Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Learn About Cajun Microwave Cooking

By Ferdinand Okeke

Cajun cooking is world renowned for giving to lovers of good food and gourmet some of the finest and most memorable taste experiences of a lifetime. The way Cajun and Creole chefs use spices and recipe components that are unique to the southern Louisiana area has spawned a style of cooking that rivals the finest chefs in any other part of the world can master. If you plan a trip to New Orleans or anywhere in Cajun country, to leave without sitting down to a complete Cajun meal would be nothing short of a crime.

The tastes that literally erupt from a Cajun meal will command your attention so strongly that while enjoying this fine dining, you literally will think of nothing else. Of course, Cajun meals are sometimes not for the squeamish. The skillful use of spices and the unusual main dishes such as crawdads or alligator tail can make someone new to the Cajun culture a little nervous. It is worth it to overcome your fears and dive into that delicious food in front of you because it will be a taste treat you will never forget. And it will be one you will want to come back to often if not reproduce on your own home.

Yes, it is possible to conquer the skills of Cajun cooking at home and even learn to prepare fine Cajun fish delicacies for your own guests. The image of an old Cajun chef slaving for hours or days over a recipe comes from the assumption that something so delicious had to take a tremendous investment of time and skill to produce. It might come as a surprise then that not only is it possible to prepare a Cajun fish meal in the microwave but that the microwave is actually a preferred way to prepare these recipes.

The reason using your microwave oven to prepare a fine Cajun meal works so well is one of the best ways to coax the best flavors from the spices and the fish is through fast steaming. And there is no better way to quickly steam a main dish than in the microwave. Whether the fish is cod, redfish, red snapper, monkfish or tuna, quick steaming is the best way to preserve flavor but to get the fish cooked thoroughly. The process is straightforward. You simply put the fresh fish into a microwave steamer. Add a small amount of water. Some recipes will have you add spices to the water.

By microwaving that enclosed microwave cookware for 2-3 minutes, you quickly steam the fish, which releases waves of flavor. Now you can open the dish and add garlic, butter, chili or other Cajun spices to give that main dish that exciting taste and aroma that will take you back to the bayou as soon as you taste the first bite of your Cajun cooking. After you do your final preparations, one more minute in the microwave completes the cooking and fills each morsel of food with flavor.

Now just serve the meal with all the trimmings. When you take the lid off of that microwave steamer and the aroma of that fish fills the room, the exclamations of surprise and delight will be gratifying to you. But be prepared as those exclamations continue throughout the meal. If your guests give you the title of "great Cajun chef", be humble. But you can accept the title on behalf of your spice rack, your fish market, your good Cajun recipe book and, of course, your old reliable microwave oven that made it all possible. - 17269

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The Real Truth About Acaiberry Juice

By Ron Duckett Douglas

Acai juice is an extract of processed acai berry. Acai berry is a purple in fruit color that grows on acai palms which is mostly grown in the Amazon rain forest in Brazil, South America. The acai fruit is similar to grape in color, shape and size. Occupants of the Amazon forest use the fruit is as a source of food and for medicinal purposes.

Acai berry has to be properly harvested and processed since it is very sensitive and its conditions can be affected by the sunlight and the fruit grows in bunches, each bunch has the capability of producing eight bunches of the fruit.

Ten to twelve per cent of the coveted fruit is what is edible while the remaining 88 to 90 per cent consists of the seed. Among the so many Acai berry benefits are its weight loss and antioxidant qualities. It is 100 per cent organic and is believed to be a remedy to cancer.

According to scientific research, acai berry juice contains omega 3 fatty acids. These acids aid in prevention of the formation of cancerous cells that cause cancer. Besides, the juice has phytosterols that aid in prevention of high blood pressure in our bodies.

High essential fatty acids and omegas are contained in Acai berry juice. The juice is believed to be pure and has antioxidants ten to thirty times more than grape juice. Toxic materials in the body are removed by these antioxidants. Acai berry juice is a protein supplement that contains dietary fiber, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and high proteins.

The fruit helps in boosting the body energy level but at the same time acai can be used for weight loss purpose. The best way to enjoy acai berry is through the acai juice and the quality juice is normally cloudy and purple in color. Acai berry juice is normally used as an energy drink since it contains carbohydrates in it and it is the best organic natural drink around.

The skins of the acai berry contain fibers. In acai berry juice, the fibers help in food digestion and metabolism. Besides, micro minerals and macro minerals like magnesium, copper and potassium aid in boost the body immunity as well as improving the flavor and benefits of this herbal drink.

Also, Acai juice can be used for some conditions that affect human beings like allergies, weight loss, obesity, high blood pressure, heart diseases, and it can be used to improve on brain memory function and eyesight. - 17269

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The Increasing Craze toward Vitamins and Herbal Supplements

By Amber Duncan

Many people are turning to natural remedies and using herbal supplements and vitamins to maintain and improve health. One can find products for help in losing weight, preventing signs of aging, or just to improve general health. No matter what your health issues are, there is sure to be a product with the perfect sales pitch so that you want to buy it right away.

There have been countless studies performed on the therapeutic benefits and applications of various herbs and herbal extracts. As a result of this research, strong evidence has shown that adding herbal supplements to a healthy diet and lifestyle can be beneficial. There are many natural health supplements that also treat various conditions as well as promote general well-being.

There are many places on the internet to find out about the hundreds of different herbal supplements and what they can do for you. Some are very mild and do very little; others are highly concentrated and they can interact adversely with prescription drugs and over the counter medications that you may be taking now. People are often sold by the benefits claimed by the supplement; they say "Oh, it's safe; it's just an herbal supplement!"

You might be surprised to find out that it may not be safe. Do you realize that many of our prescription drugs, over the counter medications and even illegal street drugs all contain ingredients that come from plants? Tobacco is a plant, but does that mean that cigarettes are an "all natural, healthy" product? The poppy is a beautiful flower that is used in manufacturing highly addictive and deadly street drugs.

One problem we have encountered with nutritional supplements is that they are not strictly regulated in the US. The manufacturers do not have to guarantee their safety, effectiveness or even the true content of the products. Some dietary supplements may not contain the herbs that they claim to.

Herbal supplements can be very costly, especially if you are constantly adding more and more of them to your daily regimen. Perhaps you started out with the well know ginseng to increase energy, ginkgo biloba to improve focus and memory and vitamin C for your immune system. As you continue to discover the benefits of the many herbal supplements available, you might find yourself taking 15 -20, or more, per day and spending a fortune to maintain this craze. You might be doing more harm than good; some of these supplements could be working against each other, cancelling out the benefits or causing new problems. Some of these products might be totally ineffective.

The solution is to find a good multi-purpose supplement that covers the areas you want to concentrate on the most. A multi-purpose formula should be well balanced, with ingredients that work well together, to provide the results you're looking for. With a multi-purpose supplemental formula, you can get all the benefits of taking dozens of different pills with a single dose, and save a ton of money too.

You should do plenty of research before beginning a supplemental health program. Look at the different companies out there; how long have they been in business? Have there been any bad reports with the Better Business Bureau or other consumer groups? Talk to other people who are currently taking herbal supplements; see what they are taking and who they are purchasing them from. Talk to your doctor or health care specialist; it is possible they will be able to refer you to a good source for buying herbal supplements. You might be surprised to find that many medical doctors are more open to the use of herbal supplements today than in the past.

It is important to remember that no matter what type of health improvement you are looking to achieve with supplements, you must continue to live a healthy lifestyle. Remember, the herbs are just a supplement. Herbal supplements that claim to help you resist cancer will not be effective if you are smoking 2-3 packs of cigarettes a day. A weight management formula will be most ineffective if you eat high-fat food and snack in front of the TV every night. A muscle building shake is not going to work if you do not work out.

Supplements can be very beneficial if you are living a healthy life style by getting plenty of exercise and eating right. As with any medications, consult your physician before beginning any new herbal or vitamin supplementation program. - 17269

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Do you know these 3 simple steps to achieve all your goals?

By Caleb Lee

Did you know that the day after labor day and January 2 are two of the biggest days of the year where people set goals?

It's real.

Actually, around this time of year you're most likely going to start dwelling on how you want your life to be like when January comes around. You might get under way setting some goals. You may perhaps want to build bigger, more robust muscles lose weight or get stronger. Doesn't matter what you're goal is really

To reach your entire fitness goals and all that, I'm going to share with you 3 simple steps:

Step Number 1 -- A Definite Vision of Your Goal

This is basically visualizing what you want your life to be like as soon as you reach your goal. Create a vision of yourself reaching your goal and living it and make it as clear as possible in your mind. For a good book on how to get this done you have to look into Maxwell Maltz's New Psycho-Cybernetics.

After that you are to remain optimistic, no matter what it takes, and HAVE FAITH that you will accomplish your goal(s).

Here's a fast visualization tip. I'll make use of the example of wanting to become stronger and lifting extra weight for your next workout routine...

1. Take a deep breath, relax and close your eyes

2. Visualize the last time you successfully lifted a weight

3. Be aware of all the feeling - the pleasure, the achievement, the fulfillment

4. Once you're making this properly you will be pleased at your accomplishment

5. Visualize yourself performing your next lift with success and FEEL those same emotions

6. Go do your lift!

This is the approach the athletic champs imagine for success. Also you can utilize the same process on virtually any goal: becoming stronger, watching your weight, refraining from smoking, making money, whatever...

Step #2 - A Plan To Succeed

Once you have a clear picture of where you want to go, you need a plan to get there. Then it's as simple as keeping the objective in mind while following the plan. As George Foreman said about success it comes down to "Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan".

It was successful for Georgey and I believe it will be effective for you as well.

Step #3 - Individuals To Keep You Responsible

This is regularly a disregarded step. You surely need some people in your life to keep you in charge. I hear as far as diets go that Weight Watchers is most useful at getting people to go on a diet because every week you have to update a different person how much weight you've lost. And if you don't well you don't want to be the guy who didn't lose weight right? - 17269

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7 Secrets to Getting a Great Six Pack and Killer Abs

By Tony D. Martinez

If you're after killer abs, you've come to the right place. Six pack abs are what everyone wants at the moment - but to get them, you'll need to be dedicated and willing to adopt a healthy lifestyle along with a regimen of physical exercise. Once you've managed this, you'll be well on the way towards your goal.

There are many celebrities who are actively pursuing 6 pack abs. As always, young people look to them as an example and are themselves trying to achieve well toned bodies with 6 pack abs.

There are many people who think they can achieve their goal by simply joining a gym - this is sadly not the case. There's more to it than just working out. In fact, the first step on the path to getting six pack abs is to admit that it's going to take time and hard work.

I've looked into the matter and found seven secrets which can help you to get a defined six pack and the killer abs you've always wanted.

1. Accept that this is going to be a challenge. There are many who get into building their abs with big dreams and when they find out how much work it's going to be, drop out. You have to start out knowing that it's going to be tough to get the six pack abs you've wanted.

2. Routine life: A routine will really help on your path to getting a 6 pack. You need to follow a routine as in a fixed time to sleep, eat, workout, etc. leading an irregular life will keep you from getting the better results.

3. Healthy food: In order to get a well-toned body with 6-pack abs it is very important to avoid junk food and follow a healthy diet plan. A proper diet plan will provide you with every nutrient your body needs to function at its best.

4. The right workout plan. This is very important. Exercise is great, but it needs to be the right kind of exercise, otherwise you could actually be doing more harm than good. Get some professional advice on a workout plan to make sure you are doing things the right way. This will help you get those six pack abs faster.

5. Quit unhealthy habits: If you are in the habit of smoking or drinking (or both) then quitting will help you achieve that 6 pack faster. Drinking may still be acceptable, provided you consume alcohol in limited amounts. Smoking is a massive hindrance and will make you far less likely to successfully develop your 6 pack abs.

6. Water. Getting enough water is vital. Drink eight to ten glasses of water a day. When you work out, you lose a lot of moisture, so proper hydration is important. Drinking enough water keeps your body working properly and detoxes your system.

7. Sleep. You need plenty of rest - this is when your body recovers and builds new muscle tissue. Get enough sleep every night so that you'll be energetic and ready for your next workout.

Follow the aforementioned points and you'll see your killer abs developing sooner than you had ever expected. Good luck! - 17269

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Pur Water Filter - A Complete Review

By Trez Kelly

I enjoy a fresh, clean glass of water and to make sure that I continue to have this joy, I have my Pur Water Filter. My family has also enjoyed the secure feeling that Pur Water Filters give us knowing that we are drinking pure, filtered water.

Stop wasting your money drinking bottled water. Why should you waste your dollars for packaged, aesthetically pleasing fancy-named bottle water when you can get the same great taste using a Pur Water Filter? Moreover, Pur Water Filters is a lot more convenient than bottled water. It eliminates the hassle that comes with hauling jugs of water from the store.

Do yourself a test after you get a water filter, I did this don't worry; fill one glass with water derived from your faucet and another with bottled water. See if you taste a difference. Want me to go ahead and tell you the answer? You don't. With these water filters, you will taste the difference. Pur Water Filters work well to deliver quality taste and pure water.

So what is the big hype about purchasing Pur Water Filters for? All tap or well water contains many unwanted substances that are harmful for your body. In fact, doctors say that you aren't suppose to drink tap water! Don't let that reverse your choice to drinking healthier (don't go back to soft drinks yet!!). Pur Water Filters take out 99% of those unwanted substances, giving you ultra-clean, ultra-safe water!

Let's go over some more benefits of owning a Pur Water Filter. First, you will notice that it is the most convenient option - you can get water anytime and however much you want. Secondly, Pur Water Filters are the most cost-efficient choice. The cost of water from home is 78% less than a gallon of water, not to mention those overpriced bottled water options!

Finally, you will know Trust. You will be able to trust a credible company for the safety of you and your family. You will also know where your water is coming from, and who's hands they have been through before it goes in your mouth. Try Pur Water Filter today! - 17269

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