Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, January 24, 2010

What's So Great About the pH Balance Diet?

By Beth Shimanovsky

Many people have begun to recognize that the new pH balance diet can be beneficial for both men and women from all walks of life. Scientists have studied how foods affect the body, and surprisingly, they have found out that alkaline foods are far better than those that are acidic. The body's pH must be kept at a more alkaline level if you are to enjoy total health. The important thing is that you can change your body's acid-alkaline balance through the way you eat each and every day.

Dairy products, sugary sodas, processed snacks, alcohol, and sweetened fruit juices all create an unacceptably high acid load for anyone who wants to stay healthy. On the other hand, by choosing a good alkaline diet system , you can learn how to choose the proper foods to maintain the perfect pH.

If you think that an alkaline diet is going to be bland or boring, think again, because there are lots of savory items that are alkalizing and healthful. Recommended foods include sesame seeds, cauliflower, melons, yams, and quinoa, all foods that most people find delicious as well as satisfying.

There are many health benefits that a pH balance diet can offer you. Here are 3 of the most important reasons that you should consider making this diet part of your wellness program.

The pH Balance Diet Makes Everything Work Better

The body functions optimally when its pH level is somewhat alkaline, and research suggests that as the body becomes more acidic, a person's health gets worse. When people eat foods that create a highly acidic internal environment, bacteria and viruses can take charge and cause illness. Bacteria and yeast infections usually do well in acidic environments, so if you are not utilizing the foods that are part of the pH balance diet , you may unknowingly be increasing your susceptibility to illness.

Reduce Your Risk of Premature Bone Loss

Our normal cells are constantly reproducing and dividing. Like fish in an aquarium, they need an alkaline environment to be completely healthy. When you eat mostly acid-producing foods, your body tries to combat the drop in pH by robbing calcium and other minerals from your bones and teeth. Not surprisingly, then, an alkaline diet is a safe and effective approach to preserving bone density throughout life.

Quickly Increase Your Energy

By following the pH balance diet, you give your body the foods that automatically raise your energy levels. Numerous people have discovered that choosing foods that are alkaline is a quick and easy way to eliminate tiredness and gain endurance.

Those aren't the only healthy benefits of the pH balance diet. You too could be one of the many people whose health has been transformed by this revolutionary approach. - 17269

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Acai Berry Information - Your Ultimate Guide

By Aaron Silverton

From several television stations to different talk shows, everybody converses about the acai berry information. These small fruits with purple-blue hue don't only taste fantastic but also grant essential nutrient elements to the body. Therefore, integrating them to your daily diet will keep your system fighting healthy and fit.

These berries are local to the tropical rainforests of Brazil. The middle of the acai, which is an element of the plant genus Euterpe, gives purple berries the same size and dimension as blueberries for over centuries now. Acai is also called as jussara, the local term that delineates both berries and plants.

For the fact that acai berries' components will swiftly break down after being cropped, when you try to purchase these fruits outside of Brazil, you may find that they are promoted as frozen berries, juice, or in free-dried powder form. It's crucial for you to note the preserved acai products will furnish you with similar hale and hearty properties as what fresh acai berries will give you, despite the undeniable fact that the fruits already traveled from the rain forest to the superstore.

The overflowing stories on television programs and even in the news have introduced acai and its health advantages to many people all over the planet. Initial research reveals that acai supplies the body with very purposeful nutrient elements, though long-term studies have not yet proved the wonder health benefits of acai. What's definite on the acai berry information is that consuming it is safe and favorable to your body, but your system will only realize its potential, when you incorporate it in your diet and way of living continually.

The best thing about acai is that it is regarded as an antioxidant powerhouse. Antioxidant reduce the consequences of free radicals, the ordinary byproduct of metabolism that can dent and damage cell DNA and therefore lead to cancer and tumors. In comparison to other berries and fruits, acai consistently scores the highest when it comes to the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity ( ORAC ) worth. In exact fact, a food with a higher ORAC price has a larger ability to mop-up free radicals. Since free radicals have a profound contribution to cell damage, foods that counterbalance free radicals are said to restrain cancer formation.

Another good feature of acai berries is that they can also inhibit the signs of premature aging. The vivid purple pigment, which grants the berries their distinct color, is enclosed with anthocyanins, a specific grouping of polyphenols. Anthocyanins function as sun block or suntan lotion for plants, shielding against the bad effects of the UV rays. These parts are broadcast to organisms or people that consume the results of the plant. Since acai contains many anthocyanins like the grape fruits, it is favourable for promoting radiant, glowing, and good skin.

The acai berry information will let you learn about various benefits of this fruit. It is recognized as an excellent source of minerals, vitamins, protein, and fiber. When you eat an acai berry, or drink its juice or pulp, you are taking in as much Vitamin C if you consume a little cup of blueberries and more than 1,000 IU of Vitamin A for each 100 grams of the acai berries. - 17269

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Muscle Building - Hard Abs

By Cornelius Gomez

Abs are not only about the washboard stomachs we have grown conform to seeing on the pro body-building stage. There's a lot more to it then meets the eye. The particular anatomical make up contains the Rectus abdonomis, the external abdominal oblique muscles, serratus anterior and the internal intestinal oblique.

Many of us tend to train our abs as a finishing touch on our overall appearance but we forget the main function of the abdomens. The abdomens are responsible for allowing our bodies to bend forward and back as well as to the side. Their main function is keeping our posture but they also aid in keeping our body stable when indulging in different activities and of course in both higher body and lower body lifts while body-building.

By completely understanding the functions of our abdomens we are able to then implement effective ways of training them. As you read earlier our abdomens allow us to "flex our trunks" or to explain bend forward. The best way to effectively educate them is to repeat this movement while in the gym. The explanation most iron pumpers train their abs is certainly to extend the overall definition of the abs.

There are a variety of ways to go about getting this. One theory is to get rid of the fat that covers the abdomens. This may be achieved through both dieting and cardio activity. An alternate way to help define your abdomens is to do abdominal exercises intensely with extraordinarily high repetitions. The cause of this is that you do not want to add any unwished-for mass to your abs.

Cardiovascular conditioning is simply the most vital aspect used to help a bodybuilder achieve outlined abdomens. Bodybuilders use cardiovascular as a tool to help shed undesired fat. The key to effectively using cardio is to grasp exactly when to effect it into your routine. If you start doing it to early you will curtail all the gains you are despairingly trying to make, but if done to late you will not have enough time to get your abdomens in the shape required for competition. A good place to begin is about 11 weeks out from the competition. This can give you sufficient time to cut your body fat and water retention.

The most misunderstood and under utilized tool for bodybuilders looking to obtain shredded abs is definitely dieting. - 17269

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The Top 5 Benefits Of Fish Oil Supplements

By Shawne M. Patrick

Fish, it's not just for Red Lobster anymore. For most, fish is either a like it or hate type of item. There looks to be no middle ground. fish has so many benefits to the average person, it's a shame not to be taking advantage of this plentiful supplement in our present diets. Worry not if fish is on your'hate it' list. There's a excellent Focus Factor product called Omega 8060 that provides you with the fish oils you want. This list will supply you with today's Top 5 List of why fish oil supplements are good for you.

5. Fish Oil has been shown to help in the reduction of depression. Additionally, it's helped with bi-polar disorder, ADHD, schizophrenia and even anger sorts of depression.

4. This wonderful oil also helps out with inflammatory diseases. Think about your rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel conditions and you'll know what we mean.

3. When your eyes are dry, you are going to wish you'd taken your supplement. Fish oils help enhance your eyesight and scale back the irritable dryness that many experience. And as an added bonus, fish oil will help improve your visual acuity that would normally decline with aging.

2. Fish oil additions are a must have for any pregnant girl. First off, it helps stop that terrible post-partum depression. Secondly, it helps with the development of the baby and its birth weight. It'll also assist with stopping pre-mature deliveries. The oils also help in the development of the infant's brain and even help reduce allergies in a newborn.

1. Fish Oils help have been found to cut back the probabilities of getting so many types of cancer. From breast cancer to prostate to colon, this wonder supplement will help to stop healthy cells from turning into cancerous masses. It will also help stop unwanted cell growth and even kill existing cancerous cells. - 17269

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Looking For The Best Diet Plan

By Cristina Cook

Actually there is not "best diet plan" that will guarantee you successful weight loss, and reason to that is ridiculously simple - we are too different. We are built differently and our bodies work differently so different methods will work differently for each of us. Traditional weight loss methods still work for most of us though.

Important thing is to modify these methods to suit you.

Use internet to do your search for information. Type "weight loss" in Google and plenty of information will be available for you, starting from diet pill reviews which actually can cut your body weight, to different diet programs and other weight loss methods.

None of these tips (or at least most of them) is wrong and speaking the truth each of them can benefit in some way. Certainly, they can show you an alternative way of losing weight.

The best thing to do overall is to break down each area of weight loss into segments like diet, exercise and diet supplements and determine actions for each of them bringing larger benefit in total.

Telegraph has published and article titled 'Top 5 ways to lose weight for 2008' advising to focus on certain things. Let's see what they suggested.

Article covered bellow 5 main points:

- start your day with breakfast to start your metabolism;

- eat regularly - 6 smaller meals a day;

- stay motivated with setting achievable and realistic exercise plan;

- create a support group to stay motivated;

- find and take diet supplement that works for you.

These were just 5 main points presented by Telegraph but they represent an example of a strong weight loss plan summarising all important areas you have to pay attention to.

Only with making all 3 segments effective you can be sure that your weight loss plan will work and targets will be achieved.

Finding a good weight loss supplement may be the hardest part but internet should help you again. Don't go for the first one you can find but look around and you will see that there are some pretty good products available. - 17269

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What are PUR Water Filters?

By Carl Smith

Do you believe that tap water is healthy for you? You may be one of the many who believe that their family is safe by drinking traditional unfiltered water. However, the water you drink may not be healthy for you. Choosing a PUR Water Filter system will help ensure your water is quality.

In the past, water filters have been mostly on a commercial level at water filtration plants. One important thing to note is that these plants deal with lots of quantity and, consequently, leave many potentially harmful elements in the water.

Water also accumulates more minerals, chemicals and even bacteria through the pipes that lead to your home. As you can see, water that does not go through another filtration cycle can be potentially harmful for your health.

Fortunately, PUR Water Filter has offered an at home solution to solve the problems associated with contaminated water. There are many key benefits to having a PUR Water Filtration system in your household.

Installing a PUR Water Filter system is very simple. The instructions are very clear and they take only a few minutes to set up. After initial installation, replacing filters are a snap. No skills or tools are needed.

The water tastes great. If you have yet to have had a glass of water filtered from a PUR Water Filter system, then you are surely missing out. The water tastes pure, clean and free of contaminants.

PUR Water Filters remove many different chemicals. Among the many that is removed include chlorine, lead, iron and carbon. These filters even leave fluoride in tact. The box containing your filter will include a more specific list of chemicals removed.

The units are very user friendly. For instance, if a person needs to use the sink to do dishes, wash hands or water plants then they can bypass the filter to save filter life. By making the filter become parallel to the ground, the unit will allow unfiltered water to pass through.

Each filter comes with an indicator to let the user know the remaining life in the filter. Most consumers will see an expected lifespan of around 100 gallons of filtered water. The indicator will let the user know precisely when to replace with a new filter.

PUR can filter water that is heavily contaminated with minerals. However, if your water is really hard, then this can shorten the lifespan of the filter.

Perhaps the best feature of PUR Water Filters is that they offer all of these benefits at a low price. Most sink units run around $30-$40 with replacement filters costing around $19.99. If a person compares this to the cost of long term use of bottled water, then we can clearly see how affordable they are.

These small, yet powerful units are very functional and highly effective. They require no external power source to use and are discreet enough to not get in the way of daily sink activities.

Anyone who is concerned about their family's health should purchase a PUR Water Filter. You can rest safely knowing that you are buying from a company who has been around for a long time and has a track record of reliability, affordability and trust. Do not short yourself or your family by neglecting to purchase a PUR Water Filter. - 17269

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Weight Loss Success With The Cookie Diet - 1

By Lee Reid

Do you think that you have gained too much weight and that it is now time to lose a bit of it? Or is it that your spouse is getting slightly worried about your shape and asks you to exercise a little? Well, the best answer for all these matters related to fat would be "cookie diet".

Cookie diet will control your hunger while offering you a meal. This has a higher success rate even when it's compared with surgery. There are a large number of cookie diets available all over the country. You can easily buy them anywhere you want.

Make sure that you get your family doctor's idea and his opinion in getting the best cookie diet which is the least harmful for your health with a low level of preservatives. The intention of the cookie diet is to control hunger through the use of natural food substances. Sticking to a single specific diet will be very absorbing and very much an impossible task once you find tempting food which you have been enjoying eating all your life. It would be hardest while attending a party or some function and having to eat tasteless dieting meals while having to watch others consume all the mouthwatering delicacies. This is why cookie diet might be extra effective. Controlling your diet would not be required. Your cookies will take care of the job. You would simply have to ensure that you eat some cookies everyday.

The expenses will be the other factor that will come in your favor when you use cookie diets. Cookies would be much less expensive when compared with a normal breakfast or a meal. In addition a large number of these cookie diets are rather scrumptious. This will make sure that you won't think of it as a dull meal or as a medicine. It is a scrumptious cookie that you are eating.

All of us would love to have a great figure and would do basically anything in order to achieve it. But going through all those intense workouts just to let go of your fat doesn't sound like an effective method. You would have to disrupt everything by trying to stick to the fat burning schedule. The use of a cookie diet will mean that you could have fun while your fat burning program is underway. After you get rid of your initial fat it will be far more easier for you to work on your shape again with an exercising schedule. - 17269

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Unconventional Ways To Get Exercise

By Mark Pinkston

We've learned a lot about nutrition in recent years. This has led to a health conscious society that never existed decades ago, as many are focused on keeping their weight down.

We all know that a healthy diet and regular exercise is the best way to lose weight, but sometimes we simply lack the time or energy to exercise every day. If you find yourself in this situation, you'd probably be happy to discover some alternatives.

Well, you may want to try any of the following creative ways to slim down and burn some calories. After all, it's always good to mix things up a bit.

One of the best ways to naturally work some exercise into your day is to walk to places that you'd otherwise drive to. People in warm climates can easily do this all year round.

Not only do you get the benefits of fresh air and some natural exercise, but you'll also drop weight if you steadily do this over time. As they say, a mile walked is the equivalent of half a mile run, so I'm sure you can see how this approach pays off.

While you're walking, there are ways to keep busy so that it doesn't feel like work. Listen to some music or a podcast, or simply make some phone calls as you walk.

Here's another idea. While your house or apartment may not need a cleaning job each day, you'll definitely burn calories in the process if you choose to spend an hour cleaning on a daily basis.

You'll work up a sweat as you clean and you'll surely burn some fat in the process, especially if you do it regularly.

If you stick to either one of these strategies and carry them out consistently, I can assure you that you'll slowly see the benefits over time. They're unique forms of exercise that people tend to overlook. - 17269

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Food - Preparing And Storing It - A few Handy Tips

By Owen Jones

In these days of superior awareness of the shortages in the world and the recent economic problems in the whole world, but especially in the rich Western countries, which are the powerhouses of most Third World countries' expansion, people are more aware of waste. It is a sin again to throw away food, like it was 50 years ago.

This can only be a good thing although it is a shame that it took an international financial crisis to make us remember the lesson. These days, waste of any kind is greeted with public disapproval and so it is at home too. Most people spend a very high percentage of their outgoings on food and so anyone who wants to cut back, has to first look to this quarter to make a saving.

However, saving does not inevitably mean 'not buying', it can and should mean 'not throwing away'. In other words, prepare your food and do not let your food go off. Preparation and storage are the key words. With that thought in mind, here are a few of my tips for preparing and storing food correctly.

Bread - tons of bread is thrown away every day, because it has gone stale or mouldy and yet it is totally needless. Store your bread in the deep freezer and not in the bread bin. A whole loaf will slice frozen with the proper knife and sliced bread will come away slice by slice. There is no need to defrost as it only takes a minute or two at room temperature.

Bananas - most people understand that banana skins go black if stored in the fridge, but most people do not know that bananas can be frozen solid. Yes, the skins will still turn black, but the fruit will be unharmed.

Cake - to stop cake from going stale, store it in a tin with an apple. The moisture in the apple will stop the cake from going hard.

Watercress - to prevent watercress from wilting, store it upside down in water, that is stalks up.

Salt - salt often gets damp, particularly if stored in a steamy kitchen without sufficient ventilation, but you do not have to worry about that if you put two or three grains of rice in the salt cellar. They will soak up the moisture before the salt.

Cereal - prevent cereal from going soft by resealing the bag with a few clothes pegs. Your cereal will last weeks more.

Jam - boiling jam produces a scum which has to be skimmed off and thrown away. This wastes jam, goodness and flavour. However, if you whisk a knob of butter into the mixture at the last minute the scum will not appear, saving time and goodness.

Funnel - you always seem to need a funnel when you do not have one. Then you vow to get a funnel for the next time. Do not bother. Just cut the top nine inches off a plastic bottle of cola. It makes an ideal throw-away funnel. Some of the larger bottles even have a handle on them which is even better. - 17269

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Hypothyroid Diet: The Foods to Eat And to Avoid

By James Wight

Are you one of the 30 million people currently suffering with hypothyroidism? I'm sure you know that a hypothyroid diet will help you but what foods specifically do you need to eat? In this article I will reveal the steps to a top hypothyroidism diet. Imagine for a moment how good you will feel once you've implemented these changes in diet. Your hair will no longer be brittle, the weight will drop off and your mood will lift.

Cutting down certain foods will help your thyroid function better. That's because some foods hold properties that damage your already sluggish thyroid gland. Any foods containing goitrogens must, at the very least, be cut down. These are often very healthy foods like turnips, pears and sprouts.

Next lets look at the foods that you need in your hypothyroid diet. These are foods that will help your sluggish thyroid gland. Some things I have liked are chicken breast, fish and almonds. You want to eat anything that contains tyrosine as this will help your thyroid function.

Juice up your metabolism. Your hypothyroid diet needs to help with this as the thyroid has caused it to slow. The easiest way to do this is to increase the amount of meals you eat per day. Aim for around 6 small, healthy meals and you'll turn your body into a fat stripping machine.

In order to relieve constipation, a very common side effect of a low thyroid, you need to eat plenty of fiber. This is also great for weight loss and can be found in many grains, nuts and breakfast cerials. My personal preference is branflakes which is a great energy booster also.

So that's it! Put these steps into action in your hypotyroid diet and you'll not only see weight loss but you'll be feeling better and looking better. Thanks for reading! Believe me, you CAN lose weight with the right diet for hypothyroidism. - 17269

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The Three Ideal Bicep Workout Exercises

By Rob Maraby

Biceps workouts can be fashioned with a blend of a variety of exercises to get the best possible result. Biceps are the most appealing piece of the body. It is one of the most worked muscles in the body, alongside with arms and chest. The muscles get worn out after an intense workout. So it is a necessity that you do all you can to make certain they recuperate. To recuperate the muscles they need to be fed with proteins, minerals, vitamins etc. big developed arms will want more of these vitamins and nutrients it to recuperate. Proper diet is an essential part of the biceps workout.

Here's a model of a fantastic bicep workout: you will be employing dumbbell curls. To carry out this bicep workout, just sit on the edge of the bench with your back erect. Hold 1 dumbbell in each hand. Your arms should be hanging at your side. Place your palms ahead with the thumbs pointing out. Elbows must be placed against the hips and should not move. Then slowly and gradually raise the dumbbells and contract your biceps. Lower the dumbbells slowly, keeping it under control. The dumbbells will activate the muscles of both of the arms and chest to an extent and assist in building up large muscle mass in the upper body region. The age-old tested dumbbell curls are by far the best devices for any biceps workout.

You can also develop big guns by employing compound exercises like Barbell Rows and Pull-ups, though they are designed basically for the lats.

Another great movement to integrate to your bicep workouts includes the standing bicep curl. To execute this movement just take a shoulder width hold on the barbell-fingers must be around 12 inches away from each other and curl the bar with your back straight. When you reach the top of the move, flex your biceps to force stress on them. If you don't make a conscious attempt to contract the muscles the stimulation will be for the most part be focused on the joints and bones. A vital point while performing this exercise is that the elbows must be held immobile with the waist to have effective benefits from the following biceps workout.

These 3 bicep workout exercises can go a long way to develop mass on your arms. Employ them and grow big arms in no time - 17269

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Foods That Can Help Your Skin Look Better

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

This is the truth: you could get in the best shape of your life and still have horrible looking skin.

Skin covers our bodies, and if you think about it, that's a lot of space to cover. Thus, anything going wrong inside your body will immediately show on the outside. And figuring out how to make your skin look its best can be quite the challenge.

So today I am going to reveal some foods that can help you get glowing skin:

1. Red fruits: An intense red color indicates a large amount of lycopene, a compound that does a great job at attacking skin-ruining free radicals. In other words, Lycopene does a good job at staving off sun damage. And tomatoes and watermelon are loaded with it.

2. Salmon: While any seafood has selenium, a compound that is a powerful antioxidant, salmon is loaded with Omega-3's. And omega-3's do an excellent job at decreasing inflammation which prevents redness in your skin.

3. Monounsaturated fat: Your best source here is going to be olive oil. Now olive oil has countless benefits that will really help your skin: it doesn't degrade at high temperatures which makes it a great cooking oil, it's loaded with antioxidants and it will keep your skin soft.

4. Vitamin E: There are lots of sources of vitamin E, almonds, however, pack a powerful punch. A very small amount of almonds has a very large amount of this antioxidant. The great thing about vitamin E is that it prevents wrinkles.

5. Extremely dark berries: You see, dark berries are more likely to have collagen, a substance that keeps connective tissue nice and healthy. And healthy connective tissue will keep your muscles and skin tight, the perfect recipe for reducing wrinkles.

Now I strongly recommend that you avoid paralysis by over analysis-something that plagues way too many people. Instead, start incorporating these foods into your diet as soon as possible and stick with the ones that give you the best results. - 17269

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