Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Acai Berry - Fact Or Scam

By Paula M Bryant

The acai berry is a modern international wonder as it has only been in the past few years that this berry has been presented throughout the world. The acai is local to Amazon Rainforest of Brazil. It has been a fundamental of the diets for centuries for much of the local population. The fruit is greatly delicate and it must be processed within 24 hours of leaving the tree before to make it available to other people all through the planet.

The acai berry is actually a very healthful fruit, but the exotic nature of a fruit that can only be grown in the Amazon rainforest adds to the allure of the marketing media over this little fruit. The acai berry has been supposed to be effective for everything from disease avoidance to male sexual virility.

It would seem that many of these claims are embellished, nonetheless, the fact is that the acai berry genuinely is one of the most healthful foods ever found on earth. It has healthy elements of antioxidants and phytonutrients, essential fatty acids, phytosterols and amino acids. It cannot be doubted that this berry is outstandingly nutritious.

The acai berry has one of the maximum ORAC, or Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacities or any other food. Certain spices, such as ground cloves, cinnamon and oregano have a higher ORAC level, along with bran from sumac and sorghum, but these are the only things that go beyond the acai berry as per oracvalues.com.

The acai berry is abounding in an antioxidant called anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are really the deep purple pigment found in many very healthful foods from blueberries to purple cabbage to red wine. The acai berry contains 10 to 30 times more of this very important antioxidant as red wine and as much as twofold the quantity of blueberries.

In a controlled study involving laboratory mice, purified anthocyanins were found to be advantageous for the lessening of body fat. This is a promising discovery, however, there has yet to be any experiments on humans.

The acai berry is especially wholesome and it can be valuable but it is not a supernatural medicine that can solve every illness. The fact of that matter is that a extremely nourishing diet combined with a good for your health everyday life can be constructive for all of the things that the acai berry is marketed for, including sickness prevention, weight loss and the sexual virility of men. The acai berry is just one more in a long line of healthful foods and it can be a impressive extra to a healthy food intake.

If you eat a healthful food intake and enjoy a healthful lifestyle the acai berry is liable to give you the great results that it is being marketed for. But if you consume a high fat diet filled with deep fried foods and trans fat overloaded white flour pastries, while you lay around on the couch all day long, you might as well not waste your cash because no food can conquer that, not even the extremely nutritious acai berry. - 17269

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Preventing Hair Loss With The Right Nutrition

By Andrew W John

If you are losing your hair right now, don't panic. The most probable reason for that, especially if you're a male, is overabundance of dihydrotestosterone in the skin of your head. This chemical compound is created from testosterone - once this male hormone reaches the follicles, it attaches itself to it and changes into DHT. The bad thing is that DHT is hardly beneficial and is largely responsible for your hair loss. It tightens the muscles in your scalp, increasing the pression on the follicles and limits the blood circulation there, preventing hair from being nourished properly.

However, you may ask why some men don't lose their hair even though they surely have high level of testosterone in their blood. The answer is simple: because they have enough DHT blockers in their scalps to prevent it. How can one get enough DHT blockers? It's simple, too - all you need to do is to introduce them into your bloodstream through topical application and a proper diet.

Nutrients and Their Effectiveness Against Hair Loss

Probably the most powerful nutritional supplement that may prevent hair loss is zinc. While it can't be taken in large amounts (too much zinc prevent the absorption of iron and may cause anemia), its role in keeping your hair safe is hard to overrate. Its main role is relaxing skin and muscles on your scalp, directly countering the influence of DHT.

Another important supplement is Biotin, also known as the hair vitamin. The biotin speeds the metabolism of fatty acids, thus increasing the speed of follicle renewal and repair. This activity counters breaking hair due to lack of proper nutrition. There is no such thing as an ideal dose of biotin - the more you take it, the better. he only problem is that most of biotin-rich foods (liver, kidney, cooked eggs etc.) are also very fatty, so high intake of biotin may result in very high fat intake, which may soon start causing other health problems.

Another important nutrient which can help you heal your hair is proteins. They are the hair construction material, thus it is necessary to keep them strong and thick, making them less prone to damages done by DHT. Proteins are probably the most commonly used nutrient to prevent thinning of hair. On the downside, they are not dream solution to all your problems: proteins can't help you regrow your hair on bald patches.

Vitamin A is known under many different names, but regardless of which we use, one thing remains the same: this amino acid is one of the most important supplements for our hair. Vitamin A acts as an anti-oxidant promoting the secretion of sebum, which in turn binds testosterone before it can reach the follicles and become DHT. We can easily get a lot of Vitamin A through a balanced diet as it can be found in various foods, including yellow vegetables, fish oils and many kinds of meat. Just remember that you mustn't exceed the standard daily requirement - in large quantities Vitamin A is considered to be somewhat toxic. It can't generally be done through a diet, but a Vitamin A-rich diet plus taking a lot of artificial supplement may be enough to start some problems.

We mustn't forget about another important vitamin: Vitamin E. It maintains proper blood circulation in scalp, stopping all DHT attempts to reduce the amount of nutrients arriving to the follicles. There's no problem with taking enough Vitamin E, as it can be easily found in a number of foods, most notably leafy greens and soybeans, as well as in many vegetable oils. The real catch is that Vitamin E can be easily overdosed, increasing the pressure in the cardiovascular system.

The major problem is, of course, keeping the dosage. As many of those nutrients may prove to be dangerous is taken excessively, devising a healthy diet which would include every nutrient in the right amount is very difficult - especially that there are many other things you should take into consideration while preparing it. That's why it is usually much better to opt for a complete hair nutritional supplement, such as ProFollica system supplement. ProFollica contains everything which is necessary to keep your scalp and hair nourished, as well as several other ingredients that keep DHT at bay. If you're not sure about it, or if you want to learn more about it. - 17269

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Gym Workouts to Achieve a Sexier and Firmer Butt

By Ricardo d Argence

Who doesn't want a sexier and firmer butt? All of us desire that perfectly toned gluteus, and the key to rear-end success would be to follow a proper exercise routine accompanied by a healthy diet plan. In today's busy world, none of us have the time to spare, but for that perfect body and head turning results you would need to sweat it out on regular basis even if it is just for a couple of minutes.

If you are serious about wanting to have perfectly toned gluteus that will surely be the envy of every one of your friends, look no further for help. This article provides some very effective solutions. There are some perfect exercises shown that will have you on your way to a sexy, round, and firm rear end without leaving your house.

Quadruple Hip Extensions: These exercises rely on contracting the gluteus muscles. The quadrupled hip extension work very will since they are targeting the gluteus maximus. Using ankle weights will speed the results because of the increased intensity.

Lunges: as there are various types of lunges, you need to find one that suits you the best. The most basic lunge is the drop-knee version, which is also one of the most difficult ones. You can use hand weights in this exercise if you feel you need more intensity.

Step-Ups: Although there is some debate about how effective this exercise is, it works on the hamstrings and the gluteus. In order for it to really work, you have to be sure that you are using a platform that is high enough. It has to be 15 inches in order to activate the muscle fibers. If you want to increase the intensity level of this exercise, you can hold a dumbbell in each hand.

Squats: squats are a great exercise that activates the gluteus medius and gluteus maximus. Squats are also good for the hips and the thighs. If you want back support, you can make use of a ball that can help get into that perfect position without hurting your knees.

Multi-hip extension will target the hamstrings, gluteus medius, and gluteus maximums. Using this machine can be a little tricky so you would be advised you seek to help of a professional for the required adjustments.

Doing one legged squats will activate both the gluteus medius and maximus. The one legged squats are very similar to lunges and can be done a variety of ways. With so many versions to choose from you should be able to settle on one that is at least tolerable.

By doing these recommended exercises you can be on your way to achieving the head turning derrire that you really want. Keep in mind that you should start out slow and increase the level of intensity over time. Plan you exercise routine with your fitness goals and physical capabilities in mind. If you work out for about a half hour on most days, you will undoubtedly have a rounder and sexier butt.

Apart from the exercises given, always eat right and practice good form while working out. Turn the speakers up and start working on sculpting the perfectly round and well toned butt that can only be matched by Michael Angelo's David. - 17269

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Anti-Aging Advantages And Healthiness-Promoting Advantages Of The Acai Berry

By Dan Cunningham

The acai berry has only been obtainable for universal consumption for about the past 5 years. Because this berry is exceptionally delicate it has only been in the past years that processing methods have allowed this fruit to be presented outside of Brazil.

The acai berry is full in most important nutrients. This berry has been touted as a advantage for diverse ailments such as obesity, heart disease and the impediment of cancer. There are very few scientific studies on the acai berry itself, though, there are many studies on the nutrients that are contained in the acai berry.

The acai berry is rich in an antioxidant called anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are really the deep purple pigment from healthy foods such as blueberries, red wine, purple cabbage. In a study involving laboratory mice that were given purified anthocyanins, this nutrient was shown to be valuable for the reduction of body fat. This critical nutrient is also believed to have a major bearing on heart health and the wellbeing of the entire cardiovascular system. The acai berry contains 10 to 30 times more anthocyanins than red wine.

Anthocyanins are tremendously valuable for cardiovascular health. Studies show that it improves blood circulation, prevents blood clots, relaxes blood vessels and prevents atherosclerosis. Further studies have concluded that anthocyanins also have antiviral and antiallergenic properties and it may be promising that they can play a role to cancer prevention by blocking carcinogens on a molecular level and stimulating tumor cell death.

Acai berries contain many healthy fats that are like in arrangement to the fats from olive oil. They contain a monounsaturated omega-9 fatty acid called oleic acid, and a polyunsaturated omega-6 fatty acid called linoleic acid. Both of these fatty acids are helpful to cardio health because they lower the LDL cholesterol and maintain the HDL cholesterol. Healthy fats also encourage the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, which are necessary to good health.

The fatty acids from the acai berry are able to penetrate the cell membranes, which in turn makes them more supple. This significantly reduces inflammation by allowing hormones, neurotransmitters and insulin receptors to operate more proficiently. Reducing inflammation is critical to prevent the problems of aging, because it is a foremost cause of the problems of aging, including dry skin and wrinkles, gray hair and especially dementia.

The anti-aging ability of the acai berry is perhaps the most vital benefit of this incredible fruit. The combination of necessary nutrients such as antioxidants, essential fatty acids and amino acids are all constructive in slowing the aging progression.

The acai berry is a extremely useful dietary discovery. It has one of the highest antioxidant capacities of any food, the content of healthy fats is outstanding and the fiber and protein add to its marvelous nutritional value. The acai berry is in fact a incredible nutritional find. - 17269

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The Acai Berry Juice is a Healthy Drink and Easy to Make

By Theodore Izzy

The health food world is abuzz with talk about acai berry juice. And why shouldnt it be? This little purple berry comes from an exotic location, namely the Amazon Rainforest! The berry contains super uber health benefits so it can be taken as a pill or it can be blended in a fresh fruit smoothie and it can be taken with your meat and fish dishes also. It's also delicious.

Who wouldn't take advantage of a fountain of youth? And that's just what acai berries provide. Not to mention a little extra kick in the energy department. They also carry levels of Vitamin E in the fruit which helps the immune system to function more efficiently.

Acai berries, according to some health companies, are beneficial to losing weight. And thats not all, the acai berries also helps blood circulation, and when needed, can act as a natural form of viagra. No wonder its called the power berry!

A cool refreshing juice drink made with lots of acai berry juice and a bit of fresh fruit is one of the best ways to enjoy the health benefits. You can utilize the acai pulp, found in the health food stores in place of the acai berry juice if want to.

Using pulp doesn't make the drink taste different, but it will thicken it. Along with the acai berry juice, if you throw in a medium banana with an unpeeled apple, youll get a refreshing and healthy drink. It is not necessary for you to be over cautious about quantifying the fruit that you put in the blender. Depends on whatever you like.

Blend them until the mixture is smooth. Pour some of this healthy acai berry juice into a nice glass and add an umbrella to spice it up some - 17269

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What is an Acai Berry Detox?

By Janelle Simpson

Feeling sluggish and tired all of the time? Do you have constant heartburn and indigestion? Have you been experiencing painful bloating after meals? You may need to try the acai berry detox diet. The acai berry detox is an effective weight loss system used to eliminate toxins and waste from your system. Ordinarily, the body does an very food job of eliminating toxins and other harmful wastes from your body. Still, excess waste and toxins can still build up in the body. Digestive and gastrointestinal problems can result from this build up. Weight gain often becomes an issue when this waste and buildup occurs in the body. An acai berry detox is the answer to remove these toxins and wastes from your body.

Acai berry detox diet supplements are proven to be super efficient in the detoxification of the body, and in removing excess waste. Acai is naturally high in dietary fiber, and will boost the elimination of waste from your system. Dietary fiber is the best natural choice when looking for a detox diet. It forces food through the digestive system, absorbing water and effectively removes wastes from your body. Results include renewed energy, and fast weight loss. You will look and feel better, and more like yourself. A good healthy step in removing these impurities from your body should include a regular acai berry detox.

Generally because acai berries are so packed with antioxidants, they will give you more energy, fight off free radicals, and give you a healthier body. Acai berries are also known to suppress your appetite. Many people overeat when they become stressed. The acai berry detox diet can ease this anxiousness, and curb your appetite to prevent overeating. Combine the acai berry detox diet with regular exercise, and you will start to burn calories more efficiently and raise your metabolism.

Because acai berries are packed with essential minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, they can also restore your youthful appearance. You will notice when you begin the acai berry detox diet that your wrinkles and fine lines in your face will start to fade, your hair will be softer and fuller, and your skin will be clear and glowing. The acai berry detox diet can give your appearance that edge again. Give the acai berry detox diet a try today.

There may be a multitude of other detox diets on the market today, but which ones can you trust to work? Trust an all natural cure for what ails you. The acai berry detox diet is all natural, can restore your youthful appearance, help you lose weight, and give you an overall sense of energy and well being.

After your acai berry detox, be sure to change your diet and start to eat more healthy fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Add lean protein, and drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated. Try an exercise program and stick with it. Regular exercise will improve the functioning of your heart, respiratory system, brain, and it also helps with your digestive system.

As with any diet, you will want to see your doctor to get their expert advice. Combine a healthy diet, regular exercise, and an acai berry detox, and you will reach your weight loss goals. - 17269

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Don't Mix Alcohol and Muscle Building

By Ricardo d Argence

Believe it or not, there are those who wonder if alcohol has an effect on their muscle building activities. The answer is a resounding yes alcohol will adversely affect your work out.

Protein shakes are the first drink that serious muscle builder will reach for, and for good reason. Protein is critical when muscle building, and its absorption should not be interfered with. When alcohol is consumed, the synthesis of protein is impaired.

The process that joins amino acids together to form complete proteins is called protein synthesis. When a person drinks alcohol the process is slowed by 20%.

Another critical factor in muscle building is the testosterone level in the body. You have probably noticed that women don't build the amount of muscle mass as me do. There reason for this is the low testosterone levels in women; women normally have 15-20 times less testosterone in their bodies than me do.

But what does testosterone have to do with alcohol consumption? Alcohol is known to decrease the testosterone levels while increasing the estrogen levels.

Hydration. When you drink alcohol, the kidneys must use massive amounts of water to process the toxin. Yes, the body recognizes alcohol as a toxin. When this happens, the body can quickly become dehydrated.

Nerves are controlled by the muscles. Nerves produce the stimuli that contract muscles using electrolyte minerals that dissolve in water. Water also lubricates the joints and protects them against injury while working out.

Drinking alcohol robs your body of key vitamins. Vitamins like B, C and A, plus calcium and phosphorous are all depleted through the use of alcohol. When you consider that the most important vitamins to healthy muscle development are vitamins B and C, you can see this is just one more reason that drinking alcohol while muscle building is such a big deal.

When you build muscle, you are looking to deplete stores of fat and increase muscle mass. Alcohol works against this effort. Alcohol contains what nutritionist call empty calorie, which is calories with no nutritional benefit. It also has twice as many calories as carbohydrates and protein.

It is important to note that the calories that are taken in as the result of alcohol consumption are the first calories that will be burned for energy. What this means is that the fat that is stored will remain stored until all of the alcohol calories have been burned for energy. This isn't really an optimal situation for somebody that wants to lose fat and build muscle.

We have examined most of the major points on alcohol and bodybuilding; however, you have to consider the other affects of alcohol on the body. Prolonged use can lead to liver damage, diabetes and a host of other medically related problems. It will be increasingly difficult to build muscle if you suffer any one of these. At the end of the day, is it really worth the cost? - 17269

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The Vigorous Outcome Of Antioxidants On Your Fitness

By Chad Murray

Even though our bodily processes necessitate oxygen, the expenditure of oxygen in our bodies causes oxidative harm. Free radicals are produced when our bodies use oxygen. A free radical is a molecule that is lacking one or more electrons. This makes the molecule highly erratic and it can cause many problems in our bodies. Antioxidants are nutrients that are found in food that are recognized to slow or even inhibit the effects of oxidative injury.

An antioxidant will stabilize a free radical and avoid further injury by donating the missing electron. Many of the foods found in nature are very excessive in antioxidants and including these foods can help us preclude diseases like cardiovascular disease and cancers and many of the problems normally allied with aging by enhancing our own immune systems.

Berries include some of the premier antioxidant levels in the world. Blueberries, cranberries, blackberries, strawberries, grapes and cherries all have high antioxidant content. The Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity or ORAC is how food is calculated for antioxidants. All berries place high on the ORAC scale and the highest-ranking physical food on the ORAC scale is the acai berry. A couple of things such as ground cloves and ground cinnamon rank over the acai but as for tangible foods the acai berry surpasses all.

Fruits that have a elevated level of antioxidants include the citrus variety, orange, grapefruit and lemons and many of the more tropical fruits such as kiwi, mango and papaya. Apples, pears and plums are also outstanding.

Many of the ordinary vegetables are exceptionally high in antioxidants. Spinach, Kale, Swiss chard, dandelion greens and other greens are excellent, along with the cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts.

Pumpkins and most other orange foods are high in beta-carotene, which is a precursor to vitamin A. Beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A in our bodies. Beta-carotene is best provided by diet, as supplements of this nutrient have been known to bring about tribulations, particularly in smokers. Most of the orange foods, such as pumpkins, carrots, sweet potatoes and squash supply a liberal sum.

The greatest means to get your antioxidants is through eating a multi-colored diet. It is the intensely colored foods from nature that provide the most antioxidants. Intense purples and reds from the berries, oranges from the pumpkins and carrots, and greens from the spinach, kale and cruciferous vegetables and reds from tomatoes and watermelon. Any whole food that is a deep color is likely laden with essential antioxidants.

Ongoing research into antioxidants is proving progressively more advantages for our wellbeing. Enhanced immune function can avert diseases like heart disease and cancers along with conditions that are widespread with age like macular degeneration and Alzheimer's disease. - 17269

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Do You Back Down From the Muscle Building Fight?

By Owen Scott

What type of approach do you take when it comes to weight training and working out?

Do you prepare for that workout?

Do you take a log book to the gym with you?

Do you know how much weight you need to lift or how many reps you need to do to improve?

I bet you go to the gym because you want to build muscle and burn fat. You want a better looking body, a body that performs better, and one that feels great. If you want all of that, you MUST improve each and every workout. You must lift heavier weights, and/or do more reps on every exercise. You must strive for improvement.

With that said, I'm going to tell you right now that you need a certain mindset when you enter those gym doors. If you want to build muscle, you're going to have to develop this mindset.

Preparing your mind for weight training is vital. If you fail to prepare your mind and develop this mindset, you are doomed for failure. You'll end up working your butt off and getting nothing in return. No one wants that.

If you want to make progress each workout, build muscle each workout, and get the body you've always wanted, you need to listen up. Don't do what I did and waste years and years of time.

This mentality I speak of is the WARRIOR mentality. The warrior prepares for the battle. The warrior never gives up. The warrior fights until the end. And the warrior is relentless against his/her opponent. Nothing stops the warrior.

When those gym doors shut behind you, there's absolutely no turning back. You are now in the middle of the battle arena. It's you against the weights. You don't turn back. You don't quit. You draw your weapon (your log book), and you give everything you have. The time is now.

Sure, weight lifting is tough. It's even tougher when you battle the weights each and every workout trying to lift heavier or do more reps. But, you have to prove to your body that it needs more muscle to survive the next workout. Do that, and you will build muscle!

If you've lifted weights before, you'll know that there comes a time during each and every set in which your mind warns you to STOP THE SET. Your mind tells you that this is just too much to handle for your current body. Do you think a warrior would quit?

NO. Hell No. A warrior does not quit. It doesn't matter what it takes. A true warrior will do whatever it takes to win the battle. A warrior laughs at pain and wants more. Victory is near. Never stop fighting.

Now, can you develop this mentality? Can you find the warrior hiding inside of you? Each and every one of us have that warrior. Find that warrior and start building muscle today. Prepare for each and every battle or you will lose. Get your log book out and go to war! Have fun! - 17269

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Isnt There a Link Between Anemia and Easy Bruising?

By Carolyn Cooper

If you determine that you are in a situation where you are discovering new bruises essentially every day, you will learn that there are a variety of medical explanations that can be offered to explain your bruising. One of the first answers that you'll hear will be associated with anemia, so you need to know about the relationship between anemia and easy bruising. Does easy bruising automatically mean that you should start researching what anemia is and how it might be affecting you? The truth of the situation is that this is a difficult question to answer without gathering some pertinent information right in front of you.

To begin with, let's discuss anemia. From the most basic perspective, anemia can be defined as a deficiency in the number of red corpuscles in your body, although it may also be defined as a condition where you simply have less than optimal amounts of hemoglobin in your blood. It might also refer to other forms of hemoglobin deficiency. Having anemia means is that your body is having difficulty obtaining sufficient oxygen from your lungs to be transmitted to your tissues, and because of the fact that our cells must have oxygen to survive, there are a variety of clinical results that might be applicable.

Anemia is categorized in three main classes, and they include excessive blood loss, a deficiency in red blood cell production, or excessive blood cell loss. Certain forms of anemia are only known to be found with various other chronic diseases, while sickle cell anemia and aplastic anemia are known for standing alone. Depending on the severity of the disease and the person who suffers from it, anemia is very much a disease that can take on a variety of forms. Iron deficiency and menstrual bleeding can actually cause mild cases of anemia in some people.

With that in mind, do you know why is anemia linked to bruising easily? Because anemia is a disease that can very easily lead to a reduction in the number of platelets in your body (the things that help to heal you) or to problems with your blood clotting, there is an almost certainty that you will experience bruising easily if anemia was the source of the problem. Since easy bruising is not the only symptom of anemia, and since you would also need to evidence the pale skin, cognitive problems, fast heartbeat, chest pain, diarrhea and weight loss that accompanies it, anemia is likely not the reason for your bruising. Take a moment to evaluate exactly what is happening with your body, and if you are still concerned that anemia could be the cause, you should discuss it with to your doctor.

However, bruising easily often occurs as we age because our bodies grow more fragile and frail. If your bruising is just a result of your aging, you should take a look at the Bruises Be Banned daily program, which is a uniquely formulated, completely natural product to help reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17269

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Weight Loss Meal Plans, How to Choose the Best One for You? (This is what worked for me!)

By Mindi Everett

Hello. I'm Mindi Everett and I wanted to tell you my story about how I found a great weight loss plan that worked for me after I had spend hundreds of dollars and tons of time looking and trying other plans out.

You might have been there too. Too many plans out there claim to be successful. Problem is that they are successful for too few people with their little meals that seems to be tasteless, expensive, and the weight loss is less than most people want.

After too many trials and little success in losing weight while on them, I was about to give up trying. I thought I would be overweight forever. I lost all confidence in myself and in any meal plans out there.

They all seemed the same. They want your money, your time, and your commitment. That all changed for me when a friend recommended that I try one last meal plan. This meal plan changed my outlook, my life, and my attitude.

It was a complete program with support, great tasting meals (finally!), and was easy to use. There are so many wonderful real testimonials of real people who have had the same success.

After seeing my successful weight loss, my mother Carol decided to try it herself. A year later and many pounds lighter, we are both so excited to share the success of the meal plan with others. It really works! - 17269

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Washington, DC Weight Loss Specialist Says Red Meat Is Not Bad

By Will Branden

Foods that aren't good for you, seems like one of the most talked about topics in the media. In case you haven't already realized, this changes quite often. Sometimes they say milk is good for you and other times they say its not. Ultimately what they are doing is making it look like researchers have made a breakthrough in science and promoting bad science. Washington DC, weight loss expert addresses this when he talks about red meat being ok to eat.

A new study shows that the chances that you are more likely to suffer a premature death are high if you eat red meat. Josef Brandenburg, Washington DC weight loss specialist believes that these claims are false and that they should be reconsidered by the people that made them. People can get the wrong idea, that why these claims should not be publicized by news networks.

He goes on to prove his point by showing people that there are no proven facts to back up their claims. There are no people that have shown proof of this claim. Josef goes on to say that they have no cause and effect as they lack the proof. He also proves his point by showing that in the summer months you will see that more and more people eat ice cream just as the amount of murders that are committed in the summer also goes up. This does not mean that the two are related.

Josef states that to be able to prove that red meat could be one of the reasons that lead to an early demise, you have to evaluate the effects of red meat on an individual, for which it is necessary to step into an individuals life. Studies, in reality have proven the claims that red meat is bad as incorrect, as it has been observed that fatality rate elevated when people reduced the amount of cholesterol and the amount of saturated fats they consumed.

Washington, DC weight loss specialist, Josef Brandenburg, will help you lose the weight you need to lose, and will not put your health or life on the line. He knows what hes talking about and celebrities from all over use his weight loss services. You should think about working with the Washington, DC based weight loss expert, if losing weight is on your mind. He will guide you to do what is best for you and your body and you will discover that not only can you eat red meat but other things that you may have been advised not to eat as well. - 17269

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