Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Is Cinnamon Good For Type 2 Diabetes?

By Jake Ryan

Cinnamon seems to be on the tip of everybody's tongue these days. It has become the miracle ingredient that everyone wants to incorporate into their diet due to its healthful properties. So it stands to wonder, is cinnamon good for type 2 diabetes as well?

Your glucose and cholesterol levels have been reported to be effected by cinnamon if you suffer type 2 diabetes. Your glucose levels are the main factor in why you have been troubled by diabetes.

When your body's blood sugar levels are unsafe type 2 diabetes comes about. A proper diet can help handle this illness, but it is not unusual to need medication. Most people with type 2 diabetes prefer to manage it themselves with a healthy diet and many are wondering if cinnamon is something that can help with this.

There have been many studies that have been done to assess how effective cinnamon is as an addition to any diabetic's diet. In many of the studies, it has appeared that the glucose levels have dropped significantly with the addition of cinnamon into their diets. However, there has yet to be a consensus on whether or not those results are conclusive.

There has been research that cinnamon creates the same effects that insulin has. However, the main thing cinnamon does is help your body process glucose. When suffering from diabetes this is the main concern for your body to stay healthy.

A healthy diet and exercise routine is the key to managing your type 2 diabetes. Your diet needs to contain a full balance of nutritious foods. A health diet is one that contains a balance of low fat proteins, complex carbohydrates, healthy fruits, and vegetables. Eating the correct amount and types of carbohydrates can be the most difficult obstacle to conquer. There are two different types of carbohydrates. The first is simple carbohydrates these are white flours and sugars. The second is complex carbohydrates these contain whole grains and are harder for your body to digest. Complex carbs are a long lasting energy source because they take the body a long time to digest them.

There is not one conclusive answer to, Is cinnamon good for type 2 diabetes. But the key to controlling your health is keeping your diet healthy. However, the results from cinnamon have not shown to harm the body in any way so with that in mind it would certainly not be a bad idea to include it into your diet. - 17269

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How To Raise Hdl Cholesterol

By Adrian Fletcher

When your doctor hands you the result that you have high cholesterol levels, you must change your lifestyle to reduce your cholesterol, you should also be striving to raise HDL cholesterol levels in your blood. When cholesterol is elevated, the HDL cholesterol has been proven to decrease the LDL cholesterol that is bad and help you prevent the problems that come with having a high cholesterol number.

The occurrence of heart disease is more of a probability in people with high levels of LDL cholesterol. HDL cholesterol is needed in the body in order to send the unwanted cholesterol that is moved to the arteries by LDL cholesterol directly to the liver. However, if the HDL cholesterol levels are not high enough, it will cause the bad cholesterol to accumulate in the arteries, leading to hardened arteries or ultimately obstructing them. This can lead to serious health complications as a result. To counteract the effects of LDL cholesterol, you must raise HDL cholesterol.

Understanding your food habits is the initial step your doctor will use to control your cholesterol levels. A nutrition expert will be able to give you advice on a diet plan that will assist in lowering your LDL cholesterol and at the same time raise HDL cholesterol. Such a diet plan will consist of low fat, lean protein and vegetables and fruits that provide a lot of nutrients.

You should do plenty of research and plan out a fun, easy exercise routine targeted to reduce excess weight and bad cholesterol. This will help you to raise HDL cholesterol and thus help to unclog your arteries. Daily attention to your health, by way of proper diet and exercise, can result in a decrease in your risk of most forms of heart disease.

Once you switch over to low fat diet and regular exercise, teach this healthy living technique to the whole family. By this you will not only be maintaining your own health, but will also help in maintaining the good health of all your family members. A healthy diet is not always easy to follow, but once you get used to it, it's a piece of cake (low fat of course!). By being a role model for your children, you will be helping them safeguard their health. This will play an important role in their future health also. Teaching your children to eat healthier foods makes plenty of sense.

There is a whole lot of information available about how you can alter the way you live your life to take care of your health problems. You should find several cookbooks that will show you how to cook great tasting meals that are good for your heart. A lot of the recipes will let you know to what extent you raise HDL cholesterol and decrease LDL cholesterol at the same time.

If you can lower your cholesterol solely by the way you eat, then you will not have to resort to medication. With this in mind however that you might not be able to decrease LDL cholesterol levels and raise HDL cholesterol with a diet only. This really depends on a set of circumstances like your current cholesterol reading, your overall fitness and your age. You will need to discuss this with your physician and s/he will decide if you need to take medicine. - 17269

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Toned Abs In 60 Days

By Dan Solaris

People generally hold those with well-build physiques and tight, toned abs in high regard. In this day and age, being able to maintain a fit body with tightly toned abs takes a great deal of will-power and dogged determination. Having a lean, healthy physique can do wonders for self-confidence and improve one's outlook on life.

A combination of several things makes it difficult for a lot of people to maintain a regular exercise regimen and healthy eating habits. Modern culture's love affair with fast food and the internet have contributed to the excess weight that a majority of the populations in Western countries have.

Companies that promote and sell fad diets and weight-loss products are raking in big bucks because people are desperate to get in shape- quickly. Yet, over 60% of people in the U.S. are still overweight.

A great number of those that take-up aerobics and weights classes give-up after a few months because of slow gains from their efforts. Most of the time, it's because they're not maximizing their workouts for rapid calorie-burn.

Most folks are mistaken in thinking that abdominal exercises like sit-ups, v-ups and leg raises are the fastest way of getting a tight six pack. Focusing too much on strengthening the upper and lower abdominals puts undue strain on the lumbar area- causing back pain or even injury. Doing anatomically balanced exercises at high intensities while adopting a healthy diet will get you a flatter, more chiseled abdomen in 8 weeks!

Most people would we surprised to know that it's actually possible to lose body fat without dieting. Working-out intensely enough can still let you burn more calories than your daily intake from food, but results will come faster if we monitor what we eat. Avoiding highly-processed foods and candies while eating loads of fiber-rich fruits and vegetables can help in rapid fat-loss and a lean body.

Schedule too tight for working out? It's actually possible to burn enough calories to facilitate loss of body fat by maximizing our workouts. Starting-out aerobic sessions at high intensity for the first 5 minutes will kick-start our metabolism and let us burn more calories in less time. Doing core-based exercises for both strength and cardio training will also get more muscle groups working resulting in more calories at once.

Doing total body resistance exercises with little rest in between can let you reap the benefits of calorie-busting cardio exercise while promoting muscle growth which raises our metabolic rate. Metabolism dictates how much calories our bodies burn throughout the day, so keeping this up with intense exercises and proper rest in between workouts will result in a tight and toned abdomen in 2 months or even less! - 17269

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How To Lose Belly Fat Fast Through Exercise

By Jose Loni

Energy system work is how to lose belly fat fast. The main factor in losing fat fast is through the energy system. By training in an anaerobic manner and having a regular schedule of exercise, increasing exercise intensity and training with intervals, we can quickly lose belly fat.

When the body is training in a decreased oxygen level, the oxygen debt that results causes the muscles to increase its metabolic activity. The increased levels of carbon dioxide and lactic acid cause the muscles to require oxygen, so the body will increase its metabolic activity and bring oxygen to nourish and repair muscle tissue as well as clear away carbon dioxide and lactic acid.

Having a regular exercise program is the first step to increasing the body's metabolism. By having a consistent training program, the body is better able to maintain and increase its metabolic activity. The body becomes more efficient at burning calories and burning excess body fat to fuel its activities.

With increased metabolism, the body is better able to sustain its fat burning and providing oxygen to the muscles, which can take up to many hours after the exercise session. The result being, the body becomes more proficient at burning excess fat for a prolonged period.

Higher exercise intensity helps create the oxygen debt that occurs in the muscles. Heart rate monitoring is an effective way to train within the desired heart rate zone. By training within the target rate, we are better able to increase our metabolism and optimize our training sessions.

Interval training has been effective in really increasing the metabolism of the muscles. The short burst sets and the subsequent rest period force the muscles to increase its activity of bringing oxygen to the muscles and clearing the waste products and nourishing and repairing the muscles.

When we increase the physical demands on our muscles, we force our body to adapt by increasing its metabolism. The overall fat burning that occurs supplies energy and nutrients to the muscles, which results in losing belly fat and the body becomes more efficient

Losing belly fat through exercise can be achieved by making the body work hard at burning fat by consistently having a regular exercise program, increasing exercise intensity and utilizing interval training to help the body burn fat and lose belly fat. - 17269

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Burn the Fat and Feed the Muscle Review

By Martin Knight

I'm soooo sick and tired of miracle diet bull!

Ever feel like the pawn in a corporate greed tug of war?

On the one side, you have the companies that sell every kind of fast food and junk food ever created...

who all want to sell you, and sell you, and sell you again, on their latest flab building "food."

On the other side we the never ending "miracle" diets which, do NOTHING to help you lose weight and EVERYTHING to make you feel so discouraged you just want to give up and go pig out on more junk food!

I, for one, am sick and tired of all this bull! Aren't you?

That is why I have sworn to NEVER EVER go on another miracle diet...

...we know diets do not work!

What's the good of losing 20 pounds only to gain back 30?

I know that the ONE and ONLY thing that does work is to IGNORE everyone who is trying to make money by telling you what diets to eat and what supplements to take...

...find someone who LOOKS the way YOU want to look...

...and copy what THEY do to look that way!

Does that make sense to you?

It sure does to me.

I work at Fitness-Programs-Review where we test fitness programs to find the fitness programs that ACTUALLY WORK.

So I went on a personal mission to find SOMEONE who can tell me for a FACT what works and what doesn't when it comes to losing fat, gaining muscle and feeling and looking GREAT.

There are plenty of programs out there who CLAIM they can do this......and almost none who can back up what they say.

Most fitness programs do not work. They just recycle basic workout poses and repeat what they've heard others say..."Burn more calories then you take in....eat lots of veggies...avoid fat and carbs....blah blah blah."

If this advice was practical and doable, we'd ALL be slender, shapely and fabulous.

I did find a couple of programs that sounded promising, but I had to wonder why the authors weren't showing off their own bodies.

After all, if the advice worked, they would look great.

So I left those out.

Of course, I also used other criteria to evaluate if these programs worked. These included: 1000s of happy customers, a money back guarantee, an inexpensive price, a low return rate, credentials of the author, and no ridiculous claims.

In the end, only 4 programs passed out of 48 tested fitness programs.

Out of the final 4 programs, all of which were excellent, one stood out as my personal best choice.

If you went to this site right now and look at the author's photo....

I think you would agree with me...

3.7% body fat!

Now here's someone who appears to be following his own advice. He used to look quite different, which means his advice is worth following if you want to make a change.

Of course, we also found that his program did not make outlandish claims, is filled with highly usable information, has 1,000s of happy customers, is inexpensive, does not require a gym membership, and even though it is guaranteed, only 3% of his customers have asked for their money back. In short, the program works.

But how did he learn the secrets to looking like THAT??

It seems he's been working at it for 14 years, perfecting a system that works not just for him, but also for the people he teaches it to.

Where did he get his knowledge?

From fitness models and competitive natural bodybuilders.

The people who MUST look good for a living.

Notice, he studied "Fitness" models. He did not study anorexic or drug ingesting fashion models.

People who get paid to look fantastic and HEALTHY, not like they're refugees from third world countries (as most fashion models look.)

Please don't flame me on that last comment. :-)

Anyway, if you want to know how to do something, find someone who is already doing it, and do what they do.


And Tom Venuto is, frankly, OBSESSED with bodybuilding, fitness and nutrition.

He has spent his entire adult life studying everything on fitness he could get his hands on, trying every diet ever created.

That's how he found out that diets and weight loss supplements are a total waste of time and money, and can even be detrimental to your health and cause you to GAIN weight, not lose it.

Based on his research of what DOES work using the SECRET techniques of the world's best bodybuilders and fitness models, Tom has developed his own fat burning system.

...and it comes with a full 56 day money back guarantee.

Meaning if it should turn out that Tom's Burn the Fat and Feed the Muscle DOESN'T deliver on his promises of showing us how to get a gorgeous body like his, we get our money back.

Pretty good deal!

P.S. You'll notice a long list of bullet points on the home page at Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle.

Here are my 5 favorites:

...these alone are worth the price of the entire course!

--How to INSTANTLY boost your energy levels higher than you thought possible, starting from day one...

--How to eat 50% more while storing NONE of it as fat...

--The top twelve worst foods you should avoid like the plague...

--The top twelve wonder foods you should eat all the time...

--How to be practically "hypnotized" into eating properly and working out consistently... No willpower required!

You can go read the bullet points to find your favorites...

... or begin your journey to lean, muscular and sexy right now... - 17269

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Lower Ab Workouts - Why This May Be Setting You Up For Failure

By Jose Loni

People concentrate their ab workout exercises by anatomy. Exercises are differentiated by the area that needs the most work and in most cases, it's our stomach. Instead of being so specific and focusing just on the stomach, we should focus on our overall metabolism and do activities like multi-joint activities and interval training. In doing so, our body will streamline itself to get fit and show those rock hard abs.

Ab machines and ab exercises promise you rock hard abs in 8-12 repetitions. Other variations of the same products claim to help you flatten your tummy in no time at all. But the fact is, they're all empty promises because spot reduction doesn't work.

Focusing your training just in the ab area will not sculpt and give you six packs. Sit-ups, crunches and lower ab exercises can strengthen and tone but they will not sculpt. The fact is, you likely won't see any visible changes.

To sculpt and reveal those six packs, you need to get your whole body moving and do cardio activities, which will jumpstart your metabolism into burning fat continuously, allowing you to lose the fat cover around your ab muscles.

The more large muscles you work out, the more energy is used up to fuel muscle activity. Activities like brisk walking (especially on an incline), cycling, running, lunges and squats work the large muscles so they will help you burn fat.

Another way we can increase our metabolism is through interval training. When we do short intense bursts of activity, our muscles react by working so hard that there is a build up carbon dioxide and lactic acid in the muscles. As a result, the body must work extra hard at clearing away and getting oxygen to the muscles. The muscles react by increasing in size and also consuming more energy by working hard to adapt to the physical activity.

The overall result is that the muscles work so hard during the exercise activity that the muscle must then be repaired and replenished when muscles are recovering. This replenishment of the muscles increases the body's metabolism by forcing the body to burn fat to help the muscles repair and replenish.

Exercises that specifically train our abs will not work. Instead, focus on kick starting your metabolism through multi-joint exercises and interval training. By training your metabolism, you train your body to become a fat burning machine that will give your ripped hard abs. - 17269

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Boost Your Metabolism Naturally with Supplements

By Thong M. Dao

The human body is an impressive mechanism, and it is all natural, too. We usually pay no attention to our body and don't recognize how many functions our bodies are doing at any given minute. All too often, there is something that is taken for granted.

For those of us with poor health, our bodies are forever on our minds. It would be a more sensible idea to make sure that we take care of ourselves everyday before something goes bad than to try and correct it once it does.

Staying fit and making certain that you are not carrying too much fat is a crucial thing to many people. Unfortunately, it is also something that is very tough to achieve in the busy lives that most people follow. That's not to say we can't do it.

For example, to ensure maximum assistance for our body we can keep our metabolism up at optimal levels. This can be achieved by eating right, getting exercise or taking supplements. Each of them will work and you can try a combination.

The consumption of supplements to increase your metabolic rate is comparatively easy. If you want to fire up your metabolic process just try some supplements. They will keep you functioning for the whole day.

The principle idea is to pick a product that is all natural so that in the course of things, you do not harm your body. Using man made supplements to change the way our body works is probably not a smart idea from the beginning.

While there are some other supplements capable of boosting your metabolic rate, among the best and most powerful is green tea. It may be consumed as brewed tea or concentrated capsules.

Green tea has various natural elements which can keep our metabolic process functioning smoothly as well as some which work as an antioxidant. In order to see the effects in the shortest period of time, use this natural supplement every day as recommended. - 17269

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Supplementing Your Way to a Fit Body Made Easy

By Thong M. Dao

The supplements that we use help us stay in positive health, not just the workouts we do. True, not all of the supplements are of equal value, so consuming the appropriate ones can do a good deal to ensure the health and balance of our bodies.

Let's consider what we can use to help ourselves in this way. It may be a surprise for you to know that one of these will also work for you.

You can find supplements in the market that will arouse your metabolism in a natural way and result in weight loss. You may decide to try employing something that will help lower your need to eat naturally.

Green tea does a lot for your metabolic process and helps you burn fat on a consistent basis. One cactus that lives in some desert areas of Africa is Hoodia Gordonii. Basically acting as an appetite suppressant, this plant will force your brain into thinking that you're no longer empty.

It may likewise be necessary for you to equalise your body out in one way or another with the use of supplements. Most of us are having vitamin inadequacies unless we have been using supplements for a period of time.

There are 2 things that you have to ensure in your diet plan: vitamin B and vitamin C. Not only will these help to keep your body in order, they will also go a long way in assisting you with your physical fitness goals. Continuing to take them everyday will guarantee that you do not lack minerals and vitamins.

By taking out free radicals from your body, supplements play another important role. These free radicals are in your body as a consequence of bad food choices and your vulnerability to the outside environment.

This will damage body cells and cast your body out of balance. Supplementing with a strong antioxidant, such as green tea, will assist in bringing your body back to normal and making you become physically fit and healthy. - 17269

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7 Fast Tips to Burn Off Belly Fat in No Time Flat

By Thong M. Dao

If you are like many people who are trying to lose weight, you have probably tried diet after diet only to find out that the diet you are currently on is not helping your fat loss plans. The reason for this might be that you are using fad diets and weight loss programs that do damage to the body instead of helping it achieve its ideal weight. If you want to lose fat and stay healthy follow the following tips to help you achieve your goal.

1. Go easy on tea and coffee. Tea and coffee are harmless by themselves. It's when you add the cream and sugar that they become fattening. Did you know that having a cup of tea or coffee that has cream and at least two cubes of sugar is as bad as having a big piece of rich chocolate cake?

2. Attempt to adhere to black coffee and tea. They may really be beneficial for you. But personally I'd like to suggest tea instead of coffee. The caffeine in the coffee isn't actually good for you since it will make you irritable.

3. Calculate the calories when you eat, however do not overdo it. It is a sound idea to know the calories that most food items contain. Whenever it's a packed thing then the label is certain to give the calories it has.

4. Be sure to burn out those extra calories by the end of the week. If you feel that you have consumed more calories than you should have during the week, it happens you know, and then make sure that you work off those extra calories by the end of the week.

5. Stand back from deep-fried things. These are a complete no-no. The more deep-fried things that you ward off, the lesser pounds you'll gain. Deep-fried things are called so as they're fried in oil or fat. And even when the external oil is drained off, there's still lots of hidden oil in it therefore avoid it.

6. Don't skip meals. You should have, at the very least, three meals a day, but preferably five small meals. This will keep you from getting hungry during the day and overeating out of starvation.

7. Fresh veggies are better than canned or cooked veggies. Try to have your veggies uncooked. If you cook them, you're indeed taking out nearly 50% the vitamins in them. And canned veggies also are processed and not nearly half as healthy as fresh veggies. Whenever you purchase your veggies it would be good to find out if the label states that it's pesticide free. - 17269

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What exactly is training to failure?

By Jon Cardozo

If you spend any time in the gym or in bodybuilding forums, you have probably come across a number of terms which were initially unfamiliar to you. Often people will throw around these terms casually without really knowing what they mean.

I thought it would be a good idea to define some of these terms for you to avoid confusion. One important term I would like to discuss now is training to failure.

There seem to be a lot of people that throw around this term without really knowing what it means. Don't worry if you're one of them, we'll get you straightened out pretty soon!

To put it simply, training to failure means that you lift a particular weight until you simply cannot lift any more. Your muscle gives out and you cannot lift another repetition by yourself. This, by the way has been promoted by many different so called bodybuilding gurus.

However, there's one trainer in particular who cautions us about how we interpret this concept. Vince Delmonte makes a distinction between momentary failure and complete failure. So what's the difference? I'm so glad you asked.

If you train to momentary failure, you work a muscle until it is exhausted and cannot lift anymore weights at that time. You can do the same thing going from one muscle group to the other. However, this is different from training to complete failure or absolute failure. Doing the latter means that you will end up training until you're completely exhausted and your body cannot go on anymore.

Working out like a maniac is not good for your muscles, but it is terrible for the rest of your body. Your connective tissues can be overtaxed and increase your chances of injury. Even worse though, is the possibility of overwhelming your nervous system or immune systems. This is something you really need to guard against.

Everyone goes a little too far in the gym every once in awhile. But you should learn to recognize your limits and not put too much strain on your body. In the long run, you'll be much more effective and much healthier as a result. - 17269

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Fast Abs Workout - Core Strength Counts

By Dan Solaris

Efficient food production in the world's top economies has caused a glut of quick, irresistible food that's more often than not cheap and loaded with calories. Fast food tends to be unbalanced and is deficient in fiber and other nutrients found in fruits and vegetables. It's not surprising then that a high percentage of the populations in the Western countries are living on an unhealthy diet and suffering from obesity.

With all the activities we have to do in our daily schedule- go to the office, browse the net and socialize, it's no wonder a lot of people have given-up exercising regularly. This combination of lack of exercise and over indulgence in food will of course yield dangerous results and the cases of obesity and heart disease are on the upsurge.

Most folks start workout programs but eventually stop after a few months. Slow results and boredom are the major hindrances to consistent exercise. The solution is a workout program that brings results that can be seen quickly.

The number one reason people decide to work-out regularly is to lose body fat and get a toned and well-defined midsection. When they don't see good enough results after a month or so, exercise sessions become dull and tedious.

Aside from regular cardiovascular exercises that facilitate rapid body fat burn, the best way to tone-up and develop the midsection is through developing the core muscles and improving the body's stability. By doing exercises that include balancing and stabilizing the body, all-around core strength is improved.

The core of the human body refers to the muscles in our center. That means the upper and lower abs, the obliques on either side of our midsection and the lumbar muscles. Most fitness buffs make the common error of putting too much focus on the abdominal muscles and ignore the muscles on the lower back. A highly-developed abdomen would be useless without an equally strong back because injury can result from this imbalance of support.

Using round surfaces (as opposed to a flat bench or floor) while doing core strengthening exercises will result in a faster abs workout. The unstable surface forces all the muscles around the midsection to work together to maintain balance. This will result in a stronger core faster and improve flexibility and endurance.

The amount of calories burned while doing abdominal exercises on an exercise ball or other round surface is increased significantly compared to doing sit-ups and crunches flat on one's back. Studies show that more muscle fibers are engaged in activity when a person is lying on a round surface. The wider range of motion means more calories spent and hence a faster abs workout. - 17269

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Simple Natural Treatments for Gout You Can Use to Get Rid of Gout

By John Horner

Grapes are a great natural gout treatments food that can assist in reducing painful gout attack symptoms. When used with other helpful remedies, grapes are an excellent element in the greater plan to improve you health. Improving your overall health will help you get rid of or reduce gout attacks in the long term.

The great thing about grapes are they have quite a few different ways they can help you get rid of gout. Some of these include water, quercitin, potassium, vitamin C, and anthocyanins, just to name a few.

One of the ways grapes treat this disease is with quercitin. Quercitin is a very strong flavonoid. They help fix the main painful gout symptom, inflammation. Flavonoids are considered to be very effective at reducing swelling.

This swelling starts when your uric acid levels get out of balance. The extra crystals enter your joints and cause damage and pain. Quercitin helps reduce this swelling.

Grapes are useful for helping gout due to their high water content. Getting adequate amount of water in your body helps your body to work more properly. This helps treat gout by enabling you to get rid of extra uric acid crystals which would otherwise settle in your joints causing you great pain.

Potassium is a major factor in treating gout. This is one reason grapes are good for helping with this painful disease. Grapes contain only 5% of the daily allowance for potassium, but when you add it to other potassium filled foods, you can get the proper amount you need. Potassium is helpful because it helps your kidneys function more properly when eliminating excessive uric acid crystals.

One way grapes treat gout is by lowering uric acid levels. They do this through vitamin C. Grapes have quite a bit of vitamin C. Many popular fruits are filled with vitamin C and this is why fruits are such a great antidote to for not only gout, but also your overall health.

Arthritis and Rheumatism (2005;52:1843-7) published a scientific report that showed supplementing your diet with Vitamin C lowered uric acid around 10% after a two month period. The supplementation was at 500mg per day. By controlling this acid it can help reduce your frequency and intensity of attacks.

Grapes contain anthocyanins. These flavonols are a great way to get rid of lowering your pain. Anthocyanins help lessen the inflammation that causes most of your gout pain. Color does make a difference. These flavonoids are found in the grape's skin and the darker the skin, the greater the flavonoids. Any grape will help you, but you would be better in choosing a darker grape, especially if you are currently suffering from an acute gout attack.

Grapes are so important when you are trying to treat gout naturally. However, they are best used when combined with other fruits. Many fruits, such as cherries, contain a lot of these healthy properties that help you get rid of gout pain. - 17269

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