Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Your Own Body Is The Equipment For Building Your Body

By Jerry Lan

A visit to a muscle building gym will reveal many items of muscle building equipment with people sweating away at each particular item that is the latest in bodybuilding equipment where you can tone, sculpt as well as carve your body to achieve perfection. But, you should wonder whether this is indeed the most desirable course of action since you can choose to have a bodyweight bodybuilding program instead.

The body is your best bodybuilding equipment, which is far superior to any machine and by using bodyweight bodybuilding you can achieve far better results than any fancy bodybuilding equipment can give to you. Your own bodyweight bodybuilding program can be used to derive benefits that no body building equipment can hope to provide.

To begin with, your bodyweight bodybuilding program should address achieving a balance that is far superior to what bodybuilding equipment can give since you will be working your muscles much harder on your own as compared with using bodybuilding equipment, where the emphasis is on not crashing the equipment and hurting yourself in the process.

With bodyweight bodybuilding, you will see that your muscles will work in a natural way as compared to the machine-like functioning when using a triceps machine, or some other piece of equipment. While you are on the floor you can perform twists as well as tweak your exercises so that they are well defined, which a body building equipment cannot provide considering that your range of motion will be rather limited.

Also, with bodyweight bodybuilding you will work yourself to exhaustion much faster than a piece of bodybuilding equipment in which you will basically just be plunking your backside on a bench while exercising on your own will mean using your weight as resistance thus requiring more effort from your core muscles.

Also, with bodyweight bodybuilding you do not have to wait in line waiting for the bodybuilding equipment to be free since most popular items of equipment are generally in use by a number of other bodybuilders. In addition, you won't be able to make excuses about not exercising, which means that there should be nothing stopping you from hitting the floor and beginning your bodyweight bodybuilding program. In addition, you get a much-improved workout and more benefits than a piece of equipment cannot ever match. With bodyweight bodybuilding, you will be using your core muscles more since they are targeted even when they are not in use. - 17269

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How Much Water Do You Need For Good Health?

By Beth Hoover

Sufficient water consumption is completely essential for ideal health and well being. In truth, after the air you breathe a satisfactory water amount is the next important factor to stay healthy. But what precisely is a satisfactory water intake?

The commonly accepted is that everyone wants to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. That's simply a rule. The truth is a lot more personal than that. The water amount each person wants depends on a handful of factors. For example, these elements include age, general health, exercise level and the climate you live in.

Let's face it, a younger healthful individual sitting on shady swing porch in May will need less water intake than an older flabby guy mowing the grass on a hot Aug afternoon. That only sounds correct, right?

Its an element of the natural routine to lose water as you go through your normal day to day life of breathing, perspiring and getting rid of body waste products. So it's insistent that you consistently replace this water loss. A good rough guide is to drink 1 cup of water a day for each twenty pounds of body weight. And more, depending on the circumstances you are experiencing now. Just know the feeling of thirst is an indication of dehydration.

Dehydration is a common and pretty heavy condition. The body is about 3 quarter's water and just a bit mild dehydration could cause muscle weakness, fatigue, dizziness, headaches and poor concentration. Science has demonstrated that just a 5% drop in body fluids may cause up to 30% loss of energy. A 15% drop can cause death.

So drinking enough water is good for your health . It can actually be a matter of life and death. But do not think drinking colas, coffee or alcohol is going to offer you the same benefits as water. Though enticing, these possible choices aren't truly thirst quenchers. Caffeinated cola drinks, coffee and booze ( esp. Beer and wine ) are powerful diuretics that stimulate pissing, water loss and further dehydration.

sufficient water consumption not only prevents dehydration. It is also essential for pretty much every single metabolic function. Water carries nutriments to every cell in your body. It also removes poisons and wastes from the body, supporting digestion and elimination and stopping constipation.

Water also plays an extremely important role in the process of weight loss and weight upkeep. To start with, water assists in the metabolic rate of stored body fat. It's also a brilliant natural appetite suppressant. And, just by drinking water rather than soft drinks, a person can lose up to twenty pounds in a year. - 17269

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Use The Best Bicep Exercise To Get Big Biceps

By Rob Maraby

So what is the best "big bicep" exercise in existence? Many bodybuilders would say it is the standing bicep curl and for good reason, this bicep exercise will stimulate the most amount of muscle possible. And in this article I will show you how to use it to build big arms.

The standing bicep curl is the best bicep exercise for the simple reason that it stimulates the entire bicep muscle but it also stimulates the stabilizer muscles as well as the shoulders and forearm muscles.

When it comes to building muscles mass, two things have to be in place before any muscle can be built and these are muscle intensity and muscle recovery. The bicep exercise I just spoke off covers both parts easily and here is how:

The standing bicep curl delivers the right training intensity because it allows the maximum amount of weight to be carried in the shortest period of time. This allows the maximum amount of overload and intensity to be generated which results in deeper muscle stimulation and muscle growth.

The bicep curl allows the maximum amount of weight to be lifted. This is so because the movement allows leverage and this allows maximum muscle stimulation and therefore growth

The bicep curl also satisfies the muscle recovery requirement because not many sets can be performed if done correctly. This allows ample time for the muscles to recover and therefore grow. To ensure muscle recovery perform this bicep exercise once a week for one set only

To begin, select a weight that will allow you to perform 15 repetitions to positive failure. Positive failure is the point where you can't complete another repetition despite your greatest effort.

So perform the bicep curl with a weight that allo0ws you to perform 15 repetitions and take that to positive failure. When you are done, rest 8 seconds and pick up the same weight and perform as many reps as you can to failure. Then rest another 8 seconds and perform the standing bicep curl again to failure. You continue doing this until you cannot perform another repetition correctly

15 repetitions

Rest 8 seconds

9 repetitions

Rest 8 seconds

6 repetitions

Rest 8 seconds

3 repetitions

And that is it!

One set of this bicep exercise and you have nothing else to do. So apply this diligently and you will get the big arms you have always wanted - 17269

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What You Need To Know About The Grapefruit Diet

By Lee Reid

Obesity is an on going problem all over the world. As a result, many people feel uncomfortable with themselves and also end up with diseases like diabetes, heart disease, etc. The reason behind this sudden growth in obesity over the last few years is largely related to our daily diets.

In today s world, an average person s diet contains more sugars, carbohydrates and fats than it did some years back. All the canned and packed forms of food can be blamed for this; due to the high content of additives and preservatives in them. In earlier times food was more natural as it was made fresh using natural ingredients; times when most had more time to relax and did not spend most of their hours typing away behind a computer screen.

Many are now aware of this problem and are striving to change their eating habits. These eating habits would include choosing a more balanced diet, knowing what ingredients go into certain food products and finally eating food that is organic. No artificial techniques are used in growing organic foods.

Dieting in general could mean anything. From counting the calories that one consumes to eating well balanced meals and regular exercise. However all diet plans have one main goal; to keep the body healthy, physically and mentally. Many diet plans include eating low amounts of carbohydrates, sugars and fats plus eating higher amounts of vegetables and fruits which have healthy quantities of vitamins and contain mostly dietary fiber.

A popular diet, which dates back to the 1930s, is the grapefruit diet. The grapefruit diet as its name indicates, involves the intake of grapefruit with each meal. It is consumed in either the form of grapefruit juice or half the grapefruit itself. The diet . The reason for this reduction of intake of other fruits and vegetables and increase in intake of fatty foods, in the grapefruit diet, is because of the belief that grapefruit contains a fat burning enzyme.

Generally, the results of those having tried the grapefruit diet, have been favorable. Researchers, however, say that the grapefruit diet is unhealthy and dangerous as it promotes the consumption of high fat foods which may lead to other complications, although this is not the view held by those who have tried the grapefruit diet. - 17269

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Reduce Belly Fat - Diet And Exercises For Busy Women

By Curtis Weber

This is how to reduce belly fat using diet and exercises... Specifically for busy ladies. Since time is expensive, you need something that's's quick and generates results. I have what you're looking for.

Reduce Belly Fat - Diet and Exercises

1.Do Belly Rubs

What you do is rub your hands together really hard for fifteen seconds. Now, while lying down, rub small circles around you belly button with one of the hands for thirty seconds. Rest and repeat for a total of five minutes a day. Best to do it twice per day for 2-3 mins every time.

This works thanks to the heat energy in your hands. It goes straight through your skin and right into the belly fat deposits... Either loosening them up for excretion or literally destroying them right on the spot.

2.Eat 3 apples a day

Giggle at the uninteresting tip if you want, but if you'd like a simple way to lose 2 pounds a month for some months... Here it is.

3.Jump on a mini-trampoline during your sparetime

This is a great and convenient exercise. What I do that literally saves me 10's of hours of time every month is I jump on the mini-trampoline during television commercials. So I mix my TV time with my workout time... So saving a big piece of workout time and the drives to and from the gym!

You'd be amazed at how many commercials get stuffed into tv programs... About 22 minutes worth of commercials an hour. So get jumping... It's maybe the best $25 I ever invested.

4.Walk on an incline

I hate walking and jogging when it comes to weight reduction. A nice walk is fine, but I do it for leisure, not weight reduction. But walking on an incline, WOW, that's a enormously weight reduction exercise.

So if you can find a treadmill, incline it 10-15 degrees and walk on it for 15-20 mins. Try it and get back to me... Malevolent laugh! It's a love-hate kind of exercise. You are going to love the weight loss results... Especially it peeling away belly fat. - 17269

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What Color Is Your Diet?

By Vincent Huizinga

Did you know that each vegetable or fruit is categorized by it's color. The compounds that give fruits and vegetables their own unique color also has it's own unique nutritional properties. By adding an array of colors into your diet, you maximize the benefits, strengthen your system, build it's defense system again disease and stay healthier in mind and body.

The Color Guide! Let's have a look at the major colors in food and what these colors mean besides being pretty.

RED... Dark red fruits, such as tomatoes, guava, and papaya, contain lycopene and anthocyanins, which help prevent cancer, neurological and aging diseases, improve diabetes and maintain a healthy heart. Here are a few more excellent examples of Red fruits and vegetable: beets, cranberries, pomegranates, raspberries, red apples, red bell peppers, red onions and red grapes.

ORANGE and YELLOW... Carrots, mangoes, apricots, pumpkins, and sweet potatoes, are filled with cryptoxanthin and beta-carotene-two substances that reduce the risk for a variety of mental and physical disorders. Cryptoxanthin helps in protecting you against arthritis and cancer. Beta-carotene help keeps the mind focused. More excellent examples of Orange and Yellow foods: apricots, carrots, corn, mandarins, mangoes, nectarines, orange bell peppers, oranges, papayas, peaches, and sweet potatoes.

GREEN... Lutein and Zeaxanthin, two nutrients found in these foods, protect the eyes and the heart. It also makes bones, teeth stronger and boosts the immune system. Because they are typically very high in vitamin A and vitamin C, as well as low in calories, low in fat, high in protein per calorie, high in dietary fiber, high in iron and calcium, and very high in phytochemicals such as lutein and folic acid. Some excellent examples, avocados, broccoli, celery, cucumbers, endive, green beans, kiwifruit, lettuce, spinach, and zucchini.

BLUE and PURPLE... The dark red-purple hues of berries, and purple cabbages are derived from anthocyanins. These prevent tumor growth and protect against heart disease. Anthocyanins and flavanoids phytochemicals, also helps in preventing memory loss, promote urinary health and boost immunity. Some excellent examples, black currants, blackberries, blueberries,eggplants, figs, purple grapes, purple potatoes, prunes, and raisins.

BROWN... grains, seeds and nuts contain fiber, vitamins and phytochemicals that lower blood cholesterol, reduce the risk of some cancers, diabetes, heart disease and stroke. Although not technically fruits or vegetables, beans can also play an important role in maintaining a healthy diet. Some excellent examples are almonds, black beans, black-eyed peas, brown rice, chestnuts, couscous, flaxseed, garbanzo beans, hazelnuts, oats, pistachios, pumpkin seeds, and quinoa.

WHITE and TAN... fruits and vegetables that are white and tan contribute in lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, because of the phytochemicals they contain.They also can help reduce the risks of stomach cancer and heart disease. Some excellent examples are bananas, bok choy, cauliflower, celery root, fennel, leeks, mushrooms, turnips, water chestnuts, white asparagus, white peaches, and potatoes.

Are you ready to create your own diet color palette? Picking and choosing the colors sound easy enough, but what colors go good together and how much of each should you add to your canvas? To maintain a balanced diet, it is recommended that you eat a minimum of 2 - 3 servings of fruit and 4 - 5 servings of vegetables each day.

The Nutritionists and team at Strip That Fat specialize in helping you find the right color palette! By choosing for this proven diet system, you can relax and not have to worry about planning your meals to include the right colors and quantity of each. The nutritionists at Strip That Fat have over 40,000 meal combinations for you to choose from and will generate the perfect diet plan for you including all your favorite foods. - 17269

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Natural Bodybuilding Advice, Raw vs Cooked Food Diet

By Ricardo d Argence

The ultimate goal of Natural bodybuilding is to build a strong body by combining an intense regimen of weight training and a natural, raw food diet full complete with all the nutrients your body is in great need of. The use of chemical enhancers and supplements are not only detrimental to your goal but not on the agenda of a natural bodybuilder. Just observing the nutrients in fruit alone is enough to convince you of the benefits and nutrients to your body.

Raw diets have been a topic of debate, in the last fifty years, and have become a part of the physical culture. Natural bodybuilders continue to argue. Some of the discussions have been about eating meat protein for building muscles.

To get the results you desire in building muscle, this diet will require a large quantity of protein rich foods as protein is one of the most important nutrients. Depending on your body type will depend on how many carbs you can eat. You may not need as many carbs than others doing the same diet, it just depends on what your body needs.

Dark greens, cauliflower, and broccoli are the key ingredients of a bodybuilding vegetarian diet. In order to maintain a raw food diet for body building, one should have six small meals rather than three large meals a day. This way your body is able to assimilate the nutrients on an ongoing basis throughout the day. Bananas provide a great treat throughout the day and also provide essential minerals like potassium.

The advantages for raw food diet for a bodybuilder are immeasurable. A raw food diet provides more lifting strength and you are able to have less rest time between sets. Vital nutrients such as enzymes, minerals and vitamins have been depleted from the foods through the cooking process.

It has become known that the body's digestive system gets clogged from cooked foods and that puts a strain and drains energy from other parts of the body. To be a successful raw bodybuilder you will need a strong mind and will. Foods that are cooked give muscles a temporary, "inflated" look. All natural proteins and carbs that are in raw, uncooked foods are the only wait to build a foundation that is needed for muscles to grow.

Natural bodybuilders drink protein shakes when they are on a raw food diet, approximately 1.5 hours prior to retiring for the night. It is also crucial that you are giving your body optimum sleep each night on a regular basis.

To find out more about the health benefits of raw food over cooked food in your bodybuilding program, use this website to learn more. As long as you keep a diary of the foods you are eating on the raw food diet, you will be able to look back and determine which foods helped you the most. - 17269

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Various Intriguing New Soft Drinks

By Philippe Routheaux

I've forever been a beverage lover. On any given occasion, my beverage refrigerator is often filled with all kinds of liquids, some of which I haven't ever tried in the past.

Any drink can apparently get my interest when it finds its place in store shelves, & I've always been a pioneer in this department. While most new drinks which I try wind up being disappointments, there are always some that work out extremely nicely.

Here are four products that will stand out to you if you've got a similar kind of palette that I do. They are all a touch different in nature, thus hopefully one of them can wind up turning into a regular in your refrigerator when it comes to some liquid treats.

The first drink which strikes my mind is a brand new favorite of mine. I've never been a fan of energy drinks, however Red Bull has new cola out that is not actually an energy drink. It does possess a touch of caffeine from natural coffee beans, but it is but 50 percent of the caffeinated levels inside an ordinary Red Bull and additionally the cola happens to taste good.

Yet another beverage that I would recommend trying is any of the carbonated iced tea beverages by Steaz. The drinks are lightly laced with sugar, but these drinks are combined with green tea, making them much healthier than a typical soda.

If you do not appreciate your drinks with bubbles, then you might be fascinated by any one of the varieties of the all new flavored oxygen water, which is kind of like Vitamin Water, except it is sweetened while not being colored. It's essentially a combination of water, organic, and a touch of natural flavoring to round it out. Extremely flavorful in my belief.

Finally, a new kind of water finding its way around the world is coconut water, and it is completely organic, sweet, and extremely healthy. Try it out if you don't have a problem with some water with a bit of a milky taste.

All of these do the job at the end of the day, and I'm certain that my drink refrigerator is sure to be stuffed with a few more of those as soon as I finish them. - 17269

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How To Gain Muscle & Some Muscle Building Myths

By Ricardo d Argence

Watch out for these fatal errors that can literally wipe out all the progress you have made in building up your muscles. I will tell you about four obvious muscle-building myths so you can stay on the right path to the extreme muscle and strength gains you ought to have.

1. In order to build muscle, you must achieve a "pump" during your workout. The greater the pump you achieve, the more muscle you will build. For you beginners, a "pump" is the rush you feel as blood gets trapped in the muscle tissue as you lift weights. A pump feels great, but it doesn't properly stimulate the muscles to promote growth.

It's just the increased flow of blood to the muscles, but it is not the characteristic of a good workout. A successful workout should only be gauged by the concept of progression. If you can pick up more weight or do it more times than last week, then you are progressing.

2. Building muscle will cause you to become slower and less flexible. Contrary to what you may think, building a significant amount of lean muscle mass will actually speed you up rather than slow you down. Muscles are responsible for every movement that your body makes, from running to jumping to throwing. The bottom line is that the stronger a muscle is, the more force it can apply.

3. You must always use perfect, textbook form on all exercises. While using good form in the gym is always important, obsessing over perfect form is an entirely different matter. If you are always attempting to perform every exercise using flawless, textbook form, you will actually increase your chances of injury and simultaneously decrease the total amount of muscle stimulation you can achieve.

Moving naturally is very important when you exercise. This might also mean swaying a little bit while you curl your bicep, or using your body's own momentum while you're doing rows on the barbells.

4. If you are not feeling any pain whatsoever when exercising your muscles are not gaining strength. This another misconception that is believed in the gym. The "burning" sensation that results from intense weight training is simply the result of lactic acid (a metabolic waste product) that is secreted inside the muscle tissue as you exercise. Lactic acid in excess may actually slow down your gains and have nothing to do with muscle growth. - 17269

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Lose Weight and Burn Fat Quickly and Naturally

By Kervin Fahie

People usually go about it the wrong way when they want to lose weight or burn fat. They try to cut down on their eating by taking diet pills, or by choosing "low-fat" diets. What they don't realize is that to acutally lose weight, they need to have a strategy for eating to lose weight.

If you've ever been around people who are dieting, you might have noticed how ineffective "low fat" diets are. Even when people are constantly checking the food labels to make sure theyre not consuming "fatty" foods, they still don't lose weight! This should be proof enough that "low-fat" diets aren't the cure-all that they're supposed to be.

One other type of diet that's very common and that's also very ineffective is the low-carb diet. These diets will cause you to lose water-weight for a few weeks, but after a while the weight loss stops. Furthermore, because of how acidic the diet is, you'll feel terrible and likely have a terrible body odor as well. To make things worse, you probably won't be able to eat at a restaurant while on this diet -- the food won't fit your diet plan.

A lot of people look outside of their own body to the foods they eat to help them in losing weight. But they don't look inward, and ask themselves how they can use the foods they're eating to actually enhance their metabolic function, and speed up fat burning. Actually, the food you eat has a huge impact on your metabolism and on the "fat-burning hormones" released by your body. By carefully controlling what you eat, you can control your body to burn fat and lose weight much more quickly.

The foods you eat are not the only important factor. How you eat is quite important also. Eating less food more often can actually help you lose weight. In other words, even if you eat a little more, having more meals will help you lose weight since your metabolism is more active.

There is a little-known, but very effective technique in dieting known as "calorie shifting" that has helped many people burn dozens of pounds in just days. Every day, your body tries to burn precisely the same number of calories as the number of calories it takes in. However, your body takes time to get used to the amount of food you're eating. By doing carefully-planned calorie changes over a few days, you can actually "trick" your body into consuming more fat than it normally does.

Many people try and try and try to lose weight, but not many of them succeed. And still, most of those people keep on using the same ineffective techniques! Remember, if something doesn't work, it's time to shift it up and try something else.

If you're willing to try something different, you will find that there are many resources on losing weight that most people never discover. There are new and improved ways of losing weight that actually work, and can work for you too! If you try one of these new methods, rather than just repeating the old ones, you will be far more likely to burn fat quickly. - 17269

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