Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Camu Camu Juice

By Craig Tomlinson

Camu Camu is another strange sounding exotic fruit found deep in Peru that is showing some remarkable qualities. Camu Camu (Myrciaria dubia) grows throughout the Amazon rainforest in swampy flooded areas predominately. The fruit is about the size of a lemon, orange in color and packed with great amounts of Vitamin C.

The Camu Camu fruit has the highest amount of natural full spectrum vitamin C than any other fruit. It provides up to 500,000 ppm or 2 grams of vitamin C for every 100 grams of fruit. That is thirty times more vitamin C than oranges. Camu Camu also contains leucine, serine, thiamin, valine, niacin, riboflavin, ellagic acid, Beta-carotene, calcium, potassium and protein.

Although formal studies on Camu Camu are few it delivers without a doubt more vitamin C than your standard ascorbic acid tablet alone. Because of that fact Camu Camu has some very practical uses as an antioxidant, nutritive element and an astringent. Because Camu Camu is an all natural source of this very vital Vitamin C it can and has been used for the treatment of colds and flus as well as for anti-aging, skin care, defending the nervous system from degeneration and anti-inflammation.

Camu Camus natural (not synthetic) vitamin C is a full spectrum vitamin C. A "full-spectrum" vitamin C is an all natural nutrient rich nutritional supplement that is highly absorbable by the human body using all of the natural cofactors required for nutrient assimilation.

Vitamin C is a highly effective antioxidant, even in small amounts it can protect molecules in the body (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, DNA and RNA) from damage by free radicals that can be caused by normal metabolic processes and exposure to environmental toxins. Vitamin C is known to be able to regenerate other antioxidants such as vitamin E.

Camu Camu is a most effective all natural anti-depressant. In fact, Dr. Gary Null has named Camu Camu at the top of his list of compounds with antidepressant properties, as well it's effectiveness against the herpes virus. Camu Camu juice is now available from Dr. Tims Juices.

They make Dr. Tims Amazon Camu Camu that is 100% juice with over 85% Camu Camu and the remaining 15% just a couple of other natural juices including Acerola. You can find it online at www.brazilbotanicals.com. - 17269

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Health And Fitness - How Fats Can Hurt And Help Your Health

By Jose Bautista

The amount of fat you eat and how it relates to your health and fitness is very important. To be healthy it is generally thought that you need to avoid fats of all kind but there are some types of fats that are very beneficial to your body and can help your health.

The harmful fats that will eventually line your arteries and cause heart disease are saturated fats. These fats are ridged as their structure has the maximum amount of hydrogen's, making them saturated. Most food products that contain saturated fats include cheese, fatty meats, butter and whole milk.

The main fundamental behind fats are that saturated fats are harmful your health and unsaturated fats, when eaten in moderation are helpful and good fats. Saturated fats are called so because they are rigid molecules they have the maximum amount of hydrogen atoms on them as possible.

New research has shown some interesting facts about saturated fats as some are much worse than others. One such saturated fat, stearic acid, does not actually affect your LDL cholesterol. This fat is part of the fat in beef and the fat in chocolate and it does not act like other saturated fats.

However there are some saturated fats that are worse than others. Interestingly enough a saturated fat in beef and dark chocolate, stearic acid does not affect your LDL cholesterol at all. So stearic acid doesn't help your body but it doesn't hurt it either. Another saturated fat, lauric acid, while raise your LDL cholesterol but it also increases your HDL or good cholesterol. It can be concluded though that too much saturated fat is a problem so eat your chocolate and beef in moderation.

However this can be a bit complicated and to keep things simple you should try to avoid saturated fats. Most saturated fats are solid at room temperature, such as butter and lard, while unsaturated fats are liquids at room temperature, such as olive oil. Try to include good fats in your diet such as fats found in avocados, vegetable oils, fish, olives and nuts. - 17269

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Entering Into The Coffee Business

By Ali Bautista

The coffee business is a good place to look into investing or starting up a coffee store as the industry is expanding. However to take advantage of the growth and money to be made in the industry you need to know what you are doing as well as understanding marketing and how to stay active in the industry.

There are many different types of coffee shops you can open. You have the choice of specialty stores, coffee shops and coffee drive thrus. The coffee industry has exploded since the 1990s and there is still more room for growth.

Typically when looking to start a coffee business you will need to have some cash as this is an investment of type. You may be lucky enough to have enough on your own, you may need to take out a loan or find other investors that can back you.

In general an investment of between $10, 000 to $100, 000 is needed though this number will depend on whether you are starting a coffee kiosk, coffee shop franchise, coffee drive thru or coffee cart.

Coffee franchises can also be a good investment though you can survive competing against franchises. Coffee franchises take some of the marketing pressure off as they have educated many consumers, so you do not have to inform coffee drinkers from the start, they already have knowledge presented by the franchises.

You need to be very smart, completely train and education your employees so that they can pass that knowledge on, make sure your marketing is new and evolving and make sure your drinks are always perfect. You need to be able to change as the market changes. Eventually you will be getting business from repeat customers as well as new customers. - 17269

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Cooking With Crab Sauce

By Ferdinand Emy

There are several different types of crab sauce, including red, herb and cream sauces. Each diverse sort of crab sauce has one thing in common. They all possess a delicate flavor and texture, and should be approached with care. Crab meat can be fickle, its texture and flavor dependent on being properly cooked.

because of health dangers, you should be very cautious with your crab meat and making sure it is cooked thoroughly.

Ingredients (Cream Sauce):

Fresh Crab Meat Butter Flour Green onions Minced parsley Salt Pepper Light cream

Ingredients (Herb Sauce):

Lemon Garlic Cilantro Basil Parsley Odwell Oil Salt White Pepper

Ingredients (Red Sauce):

Onion Garlic Cilantro Basil Parsley Tomatoes Olive Oil Salt White Pepper

Notes on Ingredients:

So as to compliment the lighter flavor of crab, fresh ingredients should be used. Dried ingredients tend to have a stronger flavor and may overwhelm the crab. Moderate sum of stronger ingredients, such as onion and garlic, should be utilised in moderation.


All ingredients should be prepared prior to combining in a sauce. Crab meat should be thoroughly cooked before it is utilized in sauce.

Cooking Time: 1+ hours

Crab sauce may take many hours to prepare and cook, as the crab meat must be cooked prior to being used in sauce. Once the crab meat is cooked, you can expect 30 minutes to an hour to prepare the sauce, dependent on the sort of sauce you desire. Herb and red sauces tend to have a quicker cooking time than white cream sauces.


There're numerous utilises for crab sauce. It is ofttimes employed as a topping for pasta, in addition as an accompaniment to other seafoods, such as lobster and salmon. Prior to you clarify what type of crab sauce you want to make, you should decide what dishes you are preparing to go with the crab sauce. Red and white sauces tend to match better with pastas. Herb sauces tend to go well with fish and lobster. Both white and red crab sauce may be used as a base for various crab soups.


Crab sauce tends to be used in both Eastern and Western cuisines. It's by and large a coastal dish, as fresh crab is difficult to transport in land. While frozen crab can be utilized, it tends to have a various texture and flavor than freshly caught crab. In the United States, New England and surrounding areas tend to be very well known for various crab sauces and seafood. - 17269

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Pregnancy And Vitamin D

By Julie Xillion

More and more research is pointing to the benefits of Vitamin D during pregnancy, but this great pregnancy nutrient has so many additional functions in the body. Vitamin D's role is fundamentally calcium maintenance; in this role it maintains the healthy calcium levels in your bones. When pregnant, vitamin D may work in a similar fashion. However, this individual vitamin also touches hundreds of discrete genes and to affect a lot of areas of wellbeing.

The research surrounding vitamin D is expanding on a daily basis, and recently the American Academy of Dermatology has updated their recommendations to caution the public not to not getting sufficient vitamin D. Vitamin D insufficiency is where you do not have the optimal amount of vitamin D circulating in your body, but are not identifiably deficient in the nutrient. In reference to their new guidelines, the American Academy of Dermatology's new guidance is as follows:

"The vitamin D position statement supports the Academy's long-held conviction on safe ways to get this important vitamin - through a healthy diet which incorporates foods naturally rich in vitamin D, vitamin D-fortified foods and beverages, and vitamin D supplements," said David Pariser, president of the American Academy of Dermatology.

"The updated recommendation for individuals who practice daily sun protection acknowledges that while protecting the skin from the damaging rays of the sun is important, so is maintaining adequate vitamin D levels. Concern about vitamin D should not lead people to forego sun protection, but rather prompt a conversation with their physician about how to ensure adequate and safe vitamin D intake while guarding against skin cancer."

Does this alter the guidance on vitamin D and pregnancy? Not specifically. You should still get acceptable sun exposure to manufacture the vitamin and acquire the rest through a healthy and balanced diet. Supplementation may help as well. - 17269

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Bodybuilding Tips, How to Gain Weight Fast

By Ricardo d Argence

Weight gain is something that isn't easy to do and you probably know this already. The key to weight gain is to do everything big. You have to eat big, to lift big, to get big. Say that over and over again in your head until you fully understand it.

Weightlifting is an integral part of gaining weight. But, when it comes to gain weight, it is also important to focus attention on your diet.

Tally up all the calories that you take in on a normal day. Count your normal caloric consumption without changing a thing. This step is vitally important, so try for the greatest possible accuracy.

On the second day of a calorie counting program, you should add 500 calories to your daily intake. So, lets pretend that the day you counted calories you counted 2000. For the rest of the week, you would now eat 2500 calories a day. Spread your calories over a number of meals, for instance, eat 5-6 small meals rather than 3 large ones. Eat one meal every 2 and a half to 3 hours. All you have to do is be discerning, and add calories in the way of healthy foods.

The key to obtaining muscle mass is protein. It is impossible to gain muscle without sufficient protein because weight training requires the use of amino acids, which are derived from protein. You should daily eat about 2.2g of protein per kilogram of your weight. Eat foods that are high in protein. Ideally, you should receive your protein from foods and not supplements.

Gaining weight is a concern of some beer drinkers. Some people are concerned about gaining weight from drinking beer. The truth is, it builds up in your abdomen, making it fatty.

And, of course, get in the gym and lift! This is another important step to how to gain weight, so make sure you are doing it correctly. Some thin people think that exercise is not good for them. This is not true, it keeps the metabolism high. Remember that eating alone is not sufficient. You don't want to gain fat but lean mass, so exercise is important.

Resistance training exercises will help to increase your muscle mass, which in turn will increase your metabolism. Learn to distinguish between weight gaining exercises and weight loss exercises.

If you truly want to dramatically change your body, to learn how to build muscle mass fast, understand that it will be the power of all these factors working together that will propel you towards your goals. - 17269

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Food Intolerances

By Charlie Monaghan Carter

If like an increasing proportion of the population you are faced with needing to restrict your diet, implementation can be difficult.

Despite the fact that all food that we buy is labelled with the details of its contents, it can still be difficult to avoid certain food ingredients. There are some intolerances that are fairly common such as gluten and dairy and so foods that dont contain them are relatively easily found and the only time its a real problem is when youre eating out. The main problem here is that most of the time, chefs do not understand the full extent of the effects of a particular ingredient on someone who suffers from food intolerances.

Quite often a well meaning chef will add a small quantity of flour to thicken a sauce, believing that it will not be noticed. Indeed, if the intolerance sufferer doesnt implode on the spot, the chef is likely to believe that they have Gotten away with it and that the sufferer is not really suffering at all. They dont realise that sufferers usually suffer as the food is digested and the consequences last for several days.

This makes it very difficult for people suffering food intolerances as eating out can quickly become a huge gamble. The more foods you are intolerant to, the bigger the gamble and the greater the likelihood that you will accidentally eat something that will upset you. It is not always easy to provide a chef with a list of foods to avoid. The reason for this is that it is hard work to find good food that avoids many common foods, so many people will soon tire of trying to accommodate you. Dont be surprised if your invitations drop in quantity.

For the sake of your health, it is of the utmost importance that you avoid all foods that you have an intolerance to. It is very hard work for your body to process these foods and so to allow it to recover, you should stick to foods that you know your body can handle. Having said that, if you start eating just a few foods that you know arent going to upset you, you may find that you begin developing intolerances to them as well.

For this reason it is important to maintain as wide a diet as possible. This is sometimes difficult if people have many allergies, a lot of the time people will find foods that dont upset them, and stick to them so as to avoid triggering the intolerances. However, you should try to keep eating as wide a range of foods as you can to avoid slowly but surely becoming intolerant to everything. - 17269

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Don't Let the HCG Diet Make You Hate Chicken

By Amelia Handley

If you've been on the HCG diet and you didn't attempt to research the myriad ways that are available to mix up the limited diet...you're probably finding yourself in a bit of a spot. You're probably going to find yourself hating the very sight of chicken! Because even though it's definitely only one of several protein options open to homeopathic HCG dieters; it's definitely the most commonplace.

The HCG Diet isn't the only diet that involves chicken. But the extremely limited list of approved foods on the homeopathic HCG diet makes hating chicken much more likely in comparison to other diets. You can't just break the rules a little bit by adding a teensy smattering of butter or olive oil; it quickly affects your weight loss numbers.

And no one will argue when you say that you are sick and tired of grilled chicken! There are only so many different ways to season a piece of grilled chicken to make it seem as if you aren't having the same thing you had for lunch as well as dinner and lunch the day before!

Working with HCG Diet Direct while navigating the homeopathic HCG diet gives dieters one very important tool that is otherwise lacking. They have access to the HCG Diet Direct cookbook. Within the confines of this very exclusive cookbook dieters can access many easy to follow, quick and healthy recipes for foods, snacks, drinks and meals that are appropriate for use while on the diet.

It's a lot easier to deal with chicken on a twice daily (or more) basis with the many options in the HCG Diet Direct Cookbook. With the cookbook, dieters can access instructions to grill, roast, bake, fry, sear, blacken, etc. And in addition to the many chicken recipes, the cookbook also offers a selection of healthy, HCG approved recipes for turkey, fish and beef.

With any diet it's important to stay dedicated. With the homeopathic HCG diet it's not hard to stay dedicated because results are immediate and typically drastic. But it can be hard to stay happy. No matter what anyone says food is part of our emotional landscape. Eating food that we like makes us happy (temporarily, of course, but it's an issue to deal with). By introducing yummy recipes that fit into the diet the HCG Diet Direct Cookbook makes being happy on the HCG Diet a definite possibility. - 17269

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Bodybuilding, How to Get Larger Muscles Now

By Don Moore

What, you may ask, is bodybuilding? It is the act of increasing ones bulk by working out and shaping ones diet to gain more muscle mass while keep body fat to a minimum. Bodybuilding workouts absolutely help you look good in a suit or a wedding dress and will assist you in developing character traits that will be with you throughout your life.

Bodybuilding did not really exist prior to the late 19th century, when it was promoted by a man from Prussia named Eugen Sandow, who is now generally referred to as The Father of Modern Bodybuilding.

It became more popular in the 1950s and 1960s with the emergence of strength and gymnastics champions joining the sport. The most important of these was Charles Atlas, whose advertising in comic books and other publications encouraged many young men to undertake weight training to improve their physiques to resemble the comic books muscular superheroes.

Many studies point to the fact that a properly managed program of training which is combined with a fairly hyper-caloric regimen of eating will give you gain in size and strength and will aid you in the avoidance of body fat.

The two main strategies of bodybuilders to maximize muscle development:

* Strength training through weight or hydraulic resistance.

* Using a special nutrition that contains a good amount of vitamin supplementation and protein is helpful. Also, it can't be stressed enough, that getting enough rest, weather it be sleep or just plain recuperation from the workout itself.

A bodybuilder is said to over train when he works his body to excess and cannot overcome this during his period of recovery. Some consider over training to be a good thing if it is not taken to the extreme, but goes just far enough that the body is able to gain back its former strength during the period of rest that follows.

Finally, through trial and error, finding I had a limited period of time in the day for exercise that I had to become more focused in my routine. My exercising has become more organized and efficient through the use of super-set, tri-sets and giant-sets.

Now, I focus on functional training and getting lean. I must say that this has worked better and I have been able to stick with my workouts, training period and have been able to eat clean. This makes it a lot better and a lot easier, while at the same time it makes me feel great. And I don't forget to sleep and to get adequate rest which is also an important part of training.

Getting to know all about body part training, doing sets and reps combined with proper form and speed of movement. Also, rest between sets that follows a proper frequency is all part of my exercise routine.

You don't have to complicate this if you keep your goals realistic. One can't have a beautiful set of abs in three weeks if one is 90lbs overweight. It takes time. My results have been spectacular just by following the simple principles out lined in this article. - 17269

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