Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, April 6, 2009

Benefits of Acai Berry Juice

By Carter Sinclair

The Acai Berry, a long reddish, purple fruit, originates from the South American rain forest; this fruit has long been popular with the natives. Since being introduced to North America, it has quickly become touted as one of the "super foods". Since being introduced to the United States, it has become a frequently listed ingredient in products such as health drinks, weight loss supplements and as an energy enhancer.

What makes this acai berry so special? This well kept secret is known for being one of the highest antioxidant containing foods available. In America, the blueberry has frequently been known for having an abundance of antioxidants, but the acai berry blows the content away. This has twice the antioxidant properties of the blueberry, and ten times the amount of grapes. The acai's berry popularity can be attributed to Dr. Nicholas Perricone, with his appearance on the Oprah show while he reported the amazing health benefits.

The list of health benefits are impressive. While still being studied, the acai berry is believed to increase energy, improve stamina, and improve mental focus. It also helps improve sleep, which will in turn contribute to increased energy. This overall well-being may be an incentive enough to try products containing the acai berry.

The antioxidant content is also believed to lead to better heart health. The antioxidants have been shown to regulate cholesterol levels in research. High cholesterol is proven to be a leading cause in heart disease. This may mean that acai berry will be proven in preventing heart disease and extending life expectancy.

Anti-oxidants play a strong role in maintaining blood circulation. This affects not only heart health, but also overall well-being. Good blood circulation may also contribute to enhanced sexual performance, which has also been reported as a benefit of the acai berry.

Heart health and blood circulation aren't the only things that the acai berry aids. People suffering with digestive complaints have also found relief with the acai berry. This is believed to be due to the high fiber content, and it's definitely better than eating bran flakes.

Cancer fighting properties are also being researched. This elusive cure may be around the corner, as acai berries have been shown to actually destroy cancer cells. Not only a preventative, this brings the potential for a cure to an exciting new level.

Don't wait to experience these health benefits for yourself! Whatever it is you have ailing you, the side benefits of taking something with such a high antioxidant content will only give you improved health. This secret that has been known by the natives may be available for all of us, and something we should have known all along - nature genuinely is the best healer. - 17269

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Weight Loss During Menopause, Hot Flashes and Healthy Diets

By Ricardo d Argence

Menopause can be a very frustrating problem for many women, but it is inevitable. However, women do not have to experience the level of discomfort that they do.

Hot flashes are just expected to be a normal part of menopause, but they can be avoided. By making a few changes to your diet you would be surprised at how quickly the hot flashes disappear.

There are some compounds in Soybeans, such as daidzein and genistein that contain estrogen. This helps to control hot flashes. Japanese women, who eat lots of soy products in their diets, only experience menopausal hot flashes 7% of the time. For mimicking the activity of female hormones and the soy product, tofu is especially great.

Other foods that you should clip into your food are vegetable proteins (instead of animal proteins), fiber-rich foods like whole grains, fresh vegetables, calcium-rich foods, mineral-rich foods, foods with high vitamin E content, almonds, cold-pressed oils, and nuts. Adding sea vegetables to your diet will give you more electrolytes that are vanished during pungent perspiration. For this same reason as well and drinking plenty of water is essential.

If you want to avoid getting hot flashes, then you should stay away from certain foods, however, you should also eat other certain foods. When you eat spicy foods, excess sugar, alcohol, caffeine, dairy products, and meat products the triggering of hot flashes, as well as mood swings can be more frequent.

Drinking alcohol and caffeine strains the liver by making it acidic and are likely to increase your hot flashes. If you smoke, it also worsens the effect of hot flashes.

Keeping up a regular exercise regimen is also helpful in controlling hot flashes. Often a woman begins to feel down when she is going through menopause. It reminds you that you're getting older. Exercising daily can keep you fit and toned and makes you feel fabulous, no matter what your age!

Exercise can raise your estrogen levels, which in turn helps alleviate hot flashes, or at least the severity of them. Exercise also helps reduce the frequency of many of the other negative side effects of menopause like depression, insomnia, headaches, fatigue, anxiety, and irritability.

Never allow menopause to dictate the quality of your life. You can't stop it from occurring, but you can manage how it influences your lifestyle. Changing your lifestyle and diet a little can help you endure this time in your life and end up happier and healthier than ever before. - 17269

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Coconut Oil For Weight Loss

By Borgon Trocepticlon

Coconut's fame and existence goes a long way back to the traditional ages. Its use is still popular for adding flavor to various foods and cakes. Islands avail of this beneficial fruit to a great extent. Research has also shown that one third of the population residing on this planet derives its money and food from coconut.

Coconut was thought to promote weight gain and obesity in early periods because of its high percentage of fat. But researchers have disowned that fact and proved that even with its fat level it can essentially help to reduce weight and slim down. The key of this fact lies in the explanation that the fat chain in the coconut is not absorbed by the blood but taken to the liver to be converted into energy.

Coconut has a very high nutritional content. Moreover, it has amazing healing properties which make it a widely used herb in modern medicine. Traditional medicine valued coconut oil greatly but today modern science is not behind in recognizing its worth. It has the ability to help with herpes, hepatitis, measles, influenza and AIDS viruses. It provides help against osteoporosis and stomach disorders. It improves digestion and bowel function. It also helps prevent the risk of getting breast, colon and other destructive cancers.

Coconut oil is also widely used by athletes as it has major athletic advantages. It boosts up the performance level and energy level. It strengthens the bones of the body and improves stamina. It also helps in quick tissue repair. Weight loss is also achieved as metabolism rate is increased.

Coconut is also healthy for the skin as it prevents creases and wrinkles from forming on the skin. It also eliminates skin spots and keeps the natural chemical of the skin in balance. It keeps the skin healthy and prevents cracks and dryness. Beauty can be enhanced by applying coconut oil as it keeps the complexion fair and smooth and also protects from UV radiation. Skin disorders like eczema and dermatitis can also be helped to a high extent with its application. Hair care is also its area of excellence. It keeps the hair shiny and helps clean dandruff.

Coconut is also a life-giving food for heart patients. It improves the cholesterol level in the blood and regulates blood pressure. It shields the arteries from clogging, improves the blood flow to the body and keeps the heart healthy and clean. It can also fight diabetes and regulates the sugar level in the blood.

Coconut strengthens teeth structure and prevents decay setting in the teeth. Coconut oil has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. It reinforces the immune system and can also be used for massage purposes. Patients suffering from stroke should use it on the paralyzed parts to speed up the healing process.

There is a mountain of evidence proving the benefits of coconut and coconut oil on the net. Its immense nutritional and medicinal values are now recognized all over the world. Using it regularly in cooking can no doubt save you from many unpredicted diseases. Mother Nature has showered her most valuable gift on humans so that we can derive its advantages. - 17269

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Acai Berry Reigns Supreme over Purple Fruits

By Caitlin Ryan

Who does not want tons of energy, gorgeous skin and thick hair? Are you interested in slowing the signs of aging and feeling younger? The solution to many of these issues lies with the royalty among purple fruits otherwise known as the amazing acai berry!

A few months ago, I began noticing that my hair was not as thick as it used to be. My skin seemed dull and more lines were showing up. Worst of all, I was feeling tired and sluggish most of the time. For the past five years, I have been eating fairly healthy trying to eat more fruits and veggies, but it is pretty hard to get eight servings per day in as recommended. I exercise as well, but my low energy levels were making it more difficult.

After a visit to the doctor where everything checked out okay, I decided to explore other avenues. I decided that I must need a supplement. After much research, I decided that acai berries were the way to go. They offer antioxidants, omega 3 fatty acids and essential amino acids.

Many supplements contain these nutrients, but not as much as acai berry supplements. The antioxidant content in acai berries is through the roof and the essential amino acid content is nearly complete which is rare for plants.

Using a test called Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC), the total antioxidant power of a given food or substance can be measured. While blueberries have an ORAC of 2400, Amazonian acai berries have an ORAC of 90,000 making their antioxidant capabilities more powerful than any known food source.

Anthocyanins are the phytochemical (and antioxidant) that give purple fruits their gorgeous color. Found in acai berries, blueberries, blackberries, cherries, plums, bilberry and elderberry, anthocyanins have been studied extensively.

Due to their anti-inflammatory characteristics, extensive laboratory studies have found them to be beneficial to many areas of health.

In many studies where lab animals were supplemented with anthocyanins (as found in acai berries), the anti-inflammatory action prevented allergic reactions, reversed deficits in the neurological system caused by aging, restored capillary function in diabetic models and prevented arterial damage thus preventing atherosclerosis. Tumor cell growth was found to diminish using anthocyanins, which makes them amazing in cancer prevention.

Free radicals and the damage they incur are implicated in aging, cancer, heart disease and a number of health problems. Acai berry antioxidants such as anthocyanins fight free radical damage by neutralizing and preventing free radicals and cellular damage. Acai berries nutrient content helps restore cellular health through regeneration and repair.

When I began offering my body acai berries and their vast array of health benefits, I had more energy within the first week and better skin quality and thicker more radiant hair within a month.

Acai berries are not an instant solution. You will not have an energy rush as you would with a cup of coffee. Nor can acai berries cover up fine lines like cosmetics or boost your hair volume like hair care products. Instead, they offer long term solutions and better results by restoring youth and improving overall health from the inside out.

Acai berries offer a wide range of health benefits including disease prevention, immunity boosting and anti-aging. - 17269

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2 Surefire Tips to Burn Fat with Mental Motivation

By Thong M. Dao

Anyone knows weight control means altering your habits remarkably. What lots of folks do not know is that couldn't be reached overnight!

Whenever you attempt to make substantial modifications in your life in a pretty short period, chances are you'll just be disappointed with your fat loss attempts. Besides, there's much more to fat loss than merely dieting and workout. Now I'll bring you beyond the world of rigorous nutrition and workout programs!

1. Ward off self-sabotaging opinions. They'll harm you more than bogus diet supplements. Just think, when you always believe that you can't do things you have to do to slim down, how could you accomplish your fat loss targets?

If you think that you cannot do sit-ups and push-ups, you are probably jumping to conclusions and being too self-analytical even before you have tried these workouts!

If you assume executing 25 push-ups may be difficult, start out small. Commence with 12 push-ups, and congratulate yourself after you've got the job done with success!

Later on, attempt to add 2 or 3 more reps per day to your plan till you reach your target of 25. If you start out small, it is much simpler to get to your destinations!

Rather than hesitating so much, merely act and do it. The period you spend on thinking, you should spend it on exercising. While the first does no good to you, the second can assist you to cast off fat.

2. Get support: Proper support is essential in order to keep you determined and motivated. Without support, you won't be able to lose weight successfully.

That's the reason why it's crucial that you get the help of your friends and parents who love you and encourage you. It's also indispensable that you opt a fat loss plan which gives support to its members.

Surround yourself with supportive people and stay away from the negative people who can only find faults with you!

After you apply those tips I'm sure you will be able to lose weight! Don't forget you're able to fulfil what you believe. Once you believe you could cut fat, you WILL! That seems clich but is really so true! - 17269

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New and Exciting Engine 2 Diet

By Joshua Anderson

Another popular method for losing weight and going on a diet is following the Engine 2 diet. In the Engine 2 diet plan you can lose weight and reduce cholesterol within a span of just around 28 days, as mentioned by the author of the book Engine 2 Diet, Rip Esselstyn. Under the Engine 2 diet plant you have to only follow the preplanned meals which are made from the ingredients mentioned in the diet plan. The meals are easy to make and can be prepared quickly. The ingredients for making the Engine 2 Diet food are available only in stores providing natural foods. If you strictly follow the planned Engine 2 diet and the exercise regime described in the Engine 2 diet plan you can easily lose weight within 28 days flat. It is always advisable to take the help of friends and others who have followed this plan and also those who wish to follow the Engine 2 diet plan.

Whole grains, nuts and seeds, vegetables and fruits, all are sources of low-fat protein and are the main ingredients to be consumed while following the Engine 2 diet. The author himself agrees that it is very difficult to follow this diet. You are used to the regular diet of eating so many different varieties which you have followed for so many years, which makes following the Engine 2 diet a bit difficult. To make the diet more interesting chicken and fish have also been included which can be eaten in the initial stages of the plan. Whole grain crackers and whole grain pastas, as also tofu, soy yoghurt and vegetable burgers are allowed. In this diet every 1000 calories you consume will have just less than 2.5 grams fat content. You are not allowed to add oil while making these foods. Sugar used will also have to be the natural sweetener only.

The quantity of salt consumed in the Engine 2 diet foods is very less. Much of the proteins required are taken from the plants in the Engine 2 diet. Actually most people are of the understanding that proteins are obtained only in foods such as eggs, meat and various other dairy products. But the Engine 2 diet plan proves that the proteins obtained from the plants are equally beneficial to the body and are easy to digest. Proteins contain around twenty amino acids out of which only eight of these amino acids can be absorbed by our body system. So not only the non vegetarian foods but even plants can give us the required amino acids. The Engine 2 diet has proved it effectively in its diet plan. Our body can absorb on a daily basis at least 70 percent calories from the carbohydrates, which provide enough fuel to our bodies.

The Engine 2 diet lays a lot of emphasis on proteins obtained from the plants. Different quantities of amino acids are available in different plants. The Engine 2 diet selects different vegetable combinations which complement each other so that the right quantity of proteins and amino acids are available to the body. Proteins available from the plants are much safer than proteins obtained from non vegetarian foods. Our whole body requires energy at all times, be it working, exercising, breathing or for that matter even digesting food, all require energy which can be obtained from carbohydrates. After the digestion process sugars available in both the complex as well as simple carbohydrates get converted into glucose.

Carbohydrate remains in the blood as glucose, but in the muscles and liver, the carbohydrate is stored as glycogen. The body knows what it needs. Therefore, any excess carbohydrate is stored as fat. It is the complex carbohydrates that are health-friendly. These are found in vegetables, beans, sweet potatoes, fruits and different whole grain cereal breads. These complex carbohydrates release sugar in a controlled manner into your body's system, thereby allowing the body to make full use of it as a fuel, and you feel energetic throughout the day. Research has proved beyond doubt that plants can give you all the fat you need.

Our body can obtain high and instant energy from simple carbohydrates. But these simple carbohydrates get converted into fat and get stored in our body and make us look fat. Such fats are very dangerous to our health and well being. A number of fruits and vegetables do contain good fats like poly saturated or mono saturated fats. Soybeans contain a great 41% fat content, whereas, vegetables such as spinach contains 11%, bell peppers contain 6%, broccoli 8%, and fruits such as strawberries contain 5% fat content. Good fats are available in fruits and vegetables and these are very good sources of fat for the body.

From various case studies of famous champions and athletes we are able to find that so many of them were on plant diets alone. The hugely competitive Martina Navratilova was on a constant plant based diet during her career. Esselstyn, the author of Engine 2 Diet book has stated various examples in his book. For example Tony Gonzalez won more than a thousand triathlons, by beating breast cancer. Salim Stoudamire, NBA player and Dave Scott have won the very famous Iron man triathlon which was held in Hawaii. So from these studies we can understand that we need not resort to eating only non vegetarian foods to obtain the best nutrients. Plants can also provide the same good nutrients which are released slowly in to our body system. Vegetarian food like the fortified soy milk can give our body a rich supply of essential supplements like Vitamin B12.

Consequently, the energy that plants which are high in fiber and packed with nutrients provide is consistent all through the day, instead of periodically giving you a high. It would be better to substitute fish oil with ground flaxseed, walnuts, soybeans, and green leafy vegetables. These are all rich in omega-3. You could also try omega-3 supplements from plankton. Butter, margarine and sour cream do make food tasty but the inherent danger in eating foods which have these, is something that you will need to seriously think about if you want to enjoy good health.

When we start eating only plant based foods we find it a bit difficult to get used to the tastes as, right from childhood we already have developed tastes. And when we try out something different we may find it a bit difficult to adjust. But once you get to know the benefits of eating plant based diets, you may want to stick on to the plant diet for a long time. These diets can actually make you feel fitter and energetic and then you no longer have to cling on to the non vegetarian diet at all, once you realize the wisdom and happiness in eating a plant based diet. - 17269

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Fitness - Weight Loss Cleanse

By Gregor Mahrer

If you have not, you may want to take the time to examine them. Colon cleanses are mostly used to remove unwanted toxins from the body, but they can also be used in weight loss. That is why it is sometimes possible to find colon cleanses being referred to as weight loss cleanses. If you have never tried a colon cleanse before, namely to lose weight, you may be wondering what you should look for in a colon cleanse. If that is the case, you will want to continue reading on. Outlined below are a few of the many points that you should take into consideration, when looking to buy a colon cleanse.

It is important that you find a colon cleanse that is safe to use. Colon cleanses and weight loss cleanses are made and sold by a number of different manufacturers and distributors. While many colon and weight loss cleanses do work, you will find that not all do. In fact, there are even some colon cleanses which can put your health at risk. That is why it is important that you review each colon or weight loss cleanse that you are interested in buying.

When it comes to researching colon cleanses and weight loss cleanses, you have a number of different options. Perhaps, the easiest way to review this favourite weight loss tools is by performing a standard internet search. You may want to perform a standard internet search with the study of the colon cleanse that you would like to try. You will want to examine all information that you come across, especially product reviews. Another way that you can determine if the colon cleanse or weight loss cleanse that you are interested in trying is innocuous is by consulting with a healthcare professional, like a dietician or your primary care physician.

When examining the length of the colon cleanse in question, you will find that it often depends on the type of cleanse that you are using. You should be able to find colon cleanses or weight loss cleanses that are in pill format, those that are in ready-to-drink format, as well as those that can be mixed into a drink. For the most part, you will find that drinkable colon cleanses require shorter use times, like for two or three days. It is common to find colon cleanses, especially those in the pill formats, which need to be taken for up to thirty days or more.

The directions of the colon cleanse or weight loss cleanse that you would like to try is also important when choosing a weight loss cleanse. As with the length of a colon cleanse, you will find that the directions of each cleanse also varies. For instance, there are some colon cleanses, namely those in pill formats, that allow you to go about eating your normal diet. On the other hand, there are some colon cleanses that require you to limit your food and drink intake, often to specific products. If you choose a colon cleanse that requires you to only eat certain foods or go without eating for a day, it is important to make sure that you can follow those directions. If not, your colon cleanse may not work as intended and you may not be able to lose weight.

The above mentioned factors are a few of the many that you should take into consideration, when looking to buy a weight loss cleanse or a colon cleanse for yourself. While some colon cleanses are not marketed as weight loss products, you will find that many do result in weight loss. - 17269

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How Phospatide helps in Alleviating Brain Fatigue and Boosting Memory Power:

By James Zack

There is quite a lot of Phosphatide present in people's brain in the form of chemical or lipid. Around 30% of Phosphatide or phospholipids are present in the brain of a human. Approximately 1/5th of the nerves found in the body of humans are made up of phospholipids or Phosphatide.

In comparison with other lipids, phospholipids in the brain are more active. They aid in alleviating brain fatigue and are also believed to boost memory power while at the same time providing important nutrients to the brain.

One more thing that Phosphatide is responsible for is the assimilation of a very crucial messenger neuron known as acetylcholine. If there is any lessening of acetylcholine levels, then we tend to become less attentive and we cannot remember new things easily. We also tend to forget things as a result of that. If the brain has the ability to maintain and to boost the levels of acetylcholine, then directly due to that, we tend to learn better, remember more accurately and we also have increased attention spans. When the acetylcholine goes up, then it starts working immediately, making us better at focusing on things and remembering things more accurately.

Maintaining the Right Amount of Phosphatide

If you want to make sure that Phosphatide remains in the brain in right amounts, then you should try taking Nan Lecithin Granules. These granules have been derived from pure soybeans and are free from oil and they have not been modified genetically. There is no added taste or color or any sort of additives.

Soybeans are considered as being rich in Phosphatide. They have a very good taste and so there is no problem in consumption. The Nan Granules are light and get digested easily. One can have it with a combination of cereals, salads and many such food items.

Lowering Brain Fatigue and Increasing Memory with Phosphatides

The first vital function of Phosphatide is in lowering brain fatigue and pushing up the amount of things we can learn. Phosphatide is easily available in nature and it lends a big rush of energy. Also, when there are proper levels of Phosphatide in the brain, then we also tend to remember things better, our memory power goes up and we also become very focused with extreme clarity of mind.

If we cannot remember things properly, then brain fatigue will take place. So, it becomes very important to make sure that Phosphatide levels are always at a high in the brain.

With proper amounts of Phosphatide in the brain, there is increased memory power because Phosphatide is present in the right amount in every single cell. It is interesting to note that in our bodies, the Phosphatide level is quite high. The nerves have about 20% Phosphatide while the brain contains about 30%.

Phosphatide helps in the fusion of a neurotransmitter acetylcholine, leading to decreased fatigue and stress in the brain and improvement in the functionality of human brain. Neurotransmitters communicate with human body cells with the help of Phosphatide. The main functions of Phosphatide are carried out by phospholipids. It helps in maintaining the acetylcholine levels in ones brain. The phospholipid present in the Phosphatide is called as Lecithin. It is accountable in keeping a check on the stress levels of brain, fatigue and extra work of the brain that cause disruption in the functioning of neurotransmitters.


Therefore, phospholipids of Phosphatide, which are found in the human brain, help to maintain the brain's functioning, finally leading to reduced brain fatigue and increased memory power. This will ultimately help you to have better concentration and focus. - 17269

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Lower Ab Workouts - Burning Abs Don't Mean Ripped Abs

By Jose Loni

When you do lower ab workouts and feel your abs burning, don't kid yourself and start thinking that you're on your way to ripped abs because you're not. There is no such thing as spot reduction although a lot of claims and advertisements will have you believing that their product can do so. Those empty promises will not get you ripped abs but burning excess body fat by speeding up your metabolism through weight training will, satisfaction guaranteed.

Lower ab exercises are really good at strengthening the targeted lower abs. However, isolation exercises are not very efficient at burning overall body fat. In order to really affect body fat, you must do overall multi joint exercises.

Infomercials are great at showing off the latest wonder machines invented with beautifully sculpted models working them sideways or on their backs making it look easy to entice viewers to buy and get supposedly ripped abs.

Don't get sucked in. Magic machines don't work and perfectly shaped models are just there to make you think they do work. It's all a marketing ploy because target area reduction doesn't work. You end up with stronger abs but you still have to burn the fat covering the ab muscles and magic machines don't burn fat.

Burning fat still requires you to actively use your muscles and the best way is through training with weights. The harder your muscles work, the more energy they use up so the body has to constantly source more fuel for the muscles to use. This is when the body starts to look for and use up any excess fat as a fuel supply.

When we train the body at a higher intensity, the muscles will accumulate excess carbon dioxide and lactic acid. The body must then provide blood and oxygen to the muscles to keep the muscles functioning.

This whole cycle of replenishing and clean-up is very energy-intensive and can last a few hours after the workout, leading to an increase in the body's metabolism and greater amounts of fat burned.

Therefore, burning lower abs while doing lower ab workouts don't mean you're sculpting ripped abs. Target area reduction and infomercials serve to sell you a dream. Speeding up your metabolism through weight training will make you realize that dream! - 17269

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Acai Fruit Berry Producing Antioxdants Prove Heplful to the Brain Studies Conclude

By Dr. Jerimiah Crossderd

Researchers at the Yale School of Medicine found the brain's appetite area utilizes fat fuel by including free radical molecules that have been associated to aging and Nero degeneration.

The findings were published in the magazine, Nature and provide evidence that antioxidant foods like acai berry fruit are critical when it comes to weight control.

The documents chief authors were Sabrina Diano and Tamas Horvath who are two associate professor and professor, at the Building of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences and Neurobiology.

Horvath holds a position at the Section of Comparative Medicine

The research found that the brain uses fat fuel to regulate the appetite as well as the harmful free radicals.

This means that if you disrupt the free radicals, you may affect eating and digestion process.

The results also showed that every time a sensation of fullness or satiety is achieved during a meal, you may be eating away some a person's maximum lifespan.

The study also noted that free radical production occured when thre brain cells were active.

The researchers used mice to conduct and determine how the human brain uses neuronal activation.

This response is determined by Gherlein which is a hormone produced in the stomach.

It was previously linked to:

growth hormone release


growth hormone release


The scientist found that the hormone produced a appetite by placing fat in the hypothalamic mitochondria.

Gherlein then produces deadly free radicals that are consumed by a protein known as UCP2.

Antioxidants must be administered at a precise time if the compound is to regulate the appetite in humans.

Taken on an empty stomach, antioxidants seem to only increase appetite, yet when taken with food, they may affect satiety.

More analysis is needed to determine what type of regiment of antioxidants should be taken to affect appetite. - 17269

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What Can That Smelly Sulfur Do For Me?

By Carolyn Cooper

If you want to prevent bruising yourself so spectacularly and so easily, you'll find that one possible cure that we should look at is sulfur. For the most part, we do not come across sulfur unless we are reading about it in the context of sulfur, fire, and brimstone or other things that smell vile, so what does sulfur have to do with serving as a means for bruise treatment? The simple truth is that sulfur can play a large part in helping to heal bruises, and simply by remembering some relevant information in mind, we will be able to see why this is so.

The first question that you are likely to ask when you want to know why sulfur can make an excellent bruise treatment is what sulfur really is. When you are looking at sulfur, you are looking at a basic nonmetallic element that is found in numerous natural forms and compounds. When you place sulfur into a human context, you'll find it often used in the form of sulfides and sulfates in industry, but do remember that it is an important part of every living thing. You will probably also be surprised to know that elemental sulfur is actually odorless, despite the bad reputation what that it has gotten. When you hear that sulfur smells vile, you'll find that you are probably smelling hydrogen sulfide or sulfur dioxide, which are common compounds that contain sulfur in them.

The intake of sulfur from your food and from supplements, is absolutely safe, and sulfur is a critical part of your diet. One type of sulfur that is essential for you to get when it involves healing bruises is called Bromelain. Bromelain is extracted from the family of plants that contains pineapples. The substance known as Bromelain has enzymes that contain sulfur and they actually react to digest proteins. This is important for people who suffer from lots of bruising as that it helps your body digest the pooled blood that actually forms a bruise. The faster the blood goes away, the quicker your bruise will heal, and the quicker you will stop getting those worried looks from friends and family.

Yet another form of sulfur that is important to remember for bruise treatment purposes is a mouthful called Methylsulfonylmethane, or MSM for short. MSM has been shown to aid us in recovering from soft tissue injuries, which is certainly a concern when you are bruising a lot. In addition, it can accelerate healing because it acts as an anti-inflammatory, bringing the swelling of the bruise down and allowing it to heal quicker. These two varieties of sulfur are vitally important elements to consider when you are trying to determine how to heal bruises.

There are many foods that contain sulfur with pineapple and garlic as just two examples of them. You may also discover that it's a good idea to start taking sulfur supplements, though you should always examine the warnings, take them seriously and consult with a doctor if there is any doubt at all. - 17269

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Exercise Videos - Are They Better Than E-books?

By Jose Loni

Are exercise videos better than e-books? Technology has advanced so much in the past few years with email, e-books and anything internet-related. Despite that, exercise videos are easier to access and better than e-books. They're also more dynamic and interactive and allow us to accurately go at our own pace with simple steps and great visuals - something that an e-book can't do.

Remember the Jane Fonda exercise video craze? Or how about Suzanne Somers? And who can forget Richard Simmons?

Today, videos on yoga, pilates, kickboxing and belly dancing abound. The great variety is key to their longevity.

First on the pro list is convenience. Exercise videos don't require much trouble and effort on our part. We don't even need to leave our homes and get hassled driving or dealing with the weather, traffic, parking, and gym sales staff. Just clear a space, press play and workout anytime.

Videos are inexpensive. A one-time cost gives you a lifetime of workouts and if we don't feel like it, we're not pressured to train because our membership is almost up or the gym will be closing in an hour. And there are no monthly fees or hidden costs of gas, parking, and travel time.

For those who prefer privacy, exercise videos are a definite pro. Starting a program can be awkward and if we're not used to certain movements or holding set counts, we easily get self-conscious and lose motivation. Add camouflage clothing versus sleek gym wear and we crawl to our home videos in great relief!

However, there are people who crave human contact while doing their workouts. Many prefer the live setting to get feedback from their trainers and instructors. Others need the encouragement and support of people in the workout sessions to keep them going. While others, still, need that change of environment to inspire them to get results.

There are definitely benefits and consequences to exercise videos. Convenience, cost, self-image and social interaction are all factors that affect our choice, but whatever we decide to go with, the most important thing is to be aware of these factors so we can make the best choice for us. - 17269

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