Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, January 16, 2009

Foods Info Guide Food Pyramids

By C. Donlotze

There are people who are too busy with their jobs and daily activities that they barely have the time to eat their meals properly. They always tend to hurry eating their food and they usually prefer foods that are fast and easy to eat. This is also a common thing among children and teens. They only want fast foods or foods that don't contain the right nutrition they need everyday.

It is important to make a schedule for meals including the five basic food groups. To develop it in the beginning it will take a bit of your time. All that is needed is to design a food pyramid which involves organic or healthy foods and stick to it.

In order to provide your family with the right balanced and healthy foods, get to know the basic food groups that are part of the food pyramids. A diagram of a food pyramid will show the right kinds of food that should be eaten so that all in the family can maintain proper nutrition and good health. The five food groups are carbohydrates, proteins, fruits, vegetables and dairy products.

Most importantly, you should never miss out on any meal, especially breakfast. Remember that breakfast is very crucial to take you into the day.One of the best ways of sticking to a balanced diet is to design a food pyramid diagram for your family, which can be changed weekly to keep from being boring.

Ensure that any changes reflect the guide that has been set out by nutritional experts.The food pyramid is expected to contain carbohydrates rich foods like cereals, bread, rice, corn, pasta and oatmeal. Foods made from grains such as wheat can also be grouped under here.

The 5 basic food groups include proteins, carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables and dairy. Proteins which are important for healthy muscles, are found in meat, fish, eggs and cheese, carbohydrates are obtained from breads, cereals, pasta and rice. Vegetables and fresh fruits are important for minerals, vitamins and fiber which helps clean the body of toxins.

Dairy products should also be included as part of the daily meals usually in breakfasts. Calcium which is found in milk, yogurt and cheese is good for the bones and teeth as it keeps them strong and healthy. You may have to choose an alternate like soy because of allergies in your family.

Protein rich foods like chicken, beef, pork and fish are proven essentials in building up muscles. Other foods that are rich in proteins include legumes, beans, nuts and seeds which can also be included in meals.Flax seed and good oils such as olive oil which contain omega fatty acids must be included. - 17269

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Is Bodybuilding Effective In Losing Weight?

By M. Dale

Many people assume you need to get rid of those unwanted fatty pounds before starting a bodybuilding program. They often try to achieve this with cardio or the latest diet. However, it is completely unnecessary to lose weight before bodybuilding as this would take more effort than doing a bodybuilding program on its own. Let me explain.

In order to lose weight and reduce body fat you must burn more calories than you eat. If you are on a good diet that doesn't involve eating too many calories and you take up a bodybuilding program, you will be able to burn more calories than you are eating. This will result in fat loss and an increase in muscle size and definition.

This is why bodybuilding helps with weight loss. Your metabolism is determined by how your body is able to burn calories and how efficiently your body burns that energy.

The higher your metabolism is the more efficiently your body is burning calories. Your metabolic rate is affected not only by your age and gender but also by your lean body mass.

This means the more muscle your body carries, the higher your metabolic rate will be. So if you follow a bodybuilding workout program and a healthy diet, your body will naturally burn away that unwanted fat, much more so than just dieting or doing cardio workouts on their own.

Losing weight before you start bodybuilding is redundant and a waste of time. As you go through your bodybuilding program you will be able to watch your muscle mass increase as your physique improves and weight loss become a natural part of your routine.

Many people rely on their body mass index (BMI) to know if they are within a healthy weight range; however, as you work through a bodybuilding program, you will notice that this is no longer a valid indicator of obesity or health.

Muscle is heavy and dense, so as you add lean muscle mass to your body with a body building program, you may not see a decrease in your weight. However, this does not mean you have not lost fat, it means you are shifting your muscle to fat ratio. You are becoming learner, not lighter.

A BMI calculation is simply your height divided by your bodyweight multiplied by 703. This is therefore meaningless because someone who is overweight may have the same BMI as a bodybuilder who carries only 5% body fat. You need professional fat callipers or specialist body fat measuring equipment to accurately determine how much fat you carry.

Knowing that your body is going to lose weight while working through a bodybuilding program should give you even more incentive to start a program. As your body adapts to the routine and your lean muscle begins to appear you will see your weight or inches begin to disappear.

As your body adapts to a bodybuilding routine you will see your fat and inches begin to disappear. You do not need to lose weight before bodybuilding, but you do need a good bodybuilding program to help lose weight and feel great about yourself. - 17269

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Find An IBS Treatment That Works For You

By Julieanne van Zyl

Feel assured that you do not have to put up with those embarrassing and painful symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) for much longer. There is an IBS Treatment that will work for you, its just a matter of finding the one that suits you. The first thing to consider is whether you want to consume medication for the rest of your life or if you would prefer to find a natural treatment.

Pills or Powders

The type of medication recommended by your doctor will depend on your particular symptoms. When taking medication, the effect is often just temporary and there may be side effects which make your symptoms worse than they were in the first place.

Anti-depressants or psychotherapy might work if you have severe symptoms and you are very depressed by them. However, this could be a dangerous way of trying to hide your symptoms instead of dealing with them. You may want to look at the other treatments first.

Research shows that hypnotherapy is working well for some people. So, you may want to try that.

Treatments That Are Natural

These last a lot longer, even though they may take longer to work initially. Quite often, a natural treatment will last the rest of your life, or at least for many years.

Nutrition - changing your diet

Which food irritates your bowel? Find out which one and then stop eating that food. This treatment is frequently recommended. Later on, you can slowly introduce those foods back into your diet. First of all, stop eating all the foods that bring on your symptoms, then start consuming each one again gradually, and notice if you have any reaction. This method can be a real nuisance when you go out to dinner or go on vacation.

A Mangosteen Juice Supplement

By taking a good quality nutritional supplement, you can relieve the symptoms of IBS, and still continue with your normal diet. Mangosteen fruit is known to help with a good digestive system, and reduce inflammation, pain and diarrhea. So, a supplement that includes mangosteen juice may assist you. Taking a whole food supplement is a good way to relieve your symptoms in a short period of time.


Some people get relief by taking herbs like peppermint that relaxes the muscles in your intestines. Check with your doctor before taking herbs in case they may interact with other medications.


Something else that is often recommended is Probiotics found in certain foods such as yoghurt. These are known as good bacteria that usually live in your intestines

Studies on people taking Probiotics for IBS have shown that they can decrease problems caused by IBS.

Chiropractic Adjustments

Adjustments by a chiropractor may assist you. Research supports that certain cases of IBS result from the malfunction of nerves controlling the immune system and/or the gastrointestinal system. So, the adjustments will assist in healing the nerves, and therefore eliminate the symptoms of IBS.


Acupuncture may be the treatment for you. It is being used successfully by some people to relax the muscle spasms and improve bowel function.

Choose a Treatment for you

So, the next step for you is to choose an IBS Treatment that you will assist you. I know that when you do find one, your life will change for the better. - 17269

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