Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, August 15, 2009

7 Ways To Super Charge Your Metabolism And Lose Weight

By Kelly Stevensmith

You often hear about how boosting your metabolism can help you to lose weight, but maybe you are not clear about what metabolism means or really is. It is basically the processing of your body converting the food you eat into a form of energy. This process takes place in your organs and your muscles and speeds up the process of burning calories and fat.

One good way that you can boost your metabolism is to never skip breakfast. Sometimes it may be difficult when you are in a rush, but keep in mind that eating a good, healthy breakfast will get your metabolism off to a good start. When you put off eating, your body starts to protect itself and slows your metabolism down.

Snacking on healthy foods several times a day is another way of maintaining a high metabolism. Eating complex carbohydrates such as vegetables, fruits and grains will give help with keeping your metabolism high and also help to stop you from eating too much at meals. If you eat several times a day then your metabolism will need to stay high in order to digest the food.

Do some form of aerobic exercise such as walking, cycling, jogging or dancing every day. The best time to do this is in the morning if at all possible to get your metabolism supercharged at the beginning of your day. Try to stay active as much as possible throughout the day so that your body will operate more efficiently and burn off calories.

Taking brisk walks is another good way of giving your metabolism an extra boost. It is easy to do and will definitely help in maintaining a high metabolism level. Another thing brisk walks can do for you is make you feel more energetic which may help you get more done as well as burn off some extra calories.

Weight training is another thing you should try to do about three times each week. This will help to strengthen and tone your body as well as help you to lose weight. Not only will you burn calories, but tone muscles also help to raise your metabolism and keep your body burning calories and fat effectively.

Another important thing that you should be doing every day is drinking plenty of water, about 60 ounces if possible. Drinking plenty of water keeps your body well hydrated and helps your metabolism function on an efficient basis. Make it a habit of carrying a water bottle with you throughout your day and drink from it to get in your daily intake of water.

Your big meals should be eaten early in the day. Most people tend to have big dinners and smaller breakfasts and lunches. Try to break yourself of this habit and eat a big, healthy breakfast and go lighter and have an early dinner whenever you can. - 17269

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Which Foods Relieve Constipation?

By Jean Johnson

An endless array of advice exists with reference to diet. This is bad for you, that's worse, and don't even smell that! Much of what we eat and don't eat can lead to constipation. Lack of exercise can also lead to this result. Those who have suffered from constipation can testify to the level of discomfort this can bring. The question is what foods can we use to relieve the symptoms of this malady.

Fortunately there are many foods that can bring relief to constipation sufferers. Exploring these can prove very helpful. Figs and dates are among the fiber filled foods that are effective in the relief of constipation. Being very high in minerals and fiber, these fruits assist the digestive system and have been said to relieve constipation in a matter of hours.

Grapes can also be used by those seeking relief. One or two pounds per day can get your colon flowing freely. They are a healthful way of relieving constipation because they are abundant in vitamins, minerals and fiber. In addition, the antioxidant resveratrol can be found in the skin of the grapes making it a very good choice.

Papaya is another excellent choice in this area. It contains lots of fiber and when ripe is very easily digestible. The protein-digesting enzymes papain and chymopapain are incredibly helpful in creating and maintaining a free flowing system. It is also high in anti-oxidants like vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta carotene which produce excellent results in reducing inflammation and improving overall health. Papaya can be used as part of a healthy breakfast, a quick snack or can be added to delicious smoothies.

The high fiber content of persimmons (3.6g per 100g) as well as minerals like phosphorus, potassium and magnesium makes it a powerful weapon against constipation. Vitamins A and C as well as folate complete the package. This pretty little fruit is much more than just a laxative. Add it to your diet and your body's vitamin reserve will be replenished and you will be constipation free.

Raspberries are added to this list because they are rich in vitamins A and C. It also contains high amounts of minerals such as calcium, iron, and magnesium. These tasty little fruit can relieve constipation quickly and replenish your vitamin reserve.

Dried plums (prunes) are very effective in relieving constipation. Generally prunes are considered to be one of the best ways of relieving constipation. Forty percent of each prune is made up of insoluble fiber which assists the lower intestine in the elimination of waste. This wonderful little food outranks all fruits and vegetables in antioxidant content and contains eighteen powerful body boosting minerals and vitamins. Among these are vitamin E, folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin A, zinc, thiamine, sodium, selenium, riboflavin, potassium, phosphorous, pantothenic acid, niacin, manganese, magnesium, iron, copper and calcium. Bite for bite there is no other food that outranks this one. So eat up, enjoy these foods and have a free flowing colon. - 17269

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The Wholesome Acai Berry And Fat Loss

By Wanda P Patterson

The exposure surrounding the acai berry from Brazil has taken off in the last five years. You can uncover ads touting its benefits for all from weight loss to the prevention of aging and disease.

Even so, the acai berry is not a new-found product that just arrived in the last five years. In fact it is actually a natural occurring berry that is found on the acai palm tree deep in the Brazilian rainforest. The acai has been a basic in the food intake of the natives in the region for centuries. This small berry is extraordinarily perishable and it has just in recent times become available to other parts of the planet because of advanced processing methods.

The acai berry is one of the most wholesome fruits ever found in the world. It is loaded with an profusion of antioxidants, essential fatty acids, amino acids, fiber and phytosterols. These are each necessary and important nutrients that help your body to work at optimal capacities. These are important nutrients for weight loss and optimum healthiness.

As a supplement to a regular exercise program and a healthy diet, the nutrition contained in the acai berry can be tremendously constructive for fat loss. The fiber in the acai can help you to stay fuller for a longer amount of time and it can also support a healthy digestive system.

The acai berry is a abounding resource of Omega fatty acids. These are essential fatty acids that can't be produced by the body and can just be accessed by the food that we eat. Omega fatty acids are crucial to many of our physical functions and research is ongoing on the advantages these essential fatty acids offer including helping with fat loss.

The acai berry also boasts 19 amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. Our bodies need protein in order to make and uphold metabolically active muscle tissue. It is a reality that if you have more muscle on your body you will necessarily burn more calories just by existing than a person who has less muscle tissue even without added training.

There is also a large quantity of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants enclosed in the acai berry. Antioxidants help your body to guard itself against free radical damage and vitamins and minerals help to supply you with the energy and stamina to steadily diet and exercise to drop the excess fat.

Acai berry products can be a nourishing and nutritious additive to an already nourishing everyday life. These berries provide optimum nutrition that can assist you in losing fat, hindering the problems of aging and maintaining optimum health. - 17269

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Free Radical Damage Can Be Hindered With Acai Fruit

By Dr. Jerimiah Crossderd

The acai fruit is a tasteful, fresh, organic fruit that comes with a wealth of antioxidants. In order to prevent damage to the body as well as slow the aging process, antioxidants are needed as part of a regular diet.

The process of the body's cells consuming oxygen, creates a by-product known as a free radical that can do lots of harm to the body. Antioxidants play a huge role in preventing and repairing the damage done by these free radicals. Adding antioxidants to your daily diet is the best way to protect yourself from these free radicals.

Terrible consequences can occur when free radicals are able to roam free in the body. These toxic by-products are the reason our DNA breaks down opening the door for cancer. free radicals can destroy our cells to the point where they break down so much they stop working.

The types of damage these free radicals can do range neurological damage down to hormonal problems. A perfect food with just the right amount of antioxidants to fight these free radicals is found in the acai fruit.

Research has shown for years that when antioxidants are taken on a regular basis, the body is able to repair and maintain its cellular strength from recent as well as future attacks from these dangerous free radicals.

The acai berry was recently introduced to the mainstream audience by a Doctor by the name of Nicholas Perricone who wrote a book entitled the Perricone Promise. In this book he goes into detail about how the acai berry is what he calls the most perfect food on the planet known today.

When it comes to a food that will make you look and feel young, Dr. Perricone says that the acai berry has all of the ingredients needed to accomplish this. Also, when looking for a diet that will revitalize your health and slow the aging process Dr. Perricone says look no further than the acai fruit berry.

The acai fruit is known as a super food that contains every nutrient your body needs in fighting harmful free radicals. If your goal is to improve your overall health, as well as strengthen and maintain your body, then you should look further into the numerous benefits of the this amazing fruit.

So, if you are looking for a diet that will provide energetic health, a reduction in aging, and a free radical fighter then look no further than the acai fruit berry. - 17269

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4 Caloric Restriction Mistakes When Losing Flabby Arms

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Being in a slightly negative caloric balance is critical for losing arm fat. If you really want to get rid of those flabby arms, you are going to have to eat less calories.

The good news is that a restriction in calories doesn't necessarily mean eating less food. If you do this the right way, you can actually eat more volume of food while eating less calories.

And please don't get into a negative caloric state the wrong way. Some women do crazy things to cut calories from their diets. Do this, and you sexy arm journey will be a nightmare.

So here are 4 things not to do when reducing arm fat and calories:

1. Increasing physical activity without optimizing nutrition. Even if you're a professional competitor, you should still clean up your nutrition. Simply burning more calories through activity without paying attention to diet is not optimal or healthy. You can get far better results by combining activity and diet.

2. Visually estimating caloric restrictions. It's impossible to gauge how many calories are in the food you're eating by simply winging it. If all you're doing is putting less on your plate, then you're in for a very long ride.

3. Measuring and weighing food. This type of approach is way too mechanical. Even worse, you'll definitely burn out at one point or another. We're simply not made to do such rote behaviors. Moreover, these types of practices can lead to eating disorders. Not good.

4. Abusing energy pills. The key here is moderation and only take them when necessary. If you abuse energy pills to suppress your appetite, they'll work for a short while. And once their effect wears off, you'll have an insatiable urge to eat everything under the sun. You can't simply cancel out your desire to eat and expect no consequences.

Reducing calories to get rid of flabby arms doesn't have to be hard. If you do it the wrong way, you are much more likely to rebound. And rebounds are not fun because they are so demoralizing. We've all been there and done that. So make sure to follow my tips! - 17269

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Can an Aerobics Program Actually Help Me Reduce Bruising?

By Carolyn Cooper

Take a look at your arms right now. Can you see any new bruises, or do you remember seeing bruises there recently? Numerous people face the reality of bruising easily as they age, because they develop a tendency to bruising easily and also the inclination to notice the bruising as well. While you're still young, your body is much more resistant to bruising and even when bruises did appear, they were gone in no time. If we're one of those people effected by bruising, where should we look for an answer?

The truth of the matter is that treating bruises can be a little different for everyone, because there are many different issues that you might be contending with. One interesting way to deal with bruises; however, is to take a look at aerobics. Whether you do them at home behind closed doors and with the curtains drawn or whether you head to the gym to do it with your friends, a consistent aerobics program can help you.

How does aerobics address easy bruising? In a nutshell, it improves your circulation. Circulation can be a real problem when you researching bruising causes; as we age, the walls of our cardiovascular system blood vessels can grow thinner and much less efficient and taut than they used to be. With this in mind, you may find that there are a number of reasons why aerobic programs might be a good way to help remedy this condition.

With aerobics, you are going to get your blood pumping, and this in turn will help your blood vessels in terms of becoming more toned and flexible. This means two things; first they will be less likely to rupture if they come into contact with something, and secondly, they will help improve your body's immune system, making you much more quick to heal.

When you are thinking about aerobics, don't think that you have to jump into a two hour workout right away. For maximum effectiveness, you might want to consider what you can do to make sure that you ramp up your activity level slowly over time. This will help you a great deal, both in terms of sticking with it and in terms of making sure that you feel good afterward.

Remember to wear light weight clothing that breathes well to prevent the possibility that you get overheated. Some people also like the idea of using a step to increase the effectiveness of the routine, while others prefer Tae Bo which is a quasi-martial arts aerobics activity.

There are several various ideas about how much aerobics is proper and right for you, but your program should be one that is specifically designed for your individual goals. For example, do you want an every day schedule of twenty minutes, or would you prefer working out for longer intervals every other day?

You need to consider if an aerobics program can help you. An aerobics program can be part of the solution in helping you to prevent bruising. Don't overlook the benefits that you can obtain by combining your aerobic workout program with a good, daily supplement program like all natural Bruises Be Banned, which can help reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17269

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Some Tips for a Great Workout Routine

By Jesse Regan

Looking for an advice to help with you in your struggle to lose weight, burn fat, or build up your muscles is easier these days than before the internet era. Aside from the abundance of available fitness trainers and gyms everywhere, the internet alone serves as a gateway to a leaner and healthier body. It hosts scores of websites that offer professional help for a fee to anyone who wishes to do workouts. These also give out tips to make workout routines more effective. While there is seemingly a plethora of choices for a workout program, failures do still happen. These are not usually due to programs themselves but to the improper attitude taken during the workout. Here are some tips that have aided people in attaining the right attitude and, consequently, the good results from their workout routine.

You need to motivate yourself. The best motivation comes after setting up the objectives for the workout. You appraise yourself beforehand so that any objective made is practicable. Directly going to the workout without a clear objective is similar to sailing in a windless sea. The correct physical appraisal would guarantee a possible objective. As weeks pass by, you can fine-tune your objectives according to the changes.

You should draw a detailed plan that you can follow while carrying out your workouts. Included in the plan are the schedules and the routines to be implemented. It should be a flexible plan. You should not only be able to follow it religiously but also to make adaptations when it is necessary to keep up with later developments.

Keep a tight watch over yourself. You should often find out if there are changes actually happening while doing the workout. With this, you can have observations that could help in advancing the program you are doing. If there are weaknesses, you can try overcoming them with solutions. If there are leaps forward, this can further energize your will to complete the program successfully.

Do not set aside proper diet and rest. You are not required to fast just because you are on a fitness program. In fact, you need to eat and have enough rest just as long as you do not overdo both. What is needed is just a little discipline in the choice of food you make. Your body definitely needs to rest also. A workout is not a punishment for some offence so you can always get a breather when needed.

Change the program if necessary. The longer one has been on a certain program, the easier for him to get bored. Doing the same workout routine repeatedly every day has this setback. It is, therefore, important to introduce changes and avoid trashing the entire workout. Trying new routines will help, especially those more challenging and rigorous for the body. This increases physical capabilities while keeping away from the pitfall of monotony. These are only some of the many valuable workout routine information that you can find online. - 17269

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How to make Compost a Lot Easier and Faster Too

By Gerry Sankus

Most people who choose to garden are knowledgeable about of composting and know the basics of creating good compost, but often are unsure exactly what the best equipment, if any, is actually required.

The most basic form of a compost pile is exactly that, a pile of vegetation, garbage and scrap items such as leaves and grass, which then may be surrounded by an enclosure. This works very well, but requires a fairly long period of time and a certain amount of maintenance to ensure a good final product.

Finished compost should have the appearance of fine loam with a sweet earthy aroma and should not be a wet glob of muck. An important process in achieving this quality is to turn the pile over quite often in order to mix and aerate it and let oxygen enter in to create aerobes, which are the microbes that hasten the breaking down of your pile into good compost.

The disadvantages of a pile are obvious. They are rather ugly, they may attract vermin and small animals such as raccoons, dogs and rats, they may have an unpleasant odor, and they will also probably irritate the heck out of your neighbors if you live in a fairly well populated area. As a matter of interest, many municipalities now ban compost piles because of the above reasons. The one advantage of a pile is that it is fairly easy to pitchfork the raw compost over, in order to mix and aerate it, also larger amounts of compost can be processed at one time.

Compost bins are designed for the home gardener. They should be vermin and child proof, be odor free (if you provide the correct proportions of carbon and nitrogen in loading the bin this is not a problem) and visually more pleasing. A bin can be problematic when you aerate the compost because it is usually difficult to turn the compost over efficiently. Another drawback is the emptying of the bin if it does not have an access door at the bottom. Also if a bin sits directly on rough, sloped or uneven ground or is designed as a ball which has to be rolled in order along to mix the contents, that system mixing operation could be extremely difficult. Aerating need to be done on a regular basis, so the easier, the better.

A compost tumbler is probably the best of all worlds. Tumbling the contents provides aeration without the use of tools and also speeds up the decomposition time. Do not believe the claims of "compost in just a few weeks". This sounds good but Mother Nature works at her own pace and we can speed her up just so much. The great advantage of a tumbler is the ease of turning and aerating the compost, which should provide a finished product in about 10 weeks.

Things to be aware of:

Dark colored containers to absorb the suns heat, especially important in cooler climes.

Solidly built stands or legs, a full composter can weigh over 150 pounds or more.

Can the composter be moved if necessary in order to be closer to the garden area currently being worked on.

Is there a method of collecting the compost tea which collects at the bottom of the tumbler, and if saved, is a fantastic product to pour on your planting beds or directly on the plants as a fertilizer

Other items to consider:

Depending on your needs, will one composter be enough? New material can always be added to your composter, but the process is quicker if one load is processed at a time. It is extremely convenient to have "ready to go compost" when you need it.

Hide a kitchen composter pail in a handy location to toss your daily scraps into. - 17269

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Sustain the body with Antioxidants

By Dr. Lorna Mistranski

Recent research has shown that there is very little benefit from taking diet supplements to obtain antioxidants. A better way, according to a report in the September issue of Mayo Clinic Health Letter, is by eating a diet rich in antioxidant foods. Antioxidants such as:

vitamins C and E




Many other other factors could possibly aid in preventing diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease and macular degeneration. Antioxidants are thought to help because they can neutralize free radicals, which are toxic byproducts of natural cell metabolism.

Antioxidant production in the human body is extremely inefficient and declines with the progression of age.

People who regularly eat foods rich in antioxidants reap many health benefits according to studies. It is best to receive antioxidants through food rather than dietary supplements because foods contain an unequivocal array of antioxidants.

Supplements are limited because they only offer a few of the many types of antioxidants that are found. This is a problem since Doctors do not know which antioxidants are responsible for the health benefits. Some of the better known antioxidants are:

Berry Family: Acai Berry, raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, blueberries

Bean Family: Tiny red beans, pinto beans, kidney beans, black beans

Fruit Family: Apples, avocados, cherries, pears ( all types)

Vegetables: Artichokes, spinach, red cabbage, potatoes, broccoli

Drinks: green tea, coffee, red wine, acai berry juice

Nuts: Walnuts, pistachios, pecans, hazelnuts and almonds

Herb family: Ground cloves, cinnamon or ginger, dried oregano leaf and turmeric powder

Grains: Oats

Dessert family: various types of dark chocolates

Though supplements containing antioxidants are generally considered safe, two recent studies have suggested that taking higher than recommended doses of supplements such as vitamin E over time may actually be harmful and possibly toxic.

Many foods higher in antioxidants offer many more health benefits, such as being high in fiber, protein and other vitamins and minerals and low in saturated fat and cholesterol.

Currently, the government give no guidelines on which antioxidants to consume as well as how many to take as part of their daily diet.

It is encouraged for the time being to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables that have a high concentration of amino acids like cranberries. - 17269

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Natural Bodybuilding Secrets

By Ricardo d Argence

When performance enhancing drugs like anabolic steroids or HGH are not used to help build muscles, it is called Natural Bodybuilding. The correct way to gain muscle mass is through a natural bodybuilding regimen.

Look and feel wonderful without the unwanted side-effects that supplements bring with natural bodybuilding. Your results will not only be more reliable and consistent, but you will have a sense of pride in what you have accomplished.

It is very important to be persistent during natural body building course, you might not see quick results, but the results appear and they last for longer time. Building natural muscle mass takes a lot of time sometimes a lot of time, so it is very important to have patience.

Besides being patient, it is crucial to establish objectives that are clear and concrete. You need to set goals so you have a means to measure the results in your body. Committing to achievable goals helps you on your path to natural body building.

Getting the results you want from natural bodybuilding starts with developing a solid routine. Developing a routine that works takes time, but it's more than worth it because you won't have to worry about unnecessary exercises, injuries or lack of motivation. Once you choose a plan, it is essential that you stick to it.

Nutrition is another important part. A variety of whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables and lean meats should be included in a healthy diet. In general it is recommended to eat 12-13 calories per pound of your body weight or to loose 17-18 calories per pound of your body weight. It is an imperative to keep a track on what your are eating. Your caloric intake should be as follows, 30% protein, 20% from healthy oils like olive oil, flaxseed, and the other 50% should come from natural carbohydrates.

Sugary and processed foods should be avoided as they usually result in fat gain and not muscle gain. Protein is a very important dietary component for hard core muscle building regimes that break down muscle fibers. The protein is needed to rebuild and strengthen those fibers.

While there aren't any shortcuts to take, there are also a number of stumbling blocks. You will be satisfied with the results in the end because you got them naturally and refrained from putting chemicals in your body that can do a lot of damage. - 17269

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Home Remedies For Dry Skin

By Linda Robison

Home remedies for dry skin have been around forever and some are pretty effective. Here Ill list a few easy to use and safe dry skin remedies. While a treatment for dry skin is not necessarily a cure for dry skin, many people found relief from extremely dry skin conditions using one or all of the home remedies outlined on this page.

Best Treatment For Dry Skin

Of all the home remedies for dry skin that are effective, the most important one is to stop using soap. In fact, this tip is for everyone, regarless if they have normal skin, oily skin, or dry skin because most soaps are not pH balanced. All skin cleansers should be pH balanced. This means it should have a pH of around 7 which is neutral. If your skin care cleansers dont list the pH balance, dont buy it.

A cleanser should not be too acidic or too alkaline and a pH balance of 7 is considered neutral. Healthy skin normally has a pH that ranges from 4.2 to 6.5, so your dry skin care products should also be within this range. A pH balance higher or lower than this can upset the acid mantle which is the protective skin barrier. The acid mantel protects the skin from environmental elements like bacteria, wind, dehydration, etc.

One of the best things you can do to cure dry skin is to massage emu oil into the skin. Emu oil has been around for thousands of year and has been used by the Aborigines. They had to brave the harsh sun of Australia and knew that not only can emu oil moisturize the skin; it has been known to heal and protect it. You should apply the Emu Oil each time you wash your skin and every night before you go to bed. Its best to apply the oil while the skin is still damp, not wet, and just slightly damp like right after drying it with a towel.

Home Remedies For Dry Skin - Hydrataing Mask

Once or twice a week or so give yourself a great hydrating facial for dry skin. This treatment for dry skin will also help exfoliate and clean pores " so consider using it before going out for big night. Your skin will look fabulous! Here is what youll need for the Dry Skin Mask:

- 2 egg yolks - 1 teaspoon of honey

Mix the egg yolks first, then add honey and mix completely. Massage onto skin and let it sit for 30 minutes, then rinse off and apply a good quality moisturizer.

Home Remedies For Dry Skin - Diet

Your skin responds quickly to a healthy diet. We are so fat phobic that we often forget our bodies need a little bit of the good fat. So try adding a little more olive oil to your salads, flaxseeds to your yogurt or cereal and avocados in your salad. Science has proven the connection between low essential fat intake and skin disorders. Also, dont forget to eat your fish. Fish oil is excellent for not just the skin, but for reducing cholesterol, depression and arthritis. If you dont like fish, taking a good, high quality fish oil supplement.

Home Remedies for Dry Skin -Dry Skin Lotion

In some cases, home remedies for dry skin may not be enough to cure dry skin symptoms and some people find they need a little extra help by using a good dry skin cream or lotion. The best lotion for dry skin is one that wont rub or wipe off right after you apply it and is noncomdegenic (wont clog pores or cause breakouts). After months of researching we found a therapeutic dry skin lotion that is clinically tested and guaranteed to meet pharmaceutical standards. Plus it contains natural soothing botanicals and protect against sun damage. - 17269

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Agaricus Extract Research Summary

By Dr. Markho Rafael

In 1993, Japanese mycologists discovered and began to cultivate a new medicinal mushroom found in the fields northwest of Sao Paolo, Brazil. Best known by its Latin name as Agaricus blazei, it has rapidly become one of the top five most sought after medicinal mushrooms in the world.

The primary focus of research conducted on Agaricus extract has been devoted to its cancer combating potential, in particular in regards to uterocervical [25] and breast cancer.

One study reported that Agaricus extract contained a higher level of beta glucans than any other medicinal mushroom. So while not included in this article, it may be worthwhile to also look into beta glucan related research. [25]

Testing on cancer cells in laboratories (in vitro) have yielded mostly negative results, while testing on live subjects (in vivo) has been very positive. This indicates that the medicinal compounds in Agaricus extract work by stimulating the immune system of the patient rather than directly attacking mutated cancer cells. [135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140]

In 2002, a Japanese study presented results indicating that Agaricus extract stimulates the immune system to perform a two-stage attack against cancer cells. In stage one, eight hours after administering Agaricus extract, the macrophages (white blood cells) excreted "alpha tumor necrosis factor," a well-known cancer killing compound. In stage two, which happened an additional four hours later, another compound was excreted by the same macrophages to finish off cancer cells weakened by the initial attack. [141]

Another specific cancer related effect of Agaricus extract is that it inhibits the enzyme aromatase, which is associated with the development of breast cancer. [142]

Alcohol and water extracts of Agaricus blazei mycelium ("roots") are both rich in potential medicinal compounds. [143, 25]

In addition to showing promise as cancer medicine, Agaricus extract also demonstrates antibacterial properties. In one study, it was particularly effective against salmonella. [144]

Finally a few words of caution: One test in 2003 showed that Agaricus blazei grown in China contained a significantly larger amount of cadmium than Agaricus grown in the United States. [145]

It should also be pointed out that while research shows great promise for the use of Agaricus extract in the battle against cancer, ironically, Agaricus blazei mushrooms also contain cancer causing compounds known as agaritines. (Agaritines are also found in Button Mushrooms, Portobellos and Crimini Mushrooms.)

In 2003, Stijve et al. published a comparative study of agaritines between Agaricus blazei from different sources. The extract of Paul Stamets' Agaricus blazei grown in Washington State contained eighty-fold less of the carcinogenic agaritines than the samples from China, and twenty times less than samples from California. [145]

"Years ago, Paul Stamets ... developed methods that precluded agaritines, and Stijve et al. (2003) published a comparison of commercial products from the US, China, and Japan. All but [Paul Stamets] products contained significant amounts of agaritine." [145]

In his book Mycelium Running, medicinal mushroom expert Paul Stamets also lists the following areas where research has shown Agaricus extract to have a beneficial effect: Viruses; Blood Sugar; Cholesterol; Colorectal Cancer; Sarcoma. [134]

Note: The statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always consult a licensed medical practitioner before using any herb (or mushroom) for medicinal purposes. - 17269

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