Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Presidential Exercise Double Standard

By Dr. Bill

I was just reading that our President fits in a 45 minute workout 6 times a week, not counting the time he spends playing basketball. George W used to exercise every day as well, but he was often criticized for it.

During his recent appearance on Jay Leno, Obama told Jay that he likes to bowl, too . A funny scenario popped up in my mind, where the President plays a match against some of his liberal buddies. For every point over 129 that Obama bowls, I would be willing to donate a dollar to charity.

Its a good thing the new President is following in the steps of the old President by working out. Its no secret that this may be the most stressful job in the world.

Just to back up the theory about how stressful the job is on our Presidents, take a look at the photos from Inauguration Day and compare them to the photos shot on the last day of the administration. Looking at those exit photos, you are bound to see a much older looking man -- grey hair, dark under eye circles, and more wrinkles.

I often have people tell me that they just don't have the time in their daily lives for exercise.

What? Are you busier than the President?

Others tell me it's too expensive.

I am not aware of any fee involved in walking.

Then, there are those who think no one will support them.

This has to be something that you do for yourself.

People also tell me that they don't know HOW to exercise.

Luckily there are so many, many ways to get help, and lots of them are free.

So here's the deal: Get going, and NO WHINING!

It doesn't cost you anything to get started on an exercise plan -- you can troll the Internet for workout tips, and if you need support, form a group! If our incumbent President and our last President, who come from completely opposite sides of the fence and have stress levels and schedules that are outrageous, can still find the time and energy to work out, so can you.

Here's a tip that will help you get started: take a pharmaceutical-grade, enteric coated fish oil.

Pharmaceutical-grade fish oil will cost you some money, but you have to think of it as an investment in your health. I have recounted many, many stories here of people taking fish oil, who have received enormous benefits from it, and it seems as though the medical community is really beginning to take notice and start recommending high quality fish oil for their patients.

I strongly recommend that you place an order for your fish oil right now, and put all self-defeating thoughts out of your head. If you start exercising and taking the fish oil right now, by the first of June, you could be 10 pounds lighter. - 17269

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The WLC Program: A Complete Muscle Building and Fat Loss System

By Josh Owen

What exactly is the Weight Lifting Complete Program or WLC Program for short?

Thousands of people are already using the Weight Lifting Complete Program. Why haven't you heard about it? It's one of the biggest secrets in the muscle building and fat burning world. The WLC Program is a muscle building and fat burning system guaranteed to get you the body you've always wanted.

Why is it so important to burn those fat rolls and add muscle to your body?

Body fat is dead weight that simply weighs your body down. Your entire body suffers from the extra body weight those fat rolls are adding. Body fat is unattractive and leads to many health problems including disease that leads to death.

Lean muscle is body tissue that contributes to every day life. Unlike body fat that just weighs you down, lean muscle helps make your life easier. Muscle tissue works for you and never against you.

Muscle not only makes your life easier, but it makes your life more fun. Imagine your new levels of energy. You'll want to get out more and have fun with your family and friends. Watching TV all the time will be a thing of the past. You'll actually be proud of your lean and muscular body.

Does the WLC Program really work? Will this complete system help you get the lean and muscular body that you want?

Hard work and dedication is a requirement for the Weight Lifting Complete Program. You must be willing to work hard. If not, the WLC Program isn't for you. And good luck getting the body you want. It's impossible to do so without hard work and dedication. Ask anyone that's achieved their dream body. They'll tell you.

The 8 components of the Weight Lifting Complete Program listed below are the secrets to this amazing system. As you can see, it's definitely a complete program:

* Weight Training

* Diet and Nutrition

* Cardio Exercise

* Tracking, Measuring, Adjusting

* Rest and Recovery

* Gaining Muscle Principles

* Fat Burning Guidelines

* Planning Your Program

Take a look at the components again. Have you ever used a program that combines all of those? Probably not. I've never seen a program available that includes all of the components above until now. You'll get optimal results because the WLC Program is a complete program. Just wait until you see what the program will do for you!

And that's why it's called the Weight Lifting Complete Program. It's a complete muscle building and fat burning program.

You'll soon have the keys to your new dream body. Congratulations. You no longer have to search and hunt for the information you need to make progress. You won't have to learn through trial and error experiences any more. I spent 10 years of my life learning so you don't have to.

Make progress starting right now. Get your copy of the WLC Program today. Get instant access at the link below. - 17269

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3 Keys to Burn More Fat Now

By Curtis Ludlow

Have you ever seen a person doing tons of crunches in an attempt to get a smaller waist line?

Have you ever done this? Well, I'm here to tell you that spot reduction (attempting to burn fat in just that one little --or big-- spot on your body that you are unhappy with) does not work.

If "spot reduction" did work, chewing gum would give you a skinny face, right? If you want your body to burn fat around your midsection, then the latest ab crunch device isnt going to do it.

Just do these three things and you will burn more fat:

1. Build muscle.

What I mean by this is that you will need to perform some strength training exercises because muscle is a metabolically active tissue. So the more muscle you have the more calories and fat you will burn.

A "metabolically active tissue" requires energy to maintain itself. If you have more muscle, you burn more calories, and you can burn more fat.

2. Eat "thermic meals".

Eat a small meal every 3 " hours that contains a lean protein, fibrous carbohydrate, and starchy carbohydrate. Doing this will keep your blood sugar levels stable, which will give you more energy, and burn more fat, paradoxically. It will also keep you satiated and you will never feel like you are dieting or depriving yourself.

3. Use interval strength training.

Interval training alternates high and low intensities of exercise. "High intensity" is relative to the individual. A professional athlete might have to sprint uphill for 30 seconds, whereas a grandmother may be performing a "high intensity" interval by doing five body weight squats.

Interval training has been conclusively proven to be the most efficient way burn more fat and keep your metabolism high even after the training session has been completed.

You must take action if you expect to see and feel physical changes in your body. DO SOMETHING about what you just learned.

So what are YOU going to do?

You must examine your beliefs about what is possible in your life. You must develop a strategy to acquire your goal, or maybe find a fitness trainer who already has a proven strategy to attain a similar goal.

You must accept complete responsibility for who you are right now. You are not limited to your current state -- you can change but first you must accept who you are at this moment.

Change can happen fast. The moment you decide that you are fed up and NOT going to settle for anything. Never settle for anything less than you can be.

Make your fitness goal challenging yet attainable. Set a deadline for its achievement and take action now! - 17269

About the Author:

Read My Review Of A Fitness Program With More Than 'Lose Fat Fast' Promises

By Fynn Cole

I don't often write reviews, but I've made an exception in this case. I believe there is more than just hype to the well known abs program 'The Truth About Abs'. Most 'lose fat' information on the web tends to be just a lot of sales copy in front of a gimmicky product or crash diet. The reason I want you to read this whole article is so you can see that there is actually some solid information in this plan, and if followed will change your success with your get fit and stay fit endevours.

While the book by Mike Geary, "The Truth About Abs", is branded as a manual to creating 6 pack abs, it's really much more of a lifestyle manual. The Truth About Abs is an easy to follow guide to changing how you eat and how you exercise in order to achieve the results you have always dreamed of. Mike's 161 page book is broken down into 3 broad sections which are as follows:

1. An introduction to the program, and general information on what it means to be lean, body fat percentage, what effective abs training is, metabolism, and lean body mass.

2. Effective workout plans, information about more efficient ways to exercise, what multi-joint vs single joint exercises mean, as well as a collection of total body work outs. An explanation of why your current cardio program IS NOT helping you lose weight the way you expected; and

3. Diet and Nutrition, explanation of how blood sugar and insulin affect your diet program, the Glycemic Index, and the calorie burning properties (thermic effect) of food.

The workout schedules are easy to follow and don't take up much of your time. The Truth About Abs training program is broken down into two sections that include Interval training and Resistance and Weight training. Mike suggests that anything longer then 45-60 minutes per session is not a good use of your time. He breaks down his training program into 45-60 minute session, 3-4 times per week.

If you are serious about getting a toned body then this schedule should easily fit into your week. You don't need to be a member at a fancy gym and you don't really need to have equipment at home. However, Mike suggests having an exercise ball and set of dumb bells at home to most effectively perform the suggested workouts. This basic equipment can easily be purchased for 30-40 dollars and will be worth every penny.

There is a huge amount of nutrition advice that Mike has included in this program. The suggested diet plan calls for 5-6 smaller meals per day, eating every 3 hours (not including sleeping hours). An important tip is to plan your meals for an entire week, and shop once a week getting only the food you need for those meals.

Outside of planned, smaller, more often eating patterns, Mike also explains how to figure out your daily calorie requirements. This is used as a guide for figuring out your overall food plan. I have to say that this part of the book was inspiring - part of this losing weight program actually recommends regular and tasty meals - definately not a restricted, imbalanced, fad diet. There is an entire section of this book explaining why crash diets actually cause weight gain.

In fact you should never feel hungry if you follow this plan. HOWEVER, this will probably be a change from your regular eating patterns, and so you need to be disciplined and make sure to follow the recommended diet plans. The book is quite clear that the nutrition part of the plan is a FULL 50% of your success - if you only train and still eat poorly, then you will not get the optimum results. Making sure to combine the exercise and nutrition plans described by Mike will ensure that you will progress towards your weight and fitness goals.

I hope that I've given you a better insight into the actual information behind all the hype. As you can see, there are no magic promises with this program, but rather a clearly laid out plan with plenty of information to support a fitness lifestyle change. If you truly commit yourself to making a change, having a guide with no-nonsense healthy advice is the best thing you can do to start on your path to physical change. - 17269

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