Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, January 2, 2010

The South Beach Diet - 3 Phases To Weight Loss

By Lee Reid

South beach diet recipes are not only healthy, they taste good as well. South beach recipes aim to ensure that you receive meals consisting of all the foods you love, to help you from feeling deprived or have sudden cravings. South beach diet recipes are easy, effective and also are not time consuming. Hence the south beach diet is now considered a revolutionary breakthrough dieting method since it allows its followers to enjoy the food they eat while losing weight in the process.

There are three phases in the south beach diet. You will follow south each diet recipes during the first phase of the diet which are low in carbs although carbs are not completely excluded from your diet. The south beach diets recipes for the first phase will allow you to eat the good carbs (low glycemix index carbs) such as a wide variety of vegetables.

The first phase of the south beach diet recipes lasts for two weeks and is formulated to reduce your cravings for carb that are not good for your body including sugars and refined starch. The south beach diet recipes for the first phase also jump start your weight loss and by the end of these two weeks you will see a noticeable difference.

The south beach diet recipes for the second phase are designed for long term dieting. In addition, these south beach diet recipes are ideal for the ones who want to lose less than ten pounds or for those who want to maintain the present weight or healthy eating habits. The second phase south beach diet recipes are formulated to aid you lose weight gradually over a long period of time.

You would have eliminated most of your unhealthy food cravings, by the time you get to the third phase of the diet. The south beach diet recipes for the third phase include almost every type of food you can think of.As this phase is formulated to be followed for the entire lifetime, the south beach diet recipes will contain all types of food and will also include room for certain indulgences.The south beach diet recipes in the third and final stage and meant to maintain your healthy eating habits as well as to ensure that you can eat what you like without gaining excess weight so that you can indulge without feeling guilty. - 17269

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Tips To Start A Natural Bodybuilding Diet

By Ricardo d Argence

Body building is a present day hobby of youths and hence they try the exercise without giving proper attention to food habits. Beginners think that by eating everything in sight and trying to lift the heaviest weights possible will help them to bulk up which is the greatest myths in body building. This of course is completely untrue. To build muscle mass correctly, adhere to proper bodybuilding exercises and maintain a bodybuilding diet.

A natural bodybuilding diet will improve your health and performance, both inside and outside of the gym.

In contrast to the popular belief, there is an effective and natural body building diet that has you increase your intake of protein, carbs, and fats. Eating large portions of your bodybuilding diet is very important in both the morning and after a workout is completed. This is when nutrients have the best chance of being absorbed.

A standard bodybuilding diet preparation includes several meals for each day, generally spaced out every 3 hours. As humans we need to energize our bodies, repair and grow muscle tissue. To do this we need to make certain that we have a constant flow of amino acids, good fats only and carbohydrates.

Small meals distributed lightly throughout the day are the most principal for a natural bodybuilding diet. Heavy breakfast,heavy lunch and heavy dinner,that time is gone. This will only end up weighing you down and tiring you out, which can lead to unhealthy snacking.

It is extremely important to eat nutritional food because it helps a lot in burning your calories and also builds your muscles. To build up your muscle mass, you are suppose to take eighteen calories per lb of B.W. Avoid foods that are high in sugar or highly processed. Make a point of consuming 1 gram of protein, per lean pound of body weight, per day.

Supplements are not compulsory for most natural body building regimes. In choosing a supplement, make sure to choose one with vital and natural vitamins and minerals. Necessary vitamin and mineral nutrition should be in any supplement you choose.

If the basic principals of natural body building diet are followed your workout routine will hugely benefit and your gains will be bigger and better.

As far as natural bodybuilding workout is concerned, carry out the basic exercises that people have been doing till now and never commit the mistake of over training, because excess of everything is bad, so, go slow and steady.

Once a week, each muscle should be exercised. It will not be beneficial for your body if you exercise the same muscle again in a week rather than working on a different muscle. Adopting natural body building and giving it your best shot is the best way to get success. - 17269

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The Acai Berry: Super Fruit or Super Hype?

By Joan Jameson

Decades before in the rain forests of Brazil, the Acai berry was simply an unusual fruit consumed by the people of this region. Today, the Acai berry is not only costly but it is also in great demand. How did Acai come to be esteemed is such a short amount of time?

As you might expect, the introduction of Acai berry to most Americans was on television. Losing weight and hampering the aging process is what Opray Winfrey had experts on to acknowledge were true about the Acai berry.

The Acai Berry Today

A simple Google search on Acai berries will yield hundreds and thousands of results and introduce you to countless products, all of which claim that Acai is a super, miracle food. Some people even posit that the little berry can cure cancer.

The berry is a little smaller than a grape and is dark purple. It is indigenous to the Amazon rain forest where it has been consumed for hundreds of years by native Brazilian tribes. Because the Acai berry is so abundant in the Amazon rain forest, it is said that nearly half of the food consumption in that region is made up of the berries. Growing and selling the Acai berry provides a generous living for these local tribes.

The Acai Comes to America

Shortly after the fruit appeared on the Oprah show, demand for the acai berry went through the proverbial roof. The requests for the Acai berry are very nearly overpowering the abilities of the supermarkets to supply these miracle berries. Because of the great publicity surrounding the Acai, the market was able to create many different uses for the Acai by establishing different products from the berry. Currently, the most popular product is Acai berry juice, which can be found in most supermarkets and health food stores. Many people are surfing the internet to find Acai berry products and have had great success.

Fact and fiction need to be separated regarding the Acai berry. We will attempt to distinguish these in the next few paragraphs. The Acai berry consumers and their most prevalent claims is where we will begin.

The Claims

Speeding up a person's metabolism and therefore burning more calories is one of the frequent claims of sellers and consumers. This has aroused Americans who are ever searching for the best diet plans to seize the juice and other products related to the Acai berry in record numbers.

There are allegations too that the Acai berry can assist people with sleep disorders and it can also increase sexual desire and performance. Many people also claim that it can improve mental clarity, much like Ginkgo Balboa.

This is what we know

The greatest antioxidant-rich products on earth is the Acai berry, without question. The importance of this is that antioxidants help the body fight off free radicals that can cause the DNA harm and can also clog arteriers. However, in spite of reports by many eager users that the wonder berry can actually reduce the aging process, it has never been proven that high amounts of antioxidants can reverse, stop or even slow aging.

What we do know is that antioxidants increase the good cholesterol, LDL, while decreasing the bad cholesterol, HDL. Researchers have detected in lab tests that the Acai berry has ten times more antioxidants than grapes and two times the antioxidants of blueberries.

The fruit is also said to be the perfect blend of antioxidants, essential fatty acids and amino acids. The instant success of the berry is largely in part to the intense interest in the berry by athletes and health-conscious individuals. Isn't it obvious why professional South American soccer players would snack on the Acai berries before any and all big games.

But how do they taste? There are numerous consumers that acknowledge that the Acai reminds them of a strangely different and yet fascinating array of berries and chocolate. Perhaps that it is why the fruit is used to flavor cocktails, make smoothies and as a topping for ice cream in its native Brazil.

The Hype Mechanism

Like most things in a consumer society, people have a tendency to get carried away, especially when dealing with an effective product. It is clear that the Acai berry is indeed one of the healthiest fruits in the world today, and it can offer users a myriad of amazing health benefits. Unfortunately, we have not seen proof that the Acai berry is a miraculous fruit. In fact, it is simple wishful thinking to believe that it can cure cancer or reverse or stop the aging process. - 17269

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Muscle Building Workouts: Determine Your Ultimate Goals

By Lily White

While beginning any bodybuilding exercise, you want to first lay out your goals. What are you trying to accomplish? Do you want to get huge, big and strong? Or are you looking to lean up so that you look especially hot during beach season? Whatever your goals may be, there is a bodybuilding workout for you. First, you should take measurements of your entire body. Take a measurement of your chest, your biceps, your thighs and your waist.

These will be your benchmarks that you can use to gauge your progress; and also what you'll use to determine how to tailor your bodybuilding workout.

Get Big

If your goal is to get big, you'll want to keep your weights high and your repetitions low. If, for instance, you want to build your chest, choose a weight that allows you to go through the entire frame of motion but that's just difficult enough to complete the last couple of reps. A good rule of thumb is to do a warm up set to determine if you should go up or down in weight from your previous bodybuilding workout.

Lean Up

If you're looking to get leaner, you want to make sure that your weights are low but your reps are high. This will allow you to complete your workout more quickly, which increases your heart rate and your metabolism. Also, try to do some sort of cardio between sets. This is called cross training and it keeps your metabolism high in order to burn as much fat as possible.

No matter which exercises you choose for your bodybuilding workout, make sure that you are working each muscle the same. You don't want to end up with a lopsided body and, besides, if a body part lags behind, it could seriously hurt your progress. For example, if you constantly work your chest and biceps but you neglect your back, you will never get bigger than you are right now. All of your muscle groups should be worked out at the same pace. A good way to get all of your muscle groups in is to do a bodybuilding workout split. That is, work different body parts on different days. This will keep your muscles worked and will allow you more rest, which is essential to any bodybuilding workout.

Play around with different exercises, reps and sets until you get an idea of what works for you. Just remember to keep it safe, don't lift anything too heavy for you and remember to keep your expectations realistic. Any bodybuilding workout takes time to show results so with time and patience and lots of hard work, you should have the physique you're after in no time. - 17269

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8 Dog Owner Secrets Revealed

By Jenash Muldavi

1. Being to harsh with your dog and especially in its early years, will have severe consequences to the mental state of the dog. It will leave the dog feeling unwanted and unloved and it might even lead to a depression.

2. Feeding your dog excessively will threaten your dog's health. Too many calories and too little exercise will have your dog grow fat and it will not only reduce its level of energy but also its ability and willingness to be happy.

3. Food for humans and food for dogs and not the same thing. Many pet owners find themselves giving their dogs leftovers from the dinner table. It is not healthy for a dog to eat human food so instead you should go visit your VET to find out what the right food is.

4. Taking your dog out for a walk every single day is a must. Go for half an hour as least one time a day. If you own a larger breed you might need to go for a walk two or three times a day to satisfy the dog's physical needs.

5. Your dog is a living being and it needs exercise often. So instead of just going out for a walk you might want to take it to the park to play. Play with sticks or balls and have your dog run off some of its energy. It will love you for it.

6. Attend dog training classes to learn how to properly manage, train and get your dog obey commands. A dog needs to know who is in charge and it is important that you are that leader.

7. Making sure that you show your dog that you love it dearly is vitally important. The feeling of love can erase almost any other error you make and if you let your dog know and feel that you love it in return it will love you back unconditionally.

8. Showing your dog respect and fairness will go a long way. Your dog can sense much more than your think and if it feels that its leader respects it you can be sure that it will respect you back and be much more willing to follow your commands. - 17269

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