Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Treadmills vs. Elliptical Machines: The Face Off

By John Andrews

Elliptical machines are slowly but surely becoming the new treadmill. These machines give a person a complete workout, using multiple muscles. They are sold worldwide; some are as low as 400 dollars and some as high as 4 thousand.

The elliptical machine combines skiing, walking, and bicycling in its design. These machines typically have screens on them that will display a person's heart rate while they are working out. Some elliptical machine screens display the calories that they have burned as well.

The best factor about an elliptical machine versus a treadmill is that they do not put pressure on the joints while exercising. When a person walks or runs it is constant pressure on the ankles and feet. With an elliptical machine this impact on the feet does not exist.

The elderly or people who have been injured can use elliptical machines. People who have experienced ankle injuries may find it difficult to use a treadmill because of the pressure that is put on their feet. They will not feel this pressure when using the elliptical.

Some seniors may find it hard to walk on the treadmill due to a fear of falling or sliding off of it. On an elliptical machine their feet are set in one place and it is impossible to slide off, and falling is unlikely. Most elliptical machines have different programs that a person can pick from.

Some elliptical machines have up to 20 different programs to pick from, these are usually the more expensive ones; the cheaper ones usually have fewer than 10 programs. Ellipticals provide a person with a better workout then a treadmill, because they affect more muscles. Elliptical machines have resistance levels that can be altered; this way, more than one person can use the elliptical machine.

The word elliptical means oval, this is because the motion that the legs form when using the machine stride in an oval shape. The bigger the strides on an elliptical machine the more room a person will have to move around. Most ellipticals typically have 10 to 20 inch strides.

Elliptical machines come in many different shapes and sizes. Some can fold up but most have to put together in the spot, which they are meant to stay. When a person purchases an elliptical machine three questions should be asked, will it fit my budget, my house, and me?

Elliptical machines are found in all gyms nowadays and are frequently used by gym guests. Elliptical machines focus more on cardio and will help a person shed those unwanted pounds by burning fat without building too much muscle. Although ellipticals help to burn fat, they can be programmed to help build muscle if that is what the person wishes.

Another wonderful factor about elliptical machines is that they can be used without electricity. A person may not be able to see how many calories that they burned, but they could still use the machine and get a good workout. A treadmill can only work if it is plugged in to the wall.

Elliptical machines provide a person with a better workout than treadmills do. They will run with out power, work more muscles, and they do not affect the joints of the feet and ankles like treadmills do. All in all they are a better way of exercising than the use of a treadmill. - 17269

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Cellulite Detox Diet to Eliminate Cellulite

By El Bilson

How effective is cellulite detox in eliminating that stubborn body fat? Many women today are concerned about their cellulite problems. This has led them to seek various ways to get rid of cellulite including detox diets, exercise plans and vitamin supplements.

Often times however, these solutions do not work and leave women feeling even more fed up. Fortunately, various medical and natural procedures are now available to prevent the occurrence of this difficult skin problem.

Most women will encounter cellulite at some point in their life. Cellulite is the lumpy deposit of body fat just below the skin. This lumpy buildup of fat under the skin gives it an unpleasant look. Added to this is the danger it poses to health due to the insufficient supply of blood in the areas affected. Failure to treat this soon could bring irreversible damage to skin and other health risks. Advanced medical studies confirm that among other methods of eliminating cellulite, cellulite detox is one of the most effective treatments.

To get rid of cellulite, many doctors recommend their patients do a regular exercise routine. Engaging in an active lifestyle plus eating a healthy diet can help a lot in getting rid of cellulite. Detoxifying through a healthy diet has been found to be extremely effective.

A cellulite detox diet consists of healthful and non-fattening foods. This diet is intended to do away with toxic substances in the body brought about by a past unhealthy habits and environmental factors. This diet helps by improving blood circulation, especially on the affected areas. This is accomplished by heightening the bodys metabolism and getting rid of toxins beneath the skin. Getting cellulite free skin is just one of the benefits of a detox diet.

Giving your body a break from a lifestyle that contributes to cellulite build up is vital to achieving your desired result. A good detox program starts with getting rid of junk foods and go for the low-fat and low-calorie alternatives. Another important thing to do is to take in more fresh fruits and vegetables, especially the green leafy ones. Foods high in fiber and protein are also good to consume.

Doctors also suggest that you eat plenty of apples, bananas, oranges, broccoli, celery, carrots, beans, and other fruits and veggies. White meat like fish and chicken (with the skin removed) can also be eaten without guilt. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking a lot of water and tea, since drinking enough fluids can help flush toxins out of the body regularly.

Adopting and submitting yourself to a cellulite detox diet can do wonders in eliminating cellulite. Aside from engaging in physical activities and a healthy diet, one can also boost the effect by using clinically proven products like anti-cellulite creams and vitamin supplements. Some expensive procedures like surgeries are also available for those who can afford it. However nothing works as efficiently and yields more lasting results than good food, exercise, and products that contain only natural ingredients. - 17269

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Organic meat

By Karol Wariala

Brought to you by: Mustard Dressing. You have to care at least about one of these two things to start eating organic meats: your health or the environment. The difference from industrial farms is that organic livestock gets grown in a significantly higher ethical manner, without causing deforestation and an incredible annual consume of grains. Here are some of the advantages that come with organic meats.

The livestock on organic farms are not treated with drugs, hormones and antibiotics. Moreover, legislation forbids that livestock from organic farms be fed on genetically modified foods. Organic meats therefore bring purer nutrients because of what the animals eat and how they are treated in farms. Plus, we can add here the significant safety of the products as compared to the factory produced counterparts.

For instance, it seems that the mad cow disease appeared because of bovines being fed on the ground remains of their own species. The disease affects humans when exposed to little cooked contaminated meat, and the symptoms appear after a pretty long period of time but with the same intense and devastating impact. Organic meats come from animals that are fed naturally and thus remain safe in terms of contamination.

The quality of organic meats is also closely connected with the treatment of the livestock too. In factory farms, animals are kept in very small pens lacking the possibility to move and being crammed together permanently. Animals grown on organic farms can graze and range without too much confinement.

This implies that the organic meats produced on such farms have all the positive properties resulting from a natural fresh diet.

By eating organic meats you also encourage the environment protection and the reduction of pollution resulting from manure. Industrial farms are often characterized as very large polluting agents; as for small farms, their advantage is that they use the manure for soil fertilization, thus allowing the substances to reenter the circuit.

Buy organic meats from local farms or organic stores that sell a diversity of products that should provide something for any user. You can choose from chicken, pork, beef or veal that are not exposed to chemicals such as pesticides and fertilizers. With organic meats you won't have the problem of being exposed to chemical residues that are often encountered with regular meats. Eat organic and you'll stay healthy! - 17269

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Is The Grapefruit Diet A Fad Diet

By Cathy Maree

One of the popular fad diets in Hollywood was the grapefruit diet. Stars and starlets used it as far back as the 1930s. Then in the 70's it became a piece of fax junk, sent from machine to machine, and became known as the xerox lore. The Mayo Clinic, which is often credited as the diet's creator, claims to have nothing to do with this unhealthy diet.

The grapefruit diet is essentially like the Atkins diet with the addition of a grapefruit before each meal. The diet only allows three meals each day, with no snacking in between meals. Supposedly a person on this diet could lose 10 pounds in only 10 days.

The distribution was just as far fetched no weight loss for four days then five pounds lost all on the fifth day. It was based on the claim that grapefruit contains fat burning enzymes, something that has never been proven.

In 2004 it was proven that the diet may work. Eating grapefruit prior to meals helped people in the study lose 3.6 pounds in twelve weeks. Drinking the juice from the grapefruit led to only slightly less weight loss. A few of the participants lost an astounding 10 pounds.

Researchers attributed the weight loss to decreased insulin levels caused by eating grapefruit. However, all the participants slightly enhanced their exercise programs, which may account for the lost weight.

Here's an overview of the typical grapefruit diet plan:

- Drink eight servings of water a day. - Stop eating when you feel full. - Eat all the listed foods at each meal, don't skip food as it interferes with fat burning. - The catalyst to the whole process is grapefruit, so don't cut it. - Drink only up to 1 cup of coffee at meals. - No snacking before or after meals. - You can have Butter that is OK. - No starches or sweets can be eaten. - Meat and vegetables are fine. - It's important to eat into you're full because the more you eat the more you will lose. - Skip two days between each 12 day diet period. - Eat one half grapefruit, or drink 18 ounce glass of grapefruit, at each meal time.

If this seems like an easy diet to maintain then the grapefruit diet may be for you. - 17269

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Micro encapsuled vitamins/minerals

By Claude Edwin Theraiult

Plain fact and plain truth is that today's food is an over processed under nurishing mess, it really is. It is a basic prerequisite that we simply need to supplement our diets with food supplements to survive the pace of our non stop gogo lives.

All food supplements are not created equal however, the majority of companies are still cranking out the same old tables and capsules ,since people are still in the same old established habits of buying them. While a good research on Web 2.0 can show new innovation in nano technology and it's micro encapsulation of a multitude of nutrition.

The future is here now ,nothing will be coming to replace let alone top the brilliance of micro encapsulated nutrition of nanotechnology vitamins and minerals. I was personnally very impressed when I came upon the reading material on this breaking technology.

Plain fact and plain truth is that today's food is an over processed under nurishing mess, it really is. It is a basic prerequisite that we simply need to supplement our diets with food supplements to survive the pace of our non stop gogo lives.

The convienience of an easy to carry pouch alone instead of capsules . Makes the liquid vitamin mineral supplement a great way to get massive easy to absorb nutrition. As opposed to conventional capsules and tablets that simply do not cut it in the mega performance delivery department. - 17269

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The Acai Berry vs. Pomegranate

By Carter Sinclair

In the health and food industry the two most talked about super foods are the Acai berry and pomegranates. Both contain an excellent source of minerals and vitamins and are very healthy for you. The question is which one is better for you? We're going to have a battle and you decide which one is better.

In The Far Corner Wearing The Red Trunks We Have The Pomegranate!

Some legends talk about the pomegranate as giving Helen of Troy her beauty. Native to northern India and Iran this sweet tasting fruit is one of the healthiest fruits in the world. Here are some of the healthy benefits of the pomegranate:

* Contains high amounts of antioxidants (10,500 ORAC)

* Is rich in vitamin C, A, E and folic acid

* Raises good cholesterol levels and reduces plaque in arteries

* Helps to prevent enzymes from damaging your cartilage

* Battles cancer cells

* Slows down the aging process

Now lets see how Acai compares.

And In The Other Corner Wearing the Purple Trunks Is Acai Berry!

Acai is a small purple berry that is native to the Amazon Rainforests. It is a staple for the native people, and has recently exploded in popularity around the world. It has an amazing flavor that is similar to a mix of chocolate and berries. Here is a look at what type of benefits you can get from Acai:

* Contains high levels of antioxidants (18400 on the ORAC)

* Is a great source for essential fatty acids

* Provides a boost of energy similar to coffee (without caffeine)

* Fights cancer cells

* Slows down the aging process

* Contains high levels of fiber, amino acids, and Vitamins C, E, and B

Those are some pretty powerful benefits from a little berry, but are it enough to defeat the pomegranate?

And The Winner Is...

Acai berry takes down pomegranate. It was a close decision but the break point was that Acai has almost double the antioxidant levels (18400 vs 10500) of pomegranate. Acai provides a long lasting energy boost that contains many healthy vitamins and nutrients. While pomegranate does help protect you from arthritis and cartilage damage it wasn't enough for the decision. Congratulations Acai berry! - 17269

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