Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Here's An Easy Way You Can Build Muscle Quickly!

By Austin Smith

We're constantly receiving inquiries from subscribers questioning how they can build muscle fast. Particularly with the summer finally here, more and more individuals are wanting to get fit and get in shape.

It's nice to know there are particular strides you can take to speed up your exercise program and begin packing on lean muscle rapidly. If you are serious about getting ripped and looking magnificent, you will notice some spectacular results if you take the proper techniques.

Remember that you have to hit the gym a minimum of 4 times each week. No exceptions! Your workouts shouldn't be any more than one hour - if they're longer you won't be getting the most out of your workouts.

While you are at the gym, make sure to think about two words - "good form"! Don't try to lift more weight if it means that your form sacrifices. By using the proper form you will develop muscle much faster. You might need to drop the weight a bit, but the gains you will see will be way better.

Another recommendation to gain the most from your weight lifting is to use a three day rotation for your workout routine. Organize your routine so that you work every muscle throughout the three days. By just taking 3 workout sessions to work on each of your muscles you will gain results much faster.

Finally, you must eat well and eat often. Make certain you consume 6 meals a day. Out of the six meals, three of them will be your main ones and the other three should be smaller snacks that give you about 250 calories in total.

Using a protein powder is a great idea - you need to be getting lots of protein to help your muscles grow and repair themselves. A protein powder is a terrific means to get lots of protein and you can obtain them for very little nowadays.

Gaining the physique you desire isn't difficult when you put forth the effort. With some commitment and by using the above techniques, you can develop muscle and strength rapidly. - 17269

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How To Gain Lean Muscle - For Beginners

By Jack Thomson

Wouldn't you want to know how to gain lean muscle and have the kind of body you've always been dreaming of? There are many articles that will tell you how lean muscles are gained, but they usually begin on the same note --- change your attitude and your diet.

In order to be successful in anything you do, you must have the right attitude. You have to believe that you will eventually have the body you've always dreamed of. Never tell yourself you can't; otherwise you will easily fall apart and lose your determination to pursue your dream.

You also need to work on your diet. If you have been eating junks most of your life, now's the time, to junk them out of your system. Get rid of foods that have a lot of fat, oil and sugar. Your ideal meal should consist of 50% starchy carbohydrates, 35% proteins, and 15% healthy fat. Eating more fruits and vegetables also helps to make your muscles lean. It's also advisable to eat six small meals in a day as this helps to improve metabolism. Keep in mind that a faster metabolism helps you burn fat a lot faster, too.

In order to gain lean muscles, you must burn calories through cardio workouts. You can brisk walk, go biking, take a plunge in the pool, jog, hike, or do anything you wish to do. The important thing is that you get yourself moving and your heart pumping.

Another must do is to engage in a good weight training program. Weight training involves a series of activities using different sets of dumbbells. When performed correctly and consistently, weight training can tone, firm up, and develop your muscles.

As you can see, gaining lean muscles only requires that you dedicate your time and effort. To be honest about it, it may take some time before you can actually witness visible results. So be patient enough to wait for that moment because it will come.

Nonetheless, when you feel like giving up, do something about it. Don't just sit there and do nothing. Change your routine, for instance. Go to a different gym, brisk walk instead of run, get yourself a new set of exercise suit, and so on. A different look, a different feel may be all you need to recover your joie de vivre, so to speak. It is also a good idea to do these exercises with your best friend. In most cases, having someone around can motivate you to pursue your dream.

Take time to visit my site for more on how to gain lean muscle. - 17269

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How To Create An Effective 6 Pack Workout

By Gerald Holt

There is a lot to be said for a well toned body; not only does it make you appreciate just how beautiful the human body is when it is in prime form; but it also makes you want to emulate that form and make your own body look similar. Most men desire a set of well developed 6 pack ab muscles, because it makes them look more attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex; and look more in control and powerful when among other guys. The Adonis look alike state is definitely where it's at for most men, and women appreciate it just as much.

Taken literally, the expression "abs" is an abbreviation for the muscles that are found on the front and sides of the abdomen, and are comprised of several sets of different muscle groups that perform very different functions when it comes to body motion. These muscle groups are the rectus abdominus muscles (or more commonly known by the layman as the 6 pack); obliques which are both external and internal sets; and the transverse abdominal muscle.

In order to develop the abdominal muscles to their fullest glory, you must know what their respective duties are and how to incorporate a 6 pack workout into your schedule and your busy life. The functions are as follows: the rectus abdominus muscle or 6 pack, is found on the front of the torso between the ribs and the pelvic bone and aids in the all around motion of the middle body; the transverse abdominal muscle acts as a belt, and holds your insides in; the internal obliques are just inside the hip bones and flank the rectus abdominus so they can rotate the torso; and the external obliques are responsible for twisting the torso, as they are found on the sides.

The different types of exercises for developing a good 6 pack workout abound, but you have to be selective in which ones you choose for your own workout plan and make sure they target the midsection of the body. People usually think of situps first when thinking about exercises for the abs, but actually studies have shown that situps are quite dangerous for the average person to try and do, because they pull directly on the back muscles and can cause definite damage to a person's back if not done properly. For that reason, situps are frowned upon and crunches are recommended instead as a good choice for an abs workout. Other types of ab directed workouts are leg lifts, different kinds of twists for the obliques on your sides; and static holds, which work on the core muscles, and also a type of routine called the bicycle maneuver.

Including an appropriate diet eating plan into your 6 pack workout is totally necessary because the results you want will elude you unless you lose the fat that is surrounding those hidden abs and keeping them from full view of an admiring world. The key to generating a set of 6 pack abs that will make you oh so proud, is both the correct exercises and a fat loss eating plan working hand in hand. The most result producing means of doing that is for the exercise part of the program to include weightlifting as well as cardiovascular exercises; and the weightlifting is to be done first and then the cardiovascular. The reason being that the weightlifting uses mainly carbohydrates as an energy source and the cardiovascular routine then has very little energy reserve to work with, so the body goes after its stored fat to get the energy it needs and begins burning fat.

So now you have a good idea of what exercises will help you put together a good 6 pack workout, and there are just a few items to keep in the forefront of your mind when you are starting your regimen. First of all, with the exercises on a daily basis, you need to Keep your metabolism steady, Drink more water (include a lot of tea if you want-it's almost all water and is a good metabolism booster as well), Eat smaller meals and eat more often during the day, Eat more fiber-keep your system moving, and most important of all (to the chagrin of a lot of people) Eat breakfast.

This is not going to be easy; there's a lot of work involved in the word "workout" especially when it applies to an effective 6 pack workout; so to stay the course, you must be honest with yourself and stick with a well balanced eating plan and a good set of exercises. The diet will get rid of that fat that is camouflaging the abs, and the exercises will develop them; because remember, to get rid of 1 pound of unadulterated fat every week, you must lessen your intake of calories by 500 a day. But it will be worth it in the long run---sooner than you think, you will be sauntering down the beach with your spectacular 6 pack abs glistening in the sun surrounded by people faint with admiration. - 17269

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Cant Easy Bruising Be a Sign of Von Willebrand's Disease?

By Carolyn Cooper

When you acknowledge the fact that you are getting large bruises from an insignificant bump, you may very well become concerned, and when discuss this bruising with your friends, they are going to be concerned for your well being as well. When it comes to determining the causes for your bruising easily, there are a variety of reasons for why it could present a problem for you. Although some of these theories can be accurately applied to your situation, others can be ruled out immediately. Easy bruising is an important symptom for the generally rare Von Willebrand's disease, and the question as to whether you have been afflicted by it could well be one that troubles you. Let's examine this disorder and determine what it might mean to you?

The first thing that you should be aware of is that Von Willebrand's disease is a coagulation disorder, in which your blood has difficulty clotting the way that it should. As such, even the slightest bumps and scrapes can lead to a lot of blood being shed, and this goes for under the skin as well as above it. Because a lot of blood flows when the tissue is damaged, the bruises that can result are fairly large and dramatic, and will show up unexpectedly. Some people are surprised when they see so much bruising over a simple matter like a bump or a scrape.

How does one get Von Willebrand's disease? For the vast majority of people, Von Willebrand's disease is inherited. It is largely a hereditary condition where people will pass it on to their children from generation to generation. There are also unusual cases where Von Willebrand's disease can be acquired later in life. In these cases, the problem is that the body has started creating auto-antibodies, which will actually wipe out the material that causes coagulation to happen quickly and effectively. With that in mind, you'll discover that there are conditions which can lead to this affliction, the most common among them being lupus.

That being said, is Von Willebrand's disease something that you need to worry about? Determine whether you have any of the additional symptoms beyond just easy bruising. Typically, nosebleeds and bleeding gums are symptoms as well. Women may also experience blood loss during childbirth as well as heavy menstrual flows.

If you are in a situation where you are seeing a lot of bruising, remember that you should take steps to learn whatever you can about the causes. There are a lot of different reasons that you might be bruising more easily than you think you should, but the truth of the matter is that it is likely not anything serious.

If you think your bruising is a serious issue, you should have a discussion with your doctor, but if your easy bruising is just a symptom of your growing older, you should examine the daily program from Bruises Be Banned. This program starts with a uniquely formulated, completely natural daily supplement program that has been specifically designed to help reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17269

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Massage Chairs Perform Foot Reflexology Massage

By Susy M Esquire

Most of us are seeking natural ways to maintain our health and well being. When I shop, I tend to favor more natural products over processed foods. This is also the same for my health. This is one reason why massage therapy continues to grow in popularity. It is effective in relieving symptoms of stress and the tension in your body. There are numerous massage techniques available. Reflexology or zone therapy has roots from ancient times and is currently available in massage chairs.

One important form of massage therapy is called reflexology. Reflexology is also known as zone therapy, it would come under the heading of alternative treatments. It has been practiced in various forms from the earliest records of man.

Some things about mankind have not changed since ancient times. Everyone has always sought ways to increase their life and vitality. To this end, many different healing and massage treatments word developed. It is interesting these days see the diversity of techniques throughout the world.

Reflexology uses the application of pressure on specific areas of the bottom of the feet. This creates a reflex action in another part of your body. By manipulating each specific area, the reflex action can provide relief to other organs and parts of the body.

Reflexology is considered an alternative medical treatment. It is not known to have any side effects. It is used primarily for relaxing tension in the body. It stimulates and relax is the area where the pressure is applied. It also is believed to induce relaxation to other corresponding body parts.

Foot reflexology massage has been incorporated into many massage chairs. This is a very specific type of massage which has some great benefits. These massage recliners use different technology and sophisticated software controls to deliver a soothing and relieving foot massage.

The EP 30004 massage chair from Panasonic has integrated reflexology into the leg rest. Panasonic has developed removable plates which contain reflexology nodes. These plates when inserted into the foot wells provide a soothing foot reflexology massage to taking and tired feet.

Another manufacturer that has a very effective reflexology foot massage is Omega. There Montage Elite massage chair comes with their foot flex technology. This specially developed reflexology massage uses airbags to gently apply pressure to stimulate the reflex reaction. Other airbags hold the top of the feet to provide soothing relaxation. This also helps to restore flexibility in the feet.

The Sanyo DR 7700 massage chair also comes with a foot reflexology massage. Then Sanyo uses smaller nodes to stimulate specific areas of the bottom of the feet. Additionally, they have incorporated a small heater to warm the feet during the massage treatments.

As the reflexology massage is given to your feet, the rest of the chair is massaging your whole body. Massage chairs provide full body capability and run off automatic programs. You are also able to target specific areas for relief. This gives you a range of capabilities at the touch of a button. This provides tremendous convenience at your fingertips. - 17269

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Anti Aging Effects Of Resveratrol And The Astounding Acai Berry

By Margaret H Moore

Resveratrol is a vigorous polyphenol antioxidant that has in recent times become quite popular. Resveratrol is found in significant quantities in red wine, grape juice, grape skins and in the pigment of a lot of types of berries including blueberries, cranberries and the acai berry. Resveratrol is a polyphenol, which are great antioxidants.

In a recent Oprah Winfrey show on the effects of aging, Dr. Oz mentioned resveratrol and even recommended supplements of it. However, he also stated that as of yet there have been no controlled studies on humans and that these experiments would be a long time coming because they are testing anti-aging. He did not give direct endorsement to any product but just emphasized his belief that this powerful antioxidant has superb health promoting and anti-aging benefits.

Red wine provides a superior supply of resveratrol and it has been considered that this may be one of the central reasons for the French Paradox. The French tend to eat high-fat foods yet they also are likely to enjoy superior health including a lesser amount of cardiovascular diseases and other diseases. The reasons for this discrepancy in fitness between the French and individuals from other countries in the world have long been contemplated.

The mass of the exploration that has been conducted on resveratrol has been completed on animals and not humans. Many times when a substantial benefit is found in the animal studies it shortly translates to have a parallel consequence on humans, yet, there have yet to be studies conducted on the effects of resveratrol on humans so at this time it is still indefinite how the advantages of resveratrol will have an effect on humans.

In the investigational studies on mice, the groups that were given resveratrol were more protected from obesity and diabetes. Both obesity and diabetes are potent risk factors for cardiovascular disease. But, it is very fascinating to note that in order to attain the same levels of resveratrol that the mice were given, a human would have to consume as many as 100 to 1000 bottles of red wine on a daily basis, which is not possible not to mention that all of the advantages would be cancelled out due to the injurious effects of excessive alcohol.

Added investigation shows that resveratrol could be valuable in reducing inflammation and blood clotting, both of which can be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. More study is needed to know if this antioxidant was responsible for the reduced risk or if it could be another factor or combination of factors.

There have been no technical studies on humans; still at this time many experts tend to think that supplementing with resveratrol can be advantageous. You can take a supplement and you can also get a supply of resveratrol from wholesome foods in a wholesome food intake

Red wine, grape juice, grapes, blueberries and acai berry products all have nourishing amounts of resveratrol as well as a host of other synergistic and positive nutrition. A beneficial diet that includes these wholesome foods can be extremely helpful. - 17269

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The Dangers Regarding GMO Food

By Lee Jacobs

GMO food is food which has been genetically modified. GMO actually stands for: Genetically Modified Organism. When it first hit the news headlines some years ago, GMO foods caused quite a stir. At first glance GMO foods may have seemed to be a good thing. The intentions behind GMO foods are essentially noble. Its aim is basically to increase crop yields, make them easier to grow, and less susceptible to attacks etc by pests. But do we really know what is going on behind the scenes? Do we really know what is happening all over the world and what the true dangers are? It's time we sat down and looked at the bigger picture, and, hand in hand with our dietary requirements, we need to make individual assessments as to whether this direction best suits our needs.

The truth of the matter is that the food chain is a crucial component of our environment. Mankind has become very adept scientifically and we are now able to affect so many of the things around us (including our selves) since unlocking the secrets DNA and gene modification. But does it give us the right to play God? The problem is that if you believe in a God, you believe in an ll knowing and all powerful being, but Mankind is neither. If we dabble with nature, do we fully understand the "knock-on" effects? How will the changes we make to a grain of wheat affect the chickens that feed on it, or the parasites that attack it? Until we fully understand all of the ramifications in what we are doing, should we allow ourselves to proceed?

One of the hallmarks of the crops that we grow for our food supplies is that there is high diversity. Not only is this good for choice and personal preference, but it is also a system for protecting the many. In the same way that fish form a shoal, so that when a predator attacks just a few are sacrificed but the large majority escape unscathed, diversity works in the same way with disease and pestilence. It may attack and destroy one strain of a crop, but the others are not affected. But if we genetically modify the strains so that there are only one or two left; what could happen then? Potential disaster! And then, in an effort to avert such a disaster, we may be tempted to begin developing herbicides and pesticides again, and we are back to square one.

Another concern that many doubters about GMO food is that it has the propensity to breed super weeds! Nothing in nature stays stagnant and we can expect that breeding very hardy vegetables and plants will result in weeds that are similarly tough and hardy. The issue is that what GMO foods will stay static, these weeds will continue to develop. Farmers and other food producers will start to use more intense herbicides to take care of these super weeds, and with that in mind, we will see a lot more herbicides in our food and even in our water supply!

So as you can see, the GMO food issue is a complicated affair. One thing above all else is crystal clear. Before we go any further with GMP foods, we must have a comprehensive testing mechanism in place to answer the question posed above. Then and only then will it be safe to consider going ahead. - 17269

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How to Choose Your Best Exercise for Weight Loss

By Thong M. Dao

The best exercise for weight loss for you totally depends upon you and what you wish to do. What you don't like doing, paying gym membership, and whether or not buying equipment are things you have to look at and answer.

You'll not likely keep up with your workout plan if you choose something that you don't like. For example, you'll find it hard to wake up early in the morning if you hate jogging. In the worst scenario where you don't like anything at all, pick the one that you hate the least.

Jogging is very common as it does not demand a superior fitness level. Everybody can walk, the sole difference is how long and how far. Another reward of walking is you will easily get an exercise partner, which can make your session a breeze.

Whichever workout you prefer, you had better begin at a low intensity level and build up over weeks, which is crucial to the duration of your workout plan. Whenever you kickoff too hard, you can end up with injuries which will take time off to recover.

If you have difficulties exercising, start with a 10 minute session, then increase by 5 minutes every week or two. Sometimes, you can try a different route or find a new partner to spice things up a bit.

When walking is not your best exercise for weight loss, so you might wish to try a fitness centre. They've dozens of variety and usually have trainers available to reply any questions you might have. If you prefer a fitness centre, be sure that they provide superb service.

If they don't treat their customers well, run a mile. And don't forget to check if they take good care of the equipment. You can do this by listening. If the machines make a lot of noise, they've most likely not been touched for a long time.

When you still are not sure what to do, so you should check out golf or tennis. They are great social activities, and you'll be able to even find new friends. Tennis is good for fitness though it Is not for somebody who's just starting out. When you have not worked out in a while, then golf might be the best exercise for weight loss for you.

- 17269

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The Health Benefits Of A Juice Maker

By Ian Randin

Many people are ware of the health benefits to be gained from using a juice maker and, as such, these devices are, indeed, very popular in the kitchen. With these juice making appliances it is possible to make the freshest of juices. This is a vital point, as over a period of time juice deteriorates and becomes less beneficial.

When freshly prepared in the maker the flavors of the fruit and vegetables are preserved in their sweetest state. Carrot juice is one good example, where it is at its sweetest within the first half hour which is the optimum time for it to be consumed. Twenty minutes is the best time within which to drink citrus juices

Also, juices direct from the maker retain more of the valuable nutrients that nature intended. You can be assured of no additives or other chemicals when you make the juice yourself. You can also create some pretty amazing concoctions that you do not find in the shops.

Use organically grown fruits or vegetables for the most natural juices. You have the option of keeping pulp, rinds and skin in your juice, or removing them. It is good to keep them, as they do contain many nutrients. Since raw fruits and vegetables contain many essential vitamins, you have the benefit of making the very freshest juices possible when you use your own juice maker.

The fresh, raw vegetables and fruits are also an excellent source for getting the live enzymes and amino acids that are vital for good health.

With a juice maker appliance, you can get a lot more power per ounce from your raw vegetables and fruits. A single cup of juiced carrot is equal to around four cups of the raw vegetable. Juices are much more easily digested, and it is far easier for your body to take in the nutrients via the liquid form.

The pulp, rind and skin can be used for adding fiber to the diet. Also many fitness experts, like Jack Lalanne have extolled the health benefits of drinking fruit juices. They believe that they can reduce the risks of heart disease, cancers and other diseases. The have also claimed that they reduce the aging process along with increasing energy levels and fitness.

There is a great range in the prices of juice makers from around thirty dollars up to a few hundred. It is important to look at the horsepower of you intend to do a lot of juicing. You can find juicers with additional functions such as masticating juicers which can also be used for making baby foods, nut butters and sauces. - 17269

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Cleaning Your Colon

By Jane Soreau

The moment we begin to experience persistent headaches, fatigue, constipation, low energy, excessive weight, it becomes obligatory to undertake colon cleansing. Colon or the large intestine is an internal body part where waste is accumulated. As a result of frequent exposure to toxins, pollution, heavy metals, parasites our colon can become unclean. Unclean colons are exceedingly perilous as it is renowned phrase that "death begins in the colon". So, colon cleansing has been declared as a need by global scientists. There are two sorts of colon cleansing processes, first is the auto-cleansing or natural cleansing and the other colon cleansing process is colon irrigation. Natural colon cleansing comprises of oral intake of products i.e. enemas, laxatives, enzymes, powders and anti-parasite capsules. Colon irrigation process involves a colonic hygienist or a colon therapist who utilizes a machine that puts in 20 gallons of water with the aid of a tube introduced in your rectum. When the water moves in your colon the hygienist normally massages the abdomen and then flushes it out with another tube.

But, colon irrigation method includes a risk; natural colon cleansing technique that has been is highly convenient. If natural colon cleansing is done on a daily basis then troubles caused due to the colon can be prohibited. Before we get familiar with natural colon cleansing benefits, let's look into the health hazards occurring due to a contaminated colon.

Health hazards of a damaged colon:

Constipation takes place due to the slow movement of the body waste through the colon. The colon absorbs too much water making the body waste stiff and arid that results in troubled bowel movements.

Fatigue is the feeling of extreme tiredness and scarcity of energy. Skin problems include inflammation, acne and signs of untimely aging like wrinkles.

There is a propensity to long for for foods that are perhaps your favorite; however, they are bad for health.

Slower metabolism and accrual of feces gives excessive weight. When toxics are accrued in the colon, very bad headaches are experienced by the person.

When plenty of gas gets accumulated in the colon, the result can be abdominal bloating. Holding up the excretion of waste can result in extreme built up of gas in the colon.

These are a few mild health complaints occurring because of a contaminated colon. However, upon neglecting these health complaints, danger of severe health hazards cannot be shunned. Hence, it is necessary that colon cleansing is undergone within time.

Why choose natural colon cleansing?

There are many reasons to choose natural colon cleansing. First and foremost, it is the most convenient method of colon cleansing. Natural colon cleansing is done by green tea, enemas, laxatives, enzymes, powders and anti-parasite capsules. Therefore, they all can be taken in orally. On the other hand it is cheaper or free way of colon cleansing. There are least chances of errors or any kinds of side effects. Hence, choosing natural colon cleansing method is beneficial and profitable as well.

Health benefits of natural colon cleansing

Preventing constipation, shedding 10-30 pounds of weight easily, putting off wrinkles, acne, pimples, diabetes and giving you a vivacious, young-looking and amazing appearance are a few of the benefits of natural colon cleansing process. - 17269

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6 Week Body Makeover Food Recipes

By James Kim

Losing weight doesn't have to be boring. You should be the master of your food choices and shouldn't let your diet cripple your lifestyle. The 6 Week Body Makeover diet has an infinite amount of recipes that you can use to eat delicious foods while losing weight. This article will go over a few meals that you can eat for lunch while on the body makeover diet.

Oriental Stir Fry is a great way to eat your veggies without skimping on flavor and taste. Here are the ingredients you will need to make this delicious lunch. pound of skinless chicken breast that is cut in 1 inch cubes. 1/3 cup of water, 1 cup broccoli florets, 1 cup snow peas, 1 cup mushrooms, cup water chestnuts, cup bamboo shoots, 2 Tbsp lemon juice, 4 Tbsp white wine, 2 tsp thyme, 1 tsp of nutmeg and black pepper to taste. Mix all ingredients together and cook until all veggies are tender. This recipe works well for all body types. However, the recipe is geared towards body types b & c. If you are an "A", you should add shrimp to your stir fry and body type "D" people can add some beef.

Cut all the ingredients into inch cubes. Combine all fruit in a large metal bowl and mix thoroughly. Next, dissolve the artificial sweetener and the lime juice. Stir briskly and drizzle the mixture over the fruit. If you have some mint, you can add this into the mixture to give the sauce some "freshness". This recipe is used for body type A & B people so make sure to combine the fruit combinations that are appropriate for your plan. There is an endless variation of fruits you can use.

Additional veggies variations that you can use for your stir fry are the Thai Stir Fry which contain shredded cabbage, onion, celery and carrots. Also, if you are a body type A, you can try the seafood variation which has shrimp or scallops, which replaces the chicken in the original version. Use bok choy, red peppers, green onion and mushrooms as veggies.

A variation to this dish is to add 1 tbsp chili powder and tsp cayenne pepper to the egg white mixture. If you want "gourmet" style fries, try to add 1 sweet potato to your regular taters. For the garlic lovers, add 1 tsp garlic powder and 1 tsp paprika to the egg white mix.

Tear 4 large squares of heavy-duty aluminum foil. Put 1 potato, onion and carrot in the center of each foil square and sprinkle with 1 tsp of water. Make sure to season each squares with salt and pepper. Fold shut each foil square and seal well. Place the packs over hot coals for 45 minutes and turn once to prevent overcooking one side. Remember that the potatoes are carbohydrates, so measure your portions according to your body type. - 17269

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