Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, October 3, 2009

How I Stopped the H1N1 Virus with Gene-Eden, a Natural, Antiviral Nutritional Supplement

By Ryan S. Bayer

On September 21, 2009, the Center for the biology of chronic disease (CBCD) announced in a press release that Gene-Eden, an antiviral nutritional supplement researched, developed and marketed by polyDNA, may be effective against the swine flu (H1N1) virus. polyDNA is a biotechnology company specializing in researching, developing, and marketing science-based nutritional supplements. Gene-Eden, is an all natural, antiviral supplement that targets many viruses during their chronic, latent, or incubation phase.

Gene-Eden includes five ingredients. To identify these ingredients, the scientists at polyDNA scanned the scientific literature, analyzed thousands of papers using a proprietary bio-informatics-based computer program, and identified the most effective and safe natural ingredients.

Some of the laboratory and clinical studies, which were published in scientific journals, and show that these natural ingredients have a strong antiviral effect, are presented on polyDNA's website. Since launching Gene-Eden, users of the antiviral supplement report better health and stronger spirit.

The next section includes the body of the press release by the CBCD.

"Everyone is looking for ways to protect themselves against the swine flu virus. Let me tell you about my personal encounter with the virus. About three months ago, I read an article on Dr. Hanan Polansky's book, where he describes his discovery of the relationship between chronic viruses and chronic disease. After I read the article, I started taking Gene-Eden, a broad range antiviral supplement, to reduce the number of chronic viruses in my body. My decision to start taking Gene-Eden had nothing to do with the swine flu virus. However, about two weeks ago, a lady working in my office was diagnosed with the swine flu. The poor lady was struck hard. She stayed in bad for a few days with high fever. She had a sore throat, muscle aches, was coughing, and felt completely drained. I was worried. Since we share the same office, I was certain I was next. About a week and a half ago, I started feeling a tingling in my throat. My first thought was "Here it comes!" But than I remembered that Gene-Eden targets many viruses. So I carefully read the label on the bottle, and decided to increase my dosage to the highest recommended one, two capsules in the morning and two in the afternoon. I was amazed at the results. The tingling in my throat disappeared, and now, ten days later, I am completely healthy, no swine flu, no soar throat, no fever, nothing. Together, Gene-Eden and I beat the virus, and it surly feels great."

The above testimonial was collected in a study the Center for the Biology of Chronic Disease is currently conducting with users of Gene-Eden. In one section, the study asks the participants to share their personal experience with the supplement. The above text is one of these experiences.

More information on the antiviral supplement is available on the Gene-Eden website. You can buy the supplement on Amazon.com.

The Center for the Biology of Chronic Disease (CBCD) is a non-for-profit tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)3 of the IRS tax code. The center's mission is to advance the research on the biology of chronic disease and to accelerate the discovery of a cure for these diseases. "This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. - 17269

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Tips For Gaining Weight Naturally

By Jeremy Sanders

Eat correctly is a key element when it comes to bulking up your body mass with muscle. If you have been attempting to bulk up for several months and not seeing the results you want, then it may be time to review your bulk-up plan. The basics of gaining weight is to simply consume more calories then you are using. Sounds simple enough right? Well, not so it seems.

So what kind of meals should you be eating to gain weight? Glad you asked. First, you should start with consuming low saturated fat. You will also need complex carbohydrates to allow your muscles to recover after you have had an intense gym workout. Some examples of complex carbohydrates you can take are rice, potatoes or pasta. You will also need plenty of protein " this is what will allow your muscles to grow.

For those of you who are gifted (or cursed) with fast metabolism, you might have problems getting this to work. Why is this so? Well for the skinny guys you already have problems gaining weight naturally. This means you will have to consume more calories and with greater frequency. Remember the key is to take in foods there are calories dense.

Take healthy foods and not junk foods! If you have problems getting enough calories throughout the day, you might want to consider protein shakes. These pack quite a handful of calories and you will not feel full after drinking it, so it is a good way to consume more calories than you would otherwise with normal foods.

So there you have it, some quick tips on how you can gain weight. Once you are able to follow through and tweak your results, you will finally be able to get that muscular look you've always dream of. Going down to the beach for a stroll with only your shorts on will not be a problem anymore.

Imagine enjoying the attention you get from other people and the confidence you've gain from discipline and attainment of your hard work from dieting and working out. It will definitely be a great feeling once you have achieved your bulking up goal. - 17269

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Bodybuilding Workouts & Tips, What Must I Do if I Want Huge Biceps?

By Ricardo d Argence

To get big biceps you need a diet plan as well as a training plan. I'll assume you are eating a clean diet. You have to eat quality natural foods 5- 6 meals a day, about every 3 hours, with good ratio of lean protein, carbohydrates and good fat at every meal. Make sure you drink, at minimum, half your bodyweight, in ounces, of water every day.

When you begin with your exercises, it would be prudent to begin with bigger lifting. Starting out this way will help the human body to produce what is known as the Human Growth Hormone. Not only is this good for the rest of your body, but it will also help your muscles to grow.

I think using free weights over machines is better, because they will require more control from stabilizing muscles. Understand also, that when you do your compound exercises your arms will get worked no matter what.

When you are doing a pulling move, such as rows or pull ups, your biceps are getting work in assisting in those exercises. You will not perform well on your compound exercises if you do your isolated arm exercises first. Use your isolated arm exercises to finish up and polish the arms after you are finished with the compound exercises.

Then there is pre-exhaustion training. This is an exact reversal of the other exercise routine. Your goal will be to exhaust the arm muscles first, and this will make the driver of the compound movement work harder, as the abilities of your arms will be drastically lowered. If you want a good example, try doing some tricep extensions before you lay down to bench press.

Because your biceps are exhausted, the lats will need to put forth more effort. The question is whether or not this is actually a good idea. The only way to find out is to give it a try yourself and find out.

If you are finished with the big compound moves, then it's time to move on to the arm exercises to get big biceps. Hit your arms from as many angles as you can, but don't over do it. I like to do a standing curl to hit the middle portion of the biceps; a decline curl (about 10 - 20 degrees off vertical) for my biceps to get it in the stretched position; and a concentration or spider curl to really hit the peak contraction point. By the way these are all supinated, or palms up.

Try to superset your biceps. To do it you can perform three different exercises with your triceps. Try an overhead tricep extension, as this is actually pretty easy. It consists of a standing tricep pushdown.

Remember to choose a position for the day and don't just go at it haphazardly. A few examples of good positions are middle, stretched, peak, and many others. Though you'll want to do three or maybe even four supersets in a day, it isn't a good idea to exceed that. Above all, do warmup exercises before you begin so you don't end up pulling something!

There is a muscle that rests under the biceps, and it is called the brachialis muscle. If you want to exercise it, you need to have a good balance in the arms. To attain this balance, turn the palms down. Remember the brachialis is the main muscle in the elbow. Turning your palms down will expose the brachialis and you will be able to exercise it in ways you wouldn't have been able to otherwise.

Always ensure your diet is decent. Being on a good diet is half the work, and if you don't practice it then you will not get very far in your quest for muscle growth. Do a full workout, and keep yourself in good shape! - 17269

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All about Weight Loss Shakes

By Samantha Reis

What Is Weight Loss Shakes?

Weight loss shakes used to weight loss. There are types of diet food. Weight loss shake contain organic ingredients which good for dieters during weight loss period. People also called weight loss shakes as weight loss meal replacement shakes and protein shakes. These shakes normally offered in powder or skimmed milk. Some weight loss shakes are offered in convenient beverage pack.

Content Of Weight Loss Shakes

Like I said earlier, weight loss shakes comprises of natural ingredients. However protein or acid amino still is the main ingredient of this weight loss protein shakes. Thus the shake includes other healthy ingredients like Vitamins and mineral salt. Weight loss shakes is low in calories. They only contain 40 to 100 calories per 100g. As such, they can effectively reduce calories intake for body.

Weight Loss Shakes Vs Fat Burning

Weight loss shakes effectively cut down calories intake of your body. They help to burn fat while maintaining muscle. Thus fat elimination factor inside the weight loss shakes play an important role to eliminate fat molecules from our body. Once fat molecules have been removed, your weight will start to reduce.

Weight Loss Shakes - Detoxification

You need to detoxify your body in order to lose weight. Thus weight loss shakes can assist you in this part. They are the best weight loss supplement that helps in trashing out toxin from your body. Once toxin removed from your body, you will feel relief and comfortable. Your weight also will start reducing once toxin has been taken out.

Weight Loss Shakes - Meal Substitution

People also called weight loss shakes as meal replacement shakes. This is because of weight loss shakes use to replace your normal meal. They contain all the minerals and nutrients needed for your body for each meal. These shakes help to lose weight as they contain low calories. Thus they effectively filled your stomach for you to not feel hungry easily.

Homemade Weight Loss Protein Shakes

Weight loss shakes can be homemade. You can make your own weight loss meal replacement shakes in few simple steps. Weight loss shakes can be delicious if you mix it well with frozen fruits like kiwi and strawberry. Thus you may also add diet sodas to it. Apart from that weight loss shakes are available to make desserts like pudding, sorbet and mousses. You can make a cup of delicious weight loss shakes whenever and wherever you like.

Weight Loss Shakes In Market

You can get weight loss shakes through two ways. First is the traditional way, which you can get it from any fitness store. Secondly, you can get it through online retail stores. There are many online health stores out there promoting weight loss shakes everyday. What you need to do is to compare their price and nutritional chart first before you put a purchase. - 17269

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See Acai Berry Supplements For Dominance In Fat Loss

By Kathy O James

Recently the FDA declared another recall of a popular diet supplement. This one was linked to cases of "serious liver damage and at least one death". Many weight loss supplements have been taken off the market because of serious health risks.

In our society, being overweight has become somewhat of an epidemic. Food is plentiful, many of us work at sedentary jobs, and while the majority of people claim that they should exercise and maybe even want to exercise, there are many of us that just don't. We eat too much, we exercise too little and our waistlines continue to expand.

Which is why weight loss supplements such as the one just removed from the market have become so in demand. We want a quick fix. Unfortunately many of these quick fixes have been found to be a serious danger to our bodies. Heart damage, lung damage, liver damage and more have been attributed to different diet supplements. These are very serious health concerns.

Excess weight can be dangerous for our health. But sometimes the weight loss supplements that we use to lose weight are even more damaging than the weight itself. Human beings cannot live without their livers, their hearts and their lungs! It is most likely about time that we began to think more about excellent health instead of just weight loss.

Our bodies operate best with excellent nutrition. When we provide our bodies with optimal nutrition it is also easier to lose weight. This is partly because our bodies crave superior nutrition. Many cravings are caused by a deficiency of certain nutrients. When our bodies get the nutrients that it needs, very often our cravings cease.

Excellent nutrition also gives us the energy we need to exercise, workout and live our lives to the maximum. Provide your body outstanding nutrition and weight loss will definitely come easier and be more effortless.

You can supplement your diet with acai berry products for weight loss. The acai berry can provide your body with optimal nutrition and these supplements have been proven to be successful for healthy weight loss. Acai berry weight loss products have a safety record that is undisputed.

But the greatest thing about acai berry supplements for weight loss is that the acai berry is a totally natural occurring fruit found in nature. It can assist you in dropping pounds in a healthful way and you never need worry about damaging your body. The acai berry will just give you the superior nutrition and that is what you body craves. With this excellent nutrition the weight loss may just be automatic. - 17269

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HCG Approved Foods:

By Amelia Handley

Popular homeopathic HCG weight loss programs are all the rage. They help people lose weight. They also re-introduce healthy foods into the lives of dieters and teach dieters how to prepare healthy foods using low fat preparation methods. Successful HCG dieters typically walk away with a new love of healthy food options, a new ability to incorporate healthy food options into their daily fare and with a lot less extra weight!

This is one of the reasons that HCG dieters have high success rates in keeping off weight lost during the program. Many have been the victim of diets that left them see-sawing back and forth between high and low weights. This scenario leaves people that need to lose weight frustrated and angry. In comparison, actually succeeding in reaching goal weights within specified time frames on the homeopathic HCG diet offers self confidence and energy.

This new energetic outlook and boosted self esteem make it natural for them to continue on with an adjusted lifestyle. They now appreciate the taste of healthy meals. They are able to put together healthy food options that taste good and fill them up. They have adjusted to the state of "eating healthy." And they're even able to choose healthy food options when presented with a choice at a buffet, large gathering or social setting.

The HCG diet is based on basic foods like: lean protein (fish, turkey, chicken, beef), tomatoes, celery, asparagus, onions, apples, strawberries, grapefruit, spinach, oranges and tea. Dieters are encouraged to make use of recipes that depend upon the approved foods to add variety to their diets. So they learn to prepare their own food using only healthy ingredients and only healthy preparations methods.

Many dieters find that while the foods they are expected to eat while on the diet are not their usual fare...they quickly become accustomed to it. While there are many on the diet who suspect that they will never want to have the HCG approved dishes again after the diet is completed, the outcome is actually the opposite. Past dieters suggest that they actually came to depend upon the dishes they learned while on the diet and incorporate them into their family's meals afterwards.

And by learning to enjoy the foods on the homeopathic HCG program, dieters are incorporating healthy foods into their diet permanently. Homeopathic HCG dieting programs teach people to enjoy healthy foods. They teach people to use low fat, healthy cooking methods. They teach people to limit their portions and make healthy food choices. And those are just the side benefits. It also enables people to slough off the extra weight quickly and efficiently! - 17269

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Vegan Diet Plan - Healthy Eating for Vegans

By Janine Rose Morley

Restaurants " pleasure yourself to an evening out. Ethnic restaurants, in particular Thai, Indian, Ethiopian, Chinese, and Mexican, are typically a useful option, as they offer a broad range of vegetarian and vegan foods.

Fast food " Grab a quick snack on the run. For the most part chains offer a vegetarian meal of some sort. Pick from: Tacos, veggie burgers, baked potatoes, pasta, falafel, salads and more. Vegans can order pizza with no cheese but loaded with vegetable extras, like peppers, mushrooms, olives and artichokes.

Supermarket stores and natural health food shops ordinarily carry quick vegetarian food dishes. Select from: Savoury pies, seasoned tofu, veggie burgers, chili, a wide variety of soups, and more.

Veggie convenience produce. Make a meal consisting of some of the following items. You can add your own veggies, rice, noodles, cooked grain, wraps, or breads. Mock meats " If you like the fibrous consistency of meat, there are many products that can be added to your meals. Pick from bite-sized chunks of "chicken" or "beef", meat analogs that are crumbly like ground beef, or ample offerings like vegetarian "turkey" substitutes. It is a helpful thought to try a few different brands, as there is a broad variety of styles and quality.

Mock meats " If you like the tough feel of meat, there are many items that can be added to your meals. Select from bite-sized chunks of "chicken" or "beef", meat analogs that are crumbly such as ground beef, or significant offerings like vegetarian "turkey" substitutes. It is a fine concept to try a few various brands, as there is a broad variety of styles and quality. Mock meats, nondairy cheeses and milks, and other vegetarian foods are retailed in most key supermarkets these days, and health food stores offer even more.

Tofu " a pre-cooked soy produce that is terrific for picking up flavours from the veggies and seasonings that you cook it with. The firm way is superlative, marinated, baked, or stir-fried. Soft tofu can be blended to produce creamy dressings, puddings, dips, and smoothies.

Tempeh " a cultured complete soy produce accessible at natural food supplies. Fry till golden and crispy, then add to a dish or dish up on the side with Dijon mustard.

Seitan " a fibrous meat-like produce made from wheat gluten. On hand at natural food stores.Canned items " chickpeas, lentils, white beans, refried beans, hearty soups, etc.Adjust the meals you presently formulate Breakfast and lunch are straightforward.

Try muffins with fruit spread, toast, or cereal for breakfasts. Create sandwiches with spreads like hummus, veggie pate, black bean dip, nut butters, or white beans with lemon and garlic. Pasta, rice or potato salads, and even dinner scraps make terrific lunches.

Combined with light excersises, These meals a greatfast track to healthy weight loss as well. Ahh, The Benefits. - 17269

Fit Over 40 Ebook Review: Know How It Can Help You Reach Lifelong Fitness After Forty

By Scott Fisher

After age 40 it is very critical that you stay as healthy as possible. Each year more men and women over 40 are diagnosed with age-related illnesses such as diabetes, arthritis, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's. Heart attacks, strokes, and heart disease related deaths are increasing at an alarming rate. This climb matches the increase in the number of seniors who are sedentary, overweight, and generally unfit.

While there may be many reasons why you have not begun an over 40 fitness program, the most common is that you do not know how to begin. Everyday you hear so-called experts offering miracles results through a "one size fits all" fitness plan. However, most people never reach success on these types of plans.

The book Fit Over 40, written by Jon Benson and Tom Venuto, is an essential tool if you want to become fit. In their experience they have learned that every person's unique body type, fitness goals, and lifestyles means that no one plan will work for everyone. As an alternative to these cookie cutter plans, they offer information about their own fitness journeys along with the success stories of 52 other men and women over 40 so that you can use their experience to maximize your fitness success.

Jon and Tom come from different fitness backgrounds. Tom has been a physical trainer for decades. He has written fitness and bodybuilding articles for many major industry magazines. His "Five Pillars" fitness technique has received much acclaim. This technique addresses the many facets of fitness, such as the different forms of exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle. In the book, he thoroughly explains his program so that you can use his insight on your fitness journey.

Jon has a different story because he was overweight and unfit when he turned 40. He had lived this way for many years and was now suffering from many related illnesses. He finally realized that he needed to become fit to save his life. He had a journey of ups and downs, but he eventually succeeded and is now fit for life. When he shares the details of his journey with you it will help you prepare for your own journey.

The e-book also includes the success stories of 52 men and women in their 40s. 50s, 60s, 70s, and beyond. While some of them are competitive athletes, many are normal people who knew they could regain their youth through fitness. Their stories address how they began, where they are now, and how they stay motivated. You will soon learn that they all started at different ages and levels of health, but they all achieved success. They all faced and overcame unique obstacles. They also describe their individual exercise routines, including their exercise choices and schedules. This is where you will learn that everyone has different training and renewal needs based on their body type. Additionally, you will learn about their nutritional choices and how they support their fitness goals through diet. Finally, you will also learn the important lifestyle changes each made to support fitness for life.

The major benefit of these stories is that you will realize that every person has unique over 40 fitness needs that are met with a unique fitness plan. If you want to create your ideal plan then you need to study what was worked for others. Build your plan based on the aspects of their plans that best suit your specific fitness needs and goals. The more stories you study, the better your fitness over 40 plan will be.

Jon and Tom have given you the research, techniques, and role models you need to build your fitness plan. Fit Over 40 has what you need to design a program tailored to your body and goals. It will start you on the path to lifelong fitness, youth, and happiness. - 17269

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Are You Tracking Your Fat Loss Progress Accurately?

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Finding a consistent method of measuring your body fat is critical if you are serious about reaching your goals. Sadly, many people fall into the trap of using the weight scale as the end all be all to their progress.

A scale does not provide an accurate snap shot of your progress. If all you are doing is looking at a scale, please stop. You need to measure your body composition if you truly want to know whether or not your approach is working.

Also, not all methods for measuring fat are the same.

Thus, here is a primer on how to measure your body fat levels:

1. Fat fold tests. Performed with skin calipers, fat fold tests are relatively accurate when done by an experienced professional. The key here is to make sure that the same person takes your measurements every single time. And also keep in mind that I have seen even the most highly skilled testers come up with skewed measurements.

2. Hydrostatic testing. Fat and lean tissues have different densities. And this test measures the density of your body to determine how much fast and muscle you have. Unfortunately, the preparation and the number of variables involved that can go wrong make this method not so attractive to the average person.

3. Electrical signals. There is a surplus of gadgets on the market that will perform this test for you. And they are relatively inexpensive. Unfortunately, they are also very inaccurate. Why? Because they send an electrical signal through your body and too many variables can interrupt the signal.

4. DEXA. Also known as dual energy x-ray absorptiometry, this technique sends a couple harmless x-rays through your body to measure levels of lean tissue. It is very accurate and requires little, if any preparation. The only drawback here is cost.

Of the methods described in this article, I would recommend staying away from electrical tests, they are simply too inaccurate. Other than that, the main factor affecting accuracy will be the skill of the technician performing the measurements. So use the same reliable person over and over again. - 17269

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Notice The Five Top Fat Loss Rules For The Resistant Dieter

By Theresa Q Watson

I remember reading once that "all diets work" and all diets will help you to "lose" weight. The difficulty is that rather than maintain the weight loss we often go back to our bad eating habits and gain all of the weight that we lost back again. I disagreed.

As a experienced dieter who had long been trying various ways to lose weight I knew that this was not a fact. The fact was that there had been many diet plans that I implemented and followed the advice exactly only to see the scale not move at all. True story, the scale did not record the drop of even one pound. My body was totally resistant to losing weight.

It is a biological thing for women. Men are always able to lose weight and gain muscle easier and faster than women because women are biologically designed to hold onto the fat. In the rare event of a famine our bodies are designed not only to make sure we stay alive but also to keep any offspring that we may be carrying alive. Biologically it is just more difficult for women to lose weight.

But in the past few years and throughout this struggle, I have learned quite a few things that can help a woman to lose weight. I will share my top five rules for weight loss here.

First rule is to Eat. That's right; never starve yourself if you want to have lasting weight loss. Eating regularly will keep you from getting excessively hungry which in turn will keep you from eating everything in site later on. It also keeps your metabolism pumping and your body will keep on burning calories. If your body believes it is starving it will shut down your metabolism and conserve the fat so eat, at least 3 meals and as many as 6 small meals a day.

The second rule is to be aware of what you do eat. Empty calories in the form of "white foods" and empty carbohydrates do nothing to fill you up and just pile on the pounds. Choose quality and you will instantly reduce quantity. Many cravings are caused by a lack of sufficient nutrients so choose quality, high-density nutritious foods when you do eat. Clear the junk out of your pantry and out of your life.

The third rule is to eat protein at every meal. There is a reason why high protein diets tend to be successful. It's not because they are especially nutritious but instead because protein does not cause sugar spikes and it is digested slower than carbohydrates, especially simple carbohydrates. Therefore, when you add protein you don't get nearly as hungry and you don't eat anywhere near as much.

The fourth rule is to be selective in the carbohydrates that you eat. Simple carbs, such as baked goods made with white flour and anything that is pure sugar will just spike your blood sugar and that will make you hungry again in a very short time. It will also go straight to your fat deposits, as it adds no nutritional advantage. Complex carbs, such as whole grains and vegetables have fiber, which keeps your digestive system running smoothly and they also provide excellent nutrition.

And the fifth rule is to begin moving. Begin an exercise plan. You can begin small by taking short walks and move up to more challenging workouts. But exercise is critical for successful and healthy weight loss. Exercise is beneficial for your heart and your soul. So start an exercise program.

It may be that you'll have to work at it. Few people with weight problems solve them once and for all for and never have to think about it again, but if you follow these rules most of the time, you will lose weight and you will be able to keep it off. - 17269

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Alternative Medicine And Natural Pain Management

By Richard Ealom

Chronic Pain conditions are an increasing problem in the United States. And while the discussion still rages concerning whether or not chronic pain should be managed as an independent condition or just a sign of a different problem it is obvious that pain managing has become a booming sector of the healthcare industry.

Consequently, the use of pharmaceutical drugs for pain restriction has also reached an all time high point. Drugs such as Oxicontin, Vicodin and methadone, are front page news flash in causing Americas latest drug predicament, as a result, the consumption of cocaine and heroin have also reached levels not observed in this nation in 3 decades years.

Owing to the economic and scientific phenomena of the pharmaceutical development of the 20th century, thousands of yrs. of knowledge were abruptly discarded. Herbal medicine has safely and efficiently treated pain for millennia, and is far safer than the synthesized, processed medications that todays physicians seem to be all too eager to hand out like so much candy.

In the realm of alternative medicine, there are many types of natural pain management that are in actuality, the source of where many of our oh-so-well-liked pharmaceutical drugs come from.

Codeine and morphine are opium derivatives that may be helpful but are also greatly addictive, and even aspirin is a by-product of willow bark. Scores of other plants have been used in natural pain management since the distant past, such as lavender and chamomile for minor pain issues and these plants have the added benefit of also assisting with the emotional element of pain such as anxiety and difficulty sleeping. Plants like henbane and mandrake are so efficient that they are even used extremely effectively all through labor to minimize the pain of childbirth.

Some wonderful and powerful herbal medicine can also be found in the spice cabinet. Spices like turmeric, and ginger are 2 of the most powerful anti- inflammatories on earth. These plants are natural COX-2 inhibitors; they are the alternative medicine answer to the popular pharmaceutical drugs Celebrex and Vioxx. In the middle east, India and all over Asia where the diets are heavy in spices like to turmeric, and ginger and cayenne, where life is also far less well-located then our own, people have a far less incidence of arthritis and persistent back pain, and continue to work very labor intensive jobs such as farming and agriculture work even into their nineties.

There has continuously been an accepted school of thinking in allopathic medicine that it is all right to damage one segment of the body to heal another, thus even everyday over the counter NSAID pain relievers such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen, can bring about long term injury, acetaminophen to the liver and ibuprofen to the kidneys, in natural pain management many plants, roots, barks, and other herbs not only antistetic in nature but they are in addition anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic as well, and herbal medicine is kinder on the system and is more synergistic with the body allowing for superior assimilation of the necessary constitutes.

So you see that alternative medicine goes further than the usually established ideal of treating merely the symptoms and goes farther to treat many of the fundamental causes as well as some of the other components involved in recurring pain conditions.

More and more of us are turning to herbal healing methods to treat medical troubles while alleviating dangerous side effects posed by chemical pharmaceuticals. These methods have been utilized and confirmed effective, for thousands of yrs. - 17269

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Understanding The Caf? Lifestyle Worldwide

By Damian Papworth

One of the best ways that travelers get acquainted with the local customs is by stopping into a cafe--any cafe, really--and sitting down for a coffee. It could be early in the morning, right as shops and markets are starting to open. It could be during a slow afternoon stretch where businessmen are having power lunches and ladies of leisure are gossiping. Or it could be late in the evening, when in a surprising number of countries, going out for coffee is a suitable alternative to boozing it up, or a great activity to sober you up at the end of the night.

The caf? lifestyle varies greatly from country to country. The Europeans of the world wouldn't think twice about spending a couple of hours sitting in a restaurant or cafe, drinking only coffee. You see, it's possible to even sip a single espresso for a long time, have a couple of cookies, and enjoy free time. And with some of the finest coffee in the world in Italy, why wouldn't you enjoy the fine art of beverage making? Most of the cafes will have an espresso machine that's older than the United States are, and that will make the drink taste that much better. But more than just the taste, it's about the idea that it's okay to relax, in public, drinking a coffee.

That might be news to someone from The United States, who, outside of a few big cities, would never see such a thing except amongst unemployed teenagers. Coffee in the Unites States, if you're not in a fancy restaurant, is more about getting caffeine in your body to go work a job. Most spots that are serving coffee aren't serving anything that's particularly good, and the extent to which the caf? lifestyle exists in most American cities amongst average people is the fact that you can now get something called espresso at a Dunkin Donuts in Boston.

A couple of cities in The United States are a better look at what could have been, or rather, what was before Starbucks made carry-out to-go coffee the thing that everyone needed and wanted. At a couple of regal cafes in New York, Boston, Chicago, and San Francisco, you'll get laughed out the door if you try to order a "tall" anything. Families who came to the States managed to order large machines from the old country that make seriously great drinks, so it's possible to sit for awhile and enjoy a decent coffee and a sandwich with the other people in the neighborhood who value such things.

It's pretty obvious how things work in The States when you realize that all your coffee comes with is a napkin or a dairy creamer. In other places, where you're encouraged to sit and stay awhile, there's practically a small spread presented with even the most regular cup of joe. In Buenos Aires, cookies, crackers, and some soda water come along, too. In Italy, at least a cookie is expected. In Holland, at least a couple of cookies come, too. And in Paris, if you're going to a cafe to enjoy a coffee, you might actually save money by ordering it with some pastry or croissant item.

The thing about the snacks in these other countries where the caf? lifestyle is important is that it's pretty much permission to stay as long as you want. There's no one trying to turn the tables over fast in the afternoon, and every extra item that comes with that coffee buys you at least ten more minutes to sit, relax, and hang out.

But as the world gets even smaller, countries influence one another even quicker, and the far-flung traditions become something more tangible. When Starbucks opened up in Buenos Aires, they made sure to include a latte with dulce de leche, the tasty local treat that's a version of caramel. So now that Starbucks knows that is a popular item down in Argentina, they might be bringing it to the United States as a flavor, just like pumpkin or hazelnut.

If you're traveling for business, visiting a different city for a little while, or relocating abroad, the best possible thing to do is to head to a popular local coffee spot. In just an afternoon, you'll learn more about a country by watching its citizens drink coffee and talk than you would from a whole stack of Lonely Planet guidebooks. - 17269

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