Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, July 24, 2009

The Reality About Natural Cure For Acne Options

By Jason Cartwright

If you are the kind of an individual who fights with acne and are worried you will have to rely on customary medicine, then there is a natural cure for acne that you can attempt right away. For a very long period, inhabitants have trusted various home medicines for the healing of acne prone individuals. Presently, this dreadful skin sickness has an effect on approximately 14 million inhabitants in the United States alone so there are a large number of options.

If you never knew this, your skin is a protective organ for your body, acting as a barrier against germs, dirt, and toxins. Within the dermis (the inner skin layer) is a gland which secretes an oil - sebum - helping to keep your skin and hair lubricated, and naturally keeping bacteria and pollution out.

When the sebaceous gland develops into being overactive, normally the outcome of the male sex hormone, androgen, acne forms. The hair follicle grows to be bunged up as a result of the oil. And even though the sebum normally helps by treating dead skin cells inside the hair follicle lining, it becomes clogged. As a result, blockage takes place, that then results in the entrapment of microorganisms and thus, the onset of acne and your pursuit for an acne cure home remedy.

There are a variety of things you can do right now as a natural cure for acne. It starts with hydration. To clean toxins out of your body you should be getting at least 6 glasses of water a day.

Furthermore, put in more fresh fruits and vegetables to the diet. Moreover you can help out searching a cure for pimples by washing down your face with an anti-bacterial soap two times a day. Though, make certain that you massage lightly, not to cause more injury.

After completing, you can create a natural cure for acne paste just by blending one teaspoon of crushed cinnamon with three tablespoons honey. Massage this paste to the region with acne and leave it for 30 minutes. The gain is that cinnamon has normal antibacterial characteristics. Furthermore, phenol is oil in cinnamon that performs as an anti-fungal solution.

An additional home remedy for acne is to mix a teaspoon of lemon juice with a teaspoon of cinnamon. This makes a fantastic acne cleanser, since lemon is know to remove old skin cells and even help lighten any acne blemishes.

Another natural cure for acne is to mix milk with nutmeg to reduce inflammation and help prevent further breakout. One acne cure home remedy which people are sometime reluctant to try is to crush a clove of garlic and rub it on their acne. Garlic works by helping fight off antibodies on your skin.

As you can see, several natural cure for acne cures are available, so if you prefer going the natural route without chemicals, you can. - 17269

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Acne Problems

By Gail Jones

Acne is one of the commonest skin problems afflicting the human race and it affects all people irrespective of age, caste, colour or gender. Acne is an extremely embarrassing and burdensome problem, because it is so obvious and unsightly. Acne can be defined as red eruptions on the skin, sometimes filled with a white puss, causing discomfort and irritation. The most common form of acne is called acne vulgaris or puberty spots.

Acne vulgaris can be defined thus: ... an inflammatory disease of the skin, caused by changes in the pilosebaceous units (skin structures consisting of a hair follicle and its associated sebaceous gland) . Acne lesions are commonly referred to as pimples, spots or zits - [source: Wikipedia]. It is a heart-breaking problem that we do not appear to have complete control over. However, there are various ways to cure acne: you can go in for medication from a skin specialist or you can go in for home or natural remedies.

Natural treatments are less time consuming, less costly and have no side effects. However, they do require a little more patience, because the routines have to be followed diligently in order to get rid of the problem once and for all. A home remedy for acne is just as effective as medication. Here are a few natural remedies to eradicate your acne. To start with, your daily consumption of water should be at minimum of eight to ten glasses. This helps you to detoxify your system and kill the harmful bacteria that cause acne.

An over-balance of oily food also leads to acne, therefore fried, oily and spicy food should be religiously avoided. A near complete avoidance of fried and fatty food will have a notable, beneficial effect on any acne outbreak. Furthermore, if you eat more chromium and zinc in your diet, it will help to cure acne. There needs to be the correct balance of diet and skin care.

A mixture of nutmeg powder with unboiled milk regularly daubed on the afflicted area also helps to cure acne. Cinnamon powder mixed with honey is equally effective in curing acne. Boiled Neem tree leaves applied to acne acts as a disinfectant. ['Neem': A tall, usually evergreen East Indian tree (Azadirachta indica) widely cultivated in tropical Asia for its timber, resin, bitter bark, and aromatic seed oil, which is used medicinally and as an insecticide (source = 'Free Online Dictionary')].

The afflicted area should be washed with anti-acne soap at least three or four times a day. Make-up must be strictly avoided when suffering from acne. Make-up makes acne worse. Acne must never be squeezed as it may cause infection or / and make it worse. Squeezing your acne could also lead to permanent scars on your skin, which leaves your skin looking rough. Avoid letting your hair touch the acne-affected area too.

Your hair ought to be kept tied back to prevent contact with the acne. Pillow covers should be washed on a daily basis to prevent the bacteria spreading. The regular washing of your skin should be done to keep it free from bacteria. Besides this, a healthy lifestyle ought to followed with a balanced diet, exercise and sleep. Remember, if you take good care of yourself, illnesses will have less chance of afflicting you, especially such a small thing as acne! - 17269

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What You Know About Dr. Oz and Acai Berry May Not Be True

By Travis Van Slooten

If you are wondering what the Dr. Oz acai berry connection really is, you're not alone. Recently, many companies which sell acai berry supplements have been using Oprah or Dr. Oz as celebrity endorsements. But if you know anything about celebrities, you know that they do not take their endorsements lightly. As many people have discovered, these endorsements are completely fabricated and based upon some very loose connections between celebrities and acai berry products.

What is the Myth?

The claim by many supplement companies is that Dr. Oz has endorsed their product. They may make the claim that he has specifically said their acai berry product is the best or they may simply imply that he has endorse their type of product. Regardless of what they claim, they are still using celebrity likeness without consent. You should be wary of trusting your business with a company which is willing to break the law just to increase sales.

What is the Truth?

The only connection between Dr. Oz and acai berry is to the acai berry itself. Dr. Oz, along with numerous other professionals, have stood behind the acai berry as one of the healthiest foods you can eat. While many properly-made supplements can preserve all the nutrients of the fruit, Dr. Oz has not given his support to any specific product. Since there can be such a big difference between different products due to the manufacturing process, most professionals are hesitant to endorse a specific product.

What is Being Done?

While these acai sites making outrageous claims continue to pop up all over the internet and it is difficult to have them shut down or at the very least stop those false ads, Dr. Oz, through the Oprah site, has issued a statement, indicating that he does not recommend any one acai supplement brand. The official statement also discloses that Oprah's legal team is already going after these companies.

The claim of an endorsement from a celebrity is an immediate sign of a weak product. Acai berry, when properly manufactured, is healthy enough to speak for itself. If a company feels the need to have a celebrity convince you their product is good, you should be wary of them. And if they claim a connection between Dr. Oz and acai berry manufactured by their company, you should stay as far away as possible. - 17269

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Body Building And Exercising Tips, Why Cardio Is Not Working On Me?

By Ricardo Daryans

Cardio exercise is such a strange thing. In theory, it should work so perfectly well for all men and women, but as anyone who has tried it knows, the practicality of it just doesn't add up.

There's a lot of people in the gym who do cardio for 10 or more hours and don't fet the expected results, and there's also people who get great results with the same, or even less, effort. A recent research in the United Kingdom goes inside this paradox and studied 35 overweight men and women, who weren't previously exercising.

The results: the subjects lose an average of 8.2 pounds, exercising 5 times per week for 12 weeks. By now, it seems cardio works, and in a great way. But wait, there's still more.

Back to the study, the variance in fat loss between individuals was huge. Check this out...The best subject lost a staggering 32.3 pounds in 12 weeks, while the worst subject actually GAINED 3.74 pounds.

So, these were not good news for the scientists. At least not for the ones that wanted to go home. They discovered there were 2 groups of people, they called them "compensators" and "non-compensators". The first ones were hungrier and consumed extra calories every day, whiping the slate clean in cardio results terms. So, they lost just small amounts of weight.

You have to check your appetite and calorie intake to see if you are "compensating" for your efforts. If you want to eat more than nothing after your cardio training, then maybe you are in the compensators group and need an special cardio program designed to your needs. It may be better for you to use it's better for you to use a program of high-intensity resistance and interval training (i.e. Turbulence Training) for your weight loss efforts.

The Professor Steve Boucher in Australia has shown in his research that interval training increases hormones called catecholamines. As these hormones increase they can reduce appetite, among other fat-burning benefits.

I don't know you, but i know that if you are reading this, then you are not in the small group of people who lose 33 pounds after 12 weeks of cardio. And that's not bad at all, there's still hope for people for you or me who wants to look and feel ok.

Well, first of all, you have to check your appetite and know a little more about your condition. There's a lot for you to do to get the look you want (or need, for medical reasons). Beat the curse of cardio with high-intensity Turbulence Training. - 17269

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Older Stretch Marks - What's The Most Effective Method Of Treatment?

By Meghan D. Ernest

While stretch marks aren't a serious medical condition, they can often be a source of frustration and embarrassment for those who have them. Most women will be forced to deal with them at some point, and they can be caused by many different things. If a person gains weight suddenly, or gets pregnant, or has dry skin or lives in a dry climate, they have a much higher chance of getting stretch marks.

Stretch marks happen when the top layer of skin gets a series of microscopic tears in it, and as it heals it is left with a wrinkled and misshapen appearance. While they often subside over time, some do not go away at all. They can be prevented by not gaining weight suddenly, and adopting a good skin care routine, but some people are forced to get surgery to correct them.

Other things that are thought to cause stretch marks are yo-yo dieting, dry skin, and lackluster nutrition. These things can cause the collagen and elastin within your skin to break down, leading to stretch marks. Here are some ways to prevent them:

If you work out consistently, your body (especially your skin) will benefit. Regular exercise increases overall circulation, keeping skin toned and refreshed. A good, sweat-inducing workout will remove impurities from your pores, and make your skin renew itself naturally.

Fresh skin is more evenly textured and resilient, which will prevent stretch marks from forming. A good workout will reduce stress and possibly keep hormones balanced, which will help your skin stay healthy.

Moisturize well, and often. Use a moisturizer that has Vitamin E- it can stop stretch marks before they start. Look for a moisturizer that has a lot of shea or cocoa butter, and apply it at least twice a day, right after you shower. Your skin will be silky and resilient.

Eat a healthy and balanced diet. Your metabolism will stay high and your skin will be healthier. Choose foods that are rich in antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. They will improve the condition of your skin and stimulate cell turnover, building stronger skin and reducing your chances of getting stretch marks.

There are many skin care and cosmetic products that work well on stretch marks. Those that have a higher concentration of vitamin A and vitamin E are great at preventing stretch marks from forming, and treating those that you may already have.

Some use laser treatments as a last resort. You probably think that they can only be used on the face, but they are great all over. The non-ablative laser Fraxel removes the top layer of skin, which is where stretch marks happen. After a few weeks, you will see new, fresh, mark-free skin emerge.

For those who want to keep it natural, there are quite a few herbal preparations that promote healthy and supple skin. Ingredients like vitamin A, vitamin E, olive oil, and aloe vera work well when applied directly to the affected area. All of these will make you have more elastic, moisturized skin.

There are home remedies that are effective too- combining ingredients like egg whites and oatmeal will help to make stretch marks less noticeable, as well as encouraging the growth of new skin tissue. While they aren't as fast-acting as a surgery, these natural and homemade remedies will work over time.

Unfortunately, there's no real way to guarantee that you won't get stretch marks. Most cases can be minimized through a balanced diet and a good workout program. Most of us will have to deal with stretch marks eventually, and no matter how you choose to treat them, it is possible to maintain healthy and stretch mark-free skin. - 17269

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Healthy People Eat Breakfast Foods

By Dr. Grandma

Growing up, I was always told it was important to start the day with a good breakfast. While that rule was not always followed, it seems that today it's incredibly more common for people to skip breakfast. Being always on the go, most don't realize they're being unhealthy.

There are those that don't like to eat at the start of the day, others that don't feel like they have the time and many just want to sleep in a few more minutes. Whatever the reason, it is important to note that there are more good reasons to get that first meal than to pass on it.

Skipping breakfast leaves your stomach empty and with all you have to get done before lunch, chances are you are going to grab some sugary snack or two to get you by. Your body needs vitamins, minerals and energy to do its job. If you don't take care of it first thing then it is more difficult to fit it in after you get started with all the other demands on your time.

By consuming good food at the start of your day you are able to help you body not worry about nutrition and you can now focus other things. You will have improved concentration and memory. Your cravings for sweets and quick unhealthy snacks will be reduced which not only helps you focus, but helps control that waistline too.

A balanced breakfast has whole grains, low-fat protein, low-fat dairy, fruits and vegetables. Just think, if you ate a hard-boiled egg, a whole-wheat pancake, some fruit, and a glass of skim milk, you'd have a great start to your day. If you just take a little time to think about it, you'll find its not much trouble at all to find healthy breakfast foods you enjoy and take only moments to prepare.

Avoid sugary cereals, they have very little nutritional value and do more harm than good. Try something hardier that will provide more than just a sugar rush. A real basic guideline for cereal would be at least 3 grams of fiber, 13 grams or less of sugar, and less than 120 calories per serving.

In addition to finding the right breakfast foods, make breakfast a habit. Realizing the benefits of eating breakfast will take a little time to notice, but if you stick to it you will find that the habit of a healthy breakfast will help you be healthy in other areas of your life.

So, give it a try. Wake up a little earlier if you must and think about what you eat. Perhaps a little planning before you go to bed might help for the next morning. Do not fear gaining weight. You'll likely find that the extra energy you have and the fewer unhealthy snacks you consequently consume will result in a better ability to control your weight. Give it some time to formulate as a habit and you will really start to realize how healthy you really can be. - 17269

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The Health Boosting Properties of the Jack Lalanne Diet

By Paul Taylor

One of the fitness gurus of both the old and modern times is Jack Lalanne. He's going strong, even at the good old age of 93. Many people are envy of his fitness and lifestyle as he still remains physically and mentally fit. Many people have tried to copy his lifestyle and regimes but not quite reached the same success.

Jack Lalanne is someone whom has been concerned about his fitness for many years. He sticks to his regime of working out for two hours every morning. He consumes high doses of vitamins and eats a diet that contains high levels of enzymes and nutrients. He is particularly against white sugar and feels everybody should give this up. He has also given up chicken and red meats and consumes more soya protein.

Eggs account for most his daily intake of protein with some coming from fish. Fish is important as it is one of the best sources of high quality protein as well as essential fatty acids.

Jack found that he was addicted to junk food and sugar at a very early age, but soon decided to give them up. He turned his energy to health clubs and onto dieting from about the age of fifteen. He does not feel these all low carbohydrate diets are beneficial although he does recommend including natural grains, such as brown rice and whole wheat, in your diet.

Fresh vegetables are particularly advised as they contain high levels of vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium and iron. He has advised to consume a minimum of ten raw pieces of fresh vegetables a day.

Sugar and calorie rich deserts should be avoided at all times. Indeed, Jack has not eaten any desert for at least seventy five years. In his diet he recommends replacing all junk foods with more healthy fresh foods and processed foods should be gradually replaced by more fish and raw vegetables. Fruit juices are much more healthier and should be drunk instead of colas or fizzy drinks.

Foods that contain high levels f fat and oil should be avoided as they are a common cause of obesity. Dairy products like butter and cheese are an example of this as they can lead to a build up of fatty tissue. Water is very healthy and it is advised to drink about six to seven glasses a day.

As a testimony to his almost super human fitness, Jack has broken many records. If you decide to follow any of his plans you would be taking a step to feeling much healthier. - 17269

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Workout For Your Upper Body

By Ryse Edwards

Coming up with the right body building workout for your upper body is important. You must be able to know your limits and what you are able to do without hurting yourself. You must also know your body well enough to recognize when you can push yourself that extra bit to reach new limits in your workout.

When working out your upper body, there are several muscles to consider. There is the shoulders, back, chest, biceps and triceps. There are several different workouts you can do for each muscle allowing you to switch up your routine from time to time. So let's get right into it.

Do not work on the same muscles two days in a row. You can split them up and work on your chest and back one day, and then your shoulders, biceps and triceps the next day if you want.

For your chest, you can do a flat bench press, incline bench press, decline bench press, flat bench dumbbell flyes, and much more. It is all about finding what suites you best.

Some back workouts to consider include bent over rowing, lat machine pull downs, dead lifts, shrugs and hyper extensions. As you begin to look at a body building workout for your back, it is important you pay close attention to form. The smallest slip-up can have you out for weeks with a back injury.

Then the next day, when you start on your other muscle groups, you can do a seated dumbbell press, shrugs, side lateral raises and alternate front dumbbell raises for your shoulder muscles.

When you workout your biceps, you can try to do some alternate dumbbell curls, standing barbell curls, incline dumbbell curls or some preacher curls. Preacher curls are simply curls that involve the use of a preacher bench.

The final part of your upper body building workout is your triceps. For your triceps you can do overhead rope extensions, standing cable press downs, triceps bench dips, and one arm dumbbell extensions.

For all of the exercises mentioned above, make sure that you fully understand how to do them properly first. Poor form will not only keep you from gaining muscle, but it can lead to serious injury too. - 17269

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Tips on Getting A Ripped Muscular Chest Fast

By James Traynor

Fat loss in order to get a ripped muscular chest is probably one of the most significant areas to address if you want those big bulging pectoral muscles that not only look fabulous under your shirt but when you take off your top down at the pool or at the beach.

A great set of pecs and ripped abs will undoubtedly catch everybody's eye and make you feel and look great. It gives a great shape to the front part of the body and makes you look fit and healthy. However, if you have a thick layer of fat over the pectoral muscles you will just look flabby and fat with no shape at all and worse still you might develop man boobs.

A common misconception is that in order to get the chest muscles looking toned and big you need to do many hundreds of press ups or bench presses. They can build up the muscle to a certain extent but they are not going to get rid of that fat layer. It is this layer of fat that is the greatest obstacle in getting ripped chest muscles. Even a skinny guy with a low layer of fat can get great appearing pecs.

Alright, so you want to know what the secret is right? Well it is actually not that much of a secret. To get rid of this fat layer you basically need to reduce the calorie intake and burn those excess calories off.

The problem remains that if you are a bodybuilder, simply reducing your calories is not always a good idea as it can send you into a catabolic state and reduce the size of that hard earned muscle. Many bodybuilders face this particular dilemma after spending months of bulking up in the gym. It is therefore, a fine balance to achieve the state of building muscle mass yet removing fat.

One way to achieve this that is particularly healthy is to keep an intake of adequate calories but increase the proportion of those calories as protein. The reason for this is that it often takes more calories to burn protein than for fat or carbohydrate, so more protein intake will reduce fat accumulation.

To burn those excess calories incorporating cardio routines into your workout program is very important. A good calorie busting exercise is to work those large muscles in the body such as the quadriceps muscle on the front of the thigh. These powerhouses burn heaps of calories when worked and generate heat.

These techniques can be incorporated together into a full workout program that you can easily follow regularly. Exercises can be found quite readily by searching online which can take some time. The other method is to buy a ready made program.

Most cover all the points mentioned above and are great for building all the muscles in the body and lets face it - just building a great set of pecs is going to make you look silly if you have no muscle elsewhere. They also incorporate fat loss routines that actually work.

If you want to get ripped chest quickly then start now - time and indecision is your biggest opponent not genes. - 17269

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How to Choose the Right Home Gym

By Hanif Furqan

Why use the Bodycraft K2 home gym? It is among the most effective models of home gym available today and is comparatively inexpensive. You could exercise every part of your body in this exceptional machine if that machine is the Bodycraft K2 home gym.

People come up with many excuses for not keeping fit. We are aware that working out can keep you healthy and can even help you slim down. You can also firm up your body and change your whole body from being scrawny to being sculpted through using a regular exercise program. Working out on weight machines tones muscles and makes you look nicer in your clothes. Even if you shed some pounds by dieting, you still want to strengthen your muscles. The Bodycraft K2 home gym will allow you to achieve that, right in your own home.

Purchasing your Bodycraft K2 home gym will cure all of your excuses not to exercise. Also, it will provide you with some excellent reasons to commence - and keep on - exercising. You can get a targeted workout that is customized for you every time you use the Bodycraft K2 home gym. You can do exercises like bench presses and pull ups when you work out with the Bodycraft K2 home gym. The K2 includes a chair that is designed to let you to exercise using the pull bar. It can be used to exercise all of the muscles above your waist. You may also do abdominal exercises as well as quad extensions for legs and thighs. You will feel like you own 10 machines in your house, even though fortunately, you will only have one if that one is the Bodycraft K2 home gym.

Once you know how to coordinate your workout sessions on the Bodycraft K2 home gym, you will get to use this machine daily to perform the same fitness options that is available at a health club. Exercising your muscles is the best way to maintain a good fitness level. The Bodycraft K2 is not simply a way to build muscle, but also a method to keep in excellent shape. And the Bodycraft K2 home gym is so easy to work out on that your whole family can benefit from it.

But just because the Bodycraft K2 home gym is easy to use does not mean that this gym will just give you an easy workout. This is not the case at all. You will accomplish the same challenging fitness routine with this home gym as you would if you were exercising at the health club.

The K2 gym is the best machine for the person who wants the power of the legendary Bodycraft home gym at a reasonable price. - 17269

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Seafood May Not Be Seasonal.

By Anastacia Sampson

Shellfish is not for everyone. It can be taboo for some, allergy causing and deadly for others. Yet there are many who do like sea foods. Sea foods cover all foods from the sea, from fish to shellfish to seaweed. Fish is touted as being healthier than red meats generally, it is more easily digested. Fish can provide high levels of protein. Fish supply more essential fatty acids generally if they swim in cold current waters. Fish deliver polished wooden furniture to our bodies. While plant sources of essential fatty acids deliver unpolished wooden furniture to us. Plant sources of essential fatty acids include sunflower seeds, flax seeds, sesame seeds, their oils, safflower oil, nuts and leafy vegetables. Fish and shellfish provide types of fatty acids that are more easily used by the body and brain. Fish should not have a fishy smell that is usually the odour of rancid essential fatty acids. Fishy fish is not fresh fish. For healthy fats you need healthy fresh fish.

Do be aware that with high amounts of minerals in shellfish this is always healthy, but occasionally eating it may be a great benefit. There are types of shellfish eaten, from crabs to lobsters to oysters.

For the vegetarians we have vegetarian seafood. This is seaweed - that slimy green, brown or reddish algae found floating in the sea waters. Strictly speaking it is not purely plant when seaweed contains plantain; which are minor sea-animals. Usually seaweed is bought in dried form and eaten (after soaking) or added to flavour soups or used in other ways. The seaweed fan should be aware of what types of seaweed are known to be fine to consume, as there are types that are more suitable for consumption. The usefulness of seaweed extends to cosmetic-make-up products and certain carbohydrate sections of it can be incorporated in some processed foods. Living the near the sea provides the benefit of free fertilizer; seaweed!.

The supplement known as kelp is derived from seaweed. Kelp delivers iodine, an essential mineral, which can only be sourced from the sea. Consequently all land plants near sea spray and seafood have iodine. Iodine is needed by our thyroid glands, in our necks, to make thyroid hormones to regulate our metabolism. We need healthy thyroid function to be healthy.

Sea foods can be a threat as there is potential that they can carry excess toxic metals or minerals. There have been reports of tuna fish having high levels of mercury that caused problems. All due to polluted sea waters where those fish were caught! Other times there have been high levels of arsenic, another poisonous substance, shown in shell fish. Generally this is not a problem unless we eat shell fish excessively. The greater levels of minerals in sea foods are due to absorption of surrounding minerals in the sea. Do realise that the sea is not a waste site and should not be used as one, as pollution of the sea with noxious substances does go into sea foods. Occasionally eaten, sea foods are healthy while there are international government measures to support safety in quality and quantity of sea foods. - 17269

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Can Taking Up Clogging Help Me Prevent Bruising?

By Carolyn Cooper

As part of growing older, we are often reminded that we should work at staying active at all costs, and if follow that advice about following a good exercise routine, we have almost always realized beneficial results. Another function of growing older that is not as easy to overcome is the condition of bruising easily, but what most people aren't aware of is that our easy bruising condition can be somewhat offset by following a good exercise program in much the same way that a variety of other physical disorders can be positively impacted as well.

When you are tired of seeing bruises that seem to appear from out of nowhere, and when you are ready to try something new to fix this problem, why not give a thought to clogging? Clogging is a popular dance activity all over the world, with roots in Europe, Africa and America, and you will discover that not only is it fun and energetic, it can also help you get rid of those unpleasant bruises.

To understand clogging, you need to be aware what the activity actually requires. You will first have to determine whether there is a local clogging group that you can join, or you may have the opportunity to select from several local troupes. Your decision on which local group to join, or perhaps to join a group some distance away should be based on your intuition as to which group you will fit in most easily and find enjoyable. Basically, clogging revolves around the rhythmic striking of the heel, the toe, or both to music which creates a syncopated, percussive, rhythmic beat.

This dance activity known as clogging claims much of its popularity due to the high level of aerobic activity that is involved, and this activity is what will prove beneficial in your attempts to reduce your bruising easily.

Remember that bruises occur because as we get older, the walls of our blood vessels will often get frailer, and our skin can also become thinner. With cardiovascular exercise of the kind that you can get from clogging, you will find that you are going to strengthen these blood vessels so that they become less fragile over all, and they become more resistant to taking more than just a light bump before bruising.

Clogging also helps your body become stronger and more graceful; not only will you be less likely to bump into things in the first place, you will also be less inclined to bruise easily when you do.

Take a look around to locate some of the clogging groups in your area. There are so many different variations and styles that in many cases, it is like learning a brand new dance all over again every time you join a new group. This is a fun and exciting social dance activity that can benefit you in a variety of ways.

Take some time and consider the healthful benefits that clogging can have for you, especially when you combine it with a great daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned, which is specially designed and uniquely formulated to overcome your easy bruising and to help you reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17269

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