Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Acai Berry Recipes

By Jane A Moore

I just saw the Rachel Ray acai berry show, and since Rachel Ray has such spectacular recipe ideas, I was a little disappointed that she didn't try to incorporate acai berry juice into a fun recipe. Since then I have tried a number of acai berry juices, which are fine on their own, but I thought that it was time that I try to experiment and see if I could create some interesting acai berry recipes.

My most popular dish at home is a baked chicken breast with a spicy citrus marinade, so I thought perhaps I could invent a chicken dish with acai berry juice substituted in for one of the citrus juices I normally use. As long as I kept my marinade time the same as usual (at least 6 hours in the refrigerator), I thought I couldn't go wrong trying out a citrus acai marinade.

I start by halving the chicken breasts because I find that being able to cook smaller pieces for less time on the barbeque decreases the chance that I will overcook or dry out the meat. Add all the chicken to a glass bowl, and add cold pressed olive oil, some ground sea salt, ground white pepper, minced garlic, acai berry juice, and lime juice as the citrus flavor. I thought the sour lime would balance the sweetness of the acai berry juice. As it turns out, the chicken turned out quite well, but not quite as good as by normal marinade. I also doubted that very much of the acai goodness made it into the chicken, as most of the sauce is burned off or dripped in the bar-b-q any way.

Let's think of something else that might be Rachel Ray acai berry recipe worthy. I thought of an acai berry frozen yogurt that was quick and simple to make, but this one turned out delicious! First, because I am going to add juice to the yogurt, we need to drain some liquid so it won't form too many ice crystals once it's frozen. Start by draining a pint of plain (low fat) yogurt with a colander and cheese cloth in the fridge for a day. Once it's has drained, discard the liquid, and now whip in 1/2 a cup of acai berry juice. At this point it actually makes a wonderful spread or dip.

So once the yogurt and acai berry mixture has been mixed and whipped, put it in a Tupperware and freeze it for a minimum of 6 hours. Once it is frozen to your taste - some people prefer just a chilled version, others like really hard frozen yogurt - serve, and enjoy! This recipe so far is the favorite, and versatile as well. You can use it as a non-frozen bagel spread, or throw it in the freezer for a frozen version perfect for a hot summer day.

Finally, I tried my own version of the old standby, the fruit smoothie. Actually there are a lot of acai berry juice mixes that have a creamy consistency and are called 'smoothies' on the label, but I like to make my smoothies fresh so I get the little bit of ice chips right in the smoothie. I mixed ice, banana, yogurt and acai berry juice in my blender, and blended until smooth. A trick I like to use is to freeze the banana before adding it, which makes the smoothy even creamier. In any event, as predicted, this was pretty delicious.

So my first attempt at acai berry inspired recipes turned out not so bad. I'm happy with two out of three successful recipes for my first attempt. Granted, my acai berry inventions are not nearly as delicious as what I imagine an acai berry recipe from Rachel Ray. I'll keep trying though and perhaps I will eventually come up with some amazing recipes to use this amazing super food in. - 17269

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How To Get Taller No Matter Your Age

By Shaun Davids

If you are frustrated with your height and want to get taller, don't lose hope. There are thousands of people around the world that believe that they're stuck with the height they're with.

There are actually several very effective ways to increase height and improve your bone health. These two factors actually have more in common than you would think.

First, let us talk about the growth of our bones. As infants, most of our bones are in fact cartilage. That is why babies have more bones than adults.

As we are growing taller, much of the cartilage in our bodies shifts and ossifies, becoming hard, adult bones. Cartilage growth plates are what causes much of our growth when we're going through puberty-exercise and a good diet can help your bones lengthen considerably during this crucial time in your life.

Why is exercising when you're young important? For one thing, it releases height growth hormones, which makes you get taller faster and more effectively. Just as important, though, is that it keeps your bones healthy and strong by allowing them to grow to the most of their potential.

A healthy diet is also extremely vital to grow tall. Many people don't realize that when they have poor diets, they actually risk stunting their growth. When you're young, it's important to have a steady intake of calcium, protein, amino acids, and calories to ensure that you have the energy to grow and move.

These nutrients also help in the replenishment of new cells in our bodies as our old cells die off. Remember that as teenagers our bodies work much harder, and as we taller we need as many nutrients possible.

If you're an adult, your exercise and diet are still important ways to increase height and remain taller. However, don't fall for advertisements that claim that stretches and exercises will actually lengthen your bones after they've already stopped growing. This is impossible. However, exercising keeps you trim and fit, which helps when you're dressing to look taller.

A good diet that's rich in calcium in particular will help keep your bones strong and even prevent shrinkage when you grow older.

So those are a few techniques you can use to get taller. Do not just read them, but apply them now, and enjoy a healthier, happier, taller you! - 17269

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Bodybuilding Benefits Of The Acai Berries

By Dana Hawkes

A little-known benefit of the acai berry diet is its assistance in muscle building. Most of the acai berry diet reviews speak about how an acai berry diet can help in weight loss, anti-aging, good vision, cardiovascular health and so on. But a very few reviews speak about the bodybuilding benefits of the acai berries.

Acai berries are good for bodybuilding, but you cannot depend on them solely. Probably that's the reason why there is less information in this area. Acai is not as support for building muscles as it is for some other things, but it does speed up the process all the same.

You need proteins in order to build muscles. That is the reason you see all professional bodybuilders consuming a diet that is rich in proteins. However, proteins are not introduced in the body directly. They are introduced in the form of amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks for proteins. Now, acai berries have a very essential amount of amino acids. Hence, when consumed in the form of a diet, these simple-looking berries can actually produce chains of protein molecules in the muscles of the body.

There is more than 7.5% of amino acid content in acai berries. That's a significant amount. Also, since acai berry diet products are available in different concentrated forms, such as pulps, juices and powders, you can get a very good amount of protein through this food.

Also, the fact that acai berries remove bad cholesterol from your body helps. Acai berries are rich in antioxidants, which assist the digestive process and remove the harmful LDL cholesterols from the body. The result is a trimmer figure, and it is easier to work on building a trimmer body than a flabby body.

And it is not just about building your muscles. Check out the vast amount of acai berry diet information that is so freely available on the Internet. You will find out that this diet does not just pump up those muscles but ensures good overall health. A sound constitution in a great physique - that's what regular consumption of an acai berry diet can give you. - 17269

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Hypnosis Ignites Fast Weight Loss

By Robert Hudak

Because most people are deeply indulged in the same old daily routine, it often leads to the health and appearance being overlooked. Making matters worse, most people cannot tell the difference between good and bad food therefore leaving them with weight gain. Unfortunately this eliminates your chances for fast weight loss.

Most people who are over weight are eager to get it off so they are willing to count calories and following tough diet plans. On the quest for fast weight loss some people resort to unsafe weight loss supplements and surgery. While some of theses people may experience success, they are still in need of a major lifestyle change and need to alter the way they eat.

It would seem like a wonderful scenario to take a pill or have a simple surgery and a lifetime of weight problems will be over. If you are looking for fast weight loss then consider hypnosis. The process of hypnosis has been in existence for thousands of years. It has been a very effective tool in helping people use their minds to gain control of their bodies.

Accepting that you have a weight problem is the most important step in losing weight. There are a lot of people who live in denial about this issue and expect to one day lose all of their weight magically. You can experience fast weight loss by having your subconscious mind programmed using hypnosis and begin creating the life that you longed for and desire.

If you want to achieve fast weight loss then hypnosis is the most effective way to achieve your goal. Many people underestimate the power that hypnosis has in losing weight and controlling cravings. Hypnosis helps change the way you think about food and your body reacts to your mind.

While in hypnosis, you can be given suggestions to lose your desire for bad foods such as sugar and any other inappropriate food. A suggestion can be given to make water your beverage of choice. You can also be programmed to think fast weight loss is easy, fun and something that your body really enjoys.

Through ongoing programming there is really no limit to what can be achieved. In some cases hypnotic suggestions can have a lasting effect. Suggestions have the tendency to wear off after four days. Ongoing reinforcement is the real secret to fast weight loss. This can be achieved by listening to a hypnosis CD daily.

When you are in the state of hypnosis, you will experience a deep relaxation. Thirty minutes of hypnosis is equivalent to natural sleep. This makes it easy for your mind to be programmed for fast weight loss even when you are asleep, therefore allowing your mind and body to work together and create the exact body that you dream of.

By listening to a hypnosis CD daily, you dramatically increase your ability for successful weight loss. Through ongoing reinforcement you can dramatically increase your willpower, eliminate harmful foods, lose weight, and enjoy exercising. This combined effort on and ongoing daily basis will cause fast weight loss the shortest amount of time. - 17269

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Muscle Building Tips to Achieve the Desired Results After Your Workouts

By Ricardo d Argence

Weight training and muscle building are not just for bodybuilders. These must be a critical area in the lives of any individual and certainly incorporated into their exercise routine. No matter if your goal is to become healthy or more muscular, the following tips will help you out!

Increase your protein intake. Protein is very important for enhancing and building up muscles. If you don't have adequate protein, you won't gain any additional muscle no matter how much effort you exert.

But the question on everyone's mind of course, is how much is adequate? There is a huge problem, and that problem is the fact that the greatest sources of protein are higher in fat that you'd like, which can be detrimental to the exercise process.

The one cardinal rule for any bodybuilder that is really dedicated is to eat one gram of protein for every pound of body weight. This entails that if your total weight is 170 lbs, then you must eat 170 grams of protein each day to generate adequate muscle mass. If the fat content is an issue you could opt for other low fat protein sources like fish and even chicken instead of consuming red meat.

Permit time for recovery. There are some bodybuilders that actually become obsessed with working out and bodybuilding. You will be able to see them in any gym every single day performing these routines. You might be impressed at first, but take into account that they are likely hurting their bodies by exercising so rigorously.

The reason is that medical research is showing that building muscle isn't all about the exercise. You also have to give your muscles a chance to recover after straining them in this way. That recovery includes taking days off between training sessions, replacing fluids after workouts, and eating well-balanced meals with sufficient nutrients.

Make sure that you get adequate sleep. Though sleeping might seem like a waste of time, your ability to gain muscle mass depends on it. Most of the bodily functions that need to occur will occur while you're sleeping!

The reason is simple: your body can redirect energy resources to these other tasks because it's not being used for anything else. One of those processes is protein synthesis which is necessary for muscle development.

If you are just sleeping for a few hours at night, then your body isn't being given adequate time to complete the task at hand. You need to ensure that your sleep schedule includes at least eight hours of uninterrupted sleep each and every night.

Use Compound Movements. Compound movements, such as lifting weights, are going to build muscle faster than other types of exercises which target isolated muscle groups, such as squats.

In any case though, you need to have the knowledge required to lift the weights properly. You need to get weights that are heavy enough for you so that you actually effect your muscles.

This doesn't mean that you should pick the heaviest weight available and struggle to lift it every single time. It does mean though that you'll need to feel your muscles working when you lift. You'll be able to tell when this is happening and you'll certainly reap the benefits of those efforts. To get this effect you need to select the weight which is just right for your needs. In the beginning you might have to use a lighter weight, though you may be able to use a heavier one. It all depends on who you are. - 17269

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The Obscure Fountain Of Youth From Nutrition

By Karen Lynch

People have long searched for the elusive fountain of youth. Many have longed for the miracle treatment that would cut short all of the inherent deterioration of aging. It may be astonishing to some but the fact is that we have had it all along.

The remedy to the aging inquiry may be no further away than your neighboring supermarket, farmers market or health food store. Continuing study indicates that as high as 85% or all age-related illnesses can be prevented through suitable nutrition and nutritional regime. Eating a highly wholesome diet can help you to check the mainstream decline that we have all come to imagine from aging.

Most of the eminent superfoods that can prevent aging problems are foods that people have been ingesting for ages. Some of them have a interesting history, as they have been staple items in certain parts of the world and one of these foods at one time was generally avoided because it was assumed to be toxic.

Berries are one of the healthiest foods found in nature. Berries are high in a plant-based flavonoid called anthocyanins. Anthocyanins is actually the deep purple pigment that makes blueberries blue, blackberries black, and even strawberries and cranberries that deep red. One of the healthiest foods ever found in the world is the small acai berry, which has long been a staple food for the populace of the Brazilian rainforest where it is grown. The acai berry provides as much as 45% of their diet.

Tomatoes are plentiful in a robust antioxidant called lycopene. This strong substance helps to stop heart disease by protecting the blood vessels against oxidative damage. It has also been shown to offer defense against many diverse types of cancer, including lung and prostate. The tomato is one of the few foods that is in fact better in a processed state rather than a raw state. The intensity of lycopene is maximum when tomatoes are heated such as in spaghetti sauce and since it is fat soluble, the nutritional benefit is augmented if you add in a healthful fat, such as olive oil.

The tomato is one of the superfoods with a colorful history. Back in the 1500's most Europeans believed that the tomato was noxious. At the time most of the flatware was made of pewter, which has a high-lead content. The tomato, being a high-acid food would instigate the lead to leech out into the food, resulting in lead poisoning and death. Only the poor persons of the time ate tomatoes because they did not have pewter flatware but rather flatware made of wood.

Look for colors when you look for anti-aging foods. Greens, such as spinach, kale, romaine lettuce, dandelion greens, Swiss chard and more are remarkably healthful. Orange foods like pumpkin, carrots, sweet potatoes should be included. And beans and legumes, nuts and seeds, Tea, red wine and dark chocolate are also terrific foods to check the tribulations of aging.

The obscure fountain of youth has been with us all along. We just need to include more of the natural, good for your health and whole foods that nature has provided us with and eradicate the processed and faux foods that are so rampant in our diets. - 17269

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Good Tasting Natural Colon Cleanse?

By Michael Richardson

Many people who would otherwise like to use it natural colon cleanse don't because they assume they taste terrible. Most the time that's not true.

While it's understandable that people might assume a colon cleanse with taste bad most are actually pretty good.

Many colon cleansing recipes are based on a foundation of natural whole foods. The fiber content is an important consideration. Organic foods are preferred. The fiber can be the soluble or insoluble and can come from a variety of sources.

If you look at several natural colon cleanse recipes you'll see that they contain whole foods, many of which are high in fiber. High fiber aids in the effectiveness of the cleanse in doesn't necessarily detract from its taste

Among the frequent ingredients are psyllium husks and ground flax seeds. Ground oats find their way into many recipes because of their high soluble fiber content.

Ginger, cayenne pepper, turmeric, cilantro and garlic are some of the common ingredients in many cleanses. In the right proportions these can be very flavorful.

Recently I've been seeing a number recipes that include cinnamon, one my favorites.

One good way to get a tasty cleansing detoxification is to develop a taste for Indian food, especially curries.

As you may know a true Indian curry is not made with curry powder we find at the local grocery store. Instead it is a highly varied combination of spices and usually includes onions and garlic as well. The exact combination varies with the part of the country, the local town and even the individual family.

Not only are the spices in the curry healthy, they are used to season wide variety of vegetables that have their own health benefits,

In my opinion, carefully prepared Indian food is one of the healthiest cuisines available.

After you have some experience with colon cleanses you recognize why a certain ingredients are included in a given cleanse. You be able to make substitutions that are more suited to your tastes and goals.

A lot of times you can create your own good tasting cleanse recipes if you keep some to general principles in mind and combine ingredients that please you.

Here's a simple example. I sometimes we use the Master Cleanse, which is basically it lemon juice diluted with pure water and cayenne pepper. One recipe I had for it also included maple syrup but I wanted to avoid the sugar. I tried adding a bit of cinnamon and leaving the maple syrup out. I thought that significantly improve the taste.

Of course, if your doing a colon cleanse it doesn't make any sense to purposely put toxins in your body. So if you drink alcohol or smoke consider giving those habits up. Also remember that drinking plenty of pure water helps flush toxins from your body. - 17269

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Tone Flabby Arms - Without Having To Exercise At All!

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Is it possible to tone flabby arms so easily you ask? You probably think I'm full of it. But I'm not.

It is possible to tone your arms without exercising. Now don't get me wrong, exercise is great for you and it will accelerate progress. Nonetheless, there are alternatives

The secret method here is spontaneous fat loss. This method of losing fat is the easiest thing on the planet. Why? Because you unknowingly eat less when you're on it.

And without further delay, here are 4 tips for entering the spontaneous fat loss zone so that you can tone flabby arms:

1. Keep junk food in places that are not visible. A landmark study showed that an individual will eat 300% more candy when its close and visible. So keep the junk at a distance. And also make sure to keep healthy food nearby.

2. Use smaller eating devices. A really cool study showed that people unconsciously eat 50% more ice cream when using jumbo spoons and bowls. This happened because the scoops of ice cream looked much much smaller next to the large eating devices.

3. Use thin glasses. When using short wide glasses people poor up to 30% more without realizing it. So if you have to have some soda or other calorie-laden drink, make sure to use a tall and thin glass. However, if you are going to drink water or some other healthy liquid, use a short wide glass.

4. Use the same plate when at a buffet. If your table is constantly cleared at a buffet, you'll eat 25% more. This happens because as the plates are taken away you forget how much you have eaten. You lose your visual point of reference.

Ok, with the above tips you can tone flabby arms without having to pick up a dumbbell. It's really that easy. What holds most women back is action. You have to act on this information in order for it to work. Good luck! - 17269

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Look Good with Your New Abs

By George Flex

It is no secret that all desire to display the six-pack abdomen. You will have the ability to display muscles all over your body when you're a body builder. But you don't have to train your whole body; rather you need to deal with a few facts and a few myths if you want maximum results for your abs.

Remember that it is important to exercise all your muscles, because your abs are not much different than any other muscle. You need muscles in all places, not only in your abs. A lot of hard work and great intensity goes into obtaining ab definition. Crunches are a great way to keep oneself healthy and to avoid extra fat around the belly. They have no effect on muscle definition, but they will help you maintain your weight loss. As an alternative, you might change to a more intense workout that will help you sculpt your look.

Add more than crunches to your daily routine. Do crunches on an incline, thereby receiving a more intense workout. Add more as you go along after you are doing as much as you can. Add some weights when you do your crunches on an incline. Weight training can be an excellent way to achieve the six pack that is coveted by so many people. It allows you to keep the fat from building up on your body, and it allows your muscles to become more defined. This will occur even when you are not performing flexing. You will note that the payoff for you and your body, from your hard work, will make you feel great

The abs machines that you see advertised on TV will probably not give you the desired weight workout because they cannot supply enough resistance to build up your workout over the course a few weeks. This type of equipment is fine for novices as well as anyone trying to lose weight and get toned. But generally speaking, bodybuilders don't need this type of equipment. As you perform your crunches, use a pulley machine to lift you. Be certain to elevate the pile of weights a couple inches, using sufficient weight to perform approximately ten sets.

The weight should be increased daily, with 5% additional weight added to the stack. If you can't do this, you need to take longer breaks between workouts to let your muscles rebuild. You get can the muscle tone you want by combining this training with a good healthy diet. - 17269

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What is Winsor Pilates?

By Steve Estes

Since its development Winsor Pilates has taken the physical fitness world by storm and enjoys a terrific reputation among the top personal trainers of the world. Most of them are certain that it will quite some time before this big of a breakthrough will happen again in the field of self development.

Check any of the top Hollywood Winsor Pilates studios and you'll se a number of well known movie stars and business tycoons. It's not surprising that Pilates is a multi-billion dollar market. You can easily find everything from Winsor Pilates DVDs and video tapes, how-to books, and charts and equipment. You can even find study at home online programs.

Like any program of physical development, it has it supporters and detractors, although the latter number is quite small indeed. Lets take a look at some of these features and find out if this form of Pilates is the one for you.

It shouldn't be hard to find a large number of Pilates bloggers giving out their opinions on such things as Pilates machines like the Pilates Reformer or the Pilates Power Gym. Almost evey one that you will read speaks glowingly about using this equipment. I was hard pressed to find many negative reviews.

Pilates strengthens the core of your body, improving posture and muscular tone. These exercises can even help improve digestion in that they work heavily that portion of your body.

While a great number of those positive reviews go on about how well Winsor Pilates works your whole body, you will find it focuses on your abs and butt and thighs and back as well. Several commentators have also mentioned how well this system helps you center your mind and focus your spirit.

Good luck in finding any negative reviews on the internet. I couldn't find mu ch that people didn't like. I guess one thing that some did complain about was the potential cost of all the Home Gym equipment. Even though that was so, those that did buy the machines were very satisfied with what they bought.

Also some of the lose weight fast crowd didn't like the fact that you have to actually put in time and effort in order to lose any pounds off your middle. Well, guess what? This is the safest way of doing it. I guess some folks would rather just take some potentially dangerous pill rather than actually work for their progress, Winsor Pilates is just not for them anyway. - 17269

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Weight Training and Injuries

By Mike Tennison

Many people are beginning to take up bodybuilding or fitness modeling. To get the required goals requires determination and consistent progress. People are suffering a lot more injuries then ever. This article looks at the prevention of those injuries.

Bodybuilding involves regular stimulation of the body's muscles to promote muscle increase in size. However, in order to get those steady gains and regular growth we also have to stimulate healthy adaptation of the body's tendons, ligaments and nerves.

Ligaments and tendons are particularly rigid and inelastic strips of fibrous tissue that can particulalry easily damaged if pushed over their physical capabilities. Working on them slowly will allow them to adapt and strengthen and prevent tearing. This will enable you to increase your ability to keep a workout program

The pre-workout stretching program is an especially important aspect of the adaptation plan. Many programs such as those found in the Truth About Abs Review advise on such a recommendation. This aspect should not be left out if you are to avoid tearing. It requires at least 30 seconds of good stretching to get an adequate stretch.

It is a particularly good plan to encourage the flow of blood to the muscles and ligaments with a pre-workout cardio session. This will properly prepare them for working out by significantly increasing the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the tendons and ligaments. These aerobic workouts will also aid in significantly stretching the ligaments and tendons.

During the workout regime it is ideal to have alongside another training partner to assist whilst using the weights. When you reach the level of exhaustion, your training or spot partner can assist you to lift the weight and avoid injury. This can help prevent excessive straining the exercisedmuscles and assists in helping to prevent overstretching the tendons and muscles due to the weights pulling the muscles beyond the normal total range of movement.

The time between sets or exercises is of much debate. It is debated whether longer will reduce the risk of injury. The main problem with this is that we still have the need to stimulate the muscles and spending 90 to 120 seconds between sets appears to be an optimal amount of time.

The post workout time is also a particulalry important area to focus upon in injury prevention. This is a very important time to particularly on a stretching program as the tendons and ligaments are now warm and more flexible and as suchare able to benefit more from these stretching routines.

During the recovery time, tendons, muscles and ligaments need optimal amounts of nutrients including protein and glucose to recover properly and adapt to the work-outs. During this repair the muscle cells often compensate by getting bigger and therefore increasing muscle size and growth. The influx of nutrients to the ligaments and tendons which will also increase their strength over the long term and significantly reduce the risk of damage and injury.

It is no great surprise more and more people are starting to take up bodybuilding and doing weight training as we are bombarded by pictures and films of fit healthy looking people. As many more people take up the sport then there is a rising incidence of injury. Keeping to advice in this article should assist you to reduce the risk of injury. - 17269

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3 Weight Loss Tips for Unstoppable Fat Loss

By Thong M. Dao

Imagine when you are able to drop off pounds after pounds of weight without ending! If that is what you wish, avoid thinking of starving yourself day-after-day. Everyone is telling you to trim down on everything: carb, fat, whatsoever.

You've probably tried all the fad diets and realized that they just showed you to starve differently! And please remember this: starvation will not help you lose weight.

With virtually 1/3 of the United States kids happened to become obese, many wonder why folks put on pounds at such an early age. The answer is nearly always general - sugar candies, soft drinks, cookies, burgers, chips, and so on. are the actual culprits. Those are really easy targets, eh? Too often, it's how we eat, and what we eat, that make us put on fat!

1. Breakfast is your ally. You know who's the number 1 friend in your fitness journey? It's breakfast! Breakfast insures that your metabolism is high all the time, which in turn leads to the burning of pounds and loss of fat. Skipping over breakfasts is among the fastest ways to put on lots of pounds really rapidly!

2. Small is suggested. Whenever it comes to fat loss, don't forget that food isn't your foe. You need to learn to eat often. If this sounds insane, it's because you've been educated that you had better starve to slim down. Nothing can be farther from the fact! When you have 5 or 6 small meals a day, shedding pounds will not seem to be hard.

If you don't have the time to prepare and still want to stick to 3 meals per day, then make your breakfast the biggest. This will boost your metabolism and weight loss for the whole day.

3. Protein, protein, and more protein. The more protein you have, the better (within reason, of course). Protein-rich foods include: fish, chicken, lean red meat, and so on.

You should likewise have protein a few hours after you complete workout. Protein can help you build up muscles which, in turn, can burn off fat for you! Finally, you'll drop off pounds!

- 17269

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