Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

MLM Home Based Business Opportunity Could Be Right For You

By Sonja Schuyler

MLM is a great, legitimate, and potentially lucrative way to work from home for your own MLM business opportunity.

By directly selling products while creating your own upline downline, you can work your MLM business opportunity part-time, from home, and at your own hours. Even with all the potential for making money, you should decide, though if an MLM is for you.

Many people are blinded by all the benefits of an MLM when determining if this type of business is right for them. You don't need to have a college degree or any experience to get into the industry.

The products are already manufactured and are usually shipped by the company directly to your customers. You choose your hours and your work location. In fact, many MLM business opportunities are taken by people who work from the comfort of their own home.

Other benefits of an MLM business opportunity that is worked from home is that you have leverage; you continue earning commissions on a single effort. You do not need to come up with your own business or marketing plan. The company does it for you. Also, recruiting and training systems are provided for you by the company.

The work is selling, so you need to have a pretty strong backbone. Many people will tell you, no instead of the much-coveted yes. Therefore, it takes a lot of effort and motivation. In order to make the most potential income, you need to continuously recruit new representatives. Plus, if you are working from home, your MLM business opportunity require that you purchase a certain amount of product each month or quarter, adding in a financial commitment.

Working at home works for some people. But other people find that it takes a great deal of discipline and motivation to get the job done without being easily distracted. Before you decide to take up the MLM business opportunity and work at home, make sure that you get all the information that you need to make an informed decision. - 17269

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Best Hollywood Celebrity Diets - Healthy Or Unhealthy?

By Christine G. Shannon

Isn't amazing how all of the celebrities you see have a celebrity diet plan for weight loss to maintain their weight. Some of them are shapely and healthy looking, and look good on camera. Others look like they haven't eaten in weeks, like they just got back from the famine in Ethiopia for a few weeks. Like they had been starving themselves to lose weight, and that is probably what they have been doing.

There are always stories of celebrity weight loss in the newspapers and in magazines. Celebrities also come up with fictional diets to explain how they shifted the weight, whereas in reality they just starved themselves, not only of food but of the essential foods and fluids necessary for the body to properly function.

Sure losing a great amount of weight in short periods of time may be somewhat the norm for some who are overly obese, since they are carrying large amounts of stored fat along with them. However, for those who are just a few pounds overweight, losing 40 pounds in a month is terribly unhealthy. It can lead to more serious problems for some individuals. The first thing to know about successful dieting is that it does take time. All those extra pounds did not show up overnight or even within just a few days. Our bodies fluctuate daily.

Without a maintenance diet program, to keep your weight stabilized after a large weight loss, you will put the weight back on. Dieting involves self-discipline and willpower in addition to knowing what foods to eat and when. Many of the celebrity diets are actually starvation type diets that are not healthy or worth risking other side effects.

Hollywood diet juice is an example of a celebrity diet program and this diet means you only drink the juice. You do not eat or drink anything else. This is a type of starvation and is an incredibly boring diet. Once you stop drinking the juice, all the weight you lost will come back. It makes no sense to drink a juice and then stop drinking it and return to being overweight.

Like with a lot of popular Hollywood diets, when your body feels like it is being starved, it will rebel. Your body will fight to hold on to its fat stores, thinking there is a food shortage. You need a long term diet rather than a faddy Hollywood diet if you want to reach and maintain your target weight.

Celebrities do not have secrets about dieting. They are normal people like the rest of us but, unlike most of us, they have people working for them such as diet advisors and personal trainers.

Celebrity diets involve a level of commitment and dedication which we struggle with. The best celebrity diets involve eating sensibly and limiting our calorie intake. One great diet which has been proven to work for many people is Fat Loss 4 Idiots at the link below. This is an easy to follow diet which might just work for you. - 17269

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Create Residual Wealth with MAX Home Based Business Opportunity

By Skysuccess

MLM is a very powerful business concept for many reasons but the most obvious is for the type of income it can provide the network marketer. It is so powerful that many fortune 500 companies have used, some are still using, this business model to build their multi-million dollar empires.

Can't the average person do the same? The answer is average people are already working some great MLM home-based. Are you one of them? If not, now is an excellent time to get started. Click here for more information.

MLM is a huge, thriving industry in spite of all the negative publicity it receives in the media from anti-MLM enthusiasts. Many millionaires express how MLM is a great opportunity for anyone who wants to build a home-based business without having to work from scratch.

Can you use some extra income? Most consumers would probably answer yes to this question. Everybody can use extra income every month. But where is this extra income going to come from? Click here for more information.

One obvious solution would be is to get a second job. This option may seem to be the best solution but is really not. This is because the time you spend on your second job and the money you receive after taxes is not enough. Of course you will have to consider your reasons for getting a second job and why you need the extra income to determine if getting a second job is really the right solution for you.

However, on the other hand, you can start working on your own part-time home-based business using MLM as your business opportunity. You can get started in the industry for nearly nothing. As you know, this is a big plus.

How can you start working in the MLM home based opportunity you have heard so much about? The key here is to simply get started then never ever quit.

Many legitimate MLM home business opportunities will allow you to get started for under $100. You can even find opportunities with little or no overhead expenses and with great support from other members as well as the parent company.

These companies will provide all the tools and system for you. You simply add your sweat equity, your working commitment, and persistence to the MLM home business opportunity.

Remember to choose a well-established company that offers quality consumable products or services with an excellent management team and support to their distributors.

Another important key factor is your commitment to the company and its products and services. Working for a home business MLM opportunity means that you should be a bona-fide user and marketer of the products and services you want to earn income from. - 17269

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Best Exercise For Building CHest Muscles

By Jason King

When it comes to building a solid wall of muscle on your chest there are a few misconceptions floating about. To get a solid chiseled look it takes a lot of work that is disciplined. Many body builders are under the impression that the best way to do this is through bench presses. While this exercise does in fact work the pectoral muscles there are other exercises needed to get a truly refined look.

There a few simple weight lifting exercises that will help build a well-defined chest.

Low Cable crossovers are an inner pectoral exercise, the key is the correct amount of tension. High Cable crossovers will also work the difficult to reach inner Pectorals.

Close grip bench press, this will work the inner Pecs quite well, and they also give a good workout to the triceps. Bench press-Wide grip will work the outer chest muscles.

The inner pectorals can also be given a good workout with dumbbell flyers. Alternate this on incline, decline, and flat bench. Dips, depending on elbow position, you can work either the inner or the outer Pecs.

When you vary your routines with these exercises it will help to prevent you from reaching a plateau in your training. You must remember to add enough rest between your workouts, and eat enough to make your chest grow.

Nutrition is just as important as lifting heavy weights when you're trying to get bigger. The muscle tissue tears as your lift the weights. The muscles are repaired with what food put into your body. Extra vitamins and minerals are essential when you're exercising regularly.

Water is also important for any workout routine. The human body needs water to provide nutrients to the cells, process waste, and keep the internal body temperature regulated. Along with all of these, water acts as a cushion for the joints and offers protection for the important internal organs. It is important to increase your daily fluid intake, as intensive workouts can easily deplete vital fluid levels.

Your body regenerates and heals itself while you are sleeping, this means that plenty of quality sleep is needed to prevent your efforts in the gym going to waste. Along with the fact that you will experience fatigue and not be able to endure workouts for the future.

When you combine all of these elements your chest will soon start growing into something that you're always wanted. Just remember you need a good workout routine, plenty of sleep and a diet filled with the right foods. - 17269

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As an Antioxidant is Mangosteen Juice Effective?

By Julieanne van Zyl

Is Mangosteen Juice really an effective antioxidant? It has become important to obtain quality information on the most health filled nutrition supplements available. In recent times, the benefits of taking both raw and processed fruits have been emphasized, along with their powerful antioxidant qualities.

Free radicals are produced during the process of carrying out our daily activities. When free radicals are left in the body too long, they can be extremely dangerous. External factors like stress, smoke and exercise produce free radicals.

Scientists in the west recently found that mangosteen has great nutritional value and the benefits of its virile properties. So if your goal is to neutralize free radicals in your body and combat inflammation then the only reported fruit also consisting off approximately 40 xanthones out of 200 is Mangosteen juice.

Mangosteen juice will ensure that the free radicals in your body's cells are reduced, if you are looking to neutralize free radicals and combat inflammation. Quite often, the cost scares people away from mangosteen juice, when they could spend a fraction of it on apple juice. Well, with other benefits of Mangosteen Juice such as it being an antidepressant, improving energy levels, and helping to increase the skin tone, it is difficult to ignore it, regardless of the price.

Mangosteen Juice: Are there any Healthy benefits of Taking It?

Along with food and nutrition, Mangosteen juice is becoming a very popular discussion these days. From Karachi to Istanbul to New York, newspaper headlines are screaming about the nutritional benefits of eating fruits. There is hardly any newspaper in which you would not find sections for nutrition and healthy living. This is, of course, as a result of increased global awareness on the benefits of fruits. Thanks to technology, we can now have these fruits in juice forms.

Thanks to the technology we have these days all these fruits we need now come in juice forms. Most fruits have significant health benefits for us but one fruit in particular is now greatly known and it is known as Mangosteen Juice. Mangosteen has a great twenty percent out of two hundred well known xanthones and this fact alone gives the mangosteen supplement the reputation as one of the best supplements available today.

As there is still a lot of controversy going around about Mangosteen Juice, the benefits of this product should be more than enough to convince anybody to give it a go. The health benefits of drinking Mangosteen Juice are as follows:

1. Mangosteen Juice supplements benefit you by stimulating your brain to release endorphins into the bloodstream and also eliminate depression symptoms.

2. It has been shown in research there is a statistically significant increase in the immune function of those drinking it.

3. People with asthma are advised to drink mangosteen juice because it reduces the inflammation in the lungs.

4. Mangosteen supplements will assist you in reducing digestion problems such as for people who suffer from constipation.

5. It assists in heart problems and relieving hypertension.

6. Mangosteen is proven to rise energy levels. Reports by people have been that after taking it when they first wake up there energy levels are largely increased.

We have provided some of the benefits of Mangosteen Juice in this article, and also shown why it is a powerful antioxidant. - 17269

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Shape Your Body With Only A Barbell

By Caleb Lee

I had a subscriber who inquired:

"Is it possible to build muscle, nuke fat, achieve peak condition and get maximum hard-body results if I don't have a power rack and I only have access to a barbell? Not even an Olympic barbell, but one of those old crappy cement filled barbell sets"

I know precisely the weights this guy is saying. I believe nearly everyone of us grew up with them right? They were basically cement weights covered in plastic, and over time the plastic busted up and the cement started to get busted below remember?

I believe I'm showing my age :)


Yeah! Exactly! Even, an old-school equipment like the barbell can certainly make you achieve maximum strength and power!

You just need someone to show you how. Luckily you met me. And luckily I just read most of Dan John's awesome "From the Ground Up".

In this outstanding little ebook Dan John explains the "Rapid Ascent Program", which contains three workouts:

1. Explosive/Hamstring move

2. Push Press

3. Squat Move

And here's how you did the program (from his book):

"The program was very simple. First, groups of four boys were given a bar. The bars were weighted from very lightmaybe 25 poundsup to perhaps close to 100 pounds. Each cohort of boys would lift one at a time, put the bar down, then the next boy would lift. The four would constantly move from lifter to watcherthe bar never stopped. The three sets (explained in just a moment) would not take very longin fact, sometimes it was hard to catch your breath in time for your next set.

The repetitions were incredibly simple

* Set Number 1 -- 8 repetitions

* Second set: 6 repetitions

* Set #3: 4 reps

The goal was simple: once you got all 18 reps (8+6+4), you added weight. If you started with a bar that was excessively light, the succeeding workout, you would be bumped up to the next weight and a stronger group. (Needless to say, actual variations could include making a whole new group with more weight, tooor whatever necessary to make the group work together)."

Sounds simple doesn't it?

That's the advantage of this program!

You don't need a lot of equipment to build strength, muscle and power all while increasing your cardiovascular fitness and burning off pounds of fat.

What you DO need is a little "do or die" attitude. You have to decide you really WANT to achieve your fitness goals, then you'll find a way to use whatever equipment you have available to make it happen.

I like this program because it keeps up with the DoubleYourGains' philosophy of training movement patterns instead of a bunch of exercises. The Rapid Ascent program has a press move (military press), a pull move (power clean), a squat move (front squat) and an explosive/hamstring move (power clean).

How to carry out the "Rapid Ascent" program for cardio and fat loss:

Coach Dan points out that you could also get a great cardio workout and burn some fat:

"To "hurry up" the trainingas if it was critical, there were times when Mr. Freeman suggested combining the Power Clean and Military Pressesone clean and one press, repeated for a total of eight reps. This was made with a lighter weight. One could also perform the Front Squats after the clean and presses, too. I have only done this onceand it was an astounding cardiovascular workout."

So if you think you don't have enough equipment to get into great shape and achieve your fitness goals you are wrong. You are wrong. You are wrong.

Heck, you don't even need a barbell. You can start with the DoubleYourGains' bodyweight program. You can do pullups on your door frame (for extra strong fingers) or just grab the top of a door and go to town (or a tree limb, anything you can hang from, etc) Trust me, if THAT workout gets easy for you - you will be a certified STUD.

After that, as soon as you get hold of good Olympic barbell set you can start the DoubleYourGains' 3-5 Program. - 17269

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Cholesterol In Shrimp - Is It bad For You ?

By Adrian Fletcher

For people that have to lower their cholesterol levels by altering the foods they eat, it may be a depressing thought to think about all the foods you can't eat. For some people, concern about the cholesterol in shrimp or other favorite foods may be preventing them eating these types of foods while in the process of trying to lower their cholesterol. But in fact, this is not always true, not all foods that contain cholesterol are bad.

While it is true that there is cholesterol in shrimp that will increase your levels, what you may not know is that it's not all bad. While eating shrimp does increase your LDL cholesterol somewhat, it also increases your good HDL cholesterol a whole lot more. So don't leave shrimp and shellfish out of your diet completely, just use your head and enjoy a reasonable amount.

Your diet should include foods that are not only healthy and nutritious, but foods that you actually like and will enjoy eating. Do some research and look into the types of food that fit with your dietary requirements and learn to prepare them properly. The effect of cholesterol in shrimp or other foods might be offset by preparing it with light fat-free sauces or a sprinkling of spices as opposed to dowsing with heavy cream sauces.

A crucial consideration when selecting a diet to lower your cholesterol is to include foods and ingredients that you like and enjoy eating. It is possible to create a healthy diet with all sorts of high fiber, fat free ingredients but it won't do you much good if you can't stomach it. This is why many prescribed diets fail. People always begin with the desire to change their diet to include only the best foods, but they are unable to make these foods appealing enough to continue eating them and the diet fades into the background after a few weeks or months. This is why a good cookbook becomes an essential ingredient for success in lowering cholesterol through diet.

Proper guidance from a nutritionist who can give you the various types of food that can be eaten is invaluable. Picking foods you like will enable you to keep a good health. It is always a better idea to base your diet on ensuring you are receiving the most nutritional value for the food you consume.

As happens with many people, poor diet planning might lead to having to eat the wrong foods or avoiding favorites like seafood because of the cholesterol in shrimp and other foods. If you spend enough time and attention to plan and develop the items in your diet menu then you can avoid making bad food choices.

Bear in mind while dieting to lower cholesterol levels, to consider your weight and feeling satisfied as well as the amount of cholesterol in every piece of food at mealtimes. Being informed about the amount of cholesterol in shrimp for example, may actually be effective in helping you adhere to your diet while providing you with both foods you enjoy and the proper nutritional values. - 17269

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