Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, June 15, 2009

6/16 Burn The Fat Journey

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Reduce Your Calorie Intake To Lose Weight Naturally
June 15, 2009 at 11:03 pm

There are several ways to lose weight, and the truth is that most of them work……for a while.

You can lose weight by cutting carbohydrates out of your diet, by cutting meat and dairy (fatty) products out of your diet, or by sticking to a macrobiotic diet.

You can lose weight by exercising excessively, by going on a diet pill or shake system, or by doing bowel cleanses.

But the ONLY way to lose weight naturally and permanently, is to reduce calorie intake to lose weight.

The fact is that in order to lose weight safely, conveniently, and permanently, you must reduce calories to lose weight.

You must eat fewer calories per day than your body burns off.

It's not rocket science!

What you really need to do if you want reduce calorie intake to lose weight is LEARN about your body and how your body uses energy (calories).

You need to learn some key things about your body in order to successfully reduce calorie intake to lose weight.

You must learn about food. Which foods are best for you? Which have the most and fewest calories?

You must learn about resting metabolic rate. How many calories does you body burn off per day? Everyone's body is different and we all have our own specific resting metabolic rate…..what is yours?

You must learn how to properly calculate reduction of calorie intake to lose weight. You must have an easy, convenient and organized tracking system. You need a software system developed by experts. You can't just scribble down the number of calories in your food on stick-it notes around your house – it won't work!

In order to lose weight naturally by reducing calorie intake to lose weight, you must get the advice straight from the experts!

You need logical, straight forward advice on which recipes are the best and easiest, which activites will help you burn calories the fastest, and most importantly, how to calculate the calorie intake to lose weight and calorie burn-off numbers for YOUR unique body! An online diet generator can be a serious asset to your weight loss success… the Strip That Fat system has a great diet generator that even produces a grocery list! Just select the foods that you like from the STF meal plans, click print, and head to the grocery store…

You can see a great example of someone who has reduced calorie intake to lose weight… this guy has lost 30 + pounds on the Strip That Fat diet system… it teaches you how to carefully monitor your calorie intake, provides an online diet generator, shows you how to shift your metabolism, and provides valuble tips and techniques to help you learn to drop those extra plans…

Learn the math of you own body! Learn to view your body as a fat burning machine instead of hate your body for being a fat-hoarding blubber whale!
Act now! Learn to free yourself of those unwanted pounds by learning to reduce calorie intake to lose weight!


The Truth On Six Pack Abs Secrets - Faultless Information In Losing Weight
June 15, 2009 at 10:02 pm

A lot of books talking regarding "abs" are not clear and concise. They are gray areas that need additional explanation. They in reality enclose the same information as is compared to other books. You don't get to hear a great deal about them since they pieces of junks. The Truth about Six Packs Abs is a lot different from most books. It details a full, comprehensive program in getting the abs that you want. Mike Geary, the author, has an ingenious mind. I am all for his idea of a system assuring of a six pack abs in only a matter of weeks.

Based on my own experience, the first time I had a strong want to get a six pack abs was when my then girlfriend noticed the loveliness of another man's abs. The idea got me jealous, and even envious of that man. This made me begin my hunt towards achieving the same abs as that of the other man by working my way throughout the internet in search of Ab training practices. As has been mentioned, I got acquainted with some crappy and unproductive programs. Fortunately, after six months, my friend suggested a book entitled "The Truth about Six Pack Abs". After getting the book, I progressed towards achieving the perfectly-chiseled abs.

Would you like to know the reality about "The Truth about Six Pack Abs"?

Actually, it really works! The testimonials of previous users would confirm to its effectiveness. In my opinion, the success stories were told not only because of the uniqueness and the effectiveness of the system, but also because of the author's ingenuity. Mike Geary outlined 20 simple and easy-to-follow activities all along with pictures that can help any person comprehend the steps.

It's nice to have a verified and exclusive method of having firmer abs enumerated in a book, but it's always better to supply illustrations so that the readers can really see them. This is exactly what the author did for his readers. I am confident in saying that all of his consumers are pleased with their six pack abs that they have right now because of the wonders of his book.

It has become apparent that obesity is becoming one of the main problems of the world today. Obesity can also lead to other complications such as heart troubles, diabetes, and many more. More and more people are getting aware about their physical condition. One way of doing this is finding the best way to lose weight. They oftentimes resort to reading books so as to find these ways of fat elimination. There are actually a number of books available in the market for this purpose. The truth about six pack abs is by far the finest book there is. It is becoming a bestselling book in the market these days.

The aforementioned book includes information on diet and training. The weight reduction tips in this book are proven to be most effective. Though, its focus is not on exercises such as crunches and sit-ups, or exercise equipments such as the treadmill or the stationary bike. It has the thorough information on how to decrease the body fats. It also includes information on sculpting the abs to be at their best. The youth of today are just as worried with how they look these days. Whether you are a male or a female, you have that wish to have a form and sexy body.

There are a number of topics discussed in the said book. You will get to read statements such as "interval training burns more calories", "stop emotional eating", "stay positive", "treat food as neither your enemy nor your friend", among others. These discuss the ways on how to be healthy and fit. Said information in this book is helpful if you really want to have that fit, perfectly-shaped body.

The truth about six pack abs enumerates alternative ways of eliminating fat. Eat a balanced diet with the inculcation of the right kinds of food. Food is there to keep you strong and healthy, not a friend or an enemy. The right food makes you more fit; you will find yourself physically healthier than those who prefer the fast food. Before any intake of food, you have to ask yourself first if you really need the food, or if you want the food, etc. Also, fruits and vegetables are the healthy foods that you should eat.

Besides food, exercises or physical activities are also required to make you healthy. Workouts build up your abs and burns body fats. Though, nearly all people simply do not have the time for physical activities.

In addition, don't rely on food to eliminate the stress and tension that you feel inside. Stress eliminating tips include reading books, listening to music, watching movies, confiding to a friend, walking, and many others. Optimism or thinking positively can help as well. Keep away from thinking that it is hard to actually work out.
All these things are discussed in detail in the truth about six pack abs. Purchase the book now, religiously do what it is asking you to do, and you will be surprise with the effects that it might bring to you. Through this book, you will definitely lose weight in no time.

For the people who have not yet tried it, this is the best time to get that book and work your way to the abs that you have been dreaming of. You can get one of those crappy books that are not even effective, or you can get The Truth about Six Pack Abs and lose the weight. Only you can make it happen. Make a choice now!

I Strongly Urge You To Click Here Now To Learn More About This Amazing Solution.


Common Reasons That Usually Build Failure In Lose Weight
June 15, 2009 at 5:01 pm

Why do so many people fail at losing weight? Is it because they are lazy? No. Is it because they are addicted to food? No. Is it because they aren't good at exercising? No. Failure at weight loss stems from a few main factors:

1) People don’t truly understand the risks of being overweight. Why do most want to lose weight? Most would say to look better. Looking better certainly is a benefit of losing weight, but this shouldn't be the sole reason to lose weight. There is a 1000 pound gorilla in the room and it's often ignored. Being overweight for a long period of time kills thousands of people each year. Thousands of studies have show and proven without any doubt that losing body fat will improve and lengthen your life. This eBook will give you a picture of the dangers of being overweight. Knowing the dangers of being overweight is a tremendous motivator to not only lose fat, but to keep it off.

2) People don’t commit to permanent lifestyle changes. So many people think of a “diet” as something temporary. When they are on a “diet” they restrict themselves so much that they are miserable. Sooner or later failure is inevitable because of the unreasonable demands of most “diets.” Some of these diets force you to only eat certain foods (e.g., no carbs, special soups etc…) You, like myself, have probably tried them before. The key to losing weight long term is to make gradual lifestyle changes you can stick to forever.

3) Most individuals are not provided the truthful facts of losing weight and becoming healthier. With the conflicting information in the media, and all of the different lose weight quick fad diets, it's understandable why so many people really don't know the truth about losing fat and keeping it off long term. We will go over the no-nonsense truth.

4) Most people don’t understand they are constantly either gaining fat, or losing fat. There is no in-between. Some people justify binging or giving up because they hit a small road-block. This isn't an all or nothing game. For example, when I was overweight, if I ate an unhealthy lunch, I'd go ahead and eat an unhealthy dinner since I already “messed up” the day. Or I'd say, I'll start eating healthy on Monday since I've already eaten poorly this weekend. Every person at times eats too much. The successful people will not let a road bump completely derail their entire lifestyle change. If you are not implementing positive lifestyle changes and losing weight, you are gaining weight. Again, there is no “in-between.”

5) Most people don’t realize what they consume each day. So many overweight people eat thousands of extra calories and fat without realizing it. It's tough to know if you are gaining weight or losing weight each day unless you are keeping an eye on what you're consuming.

Read more about Laxatives to Lose Weight and Sugar Busters Diet

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Show Me The Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat

By Kelly Blackburn

Want the best exercise to lose belly fat? Well, how about 3 exercises? Skip the typical ab exercises, like crunches, situps and leg lifts and you cannot help but burn belly fat while performing these high intensity whole body workouts that will boost your metabolism... thus building rock hard abs & core, but also creating a much better fat-burning workout than a typical ab workout.

You may never do another situp or crunch again after you do this ab workout. This routine consists of a mini superset of 3 different and very effective exercises.

The 3 exercises are 1. Dumbbell Renegade Rows 2. Barbell Front Squats 3. Mountain Climbers on Floor

A good rep scheme to use with this could be 3-4 sets of 8 reps for each exercise, or more sets for less reps, such as 5 sets of 5 reps of each exercise. Instead of counting the number of reps, you can do mountain climbers for say 30 seconds.

Renegade dumbbell rows

Start in a pushup position with the hands on 2 dumbbells. While you row and lift a dumbbell with one arm, stabilize your body with the other arm while you hold the other dumbbell on the floor. Bring the arm back to the starting position with the dumbbell on the floor, then stabilize your body with that arm while you raise the other arm in a rowing motion. You have to use all your abdominals to stabilize your body during the rowing motion. Believe me on this one... believe me you will be working your abs!

Front squats

These are similar to back squats, however with the barbell in front of your body on the front of your shoulders instead of resting on the upper back as in back squats. Cross your arms and while keeping your elbows pointing away from your body, hold the barbell with your knuckles pressed against each shoulder.

You may not get the form right immediately, but with practice and some help from a trainer, you will get it right. You wil really have to use your abs to stabilize your body during front squats. This looks like just a leg workout, but your abs will get a big workout too!

Mountain climbers

Start in a pushup position and then shuffling your feet in and out so that your knees are moving in under your chest and then back out to starting position. It is kind of like climbing a mountain, but you are on a flat floor. For a more intense version, move your hands back and forth about 8-10 inches while you are doing the leg movements. Do these and you will feel it over your whole body, because they work much more than with standard mountain climbers.

Let your body recover for about 30 seconds between each exercise. After each superset, rest about 1-2 minutes.

Your abs will get a great workout and you won't be doing any direct ab exercises. I am confident you will see what I mean after you give it a try! - 17269

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Two Powerful Herbs That Have Been Effective In Curing PCOS and Ovarian Cysts.

By Crystal Adeyemi

Is there a cure for PCOS? The answer is Yes- Combine three simple things and you will notice a big difference. Good Nutrition, natural herbs and regular exercise all combine to reduce the symptoms of PCOS and Ovarian Cysts.

Herbs in particular are extremely useful in the treatment of PCOS, because they are much gentler on the body, have fewer side effects than synthetic drugs and can be used for sustained periods of time.

Two powerful herbs that have been used for generations and shown very promising effects are:

1. Agnus Castus (Vitex/Chastetree Berry): This herb has a direct effect on the pituitary gland. This gland is involved in regulating hormone production and the menstrual cycle.

It is an adaptogen, which means that whether you suffer from a low level of one hormone or an excess of another, you can take Vitex and this herb will regulate the pituitary gland to achieve optimum levels of the hormone.

This herb is particularly useful to those with low levels of progesterone as it restores it to normal levels. Low progesterone levels can cause miscarriage, so vitex can help prevent this from happening.

Virtex has a few side effects that you need to be aware of - the most noticeable being digestive a mild rash and digetsive upsets.

Vitex should be taken for a period of several months in order to help with the cure for PCOS and ovarian cysts.

The typical recommended dose of Vitex is organic tincture is 1 teaspoon, 3 times a day for 3 or 4 months. This herb can be taken daily for up to 18 continuous months, unless pregnancy occurs.

Please consult your doctor if this is something that you think would help you.

2. Garcinia Cambogia (Also known as Brindall Berries)

This small tropical fruit is also known as Malabar tamarind.It comes from central Asia and contains HCA (hydroxyl-citric-acid). This Acid enables carbohydrate to be turned into useable energy instead of being deposited as fat.

This herb can also be used as part of the cure for PCOS because it helps to suppress appetite, reduce sugar cravings and insulin resistance, and inhibit the formation of fat and cholesterol.

If you are wondering where to get this herb from, it is available from Amazon.com in capsule form.

One thing to bear in mind is that our bodies react to things in different way and these commonly used herbs in the cure for pcos may not have the same effect on you as they have had on others. - 17269

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Acai Berry Diet Maintains Proper Cholesterol Levels

By Dana Hawkes

Everyone is alert of cholesterol. They know that cholesterol kills. But what they don't know is that there are two kinds of cholesterol in our body. One kind is harmful, which accumulates in the arteries causing atherosclerosis and also various heart diseases. However, the other kind of cholesterol is actually useful to the body. The 'good' cholesterol is scientifically known as HDL (High Density Lipoproteins) while the 'bad' cholesterol is known as LDL (Low Density Lipoproteins).

The gist is this - while the body wants none of the bad cholesterol, it cannot do without an optimum amount of good cholesterol. It is this cholesterol that helps in the transportation of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K and the various fatty acids.

So, where does the acai berry diet come in this? The truth is that the acai berry is highly effective in correcting any cholesterol imbalance that might be prevailing in the body. Due to our faulty and unhealthy eating habits, most of us have dangerously high levels of bad cholesterol in our bodies. A regular acai berry diet can help in reducing these levels. At the same time, this diet can increase the concentration of good cholesterol, paving the way for good health.

Here is some acai berry diet information that everyone must have - the acai berry is very highly concentrated in antioxidants. It has a very high concentration of phytonutrients and anthocyanins. Experts have found out that these levels in the acai berry are 10 to 30 times more than those in other antioxidant-rich foods, such as red wine. These antioxidants work quite effectively in fighting free radicals that impair vital metabolic processes of the body, leading to accumulation of bad cholesterol.

There's another subtle point about the acai berry diet. The acai berry has very high fiber content. This helps food digest faster and, when it does, it dispels the undesirable cholesterol along with the waste material. This is a direct way in which the acai berry diet helps in cholesterol management in the body. - 17269

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Get Healthier By Cleaning Your Colon

By Laura Larose

Doctors agree that a wide variety of illnesses and disease come because our colon begins to age.

The colon is a very important part of our body that keeps us healthy and gets rid of harmful waste.

It also makes sure we get enough nutrition to live each and every day.

However, when it is filled with bacteria, toxins and more, there are many poor effects that can occur for us in the long-term.

Even short term effects can be poor, as well, including loss of motivation, lack of energy, constipation and bloating.

To keep yourself healthy and clean, a colon cleansing supplement can aid you in your goals.

Colon cleansers can keep your body clean and are a natural way to eliminate waste in your colon so that you will look better and not bloated.

They also provie a gentle cleansing through their formulation and there are no side effects.

Combining a natural process with clinically proven to be effective ingredients means good aid for your body.

If you are interested in living a healthier life and losing some weight, definitely check out IntraCleanse today. At the time of writing, a free trial is available so that you can check out its great benefits for yourself without paying a dime! - 17269

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Bustling About the Acai Berry Diet

By Dana Hawkes

One of the newest diets that have recently hit the diet circuit is the Acai berry diet, which is pronounced as ah-sigh-ee. The Acai berry diet is famous because the Acai berry, a unique berry from the Amazon rainforest has higher antioxidant content than pomegranates, blueberries, and every other fruit or vegetable under the sun.

Here is the buzz about the Acai berry diet: The Acai berry diet is being touted as the newest super food by many people, and it is bringing numerous uses to its users in all areas of health and wellness.

The Acai berry reviews are good, as people have reported experiencing an increase in their levels of energy, improvements in stamina, better overall sleeping patterns and so much more. One of the most common uses of the Acai berry super food is the Acai berry diet is capable of creating healthy and natural weight loss.

So how will including the Acai berry diet into your life produce healthy and natural weight loss? The berry's natural content includes amino acids, fiber, fatty acids and antioxidants which add together in order to increase your metabolism so that you can burn calories and fat much more effectively.

As with anything that has a relation to weight loss, pairing the Acai berry diet with a regular program for exercise is the best way to make sure that Acai berries work for you. You want to change your entire lifestyle for the best. If you combine a healthy Acai berry diet with everyday exercise, then you will have the greatest benefit. Talk with your physician and start on a healthy diet plan today with the Acai berry diet. - 17269

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Tone Flabby Arms - Without Having To Exercise At All!

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Is it possible to tone flabby arms without a treadmill or weights? Yes, it is.

Now exercise is great for you and it definitely accelerates the toning process. But if you are looking for other options, I am here to provide them.

So how do you do it? With spontaneous fat loss. This type of fat loss refers to reductions in caloric intake that are unconscious. In other words, there are certain environmental factors you can manipulate that will automatically reduce the amount of calories you eat.

And without further delay, here are 4 tips for entering the spontaneous fat loss zone so that you can tone flabby arms:

1. Keep bad food in areas that are not easily accessible. One study showed that people eat 300% more candy when it's within arms' reach. So make sure to keep all calorie-heavy food far far away no matter what. Conversely, keep the good food very very close. What type of results would you get if you ate 300% more good food?

2. Use smaller eating implements. When using large spoons and bowls people unknowingly eat 50% more ice cream. Why does this happen? Because the scoops of ice cream look a lot smaller next to the big spoons and bowls. In this case, our perception can interfere with our feeling of satiety.

3. Use wide glasses when drinking good liquids. And tall thin glasses when drinking calories. People poor 30% more liquid into short and wide glasses versus tall and thin glasses. Why does this happen? Because the same amount of liquid looks like less in a short and wide glass.

4. Use the same plate over and over again at the buffet. Why should you do this? Because as your plates are cleared away at the buffet, you lose your visual cue for how much you have already eaten. Studies have shown that people will eat 25% more because of this effect.

Ok, with the above tips you can tone flabby arms without having to pick up a dumbbell. It's really that easy. What holds most women back is action. You have to act on this information in order for it to work. Good luck! - 17269

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Hypnosis Results In Fast Weight Loss

By Robert Hudak

Today Americans are faced with huge dilemma of being the fattest nation in the world with no noticeable relief in sight. Many times a person who is desperately trying to experience fast weight loss may get caught up with using a hyped up weight loss product, and soon discover the claims were just an exaggeration.

Consulting with doctors, will only provide you with a lot of drugs and diet plans with steamed veggies on the top. Start thinking outside of the box, and begin looking for a Fast Weight Loss solution that results in losing weight.

Experts have been using hypnosis as a technique for many centuries and as time is passing, studies have proven that Fast Weight Loss can be achieved. Other complications and mental disorders have been successfully removed from clients suffering years. Goals and targets that may seem impossible to achieve can be helped with the use of hypnosis.

Having more control over the subconscious mind of the client is the basic idea behind the process. It may be apparent that a person wants to attain Fast Weight Loss, but if the subconscious mind denies it, then reaching his goal will be difficult. A certified hypnotist can hypnotize a client and start cultivating positive ideas and suggestions in his mind.

Once the client re-enters his routine life, his actions become more focused towards achieving Fast Weight Loss, as subconscious mind starts commanding the rest of the body. Exercise, which seemed dull and a waste of time to the client before taking the hypnosis treatment, will now seem to be a fun-activity and he would do involuntarily, without any force.

Hypnosis continues to show great results in causing Fast Weight Loss and allowing the client to have better control of food consumption. Changing bad habits like eating bad foods full of fat becomes easier after treatment, leaving you with increased will power and self-control.

While conventional techniques, which have been tried and tested without much success, demand a lot of effort and sacrifices from the clients, use of hypnosis for Fast Weight Loss is a natural process. Clients do not have to follow diet plans in fact; most clients undergoing hypnosis eat whatever they like.

While several clinics offer excellent hypnosis services, you can also opt for a hypnosis program and Fast Weight Loss in the comforts of your living room. And if you are looking to get familiar with some basic knowledge about weight loss hypnosis, then all you have to do is to make a search online and check out some of the web sites of health centers which provide hypnosis services.

Looking slim and attractive is now a possibility; as Fast Weight Loss hypnosis motivates you to achieve your desired goal. However, you must not make the mistake of leaving all efforts of the client himself out. The person that has more will power is going to lose weight faster. - 17269

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Acai Berry Products Could Help You Drop Fat

By Sharon Robinson

The acai berry is a mighty nutritional superfood that is only grown in the rainforests of Brazil. If you have noticed any of the claims about this wonderful fruit you would see that is has been touted as a advantage for everything from weight loss to sickness prevention to anti-aging.

Yet, it is easy to remain unconvinced in the face of such extravagant claims. Is it in fact possible that one tiny fruit can be such a mighty ally for our healthiness? The answer is yes and the particulars about this tiny little berry are becoming more and more obvious with each scientific study.

The acai is loaded with an wealth of vigorous nutrients including an range of antioxidants, essential fatty acids, dietary fiber and phytosterols. It is truly one of the most robust superfoods found in the natural world.

However current study on one of the flavonoids found in the acai berry indicates that this berry may be valuable for weight loss and illness prevention. The acai berry is loaded with an exceptionally vigorous flavonoid called anthocyanins. This is the water-soluble, vacuolar pigment that is accountable for the deep blue, deep purple and deep red colors found on some of the healthiest foods in nature.

This is the pigment that makes red grapes that deep burgundy color, blueberries the deep blue almost iridescent black color and purple cabbage purple. This pigment is also copious in blackberries, eggplant, purple corn, red wine, cherries and strawberries. The acai berry has one of the highest anthocyanin contents found in nature.

Some of the latest controlled studies involving laboratory mice showed that anthocyanins prevented obesity when the mice were fed a high-fat diet. In the studies they gave the mice purified anthocyanins from blueberries and strawberries. The group that was given the anthocyanins gained a lesser amount of weight and had a lower body fat level than the control group.

An remarkable side note is that another group that were fed actual blueberries and strawberries did not have the same consequence and that group actually had more heaviness. It is of course, too soon to infer how these findings might affect humans but the fact of the matter is that anthocyanins are an very strong nutrient no matter what.

And while this is not complete proof and one must come to their own conclusions, it also may in part explain why there are so many folks who have had such notable victory with weight loss by using acai berry products. The acai berry is tremendously perishable and it must be rapidly freeze dried to safeguard the nutrients. Therefore many of these products do contain a more purified form of anthocyanins. - 17269

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Bodybuilding Benefits Of The Acai Berries

By Dana Hawkes

A little-known benefit of the acai berry diet is its support in muscle building. Most of the acai berry diet reviews speak about how an acai berry diet can help in weight loss, anti-aging, good vision, cardiovascular health and so on. But a very few reviews speak about the bodybuilding benefits of the acai berries.

Acai berries are good for bodybuilding, but you cannot depend on them solely. Probably that's the reason why there is less information in this area. Acai is not as support for building muscles as it is for some other things, but it does speed up the process all the same.

You need proteins in order to build muscles. That is the reason you see all professional bodybuilders consuming a diet that is rich in proteins. However, proteins are not introduced in the body directly. They are introduced in the form of amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks for proteins. Now, acai berries have a very significant amount of amino acids. Hence, when consumed in the form of a diet, these simple-looking berries can actually produce chains of protein molecules in the muscles of the body.

There is more than 7.5% of amino acid content in acai berries. That's a significant amount. Also, since acai berry diet products are available in different concentrated forms, such as pulps, juices and powders, you can get a very good amount of protein through this food.

Also, the fact that acai berries remove bad cholesterol from your body helps. Acai berries are rich in antioxidants, which assist the digestive process and remove the harmful LDL cholesterols from the body. The result is a trimmer figure, and it is easier to work on building a trimmer body than a flabby body.

And it is not just about building your muscles. Check out the vast amount of acai berry diet information that is so freely available on the Internet. You will find out that this diet does not just pump up those muscles but ensures good overall health. A sound constitution in a great physique - that's what regular consumption of an acai berry diet can give you. - 17269

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Eat More To Lose Weight

By Mary Mack

It's a strange concept - losing weight by eating more, isn't it? Flies in the face of just about every notion we have of weight loss, dieting etc. Doesn't add up.

Well, its not such a crazy concept and when you understand how the body assimilates food you will have a better understanding of how it works.

There are a lot of false ideas about why we put on weight, why we keep it on, and what we can do to lose it again. And most weight-loss vendors have a poor understanding of the root causes of the body's storage of fat.

For dieters, food has always been regarded as the problem, the thing to be avoided. But food is not the problem, and eating less is not the answer.

If you did a survey, very few people would believe that it's possible to change your body in 11 days - by losing 9 pounds of fat. Dieting is regarded as a long, drawn-out affair.

But this can be achieved, and indeed has been achieved by many different people. The system is tried and tested worldwide, with great results.

To simplify it, the system works because of what happens when we eat. There are 2 types of hormones produced - a fat-burning type and a fat-storing type.

And you can control the production of these hormones by eating certain foods - you can have more of the fat-burning type produced, and less of the fat-storing type.

This is a very clever concept - controlling the hormones through food. Specific foods trigger one or other of the hormone types, and when taken in the correct order, they will go to work for you.

For it to work correctly, it's necessary to follow the pattern, and eat more than 3 meals per day. Do this, and you will see results.

It's without dispute that the system works, and the speed at which it works is one of the most impressive things about it. And it's a relatively stress-free dieting system. - 17269

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Can Mangosteen Juice Supplements Help You Uphold a Better Life?

By Julieanne van Zyl

In this article, we demonstrate how a supplement like Mangosteen Juice can give you a Better lifestyle. In the race against time, reduce our weight and in a bid to make more money, we often forget to supply our bodies with the nutrients it needs. More regularly than not, all we do is grab a hot cup of coffee with bagels in the morning and off we travel to work.

For lunch, we just hurry to the nearest McDonald's to get some sandwiches and for dinner, it could be anything from pizza with wine to just munching on popcorn. Either way, this kind of lifestyle at best only gets you by. With the sum of junk you keep piling up, it is just likely that one day -and it often happens- your body just gives up and says "no more".

But this can be avoided if some simple steps were taken quickly. These basic steps consist of eating healthily at least once a day and having some mangosteen juice nutrition supplements handy. Nutrition supplements are frequently the best bet and should be one of your best friends because if your body stops working, you fail and that which can keep your body in good health is a great friend right? So, buy yourself some Mangosteen Juice supplements.

These can be easily found at shops on the internet. You would never regret that decision and you will be in the best shape for the rest of your life.

Benefits of Taking Mangosteen Juice nutrition Supplements

One of the very best things you can do for yourself today is to get that bottle of mangosteen juice supplement that you frequently forget to buy or keep postponing. Why do you need this kind of superfood? Well, if I am right, it is because the state of your health right now is not exactly at its best. Taking mangosteen juice nutrition supplements has its benefits and they are

* You boost the nutrients that your body gets and thus keep your immune system in eminent shape.

* It has been demonstrated that one of the reasons people regularly fall ill these days is a result of their food intake. We have become a people who have huge contempt for our bodies. We constantly fill our bodies with garbage and junk food, which in turn reduce the working ability of our body's cells. Thus, taking supplements will not only get your body to operate at its max, it will keep you in better health for a longer period of time.

* For older people, a supplement like calcium will more often than not reduce the tendency for you to get a cracked bone. As we age, it becomes apparent the bones become a little weaker in strength and thus we are more at risk to fractures and broken bones. Thus, augmenting the calcium quantity in the body can radically reduce the frequency of fractures.

* Taking B vitamins will increase your mental coordination and improve your alertness.

Make sure and buy a good brand of Mangosteen juice supplement that has all the vitamins and minerals included, so you get the best nutrition for your body. - 17269

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Knee Surgery Basics: Surgical Treatment of the Knee

By Dr. Stefan Tarlow

Within the field of Orthopedic Surgery, the most well-known and common surgical procedure is Arthroscopy of the knee. The operation is performed at an outpatient surgical center or major hospital. The patient is usually provided a general anesthetic, and the procedure takes from 30-45 minutes barring complications.

Patients are on crutches for a day or less, need to take oral pain medications for less than a week, return to their normal desk jobs in several days, and are completely recovered in 2-4 weeks (for simple arthroscopic procedures such as loose body removal, chondroplasty, menisectomy, and lateral release).

Knee arthroscopy outcomes vary, but can be predicted based on factors like age and diagnosis. As a rule, if the patient is younger than 55 years with only one problem (like a torn meniscus, a loose body, a small area of joint surface damage) tend to have a higher probability of successful surgical outcomes.

Patients older than 55 years with greater than one disease process (the most common is torn meniscus with chondral damage " commonly known as arthritis) have variable outcomes after knee arthroscopy [improved knee probability in 60% range for multiple disease process knees].

The best surgical outcomes are after Arthroscopic Medial Menisectomy, Arthroscopic Lateral Meniscal repair and Arthroscopic Loose Body removal. The least predictable surgical outcomes are with Arthroscopic Chondroplasty for arthritis and Arthroscopic Lateral Retinacular Release for patellar tracking problems.

A thought on Diagnostic Arthroscopy: Even in today's world of high resolution 3T MRI scans, there is still a responsibility for the surgeon to only look inside the knee for diagnostic purposes.

This is done to assess healing of microfracture, healing of meniscal repair, looking for wearing of Total Knee Replacement, healing of Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation, assessment of ligament injury (or a new injury or after surgical reconstruction of knee ligament), or when symptoms of the knee are unexplained even after a physical, Xray, history, and knee MRI.

A complete report on this topic can be found on the website of Phoenix knee doctor, Dr. Stefan Tarlow. - 17269

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