Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, March 12, 2009

If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Nutrition

By James Redder

You would think that given the proliferation of information about health and wellness available today that you and everyone else for that matter would have found a way of remaining healthy and in shape. We all know that this is of course not the case. So why aren't we in better shape? The truth is most of us know very little about how the body actually works. If people were aware of how to put all of this information about health into practice effectively, we'd all be healthier.

Studies Indicate

Studies have shown that Americans are by and large poorly educated about health. Nutrition, health care in general and medicine are all large gaps in most American's knowledge. Many are either unable to grasp the information available to them or do not have enough information about healthy practices to maintain health. What we don't know can and does hurt us too - A lot of illnesses are related to unhealthy lifestyle habits which could be averted if more information was conveyed effectively to people. Also included are emotional and mental health factors, which a large percentage of Americans are uneducated in the effective management of for better health.

While it is easy enough to say "why, if people would just refrain from unhealthy habit x,y or z, then they'd be in better shape". True, but many Americans are unaware of which lifestyle factors may be good for them as opposed to those that have a deleterious effect on their health. Until we can give easily digested, sound information on human anatomy and health to people, this seems unlikely to change. So what can we do?

World Wide Web Research

The hundred dollar question is "Do we really attempt to get Health information? With the advent of the World Wide Web it is really difficult to find a good reason for having a lack of good health information facts. The latest research states that over half of the American adults have access to the World Wide Web. Having access to the Internet means access to the myriad of of websites that have good health information on human anatomy and health.

Some of these websites even provide animated sequences that illustrate the human anatomy and it's functioning. This makes it a lot easier to grasp the information and is more interesting then other more basic ways of presenting the information. If you think about it since these are some of the same health information vehicles that medical students use then shouldn't we be doing the same? Having access to animations that graphically illustrate how different systems of the body work will of course lead to a better grasp of the systems involved and allow one to modify the associated behavior. This will lead to more consistent health and fitness.

As an example, let us take the endocrine system. The hormones produced by this system affect almost every part of the body; nearly every organ, every function is to some degree influenced by the workings of the endocrine system. A demonstration, in graphical or animated format would lead to greater understanding of the endocrine system and the body as a whole. This could lead to a greater concern with controlling stress once a basic understanding of the effects of hormones on health has been established.

In Closing

Gaining and keeping one's health is not that difficult of a matter. However, a basis of knowledge is required before one begins to try to achieve better health. You must understand how your body works, which will give you a grounding on what habits are good versus unhealthy for you, as well as when to engage in certain behaviors which can affect your health for good or for ill. An understanding of human anatomy and the inner workings of the body is essential, as is education on how to implement this information in the cause of achieving good health. The best way to be healthy is not curing disease, but not to become sick in the first place. - 17269

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Orange Juice Juicers Make Great Tasting Juice

By Randal Pike

Nothing can compare to freshly squeezed juice and no other appliance does the job more efficiently than orange juice juicers. They are the best in extracting the most juice possible from the fruit so that all the nutrients are preserved. The end result is a great tasting and healthy drink every time.

Orange juice juicers come in different sizes and styles, so there are certain things to look for when shopping for one that meets your needs and budget. The most inexpensive are manual orange juice juicers. They are easy to use and get the job done, but the results depend on your strength since you are manually doing the squeezing. Electric orange juice juicers require less effort and you get great results every time. Prices vary depending on features. One time-saving feature to look for is an automatic pulp ejection so there's no need to frequently stop the machine to remove the pulp.

There is a difference between orange juice juicers any other juicers. Orange juice juicers are designed to handle citrus fruits, like oranges, lemons and grapefruits. Electric citrus juicers cost less than other juicers and work much like a manual reamer. They get the job done fast and efficiently. Other juicers might not be able to handle citrus fruits.

The basic components to electric orange juice juicers are a motor, a feeder, a bowl or reservoir for catching the juice, a squeezer or reamer for extracting the juice, and a filter grid. When comparing different models, you want one with a high speed motor so there's enough power to extract the juice from the fruit. A juicer with adjustable pulp levels is important so you can determine how much pulp you want in your juice. This is beneficial because much of a fruit's health benefits are in its skin and pulp. The machine should also be simple to operate and clean.

The types of orange juice juicers are categorized by their function. A centrifugal juicer extracts juice by a chopping and spinning action. A masticator or extractor produces the most juice because it mashes the fruit. A triturating juicer, which is higher priced, is equipped with two gears that grind fruits, as well as vegetables, nuts and other raw foods.

When you consider the amount you pay weekly for supermarket juices, orange juice juicers are a smart investment. Commercial juices contain very little real fruit juice and are high in sweeteners and additives. Freshly squeezed juice right from fresh fruit is all natural and retains all the healthy vitamins and nutrients of the fruit. When it comes to maximizing health benefits, fresh squeezed juice is the way to go.

Despite their name, orange juice juicers can be used for other fruits besides oranges. Just about any fruit can be juiced, as well as vegetables. Be creative and try combinations of fruits and vegetables for a tasty juice with lots of vitamins and nutrients. Of course, orange juice alone packs some rich nutrients, among them vitamin C, potassium and fiber. Many of these health benefits comes from the skin and pulp of fruit, so consider orange juice juicers that retain as much of them as possible.

There's nothing like a freshly squeezed glass of juice. Within moments, orange juice juicers provide a healthy dose of wellness that is far beyond any store brought brand. There's no better way to enjoy a pure, all natural juice fresh from the source than with a juicer. - 17269

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How Pure Cleanse Pro can help you lose weight.

By Collin James

Pure cleanse pro is formulated to help remove built up waste in the digestive system. Flushing out waste and toxins are a great way to reduce your weight as well as being able to increase your overall health. Cleansing diets have become popular in the past year because of how effective they work.

Here are the benefits of using Pure Cleanse Pro as I seen it!

1. Lose Weight 2. Increase your energy 3. Cleanse your digestive system 4. Breaks up fecal matter 5. De congests and Cleanses 6. Stops occasional Bloating 7. Reduces water retention 8. Supports your colon health 9. Supports the health of vital organs 10. Helps reduce and eliminate symptoms of IBS

Here is how Pure Cleanse Pro can help you

Removing all the built up waste and toxins that are stored in your body can help you live a better and healthier life. Your hair and skin quality goes up with the removal of all the stored waste and toxins and you also lose weight.

Unlike other products, Pure Cleanse Pro does not use chemicals to break down fatty tissues because those chemicals can damage your internal organs. Instead, Pure Cleanse Pro works with your body to help remove waste and fat that has built up in your system. The result is a natural system that may help you lose weight and feel better than you have in years. - 17269

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Can Arthritis Be Helped By Fish Oil

By Dr. Bill

Yesterday I got a question about arthritis and fish oil. The person wanted to know what supplements to take and what foods to eat to ease her arthritis.

I always recommend eating foods as close to their natural state as possible. Whole grains, lean meats, vegetables, fruits, and some dairy are all good. Notice how processed foods didn't make the cut. No fast foods either.

At the grocery store, stick to these 3 sections: Meat/seafood/poultry, vegetable, and fruit. And you don't have to even touch the packaged products. Let them be.

Now that can be unrealistic, although still a good goal. Some processed food will make it's way into your plate at some point. Maybe even quite a bit.

Just keep this in mind. Processed foods have been stripped of essential nutrients, such as minerals, vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, fatty acids, and other elements that provide real nourishment for your body.

Inflammation can result from not getting these items in the needed amounts, especially fatty acids.

Long chain omega-3 fatty acids combat the pain and joint stiffness of inflammation and restore the lipid balance the body needs by blocking the omega-6 fatty acids, which actually promote inflammation.

Most food manufacturers care about one thing above all else: Shelf life. Spoilage is bad news for their product so they remove these essential elements to keep it at bay.

Eating the right kind of food isn't always easy. But what I've written about should help. - 17269

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Red Carpet Ready Review - Your Guide to a Movie Star Body

By Lisa Gardner

Badly want to have a movie star body like that of Jennifer Garner's or Poppy Montgomery's? How about that of Cindy Crawford's or Kim Raver's? Well, worry no more and release all your envious feelings for those famous celebrities as with the help of Red Carpet Ready trainer, you too can now have a movie star body you will always be ready to show.

Red Carpet Ready is a program that will help you get a tight butt, small waist, toned arms, and a lean sexy body in just 6 weeks from the comfort of your own home. Author of the program is Valerie Waters who firmly believes that one doesnt need to be a celebrity to have a movie star body. For years now, she has been helping Hollywood stars like Poppy Montgomery, Cindy Crawford, Jennifer Garner, Lauren Holly, Elizabeth Berkeley, Kate Backinsale, and Lauren Graham get the sleek and sexy bodies that they need to do excel in their jobs on limelight. If you decide now to try Red Carpet Ready, you'll belong to this long list of celebrities with movie star body without being a celebrity at all.

Program Basics:

Program itself is unique. Yes it includes exercises to perform, diet plan to follow, and attitudes to develop like any other programs of same kind, but it has uniquely added effective rules and approach for better, more notable results which truly makes it distinct.

Program has included 8 rules for eating your way to a movie star body. It also has "3-On Alternating" approach to get rid of some pounds fast without spending so much time in exercises. Not to mention that it also has the diet that will allow you to see your waistline shrink before your very eyes.

Value for Money:

Aside from teaching you what exactly to eat, how exactly to exercise and how exactly to get the body of your dreams, Red Carpet Ready also allows you to feel really good about yourself despite feeling of dissatisfaction. With the program, you can be a part of a private online community wherein youll get a chance to have all your questions be answered and at the same time interact and get to know other Red Carpet Ready women who can possibly give you comfort and consolation. Truly with Red Carpet Ready, youll get best value for your money. - 17269

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Heal Cancer Through Organic Food Diet

By Rita Goldman

Cancer cells are said to be aggressive unhealthy cells that attack and destroy healthy cells in the process their replication. They multiply in a surprisingly faster speed than the healthy cells and they do not care about boundaries unlike healthy cells which stop replicating when they sense other neighboring cells, whether good or bad. So how do you combat these pesky cancer cells from replicating?

Recent studies have shown a fine line between cancer cells and the artificially prepared or grown foods which are readily available in the supermarket nowadays. Non-organic foods have proven to help cancer cells grow and replicate faster while diminishing the bodys healthy cells of their natural strength. These studies have shown that cancer cells love consuming the artificial chemicals found in non-organic foods because these elements make them stronger.

Now that you know the implications of these unnatural foods, what should you do then to combat your cancer cells? Eat healthier non-organic foods, of course! What are these organic foods then? Organic foods have been grown from pesticide-free and chemical free natural soil. They do not only involve fruits, vegetables, and grain foods but also include milk and eggs from cows and chickens which didnt undergo chemical injections or any other artificial enhancements.

The realization of the great contribution of organic foods to our health has attracted the public into a more healthful diet. You can find lots organic food outlets nowadays and you can even find some of their products in your local supermarket. Theres no reason why you shouldnt join the organic food diet wagon especially if you are diagnosed with cancer.

When you get rid of the unnatural foods which the cancer cells love, they will weaken and eventually die thus making them unable to replicate and spread to other parts of your body. Organic foods will strengthen your good cells allowing them to combat your cancer cells even better. - 17269

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6-Pack Abs: General George Patton's Bodybuilding Quotes

By MaxBurnFitness

It might seem odd that bodybuilding quotes for building six-pack abs can be attributed to General George Patton, but this famous WWII Commander led thousands of troops to victory and the quotes below can provide the motivation we need to push through the "tougher times" in training. The Patton bodybuilding quotes below are provided with some thoughts on how they apply to fitness training.

"You're never beaten until you admit it." Picture yourself 45 minutes into your workout, sweating like a dog (even though dogs do not sweat). You have another set of crunches, and a set of kettle bell reps left and you just don't feel like pushing it. If you listen to the little voice in the back of your mind, you may be convinced to bargain that you will work harder next time but you'll regret that decision. Gen. Patton's words should be echoing in your mind about this time. Giving up is a choice and all choices have consequences. Pick the "pay me now" option to avoid the "pay me later" guilt trip that giving up will result in.

"Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory." Without sacrifice, most things we do have no value. Our temptation to take shortcuts in our workout and diet will definitely produce results but not the ones we would be happy with. Patton challenged his men to fight well and make the sacrifices necessary to enjoy the fruits of victory.

"Better to fight for something than live for nothing." What do you stand for? Do you just talk a good game and hope you get the results or do you focus on carrying out each aspect of the plan faithfully? People that are fat stand only for immediate gratification as they enjoy their Whoppers. If our focus is physical fitness, we stand for good health and a body that reflects it. Those who take the easy route stand for nothing.

"If a man does his best, what else is there?" The question is "are you really doing your best"? Have you developed a solid plan to burn the calories and keep the caloric balance negative or are you flying by the seat of your pants (which may be getting bigger) and hoping that things work out. Taking this challenge seriously is getting real with yourself and making the commitment to do whatever it takes to reach your goals.

"Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom." The true test of our character and resolve is not how high your fly when things are going well. Rather, it is how you work through the tough times, the times when you want to give up, that provide the insight as to who you really are. In freezing temperatures Gen. Patton was able to redirect his troops to successfully engage the enemy in the Battle of the Bulge. Not because it was easy but because it had to be done regardless of hardship.

You want a great set of six-pack abs. The job is not easy...if it were then everyone would have them. Gen. George Patton's words inspired his men to engage the enemy even when the odds seemed insurmountable. These bodybuilding quotes provide us with the encouragement we need to bridge the gap between the military and the fitness battlefields. - 17269

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Taste and Health: The Pomegranate Corners the Market

By Caroline Rutlidge

There is a fruit that grows in parts of the southern United States, Malaysia, Iran, the East Indies, Turkey and the Himalayas. It doesn't get much higher than 25 feet, but grows one of the tastiest fruits ever to be grown. This fruit does not originate in the U.S. But in much warmer climates. It is the pomegranate.

The pomegranate flourishes well in climates that have very hot summers and cool but not icy winters such as found in Florida, California, Arizona, Iraq, Turkey and Africa. In fact the crops seem to do extremely well if the area they are grown in has had a cooler winter than usual.

The original pomegranate bushes had glossy, green long leaves and bright red fruit and flowers. The octagonal shaped fruit comes in a variety of sizes, depending on where it is grown and how well the crop did. The inside of the fruit is usually white with red seeds although they can at times be purple.

Just like and garden fruit or vegetable, this plant can be plagued by insects and pests. Termites can actually infest the trunk and kill the tree from below. Then you have the pomegranate butterfly, given its name because it mainly thrives on pomegranate trees, whose cater pillars hatch and infest the fruit before you know what has happened. There are many other pests that are attracted to the pomegranate. Thrips, whitflies, and scale insects are included in this group. If you cover your plants, especially the fruit part, you can avoid large infestations of these insects.

The pomegranate can be probably be called one of the most perfect fruits. It contains so many vitamins and nutrients that it could actually be a healthy meal all by itself. From zinc and vitamin C to Potassium it contains at least well over seven different vitamins.

Inside a pomegranate is a white pulp surrounding the red or purple fruit covered seeds. The seeds are edible but most people eat just the fruit around them. Some areas use the whole fruit in their dishes. They pulverize the seeds for seasoning, or use the seeds, fruit and juice in their main meal dishes or soups. The pomegranate has such a unique flavor.

Ever since farmers and cultivators found out about the pomegranate and how to grow it, just as with any other crop they have cross pollinated and cultivated it until there are several different varieties available. Green Globe, Wonderful, Home. Early Wonderful are just a few at the top of the list. - 17269

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Mangosteen Health Benefits

By Paul Saberhagen

The mangosteen fruit grows on a tropical evergreen tree that is native to the Sundra Islands an the Moluccas of Indonesia. The tree grows very high, 80 feet or more in certain areas. The purple fruit that is produced by this tree is edible, sometimes compared in taste to a tangy peach or apricot, and sometimes compared to a very sweet peach. The qualities of this fruit are legendary when it comes to healing and health benefits. The rind is sometimes tough to get through, but will soften as the fruit becomes ripe.

'Superfruits' are becoming more and more common each day. New fruits are being found in many countries and are now being cultivated in some of our states. Mangosteen's unique nutrients allow it to fall under the category of being a 'superfruit.' Although the nutritional value seems to below the FDA daily allowance, and it seems to be made up more of water than anything else, it does have some hidden attributes that make it a great choice for your health.

Due to the mass being mainly water, this fruit would fit perfectly in the diet of anyone who is considering weight loss or just wants to maintain the weight they are at now. Recent research has disclosed that mangosteen is very high in Xanthones which are powerful antioxidants. There are only 200 Xanthones known to science and somehow mangosteen contains 40 of them. That is an extremely large amount for any known fruit or vegetable to contain.

Xanthones travel through our system and mop up free radicals that can cause disease and malfunctions in many of our organs. Mangosteen contains the Xanthones alpha-mangostin, gama-mangostin garcinone, beta-mangostin, garcinone-a, garcinone-d, garcinone-c, gartanin and mangostanol. All of these Xanthones and the all the other antioxidants contained in this fruit have anti-inflammatory, anti-convulsive, anti-tumor, anti-allergic, and platelet-aiding properties.

However, take care when drinking the Mangosteen juice. There have been a few cases of acidosis reported by individuals who consumed too much of it. Drinking smaller quantities should solve this issue entirely though, since the acidosis only appeared when people drank rather large quantities of its juice.

Western countries can carry the product in a few different ways. You can find mangosteen in frozen or canned and sometimes liquid form in a few western markets. Mangosteen and other Southeast-Asian fruits have been banned from being imported to North America, (Because of harmful insects) but a few years ago the Puerto Rican farmers have started growing them for us so you might expect to see some in your local produce section and perhaps health food stores soon. - 17269

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Slim Fast Diet: Is it for You?

By Stacey May

Maybe you have a few pounds to lose, and you're looking for a healthy weight loss program that's easy to follow. You might have heard that the Slim Fast program fits both those criteria. Here's an overview of the program that should help you decide if it's the right plan for you.

When the Slim Fast diet first came out, it was a very basic plan. Two meals a day were replaced with a shake made by adding some Slim Fast powder to a glass of low-fat milk. There were three flavors to choose from: strawberry, vanilla and chocolate. You would drink one shake at breakfast and another at lunch, and then have a sensible dinner of about 600 calories.

Today, there are several more products in the Slim Fast line-up. You can get pre-mixed canned shakes, snack bars in a variety of flavors, and soup mixes. You are allowed these products about three times a day. And a recommendation was added that you drink eight glasses of water every day.

That's the short version of the Slim Fast diet. Next, we'll take a look at the pros and cons.

Pros: First of all, you can certainly lose a considerable amount of weight on the Slim Fast diet if you make sure to exercise. The program is easy to follow. You can take the shakes with you to work, to the gym, on the road, and just about anywhere else. There's no counting calorie or meetings.

Cons: The Slim Fast shakes don't fill you up, and you might find yourself craving some actual food at mealtimes. For this reason, it's hard to stick with this diet. Vegetables and fruits aren't plentiful on this plan, so you'll be missing fiber and some important nutrients (although the shakes contain vitamins and minerals).

There's no doubt you can lose weight on the Slim Fast diet, but given the disadvantages, you might want to use the Slim Fast products to replace a snack instead of a meal. The shakes are flavorful, but you won't get the satisfaction that you do from eating a real meal.

As a final comment, regaining the lost pounds is not unusual for people who follow the Slim Fast plan. One woman lost 60 pounds in a year on the Slim Fast program, combined with moderate exercise. The next year, she gained it all back. The key to weight maintenance is to change your eating habits for the better. If you've been relying on the shakes for your meals, and then you stop taking them, you'll be back to your old unhealthy habits in no time.

Recommendation: Since it's so difficult to stay with this program for the long haul, the Slim Fast diet is best suited to people who only need to lose a few pounds. If you have a lot of weight to lose, you could use this plan to quick start some weight loss, then switch to healthy eating plan to help you continue to take off a pound or two a week.

With all the weight loss plans being promoted these days, it's difficult to pick just the right one. When you're considering the various diets, keep in mind that some quick-loss diets will work in the short run, but are not necessarily sustainable or as healthy as changing your eating habits for the better. - 17269

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Some Tips For Setting Up Your Home Gym

By Mark

If you're one of those people who routinely work out, then you have probably consider how hard it may be to set up your own home gym. Which is why in thise article, we'll talk about the specifics of getting your own home gym.

One of the first things you should consider in getting a home gym are the dimensions of each equipment. A home gym should be both functional, practical, but still easy to store. Not only do more compact equipment take up less space, but it is also a lot easier to assemble.

The next thing you should do is find a space or room in your house to put your home gym. While it would be nice to have a dedicated room for working out, most people just don't have that much free space. So it's better to set it up in a multi-functional room, such as a rec room or guest room.

You should also choose a multi-purpose machine, one that offers several workout stations. That way, you only need one machine to work out several parts of your body. It may be pricier than your single-purpose machine, but you should take into account that you are getting the value of several machines as well, eleminating the need of having to purchase additional equipment once you advance in your workout. So choosing this option will save you a lot of money.

If you have a smaller home, you should choose gym equipments that collapse or fold. You don't want to have an ugly, large treadmill taking up the middle of the room, where everyone can see it. Not only is it not aesthetically pleasing, but it doesn't hold much ergonomic sense.

Lastly, you don't need to buy everything all at once. Not only is this more expensive, but you really only need a few basics when you're starting out. - 17269

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Coronary Artery Disease: A Life Threatening Condition

By Katie A. Price

You have probably heard a lot of people fear coronary artery disease or simply heart disease. What happens in heart disease is that the arteries harden and become unable to expand because of the deposition of fat in their walls. These fat deposits are called plaques or atheromas. This plaque does not only harden the arteries but it also causes a blockage in the pathway of blood causing inadequate supply to the heart.

Atheromas are very dangerous because they impede blood circulation to the heart. We all know that the heart is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body. With the heart muscles receiving less oxygen rich blood and increased cardiac workload, they will surely function less and will cause a patient to experience pain. The pain experienced by the patient is medically termed angina.

Angina is the pain that patients with heart disease dread. Not enough oxygen reaches the heart muscles. The heart muscles, just like any other muscle, need oxygen to function properly. Oxygen is transported through the bloodstream. Because of the fat deposits, less supply of blood reaches the heart. Angina now occurs. It is described as a stabbing chest pain that can also be felt at the back and extremities.

A heart attack occurs after angina. The heart ceases to function because its muscles did not receive much oxygen. Certain muscles in the heart have died because of the inadequate supply of oxygen and therefore the remaining muscles have to compensate for the loss. Compensation gives extra workload and fatigue, causing it to stop.

What causes coronary artery disease? That is probably the question that is in your mind right now. Actually, a lot of risk factors can be associated to heart disease. If one of your family members is diagnosed with coronary artery disease, your risk of having it is greater. If you are also a chain smoker or you often inhale second-hand smoke, you will also have a higher chance of developing coronary artery disease.

People with less activity or those who are just sitting and watching television or doing nothing all day are also very prone to develop coronary heart disease. Decreased physical activity for a long period of time causes the muscles to become weak and unable to function properly. With a weak heart muscle, it can no longer pump enough blood and therefore has to do some extra work. This extra work will cause fatigue to the heart, causing it to fail.

Those who are overweight need to drop those extra pounds because they are also at risk for developing heart disease. People who are overweight have too much fat in their body which causes their muscles to be weak and not toned. Fats can also form plaque in the arterial walls which causes coronary artery disease. Exercise and proper diet should therefore be their approach to prevent developing heart disease.

A lot of lifestyle changes should be made if you're used to an unhealthy lifestyle. If you're a chain smoker, then you should stop smoking. If you are not used to doing some strenuous work, then you better start doing even simple work to tone your muscles, especially that of the heart. - 17269

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