Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Weight Loss For Obese People

By Karl Stone

How many times have you heard someone say they had to stay away from fast-food so they can lose weight? The problem is that fast food is more convenient. It saves money, time and it is fast.

Eating fast food can cause your calorie and fat intake to increase considerably, but it doesn't have to. There are alternate choices that can be made if you have to feed yourself on the go and still stick to your diet. Stop asking for any extra sauce.

In fact, any sauce that come with your meal, ask to keep it on the side as a different approach. You can dip it lightly and still have the flavor. You just get a fraction of the calories.

Watch what you choose to drink when you decide to eat fast food. Drink water to cut out some calories in your fast food meal. Even salads can contribute a significant amount of calories and fat, especially if you use all of the salad dressing.

Don?t use all the dressing. Consider using only a portion of the dressing rather than whole. Ask if there is a light dressing available. Choose the options grilled rather than fried as often as possible.

Bread and eggs are fast-food breakfast staples. Avoid bacon and extras, and the choices will still fit into your diet plan. It is easy to be tempted when you are looking at all that food but stay away from mayo and salad dressings, croutons, juice and soda, and don't supersize anything.

It is easy to be tempted if you're looking at all that food. Stay away from mayonnaise and salad dressings, croutons, fruit juice and soda. Do not supersize anything.

You don't have to give up fast food completely if you are dieting. But, be smart about it and only have it once a week and be careful with your choices. Choose grilled chicken sandwiches over greasy burgers with cheese; pick chili or salad instead of fries.

Choose grilled chicken sandwiches over fatty hamburgers with cheese. Choose chili or salad instead of fries. Choose ranch dressing instead for a saving of 130 calories.

Order seltzer with lemon instead of a sweet soda. You?ll save 310 calories. Forget mayonnaise and sauces, and you can save up to 170 calories per sandwich. These are all ways that you can still stick to your plan of weight loss. You can still count on the simplicity of fast-food occasionally. Just keep it simple and smart. - 17269

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Electric Ice Cream Makers 8 Simple Reasons We Should All Be Making Our Own Ice Cream

By Mia Kane

I get asked a lot of questions about making my own ice cream. Besides the fact that I love it and enjoy it, I have found over the years that there are many more reasons that I stopped buying and started making ice cream. Here they are. I hope I can help turn you into an ice cream maker.

1. As a family, we eat ice cream regularly. Not just in the warm summer months, but throughout the year. It's not cheap to buy, as you will know. But when you add it up over a month or a year, well I was surprised at how much I was paying out, too much. When I make my own, I keep cost in mind, I can make it cheaper, with no loss of quality or taste.

2. It was when I had my family that I first started to think about the planet and being green, for them and their kids. So whilst I am no paragon of virtue on that front, I try little things. With my home made ice cream, I am not paying for ice cream to have needlessly travelled around the country to my table, and I am not paying for those fancy useless packaging tubs and cartons. So I guess it does help me feel a little better.

3. By making my own, I get to know and decide what goes into it. No preservatives or additives. The kids get less high and I'm not worried that I am filling them up on crap.

4. These days I seem to know a few people with allergies etc, I can easily make ice cream to accommodate them, I just leave out what they are allergic to.

5. I bring my ice cream over to friends, or families houses for dinner. It beats spending a fortune on flowers. I bring along the dessert which we can all enjoy together.

6. I get the kids involved too. They love it and sometimes bring their friends over especially to make ice cream. It's great on a rainy day when they are hanging around the house looking for trouble.

7. I also use ice cream as a way of getting the kids to eat some things they normally would not. Like I maybe put a spoonful of oats on the top (so they can't separate them out), or I sprinkle nuts into it. They eat fruit better like that too.

8. I try most of the time to make it lower fat than you buy. I use half and half or light cream instead. Great for the kids, but helps me and my diet out too.

There it is. My ice cream tastes great. Looks wonderful and costs less. I hope you start making yours too. It really is so much more rewarding than buying it. - 17269

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How the South Beach Diet Work?

By Jesse Regan

One can think that a South Beach diet will only result in failure. An explanation on what food is permitted on any mealtime can certainly give the idea that it is a bogus attempt at losing weight. However, many people have undergone it and have proven its effectiveness. They have gone into the process of losing weight without experiencing hunger and its psychological effects. This is because a South Beach diet does not impose skipping meals on someone but it still works wonders in favor of the weight loss he desires.

With a South Beach diet, you do not ever go hungry but you do have to keep away from food loaded with starch and sugar. You can still eat anything else without them though. It is because carbohydrates from starch make the blood sugar to shoot up. Then it falls just as quick to make you terribly weak and starving. You can just eat more than you should and gain more weight in the process.

With 3 phases to undergo, a person on a South Beach diet will not have to miss a single meal at all. He actually trains his appetite to cease craving for those with high carbohydrate and fat content. In the process, he learns the habit of eating only those that are fit for a healthy and lean body. With fewer cravings and with a low carbohydrate diet, the body burns fat faster. This is how the South Beach diet works almost effortlessly for the dieter.

The first phase is almost a non-diet for the misinformed. For two weeks, one is allowed to eat three full meals a day. He is even allowed to take snacks in between breakfast and lunch, and lunch and dinner. All he has to avoid are those foods like pasta, rice, bread, sweets and pastries. The objective is to make the appetite get accustomed gradually to meals with less starch and sugar. Beer and alcohol intake, however, is totally not allowed.

As if the first is not lenient enough, the second phase is even easier. This time, the intake in small amounts of bread, rice, and other food with carbohydrates is tolerated. However, after the two weeks of the first phase, a person will realize that a little bit of those is sometimes even more than enough. Along with the observable weight loss, he will discover that changes have occurred in his eating habits, a little starch and sweets become normal.

The third phase is actually the beginning of a healthy and fitness-conscious life. Unlike the first two phases, this one has no timeframe. By this time, he has already the desired weight as a result. The dieter would actually no longer effort of limiting food since it has become his lifestyle. With eating habits totally transformed, he is assured of a healthy body for the rest of his life. You just heard one great example of valuable information about diet . - 17269

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What You Should Know About Arthroscopy

By Dr. Richard Edelson

The Steps of An Orthopedic Knee Evaluation

When you see your general practitioner regarding your knee problems, you will surely be referred to an orthopedic surgeon. Once there, you may expect three things to happen. You will be given a physical examination. A medical history will be taken. You will be sent for a variety of tests.

Your orthopedic surgeon will ask you about both your specific knee problems and your general health when conducting your medical history.

He or she will focus mostly on your knees and your legs during the physical examination. It will be necessary to determine the stability and strength of your knee as well as the extent of your ROM (range of motion). Also, the orthopedic surgeon will want to check your legs alignment.

Once these steps are done, the orthopedic surgeon will send you for testing. You are likely to have some blood testing done. This will help detect the presence of arthritis. You will probably also have some x-rays as well as an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). It is necessary to get both kinds of images because they provide different types of information. X-rays provide information about bones. The MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) provides information about soft tissues.

The orthopedic surgeon will discuss the results of your testing with you and help you to decide what route to take in dealing with your knee problems. He or she will explain your options. They will probably include medication as well as several types of surgery. Arthroscopy will probably be one of your options.

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Your orthopedic surgeon will talk to you about the risks involved in arthroscopy - both those that may be encountered during the surgery and afterwards.

Arthroscopy is very likely to be recommended to you. It is the technique of choice under a number of circumstances, including: Exhaustion of options. If you have tried knee supports, medications, physical therapy, and a number of other things without relief, surgery with arthroscopy is a good choice. Additionally, if you are simply afraid to do the things you need to do because your knee hurts constantly, is swollen, gives out on you, catches, and is just generally undependable and painful, arthroscopy could certainly be your answer.

Arthroscopy is a procedure that is suitable and successful for a broad range of patients. It is usually used on patients ranging in age from twenty to sixty, but it is not limited to this age group. Ten-year-olds and eighty-year-olds have also had successful arthroscopic surgery.

What is Involved in Preparing for Arthroscopy

Once your decision is made, your orthopedic surgeon will send you back to your physician for a complete physical. By doing this, you will be sure that everything is in good working order, and you will know about anything that may cause complications before your surgery.

Additional testing may be requested at this time. Your orthopedic surgeon may ask that your doctor conduct more blood tests or a cardiogram or any other test that may be beneficial to overall familiarity with your health. All of these precautions work together to ensure that you will have a safe surgical procedure.

During all of this testing and examination, dont neglect to inform your doctor and your orthopedic surgeon of any supplements or medications you might be taking. They will tell you if you need to discontinue anything before your surgery. - 17269

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6 Cons Of Fasts For Getting Toned Arms

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Are you having a hard time picking the right diet for getting toned arms? Aren't there a bunch of options out there? After all, it has become extremely difficult these days to pick the best diet for arm fat loss.

So I've decided to lend a helping hand.

Thus, here are 6 reasons why fasting and arm fat don't go well together:

1. Metabolic meltdown. Fasting produces the fastest drop in metabolic rate of any other diet. And once your metabolism drops, you'll burn less calories around the clock.

2. Arm fat rebound. Fasting can produce some lightning-quick results. But once you get off the fast the fairy tale is over. How so? Massive regains of fat and water.

3. Can't be sustained. Fasting is a non-sustainable endeavor. Eventually you will have to get off of the fast or you'll suffer some pretty serious health issues. Not good.

4. Uncontrollable eating urges. Every scent of food will set you off. You'll have vivid day dreams of eating massive quantities of food. This will become more of an issue for those women who keep on exercising while fasting.

5. Energy of a slug. Eventually, your energy levels will devolve into that of a slug. Without food coming in, your body will turn to lean muscle protein for energy. And converting muscle protein to energy is extremely inefficient.

6. Lots of flu. Your immune system will take a big hit once you go on the fast. You can expect a sharp increase in levels of cold, fever and flu. Without proper nutrition your body will not have the necessary building blocks for fighting off disease.

Fasting diets may be tempting for arm fat loss because they produce such rapid results. However, in the long run you'll be worse off. So why not use an approach that is sustainable and gets you permanent results? And why not use an approach that isn't so painful and depriving? Fad diets are just that, fads. They come and go just like fashion. So ignore the hype and stick to what works! - 17269

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Know All the Facts about Affordable Personal Training in Washington, DC

By Josef Brandenburg

Why spend so much when you can actually get some weight loss workouts at a relatively cheaper price? Affordable personal training in Washington, DC can be the next big thing in America at the rate that people are getting fatter. But are you really ready for something that cannot guarantee value for your money? So you haven't really thought about value, huh? Allow me to let you in on some important points

1. How valuable are random workouts?

You will be bombarded with loads of workouts that will probably kick the hell out of you. You might even end the day with being too pooped out to stand up and you think that you're into a good program with your body feeling all worked out.

All you will get from Washington, DC's reasonably priced personal training is a bunch of aimless workout sessions that will do nothing but get you tired and give you average results even after 6 months and you will probably put the weight back on and end up right back where you started.

A weight loss exercise course that actually works well is a course that is tailor-made for your particular requirements and it really pushes your body without you having to suffer. A significant amount of weight can be lost in as less a time as four weeks and you can actually maintain that figure, always.

2. Does the baseline assessment have any value?

The only communication you will ever receive with affordable training is some sort of small talk on goals that is not even worth mentioning. Soon after which you will receive your random workout instructions.

How in the world can anybody suggest these activities without testing your flexibility, coordination and exercise capacity first? A complete baseline information, which is commonly absent in Washington, DC's affordable training, is your key to uncovering the best exercises that will yield weight loss to clients!

Preliminary weight and measurements should be jotted down, the trainer should also go over past medical record in detail, special objectives should be set, present working environment should be taken into consideration, the clients commitment levels needs to be discussed and the clients suitability for the program in terms of time is also very imperative. A trainers resourcefulness and proficiency begins at his point he should ensure that the intended plan will suit the clients schedule.

3. Is there any value to their principles?

If you are one of those people that see eye to eye on the fact that you need to exercise more and eat less and that aerobic exercise is the fundamental to losing weight and that you cannot lose weight without a trainer by your side, then you are among those people that wasted their hard earned cash on inexpensive Washington, DC personal training.

Interval training will give you the healthy body you want in less time. With this type of training, you can always eat more as you exercise more. The best Washington, DC personal trainer will always work to equip you with ample knowledge so that by the time you get to maintain your fab body on your own, you can handle things!

Affordability can never vouch for value. If you are ready to dive into these risks in getting an affordable Washington, DC personal trainer, you can go ahead and jump into it anytime. But don't tell me I didn't warn you! - 17269

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7 Weight Loss Tricks to Help you Lose Those Extra Pounds

By Davy Jones

You don't like to follow a strict diet to lose weight. I don't like strict and drastic diets either. I have tried all kind of wacky stuff just to shed a couple of pounds. I have done many mistakes along the way. Here is what I have learned:

1)Buy a scale. I know you hate seeing that big number on it but it will motivate you to take action. It will be there to measure your results and keep in check your weight if you decide to go back to your old eating habits. If you can't stand the idea of having a scale in your house use your clothes as a measure. Are your clothes becoming looser or tighter?

2)Eat healthy food. Avoid eating junk food and sweets. Stop going out and eating fast food. Your friends can eat whatever they want as long as you stick to your salad with some low fat grilled meat. It' s also tasty.

3)Get a healthy lifestyle not a diet. If you want to lose weight and keep your fabulous looking body for a longer time you have to change your lifestyle. You have to get healthy eating habits and exercise more. Fruits and vegetables are your friend in the fight against fat.

4)Eat lots of fruits. Fruits are the key to a healthy and nutritious diet. Eat lots of fruits to give your body all the vitamins it needs. You will feel energized if you start eating more fruits.

5)Eat less food. You don't need to stop eating when your stomach cannot take anymore. Eat until you feel a little food and stop. You don't have to stuff yourself with food at each meal. A good habit is always leave some food on your plate. That way you will eat less food.

6)Eat more foods rich in proteins and dietary fibers. Proteins and fibers help you feel full and keep hunger away for longer periods of time. You should eat more chicken meat, beef, nuts, low fat cheese and yogurt, whole grain cereals

7)Eat slowly. When you start eating make sure that all you are doing is eating. I know you are good at multitasking but did you know that multitasking is fattening. Avoid watching the tv, don't check your email or surf the web. Concentrate only on eating slowly and you will eat much less food. - 17269

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Working with Foods that Fight Deadly Toxins

By Dr. Lorna Mistranski

Aside from the acai berry being an unsullied, mouth-watering, organically grown fruit- it is also rich with antioxidants. Antioxidants are nutrients as well as substances that slow the oxidation damage to our body.

The process of the body's cells using oxygen produces by-products (also known as free radicals) that can do damage to our body. Antioxidants prevent and repair damage done by these free radicals. By ensuring your body is full of antioxidants, you can protect yourself from this damage.

The breaking down of the body's DNA and causes of cancer have been linked to Free radicals. They can wreak havoc on the body when left unchecked. The damage can be so severe to the cells that at times free radicals are responsible for them not working at all.

Depending on where the damage was created by these toxic radicals, the range of destruction can lead to neurological damage all the way to hormonal problems. The acai berry produces enough antioxidants that when taken as a regular part of your diet can prevent and fight off these free radicals.

Research has shown for years that when antioxidants are taken on a regular basis, the body is able to repair and maintain its cellular strength from recent as well as future attacks from these dangerous free radicals.

Dr. Perricone is the one who introduced the mainstream audience to this amazing fruit by writing a book entitled, the Perricone Promise. In this book he writes that the acai berry is the most perfect food on the planet.

When it comes to a food that will make you look and feel young, Dr. Perricone says that the acai berry has all of the ingredients needed to accomplish this. Also, when looking for a diet that will revitalize your health and slow the aging process Dr. Perricone says look no further than the acai fruit berry.

The acai fruit is known as a super food that contains every nutrient your body needs in fighting harmful free radicals. If your goal is to improve your overall health, as well as strengthen and maintain your body, then you should look further into the numerous benefits of the this amazing fruit.

The acai berry is the perfect food to improve overall health, reduce aging, and fighting free radicals and could be just the missing supplement your body needs to creating the new you. - 17269

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Taking The Positive Approach To Weight Loss

By Patrick Thorntonson

After you have made the decision that losing weight is really what you want to do, it is very important that your firmly commit to your goal and approach it with a positive attitude. We all know that is can be very tough to lose weight. It doesn't happen instantly and it takes time and plenty of practice to change lifetime habits.

However you do need to understand you control your very own destiny and it is up to you to lose the extra weight you have gained. You will need to think more like a winner than like a loser and most of all think positively. When you think negative thoughts they can make you doubt yourself and it will be difficult to lose weight this way.

The secret to losing weight is not going to be found in any diet or pill or potion. Your success will come when you establish lifetime healthy habits that will help you to lose that extra weight and keep it off for good. When looking at weight loss programs you need to find one that you can stick with long after you've lost those extra pounds, so look for one for the long term as well as one that seem to be both realistic and sensible.

You do control your own destiny and thoughts but having a family member or friend to support you is something that can really be helpful. You might even be able to find someone that want to lose weight as well, that can not only be supportive and understanding but also be an exercise and accountability partner for you as well. This will give you some much needed support for maintaining your positive approach and commitment to your plan.

Today's diets and weight loss programs are very flexible. Some diets even make prepared foods available for you to buy if you want to have that convenience. When it comes time to choosing a weight loss program that will be workable for you, there will be plenty of options for you to choose from.

One of the major things you should focus on is learning how to eat a more healthy diet. You should look for a weight loss program or diet that provides you with information and gives you some flexibility in terms of making choices in what you eat rather than going for a rigid system. This will not only keep you from getting tired of eating the same foods all the time, but will also help you learn how to plan meals and eat more healthy.

A good weight loss program also needs to include plenty of physical exercise. Again try to take a positive approach and think of exercising as something recreational and fun rather than something unpleasant that you dread doing. There are a wide variety of physical activities for you to choose from which can help you not only lose weight but tone and strengthen your body as well.

Going for a brisk walk is a good way to start exercising. You can also add in other forms of activities and exercise like jogging, swimming, biking, aerobics and lifting weights. Just keep in mind that it is very important to stay positive, focused and committed if you want to lose weight. - 17269

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Choose Whey for the Best Protein

By Dr. Nathaniel Millsby PHD

Whey protein isolate and whey protein powder concentrate is a question that is very commonly asked. This investigation of which whey to take is without a doubt one that has crossed the minds of many weight lifters when they stare at the shelves of the various kinds of whey protein powder available in the health food supermarket.

Which whey protein should you be using; concentrate or isolate?

The most imperative differentiation amid the two is that Isolate is processed at deeper levels so that the fat and lactose are removed. This more involved system provides a higher quality of protein. The fact is that over 90% of whey protein powder isolate is protein calculated by weight.

This is precious as smaller levels of fat are an advantage for the standard daily diet of bodybuilders and when whey is utilized for the principle of losing mass.

Decreased lactose levels are also a positive for individuals who are lactose intolerant and can also diminish the chance of that bloated feeling that can go along with some protein supplements. There are some side effects to using whey protein isolate nonetheless.

Since it is high in protein ratio, isolate powder requires you to pay a higher retail price. The filtering procedure isolate goes through is significantly more intensive to remove the components that are known as alpha lactoglobulins and lactoferrins which is significant immune boosters.

Whey concentrate has lesser protein available and the protein content can range anywhere between 29% in upwards of 89% in some brands. Whey concentrate protein contains higher levels of lactose so anyone who suffers from lactose intolerance should to be very aware.

Whey protein concentrate powder does have an advantage because it cost less so this can be a better substitute depending on what your financial plan is. Whey concentrate protein powder also contains small levels of cholesterol, which is another benefit to think about for your diet.

Overall, dietary and medical conditions call for action to be taken into consideration when choosing the kind of whey protein powder you prefer.

Isolate may have the minor edge in terms of biological value (BV) and will provide you with more worth for the money if you are requiring a higher dosage per serving of protein. - 17269

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Weight Loss - The Expert's Advice

By Jerald Price

The approach to slimming must invariably be well planned, as effective weight reduction requires patience and continuous dedication to a fixed routine. When it is about slimming, there is no quick path to success. You have to set your goals, and then work hard with proper guidance from an expert.

Weight loss programs are usually simple in nature, but a daily exercise regimen has to be complemented with a healthy and well-balanced diet. A diet program can begin with lists that you can prepare for foods to be eaten extensively, those to be eaten sparsely and finally foods to be completely given up. This kind of listing inculcates a habit of restricted consumption, as you bring your eating habits to the level required for healthy living.

For a healthy diet, you should have protein-rich foods, food items cooked at your home, and green vegetables in your list. On the other hand you should avoid saturated fats and food which has concentrated sugar. Labels mentioning ingredients and nutritional value are pasted to most food products sold in the stores nowadays. Always check this data before you purchase anything to eat. Besides, there are some food items, like junk food, that are high in calories but devoid of nutrition, and these must not be taken at any cost.

You also need to workout regularly to increase muscle mass and burn more calories. Activities like swimming, tennis, and cycling can be indulged in, as they are great overall exercises for the body. To make sure that your motivation does not wane you must pick a partner who is on a similar schedule as yours and can participate with you in all these sports activities.

All of us have an exclusive build and shape, which means that a weight management program needs to be customized for an individual. Thus, it is good to engage a personal instructor who can devise a specific program for you and make you adhere to it. In the absence of a companion to keep you enthused, having an instructor becomes even more critical.

The results of such a balanced weight management program are not immediately obvious on the body, but normally have an instant positive effect on those who opt for it, in terms of an increased sense of well-being and lesser stress levels. In the long term you will come to realize that it will be extremely effective in enabling you to attain your slimming goals. If you follow a balanced program, the benefits that you get will stay, provided you stick to your schedule without long breaks. - 17269

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What is Diabetes and How is it Diagnosed?

By Barb Hicks

What is the definition of Diabetes?

When there is an imbalance of insulin and glucose in the blood that causes glucose levels to be abnormally high, this is a condition called diabetes, or hyperglycemia. Insulin serves to regulate glucose levels to stay within normal values. In the absence of adequate insulin, glucose isn't changed into energy for the cells to use as fuel, leading to organ damage and complications.

The proper definition of diabetes is the elevated level of glucose or sugar in the blood. The body naturally regulates these levels by producing insulin which converts glucose into energy for the cells to use as fuel. If insulin cannot perform its job properly, glucose levels rise resulting in complications of this disease. Symptoms of diabetes include frequent urination and excessive thirst.

Here are the two forms of diabetes:

Type 1: Is genetic, the pancreas does not make insulin. It is usually diagnosed in young children Type 2: Is metabolic, in that insulin is being produced but the body is resistant to it.

Both forms of diabetes create an elevation in glucose levels in the blood and therefore must be monitored daily.

Anyone who has family members diagnosed with diabetes, is overweight or leads a sedentary lifestyle is at risk for this disease.

What are the signs and symptoms of diabetes?

Symptoms vary and may not present themselves in all people. Some have no signs at all of the disease while others may exhibit any of the following:

- Excessive thirst, frequent urination, headache and non healing wounds.

The body tries to protect itself by getting rid of the excess glucose through the kidneys. This results in frequent urination which then leads to dehydration. Dehydration cause headache and excessive thirst just as it does as a result of a hangover.

Living a sedentary lifestyle and being overweight are risk factors for development of the disease.

How Do I Get Diagnosed?

The first step to knowing your risks is knowing the signs. From there, a visit with a medical professional will determine if you indeed have the disease. By performing specific tests, a doctor can diagnose your risk factors, whether you have it and what type you have. How is diabetes diagnosed by a doctor?

Tests that measure the amount of glucose levels in the blood will be performed. The generalized level is between 70 mg/dl-125 mg/dl.

What are the means of treatment?

Treatments for diabetes include dietary changes, exercise 3 to 4 times a week, daily monitoring of glucose levels and insulin injections by syringe, pump or prefilled pens.

Treatment for diabetes is designed to regulate glucose levels while at the same time stop or slow down the diseases progression to ensure no further complications. - 17269

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