Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Farmers Markets in Marin County " Direct to Your Table from Local Fields

By David DuPont

A trip to the local farmers market is a weekly must on many Marinites schedule. With several opportunities to buy and consume fresh and often organic produce grown by local farmers, why not take the time to visit your areas farmers market?

The largest farmers market in Marin County also operates year-round at the Civic Center in San Rafael each Sunday from 8 am to 1 pm. The third largest farmers market in California, attracts nearly 200 farmers, specialty food purveyors and artisans to sell their goods to local residents. Location: 10 Avenue of the Flags, Marin Civic Center, San Rafael.

Local premier chefs shop regularly for their weekend produce at another farmers market held at the Civic Center in San Rafael each Thursday from 8 am to 1 pm. This one also operates throughout the year, and features 100 local farmers, specialty food purveyors and artisans. Location: 10 Avenue of the Flags, Marin Civic Center, San Rafael.

During the summer season, the Novato Farmers Market is held every Tuesday evening in the renovated part of town called Old Town, where locals shop for fruit and vegetables, treat their children to pony rides, face painting and balloon sculptures. Location: Grant Ave between Machin & Reichert, Novato.

The Fairfax Farmers Market is staged in a beautiful setting every Wednesday, also during the summer months, from 4 pm to 8 pm. Fairfax has outlawed single use plastic bags, so dont forget to take your tote bags! Location: Bolinas Road & Elsie Lane, Fairfax.

The Marin Farmers Markets mission is to educate the public about the benefits of buying fresh and locally grown food, to promote a viable food system, and to bring farmers and communities together.

Fruits and Vegetables Likely to be Found at Marin County Farmers Markets:

Apples, Apricots, Artichokes, Asparagus, Avocados, Bananas, Beans, Beets, Blackberries, Blueberries, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Chard, Cherries, Chicory, Coconuts, Collard Greens, Corn, Crabapples, Cranberries, Cucumbers, Dates, Eggplants, Elderberries, Figs, Gooseberries, Gourds, Grapefruit, Grapes, Jerusalem Artichokes, Kale, Kiwi Fruit, Kohlrabi, Kumquats, Leeks, Lemons, Lettuce, Limes, Lychee Nuts, Mandarin Oranges, Mangoes, Melons, Mushrooms, Nectarines, Okra, Olives, Onions, Oranges, Papayas, Parsnips, Passion Fruit, Peaches, Pears, Peas, Peppers, Pineapples, Plums, Pomegranate, Potatoes, Pumpkins, Radicchio, Radishes, Raspberries, Rhubarb, Rutabaga, Shallots, Spinach, Squash, Strawberries, Sweet potatoes, Tangerines, Tomatoes, Turnips, Watercress, Watermelon, Yams.

Not found on this list are the many types of nuts or the many kinds of lettuce, peppers, onions or olives, most of which are sold direct from local farmers at the Farmers Markets.

An interesting sidenote: Certain fruits enjoy greater favor among the foodie community; fruits currently in fashion among foodies and consumers include Pomegranate and Heirloom Tomatoes. Cultivated in California, Pomegranate is consumed mainly for its juice and is rich in Vitamins C, B5, and antioxidants. Many people particularly treasure Heirloom Tomatoes each summer for their multiple colors, unique shapes, and sizes and their unusually delicate flavors.

Seasonal vegetables and fruit that are especially popular and most commonly eaten in California include Artichokes and Avocados. Artichokes are a spiny vegetable grown largely in Californias Central Valley area. Avocados are a pear- shaped fruit, also known as Alligator Pears, that are mainly cultivated in countries with tropical climates. Many avocados, mainly the Hass type, also grow in Southern California. - 17269

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Bodybuilding Secrets, Man Boobs And How To Get Rid Of Them

By Ricardo d Argence

You don't have to go through life with man boobs (otherwise known as male breasts). In fact, you can burn away chest fat and get rid of your man boobs forever with just three short, but intense workouts per week.

For anyone who has man boobs, emotions such as humiliation, low self-esteem and embarrassment over physical appearance are common. Any social situation can often be a cause for great anxiety. If you want to get rid of them, what you need is to cut back on the junk, and fill up on the intensity. Turbulence Training is the fastest fat loss workout you can do at home. You will not need a gym membership or any fancy equipment.

Listen, women love a chiseled chest, but are turned off by the site of man boobs poking through a sweatshirt. That's why I've put together a fat burning program that focuses on building muscle and blasting fat with all sorts of push-ups, chest exercises, and intervals. In fact, even the Turbulence Training abdominal workouts work the chest and help convert those man boobs back into a real man's chest in just weeks.

You can gain muscle and lose fat with short workouts. You don't need to be training 6 days per week or spending hundreds of dollars each month on fancy (but worthless) supplements. Soon you'll be the guy who is first to take his shirt off at the beach. No more hiding under sweats in the middle of July, or avoiding the water because you don't want anyone to see your man boobs.

And no matter what anyone says, you don't have to rely on surgery. Besides, that will leave ugly scars that will leave you just as self-conscious as when you had man boobs. The only fix is a permanent lifestyle change, thanks to the 3 short workouts per week of Turbulence Training. You'll see changes in your man boobs, love handles, and arm definition within weeks, going from male breasts to ripped abs in the process.

It is not like the other slow cardio programs you had maybe tried in the past. And it's not a wimpy machine circuit that just ends up being a waste of your time. If you are reading this lines, it means they didn't worked for you. It is a unique exercise system that you can perform in your own house. Combine that with Dr. Chris Mohr's sensible nutrition guidelines, and you'll have a new body, and a new chest in just weeks. Don't let this condition affect your sense of self and your social life. - 17269

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The Health Benefits of Acai Berry and What They Mean for You

By Travis Van Slooten

Acai berry has recently jumped into the health food market with a splash and the health benefits of acai berry are are receiving a great deal of attention. Celebrities and doctors are all promoting the acai berry as the new number one super fruit. There are many different ways in which the ingredients in acai berries are thought to improve quality of life. While the berries themselves are still being studied, they contain many beneficial elements which have been studied for a while.

Fighting Disease

Free radicals which are said to be harmful to the body are not only found in the environment but also within our bodies. These are the atoms which lack an electron and make up for to it by getting electrons from other atoms, and in turn, make these atoms to free radicals too. Having an excess of free radicals in the body is not good and that's where the role of antioxidants comes into play -- they stop the increase of free radicals in our system. Acai berry contains the highest level of antioxidants among all fruits and while they cannot directly stop diseases, a higher level of antioxidants in the body would be most welcome.

Does Acai Help in Weight Loss Too?

Even if you have no current medical problems, you still have to work at staying that way. Acai berries are rich in fiber, which has long been known to promote a healthy lifestyle. Fiber can also help with digestive tract issues and can lead to easier weight loss for those looking to shed pounds. The health benefits of acai berry don't stop there. Acai berries also contain unsaturated fats. These are the good fats which can be a major source of Omega fatty acids, which is essential to the body, but must come from outside sources as the body cannot manufacture it.

Other Benefits

There is one more important compound found in acai berries. Anthocyanins, a pigment found in the skin of some fruits such as grapes, has been found to help fight against coronary heart disease. It was long believed that red wine might be healthy due to this chemical, but the alcohol was still damaging to the body. Acai berries offer a source of anthocyanins, potentially good for keeping the skin healthy by reducing dun damage, but contains no alcohol.

While acai berry supplements will not cure everything, they are being studied as an extremely good way to improve your healthy lifestyle. Whether you are looking to lose weight or simply get a source of antioxidants, acai berries may have what you are looking for. The potential health benefits of acai berry are just now being uncovered and are definitely worth adding to your daily diet! - 17269

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Learn About Exercise And Optimum Nutrition That Can Assist You To Lose Fat

By Dustin Duncan

Right now in the United States obesity and being overweight has reached roughly epidemic proportions. Our lifestyles are sedentary and we eat too many nutritionally vacant foods in the Standard American Diet. We don't work out enough and we eat too much.

Our bodies have evolved throughout history to shield us from scarcity. That means that our bodies naturally preserve fat and energy to keep us alive in case there is no food obtainable. However efficient our bodies might be at doing this the fact is that these days the only food shortage that we ever experience is the self-imposed one from the limiting diets that we go on.

On the other hand, our bodies cannot make a distinction between a scarcity and a restrictive diet. We start dieting and our biology sabotages us by slowing down our metabolism and conserving every little bit of fat and energy that it can. That is one explanation why our dieting efforts get more and more stubborn with every subsequent diet.

The answer to the predicament may be as straightforward as to discontinue the diet roller-coaster and start eating. In other words, begin working with your ordinary biology and begin eating the way your body was intended to eat.

It's much more than just starting to eat as usual again. We must redefine what "normal" eating is. The Standard American Diet or as it is also known SAD contributes by and large to our troubles with obesity and overweight. Our bodies were by no means designed to eat the standard fare of processed, nutritionally void and unhealthful foods that is so plentiful in our society and that many of us are used to.

People were designed to eat the unsurprisingly nutritious, beneficial foods from nature. This world that we live on provides the foods that are optimal for our bodies including fruits, vegetables, whole grains and even fish and lean meats. The a lesser amount of processed and more natural a food is the better and more nutritious it is for our bodies.

Our anatomy was also designed to move and keep fit. Our ancestors spent most of their days up and about, moving around and our bodies are designed for that. If you desire to lose weight and become healthier the answer is to include both a healthy diet with optimum nourishment and an exercise plan.

Fighting obesity, losing weight for good and creating optimum physical condition starts with including the healthiest foods in nature into your diet and incorporating an exercise plan into your life. You will see the results and your body will thank you. - 17269

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Your Guide To Personal Training In Washington, DC

By Josef Brandenburg

Want to be fit and healthy but aren't quite sure what you need to do?? If that's the case then you can be sure that there are others who have the exact same problem. It is difficult to consistently follow an exercise and diet regime. If you have never been exposed to one, you may find it confusing. Fortunately there are a lot of people who have faced a similar ordeal and have gotten through it with help. If you reside in Washington DC, then you can hire a personal fitness trainer who can guide you in your fitness regime.

A personal trainer can inculcate a sense of discipline to your personal fitness program. The most reliable way this can be achieved is by defining the target to be achieved through the fitness program. The aim of the fitness program can be linked to losing weight, building muscle mass, endurance, or any specific needs. A trainer understands what steps are needed in goal setting and achieving the results.

It is, however, important to work with a personal trainer willing to take the time out to properly craft a workout program that fits your individual needs. Workout programs are definitely not culled from the one program fits all mold and not every person will be the right fit for a particular goal. A quality personal trainer Washington, DC professional understands this and will engage in an assessment session in order to ascertain your particular goals and needs.

The assessment session/discussion involves gaining an insight into what the clients situation may be. That is, what type of diet does the person eat, what type of fitness condition the individual is in, issues related to injuries and medical conditions, and a variety of other factors. This is not done to screen anyone out of the process. It is done so that the trainer can gain a valuable insight into the individual he/she is training in order to make the process as fruitful and reliable as possible. A legitimate and caring trainer will definitely perform an assessment so as to make sure the clients goals are being met. If the trainer does not take part in any type of assessment, such a trainer may be best avoided!

Also, it is helpful when a trainer performs reassessment at various points of the training session. This is done to ensure that the current goals are being met and that future goals are modified and devised.

A good trainer may also provide a workout routine that a client needs follow outside the normal workout sessions. In short, he will provide a comprehensive plan that can be performed outside the training hours. A good plan covers overall fitness and will definitely help in the process and thus it is actively recommended.

Finally, it is advisable that you have a trainer that acts in a professional and ethical manner. If he lacks focus then it is advisable that you find some one new to train you. Generally, most personal fitness trainers are professionals and you may not encounter such problems. In case you do, then it is advisable that you make the switch. - 17269

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Ganoderma - "Mushroom of Immortality"

By Dr. Markho Rafael

Ganoderma lucidum, popularly known as the "Mushroom of Immortality," appears to possess a wider range of therapeutic properties than any other medicinal mushroom known. In a chart by medicinal mushroom expert Paul Stamets, Ganoderma extract is listed as therapeutic in 16 out of 17 areas of health.

Known in Tibet as Ling Chi, Ganoderma has a long history of use against high-altitude sickness and infections. [25] As a tribute to its gift of healing, or maybe just because it is beautiful in its own right, many Buddhist shrines and temples contain engravings of the Ganoderma mushroom.

In spite of Ganoderma's ancient history, only contemporary healers might attribute its life extending properties to an exceptionally high level of antioxidants [34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41], which help protect against free radical damage, one of the major causes of aging.

The anti-inflammatory properties of Ganoderma's triterpenoid compounds may be another contributing factor to its life-prolonging properties. [42, 43, 44, 45] Inflammation is, after all, involved in many of our most prevalent illnesses, from the common cold and bronchitis, allergies and asthma to arthritis [47, 48, 49, 50, 51] and atherosclerosis. [46] In fact, any part of the body may be susceptible to inflammation, from brain [52] to reproductive organs. [53]

Now, inflammation is of course also part of a natural and well functioning immune system. So it bears mention that Ganoderma extract is an immune system "adaptagen", which means that whereas it will slow down an overactive immune response, it will likewise improve an underactive immune system. In other words, it helps the immune system to "adapt." [48, 54, 55] Case in point, one study showed Ganoderma extract as having a dampening effect on HIV replication in lymphocytes. [56]

Lung and heart functions are also important as we age. Research on Ganoderma extract has indicated that it may help increase the oxygen absorbing capacity of the lungs [57], blood profusion of the heart muscle, and decrease blood pressure. [58] In other words, its an energizing tonic, which may be why it has also been demonstrated as having an effect in cases of chronic fatigue. [59, 60]

Ganoderma extract also contains anti-cancer compounds. Research has specifically shown results with tumors of the liver, lungs, prostate, cervix, blood and bone. [61, 62, 63, 64, 65] It appears that this anti-tumor effect may be secondary to the general immune stimulating properties of Ganoderma. [66, 67]

Two Chinese studies have shown Ganoderma extract to have liver protective effects in cases of post-hepatic cirrhosis [69] and chronic hepatitis [68].

One study showed it to have a restorative effect on certain functions of the spleen. [34] A variety of skin disorders have been treated with powdered Ganoderma, [70] including rashes from poison ivy and oak, although this claim still may need to be conclusively verified. [25]

Paul Stamets lists the following additional therapeutic areas of potential use for Ganoderma extract: Candida; Diabetes / Hyperglycemia; Cholesterol; Kidney Function; Respiratory System; Nerves; and Stress. [134]

Note: The statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always consult a licensed medical practitioner before using any herb (or mushroom) for medicinal purposes.

Credit to Paul Stamets for research and source material. - 17269

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Exposing The Facts About Acne Antibiotics

By Jason Cartwright

Many of us from all walks of life have to deal with acne, some of us worse than others. Since acne is a global issue, a number of modern acne antibiotics and oral treatments have hit the market. These antibiotics for acne are meant to cure your acne quicker than doing nothing about it.

While most prescriptions have unique methods of curing acne, the majority of these acne antibiotics are effective at reducing breakouts and even the scars from cystic acne. The safest, quickest and most popular acne treatments is taken orally.

Sometimes dermatologists start by prescribing some sort of topical cystic acne cure, and then move onto oral antibiotics. Oral medications are known to work in 9 out 10 acne cases, since they go after the bacteria that cause acne breakout.

The second type of acne antibiotics are known as systematic antibiotics, which reduce the production of hormones that cause inflammation. The result is a milder case of acne, with reduced pinkness and swelling, and fewer acne scars.

The duration of time someone with acne will ought to take oral antibiotics is by and large about four to six weeks before improvement is observed. The most significant thing to keep in mind is to take the precise dose as agreed and stick to a consistent treatment. Once the acne begins to fade, the dose of this acne cure treatment is step by step reduced and over time, it is ended overall.

In nearly all situations, fair to harsh acne will make the best level within five to six months, according to the individual's case, the medication, and the commitment to taking it. Consider that systemic acne antibiotics taken for getting rid of acne are safe, that is why taking them for such a prolonged time is not disadvantageous.

The good thing with oral antibiotics for acne is that they not only improve your skin and complexion, but they improve your confidence too. If you think that over half of Americans suffer from acne, these treatments can help a lot of people feel better about themselves.

If left untreated, acne can leave scars outside and within. However, with the correct oral acne antibiotics, these scars can reduce and improve. If you are together with individuals who have acne, you have to realize that assistance is accessible.

It is always recommended to speak to your general practitioner or dermatologist about using the right cystic acne cure for your circumstances. That way you could be well on your way to a better looking, more vibrant you. And by understanding that acne antibiotics can be effective and harmless, you should at least look into it further. - 17269

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Mineral Supplements " Your Easy To Understand Guide

By Neil Butterfield

We seem to hear a lot about vitamins " the good, bad, and the ugly, but somehow minerals are like an invisible ingredient that plays a very important role in our health but seldom get the attention they deserve. Here is your easy to understand guide to mineral supplements.

First, lets have a look at the role of minerals. They are involved in almost every action in the body within the billions of cells that compose our body. They enable enzymes, they activate chemical reactions, they promote healthy brain function, and they build solid bone structure.

Unlike some vitamins, your body cannot make minerals. Instead you get them from food and supplements.

Studies that were done recently show how important minerals are to good health. Some results of these studies that you should know are as follows:

1. Canada- over the past 50 years, calcium, iron and other minerals have been sharply declining in foods.

2.The American population as a whole is not getting enough minerals like zinc, calcium, magnesium, chromium, and selenium from their food.- (US Department of Agriculture study)

This means even if you are eating a diet that is packed with fresh fruits and vegetables, and you are eating meat you are still at risk of becoming vitamin or mineral deficient. A lack of minerals can do a great deal of damage when it comes to your health. Even if you take enough vitamins if you do not have sufficient minerals your body will not be able to use the vitamins.

3. Chelated minerals have an absorbency rate that is less than 20%. That means if you are taking chelated minerals you are not getting the amount you think you are. However, studies have shown that liquid minerals are almost 100% absorbed by the body, and liquid ionic minerals are the best because they are completely water soluble.

Science That Is As Good As Nature.

Do you know anything about the company you're considering buying from? While many people think that throwing a bunch of minerals together makes a supplement, liquid Ionic minerals that are created by scientists are the highest quality minerals you can buy.

When choosing a supplement, you should pick companies that are pharmaceutical GMP compliant. These supplements meet the highest standards. Supplements without this label, might not live up to their promises since there are few regulations in effect for supplements in the USA.

Which Mineral Supplements should you choose?

We already talked about the importance of liquid ionic minerals. Now lets look at some of the more important minerals that you need to stay healthy.

Magnesium/ Calcium a Winning Team-Calcium is good, but a calcium magnesium combo is better. Together this pair is unbeatable at keeping your bones and teeth healthy. Separately, but if you're only taking a calcium supplement you're getting less than half the benefit.

And worse yet if you are taking a compound tablet, capsule or even chelated calcium you are only absorbing a maximum of 20%. That means if you take 1000 mg of calcium you will get at most 200 mg absorbed and it can be a lot less in many cases. Thats why you need to take liquid calcium. Because it is water soluble you will absorb almost 100% ensuring you are actually getting the dosage you are taking. This applies to all minerals.

Zinc - often used in natural remedies to fight off colds and flu because of its miraculous healing powers and immune strengthening abilities.

Chromium - the mineral you want to take if you're worried about blood sugar, cholesterol, fat, and a sluggish metabolism.

Selenium - usually found in soil and transfer to plants, Selenium is key component in a strong immune system.

There are plenty of other minerals but these are a few of the main ones. See that wasnt so hard to understand was it? Now youre ready to look for liquid ionic minerals so that you can ensure you are meeting your daily needs. - 17269

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Getting a Good Bicep Workout

By How to Get a Good Bicep Workout

Typically, a work out serves as a vital element in every person's quest for a healthy and well fit physique. But in order to get the best results, it is extremely vital to give much consideration on the right execution and techniques of these exercises. This is important in order to refrain from any muscle cramps and injuries in the future.

Commonly, a well improved bicep is every persons great source of confidence as it illustrates strength. This then results to a lot of people on the lookout for work outs that can greatly improve their biceps. However, due to lack of important knowledge on this specific work out, only a few are able to achieve the expected results out of their work out. If a person gives much importance on several techniques and factors on a bicep work out, good results are easy to achieve.

One particular technique is give importance on antagonistic muscles. This certain type of muscles is the opposing ones that provide balance for each other. This specific type of muscles include quads and hamstrings, abdominals and the lower back, the chest and the upper back, and the bicep and triceps. Antagonistic muscles should be given equal amount of focus for a more balanced effect. Growth for a maximum potential is the main goal for such technique. And as for your bicep work out, this just simply means that you should not forget on your triceps.

Making yourself well acquainted with direct and indirect movements is also another technique that you should consider. Direct work outs simply refer t isolation exercises while indirect movements mean compound exercises. Specifically, curls are a fine example of a direct work out whereas pull-ups and pull-downs make up the indirect movements. Giving focus on this type of technique provides a full range of motion for your biceps.

One popular example of a program specifically designed to greatly improve a person's biceps is the Great Guns in 12 Weeks. This program is designed by a former trainer of Olympic athletes and well known strength consultant, Ian King. This program aims to increase arm size in just 12 weeks. So if you happen to be in great desperation for a bicep improvement, this might be the perfect program for you.

Throughout the whole program, you will be undergoing four different phases that focuses both on your triceps and biceps. Moreover, the program is also meant to work complementary on other types of programs for all other parts of your body. To make a good start, you must simply choose a weight that is considerably moderately challenging and then gradually adding up the weight on each passing week. From this program, you are ensured of nothing but the best of results for your muscle development and growth. You can read more information about workout routine online. - 17269

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Detoxing the Body by Juice Fasting

By Jay Collins

Many people who are looking to detoxify their body are looking towards juice fasting. A lot want to get rid of the toxins in their body so they can feel healthier. These toxins often make people feel sluggish and can affect the immune system. Any detoxifying or cleansing method such as juice fasting can help people to feel healthier and give them more energy. Juice fasting is good because it is easy to do and the fruits are readily available.

Starting slowly is advisable if you are just embarking on your fruit fasting quest. You have to remember that you will be limiting yourself to fruit juice for one whole day. Diabetics need to take extra precautions as fruit is high in sugar and could affect the glucose levels. It is important to consult with your physician first before embarking on a fast. Also, I would advise to keep to a fruit juice fast for no longer than three days. Again, seek medical advice first if you plan to pursue a fast for longer.

The following is a list of recipes that give good combinations of fruit and vegetable to make healthy, detoxifying drinks:

Recipe 1: The is a vegetable juice combination of half a beetroot, three carrots, one celery stick and two swiss chard leaves. Add to this a few sprigs of watercress. Make sure to wash them initially, dice and then put them through the juicer.

Recipe 2: This is my carrot and apple juice favorite that consists of two to three green apples, one carrot and fresh basil leaves. Perform the same steps of washing, dicing and juicing as previously outlined.

Recipe 3: This is a carrot juice with a little extra. Mix together a handful of dandelion leaves. mint, basil, one kale leaf, four carrots and coriander leaves and just juice for a quick drink.

Recipe 4: A peach juice by just using two or three peaches. As always, wash, slice and juice in the machine.

There are many types of juices you can make to fast with. Some fasts recommend just fruit and others just vegetables. It does not really matter at the end of day. you will soon start discovering your own favorite combinations. - 17269

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Chiropractic Care is Effective

By Dr. Jason Fowler

WASHINGTON--A critical mass of recent surveys and studies document the fact that the public, and conventional health care providers and payers, have come to recognize that traditional medicine can not answer all of consumers' health care needs. In particular, more people are turning to chiropractic services.

A study published in the July 1, 1998 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine shows that chiropractic treatment is appropriate for low-back pain in a considerable number of cases. This study by the Rand Corporation found that 46 percent of a sample of low-back pain patients received appropriate care from doctors of chiropractic - an appropriateness rating similar to that of common medical procedures. Poll results released in January 1998 by Landmark Healthcare, Inc., showed that one in every five adults ages 55 to 64 has used chiropractic care. A December 1997 report from the Federal Agency for Health Policy and Research (AHCPR) notes that the chiropractic profession is now the third largest group of doctoral-level providers in the United States (after medical doctors and dentists). That same AHCPR report shows that fully 80 percent of American workers in conventional insurance plans, preferred providers organizations (PPOs), and point-of-service plans now have coverage that pays at least part of the cost of chiropractic care. As the recent AHCPR report states, "In the areas of training, practice and research, chiropractic has emerged from the periphery of the health care system and is playing an increasingly important role in discussions of health care policy." And, notes a March 1998 article in Business and Health magazine, "Many companies say chiropractic coverage has lowered their medical and workers' comp costs, while raising overall health and productivity. 'It's one of the best benefits possible from a quality, quantity and pricing perspective,' says George McGregor, president of (a firm that is a third-party administrator)." The article also cites an Oregon study, which found that median work time lost for employees with back injuries who used chiropractic care was only 9 days as compared with 34.5 days for workers who used medical care.

Quick relief of symptoms and sustained effectiveness have long attracted consumers to chiropractic care. In fact, in just one year - 1997 - more than 20 million adults used chiropractic services. The 1994 AHCPR guidelines for low-back pain concluded that spinal manipulation, chiropractic's primary treatment technique, is one of only three treatments whose effectiveness is substantiated by rigorous research. According to a 1992 RAND Corp. study, patients see a chiropractor primarily for low back pain and neck pain, though many seek chiropractic care for mid-back pain, extremity problems, headaches and other symptoms as well.

Doctors of chiropractic have long understood the cyclic nature of low back pain. They consistently rate higher than MDs in patient satisfaction in this area. In a recent Gallup poll, 90 percent of all people who visited a chiropractor agreed that their care was effective.

Successful outcomes in both effectiveness and patient satisfaction, have paved the way for chiropractors to enter the mainstream of health care services. Some have even begun to collaborate with medical doctors in integrated health care practices. As reported in the May/June 1998 issue of Health magazine, the prestigious Texas Back Institute at one time included only surgeons and other M.D.s. Then, about ten years ago, when TBI's medical doctors discovered chiropractic's success with lower back pain, they hired their first chiropractor. Now, according to one administrator quoted in the article, about 50 percent of the Institute's patients see a chiropractor first when beginning their treatment. Also, the Washington Post recently reported on the success of the 5-year-old company, American WholeHealth, whose clinics incorporate a consumer-driven mix of traditional medical and alternative health care including chiropractic.

Due to years of criticism - and even an illegal boycott by the American Medical Association - chiropractic training was sometimes called into question. However, the fact remains, chiropractors must complete a minimum of 6 and, on average, 7 years of college and post-graduate study to earn their degrees. Their education includes at least 4,200 hours of classroom, laboratory and clinical experience, and as much -- and sometimes more than -- course work in anatomy and physiology as most medical doctors. After they receive their degrees from one of the nation's 17 accredited chiropractic colleges, they have to pass rigorous exams and be licensed by the state before they can open a practice. The practice of chiropractic is licensed in all 50 states, and in 1994 there were approximately 50,000 chiropractors licensed in the United States. This number is expected to double by the year 2010, according to the 1997 AHCPR report.

"These recent surveys and reports finally vindicate the chiropractic profession after years of enduring doubt, questions and criticism about our training and practices," said Dr. Pedigo. "What the health care and medical communities are just beginning to accept is what our patients have known all along - that our treatment is safe, effective and highly successful at improving their quality of life. - 17269

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By Marilou Lissandrello

Eating healthy does not have to be complicated nor difficult. After you begin making healthy choices, and make it a habit, you don't have to think about it again. Just have healthy food choices always available and the decision will be easy.

When thinking about a meal or a snack, it needs to incorporate a proper balance between a protein, carbohydrate and fat.

Have you determined for yourself your daily caloric consumption needs? I know that for myself if I'm trying to lose wight, I cannot consume more than 1200 calories per day. On the other hand, if I'm trying to maintain my current weight, I'm allow to consumer 1500 calories per day.

Once you find out how many calories you should be eating, you then need to space them over 5-6 small daily meals/snacks through the day. The meals and or snacks should compliment each other with the proper balance of carbohydrates, fats and protein. I will give you an example of these choices to make during the day.

I should quickly mention something about portion sizes. Do you know what a serving of protein looks like? No, it's not the 16 ounce Prime Rib at your local steak house. A portion of protein is 3 ounces, the size of a woman's palm.


* 1 medium fruit -- tennis ball or tight fist

* 1/2 cup of pasta, rice, fruit, veggie, or cooked cereal -- tight fist or cupcake size

* 1 cup of salad -- the amount you can hold in two hands cupped together.

* 1 medium baked potato -- computer mouse

* 1 cup of cold cereal -- large handful or tight fist

* 3 ounces of poultry, meat or fish -- palm of a woman's hand or deck of cards

* 1 ounce of cheese -- top half of your thumb or 4 dice

* 1 ounce of meat, fish, chicken or poultry -- 1 egg

* 1 tsp -- the tip of a medium-framed woman's thumb. Also, 3 tsp is equal to 1 tbsp.


It is important to start the day with a good breakfast. A good breakfast is needed to maintain level blood sugars throughout the morning. Try to keep breakfast, lunch, and dinner at the same calorie count and then add two to three snacks between meals to make up the 5-6 recommended meals.

Choose an item from each of the food groups for a healthy balanced breakfast.

Protein: 1 hard boiled egg, 1 cup nonfat milk, 1 cup low fat yogurt, 1 oz of low fat cheese

Carbohydrate: granola bar, 1 slice of whole grain toast, bagel or muffin, 1/2 cup of whole grain cereal or oatmeal.

Fruit: 1/2 banana, small apple, orange, grapefruit, 3/4 cup of raspberries, strawberries, blueberries


Preparing lunch and dinner is very simple. Pick a lean protein, add some vegetables and top it off with some fruit for dessert.

Choose an item from each of the food groups for a healthy balanced lunch or dinner.

Protein: Turkey, lean beef, pork, chicken, fish, beans, etc.

Vegetable: Cauliflower, green beans, spinach, zucchini, broccoli, and salad greens, etc. For a serving size, fill about 1/2 of your plate with vegetables, 1/4 of your plate with healthy carbohydrates, and the other quarter with a lean protein.

Carbohydrate: Brown rice, corn, sweet potatoes, white potatoes, 1 slice of whole grain bread etc.

Dessert: Pear, apple, 1/2 banana, 1/2 cup of strawberries or raspberries with a dollop of nonfat whipped topping.


Snacks are what make or break the weight loss. You need to maintain your metabolism in between meals so that is why healthy snacks are essential. For your snack, consume between 100 to 125 calories.

Choose an item from each of the food groups for a healthy balanced snack.

Protein: 1/4 cup of low fat cottage cheese, low fat string cheese, hard boiled egg, small yogurt cup, 1 oz. low sodium, low fat luncheon meat.

Carbohydrate: 1/2 banana, apple, grapes, plum, baby carrots, 1 slice of whole grain bread, etc.

Healthy fats: Handful of almonds, walnuts cashews or mixed nuts, 1 slice of avocado, 2 tbsp of peanut butter.

Doesn't this sound easy? These are just guidelines for healthy foods. You do not have to eat the same thing every day. There are so many more foods then what I listed here but be creative. Try a new fruit and vegetable every week. Remember, this is easy! - 17269

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