Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, December 28, 2009

Boost Your Metabolism and Gain Muscle With These Bodybuilding Tips

By Ricardo d Argence

Before deciding to follow any set muscle or bodybuilding programs, it is essential to understand the impact of what foods you choose to put into your body.

One of the keys in how you lose fat and gain muscle is your metabolism. This body function determines how your body changes food to energy. When energy is created it is then stored in fat and glucose within the body. When you start using energy you will build muscle. Your body then will change to handle the stress on your body and muscles.

The following are tips that should help you reach your goals. If you follow these tips then you can give your metabolism a boost and also build muscle.

1. Always start with a ten minute warm up. Doing a warm up prepares the body and the muscles for exercise. A brisk walk is a good choice that gets your blood pumping. You want to ensure that your blood is really circulating and nourishing your muscles. Overtime your muscles will become better prepared to accept the resistance training.

2. Target the large muscle groups for the best results. Targeting larger muscles really gets your metabolism boosted and helps build muscle. Keep it consistent for the quickest results.

3. You want to start with exercises for the thighs, buttocks and hips. Lunges work great. Start off using some sort of support, but as you build the muscles you can stop using the support. You can even add dumbbells that will add more resistance and increase your metabolism.

4. Stand straight, then use the dumbbell which has the heaviest weight that you can lift comfortably over the head. Grasp it at the level of your shoulder with the palm of your hand facing forward then push it overhead in a straight manner until your arm has reached its full extension before it returns from the position where you started.

You will do 3 sets of 10 repetitions on each arm. Always make sure you are not straining. The weight might be too heavy if you have to strain and this could cause injury.

5. Try different exercises. The last exercise you can switch up by lifting the dumbbells and then going into a push up. This is the type of training used in the military and is quite effective. Push ups really are a powerhouse move as they provide great resistance and really build up muscle while also boosting your metabolism. You can start on your knees if full push ups are too challenging at first.

6. Upper body movements should include targeting of the biceps, deltoids and shoulders. Make sure to use dumbbells as they seem o work better at increasing the metabolism than other types of equipment.

7. Lastly, consider altering certain areas of your lifestyle. Bodybuilding programs will be a waste of time if you are eating the wrong kinds of foods. If you consumed a lot of fat before, then try toning it down to limited amounts. Instead, try eating a meal high in protein, calories, and nutrients.

Get lots of great fruit and vegetables and whole grains. You want to eat to build muscle. - 17269

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How to Use High Protein Shakes in a Bodybuilding Diet

By Melvin W. Santiago

All bodybuilders, athletes and fitness enthusiasts that want to improve their stamina and performance and keep their body in great shape throughout training season need to adhere to a quality nutrition program. High protein shakes are a necessary addition to the average training nutrition program because they are easily digested and can help with the muscle repair and recovery process almost instantaneously.

There is a wide product range of protein shakes, powders and supplements, but athletes prefer supplements that contain whey or soy proteins. Some high protein shakes and supplements instead of using whey or soy protein, use rice protein powders, creatine, and other muscle enhancing ingredients. Studies have been cited in the book "Amino Acids and Proteins for the Athlete" by Mauro G. Di Pasquale, extolling the special properties of whey and whey protein that does not exist in milk proteins.

High protein shakes can be made at home with protein powders, fruit, yogurt, oatmeal and sweeteners and consumed as a meal or as a snack between meals. They are also available in ready-to-drink formulas from a number of supplement companies, and these are convenient for individuals who are always on the go and do not have time to make their own shakes or prepare foods at home.

High protein shakes contain a number of essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals, and many are ?complete meals' and can be substituted for food. Ready to drink shakes may be nutritionally balanced and the perfect addition to a low-carb diet. Since many bodybuilders and athletes adhere to these types of diets, consuming high protein shakes at regular intervals throughout the day can help them meet their daily nutrition requirements and ensure that the calories are coming from a healthy source.

Whey protein and other types of protein supplements can also provide a steady source of energy and improve overall metabolic functioning. High protein shakes made with fresh fruit, juices and oatmeal are chock full of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that help support a healthy metabolism and provide a boost of energy. These shakes can be consumed immediately after a workout for muscle repair, and reduce the risk of low blood sugar levels that are a common side effect of intensive workouts.

Yet, one of the main advantages of high protein shakes is that it is easily absorbed by the body because it can be quickly digested. Athletes and bodybuilders have very few recommended food options to be taken after rigorous training as any food intake will have faster than normal absorption and utilization.When high protein shakes are consumed after exercise, the maximum absorption rate is at its peak allowing the vital nutrients to aid muscle recovery within hours. Doing this will greatly reduce risk from injury and appease your hunger.

To get maximum muscle gain and improve overall metabolism, plan the timing the consumption of your high protein shakes, protein powders and supplements. After exercise or in between meals, you may take supplements to get rid of hunger pangs and fully utilize the peak of absorption rate. Athletes and bodybuilders nutrition program can be integrated with the high quality nutrient value found in protein powders and shakes, which gives the maximum efficiency per calorie. - 17269

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How Losing Weight Will Bring You Success?

By Squadoo Fatarie

OK, first of all I don't say that ladies and men that are chunky will ever become successful, what I am saying is if you can set yourself a clear goal like losing weight, and you can accomplish exactly what you set out to, you are quite likely going to be ready to use the same methods to achieve any pre-eminence in life.

The most typical difficulty with men and women wishing to lose pounds isn't WHAT TO DO or HOW TO DO IT but rather WHEN TO DO IT.

It appears that each time we wish to shed pounds it's got to Start on a Monday, does this sound familiar? Yes too often we use delay strategies to halt our effort with regard to shedding weight.

Ok, to start off I'm going to outline three Techniques which ( in my opinion ) are basic to achieving success in life and losing weight. Check out this turbulence training review for the best turbulence training exercises. In no definite order, here are the following systems

1. ACTION - Even though it's a good approach to have a clear picture on how you will look after the weight loss, without ACTION this just becomes a day dream, you need to set a date and do something, without this most important step you may never reach that vision.

2. DESIRE - This is extremely important because it will be your first drive in attaining your goal, without need you have nothing, every day we use this technique to get the simplest things done, like,making a cup of tea, have sex or watch TV. In my opinion DESIRE is exactly what WILLPOWER is, WILLPOWER only exists if you are wish will take ACTION, the stronger your wish the stronger your WILLPOWER will become.

3. Endurance, OK fellows, if you're the kind of person who gives up after the first hiccup you actually need to work on your persistence, because this will be KEY to your success. The most successful folk in life are those that NEVER give up, until they achieve their vision.

You want to recollect that each diet is dissimilar, meaning that the results will alter from individual to individual, what does it for me might not work for you.

If you're serious about shedding pounds ( desire ), you want to make a start ( ACTION ), you need to be willing to gain what you set out, no matter what ( endurance )

If these techniques work for you, use them as suggestions through life and you can achieve great success. - 17269

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Burn Belly Fat And Turn Heads

By Kelani Lee

Having too much belly fat can be really embarrassing for a lot of people - men and women alike. Often women have the biggest problem with shifting belly fat, especially after having a baby. If you are a man or a woman who wants to know how to burn belly fat quickly here are some tips to help you.

You might not realise but what you eat is the main factor when thinking about belly fat. Eating too much fat, salt, sugar and so on will cause the weight and fat to pile on. Take care about what you eat and drink and you will soon see a difference.

Then you need to increase your level of physical activity in order to successfully burn belly fat. Without any physical activity you will not be burning any fat, which is the opposite of what you want.

Avoid anything that claims it will get rid of your belly fat with no effort on your part. These supplements and tablets are often unregulated and can make a person ill. Be healthy and lose your belly fat with a safe plan.

You must also make sure that you are drinking the right amount of water per day. The recommended amount for this is eight glasses around 250ml each. Not only will you start to lose weight by doing this your skin will look great too.

Add belly fat busting exercises to your daily routine. Think about crunches, sits ups and anything else that gets your abdominal muscles working hard as these will have the most productive effect. Put your all into your exercises and you will get the most out of your efforts.

You should also think about cardiovascular exercises. These are exercises that raise your heart rate and get your body into the fat burning zone. Without these kind of exercises your work outs will not get results as fast.

If you take notice of the advice that has been given you will soon be able to burn belly fat successfully. You will start to see the changes in your body shape and you will look great. Stay on course and the work you put in will begin to pay off and you will be so happy. - 17269

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The Importance of Body Building Nutrition

By James Smith

Bodybuilding nutrition is as important as the workout and weight training. It is the combination of these things that keep the body running and help the bodybuilder to build muscle mass and lose fat. Food gives the body energy and certain foods also promote some of the essential tools needed in bodybuilding. Without this, a bodybuilder can only go so far and will never reach true potential. It is vital that bodybuilding nutrition be learned by anyone who is seriously considering entering this sport whether it is for competition or personal growth.

The Do's and Don'ts of Bodybuilding Nutrition

Protein is the most important component of bodybuilding nutrition. Protein helps to build and repair muscles and also provides energy. The average person who is trying to eat a high protein diet will turn to a lot of meat products. This is a bad decision for a bodybuilder. While he or she will certainly be getting protein, they will also be adding unnecessary fat that will need to be worked off. Rather than indulge in meat, bodybuilding nutrition suggests alternative forms of protein. These include whey protein, casein protein, and soy protein among others. These alternatives can easily be found and added to any diet. Most are in the form of powdered shakes. Some bodybuilders will purchase meal replacement products rather than having to make their own. These meal replacements will be high in protein as well as other vitamins and minerals and are meant to literally replace a meal during the day. There are most often shakes or snack bars. There are a lot of options for getting enough protein while maintaining bodybuilding nutrition.

Some people who are in serious training will take bodybuilding nutrition to a higher level and become vegetarian or even vegan. Vegetarians do not eat meat, but some will still eat fish and occasionally poultry. Vegans eat no meat at all and go a step further by not eating any animal byproducts such as milk from cows and eggs from chickens. These are extreme measures, but tend to work in the favor of the bodybuilder. It forces him or her to choose fresh foods and stay away from processed foods. It is a lifestyle change that benefits the whole concept of bodybuilding nutrition.

Bodybuilding nutrition has its basics, but it will need to be tailored to each individual. The most important thing is to remain healthy while training and to follow the supervision of a physician and trainer. These people will keep bodybuilding nutrition in line. - 17269

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Understanding The Many Benefits of Water

By Beth Hoover

Understanding water benefits begins with the indisputable fact that after the air you breathe, water is the second most crucial part for your health and well being. But how much water amount do you need for perfect health?

The body is about 70 percent water. Blood is over eighty percent water. The brain is more than 75% and the liver is a superb 96%. The human body depends on the life-giving and curative properties of water and not on coffee, colas and beer. That is the reason why it is so significant that everyone drink an acceptable quantity of water every day.

Water benefits are numerous. To begin with, water prevents dehydration of the body. Do you know that a five percent drop in body liquids could create up to a 25% to 30% loss of energy? Even just mild to moderate dehydration creates fatigue, headaches, wooziness and loss of concentration. Most of the people that are suffering from these conditions haven't a clue that relief might be just as straightforward as drinking a cup of water. And a 15% drop in body liquids may cause death.

Other water benefits include the supplying of essential nutrient elements to every cell in your body. Water boosts digestion and controls the metabolism of minerals and vitamins, while working as a natural appetite suppressant. Water also helps remove and expel poisons and waste products from the body by promoting healthy elimination and preventing bowel problems.

Since a lot of degenerative sicknesses result from the bodily accumulation of poisons, water is the body's way of flushing these unhealthy wastes from the body, to paraphrase, water is necessary for the body's purification process and for the prevention of many illnesses.

Most people believe the daily water amount to remain healthy is eight glasses. But the minimum water consumption relies on many factors, including age, climate, physical condition and level of activity. This implies that an older person working hard in a dry, hot climate possibly desires a load more water than a younger, more healthy person sitting on a porch swing on a cool spring evening. A good rough rule is to drink 1 cup of water for each twenty pounds of body weight.

Drinking plenty of cool, clean water is good for your health . Drink more than enough water that you never actually feel thirsty, which is the very first symptom of dehydration. That way you can be sure you have enough water in your system to stay energized both physically and mentally. - 17269

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How To Develop Sexy Toned And Large Calves

By Rob Maraby

So you need large calves? How does one go about getting large calves? You have tried endless sets of standing calf raises and you have done limes and miles of running on your toes, but nothing has worked to give you large calves. How do we go about getting well developed calf muscles? And what is the reason behind the calves seemingly inability to grow?

Muscle resistance is the reason why you can't get big calves. You see, the calf muscles are so used to any kind of stimulus they simply will not grow, you use them on a minute by minute basis and they have adapted themselves to any kind of stimulus you give them So no matter what kind of weights you use or the number of sets you use, the calves will not grow big

So you can increase the amount of weights used on your calf exercises nut nothing will work. It may seem to wok initially but most likely than not it will not.

The solution to developing large calves is to use synergy. Synergy is when you apply a few calf exercises in such a way that the growth effect is greater than if you were to perform the exercise separately. When you apply the principle of muscle synergy you confuse the muscles and you get your calves growing at a fast rate, here is how to use calf exercises to get a synergistic growth effect and grow bigger calves.

Here is how to perform it: Perform a regular set of standing calf raises taken to positive failure. After completing the set simply stand on the balls of your feet and hold that position for a count of 90 and then jump right back into another set of standing calf raises and do as many reps as you can, when you hit positive failure stand of your toes for another 90 seconds, keep on doing this until you can no longer perform one good repetition with the standing calf raises

For this muscle synergy set of calf raises you need only one set! So take the right measures to ensure your calves recover and you will have taken all the steps to develop large calves.

Remember having a set of muscular, healthy, well-defined legs is just as sexy (if not sexier) than spotting twiggy or skinny calf muscles. Well defined and toned calves send a message to onlookers that you are in shape and are healthy. It commands respect and helps to boost your self confidence - 17269

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5 Pointers For Losing Arm Fat

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

When learning how to lose arm fat, your first priority should be to understand how the 5 major muscles in your arm work. There are no shortcuts here. You absolutely need to have an intimate understanding on how to properly exercise all your arm muscles.

At this juncture, your mind is probably being flooded with images of beastly arms. The truth is that you will never get beastly arms so stop worrying about it. Before another image pops into your head, let me elaborate.

The organ systems within the female body produce 60% less testosterone (arm muscle hormone) than the organ systems within the male body. Thus, the female body does not have the necessary amount of hormones to produce manly arms. No matter how hard you train, this will never happen to you!

If you want to learn the truth on how to lose arm fat, please do not fall prey to all the outdated myths floating around. And dont even dare obsess over the images of high-level female bodybuilders. Please bear in mind that they train a couple hours every single day and pump exogenous sources of testosterone into their system.

Too many of my female clients fear weight training because they do not want to look like a cross between a man and a woman. Please do not let the same fear keep you from touching a weight. Instead, here is what you should focus on when learning how to lose arm fat:

1. The triceps muscles in your arms. The triceps (meaning three) is comprised of 3 major muscles and accounts for sixty percent of your arm mass. To properly work all the triceps muscles, you have to isolate the long, medial and lateral head. A great exercise for the lateral head is press-downs.

2. Proper biceps stimulation. The biceps group in your arm consists of 2 main muscles and forms forty percent of your arm mass. It has a long and short muscle. Concentration curls with a dumbbell is a great exercise for the long muscle.

3. Avoiding calorie counting. Count calories and deprive yourself, and you will end up hating life. Once you lay off the counting and deprivation, all the arm fat (and more) will come right back. Focus on the quality of what you eat, not the quantity.

4. Eat high-quality meals. Ignore all the hyped up diets, all you have to do is place a protein, carbohydrate, fat and vegetable source in each one of your meals. Figuring out how to lose arm fat is not that hard!

5. Intake of water. In overly simplified terms, 25% of your arm is muscle and 75% is water. Please pay attention to your water consumption so you do not miss out on seventy five percent of the how to lose arm fat equation! Stick to distilled and/or purified sources of water throughout the entire day, every day.

Understanding how to lose arm fat is not rocket science, although it can be a little tricky because of all the misinformation. But now you know the 5 things you should be considering so that the arm fat comes off faster than ever before! - 17269

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Eggs Are Super Low Calorie Diet Foods!

By Rose Miccolis

Eggs are the near perfect diet foods found in nature! It is shock full of vitamins, minerals and amino acids with just the right amount of lean protein. Don't skip the egg yolk - it's one of the best parts of the egg. The yolk is where most of the nutrients are found. Their versatility is great for dieters and people who want to eat healthy. The power packed amount of nutrients found in such a little low 75 calorie egg is unbelievable!

You will find so many different kinds of eggs in the dairy section. Free range, brown and white shelled - how do you know which one to chose? When considering, remember that the brown shelled eggs were laid by large hens and the white eggs were laid by the smaller hens. That's the only difference! One is not nutritionally better than the other. The reason the brown eggs are usually priced higher is because it takes the farmer more grain to feed the larger hens. Therefore, the price of the eggs the hen lays are more expensive!

The color of the yolk is dependent on what the hen ate too. The dark yolk eggs were laid by hens that ate wheat and the darker yolk eggs were laid by hens that were corn fed. Whatever the color of the yolk, the nutritional quality is great.

The sell by date is more important to read than the grade size. All consumable eggs are graded A, AA or AAA. Always remember to open the crate to check for cracks.

How can you tell if an egg is fresh if it's not in the carton and it doesn't have a date printed on it? To check for freshness put one in a glass of water. If it floats it's a bad egg. If it sinks it's good to eat.

When you want a low fat, low calorie food to eat- reach for an egg. You can hard boil them, fry them or bake with them. They are easy to carry around for a power snack to give you the energy you need. No matter what their color or size, eggs are the perfect food. - 17269

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Ever Thought Of Starting A Low Fat Vegetarian Diet?

By Alexis Martin

More and more of us are cutting meat out of our diets and turning towards a vegetarian diet. Many people are now starting to realize that vegetarians enjoy many health benefits above what meat eaters experience. As a result of this, more supermarkets are stocking a good range of vegetarian options and products and at restaurants you generally have a variety of menu choices that do not contain meat.

One of the key benefits of becoming vegetarian is enjoying a better health outcome than those who rely heavily on meat. Many diets that include meat are high in saturated fats. These animal fats can clog up the arteries and lead to obesity and contribute to the development of type II adult diabetes. Vegetarians tend to consume around 25 percent less saturated fats than people who eat meat regularly.

Since vegetarians tend to eat more healthily, they also tend to avoid problems with cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes. Much of the cholesterol that is taken in from the diet comes from animal products and over time it can clog up the arteries and place pressure on the heart. A vegetarian diet limits cholesterol intake and keeps blood pumping around the body unhindered.

There is a lot of evidence and studies that have proven undeniably that vegetarians tend to have a much lower incidence of some cancers. Some estimates place the cancer reduction at least 50 percent less than meat eaters. Consuming a diet that is high in fruits and vegetables, as well as whole grains, introduces many antioxidants to your body that are able to fight off free radicals that can cause cancer.

Eating a vegetarian weight loss diet can improve your digestive system and make it work more efficiently. Animal products are more difficult for the body to break down and digest. After a time the digestive system can have trouble eliminating waste properly, which can cause colon, intestinal or stomach cancer. If you are a vegetarian however, the foods you eat can be broken down much more easily and you will be more regular.

Eating meat can not only cause health problems for you, but it can also be detrimental to the environment. Beef and other meat production have a serious impact on the environment. For example, much of the Amazon Jungle is being cut down and destroyed to make space for cattle farms and stations. If you cut out meat, then you are reducing the total global demand for meat. Your contribution may not seem like much, but if many of us make a change we can make a real impact in a positive way.

Research done into the environmental impact of meat production indicates that it is one of the most damaging industries. It is responsible for a lot of habitat loss, water and air pollution and the extinction of different species. Among meat production, beef and pork are considered to have the worst environmental impact. This is a very important reason to significantly reduce your meat consumption and move towards becoming a vegetarian. - 17269

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Eagle Muscle Building: Let The Experts Show You The Way

By Tim Johnson

Bodybuilding goes way back in time all the way back to the twelfth century where in India were found the first techniques of training as well as were found bodybuilding specific nutrition. A few centuries later, bodybuilding was an Indian national pastime with people from all over the world also getting bitten by this bug and taking to lifting weights in order to have better physiques.

In America, however, bodybuilding became more popular when famous bodybuilders such as Eugene Sandow made their appearance in the late 1800s. By the early 1900s there were also national as well as international championships taking place and Sandow was a prominent personality of the early bodybuilding era being called the Father of Modern Bodybuilding.

Learn From Mick Hart, A BAWLA Olympic Grade A Certified Instructor

If you want to learn more about eagle bodybuilding there are many veteran bodybuilders such as Mick Hart who will let you in on the secrets and show you the way to get huge muscle gains in a safe as well as quick manner. Using steroids safely is of great importance and you should get the facts from a person such as Mick Hart who is an expert on the topic being a BAWLA Olympic Grade A certified instructor.

With proper guidance as far as eagle bodybuilding is concerned, you will be able to avoid the pitfalls and also achieve impressive results and get the looks that you want so badly. There are no crazy cycles as well as no health risks, no acne as well as no water retention and it is totally risk free. Using eagle bodybuilding techniques intelligently as well as safely in combination with proper training as well as rest and nutrition should show dramatic results in a safe as well as quick way.

With proper eagle bodybuilding you won't be taking any risks with your health and smart anabolic steroid use will be revealed in the bodybuilding regime. You won't be subjected to complicated scientific explanations, which can often be quite incomprehensible, and you should not fall for media hype as well as not be taken in by lies told by other athletes or champions. You need the useful anabolic steroid knowledge when choosing an eagle bodybuilding regime, and this should be available to you so that you can use steroids effectively as well as safely. There are dangers to eagle bodybuilding, which you need to be aware of and also know how best to avoid them. - 17269

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Getting Your Six Pack Abs That You Want By Eating The Right Foods

By Frank Comers

The goal to getting a tight flat stomach for many includes having six pack ABS of steel. You can do all the lifting and crunching you want but if you do not eat properly then you will be fighting against your own flab. Eating to lose the flab around the middle is imperative to getting the abs you are striving for.

Exercising without eating the foods that can help you get there seems pointless. Sure we all need a little sugar once in awhile but don't think you can eat whatever you want and still lose weight. If you are really serious about losing the flab, and getting that six pack, here are some foods that will help you get there.

Eggs are powerful little beauties. They are chalked full of power when it comes to fighting fat. Egg whites are full of protein to break it down while you work it out. This food will work together with your exercising to get you where you want to be. Avoid frying, but if you do use olive oil. Put the butter away, it's good but it won't help you get those abs you want.

Using oatmeal as a staple can help against the fight of the bulge and give you a flatter stomach. Eating three servings of dairy is good too; just make sure it is low fat. Using ice cream as your dairy portion is not what we are talking about. Choose low or non fat dairy only.

Anything dairy can benefit your quest. You can also use beans as a way to fight the fat. They are natural and can be used in many different recipes. You can get creative and see where beans fall into your recipes.

It is also imperative that you drink plenty of water. Don't overlook this very simple thing that can make or break your efforts. You can become dehydrated very easily so bring a water bottle with you wherever you go and hose down the fat in your body.

Eat six small meals a day instead of three. As you eat a small amount you will be replenishing your body with the nutrients that it needs. If you eat only three you will store up fat and not constantly burn it off. So stick with six and aid in raising your metabolism naturally. Stay away from pasta and breads as these work their way to the middle. Do not cut out fat altogether just use good choices in what foods you incorporate into your diet.

So eat well and don't starve yourself while you work on your six pack ABS as you will get there faster with these little helpers. Get started today and get on track to a new you and a new life of feeling great about yourself. Eating the right foods will help you feel better all the way around. - 17269

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