Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, June 6, 2009

David Wolfe And His Newest Product, Longevity Now

By Michael Torc

Eating healthy to live longer may never cost the same again, thanks to David Wolfe's newest product, Longevity Now, soon to become another best seller.

Known as being one of the world's premier authorities on nutrition, David is author of Amazing Grace, Naked Chocolate, Eating For Beauty and The Sunfood Diet Success System.

Wolfe participates in upper learning education as professor of nutrition for the Dr. Gabriel Cousens' Masters Program. He has degrees in environmental engineering and political science. In addition, he has studied at many institutions including Oxford University.

David has a unique advantage on the field of nutrition. He is the son of two medical doctors. Since 1995, he has delivered over 1,000 lectures and seminars throughout the United States, Canada, Central and Latin America and Europe.

He is associated with Sunfood.com that specializes in novel organic food items. Sunfood.com was the first to introduce organic items like cacao beans, goji berries, maca extract and cold-pressed coconut oil to health food stores in North America. The company has a record of excellence in quality control and ethical business practices.

Each year, Wolfe organizes at least six health-related retreats at various centers around the world.

David is the founder of the Fruit Tree Planting Foundation and the Best Day Ever. The Fruit Tree Planting Foundation is a non-profit organization that aims to plant over 18 billion trees. The Best Day Ever is an online magazine on nutrition and peak performance.

Most will probably remember him from his role as "Avacado" in Mad Mad House, a 2004 reality television show that was airing on the Science Fiction Channel. When David is not involved in the pursuits mentioned above, he does hiking, yoga, hot springs soaking, planting fruit trees, literature, writing, alchemy, chemistry and spending time with loved ones.

When Longevity Now will be released to the public on June 24, 2008, it will reveal an innovative "longevity technology" that anyone can implement and afford. It involves simple additions to our every day lifestyle that are also delicious and exhilarating. Be sure to bookmark Longevity Now so that when you purchase the multimedia product from this site you can receive the Longevity Now Bonus that includes a rebate. - 17269

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A Total Body Weight Lifting Program

By Wakelin Smith

The right weight lifting program is crucial in attaining the goal of any muscle builder seeking to build his muscle mass. It entails the design of a program that will bring about the desired result. This means that a muscle lifter should not simply go into the gym and throw weights around. Rather, he should have a specific routine to follow. Specifically, lifting weights involve weight training programs that are based on the proper science and tested techniques. According to some professional weight trainers, there are some rules that should be followed. Here are the five rules in weight training.

At present, there are two competing methods on weight training. The first one involves going through intense workouts. So it goes by the name HIT- high intense training. In this type of workout, a bodybuilder will only go through 1-3 sessions a week because this is a more physically difficult workout. But considering that this calls for fewer frequencies then he works out his full body or all of his muscle groups in each of the session. As a result, he stays longer at the gym during every workout day because he needs to do more types of weight exercises to ensure that he trains all of the relevant muscle groups. Moreover, this type of training calls for more reps. So it needs around 8-12 repetitions or reps per set. Also, every workout needs to wants to raise the strength of the muscles.

Stand with feet together, holding onto a bar or wall for balance. Step back about 3-4 feet and bend both knees, lowering into a lunge. Do not allow front knee to bend over the toe. Push back to starting position and repeat. Try not to push with the back foot - use front leg to pull your back leg in. Lie on a step, bench or floor with weights a few inches above the chest, elbows even with bench. Keeping abs tight, exhale and push arms up overhead - keeping weights a few inches apart. Don't lock elbows. Lower back to start and repeat.

Strength requires balance. This means that a weight trainer must balance his exercises between the push-based strength machines and pull-based ones. This is very important otherwise the body becomes structurally undeveloped. Look at it this way, if one only does one type of exercise and less on the other then he only develops the one that is exercised more.

Only after such training is he allowed to go through heavy training in the final phase. Unlike its counterpart, its focus is not to gain mass after every workout. Instead, it seeks to achieve cumulative gains after all of the three phases. Its general idea is to shift in intensity at every phase to prevent overtraining.

Whichever type of weight training the weight lifter opts, it is important that he chooses according to his initial strength prior to undergoing the program. Otherwise, he opens himself to possible injuries. These often result from improper executions and failure to take the proper precautions. It must be noted that weight training involves the use of weights that need proper handling. This is an important reminder to protect every weight trainer.

Lastly, a weight lifting program involves the fundamentals of a science. As such, it involves proper form and execution. It is important that he goes through the program with this in mind if he seeks to be successful in transforming his body into the muscle buff he desires that it becomes. - 17269

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Teeth Whitening At Home?

By Jen Taser

When we get older, our teeth turn from white to an unsightly yellow. This is due to simply daily life necessities as eating and drinking. Although, certain activities will yellow your teeth even quicker such as drinking coffee or smoking cigarettes. In any case, your teeth will yellow as you age.

Recently, however, there is a solution to the yellow teeth problem that can help us return to the white that we had before. Just like other age issues such as wrinkles and poor skin, we can solve yellow teeth fairly well and enjoy the benefits of having a beautiful smile again.

In the past, your dentist was the only one who could provide you a service where you could whiten your teeth. This usually involved either lights or bleach or a combination of these two. While these activities worked fairly well, it was not very convenient to travel to the dentist in order to get these treatments.

Now there are a variety of home treatments that you are able to employ to get your teeth whiter. In fact, so many products have come out that you might have trouble choosing the right one. There is, however, one product in particular that works quite well.

SmileBrite is at the very top of teeth whitening. It can whiten your teeth up to 7 shades. This is a very nice difference.

SmileBrite contains about 22% peroxide bleach which is completely safe and is also about the same amount of bleach that professional dentists use when performing whitening procedures.

Additionally, because of SmileBrite effectiveness, a variety of personal reviews and news organizations have reported great results using SmileBrite' product in turning their yellow teeth white again.

So, if whitening your teeth is what you are looking for, you will want to strongly consider SmileBrite for its great reviews and usefulness. Additionally, at the time of writing, SmileBrite is offering a free trial of its product so if you are at all interested, by all means, go and pick up a trial! - 17269

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Malibu Pilates Chair Review

By Steve Estes

The Malibu Pilates Chair is one of the newest models of Pilates machines. Like most other pieces of exercise equipment, the MPC is being marketed chiefly to the weight loss crowd. And with good reason. While most people think about technology as a way to do less and get more done, it has also brought us things like this excellent Pilates machine. And this is a good thing because losing weight isn't just about hard work, it is also about using a particular strategy to get what you need to do done.

Unlike the Pilates Reformer, the top dog of the work out machine world, the Malibu Pilates Chair is compact and relatively light weight. But, like the Reformer it will work out your entire body and for only a fraction of the cost. Clocking in at just under three hundred and fifty bucks it really is affordable. Contrast that with the nearly 3 grand that a Reformer can set you back and you can clearly see the savings.

If you are looking for an entry point into the Pilates machine world, the Chair is a great one. As a novice, start out a little slower. Don't worry you'll soon be sweating with the best of them. And like I mentioned, it won't take up too much room.

The thing about using a device like the Malibu chair is that you are the one doing the work that the chair makes so easy for you. It's designed to offer you ease of use and before long you will see the pounds of fat literally melting off your body before your very eyes.

I still remember my fat guy days. These Pilates machines were not so readily available to the common person. I had to spend hour upon grueling hour in the health club with all the gym rats and muscle heads. If I had one of these babies I could have been able to lose 20 pounds in 30 days...no problem.

Just so I don't give the impression that this is perfect I'll mention a couple of the down sides: The one I used at the local health club seemed to offer a greater range of functional motion, but I suppose that comes down to additional cost as well. I like a longer workout that the basic 20 minute one that comes on the free DVD. But that is fie because there is the full hour long Body Sculpting session on there as well. And don't forget that it comes with a wall chart and custom diet program. - 17269

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Mangosteen Juice: Is it Effective as an Antioxidant?

By Julieanne van Zyl

Is Mangosteen Juice an effective Antioxidant? With the greatly increasing quest for healthy nutrition supplements, it has become a main priority to find the best available information out there. The benefits of taking both raw and processed goods has become recently emphasized as well as their antioxidant qualities.

Free radicals are what we produce during our daily activities. Free radicals are tremendously dangerous when left in the body for long periods of time, to much stress, smoking and exercise are a major contributor. One of the most effective antioxidants is Mangosteen Juice.

Scientists in the west recently found that mangosteen has great nutritional value and the benefits of its virile properties. So if your goal is to neutralize free radicals in your body and combat inflammation then the only reported fruit also consisting off approximately 40 xanthones out of 200 is Mangosteen juice.

Mangosteen juice will ensure that the free radicals in your body's cells are reduced, if you are looking to neutralize free radicals and combat inflammation. Quite often, the cost scares people away from mangosteen juice, when they could spend a fraction of it on apple juice. Well, with other benefits of Mangosteen Juice such as it being an antidepressant, improving energy levels, and helping to increase the skin tone, it is difficult to ignore it, regardless of the price.

Mangosteen Juice: What are the Health benefits of Taking It?

Along with nutrition Mangosteen juice is greatly becoming the topic of conversations all over the globe. From Australia to Amsterdam to New York to Asia, newspapers are reading all about eating fruits and how they will benefit your health. All this is a result of complete global alertness of the benefits of fruits.

All this discussion is because of the increased awareness all over the world, of the benefits of vegetables and fruit. These days with our kind of technology all these fruits we need for nutrition now come in juice forms. While there are many fruits with lots of health benefits, one fruit has been receiving a lot of rave reviews and media coverage recently.

While there is still a lot of controversy surrounding Mangosteen juice, the benefits should be enough to convince anyone to give it a try. Some of the health benefits of drinking Mangosteen juice are:

1. By stimulating the brain to release endorphins into the bloodstream, the mangosteen can eliminate depression symptoms.

2. It is shown through research that those who drink mangosteen supplements have had a significant increase in their immune functions.

3. People with asthma are advised to drink mangosteen juice because it reduces the inflammation in the lungs.

4. It helps reduce stomach upsets and is recommended for people suffering from frequent constipation.

5. It helps relieve hypertension and heart related problems.

6. Mangosteen is proven to rise energy levels. Reports by people have been that after taking it when they first wake up there energy levels are largely increased.

We showed in this article, why Mangosteen juice is a powerful antioxidant, and also listed some of the benefits to your health when drinking this juice. - 17269

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Tips On Using A Program To Increase Height

By Shaun Davids

Have you been thinking of using a program to increase height? One that you can incorporate into your daily life? If you want to follow a program to gain a few inches in height, then make sure you take the following advice.

The right program for growing taller should take you through the various exercises you'll be doing on a daily basis. The program can take as little as 6 weeks to complete, after which you could increase height to your desire.

Usually the exercises that are together with these grow tall programs are not that hard to follow, you may have been performing some of the exercises before, but you may not be doing it right or, it's not routine. This time around, you have to follow several guidelines to make it work, an exercise schedule, together with the proper diet.

Just imagine how great you will look and feel after following through with the program - not only will you be impressed with what you have done, but you will have a new-found confidence with your taller self.

To be able to be successful in completing the program and increase height, you need to have the right attitude towards it.

- You should follow your plan and stick to your exercise routine.

- You must have enough persistence to work according to schedule on a routine basis. Meaning, if you are required to do the exercises three times a day, you have to perform the exercises, three times a day.

- You must have discipline, and this is very much important. Discipline is needed to obtain both that are mentioned above. And in addition to this, you may also be required by the program to take in food that would help you nourish the bones and your spine. If this is the case, you need to discipline yourself and refrain from eating foods that are not recommended by the plan, instead follow the diet that the height growth program suggests.

In doing this, there is no doubt that you would be able to achieve what's good for your bones. You may be able to help yourself not only to increase height but also to keep your body healthy. - 17269

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How to use AC-11 to Stop the Signs of Ageing in its Tracks

By Keith Woolley

If you join a dialogue about getting older or in fact Reverse Ageing. When you start sharing the interesting Reverse Ageing facts you use below, your pals will be fully dazzled to your secrets!

How can anyone put a limit on learning more? The next section may contain that one little bit of knowledge that changes everything.


Longevity, it is not a fountain after all....

Historically, a rare but unique plant was discovered in the Amazonian rain forest. It is called Uncaria tomentosa, a vine that grows among the teeming, exotic plethora of botanical species, some of which have yet to be itemised by biologists. More commonly known to the locals as "Ua de Gato" or "Cat's Claw," its outer bark contains a powerful, natural activator of DNA repair, critical to cellular health and vital to longevity.

The advantages of Uncaria tomentosa just about make it sound like a cure all. It helps keep the immunity mechanism working properly. It helps stop cellular damage, and damage to DNA. And whilst much of the action of Uncaria tomentosa takes place deep within the cells of the body, it also works to definitely affect the outward, visible signs of aging such as wrinkles and sun spots - conditions linked to the aging process in which the body produces imperfect DNA. What is the connection between DNA and aging?

Simply, DNA is our body's genetic code or the "blueprint" that we inherit from our parents. When we are born, our genetic code, or DNA, is virtually pristine. Every cell in our body is formed based on our DNA, and each cell becomes a holder of our entire genetic blueprint. As we age, our bodies and our DNA are constantly bombarded by things in the environment that can damage our DNA. A good example is the sun. Over exposure to the sun ultimately damages our skin cells (and their DNA) and results in wrinkles or worse. In fact, any damage to our DNA ultimately becomes the cause of the effects we associate with aging. This damage can also show itself as the cause of various ailments we encounter throughout our lifetimes.

If the body can't produce exact copies of our DNA, our health and longevity will be ultimately affected. The secret to optimal health, therefore, is to keep our DNA clean and healthy and producing "clean" copies. We do this by helping our bodies stop excess free radicals, and at the same time, strengthen and nourish our cells and their DNA.

What will AC-11 do for me if I take it regularly?

The major property of AC-11 relates to its effect on DNA correct, so it will be helpful in several of the same eventualities as antioxidants. It's also anti inflammatory and immune augmenting, so possible uses include : Anti-ageing programmes Immune system support (e.g. frequent colds/infections) Inflammatory conditions. Auto-immune conditions, which frequently involve the immune system and have an inflammatory element, such as rheumatoid arthritis, colitis and so on. Family history of age related illness Skin health Recovery from injury and boosting healing those that only know 1 or two facts about Reverse Ageing can be confused by tricking info. The simplest way to help people who are misled is to carefully correct them with the truths you're learning here. - 17269

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Which Height Growth Nutrients And Supplements Work?

By Shaun Davids

Have you been working on increasing your body's height growth? Have you been on those growth pills and potions without any success? Did you know that there are various natural ways to gain height. Two such ways are to eat healthily and take certain supplements.

To increase height, these two aspects are very important. Other than doing regular grow taller exercises, you should also have the right diet and added nutrients to promote healthy living.

The most important nutrient for those who would like to gain height growth, is protein. You will be able to obtain a lot of protein from meat, cattle fish, poultry, and eggs. You may also add up some dairy products in your diet to add up to your body's protein intake.

As you eat more meat, you should avoid any of that animal fat on the meat. Eating too many of these saturated fats lowers our chances of gaining height. Instead it makes us gain weight.

Another growth enhancer supplement that should be in your diet, is calcium. This nutrient is responsible for keeping your bones stronger and longer. It typically comes from foods high in protein, dairy being the best option.

For height growth, you would also be needing magnesium intake, and you can definitely get this from milk. It is recommended that one should consider drinking probably two glasses of milk before going to bed.

If you want to know how to become taller, then you should be avoiding an unhealthy diet and activities at all costs. This includes abusing alcohol, smoking, taking in too much sugar from sodas and sweets, having too much salt, and eating foods loaded with carbohydrates.

What you should be doing is eating wholesome food, getting sufficient rest, and drinking a lot of water. The reason plain water is so important is that it aids the quick absorption of vital nutrients into your bloodstream, which are then transported to various parts of your body, most importantly to your muscles and bones.

In doing this, you would not only be helping your bones and muscles with height growth, but they will also grow stronger and larger. - 17269

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Building Muscles Like a Pro, Helpful Tips

By Ricardo d Argence

Among the best bodybuilding tips about how to build muscles is to begin bodybuilding at a young age. Starting off young and keeping to a regular workout routine and eating a healthy diet, drinking plenty of water and taking any nutritional supplements you need.

It means getting out there early to do your workout sessions so your body can increase your metabolism while building muscle and burning fat during the entire day and more than likely produce even more muscle mass. It also means committing and focusing on your own bodybuilding endeavors while ignoring all the hyped up marketing ploys of supplements and even comparing yourself to the appearance of other bodybuilders bodies.

Building muscles with body building is about more than what you do in your routine or even how. Being successful as a bodybuilder also requires understanding why these steps will bring you closer to your goals.

One of the very best bodybuilding tips is to always perform your muscle building exercises properly. While it's good to vary your routine from time to time, don't change your routine too often; your body takes a little time to adapt to a new routine and start gaining the benefits.

To have an effect on muscle growth, exercises need to be repeated regularly. Building muscle mass is a process which takes time and patience as well as the commitment to perform repetitive routines over the long term.

Sometimes you will find that a certain routine will stop producing results for you; when you come to a plateau, then it's time to change things up and begin using a new workout plan " this should result in continued muscle growth. Stay with your bodybuilding routines, but only until they stop helping you to build muscles and improve your muscle tone.

Keep your bodybuilding routine simple and go with the basics which are known to work. There are a multitude of different workout regimens, dietary supplements and products out there; don't believe the hype about any of them. Stick with the basics and only try these other products or programs after weighing their merits for yourself.

There are some supplements which you will need " you'll probably want vitamin supplements to give your body the nutrition which it cant get from your diet alone. You'll also want to get ample protein and creatine to assist you as you work to build muscle. Protein is the basic building block of muscle tissue and creatine will help you to recover more quickly from your workouts.

Learning how to exercise means knowing that compound movements grow muscle fast. Isolation movements help you develop your endurance and to achieve the highest response of hormones to build your muscles fast you will have to do intense heavy lifting. Meaning sensibly heavy enough for you to achieve results. The amount of weight will most likely increase slowly as you train.

Diet is one of the most important elements of any bodybuilding routine. To keep your muscles growing over the long term, your body needs the right nutritional balance; the wrong diet can actually lead to a reduction in muscle mass!

There is a 60% loss of muscle and 40% of fat loss for every pound of total body weight you may lose. Do not starve your body of what it needs. Remember cardiovascular workouts will burn the calories and they should be alternated by days with your training routines.

Remember, you must have rest and recovery to manage your exercise-induced inflammation and encourage long term muscle mass growth. - 17269

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This is The Quickest Way to a Lean, Ripped, and Muscular Body

By Joshua Owen

Do you know how to build a lean and muscular body? You may think you know how, but do you really know how? Let me tell you how to build muscle and burn fat, and you tell me if you already knew...

If you're serious about getting a lean and muscular body, you need to do these 6 things:

1) Weight Lifting

The purpose of weightlifting is to build muscle and strength. If you're lifting weights to burn calories, you've got it all wrong. Lift weights to get stronger and build muscle. When you do, your body will begin to transform.

2) Nutrition and Diet

You've got to learn what to eat, when to eat, and how much to eat. If you start eating the correct foods and the correct types at the right times throughout the day, your results will be spectacular. So many people whine about eating food that doesn't taste like chocolate pie. Too bad. Eat healthy and you'll get the body you want.

3) Cardiovascular Exercise

Aerobic exercise is VERY important to your health and your appearance. Aerobic exercise helps prevent fat storage and burns fat directly from your body. As you build muscle, your body becomes accustomed to your heavier body weight through cardiovascular exercise.

4) Recovery from Workouts

This is crucial to your success. You must recover properly from your workouts. If you aren't you will overtrain and never make progress. You've got to rest, decrease stress levels, eat enough of the right foods, drink enough of the right liquids, and those are just a few of the vital steps you must take to recover properly.

If you learn to optimize your rest and recovery, your results will improve exponentially. Do not under estimate what I'm telling you here.

5) Measuring Results and Adjusting

Your body adapts to anything you do. Most programs only work for a few weeks. That's it! So, you need a program that shows you how to make adjustments to what you are doing so you continue to get results.

If you keep track of your results and measure the correct information, you can make the necessary changes on a weekly basis so you aren't wasting any time getting the body of your dreams.

7) Goal Setting and Planning

Your mind is a very powerful thing. It's so powerful that when you get it to finally work with you and not against you, your results will be simply amazing. All you need to know is how to do that...

When you learn how to do that, your mind will help you reach each and every one of your goals. And just wait for the results! You'll be amazed.

If you include all of the 6 steps into your complete exercise program, your body will begin to change very quickly.

Now, did you know to do the 6 steps listed above? If you start implementing the above into your routine, you'll begin to see fast and permanent results.

I've developed an entire muscle building and fat burning program that incorporates all of the above 6 steps. You'll want to see this as it guides you step-by-step to that lean and muscular body you've always wanted. See the link below to get instant access to this program. - 17269

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Tone Up Arms The Easy Way

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Is it possible to tone up arms without having to exercise? The shocking answer is yes. The secret lies within effortless fat loss.

Effortless fat loss, allows you to freely eat without any direct external influence. In other words, it's a method of fat loss where you can eat as much as you want.

The trick for entering the effortless fat loss mode is to modify your style of eating. Once your style is modified, the arm fat will melt away like butter.

So without further ado, here are 4 ways to enter the effortless fat loss zone so that you can tone up arms in no time:

1. Eat on a set schedule. Most people eat whenever they can. They are opportunistic eaters. Only if they knew Women who eat on a set schedule ever day end up eating 100 fewer calories per day versus women who eat erratically.

2. Eat breakfast no matter what, seriously. I know I'm beating a dead horse here, but I run into women every single day who are still skipping breakfast so I'm going to beat away. One particular study showed that women who eat breakfast are 24% less likely to become obese. So never skip it, ever.

3. Eat lots of protein. Now by lots I don't mean Atkins style. About 30% of your calories should come from protein, not more. One study showed that doubling protein intake from 15% of calories to 30% of calories, caused people to eat 441 fewer calories on a daily basis.

4. Eat good protein. What is good protein? Protein that is free of chemicals and low in saturated fat. Why? Because an extremely interesting study showed that eating natural cod instead of low quality beef, produced an 11% reduction in daily calories consumed.

You can learn how to tone up arms the easy way or the hard way. Hopefully, I've taken you one step closer to the easy way. Getting the sexy arms of your dreams doesn't have to be an all out war. They key is to work smarter, not harder. Making the simple adjustments as mentioned above, will make life much much easier for you. Good luck! - 17269

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Look and Feel Amazing with These Colon Cleanse Benefits!

By Rebecca Richardson

Are you so fed up with diets and exercises that don't work that you are ready to give up? It's a good thing you found this article, because what you probably don't know is that It's Not Your Fault That Your Diets Aren't Working! Have no fear...It's not too late to change your life!

A clean colon is vital for your overall health and fitness. If you are suffering from a clogged, unhealthy colon, your body will reflect this. Just think about it - this is your body's elimination system. If it is not functioning properly, what is happening to the waste? Please read on to learn more about the colon cleanse benefits

Lose Weight - This is one of the best colon cleanse benefits! It is very common to lose 5 pounds right off the bat, but some people report losing 10-15 pounds from their cleanse! If you stick with it, and commit to a healthy lifestyle, your weight loss will continue!

Stop Constipation - Obviously, if you often feel constipated, you need a colon cleanse! With a healthy digestive system, you should be having 2-3 bowel movements per day. You wouldn't believe the number of people who only have one or less per day! Not only is this abnormal, but can be quite damaging to your entire body!

Get Healthier Skin - If you are unhappy with the appearance of your skin, chances are you have already been affected by the toxins developing in your digestive track. That's right, these toxins can spread to the rest of the body through the bloodstream. If you want to look healthy on the outside, you must start by being healthy on the inside! It only takes a couple of weeks to see these colon cleanse benefits first-hand.

Lower Your Risk Colon Cancer - If left untreated, a clogged colon will commonly develop polyps, which are foreign growths. According to HealthandWellness.com, most cases of colorectal cancer begin as polyps. Don't allow this to happen to you! Restore the health of your digestive system to ensure a properly functioning colon!

Stop Bad Breath - If you have noticed yourself with bad breath even after brushing your teeth, you are probably experiencing the effects of your colon/intestines becoming clogged. Since your mouth is the first part of your digestive track, a foul odor may be the indication it is time for a colon cleanse!

Protect Your Vital Organs - In an attempt to prevent damage upon your organs, the body naturally stores more fat here if toxins are present. This explains why many people gain most of their weight in their midsection. Get rid of these circulating toxins by trying a colon cleanse!

Are you ready to experience all the colon cleanse benefits and change your life for good? - 17269

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