods rich in fiber also helps to keep you feeling full and you will be less likely to reach for high calorie snack foods.

Acai berries also contain photosterols which also benefit your digestive tract. Photosterols help to improve your cardiovascular system as well as assisting in keeping your digestive tract healthy. Having a healthy digestive tract helps more food through your body and at a faster rate.

Amino acids is another thing acai berries are plentiful in. Amino acids help your body develop muscle and keep them working effectively. Having strong muscles working properly means that your body can burn calories and fat faster and more efficiently, which leads to weight loss.

Some of the hype and claims concerning acai berries does merit some skepticism, and the highly touted berry cannot alone cause you to lose weight. However, without a doubt the berry is full of many important health benefits. The acai berry can help to increase your metabolism, which in turn assists your body in burning calories and fat more efficiently, improves digestion and facilitates a healthy digestive tract, helps in the muscle building process, will keep your energy level up and help you stay feeling full, which all work to help you in losing weight. - 17269

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A List of 9 Fish Oil Health Benefits ? As Proven by Science

By Michael Byrd

Every now and then, we see breakthroughs on fish oil health benefits. It is now verified that fish oil superbly improves your health from ordinary to extraordinary!

It may appear to be a hard job, but have faith that fish oil can perform the task.

The omega 3 DHA and EPA acquired from fish oil is described as the "Miracle of the 21st century". There are a lot of researches which will verify that supreme quality pure supplements offer all excellent fish oil health benefits that is good for a lifetime.

So let us begin, before we miss a chance on a sole benefit.

Nine Significant Fish Oil Health Benefits

1. Advanced Intelligence and Brain Function ? Omega 3 fish oil has been acknowledged to influence memory, recall, reasoning, and focus. I may even stop problems like Alzheimer's and senility. Mothers also need to supplement with fish oil during pregnancy and nursing to assure that their babies grow up to be intelligent.

2. Lesser Pain During an Inflammation - Omega 3 fatty acids helps in managing the inflammatory response of the body and may also stop and alleviate arthritis, prostatitis, cystitis or other conditions that are inflammatory in nature. It also minimizes pain during injuries.

3. Lesser Chances for Depression ? Fish oil has a lot of benefits and making you smart is not the only benefit that you get from it. Quite a number of scientific researches reveal that omega 3 fatty acids lessen the possibility of mental anguish. This may involve bipolar, depression and schizophrenia too.

4. Decreased Blood Pressure ? Omega 3 oils has proved to work wonders in the cardiovascular system. It does wonders to the heart, arteries and veins, and it does lower blood pressure.

5. Lowered Cholesterol and Triglycerides ? Your cholesterol levels, LDLs and triglycerides will also be lowered. Consequently, good HDLs will also increase. This helps add years to your life.

6. Prevent Heart Attacks and Stroke ? As a plaque is removed from the arterial walls, a blood clot is formed. Blood clots are fatal since it can reach the brain and cause a stroke, or block an artery and lead to a heart attack. Fish oil has the capacity of breaking blood clots before it can bring any damage.

7. Less ADD, ADHD and Dyslexia ? Research show that alternative treatments to be used for ADHD revealed that children (as well as adults) who have ADD or ADHD will show improvement with omega 3. Essentially, those who have dyslexia, dyspraxia and compulsive disorders showed significantly improvement in their lives.

8. Protection from Cancer- Omega 3 shows that it can prevent breast, colon, lung and prostate cancer. Research show that this is one in three ways ? control the change of normal cells to cancer cells, stops tumor growth, and kills cancer cells.

9. Young Skin and Healthy Hair

Now that you are aware of the fish oil benefits, it is high time that you start eating more omega 3 fish and begin using pure fish oil supplements immediately ? so don't forget!

Copyright by Michael Byrd. All Rights Reserved. - 17269

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How to Look For A Dentist

By Shelton Graham

Whether you just moved to Dallas, or you're a lifelong resident finding a dentist in Dallas is really crucial. You could be searching for a pediatric dentist in Dallas, or an orthodontist, or maybe even an oral surgeon, but your choice will seriously affect the quality of care that you receive and your satisfaction with the service. There are some easy guidelines that you can follow to find a dentist in Dallas that will meet you and your family?s needs.

The first thing that you need to do when you are looking for a dentist in Dallas is to forget looking thru the yellow pages. If you have an insurance directory, you can keep that handy, but all the yellow pages will do is let you know which dentist made a decision to spend the most cash on advertising. If you would like to go to the best dentist in Dallas, remember that they won't have to advertise, because they're going to get all of their patients by personal recommendation. The insurance directory (if you have one ) will give you a good place to start because you can find out who is on your plan.

Next, talk to your neighbors and friends to see who their favorite dentist in Dallas is. If they have children, and you are looking for a pediatric dentist, this is an excellent spot to start. Find people in an identical situation to yourself and ask them. Ask more than one person, so if you find many folks who like the same dentist in Dallas, you can say that they are good.

Finally, when you have narrowed down your selections, you can contact the Texas State Licensing Board and see if the dentist you like has a good record. You should also discover if they belong to any professional accreditation groups. These groups train dentists for different specialties like pediatrics or cosmetic dentistry.

Visit the dental office to see if the staff is friendly and if the office policies and procedures are acceptable. Discover how long it will take to get an appointment in standard circumstances and in an emergency. See how well the dentist listens to you and answers your question. - 17269

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Berries In Colours Reflect Power In Antioxidants

By Anastacia Sampson

When we get tired of the raisins we can add cranberries to cakes or muffins. We have fresh strawberries and these are high in Vitamin C. Yet there are other berry types! There are many varieties, from blue-staining blueberries (that are blue-purple in colour) to raspberries, cranberries, mulberries and other juicy sweet berries.

Some berries are not that sweet but rather harmful and fatal. To come across wild berries, mushrooms and other unknown varieties it is worth not even trying them for taste. Know before you pick and eat what is poisonous. Although mushrooms may look appealing, they are a fungus and can be dangerous.

Small button mushrooms are most common in stores and safe. All mushrooms are mostly moisture, while shitake mushrooms are known to be very health supporting. For a nutritious snake we can rely on berries, which also supply various levels of protective antioxidants. We wish to reduce our rate of ageing and ward away the development of disease and we have blueberries to indulge in to assist us to do that. Then therapeutically for urinary tract infections we have cranberries. Tendency to kidney stones is reduced by taking cranberry juice. It is known that medications for urinary and bladder problems can incorporate cranberries.

Scientific and medical studies have shown the potency of cranberry juice to protect against some forms of kidney stones. Blueberries have also been shown to effectively protect and treat urinary tract infections. Cranberries and blueberries prevent the harmful bacteria from latching onto the urinary walls. This ensures that the harmful bacteria can not set up house and create a flourishing family to grow and cause ill health. Certain berries tend to grow in specific countries where they are more popular and easily available. Unfortunately we do not have access to fresh berries at our nearby grocery stores generally. Yet we have access to frozen and canned berries. As berries are fragile they are not suitable for mass transport and storage in fresh form.

We may love the mulberries, which not only feed us but the leaves of that mulberry tree feed silk worms. We have used berries to make juice, which is an old practice and we can always find berry flavoured juices or concentrated berry juices.

Often we have cherries on ice-cream or cakes. It may top it off like no other colourful decorative piece. The red cherries are usually preserved and available in packages. Loganberries, blackberries, black currents and raspberries deliver valuable iron levels. Gooseberries may be more common and have a yellow tinge. Blackberries are highly regarded for their Vitamin E levels.

All in all berries are high in fibre, minerals and vitamins relative to various other fruits. Although berries may be minor juicy fragile ball-like fruits, they do pack a punch for nutritional health. - 17269

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Butt Exercise Myths

By Ryan Parker

Those who have tried to exercise their butts and get it in shape will know that it is an uphill challenge. The sheer effort that is required for getting sustainable gains in your butt area are very big in comparison to other parts of your body. It can be said that the gains are almost disproportional to the results that you gain. Those who are in the know will understand and learn to accept this but many still think they can achieve great results without the hard work.

It is made even worst when normal health and fitness fans are provided with information that isn't exactly correct and at the very least inefficient. Most of the information that is provided in health and fitness magazines and even exercise journals isn't correct to build and mold the butt. They will work to strengthen your butt but will do precious little in the way of shaping it the way you want. Below we are going to list a few myths that we think has done a great injustice to those who want to improve the appearance of their butt.

As indicated above one of the greatest myths is that you can get good results even if you don't put in a lot of effort, or that you can get good results with little effort if you follow a certain routine or use a certain product that is being marketed to you. The simple truth is that you will not be able to gain any substantial change if you don't put in enough effort. By enough I mean a lot more effort than you think you can muster up even now. The muscles in the butt area are some of the strongest and most resilient muscles in the body. They play a pivotal role in the keeping the body upright and helping us in our mobility. It is because of this strength and resilience that extra effort is required for sustainable change.

One other common myth that have wasted many people's time and probably money is that you can use lighter weights to "tone" your butt muscles back into shape. This is only true for people who have really underutilized butt muscles where even the slightest exercise will cause some improvements. If you use light weights your butt muscles will very quickly adapt themselves to it and your shaping will basically stop when the muscles can handle the weight efficiently. No amount of extra reps will build or tone the muscles anymore. It is only by increasing your resistance or in this case making your reps harder, than and only than you can develop your butt muscles further. Working at the same weights and at the same reps will result in the same butt, think about that.

Another terrible myth is that you can actually spot reduce the fat on your butt. There are so many advertisements and products that claim that it can do this; they are all lies. There is no way that you can work your butt muscles in such a way that it will draw the fat from the butt. The two systems are quite independent of each other. The only way you can reduce the amount of fat on your butt is to maintain a caloric deficit so that your body can feed off the fat reserves in your butt to reduce the size.

When looking at the two myths above together you will find that doing light weights and spot training is quite a waste of time. The two will gain you mediocre results at best. The light weights that you do for a resistance butt exercise will mean that you will build muscle only to a certain small degree then stop progression. If you increase the number of reps then you will be moving from an anaerobic type to an aerobic type exercise which again will unlikely to be efficient.

The basic thing to remember with butt exercise and butt shaping is that it isn't easy and anything or anyone that tells you otherwise is a lying scoundrel. You must be ready to accept that it is a hard thing to do and that you will have to put in quite a lot of effort in order to gain the results that you are looking for. There are other tips that we provide in our website and we suggest that you give us a visit if you really want results. The address is available in the resource box below. - 17269

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Getting A Great Weight Lifting Program 101

By Emmanuel Palmer

Every massive, rock-hard physique out there can owe its thanks to a sound weight lifting program that translates your body's weight to big muscles and solid strength. What are the things one needs to know what makes effective bodybuilding workouts? These workouts are intense, varied and customized to meet the needs of a specific body type.

High-intensity training works well for people who are aiming to gain significant body mass in a relatively short time. Some might prefer to build up on strength and endurance over a period of two to three months which is also fine. You will probably need a hybrid of the two methods; find the best one suited for your body. What is important is you give each session your all.

Usually when somebody strives to pack on muscles, the first instinct is to work out most days for a few weeks. Doing so is actually detrimental to your body's physical development. Give sufficient amount of time for your body to rest so that the tears in the muscle tissues are sufficiently mended and become even stronger. Splitting the weight lifting program into muscle groups and assigning them on certain days is an effective strategy used by many professional bodybuilders and trainers.

This is an example of a three day split workout: Day one - chest, arms and abs Day two - back, shoulders and abs Day three - legs Another example is a five day split workout: Day one - legs Day two - shoulders Day three - back and abs Day four - shoulders and arms Day five - chest and abs Make sure you get a lot of good food and rest especially in the days between your training.

There are a number of workout regimens you can do and for the most part, you don't really need to have fancy workout machines to do them. All you need are the basics: several dumbbells of varying weights, cables and a bench. You have these and you can do arm curls (bicep and triceps), dumbbell shrugs, lat pull downs and triceps kickbacks for the muscle groups in the upper body; lunges, calf raises, leg raises and squats for your lower body workout. Crunches are always a reliable abdominal muscles workout but as with the rest of the drills mentioned, modify your program every few weeks so your body remains consistently pushed to higher levels.

As a beginner, always start with the more manageable weight loads. As your body continues to progress, keep increasing the weights so the muscles are consistently strained; thus giving it no choice but to grow faster. For those who want a bodybuilder's physique, the loads you should be lifting should get you around 7 to 12 repetitions until failure.

Finally, always remember to stretch properly before, during and after workout sessions. Doing so raises your body's temperature and makes you more limber to perform your exercises better.

Bodybuilding workouts only work if it is done faithfully and properly person who will see his program to the end. Be careful while you exercise; but always give it your very best. For the champion in you, less than the best is not an option anyway. - 17269

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Body Fitness Training Advice For Men

By Frank Powell

Each specific man has different goals for his body. Are most men willing to achieve those goals by working out? Do they want a more solid body or do they want a more healthy body? It depends on the particular man and his drive to achieve that buffer body. Some men want both, some men are trying to just look good, some are satisfied with how they look and feel, while some want a more buffed body but don't have the motivation or knowledge to get what they want.

If you dont know a lot about working out or you just see men on television flexing in the mirror you might think that the only reason that most men work out is to get a buffer or more solid body. But this is far from the truth. A lot of men are in the gym to feel better and to be healthier. No one doubts that working out and eating properly is good for your health. In fact weight training is one of the most effective ways to get into shape. A good number of men are in the gym today just for the reason of getting healthier. They want to live longer, lose weight, or be able to adjust to the ever changing world.

Some men are still sweating and straining to add definition to a finely sculpted body, or so that they can attract a date for Saturday night action. But whatever the reason there are several factors that need to be considered. Not all of these factors are directly connected to getting the body into shape.

What category you belong in, whether you want to be healthy, ripped or both, is up to you. Once you know what youre going to do you have to have a plan to achieve your goals. There are many ways to go about achieving your plan. Trainers have developed countless fitness routines tailored to each goal.

You may want to ask your doctor if there are any limitations you need to impose on yourself. Many of us feel that we are capable of making our own decisions, but the physician may be able to point out a different path to the same effect. Friends may be able to advise you as to the best gym or equipment that you need to use. You are not out on an island while trying to achieve the results you want. Many health clubs have professionals who can help you make choices to improve your workouts.

The decision to go to a health club would necessitate checking out the facilities to see if they are suitable for your needs. Do they have the apparatus, and the personnel you are looking for? The choice to pursue fitness at home presents the challenge of the brand and the type of devices you need to be successful. Do you have an appropriate space to accommodate everything you need?

When the research for equipment is complete and you know what you want to purchase then its time to go to the store. You have to find a store that has what you need and if it has a good warranty. - 17269

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Treating Acne Scars

By Gail Jones

Acne scars are a sad memento of the having suffered pimples or even acne previously. They are unbearable because of their apparent permanence and their non-complimentary appearance. Generally speaking, acne scars are quite difficult to treat, but tissue regeneration is not impossible these days with all the fantastic technological advancements.

Generally speaking, by acne scarring, we are talking about the healed lesions resulting from an acne infection. While most scarring is temporary and will probably disappear naturally in time, scars from the more severe forms of acne can be permanent.

Acne scarring can be prevented if the sufferer visits a doctor when it is in the incipient stage, especially if nodules or cysts accompany the red pustules on the skin's surface. If the breakouts of acne have marked your skin, you will have to approach the issue from a different perspective, which usually means surgery.

Laser resurfacing is one possibility of removing the damaged skin areas and stimulating the organic regrowth of the tissue beneath. This procedure only requires local anaesthesia and can last between a few minutes and an hour depending on the extent of the damage.

Fractional laser therapy is one of the most recent forms of removing acne scars. It means surgical intervention at deep skin layers. The treatment is better than both dermabrasion and laser resurfacing in terms of quality and has a very reduced healing period. Nevertheless, fractional laser therapy lies within the reach of only those few lucky sufferers, who can pay for it, since it is the most expensive acne treatment currently available.

It can happen that other sessions are required to improve the condition of the superficial layers of skin, before they can tackle the deep level treatment of the acne scar. The doctor may inject collagen into the scarring in order to elevate the existing skin level or she/he may recommend micro-dermabrasion for the same reason. Trying to carry out chemical peels at home could be a bad policy because of the risk of aggravating the condition by irritating the scars even further.

As for the types of acne scarring, they can be classified according to the formation pattern. Scars can result because of an increase of tissue or due to a loss of tissue They both have an adverse impact on the way the face looks. Specialists' evaluation of the nature of the scars is a very important factor for the decision of adopting one form of treatment or another. - 17269

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So What Is The Best Acne Face Wash?

By Jason Cartwright

Obviously, you would desire to purchase the best acne face wash offered in the market to cure acne. The tough challenge is that there are several acne face washes, declaring to be the "best". The well-being and attractiveness trades have manufactured so many acne and skin care products that no one could ever use.

If you watch television or examine periodicals, it looks as if every fourth or fifth page is related to good looks or skin trouble. While several of these materials do perform as a treatment for cystic acne, not all materials are of identical quality. Actually, some materials have enhanced the brutality or the occurrence of acne.

So you should always make sure you go choose quality over price when getting the best acne face wash. The product should not only help clear your acne, but also improve the condition of your skin in general. The problem is that everyone has a different skin type, and adults can also battle with acne.

The main point when trying an at home acne treatment is to not take the product and its claims at face value. I am sure you already come across companies offering outlandish claims. And unfortunately many acne sufferers fall for these false promises and waste their precious income without getting results.

It is advised to speak with your general practitioner or dermatologist about acne products that really work, but also do your homework into finding ingredients that are the most effective and safe to use. And before you settle on a product, have a look at its ingredients on the label.

Another way to find a product that works is to speak with family or friends with similar skin types to you, and ask them what the best acne face wash was for their skin. Though everyone reacts to skin care differently, this is one of the best ways to go about finding a product.

Accutane includes one of the more dominant and most often agreed drugs presently available in the market. This specific drug is amazing in 80% of cases, nevertheless it is prone to drying out skin and producing redness once taken, tempting people to look for a homeopathic acne treatment. Even so, promising results are normally observed in four to six weeks with everlasting clearing of the skin.

Besides approved drugs, you may consider some of the best acne face wash materials that would comprise Actimine, Neutrogena, Desert Essence, Proactiv, Klear Action, Burt Bees, and Murad, amid others. The common component found in all acne skin care materials is called benzoyl peroxide, which is normally at 2.5%.

as well as cleaning your skin's pores, these skin care products also repair tissue. You might want to check out other products, like Derma Cleanse, Scar and Hyperpigmentation Treatment, and Body Acne Combo. These natural treatment for cystic acne alternatives also unclog your pores and purify your skin.

Now, if you have a teenager with spots, it is a good idea to get them on the best acne face wash regimen before the ailment leaves them with unsightly scars. - 17269

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Is Fluoride In Water Saving Your Teeth, But Costing Your Health?

By Terry Johnston

Fluoride and the Pineal Gland

Fluoride was heralded as the way to save a generations teeth from tooth decay, and studies found that naturally occurring fluoride in water seemed to lower the incident of tooth decay of the population drinking it.

With this knowledge excited governments moved forward with programs of adding fluoride to drinking water to protect the teeth of children. Fluoride has 4 isotopes--2 naturally occurring and 2 manufactured). Cheapest of these isotopes (is made from industrial waste).

There is warning on toothpaste containers about never swallowing the toothpaste because FLUORIDE IS TOXIC.

It effects the pineal gland. A small structure located in the brain, which produces melatonin--the hormone that controls, your circadian rhythm, (wake and sleep cycles) the onset of puberty and the health of your immune system.

More than 50% of the population of the U.S. suffers from a sleep disorder.

Big question is why? -- sleep deprivation is at world wide pandemic levels.

Lack of sleep negatively impacts on your immune system and is correlated to depression, stroke, and heart disease. Insufficient melatonin production allows the earlier-than-usual onset of puberty.

A 1955 study showed young girls who drank fluoridated water begin having their periods an average of 5 months earlier than their same aged peers who did not drink fluoridated water. Early onset puberty in young girls has been linked to breast cancer and obesity.

A recent study, published in the American Journal of Public Health, showed early menstruation nearly doubled the odds of someone becoming obese.

Scientists, knew that Fluoride could affect the pineal gland wanted to learn more about that process.

Dr. Jennifer Luke, Ph.D., was concerned enough to study the pineal gland of deceased people during routine autopsies. She discovered extremely high concentrations of fluoride--ranging from 9,000 PPM (parts per million) to 21,000 PPM. Much higher than anyone could have guessed.

Mongolian gerbils (the best research animal for studying effects on the pineal gland) were given small doses of fluoride and developed lower levels of melatonin

Is fluoride the cause of early onset puberty we are seeing more and more? There is strong evidence that a great deal of insomnia is caused by fluoride found in the pineal gland. Which is contributing to the pandemic of sleep deprivation.

It is obvious we need to reduce or eliminate our fluoride intake. A kitchen faucet filter is not enough, nor is a shower head filter.

The best over all way to reduce manufactured fluorides in your water is to Install a whole home water filtration system which will eliminate synthetic fluorides (roughly 40%-60% of the fluorides found in water) the remaining fluorides (are naturally occurring). At the same time we should lobby to understand the danger and stop putting fluorides in the water.

Only one system (purportedly) removes all fluorides. An experimental aluminum salt system which many experts consider far more dangerous than the fluorides.

The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) is currently testing fluoride for its potential to interfere with the human hormone system.

Once the risk is firm established we should see the EPA take action.

For more information about systems to purify your water, please visit my Web Site - 17269

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