Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

6 Week Body Makeover - Protein Diets Do Not Work

By James Kim

People on high protein, no carb diets lose weight. These people often lose weight very quickly. However, eliminating carbs is harmful to your body and is not healthy. This is what happens to people's bodies when they are on high protein diets. First, the body will turn to lean muscle as a source of energy as there are no other sources of energy (carbohydrates). This process is called catabolism.

People generally lose weight on popular diets like the Atkins plan. Some people have had great success with these plans. Here's how people lose weight on all protein diets. When you eat carbohydrates, your body will retain more water. When you only eat protein, you will lose water weight as there are no carbohydrates to retain water. The other way people lose weight is when their lean muscle starts to break down because of the lack of glucose in the body. Catabolism is when your body breaks down its own muscle tissue in order to produce glucose.

Carbohydrates are a source of glucose (energy) and if your body is not receiving it from carbohydrates, it will break down your muscle tissue and use that as a form of energy. Protein consumption builds muscle mass, but the only way it builds muscle is when there is a source of carbohydrates. If your body breaks down lean muscle tissue, your metabolism will decrease. A lower metabolism leads to fewer calories burned.

Another important factor is that carbohydrates make your body retain water. This might be the reason why so many people lose weight quickly on all protein diets. This is very unhealthy and a counterproductive way to lose weight. There are many other methods to avoid water retention.

Consider the 6 Week Body Makeover because the plan teaches you how to eat correctly, not how to diet. Diets rarely work and are a short term solutions to long-term problems. Learning how to eat correctly based on your body structure is the best way to lose weight. - 17269

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How to Get Ripped Abdominal Muscles By Dieting

By George Green

If you wish to get a set of ripped abs and get that sexy 6 pack look that we often see nowadays in magazines and on the television then you are going to need to get rid of that fat layer that lies over the abdominal muscles. It is this layer of fat that hides away those muscles and gives a flabby look.

Increasing the calories burned and reducing calorie intake is the best way to get rid of this fat layer. In this article I'm going to focus on reducing calorie intake so you will know how to get ripped fast.

You only need to look on the shelves in bookshops or in one of the many DVD shops to discover so many items about dieting. This can be very overwhelming. Reducing calorie intake, however, is what most of them come down to. The biggest problem a lot of people face however is keeping motivated and staying on the diet. To achieve your goal of getting rid of this layer of fat and keeping those sexy abs demands a change in lifestyle and more of a long term view.

How to stay motivated is the burning question though. I have found that the best way to achieve this is to set short-term goals and not look further than these short-term goals. The same can be said for many sporting disciplines including weight training.

Going out and lifting a huge weight straight up is not advisable. Instead it would be better to work up to it slowly. The best and safest approach would be to gradually increase the the amounted you lifted until finally after a number of weeks or months you would probably reach your ultimate goal. This can be applied to dieting.

I have that the most successful way would be to set a goal of around 4 pounds over a 1 month period of time to be the most successful. Now this may not sound a lot compared to those diets that claim you can lose fourteen pounds in a month. However, most of these products involve some form of crash dieting which can quickly make you lose motivation. They can also slow your metabolism making it difficult to lose further weight over the long term.

If you were to attain the goal of just four pounds a month in weight loss, that would be a massive forty eight pounds over a twelve month period. A sure fire way to get ripped. These small gains can easily add up into one large gain. To keep motivated, at the end of each month I reward myself and then set my goal and plans for the next month.

So if you are looking to get rid of fat or following a program to get a lean ripped body or just to look and feel more healthier and slimmer then a small gradually increasing regime is the fastest way to go. - 17269

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Information About The Health Benefits Of The Maqui Berry

By Joane Z. Thomas

The Maqui berry is stronger than the Acai berry. The Acai berry only has an antioxidant value of a range that starts from 160 and goes to 300. Compare that to the Maqui berry which has an antioxidant value of 820. Can you see how big the difference is?

The Maqui berry comes from the Patagonia region. The land of the Patagonia region is some of the most fertile land in the world. With that said, the Maqui berry is a delicious berry packed with a bunch of healthy benefits.

The potency of the Maqui berry has already been revealed to the world. There isn't any other food in the world which is stronger than the Maqui berry. The reason for this is that the Maqui berry is packed with so many antioxidants.

The Maqui berry is a natural health supplement. Research has also proven that a Maqui berry supplement is one of the healthiest supplements around. The antioxidants that are found in Maqui berry play a major role when it comes to getting or keeping the body healthy.

Your ultimate weight loss bailout is the Maqui berry. Get rid of all of the nasty toxins and chemicals within your body. This will put your body in a healthier state which will also have a direct effect on how successful you truly are when you're trying to shed off a few pounds.

There has been a discovery that the Maqui berry has anti-inflammatory uses. This helps a person out who experiences inflammation within the bones and joints of their body. When it comes to reducing inflammation, look no further than the Maqui berry for a natural treatment.

You can bet that the Maqui berry is a very nutritious discovery that is caused by the high amounts of polyphenols and anthocyanins that it contains. You can also expect to have a good source of calcium, potassium, and other beneficial nutrients when taking a Maqui berry supplement. It doesn't matter how old or how young you are, the Maqui berry provides your body with many healthy benefits.

The Maqui berry seems like a modern marvel that everyone needs to add into their daily lifestyle. You do need to know one thing in particular before you jump to the decision of giving the Maqui berry a try. It is still a new health supplement on the U.S. market and there hasn't been any critical side effects reported when it comes to the Maqui berry.

The Maqui berry is something that you need to try before you buy. With that said, make sure that you get your hands on a Maqui berry free trial so that you're not risking anything. There are too many health supplements with large claims that aren't even worth the bottle that they're in, so make sure it's going to do what you expect it to do before you decide to shell out your hard-earned cash for something that's not going to do anything but waste your money. - 17269

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Green Tea for Health Benefits

By Julian Alusi

It is only recently that the world at large has become enlightened about the great many health values that green tea possesses. On the other hand the use of green tea has been prevalent in many Asian cultures, the Chinese and Japanese being at the forefront for many centuries.

This highly beneficial drink is made from the dried leaves of Camellia Sinesis, which is shrub found in different parts of Asia.

The use of the drink for medicinal applications and general health benefits has been common in many Asian cultures for centuries. China alone has a history of over four thousand years with the use of green tea.

Today however we have modern scientific methods of determining the true value of this unique drink. Not surprisingly science admits that the Chinese have been wise in making use of this drink even without having any empirical scientific evidence.

The shrub was naturally potent in a variety of substances that could work many health benefits in the human body. Green tea is particularly potent in a variety of antioxidants.

Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is the particular antioxidant found in the tea which is responsible for giving the drink its medicinal properties.

The presence of a balanced quantity of antioxidants is essential for the smooth functioning of the body. Plus they can help prevent serious cellular damage which leads to cancer.

When compared to Vitamin C the particular antioxidant found in green tea is measured to be twenty five times stronger and more effective. The same is the case when EGCG is compared with Vitamin E and its effectiveness with regards to protecting cells and the DNA structure.

Green tea can be used on a regular basis for the prevention and cure of a wide variety of diseases. HIV and cancer have showed improvement when treated with green tea whereas it is also a natural booster of immune system functionality.

The list of diseases that green tea has the ability to treat includes diseases the likes of Alzheimers disease, rheumatoid arthritis, heart diseases and even Parkinsons disease.

In recent years green tea has been promoted as a weight loss agent. This is so because the consumption of green tea can boost the metabolic processes in the body which help to breakdown fat. At the same time it loads the body up on various other health benefits and its inclusion in your every day diet is highly recommended. - 17269

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Make A Life Style Change And Include The Acai Berry

By Casey Wigwire

The acai berry (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) is a small purple berry that is grown only in the rainforests of Brazil. It is highly perishable and because of that it has only been in recent years that it has been available throughout the world. However, it is quickly becoming known as one of the most nutritious foods in the world.This little berry contains a wealth of antioxidants. While all of the vital nutrients found in this berry are important, two of these important antioxidants have been proven in different studies to have a huge benefit on our health. These antioxidants are crucial to the prevention of disease and problems typically associated with aging.

From the rainforests of the Amazons, acai berries have been consumed by Brazilians for centuries. But recently, more and more of these grape-sized berries are falling from the South American palm trees into juice bottles around the world.

Labeled the antioxidant superfood, its known for its substantially large amounts of antioxidants and nutritional value. Acai has double the cancer-fighting power of blueberries, the formerly known antioxidant contest frontrunner. Consumption of the berry not only helps prevent and attack cancerous cells, but it is said to boost energy and overall immunity as well. Actually, the list of supposed and even validated benefits is virtually endless from improved digestion to better circulation, and even better sleep. It is based on these extraordinary characteristics that acai has been referred to as the most healthful fruit in the world.

The acai berry is also rich in anthocyanins, which is the dark purple pigment in such foods as blueberries, eggplant and purple cabbage. This antioxidant has been proven in laboratory studies to be possibly beneficial for the prevention of cancer, aging and neurological diseases, inflammation, diabetes and bacterial infection.

In another recent study a purified form of anthocyanins was given to laboratory mice. This study concluded that the mice in the control group who received the purified anthocyanins were able to reduce their body fat and maintain it whereas the group of mice that were given the placebo and another group of mice that were given the actual fruit did not. - 17269

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The Secrets To Getting A Ripped Chest Fast

By Mike Taylor

If you want to get a set of super sexy ripped chest muscles then you are going to need to get rid of that layer of fat that lies over and obscures the chest muscles. It is this layer of fat that can often give a loose flabby appearance and in some cases give man boobs.

This article is going to look at how to reduce calorie intake. Overall all, in order to reduce this layer of fat you are going to need to reduce your calorie intake and burn off those excess calories.

On looking in book stores you will find many books, often with exagerrated claims, about how to lose weight and fat. They often claim, also, that their book is the best and fastest at getting you to your goals. However, most of these books provide similar information and, essentially, the underlying principle of all of these is reducing calorie intake. For most people the biggest challenge is motivation and changing their lifestyle to be able to maintian the plan.

The biggest question is how to maintain the motivation. The most effective way is to set a number of short term goals rather than one big goal which might seem unattainable. In fact, this can be applied to most sporting disciplines. An example would be the high jump. Rather than go and try jumping a very high height it would be advisable to slowly increase the height jumped until reaching your goal. This same principle is very effective when applied to dieting.

An easily achievable monthly goal would be for about a four pounds in weight loss per month. Although this may not seem a lot compared to the big claims made by many books, it is, at least, quite easily achievable. The biggest problem with these crash dieting techniques is that you can quite easily and quickly become demotivated. Also they can cause your metabolic rate to fall, making further weight loss even harder.

Just think, if you could lose four pounds each month, that would be a huge forty eight pounds over a twelve month period. It is important to remember that these regular small losses can soon add up into one big loss. At the end of each month I look at my achievements, congratulate or reward myself, and then set the goal for the next month. This goes a long way to keeping myself motivated.

So if you're looking to lose weight to get a set of ripped chest muscles or just to feel and look more healthy then a smaller stepwise plan is the best way to go. - 17269

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Colon Cleansing For Weight Loss

By Laura Lane

At the time when we are troubled by constant headaches, constipation, fatigue, excessive weight, low energy, it becomes essential to go through colon cleansing. Colon or the large intestine is an internal organ where waste is stored. Owing to daily exposure to toxins, pollution, heavy metals, parasites our colon can get ruined. Ruined colons are extremely risky as it is a famous phrase that "death begins in the colon". Therefore, colon cleansing has been established as a requirement by worldwide scientists. There are two kinds of colon cleansing techniques, first is the auto-cleansing or natural cleansing and the other colon cleansing technique is colon irrigation. Natural colon cleansing includes oral ingestion of products such as enemas, laxatives, enzymes, powders and anti-parasite capsules. Colon irrigation method includes a colonic hygienist or a colon therapist who makes use of a machine that fills 20 gallons of water with the assistance of a tube installed in your rectum. When the water goes into your colon the hygienist usually massages the abdomen and then removes the water using a different tube.

Yet, colon irrigation process is risky; natural colon cleansing method is more suitable. If natural colon cleansing is implemented on an every day basis then evils caused because of the colon can be prohibited. Prior to getting introduced with the natural colon cleansing benefits, we will at first delve into the health hazards caused due to a damaged colon.

Health hazards of a contaminated colon:

Constipation happens when the excreta goes through the colon in a very slow pace, due to this the colon absorbs a lot of water making the excreta hard and dry resulting in unbalanced stressed bowel movements.

Fatigue is the feeling of intense weariness and shortage of energy. Skin problems involve itchiness, acne and signs of early aging like wrinkles.

There is a propensity to long for for foods that are perhaps your favorite; however, they are bad for health.

Huge weight gain result due to reduced metabolism and accumulation of body waste. When toxics are amassed in the colon, a person has to face horrible headaches.

When plenty of gas gets accumulated in the colon, the result can be abdominal bloating. Holding up the excretion of waste can result in extreme built up of gas in the colon.

These are a few mild disorders caused because of a damaged colon. But, if these mild disorders are neglected then they can become grave health hazards. So, it is crucial that colon cleansing is done before time passes out.

Why choose natural colon cleansing?

There are a lot of grounds to prefer natural colon cleansing. First and foremost, it is the most suitable technique of colon cleansing. Natural colon cleansing can be undertaken by the intake of green tea, enemas, laxatives, enzymes, powders and anti-parasite capsules. It is also the low cost or free technique of colon cleansing. There are very less chances of blunders or any sorts of side effects. Therefore, selecting natural colon cleansing method is advantageous and cost-effective as well.

Health benefits of natural colon cleansing

Getting rid of constipation, losing weight up to 10-30 pounds, preventing wrinkles, acne, pimples, diabetes and giving you an energetic, youthful and beautiful life are some of the benefits of natural colon cleansing method. - 17269

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Using Resveratrol For Your Health

By Laura Lane

Oprah Winfrey is known for providing her viewers with expertly researched advice concerning the latest advancements in medical advancements, particularly as they relate to the concerns of an aging American population. Recently, Oprah featured the Turkish-American cardiologist Dr. Mehmet Oz. According to Dr. Oz, the recently discovered antioxidant known as resveratrol may be the key to slowing or even-in some cases-reversing the aging process.


Antioxidants are naturally occurring substances that protect the body from oxidants-toxins that damage the tissues of the body, causing the visually evident wrinkles on the skin, as well as the less obvious damage to the body's internal systems. Antioxidants help to defend the body, particularly its organs, brain cells, and the nervous system. Moreover, they help to remove the oxidants and even repair damage caused by the aging process.

What is Resveratrol?

Among antioxidants, resveratrol is one of the (if not the most) powerful found by our scientists and doctors. As a catalyst, resveratrol sends out a kind of "call to action" to one of the protectors of our immune systems: "Sirtuins." Sirtuins are durable genes that assist in stopping cellular decay, allowing other cells to rejuvenate themselves. An aging individual who ingests resveratrol regularly-in large enough doses of course-will therefore notice that he or she has more energy, reduced fatigue, and a healthier appearance, complete with softened wrinkles and lines.

Hence there are a multitude of benefits generated by ingesting resveratrol on a regular basis. Resveratrol has been found to both fight against, and protect the body from, cancer. It can also protect the body if it is exposed to certain types of radiation and, of course, assist in weight loss.

Observing this, the drug conglomerate GlaxoSmithKline has put forth nearly one billion dollars in an effort to further our understanding of resveratrol, as the possibilities appear to be endless. Truly, we have just begun to comprehend all the benefits that resveratrol has in store for us in the battle against aging.

Homeopathic? Of Course!

Identified in 1963 as "ko-jo-kon," resveratrol has been used for a long time as a homeopathic remedy-derived from Japanese Knotweed-in Asia. While Japanese Knotwood would seem to be a rather obscure source of resveratrol, you might actually have some growing in your backyard! Knotwood has been identified as an invasive, virtually invincible weed in more than thirteen states. Its hardiness derives directly from the resveratrol it contains. Thus Knotwood is used by some in cooking, as a substitute for rhubarb, while companies have begun manufacturing supplements from it.

Peanuts, believe it or not, are an important resource for resveratrol. Think about that the next time you're at a bar, and snack away! Indeed, long-believed to be a danger due to its high fat content, the peanut has been redeemed through studies which exhibit that people who eat peanuts daily are healthier than those who do not. Eating fatty peanuts actually reduces the amount of fat in your body, and it does so by means of nothing other than resveratrol.

In 1992, resveratrol was discovered in both grapevines and the red wine produced by them. While the health effects derived from drinking a glass of red wine are becoming common knowledge, think about this: it takes somewhere around one thousand bottles of red wine to equal the amount of resveratrol found in a single day's dose of a resveratrol supplement! - 17269

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Vertical Workouts

By James R Puta

You only have so long in life to play the sport of your dreams. Why not give it your all early on to learn how to jump higher? If you learn to jump high from the beginning you will be a great player for years to come. So it's time to buckle down and learn to jump higher now.

Have you ever wondered how you jump higher? Well you need to have the perfect combo of strength and speed in the legs. Leg strength is important because you are going to be performing high intensity plyometrics which require you tendons and muscles to be strong enough to absorb the impact.

Okay so lets say you have ample strength, how do you get the speed? You need to train doing plyometrics, which are exercises designed with one thing in mind and that is to make your legs jump higher faster. How do they do this? They train the muscle fibers to fire at the same time.

So this explains why you see skinny guys without much muscle mass jumping really high. Their muscles are firing at the same time which produces much more power.

So what are some exercises that are included in a plyometric workout? Well, you will be using boxes a lot to jump onto or off of. You need to get use to jumping without resetting. This means that as soon as you land you jump again, allowing your feet to come in contact with the floor for the least amount of time as possible.

Doing squat jumps you will notice that your feet are in contact with the floor a lot longer than a second. This is okay and is an exception to the rule because you will be working on strength as well as speed.

For all you need to know about jumping higher check IncreaseVerticalWorkouts.com and you will find all you need to know about increasing your vertical jump. - 17269

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The Best Low Fat Diet Plan Out There. (How I Quickly Lost 59lbs!)

By Mindi Everett

I finally found the only low fat diet that has ever worked for me! My name is Mindi Everett and I have been in your shoes, looking to lose weight and not knowing a successful way to do it.

The great news I want to share is that there is something you can do about your weight. If you've been looking for a low fat diet plan that works, you've come to the right place! I believe in it so strongly that if my story can help one person become healthier and happier then it makes it worth sharing.

After the birth of my second child I found the weight gain from my pregnancy harder to take off. In fact I gained more with my second child than with my first and became too busy to watch what I ate and regulate portions. Once my second child arrived I found that I had no time to balance my diet, my eating habits, or my time to research healthier options for cooking.

Soon I became embarrassed by photos taken of me and stopped being in the pictures at all. I was embarrassed at how I looked and felt and knew there needed to be a change. So I started every diet out there from the low carb to the calorie restriction diets looking for a solution.

Counting calories and fat content of the tiny portion recommended meals in some programs became my hobby. I am sure you have been there too. These programs just don't have staying power to keep the weight off or to lose the real amount you want to.

Then I found and tried the only low fat diet plan that ever worked for me. It was easy, fit my lifestyle, and most importantly effective! I lost the weight I gained with my second pregnancy plus some. I now weigh less than I did before I got pregnant and have kept it off. It does work and you have nothing to lose but the weight you deserve to. This might be the last low fat diet plan you ever need to try. - 17269

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Reducing Fat in 6 Week Body Makeover Recipes

By James Kim

When you open up your meal plan booklet and shuffle through the cards, you will notice that the foods listed are foods that you eat on a daily basis. The difference is that you need to make the food work FOR you, not AGAINST you. This article will show you how to tweak your favorite weight loss meals in order to add flavor while skimping on fat.

The important factor in reducing calorie intake while cooking is learning how to cook without oil and fat. Most people use large amounts of oil to make food not stick the frying pan when cooking meats and vegetables. Cooking oil is a waste of calories and should be avoided when on the meal plan.

You can buy a good non-stick pan so that you can eliminate all the fat from your cooking. Non-stick pans are great because the food virtually slips off the pan once you're done cooking. Also, the clean-up of nonstick pans is easy, which is a great plus when you're cooking for yourself (or for others).

The Michael Thurmond diet consists of eating egg whites for breakfast (you can also eat different proteins for breakfast if you want). Cooking egg whites is a snap when using a nonstick pan. Do not use oil when cooking eggs as you do not want to add empty calories to your meals. This inversely affects your whole meal plan. Make sure that the pan is very hot before adding the eggs, that way the eggs will fry fast and will not stick to the pan.

Learn to use a low sodium (no sodium is better!) vegetable or chicken stock. Cooking with white wine or vodka is another way to make vegetables and meats not stick to the pan. Remember, whatever you do, do not add oil or butter to your foods! - 17269

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The Pro's And Con's Of Detox Dieting

By Ron Cripps

Possibly you've read a lot of written articles regarding detox diets, their efficiency in addition to the drawbacks. Likewise because of all the different write ups that you've read about it, you're currently confused as to whether or not you really want to try this regimen. Certain articles might have been written stating it is quite efficient and in only a few days, you will drop several pounds. Others, on the other hand, might inform you that this diet isn't good for you at all and it might have certain negative aspects which are not worth the try, so what then should you think?

It is possible with the right motivation and intention, the detox diet might actually improve your way of living. With just the title of this program, you are certain to become freed from those toxins in your body, and those are the substances which are believed to be harmful for your well being. Maybe if you know why and how the detox diet should be properly performed, then you can never have any errors.

Many professionals believe that cleansing your body is important and that is exactly what a detox diet offers - an overall cleansing of your body system. Although the body is equipped with organs which are made to clean the body, the detox diet can still be performed for both assistance as well as reinforcement. But, Many experts additionally think that the detoxification must not be done for a long period.

They advise that twice annually or just one time every 6 months is sufficient, because a detox diet isn't really for losing weight. Its objective should actually be for the elimination of detrimental substances and the attainment of great health. By this we indicate its natural ability to make you healthy, physically fit and active.

All the same, these days, the value of a persons well being depends highly upon the way they live and on the disposition of other people that influence them. Remember that you should take care of your health by always keeping it in good condition, because that will lead you to the places you need to go.

Aging may also be yet another reason to use detoxification and is much better than using medicines which claim to stop aging. Using a detox diet, toxins are flushed out of your system - and these poisons are the same triggers of aging as well as impairment. Becoming old is something that each person has to experience, and it is an inevitable path - although, you must be capable of going through this properly and with some amount of grace. Using medications might just flood the body with more poisons, thus detoxifying is a better option.

You should understand what's important in the area of health since social conditioning have, over time, brought people to establish different sets of priorities, other than their personal health. Used in the right way, the detox program is a perfect method to keep your health and leave it in good shape. You will have greater defense from sickness as well as diseases because your system is purified and cleansed, so with moderation and proper guidance, you can't make any mistakes using the detox program. - 17269

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