Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, November 2, 2009

Attain Your Ideal Weight Quickly with Easy Diet Plans

By Thong M. Dao

How does eating your favorite foods and not be anxious of your weight sound?

There are so many kinds of diets to choose from but none of them appeal to me, really. Then I came across easy diet plans, and I just love the way they work!

This is easier and more realistic. It does not require you go through strict and rigid measures as you try to lose that unnecessary weight.

This idea is applicable to all people and in all situations. If you want to know more about this and how to apply it in your lifestyle, read on.

If you are not willing to turn your back on your favorite foods, then easy diet plans are made for you. A healthy meal may give all the benefits, but it will never fully satisfy you.

Depriving yourself from something you want does not sound healthy, does it?

Here's what you do. Take it as a plus and minus method. You add more healthy stuff and reduce the harmful ones. Note that I say "reduce" instead of "eliminate" so you can still eat most of the foods you like since this is our objective, only, you balance it with healthy ones.

1. You add good sources of protein such as beef, chicken, turkey, egg whites, cottage cheese and cold water fish like mackerel, salmon, and sardines, for example.

2. Add good fats such as almond butter, coconut oil, flaxseed oil, olive oil, raw nuts, unsweetened and organic yogurt.

3. Cracker, cookie and other processed foods usually have trans fat or partially hydrogenated oil. Subtract them from your diet.

4. Refined sugars and high glycemic foods such as corn flakes, rice crisps, breakfast cereals and white bread may increase your glucose level and make you put on weight. Keep them at a minimum.

5. Subtract fruit juices that are sweetened, syrups and artificial sweeteners. And you've got your own easy diet plans.

And there you have it, your easy diet plans. Keep them in your head and the next thing you know is that those foods are no longer part of your diet.

Remember to take it easy with your diet and don't push yourself too hard. - 17269

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Washington, DC Personal Fitness Trainer Reveals 7 Reasons NOT To Run

By Josef Brandenburg

Though many trainers affirm that running is good for health, personal fitness trainers at Washington DC come up with a different version. As a matter of fact they have come up with few reasons as to why running should not be given top priority. The seven reasons mentioned below establish this truth.

#1: Runners rarely look good.

The reason behind shedding those extra pounds is because you want to look good. Have you even noticed how endurance runners look? They are generally short and fat and are mostly unpleasant to look at. You tend to look better if you adopt short distance running. Usually short distance runners develop slender muscles and perfect abs. Any Washington DC personal fitness trainer would tell you the same.

#2: Running has adverse effects on your hormones.

Hormones are produced when you run which can be harmful to your muscles, make you feel ill and increase the amount of fat stored in your body. Simply put, if you want to lose weight, then avoid running. It will work against your hormones.

#3: Running has a negative impact on your muscles and also lowers metabolism.

To some extent, your body's metabolic rate is determined by the amount of muscle mass you posses. Having more muscle mass can help you burn fat faster while with less muscle consumes few calories; thereby you tend to put on more weight. Fast twitch is one of the two kinds of muscles present in the body that helps you run faster and also aids in building up a great body with faster metabolic rate. Endurance training on the other hand promotes slow twitch muscles that do not enhance your metabolic rate.

#4: Running deteriorates your athletic ability essential for other sports.

Endurance training's job is to allow you to run at a steady pace for a longer period. In most sports, the goal is to get from place to place faster than the other person does. These sports are interval workouts, with short bursts of activity. Endurance training de-conditions your fast twitch muscles! This makes you a poor athlete outside of the long distance run.

#5: Running is painful, a Washington DC personal fitness trainer knows.

Any person who is obese would cause damage to their joints by running long distance. Short distance runs, similar to sprints are not at all harmful for your knees. In fact, you will end up damaging your knees if you run for longer period of time. For weight loss any distance beyond a 30 seconds sprint is considered to be too long.

#6: Running is not appropriate for weight loss.

Ask a Washington, DC personal fitness trainer the real value of running: nothing, at least not for weight loss. Aerobic exercise, like this type of running is the worst thing you can do to lose weight.

#7: Running is boring.

One last question you can ask your Washington DC personal fitness trainer is: If they ever had fun while running. Running is usually monotonous and you will probably end up not seeing it through. - 17269

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Can The Acai Berry Really Help You To Lose Fat?

By Dan Cunningham

The acai berry is becoming known as one of the premier superfoods of this time. Recent scientific studies have seen advantages from the acai berry for such health related issues as weight loss, cardiovascular health, cancer prevention and more.

This rise in popularity has caused a deluge of acai berry products to overtake the market. Unfortunately many of these products offer only a few of the potential benefits of the actual acai berry because of substandard processing that contributes to a lack of the complete bioactive constituents of the plant and sometimes the inclusion of too many other additives such as grape juice in the case of acai berry juice or inert ingredients in the case of capsules or pills.

When you spend your hard-earned money to buy acai berry products it is important to make sure that you are getting the full benefits of the acai berry. There are many different ways to process acai berries but only a few of them will retain the highest quality product that maintains its nutritional integrity. Traditional heat, pressure, evaporation and vacuum methods can break down vital nutrients and leave the antioxidant capacities inactive. When you buy acai berry products you need to be aware of this.

Unless you live in the rainforests of Brazil the acai berry products you are buying have been processed. This is because the acai berry fruit is highly perishable and it can only be found in one place, the rainforests of Brazil. It has only been in recent times and due to improvements in processing methods that this remarkable nutritional fruit has been available throughout the world at all. However, different processing methods can either maintain the nutritional integrity of the fruit or destroy it so it is important to be aware if the product you are buying has been processed with the highest quality standards.

An inferior but unfortunately often used method of processing the acai berry is through "spray drying". With spray drying the berries are heated to a high temperature to remove the water content. Food additives and preservatives are then added to maintain the fruit. The majority of the natural nutrients are destroyed by this combination of high temperatures and synthetic substances. Some of the naturally occurring bioactive nutrients will remain but the majority will be rendered inert.

The best and most effective way to process the acai berry is with a freeze-drying process. Freeze-drying happens quickly after the berry is removed from the tree. This prevents any degradation and allows the fruit to maintain its natural nutritional content along with the taste, consistency and color. The berry can be reconstituted later with just the addition of water. Whether the product is the whole berry, the juice, extracts or even tablets and pills the freeze-drying process is the superior processing method for acai berries.

If you concerned that you are buying the highest quality acai berry products with the highest concentration of bioactive ingredients make sure that the product is processed by using a freeze-drying process or equivalent method.

If you are spending your money on acai berry products it is important to be aware of the processing methods used for the individual product. It can mean the difference between remarkable health advantages and results or no results at all. - 17269

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Solgar Omega 3: Food for Life

By Keith Woolley

Essential for health, Omega 3 fatty acids must be acquired through diet. There a variety of foods that are rich in these oils including seed oils such as flax, safflower, canola and sunflower. Also important sources are cold saltwater fish such as mackerel, cod and salmon. As these are not in the diet of most people to a large extent, many should be taking supplements. Solgar is a brand that has been trusted for years and they have an Omega 3 supplement simply called, Solgar Omega 3.

These Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs), as they are called, perform a number of necessary functions in the body. Some of these have an effect on cardiovascular health. For example, they regulate cholesterol transport in the body and aid in its removal, which will help keep arteries from clogging.

Prostaglandins, substances need for smooth muscle contraction and lowering blood pressure are also affected by EFAs. These acids are essential for human growth, particularly that of blood vessels and nerves. Many clinical studies have been done on the use of Omega 3s in reducing high blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart disease.

Omega 3 fatty acids have also been shown to have an anti-inflammatory effect, resulting in improvement in joint pain and tenderness in sufferers of rheumatoid arthritis. Clinical results also indicate a reduction in pain in the case of other diseases such as dysmenorrhea and inflammatory bowel disease.

There are indications that these fatty acids can also promote brain health. EFAs are thought to play an important role in both cognitive and behavioral activities of the brain. Supplementation has shown some promise in the treatment of mental dysfunction such as bipolar disorders, schizophrenia and depression.

While more clinical trials need to be performed, preliminary studies would indicate that Omega 3 fatty acids may have a positive effect on many other diseases such as diabetes, asthma, skin problems and cancer of the prostate, colon and breasts

Not surprisingly, with all the positive effects that Omega 3 fatty acids have on the body, deficiencies can show up with a variety of symptoms including: dry skin, poor circulation, depression, mood swings, heart problems, memory problems and fatigue. Pregnant women should be particularly careful to get enough of these fatty acids, as deficiencies can impair vision and the nervous system in the fetuses.

After learning more about what Omega 3 fatty acids do for you, it is natural to want to ensure that you are getting enough of them. As always, if you are currently going through medical treatment, particular for a serious disease such as cancer, or taking medications, you should check with your healthcare practitioner before starting any kind of supplements.

Once you decide you need more Omega 3s in your diet, you will need to find a supplement that you can trust. Solgar has been a leading company in nutritional supplements for years. Solgar Omega 3 uses only oil from Norwegian salmon that live in very deep cold waters. Tests for mercury, of great concern with fish products, show negligible amounts if any. Another concern with supplements is the amount of starch fillers, which Solgar Omega 3 does not contain. Nor does it contain dairy, wheat or yeast which can be allergens in many. There are also no artificial preservatives to be found. Just the pure fish oil you need to start improving your health today. - 17269

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Pre-Teen Obesity: An Ounce of Prevention Is Worth 100 Pound Cure

By Dorthy Weatherbush

Take a quick look around and you'll observe the costly obesity crisis that is slowly overtaking our nation. How bad has it become you may say? Consider the idea that we are now seeing individuals parking in handicap parking spots to avoid having to park just a few extra feet away from a building.

In all honesty, we can not totally place the blame for this on the individuals themselves. Several studies have shown that for a number of people, their chemical and genetic makeup aide in their body's ability to process certain fats. Sure being 100 plus pounds over weight might have been good in the Ice Age but today this is simply not the case.

This becomes even clearer when we witness the growing problem of children with obesity. Nutrition counselors agree that for every 3 to 5 pounds a child is over their normal weight level before they reach puberty, that child will become on average 15 to 30 pounds before they reach the age of thirty. To add to this, Type II diabetes is now become one of the fastest growing diseases among teens.

At the ages of 12 - 16 is when most young girls and boys are self conscious about their bodies. Even "normal looking" kids get teased. If we allow our children to continue down a slippery slope toward obesity, we are setting them up for a very difficult childhood. Parents must be told that healthy eating habits and not Slimfast diet shakes or Medifast meals are the key to weight loss and a nutritious lifestyle.

Fortunately, this can be prevented. And it can be prevented easily and early on, and the solution is surprisingly retro:

Look back at your younger days and remember what you did as a kid before the electronic babysitters came on the scene. If you recall this time in your life, you will more than likely remember going to the park with friends, playing kick ball or soccer.

After a long day of playing, you were met with a cool glass of milk, water or juice. A sugary cake or pie were a nice end to a full day of activity and not what's now become the new breakfast of champions.

Contrary to the popular belief, it is possible to training children to eat healthy foods. Caffeine laced drinks are a prime example. Researchers have uncovered an alarming link between drinking diet sodas and consuming high fat luncheon meets with cases of certain brain cancers. If you gain nothing else from this article, at least follow this one tip, please, do not allow your kids to drink soft drinks. Remember, water first before any juices or milks.

As for snacks, limit their intake of high sugar and high fattening foods and increase their consumption of fruits and vegetables. This may not be as hard as you think. Consider this, if you kids are not of driving age and do not have a job, the only reason they are eating the way they are is because you as the parent purchase the unhealthy food in your kitchen. Trust me, if you don't buy it, they will immediately decrease their over consumption. Oh yeah, they'll complain however it is up to you to be the parent.

Staying physically active is an absolute necessity. Children are usually mirror images of their parents. If you as a parent live a sedentary life, the chances of your child duplicating your example are very high. If you have little league teams in your town, encourage your children to participate. Not all kids are athletic but all kids need to be active. In addition, set aside at least one day in the week where the entire family is physically active together. It could be a walk in the park or playing tag in the backyard.

The key to providing life long health for your kids is inculcating these habits early in life, so they become habits. Explain why you're doing it when they ask, but don't preach. Your kids will adopt the behaviors they see you doing - you're their parent, their role model, and these are the habits they'll stick with as they get older. - 17269

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Weight Loss Diets: Where To Start?

By Philip Alexander

In today's world, it seems that almost any topic is open for debate. While I was gathering fast weight loss tips for this article, I was quite surprised to find some of the issues I thought were settled are actually still being openly discussed.

Weight loss has become big business and there are many companies offering seemingly miracle cures and treatments. There is, of course, no miracle cure, or any fast, sure-fire way of losing weight; this takes determination and effort. Weight loss, or wasting, is one of the commonest symptoms of untreated HIV infection, and can occur at any stage of infection. It needs to be taken seriously because unintentional loss of weight is often a sign that you may have an active HIV-related infection or disease.

Weight loss is simple, burn more calories then you consume. If you can fully understand that then you are on your way to losing weight. Weight loss is just one of the reasons this berry is being called the number one 'superfood'. The following sections describe how this super food will help you to naturally lose weight. Weight loss may be temporary or may continue at a life-threatening pace.

The more authentic information you know about quick weight loss, the more likely people are to consider you a weight loss expert. Read on for even more fast weight loss tips and facts that you can share.

Acai vital provides amazing weight loss support, basically due to several important fatty acids, fiber and amino acids, fixed together especially to help rid the body of fat and shed pounds. These key fatty acids naturally increase your general metabolism, followed by appropriate and faster wealth loss. If you try to lose weight, cardiovascular exercise is that one of the things you need in your toolbox of weight loss. The question is, as you have, how difficult the work and the best cardiovascular exercises. With the proper weight loss procedure, we can find that lost confidence and feel great about ourselves again!

Weight loss programs are many. There are many other weight loss formulas. Weight loss pills can be very dangerous in both their pharmaceutical form and their "natural" counterparts. So weight-loss pills should generally be taken only as a last resort, probably before weight-loss surgery would be considered. Weight Loss Drugs have not sound effects for every over-weight person but it may very hardly suitable for everyone. Prescription Weight Loss Drugs are prescribed by doctors for the patients who have to face weight issues.

Weight loss simply does not address the long term reasons why we gain weight. Weight loss only erases the symptoms of persistent issues to weight control such as aging, processed food, metabolism damage, eating behaviour and the fact we all spend long periods of time 'out of it' with respect to weight loss and fitness.

Take time to consider the points presented above on fast weight loss tips. What you learn may help you overcome your hesitation to take action. - 17269

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Calorie Restricted Diets Might Be Best Shot To Stop Illness And Slow Aging

By Kirsten Whittaker

Adults, and particularly young people, have yet one more rationale for reducing the calories you take in per day. If the monkeys from some terribly positive research appearing in Science are any guide, by following calorie prohibited diets you'll increase longevity, look younger and stay illness free.

Monkeys, as near as you can get to humans, fed a low cal diet have a longer life, have fewer indications of aging and less illness - conditions like heart illness, brain atrophy and even cancer - in the opinion of some new engaging research.

during the twenty-year study, the school of Wisconsin-Madison researchers uncovered half of the monkeys authorized to consume as they wished were still alive, while 80% of monkeys who ate the same foods but with a 3rd less calories have survived.

Other professionals think the long life-span of monkeys ( about 40 years ) means conclusions on longevity and what we eat can't yet be exprapolated and we need to wait a while to be sure.

This new thinking but long-term study started in 1989 with thirty rhesus macaques and was intended to take a look at the health consequences of a low calorie diet.

Earlier work from 1935 had shown that mice fed a low calorie diet lived up to 40% longer - the team wanted to see if the same may be true for apes.

In 1994 the research was expanded with the addition of 46 additional animals. All of the subjects were adults when they were enrolled, and of the first 76 in the study, 37% of the control monkeys lost their lives to age related causes - 13% of the animal's fed a restricted calorie diet died of similar results.

The prevalence of cancerous growths and heart problems in the monkeys who ate limited calorie diets was half that of the animals permitted to eat what they liked.

Actually, the oldest monkey still in the study is called Owen, who is twenty-nine, 2 years older than the average life span of 27 years in captivity.

One of the more outstanding findings of the study came in the case of diabetes ( or pre-diabetes ).

This illness was found in 42% of the control monkeys who ate as they wanted and none of the monkeys on the limited calorie diets.

And when it comes to mental health, the animals who ate a calorie-restricted diet were better off here too, according to Sterling Johnson, a brain specialist and another of the analysts.

The study found the areas of the brain that are tied to short-term memory and critical thinking are better saved in these subjects.

These same brain results have been noticed in other research on animals like fish, mice, worms, rodents and spiders. All of the mavens can say for sure now is that there are differences in places of the brain that might be related to what a subject ate.

A restricted number of these same kinds of research have been attempted on humans, and have resulted in fewer symptoms of cardiovascular aging according to experts.

More work needs to be done, and analysts who study getting older are divided on what stock to put in this work, but that does not imply there is not a ggod case for following calorie restricted diets to keep your body fit today and also as you age. - 17269

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Still Chewing The Fat Are We

By Christopher Rom

Okay your starting to cut back on fat, here are several tips to not chew the fat in your diet.

"Hold the Mayo!" or at least use half a tablespoon.one tablespoon of mayo packs in 80 to 100 calories and from 10 to 13 grams of fat depending on the brand!

The reduced-fat varieties of mayo have become more satisfactory in taste over the years.Other alternatives include fat-free condiments like: salsa, chutney, pickle relish, mustard, or horseradish.

"Do try other foods" Trying a new ethnic food to keep things interesting and a lot of the different kinds are healthy for you? Mid-east restaurants have healthy entrees, such as: baba ghanouj, rice pilaf, dolma, lentil soup, and kufta.

"What about the buttertins" Top toast with a tablespoon of regular butter and you've already downed an extra 10 to 12 grams of fat before your day even starts! Switch to yogurt-based spreads, or fruit butters (like apple butter),reduced-fat margarine.

"The Bread Basket = carbs!" Watch your carb-intake. But if fat's your foe, munching a bread stick or a roll before your meal can help your weight loss efforts by curbing your hunger and possibly preventing over-eating as it may fill your stomach.

"Salsa Yummy!" Salsa is naturally fat-free as you have been told. It tops lots of foods deliciously in lieu of higher-fat condiments: baked potatoes; grilled chicken; salads; snack crackers; and of course, chips.Treat yourself to freshly-made salsa by mixing together diced tomatoes, green onions and chilies, and cilantro.

"Have half a Lunch" Normal bologna has about 11 grams of fat. The reduced-fat varieties of lunch bologna have less fat content. Chicken and turkey are naturally lean and better for you also and the taste has become better over the years, But most processed lunch meats can contain around 80 percent of there calories from fat. Plus are very high in saturated fat. So in favor, you can get deli meats or poultry and yes the price might be a little higher but maybe that will help you. - 17269

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5 Little Things to Easily Take Control of Your Diet

By Thong M. Dao

Correct dieting is the best way for you to lose weight and body fat and become healthier. While most of us have an inclination to cheat a little at times because we have a hectic lifestyle, it would be better if we are able to stick to some particular guidelines on a regular basis.

Should you deviate from your perfect healthy diet, these 5 steps will prevent your body from going too far from your ideal weight and get you back on track.

1. Organic fruit. A minimum of 2 portions of fruit should be eaten each and every day. Blending fruit into a smoothie and splitting into 2 portions is an easy alternative to raw fruit. It's not just delicious, it actually makes it easier for you to keep on course.

2. Organic veggies. We all need to consume veggies on a daily basis. Fiber is taken in from vegetables so this helps your body in lots of other areas.

If you have trouble eating veggies, a good way to get them into your diet is to use some leafy green veggies, add them to your smoothie as usual. You'd be amazed how tasty this really is.

3. Sprouts. Growing your own sprouts is incredibly easy! Lentils or wheat berries are good seeds to sprout, just soak them for a few hours in a jar of water, then drain off the water.

If you moisten them twice daily they should quickly sprout. Eat a little of these when you are hungry to get some good health benefits.

4. Meat and fish are good sources of Omega 3 fatty acids, but the best source is flaxseed oil. Include this in your everyday routine and you would be startled at how much of a difference it's making in your health.

5. Water. While not a food, it's something we all need and a lot of us don't get enough. Consume half of your body weight everyday in ounces along with a pinch of sea salt for every 16 ounces.

This will make a surprising difference in your health. See the difference it makes for you after you take it for a week. - 17269

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Develop Quick Weight Loss Plan With These 3 Tips

By Walter Marsaki

1. Shall I inform you of a simple and quick weight loss plan? Eat less sodium in your daily diet. This will help in reduction of water retention in your body.

If you eat a lot of salt, then the body will retain more water leading to weight gain. People suffering from fluid retention are often advised by doctors and nutritionists to take a low sodium diet.

It is preferable to follow a diet of not more than 1000 milligrams of sodium per day until water retention subsides.

2. Moving on to the next quick weight loss plan tip. It is to drink more water as this will quickly fill up your stomach. When you aren't too much hungry, just have a glass of water. Eat only when you are too hungry.

Drinking lot of water has other big benefits too. Firstly, the more you drink the less water the body stores. So you will not face the problem of excess water retention by the body.

Your body will become bloated when too much water is stored in it. To avoid such a situation, drink more water so that the body does not feel the need to store it.

Whenever you drink a lot of water, you would notice the need to rush to the washroom often. Do not worry about this as toxins are being released from your body through urine.

Your metabolism rate will improve by drinking plenty of water. Metabolism rate refers to the speed with which your body burns excess calories.

Faster metabolism may mean faster calorie burning - which is good for rapid weight loss. Drinking plenty of water is a simple, easy and natural method of increasing this metabolism rate and enjoy faster fat burning.

3. Now, here is a third quick weight loss plan - eat lot of fruits and vegetables.

Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of important nutrients required by the body. At the same time, they contain very less amount of calories. So you will be getting nutrition without consuming many calories.

It is best to eat them raw and uncooked. You can eat a lot of salad with all your meals. Or you can make fruit and vegetable juices (with very little to no sugar) for consumption.

Fruits and vegetables are excellent to include in your weight loss plan. They provide quality nutrition and contain very few calories.

If you follow the above tips, you can notice some quick improvements in your weight reduction. There are a lot of other things you might want to do in order to ensure quickest and permanent weight loss. - 17269

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Want to grow your own mini vegetables without the need of a garden?

By Nick Jaggs

With indoor micro farming you will throughout the year have unlimited access to micro greens, bean sprouts and mini salads that are not only healthy but intensely flavoured. When plants are very young they contain greater amounts of nutrition within them in some cases baby sprouted vegetables nutritional value is far greater than to be found in more mature ones.

A large number of us know about the small stacking bean sprouters available and that you sit on a kitchen window sill. They do offer you a taste of the health benefits to be collected from seed and bean sprouts but will only do so on an irregular basis unless you set up several of these units. Often they only provide you with regular garnish sized portions. Also these systems do not have the capabilities for the use of soil need to sprout things like sunflower greens, pea shoots as well as wheatgrass which is become increasingly popular with being able to juice.

Hassle-Free Healthy Young Sprouts & Salads. If you are looking to increase your intake of the nutrients they provide for enhancing your health you may find that taking care of these mini plant-lets is somewhat a chore. This is because the conventional sprouters and sprouting jars you used need lots of regular watering and rinsing. For those of us who are out at work all day then successfully growing such foods becomes even more of a challenge.

So what should you do when space is limited and you don't have the time to grow your own healthy micro greens or sprouts and don't want to end up buying inferior ones from your local store?

There is one solution that will allow you to be able to successfully grow all year round plentiful supplies of organic pea shoots, micro salads, sunflower greens, beans and seed sprouts effortlessly. There is even any need for you to use sophisticated temperature controlled indoor growing rooms that rely on hydroponics of fancy artificial lighting. The solution requires only a small amount of space, doesn't require too much electricity to power it or a water supply or ambient lighting.

EasyGreen Makes it EasyGrown. There is a self contained fully automated miniature hydroponic system available called the EasyGreen MikroFarm that is not only simple to use but very effective in helping to produce sufficient quantities of your favourite sprouts to make a difference to your life and provide you with the health benefits they offer. This one box solution provides you with a regular supply of not only home grown mini vegetables but other plants as well. This can be used by a chef to grow good quality micro greens, garnishes and baby salads for meals in their restaurants. The EasyGreen modular system will allow you to place other units on top of one another so increasing the amount of things grown in them.

It allows you to grow all types of bean and seed sprouts, wheatgrass that can be juiced, sunflower greens with or without the need for soil, pea shoots to be used as garnishes or in salads, micro herbs to add flavour to your plate and miniature salad leaves. The possibilities are endless. You can even look at using a food dehydrator as well to add some variety to the mix.

How Does it Work? At its heart the EasyGreen employs some of the most advanced hydroponic technology available today. It consists of a rectangular box at the rear of which is a reservoir and to the front the growing chamber. It comes with a clear polycarbonate cover allowing light to flood the crops and water and any organic nutrients you wish to add is automatically sprayed into the growing chamber which is controlled by a timer so giving you complete control over exactly what the plants you are growing need.

With the EasyGreen you have a good selection of growing trays to choose from allowing you to tailor the growing chamber to meet your particular needs. So in effective you have the ability to mix and match what plants will be grown within it. If you are intending to grow wheatgrass, sunflower sprouts or baby salads then you should use the large trays. Whereas the junior (smaller) trays are more suitable to growing a wide selection of crops up to 10 varieties at a time in them.

Simplicity Means Success. At the very heart of the EasyGreen is its watering system that consists of a specialist pump that generates mist. Through creating an ultra fine mist spray of oxygenated water the system provides the most advanced and optimised growing environment. Seeds do not need to be pre-soaked as they are watered evenly and will grow at the fastest rate possible. The mist also provides the delicate young roots of the crops with oxygen that they need. This generator provides you with complete control over the ventilated growing chamber by purging at every watering with clean filtered air. Also because this system does not come with watering jets or dripper nozzles there are no blockages to contend with.

Where your water is sourced from is your decision and if you choose to add nutrients like Kelp to the reservoir is another decision for you to make in order to improve the crops vitality at harvest time. Using this system you decide when the crops get watered during the day and night at intervals of no less than 15 minutes at a time. Once the seeds are laid in the tray the reservoir needs to be filled and the timer set for when to water the crops and after doing this you can just forget about it. This is certainly of benefit to those who lead very busy lifestyles. However, you shouldn't forget to make sure that the reservoir is regularly topped up and also to harvest the crops once they have reached their most nutritious and flavoursome stage of growth.

With the EasyGreen trays unlike other hydroponic systems it allows you to use compost and soil in them which is beneficial to those crops that grow for longer such as sunflower greens, wheatgrass or baby salads. It doesn't matter what types of mini plants or sprouts you want to grow this system is undoubtedly the best on the market to provide a convenient regular supply of health boosters for you. The amount of power it uses won't be a burden on the environment and although the outlay initially is high this is soon compensated by the health benefits it offers you.

Every one of these EasyGreen MikroFarm's measure 24 by 18 inches and come with a set of 5 long trays. Although you can if you want purchase additional trays but the main system will normally cost around 149. Plus with them you are provided with a manual that offers tips and guidelines that prove very useful for the growing of a wide selection of sprouts. This particular system is available through UK Juicers Ltd who also provide with it a comprehensive book that will help you to become an expert when it comes to sprouting. Plus they can also get you started on your new hobby by provide a range of good quality organic sprouting seeds. - 17269

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How to use AC-11 to Stop the Signs of Ageing in its Tracks

By Keith Woolley

So the next time you join a discussion about getting older or even Reverse Ageing and when you start sharing the fascinating Reverse Ageing facts below, your friends will be absolutely amazed to your secrets!

How can anyone put a limit on learning more? The next section may contain that one little bit of knowledge that changes everything.


Longevity, It's not a fountain after all.....

Long gone, an obscure but unique plant was discovered in the Amazonian rain-forest. It is named Uncaria tomentosa, a vine that grows among the plentiful, exotic plethora of botanical species, some of which have not begun to be catalogd by biologists. More commonly known to the neighbors as "Ua de Gato" or "Cat's Claw," its outer bark contains a powerful, natural activator of DNA repair, vital to cellular health and imperative to longevity.

The benefits of Uncaria tomentosa just about make it sound like a cure all. It helps keep the immune system working properly. It helps prevent cellular damage, and damage to DNA. And whilst lots of the action of Uncaria tomentosa happens deep within the cells of the body is able to definitely affect the outward, obvious appearances of aging such as wrinkles and sun spots - conditions linked to the aging process in which the body produces imperfect DNA. What is the connection between DNA and aging?

Simply, DNA is our body's genetic code or the "blueprint" that we inherit from our parents. When we are born, our genetic code, or DNA, is virtually pristine. Every cell in our body is formed based on our DNA, and each cell becomes a holder of our entire genetic blueprint. As we age, our bodies and our DNA are constantly bombarded by things in the environment that can damage our DNA. A good example is the sun. Over exposure to the sun ultimately damages our skin cells (and their DNA) and results in wrinkles or worse. In fact, any damage to our DNA ultimately becomes the cause of the effects we associate with aging. This damage can also show itself as the cause of various ailments we encounter throughout our lifetimes.

If the body can't produce clean copies of our DNA, our health and longevity will be without delay influenced. The key to optimal health, therefore, is to keep our DNA clean and healthy and manufacturing "clean" copies. We do this by helping our bodies neutralise excess free radicals, and at the same time, strengthen and nourish our cells and their DNA.

What will AC-11 do for me if I take it regularly?

The major attribute of AC-11 relates to its effect on DNA repair, so it is going to be helpful in many of the same situations as antioxidants. It's also be seen as temporary and immune augmenting, so possible uses include : Anti-ageing programs immunity mechanism support (e.g. Frequent colds/infections ) Inflammatory conditions. Auto-immune conditions, which often involve the immunity mechanism and have an inflammatory part,eg rheumatoid arthritis, colitis and so on. Family history of age related illness Skin health Recovery from injury and enhancing healing Those who only know one or two facts about Reverse Ageing can be puzzled by misleading info. The simplest way to help folks who are misled is to delicately correct them with the truths you are learning here. - 17269

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