Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, August 7, 2009

The Benefits For Having Strong Abdominal Muscles

By Frank Powell

The media likes six-packs. Its a universal truth. Its not hard to find advertisings flashing sexy, fit and overall youthful looking people. You might want to have abs that will draw attention to you on the beach. However, having strong abdominal muscles is important for your health and well-being. They have an important role in our day to day lives.

If these muscles are not strong, you should seriously think about starting some workout plan in order to firm up your abdominal region. Simple exercises like sit ups, or buying an ab workout equipment can help you in toning up your ab muscles. You should strive to keep abdominal muscles strong because of the following reasons.

Having good body posture is important. Strong abdominal muscles improve your posture. They do this through strengthening your back, which keeps your spine in proper alignment and helps protect against injuries. Chiropractors often say that your health and well-being are improved in many ways when your spine is aligned properly. Standing up straight will give you more confidence and it will naturally make you look better.

Accordingly, when your abdominal muscles are weak, you are more prone to injuries in your back. When lifting, if the abdominal muscles are weak, the back is not supported, and one is more likely to strain the back. Conversely, strengthening your abdominal muscles may help prevent injuries to the back and relieve back pain caused by strain to the back. Overall, improving the strength of your abdominal muscles is good for your back.

Strong abdominal muscles at the centre of your body, give stability and balance to the whole body. That leads to healthier and stronger joints. This improves the agility, performance and gait of the body. Weak abs may lead to joint pain and injuries to the joints. This is why it is important to develop those strong abs.

Weak muscles are usually related to hernias. Anyone who experienced hernia would know that, its something to avoid at all costs. They can be extremely painful and sometimes require serious treatments like surgeries. Strong abdominal muscles will significantly decrease the chances of developing a hernia. If youre especially worried about hernia, it might be a good idea to invest in good quality sit up equipments that will decrease the likelihood of developing a hernia.

Strong abs also improves the breathing and thereby increases the oxygen supply to all parts, as well as cells of the body through increased blood circulation.

Reading all the above benefits you will surely feel motivated to improve your abdominal strength. Many people neglect the abs. There are many exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles. You may purchase some equipment so that you can exercise at home. There are many types of equipments for sit ups and for other abdominal exercises. For gods sake start exercising today. - 17269

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Diet Tips For Everyone

By Katharine Larsen

Pretty much everyone has heard of the Low Carb diets. These have become so popular within the past few years. The Atkins diet is probably the most popular of the carb cutter diets.

Once you pass that timeframe you will likely begin to notice some unpleasant side effects. Your body is letting you know that something is wrong. You will likely feel very fatigued, irritable, and constipated.

You can start off with the quick start for a few weeks. Then you will have to follow another regimen to take off more weight and keep it off. This is considered changing the way that you eat and that should be followed for the rest of your life.

The path to effectiveness is led by setting goals. Start by deciding the amount of weight that you wish to lose. Set that goal and don't be afraid to set even weekly weight loss goals.

The path of effectiveness is headed by setting targets. Start by determining how much weight you want to lose. Set this goal and not be afraid to set goals for the same weight loss weekly.

Most low carb diets are surprisingly high in fat. They claim that you are allowed to eat unlimited meats, creams, and butter. A normal person has to know that can not be healthy.

There is no way for someone to eat that much fatty food and justify that it is healthy to do so. Another problem with this type of weight loss is that carbs all fall into one group. Stay away from grains, fruits, beans, potatoes, rice, pastas, and some vegetables.

You don't have to go to the gym or run two miles everyday. Just do something that is vigorous that you enjoy. Do your exercising as early in the day as possible.

Fruits and Vegetables especially, are rich in fiber as well as antioxidants such as Vitamin C, carotenoids, flavonoids, etc which are proven to prevent heart disease and cancer. Low carb diets suggest these foods should be monitored. That doesn't sound right.

You can do something vigorous that you like. Complete your exercise early in the day. Later in the day you start to compromise a good night's sleep.

Watch what you eat! Select the best food choices. Be diligent and exercise and you will notice a difference. - 17269

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Food That Cause Gout: Getting Facts Straight

By Rashel Dan

The most common way to prevent gout is to avoid food that cause gout. To determine which foods are detrimental, you should first get to know the main factors that contribute to the development of gout. Uric acids and purines are precursors to gouty flare-ups, so you should look for food or beverages that are low in purines, low in uric acids and sufficient in Alkalines.

What happens when gout occurs?

A gout condition can happen when a person has an abnormally high level of uric acid deposits in certain areas of the body like the joints. The accumulation turns the uric acids into crystals that somehow "jam" your connective tissues, making it hard for you to move your fingers or toes. The crystals will grow overtime, usually in a matter of hours and therefore causes inflammation-you will see your skin physically swelling and turning red as a result. If left untreated, the swollen area will burst as the crystals exude through the skin.

What is uric acid?

Uric acid comes from food substance called purine. We all naturally have uric acid in our bodies, but sometimes we could have abnormal levels either at birth or by eating certain types of food that cause gout. Uric acid can form into crystals that cause pain and swelling.

What are purines?

Purines are nucleic acids that occur as nitrogenous compounds in certain foods. They are excreted as uric acid and are not considered vital in our diet. Since purines are excreted as uric acid high-purine sources are obviously food that cause gout. It is estimated that 50% of those who have high-purine diets have a higher tendency of developing gout. Purines can be found in food that cause gout, so listing food sources would be essential.

Here is a general list of high-purine food that cause gout:

- Beef - Pork - Poultry: turkey, goose - Meat organs: liver, heart, tongue - Seafood: anchovies, herring, salmon, crabs, shrimps, scallops, mussels - Vegetables: asparagus, cauliflower, spinach, mushrooms. - Legumes: green peas, lentils, dried peas, beans, - Sauces / dressings: creamy sauces, gravies, meat broths - Beverages: coffee, alcohol (beer, wine, etc.) - Oatmeal, wheat bran and wheat germ, yeast - Sweetbreads

The foods listed above trigger high levels of uric acid in the body. One way to lower acidity is by eating alkaline foods.

What is alkali?

Alkali is a compound that neutralizes acids in the body. It raises pH levels to more than 7. Acid has a pH less than 7, so alkali can be used to dilute uric acid in the body.

Here are alkaline foods that could help counteract high uric acid levels in your system:

- Bananas - Watermelon - Orange juice - Potatoes - Spinach - Figs - Dandelion Greens - Chocolate - Mineral water

Remember that sources high in fat are known to be food that cause gout. Also avoid foods that are high in proteins, because they are often high in purines that raise levels of uric acid in the body. - 17269

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Discover 2 Foods To Avoid If You Have Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

By Alison Harris

New research points to the idea that irritable bowel syndrome may be caused by an overgrowth of bad bacteria in the intestines. It seems that some foods favour the spread of these bad bacteria and one way to reduce their population is to identify which foods support their growth.

It important to keep a food and symptoms diary as this is the only way you will be able to track the specific foods that trigger your IBS Symptoms.

The list below shows 2 known foods that definitely trigger IBS symptoms in many people. They are:

1. Gluten: Is a protein found in a lot of grains and that includes but not restricted to wheat,oats,rye,spelt,rye and barley.The first thing you need to do is go on a gluten free diet for at least 2 weeks.

This means you have to pay very close attention to the foods you are eating, read food labels and even read the ingredients in over the counter medicines because some of the foods and medications that you least expect may contain gluten.

You should see a significant improvement in your symptoms once you eliminate this protein from your diet.

2. Coffee especially when combined with sugar and milk. As an irritable bowel syndrome suffer myself, I have experienced some of the symptoms of IBS e.g bloating, stomach noises, flatulence, spastic contractions of the colon and stomach cramps.

I noticed a significant improvement in my symptoms the very next day I stopped drinking coffee.

You see coffee and sugar are both acidic foods and they will increase the acidity of your stomach. If you suffer from IBS, it is important that your stomach is not too acidic. One of the ways to achieve this is to reduce the amount of acidic foods you eat and consume more foods that leave an alkaline residue in your body.

We have talked about two foods you need to avoid if you have IBS, but there many more foods that trigger this ailment. - 17269

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Basic Dental Hygiene Forestalls Larger, More Expensive Health Problems

By Shelton Graham

Since we were kids, we have heard a lot about the value of practicing "good dental hygiene", but it is usually assumed that we already know what that means. Unfortunately, we generally say that we know what the results of such a regular practice is going to be...but we are wrong.

We understand at some level that we would not require such drastic dental treatments as fillings, extractions, and root canals. We realize, at least to some extent, that we'd potentially look and feel better...not to say experience less pain...were our dental hygiene habits a little better. We can even grasp the precise cost of after-the-fact dental procedures will be much larger than the pricetag related to just keeping our teeth and gums healthy on a daily basis.

However, many of us never put the whole package together and realize the total impact that neglecting basic dental hygiene can have on us. Not only will our wallets and jaws be impacted, time taken from our daily activities either as we perform our daily required dental care, or as we visit the dentist later to correct the conditions which developed as a consequence of our negligence. Even Worse, we shall likely experience needless agony, ill-health, and possible early death, or at least devitalizing conditions, as a consequence of not doing the few straightforward and relatively inexpensive steps which would take care of the situation before it has got an opportunity to occur.

A life filled with disease and pain and all the types of expenses related to that can be the results of neglecting to take some easy, and relatively cheap, steps towards a healthy mouth and gums. The following steps are easy and basic Dallas dental cleanliness that forestalls you from having larger, bigger and dear health issues:

Regular Brushing and Flossing - One of the first steps somebody can take on the way to correct dental hygiene is sort of simply to brush their gnashers at least twice a day and to floss once per day. While it is recommended by some to brush in the morning and before bed, it might have value to at least squeeze it in somewhere in the day. Flossing removes the plaque which builds up around teeth. Plaque will eventually lead to tooth decay, and removing it frequently is a significant step in the prevention of cavities which will have to be filled or even teeth which will need to be extracted or be saved by a root canal.

Use a Toothpaste Containing Fluoride - Such toothpastes will help stop the expansion of plaque while buttressing the enamel of the tooth itself. Mouthwashes with fluoride and plaque-preventing ingredients may help as well.

Avoid Sugar - This tip could be included in a lot articles. Not only does sugar help promote the expansion of plaque, but it also contributes to nonessential weigh gain. Since over 65% of the adult population of America is overweight, cutting sugar from our diets may have a double whammy in favor of good health

Avoid Tobacco - Whilst smoking and gnawing might or may not have any direct effect on the teeth themselves, tobacco products can contribute to illnesses of the gums and mouth, including oral cancer.

Visit Your Dentist Constantly - A dentist can spot a developing hole or other condition before it becomes a large, dear problem. Bad things might be going down in your mouth, or your kid's mouth, that you may not be conscious of, but the dentist can discern and possibly take steps to fix. The dentist's office will also commonly offer a cleaning which will be far better than what you can normally do at home yourself.

Even if you skip all the other steps, visiting your dentist a year just for a checkup and cleaning could go a great distance to keeping your teeth, gums, and mouth in a healthy condition. - 17269

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Tips For Eating Healthy Food On A Budget

By Dan Sewinski

With the humongous servings that restaurants serve these days, Americans have grown used to eating large amounts of food every day. This is good if the food that they eat is nutritious and lesser in calories. Unfortunately, this is not the case. That is why, it is important that when you do eat at home, you eat healthy and light as much as you can to counteract the calorie intake that you have gotten. This starts with the cooking light.

Healthy foods need to be cooked in a healthy fashion if you want them to stay healthy. The oil you choose can make a big difference. Do not use an oil based on animal fat if you want your healthy vegetables to be low in calories and fat content. So be careful when cooking light!

Follow these tips to make sure your home cooking is light and healthy. First and foremost, use oil that is vegetable-based. Doing so will allow you to cook your food so that it does not have much fat or calories. Corn oil and palm oil are some of the most popular choices. These oils are made of good cholesterol which helps in two ways. First, good cholesterol actually helps your heart function right. Second, good cholesterol counteracts bad cholesterol as from the fat from animal products.

No added chemicals: As much as you can, do not put any other chemicals or flavoring into your food that are not natural. It adds to the unhealthiness of the dish that you are serving. Powder flavoring may help enhance the taste in the dish that you are cooking but it can also cause liver and kidney problems because of its high salt content. Another thing to avoid is to use deep fried mixes and batter to your food as this only add to the caloric content of the food but none to the nutritional content.

In order to have a healthy diet, you should replace some servings of meat with vegetables and seafood. It is best to have meat for only one or two meals a day. Your family will still gain the protein they need, while reducing harmful fats and cholesterol. White meats, such as turkey or chicken, are more healthy than red meats, such as pork and beef. Turkey and chicken contain less cholesterol than red meats. If you must serve a red meat, choose pork because you can quickly remove the fat from the meat. It is difficult to remove fat from beef since the fats are distributed throughout the meat.

You should definitely cook fewer servings while you're cooking healthy, low-calorie foods. This is even more important when you're cooking dinner. You should gradually change the content of dishes to include less rice and more of the main course, but you can run into health problems if you do this suddenly. Young children need to get all the nutrients required for their bodies to mature, so don't change their dinners. Kids should not overeat, but they also should not be placed on diets unless a doctor makes it clear that's what you should do. - 17269

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Is It Possible To Have Specific Techniques of Muscle Building Which Can Be Used By All?

By Ryse Edwards

People world over are always wondering about how what are the best methods to build perfect muscles. However, the problem is that like weight loss methods, muscle building can also be done by a number of ways and methods which can be used by everyone.

Since no two bodies are identical, muscle building techniques cannot be generalized for every one. Hence, you don't have to bother about what others are doing; you need to actually look at the techniques which help you to get the results that you want.

Its not enough to assemble a great training routine, the important part is maintaining the consistency. You can't expect to work just one day a week and get great muscles. Muscle building means dedication and motivation and lifting at least thrice or four times in a week.

You can choose from a plethora of routines for building muscles depending on your final goal. The three most important upper body muscles that people generally target are the biceps, shoulders and pectorals. Nevertheless the other muscle groups like the abdominal and triceps are also important.

Generally most fitness enthusiasts work out in the gym to mainly develop their upper body muscles since that's what really captures the attention of most people. However for a healthy body, you also need to focus on your lower body which can help you to develop strength and stamina. Leg exercises like lunges, calf raises and squats are quite useful in this aspect.

However, there are no universal muscle building methods which can be used for all. Hence, instead of wasting time on looking at what works for others, you can utilize the same time in researching different techniques for your self and trying them out. Once you have the right techniques which suit your individual needs and goals, you will also be able to see the results that you want. All you need to realize is that you can include a variety of exercises and lifts to suit your training routine. - 17269

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Enhancing Fertility With Chiropractic Care

By Dr. Jason Fowler

Thirty-five year-old Tracy had tried everything: monitoring her cycles through body temperature, over-the-counter fertility predictors and finally, fertility-enhancing drugs and in vitro fertilization. But after three years of trying, she still was not pregnant. She began to think she was too old to have a family, though she was seemingly in great physical shape.

Tracy is not alone. Thousands of women go to fertility specialists each year. After fertility treatments fail, many women are told no (about having children) because of their age, says Darcy Brown, DC. But chiropractic may offer hope. At least one recent study showed that, after receiving chiropractic care, previously infertile women were much more likely to become pregnant (Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, 2003). And while reasons behind chiropractics success in treating infertility arent certain, there are a number of possibilities why it may work.

Dr. Brown, who practices in Aspen, Colorado, believes that proper alignment works in several ways to increase the likelihood of becoming and staying pregnant. Chiefly, improper alignment of the cranial, spinal, and pelvic bones can hinder the nervous system, which controls a womans reproductive system, causing imbalances and hampering her ability to get and stay pregnant.

Distortions of the sphenoid bone in the skull" which can result from passage through the birth canal or from accidents later in life" are particularly problematic, says Brown, since misalignments there can affect the cranial nerve and pituitary gland. The pituitary gland is the regulator of a number of hormones important to fertility, including the follicle-stimulating hormone, estrogen, and progesterone. If any of these are out of balance, it can be very difficult to get pregnant.

Like Tracy, many of the patients Brown sees for infertility have tried everything. They come to chiropractic as a last resort. Brown first talks to them about their menstrual health history, noting signs of imbalance, which have often been problematic since the onset of menstruation, including heavy cramping, mood swings, and missing periods. We balance the body [through chiropractic], says Brown. Patients receive a combination of chiropractic and craniosacral adjustments, three times a week to start. After adjustments start to hold, patients visit once or twice a week.

How long should chiropractic take to work? Not long, says Brown. We give it three months. Often women will become pregnant in the third or fourth month of treatment. Brown has an impressive 75 percent success rate so far. Unless there have been serious compromises to reproductive health, he says, such as a history of extreme athletic activity or substance abuse, chiropractic may set the stage for a successful pregnancy for women like Tracy. - 17269

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So Many People Are Asking - How Much Acai Berry Should I Take?

By Travis Van Slooten

Acai berry has recently become one of the most popular supplements on the American market, but many people are still asking how much acai berry they should be taking. While there is no set amount of acai which you should take, there are some things to consider which may help you decide what amount of acai is right for you. Depending upon the product you are using, the acai berry dosage may vary.

Always Consult Your Doctor

For those who have a predisposed medical ailment, it is imperative that you consult with your doctor prior to taking acai supplements. It is also important that you understand that only your doctor and no one else is qualified to advise you on this matter. Not even the so-called acai experts will do. It's still worth noting that on the average, people are consuming 1,000 to 4,000 mg of acai berry products per day so anything between that is considered the usual dosage. While you may be confident that you don't have allergies to acai supplements, it's still best to consult your physician on this.

Can I Take Too Much Acai Berry?

You can take too much of just about everything. Although acai poses no real danger in terms of overdose, many supplements may contain additives that could be unhealthy in large quantities. However, even something as normally harmless as acai berry could cause stomach problems or diarrhea from taking too much. Unless you have allergies or take an absurd amount, you will likely be fine. But you should still take the recommended dosage on the bottle or the amount your doctor has suggested.

Are Certain Acai Berry Products Dangerous?

You need to remember that not all acai berry products are created equal. Some products are considered pure acai berry. They contain nothing except the nutritious fruit of the acai berry. These products are not known to have any side effects and are considered as safe as any common fruit. However, some products may contain fillers or additives such as sugars or caffeine which may have unwanted side effects if you consume too much. It is important that you consider the specific product if you are planning on taking a different dosage than what is on the bottle.

It is always a good idea to stick with what the company recommends in terms of dosage. The correct acai berry dosage is what is printed on the label and that is the dosage you should stick to. If you want to take more acai or take a different kind of acai berry supplement, you should consult with your doctor first. You doctor is the best person to suggest how much acai berry you should take. - 17269

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Best Choice In A Mineral Supplement.

By Neil Butterfield

You know that you need the right amount of minerals and vitamins to stay healthy. In todays world, this is usually achieved with supplements. However all supplements are not created equal and you could be missing out on nutrients that you think you're getting. How do you know which supplement to buy? We'll cover that here.

Before we go any further its important for you to realize just how important the type of mineral supplement you take is to your overall health. For example, too often a person buys and takes a chelated vitamin and mineral supplement that by everything that is written on the packaging should be adequate to ensure dietary needs. The problem most people dont realize that with a compound, or even chelated vitamin or mineral supplement you will not receive more than 25% of the value and most times its much less.

However, a with liquid ionic multi mineral/vitamin supplement, you are absorbing almost 100%, so you are actually getting what it says on the label. The difference is because a liquid ionic supplement is water based, and that's very easy for your body to absorb.

Few would argue that having the right daily servings of fruits and vegetables is a good way to get the necessary vitamins and minerals and that this option is far better than taking a vitamin or mineral supplement.

You see, modern foods don't contain the nutrients it once did, (like it did in our grandparents? time.) So even if you eat correctly, you could still be lacking some minerals.

Vitamins and minerals are referred to as micronutrients. Your body isnt able to make micronutrients and so you must either get them from the food you eat or from supplements. Taking a mineral supplement is a good way to compliment your diet and ensure you are actually getting the necessary nutrients.

Whole foods are more complex and higher in fiber than processed food and are the best way to get micronutrients. They can also strengthen your immune system to protect you from disease and other illness.

Do you need a mineral supplement? If you eat a perfect diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and fish, every day, you might not need one. But I don't know anyone who eats like that, do you? So for the rest of us, a mineral supplement becomes necessary..

If you have any one following conditions, you definitely need a liquid ionic mineral supplement.

*You only eat 1500 calories a day *Are on a restricted diet due to food allergies *You have had any kind of operation on your digestive tract *You eat a lot of processed foods and few whole ones *If you don't eat meat *If you bleed heavily or have bad PMS when it's that time *If pregnant, planning on becoming pregnant or breast feeding *Starting or already in menopause *You take any kind of medication long term *You get a lot of diarrhea

Before purchasing a vitamin or mineral supplement you need to read the label and make sure that you know what you are getting. You also want to know how much you should take and how often. Remember that a liquid mineral supplement is going to allow you to absorb a much higher amount of the minerals and therefore they will be much more helpful to the body. Minerals are food to the body so taking a quality mineral supplement just makes good health sense - 17269

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Female Bodybuilding Advice, How To Build Beautiful Muscle

By Ricardo d Argence

Do you want instructions on building attractive female muscle? Bulking up with free weights is a popular method, but there is much more to it. The answer is weight training with the proper intensity, right form, and training just enough to stimulate growth.

Once you know the six common mistakes women body builders make, you will be pleased at how you can adjust your own training program to increase muscle gain.

1. I've seen too many people make the mistake of not challenging themselves enough with muscle building. Granted, some women train hard, but few challenge themselves each training session. When progressive overload is used and maximal force is applied, muscle growth will occur.

2. A popular training mistake is failing to use heavy compound exercises. In such exercising where all the muscles and joints of a certain area are expected to work together and execute the movement,it is called a compound exercise, because here the exercise is a multi joint one. Compound exercises are the backbone to any muscle building program. Training programs that lack compound exercises do not promote muscle growth.

3. The third mistake that I see in muscle growth is being inconsistent. You will not be able to build up muscle by working out casually. You must make out a detailed plan and follow the schedule meticulously.

4. Failure to give a program enough time to prove itself is another common error. If you want your muscle building program to give you results, you have to be patient. If you want to ensure muscle building success, log your workouts so you can visually see the progression, and be sure that you are challenging your muscles every workout.

5. A usual problem women bodybuilders have is contemplating fast changes. Changes can be made, but will not be apparent overnight. When you see well-developed built ladies, they worked hard for that physique. It wasn't as easy as deciding what weight they wanted to be and then changing their eating habits and achieving their goals just like that. These sculpted physiques resulted from adhering to the appropriate training guidelines and steered clear of typical errors made by women bodybuilders.

6. Another popular bodybuilding error with women is training too much. Don't say you are not guilty of it because everyone has trained too much at one time or another.

Muscle growth doesn't take endless reps at the gym or doing a weight training marathon. The fact is, if you over train you will halt muscle growth. - 17269

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