Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, August 13, 2009

9 Mindsets for Permanent Weight Loss

By Curt Joel

The biggest problem with fast weight loss is that if you lose it fast, it will come back fast. Dieting slows metabolism, among other things. Therefore, to lose weight and keep it off forever, it is important that you keep some things in mind. First of all, realize that permanent weight loss requires a permanent shift in your attitudes, habits, and lifestyle. The best place to start with some small changes. The first change? Reduce your fat intake. If you just consume 500 fewer calories everyday you will reduce your body weight by 1 pounds in 1-week. One pound of fat is 3,500 calories (7 days X 500 calories per day = 3,500 calories = 1 pound of fat).

1. Consider the difference in fat intake if you made your omelet using whole eggs instead of egg substitute. Egg yolks are 75-95% pure fat while egg substitute is 0% fat. Making this one simple shift will reduce your total calorie intake dramatically.

2. If you're over fat, you became that way because of your habits, tiny daily actions. It was your lifestyle that caused it to happen. The obvious solution then is to change your lifestyle. This requires a life change. Part of that life change is the foods you currently choose to eat.

3. It is not that difficult to learn to like new foods. Some simple shifts to different, fat-loss friendly foods, foods that will be kinder to your waistline and hips. For example, if you want to alter the appearance and taste of skim milk, you could add condensed skim milk to it. This contributes just a few extra calories of protein and carbohydrate, but no additional fat calories.

3. To get rid of excess body fat - permanently - you'll have to change how you think about food. If you think that you need to eat certain foods, the foods that got you to be overweight, for example, that is going to be a problem. Make the commitment to changing those small habits that overtime will add up to a big change in your life. Here is a simple one: stop using butter to flavor your bread. All butters. Just stop cold turkey. This will save you 100 calories every time you say no.

4. Now let's take a look at cheese and nuts. These are very popular and recommended by some health advocates as health food. Don't fall for the bait. If you're starving to death - cheese is a good choice. It will keep you from starving to death. On the other hand, if you want to rid your body of excess body fat - cheese is a poor choice. It is easily stored as fat and has very high calorie content.

The very high fat cheeses get more than 70-90% of their calories from fat. They can be eaten in moderation as part of your diet but only if you're starving to death. If you're reading this you're not starving to death. So stay away from cheese. Very high fat makes cheese a bad choice for people concerned about their weight loss.

6. Portion size is also a big consideration. How much fat you eat per day is cumulative. In other words, if you eat small portions of something containing fat throughout the day, although the fat count may be low, the total fat consumed adds to your daily total. One big step in losing body fat the easy way is finding the low/no-fat item that replaces the high fat one and keeping the total fat in your diet to a minimum. - 17269

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The Best Diets Revealed

By Aaron McLain

Eni-meni-mini-mo, where did all the best diets go? This may sound ridiculous, but the truth of the matter is, that is exactly what you will be faced with when searching for a diet thats right for you. With so many to choose from, how are you suppose to find the best?

Stop torturing yourself and instead learn how to discover the best diets that work with your body to increase health while burning fat. So how do you do it? The only way to discover the best diet for you is to first educate yourself on a few important principles that all diets should have. In this article Im going to shed some light on the subject which I hope will empower you to find a diet that doesnt torture your body and mind.

When you finally open your eyes and see that there are two types of diets you will be able to discover a diet thats got your best interests at heart. There are diets that promote unhealthy weight loss and there are diets that promote health with weight loss as a natural by product.

Unhealthy diets focus on abnormal ways to alter your bodies chemistry to produce weight loss. They preach starving the body of vital nutrients which usually leads to gaining all the weight back and leaving the body worse off than it was before.

Now that you have an understanding of what the best diets dont look like, lets take a look at what they do. First, the best diets will be built on a foundation of healthy principles. They will say things like eating smaller meals more frequently. Smaller meals help spread your calorie intake evenly and more meals help keep your metabolism up.

Next, a diet that will help instead of make worse will preach control. Control is the mental game that you need to master to develop good exercise and eating habits. Chances are that you got into this mess due to lack of control with what and how much you eat of the wrong things. A great diet will show you how to take back control first so you have a more of a chance of reaching your weight loss goals.

Finally, the best diets preach balance. Not balance like standing on your tippy toes and bending like a pretzel, but balance as in a balance combination of water, protein, fats, and carbohydrates. Each of these is vitally important for the body to function at its best and play important rolls in the breaking down of body fat.

It basically all sums up to just a few things. The rest becomes the diets method to help you get in control of your bad habits. These things are gentle weight loss, quality over starvation, healthy rule set, and an emphasis on balancing essential nutrients. Combine this with regular exercise and you have a winning formula. And as always, before taking anyones advice talk with your doctor first. - 17269

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The Road to Success with P90X

By Austin Mcgonigle

I thought I would address something that I hear way to often. It never fails that I run into someone that proceeds to tell me they can't get the motivation to workout because they never notice any changes. I normally proceed to ask these people what their workout routine is, and what their diet consists of, and with out a doubt they proceed to tell me they can bench press 240 pounds 50 times, and can curl a car, which is all good and fine, but they never answer the part about the diet . You see that's a very small part of it, you can move all the weight you like, but if you're out there eating a big mac combo 2 times a day 5 days a week, you're fighting a losing battleThe ONLY way you going to get the results you desire is by changing what you eat. Now you don't have to use the P90x nutrition guide, but you will need to make some changes to your diet, to achieve maximum results.

You can exercise all you want, and lift all you want, but if you're not doing some kind of nutrition you're not going to get true visible results***RIPPED ABS!, I'm not saying you won't be in amazing shape, you just won't have amazing definition. When I started P90X I went a little far, I completely cut out soft drinks, processed foods (for the most part), sugars, fast food, and anything else I thought was junk. Now I know that's not realistic for everyone, but everyone can make little changes to get them on the path. I I thought I would give you a few ideas, buy telling you all what I eat on a daily basis. I'm not saying this is what you have to eat, just giving you a little food for thought so to speak

I can't think of anything more important than what I'm about to tell you, so pay close attention because this is the key to a good nutrition planmake SURE you eat breakfast every day. I know that everyone is in a hurry in the mornings, and a lot of times breakfast is the last thing on our minds, but the truth is by not eating breakfast you're sending your body into starvation mode. Now think about this, you should stop eating 3-4 hours before you go to sleep, now assuming you do that, and most people get at least 6 hours of sleep, and you decide to skip breakfast and eat lunch some where around 12:00, and you went to sleep at 10 the night before and stopped eating at 7, that's 17 hours you went with out eating. That sends you body into starvation mode, slows your metabolic rate, and you body becomes extremely efficient, and doesn't like to burn calories unless absolutely necessary, that means there are less calories being burned and more fat being stored, which is extremely counter productive. The purpose of that huge run on sentence up there was to explain why breakfast is soo important .so eat something in the mornings!!!

For me breakfast doesn't change much, the only thing that really changes are the days I that I eat certain things on, it always pretty much consists of: Turkey sausage, some kind of fruit, slice of wheat toast, and a glass of juice **the rest of the day it's nothing but water** Protein shake and fruit 8ox Oatmeal, fruit, and juice 3 egg whites with chopped onions/mushrooms/ham, slice wheat toast, and a glass juice. And that pretty much takes care of breakfast, those for things on a repeating cycle.boring I knowbut as I said before it's what works for me, and that's what's important. Sometime after breakfast but before lunch I'll have a snack, now by snack I don't mean run out to the gas station and load up on a 44oz soda, and hoho's, snack's are fruit, nuts, turkey jerky, or a protein bar/shake.

Lunch is almost the same everyday also, I'll have a can of all white albacore tuna, I don't mix it, I just eat the tuna, sometimes I'll put a little balsamic vinegar on it, with a salad. If I can't get home, and have to eat lunch out, I'll normally find a deli, have a half of some kind of sandwich on wheat, along with a salad.

Dinner for me is important, because I'm the type of person that used to eat, just to have something to do, so I make sure that dinner is good, so I don't have to go looking for something to do in a couple of hoursJ For example I would do a tuna steak on the grill, fresh grilled vegetables, small portion of rice, or wheat pasta. Something like that, would be a normal dinner, I cut a lot of red meat out of my diet now, so it's mostly tuna, pork, chicken. Now don't get me wrong, I still love the occasional steak, just not as many as I used to love. Now I know it's hard for people to find the time to do this everyday, so just cook a couple of days worth of food at a a time, that way all you need to do is warm it up. Do whatever works for you, like I said this is what works for me, the important thing is to put some kind of plan into action, and follow through..GOODLUCK and STICK WITH IT!!!!! - 17269

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How to Grow Muscle and Power

By Dr. Lorna Mistranski

If you want to get big and strong, don't forget to take your protein powder. Bodybuilders have long relied upon protein powder to make sure they get the high level of protein needed to beef up their bodies through lifting weights and exercise.

Dairy products as well as eggs, cottage cheese, soy and vegetable protein also contain good amounts of protein. Nevertheless, none of these sources compares in quality or ease of use like whey protein. Whey protein has the highest value in providing branched-chain amino acids, which result in building and retaining muscle tissue.

When you use that protein powder, though, can really help you. So you want to strategically place when you are adding the protein powder in. It's a great tool also, because it's digested easily, it's easily absorbed. So it makes a great post-workout recovery drink.

A human body needs daily protein because that is what muscles and tissues are built from, and there is no place where the body can store extra protein. The need for adequate protein in the human body is second only to the need for water.

Luckily, it has been found that most varied diets - including vegan get plenty of protein through daily intake of various food combinations. However, some people like to supplement their protein intake, or occasionally substitute a fast, easy protein shake for a meal.

A lot of people struggle with getting enough protein at their breakfast. Stir that protein powder into your milk, pour that over your cereal, perfect. Stir it into your oatmeal.

Protein powders can also be a combination of one or more ingredients.

These concentrated sources of protein are processed into the powdered form, to be reconstituted into liquid form as a protein shake, or mixed with fruit juice or milk. Additionally, protein powders can be sprinkled on cereal, stirred into soups or stews, and cooked into baked goods.

Such as glutamine (a muscle enhancer, endurance builder, and muscle deterioration reducer), the content from high quality whey protein not only can, but will help one's muscles recover and grow faster by bring up the levels of protein. - 17269

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A User's Guide to the Ab Machine

By Ethel Decker

The ab machine is one of the best pieces of equipment that you can use to tone the abdomen and stomach areas of your body. As well as using this exercise machine, to see the best results, you need to combine it with some cardiovascular work. You will begin to see progress with the cardiovascular exercises you are doing; once this happens, you can increase the amount of work you are doing with the ab machine.

These pieces of equipment are a great way to tone your stomach and abdomen to get a better looking body. Ab machines have been a popular piece of equipment for years but it is essential that you buy one that does what it is meant to do.

The main thing to look out for when purchasing an abs machine is whether or not it exercises the whole of the abdominal area. Unfortunately there are some models out there that claim to do this but are actually ineffective in this respect. If the exercise machine does not target the abdominal muscles and your obliques then it is a pretty worthless purchase.

This facility is the most important factor when you are looking to buy an abs machine. It is also crucial that the equipment does not leave you cramped and can be suitably accommodating to your body shape. If the ab machine does not let you do this, then it is futile move to actually purchase it. An effective machine will not leave you creased up and uncomfortable. You could cause a serious injury or start getting back pain, which in turn could lead you to abandon using the equipment completely.

There are many models of this kind of exercise machine to choose from. The average cost of an abs machine is $100. If you are on a tight budget you can find one for around $50 or less. Just make sure that it targets the whole abdomen, is adjustable and comfortable looking.

By taking the time to read comments and reviews on the World Wide Web, you can speed up your search for the perfect model for you. The reviews will have been placed by people who have already purchased or at least used the equipment in a gym, and so you get a fair reflection of how well the individual models performed. This will narrow down your list of potential purchases and should eliminate the ones that are completely ineffective.

Once you have purchased your new ab machine, you will find all the instructions you need contained within the packaging. Many models come with a comprehensive user guide and will even include exercises to get you started. Most fitness experts suggest that people who are new to this type of exercise should workout slowly and with flowing movements. Basically, it is the abdominal muscles that should be doing the hard work, not the whole of the upper torso.

Working out with an ab machine is a gratifying and rewarding experience that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. The ultimate fitness dream is to have a lean and muscular looking body. By using this machine a little at a time you can soon realize this dream. - 17269

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Eating While on the Very Low Calorie HCG Diet

By Amelia Handley

The HCG Diet is, hands down, the most effective weight loss tool currently available. It consists of limited number of calories per day; very limited. It is classified as a very low calorie diet (VLCD) at 500 calories per 24 hours in combination with the intake of homeopathic HCG (a natural substance that makes functioning on very limited calories possible).

But some people hear the caloric limit and run away screaming! Not even the proof that dieters on the HCG diet lose an average of one pound per day throughout their program can make them stick it out. The only thing that does the trick is letting them try a meal that is HCG approved.

The HCG Diet Direct Cookbook is jam packed with easy recipes that follow the plan and make you feel as if you're not dieting at all. They might not all be desirable to every dieter, but EVERY dieter is able to find several recipes in the book that suit their tastes. Once dieters have a number of HCG approved recipes to work with they don't feel so deprived regardless of the number that is given for their daily caloric intake.

Jody P. of Peoria says, "I love the vegetable soup. And my husband has become quite attached to the roast. He prefers it to the way I used to make it before I stumbled upon the recipe in the HCG Diet Direct cookbook."

Jimmy A. of Gilbert said, "I really like the egg rolls. And I could almost live off the chili. I make a big pot of it and then divide it up into single servings and I'll have it probably 4 or more times per week. I don't think I'll ever stop using it as a staple for lunch and dinner in our household; even after I've completed the diet."

The HCG Diet Direct Cookbook is just one of the tools and suggestions that make navigating the low calorie requirement for the HCG diet possible. But it's a BIG tool. Don't underestimate the power of getting to eat something you like while dieting. It's absolutely necessary! - 17269

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The Healthy Chocolate Berry Drink, Acai Juice

By Max Wilson

The acai berry is becoming so popular worldwide that you would almost think it has magical properties. This small, deep purple berry has a juice that tastes somewhere between wild berries and chocolate. It not only tastes good though. This super fruit as been credited for giving many health benefits, healthy heart to insulin control.

What better way to good health than to just take some juice every day? Or if juice is not your thing then you can take it in a pill or capsule form. There is even a freeze dried variety and also a pulp. Whichever method fits into your daily routine, there is a product that will suit your style.

Many people reported that after intaking acai berry juice they regained energy. Indeed, in its country of origin " Brazil " it has been called the 'Viagra of Brazil' because of all its benefits. Perhaps one of the most important aspects of taking this supplement is the unique blend of vitamins and amino acids. People who are getting older have less ability to absorb specific vitamins. Inflammation will cause aches and pains in their joints and tissues, thus aging the patient with premature stiffness and painful joints.

The acai products actively encourage and give the ability to reverse that process. Taking the right oil containing omega 3 is beneficial for joints and promotes uptake of oil in the body. Joints become more supple and pain is reduced or eliminated altogether.

Drug dependence has decreased in diabetics, as a result of this product. After a brief period their insulin levels go down and stabilize which indicates they can decrease the medicine they take.

Other added health benefits include muscle regeneration. The muscle that works the hardest in the human body is the heart. Perhaps it deserves a treat? Add to this the anti-aging aspects of juice and you have a 'super' food which should be tried and tested. - 17269

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No Sleep Means No Muscle Gain In Bodybuilding

By Ricardo d Argence

There are so many factors in getting you muscles to grow other than just working out. Most people think that all they have to do is go to the gym a few times a week and they will achieve their fitness goals.

One of the most overlooked elements involved is that you need to rest properly- not just between workouts, but actually get a good night's rest at the end of the day. Changing around your sleep schedule so you get a solid and consistent night of rest, every night, can lead to big changes in the results you see from your bodybuilding program.

If you are sitting there asking yourself questions why sleep is so important, then continue reading.

For starters, your body recovers and rebuilds muscle while you are asleep. This is the crucial time when other parts of your body are shut down and not consuming energy or internal resources that your body uses to repair damages from bodybuilding.

Trying to confuse the body while working out is important. You want to keep the body guessing so it doesn't become immune to the weight leaving you with little results. This is the opposite of what you want to do when you sleep. You want to make sure that you stay on a consistent pattern that way your body knows when to start healing itself.

The energy that is consumed while working out is extreme, and if you do not get sleep you will go to the gym tired, leaving you with little results. When you start going to the gym tired it will no longer be fun and you will start taking days off.

If you are big into working out, then you know it takes motivation to get in there on a daily basis and get a good workout. You have to be able to get in there and get yourself pumped up so that you can get a hard workout.

Then at the same time, you may not even have the physical energy or motivation required to get a good weightlifting session in to begin with. There's only so much your body can handle over the course of a day with a tiny amount of sleep. And after, work, school, family commitments and anything else you may be dealing with, working out to your full potential is often what remains undone.

This is as much of a mental game, as it is a physical one. You need to make sure that you get the proper amount of sleep so that chemical balances in your body are normal, providing you with a good rhythm.

One of the biggest things in bodybuilding is your body's ability to burn fat constantly. This requires you to have a high metabolism. When you sleep your body releases some hormones into your bloodstream that are essential for proper metabolism.

The primary thing you have to think about when it comes to sleep is making sure that you have consistency. Only sleeping for 4 hours one night, then trying to make up for it the next night with 12, is not the same thing as sleeping both nights at 8 hours.

That's what you should shoot for, at least 7 hours a night. Remember, no sleep leads to no gains for bodybuilding, and you'll be ruining your chances at success before you even get started! - 17269

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What You Need To Know About Weight Loss Supplements And Dieting

By Christine G. Shannon

As part of a weight loss plan, many people may try to figure out diet nutrition by thinking they eat too many sweets, or drink too much alcohol, or not enough fruit and vegetables, but they really have no idea how many calories they take in or know anything about diet nutrition. These people may sometimes look at weight loss supplements, as something they can add to their diet, that will take off weight, or curb their cravings.

When it comes to diet nutrition, many people think that just by taking in fewer calories, they might lose weight. It can also depend on the type of calories they are taking in as to whether their metabolism stores them as fat or burns them as energy. Since many people don't really know that much about diet nutrition, they try to make up their own diet plan, not understanding anything about what foods to cut out, limit, or eat more of.

Protein supplements, fiber supplements or other weight loss supplements can help to lose weight and some people will stick to their bad eating habits while taking the supplements and not understand why they have not lost weight, despite not cutting any calories. This is not a good weight loss plan.

There are some weight loss supplements that will cause you to gain weight, if it is not the type of nutrition your body needs to metabolize, so it will store it for later use. Many times weight loss supplements are added to a glass of juice or milk to be taken in lieu of eating a meal. You may not lose weight this way, because the body's metabolism changes every couple days, and it may go into starvation mode, and hold on to as much of the fat stores as it can.

The best way to tackle diet nutrition and weight loss supplements is to keep giving your body fat burning calories and also nutritional calories. You need to eat the correct portions at the right intervals to encourage the metabolism to burn fat at a quicker rate than before.

By alternating the types of foods and when you eat them, you can actually start to fool the brain signals that send the fat-storing or fat-burning hormones into the system and tell the metabolism to store fat or burn it for energy. If you don't know anything about diet nutrition, then you will have a lot of trial and error in trying to figure how what foods to eat, and when to eat them.

When you are looking to add protein to your diet, you will find that this is a great time to include a weight loss supplement that will let you build muscle and burn fat more quickly. You are going to find that you need to combine good supplements with foods that will burn off calories and encourage weight loss.

If you want to know about diet nutrition and weight loss supplements, it is a good idea to consult a diet nutrition expert who can help you to find a diet plan which can offer nutritional, fat burning food in sensible portions, to be eaten several times a day. These foods should be satisfying enough so that you stick to the diet plan and help you to lose weight fast. FatLoss4Idiots is highly recommended at the link below, it is a great expert plan which will help you to slim down whilst following a satisfying diet. - 17269

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What To Eat For Six-Pack Abs?

By Bill Caster

Regrettably the more common mistake that individuals constantly make is focusing on the abdominal training and forgetting about the dietary requirements in an effort to burn that fat away around their tummy. If that's what you're doing, it's most likely that 90 percent of those attempts go to waste. Why is this so? Because when it comes down to developing six-pack abs for males, or attaining a flat, formed, and firmer stomach for women, it is important to understand that you need to stay away from fat just as much as you need to burn it.

Consuming the proper sort of foods while you are undergoing a body or tummy workout will help enormously with sending that stomach fat away. Therefore, don't believe it if they state you may consume anything you like just as long as you're carrying out the proper workouts.

Anyone can have a great looking stomach, plain and simple. However, there is a lot of confusion when it comes to selecting exercises for your workouts. Keep in mind, that while crunches or leg elevations will certainly compliment to the strength of your stomach muscles, they will never burn the fat on their own.

For the program to work, you have to adhere to a properly structured nutritional program that will provide the needs of your body. While undergoing a program it's essential to understand that it must not just focus on the quantity of nutritional requirements but additionally on the timing of the meals. This is essential in lowering fat as well as carving out distinguished, firmer abdominal muscles so to help you reach your objective and carve out those six-pack abs, here's some rudimentary principles that you can utilize as a guide to selecting the right nutrition program.

Reduced-carb, low-fat, high protein, liquid, grapefruit, soup diets and the likes may be effective in lowering your weight but also with slowing down your metabolism - therefore, it will be difficult for the body to work right in addition to your physical workouts. You have to remember that the body needs all macro-nutrients for it to burn fat as well as function properly.

Processed sugar, processed grains are basic carbohydrates that your body doesn't need too much. What it needs are complex and natural carbs like brown rice, cereals, beans, veggies, yam plants, and oats among other things. Fish fats, coco oil, olive oil, flax seed oil, organic nut butter, avocados, seeds and nuts are a few of the required and wholesome fatty acids your body needs to increase its metabolic process an helps with reducing fat. It's therefore important that you consume adequate servings of that kind of food.

Protein is the thing which makes the essential body building product for the muscles, so consume an adequate amount with every meal as it helps satisfy the appetite longer and burn calories while the body processes it. Eat six smaller meals rather than the 3 heavy ones because that causes the body to reduce more calories in contrast to hindering your metabolic process when you don't eat more often.

Consume lots of water. It is critical for eliminating wastes and poisons and most significantly, is vital in the procedure of reducing fats - therefore, would help in achieving the six-pack abs of your dreams. - 17269

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Taking Control of Your Aging Skin

By Art Gib

Many factors contribute to how your skin ages. Natural aging and outside environmental factors all have a hand in how your skin ages. There are products that can help you keep track of your skin's health?

Taking care of your skin has different implications through every stage of your life. Finding the right products that are designed to adapt to your skin through the period of life you are in will make the difference between healthy and mediocre results. June is national skin health month

While our other organs are given the highest priority, like our hearts, kidneys, intestines, eyes, lungs, and so on, our skin does a thankless job of protecting us every second of our lives. Our skin breathes and absorbs and fights off the bad guys, those pesky bacterias and viruses.

Our skin has its own set of bacterias that make up the good guys protecting our bodies from the bad guys. These are essential for not only the health of our bodies, but the health of our skin as well. People believe that bathing or showering is good, and for the most part, they're right. But too much cleansing can be a bad thing because you essentially start eliminating the good guys and those bad guys can get the upper hand.

Your skin also varies throughout your body depending on its history. For instance, your arms and legs probably have been exposed to the sun more than your bottom or chest. The variances of breakdown, as well as dryness or dehydration all play a part in the overall health of your skin.

All of these things affect the health of your unsung organ hero. If your skin if suffering, chances are, you are, too. Breakouts, dryness, flaking, mottled color, redness, itchiness, splotchiness, oiliness, and other skin ailments are products of what you have exposed this large organ to.

With such handy tools available at your fingertips, taking care of your skin has become more personalized and easier to control and slow the aging process despite your genetic factors or environmental exposures. - 17269

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Learn How to Get Big Pecs

By Frank Hommes

When you picture some of the great male figures in history, movies or sports, what is one of their most noticeable features? There's nothing nicer than a great set of pecs to really make a man get noticed. Large pectorals make a guy look imposing, confident, and very fit, maybe more so than well-developed abs or arms.

So what is the key to getting big pecs? There is no one simple method that ensure that you'll suddenly have massive pecs. It will take a lot of work and motivation to get where you desire to be. It may require more than just changing your workout routine, although that plays an essential role.

The first thing that you should do if you want to get nice pecs is to prevent straining yourself. A lot of people believe that if they work their pecs to the point of exhaustion, they'll get bigger faster. However, it can actually be very harmful to do this.

If you're already working out heavily, then working out more isn't going to help your pec situation. You'll only exhaust yourself and hurt your muscles without seeing much gain. Rather, you should concentrate on making your work out more efficient.

You can do this by converting from the traditional press movements and concentrating more on exercises that isolate specific areas in the pecs for the most gain. Flys are an excellent way to do this, as they provide a more complete workout than straight presses. To do a fly, simply take a pair of dumbbells and lift them up parallel to your body. You can do this in a number of different positions, from standing to flat on a bench to inclined.

Getting great pecs isn't a goal that can likely be reached by any one change. However, by revising your diet and making other healthy lifestyle changes, you'll be taking important steps to building up this muscle group. - 17269

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