Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Shoulder Pain-Heart Attack or Rotator Cuff Injury?

By Dr Jason Fowler

The TV classic ER helps teach armchair physicians to become amateur diagnosticians. He's in shock! She's got kidney stones! Rule-out pheochromocytoma!

But sometimes a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing!

You've learned somewhere - on the network news, in the Science section of The New York Times, or in a CPR class at your job - that shoulder pain can mean you're having a heart attack. Now, seemingly out of the blue, your shoulder begins to ache and throb. Very concerned, you rush to the local emergency room.

The resident's first question, of course, is "where does it hurt"? You point to your right shoulder and blurt out, "Am I having a heart attack?" The resident smiles, gently reassuring. "A heart attack might give you pain in your left shoulder," she says. "Have you been to the gym lately? This might be a rotator cuff strain."

The resident knows that heart attack symptoms usually involve chest pain (in two-thirds of cases), and may include faintness, shortness of breath, sweating, and a feeling of impending doom.1 Chest pain may spread to the back, jaw, and arms. Left arm pain may radiate to the inside of the forearm and the ring and little fingers. So, shoulder pain by itself probably doesn't suggest a heart attack.

She orders an MRI which shows mild damage to the right rotator cuff. What's going on? What exactly is the rotator cuff?

The rotator cuff is a muscular sheath that surrounds the head of the arm bone (the humerus) and the entire shoulder joint (really, two joints - the acromioclavicular and glenohumeral joints). The four muscles that comprise the rotator cuff help raise the arm to the front and the side and help turn the shoulder inward or outward.

If you're a sports fan, you know that rotator cuff injuries affect baseball pitchers, tennis players, swimmers, and football players. Such injuries are due to repetitive motion, and can also result from falling on the shoulder or arm or lifting heavy weights.

Rotator cuff injuries may also be slowly developing and chronic, related to arthritic and degenerative changes in the rotator cuff tendon and the two shoulder joints. Low-grade pain may develop, and the pain may become aching, throbbing, and chronic. Raising the arm may cause pain, and there may be loss of mobility.2

In the above-40 population, lack of exercise and chronically poor posture may contribute to rotator cuff problems. Sitting at a desk all day, with your neck jutting forward and slumped shoulders, places long-term mechanical stress on the rotator cuff.

Chiropractic treatment can be very useful in helping to rehabilitate chronic rotator cuff injuries. The chiropractic physician is expert in evaluating postural problems and associated spinal conditions. By providing effective treatment, postural corrections, and rehabilitative exercise, chiropractors offer a comprehensive therapeutic program to reduce pain, improve shoulder mobility, and regain function.

1Source: Cedars-Sinai www.cedars-sinai.edu 2Baring T, et al Management of rotator cuff disease. Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol 21(2):279-294, 2007. - 17269

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Why The Sudden Popularity Of Detox Diets For Weight Loss

By Ron Cripps

With the rapid rise in the number of people who are resorting to diet programs and treatments to purge themselves of harmful substances that may cause them ill health, most nutritionists and physicians these days say that they can provide what those individuals are looking for. Perhaps the detoxing and the removal of these unwanted elements from your body is actually a great idea, as after that you may feel better and feel healthier. Still when really is the proper time to dedicate yourself into that sort of cleansing?

Research demonstrates that if you are the sort of individual who wants to lose weight in an instant, then you might use the detox program. The program might consist of just drinking a concoction of lemons and different herbs along with your food for several days. Thus, as a result of this, you're like fasting for several days, so what person wouldn't lose pounds if they just ingest juices and liquids? Within a short period of time you'll drop a couple pounds and your curves may become much more apparent than ever before.

Nevertheless, quite a few professionals believe that the detox diet must not be carried out for more than three days. This is because you may really rob yourself of additional required vitamins as well as nutrients because you are not having a balanced meal. If you truly want to try this program, you may wish to ask for supervision of your doctor or different health care experts. Still, you truly don't have to malnourished yourself to clean your body because your body is designed and equipped with organs that perform that function. That's the reason why sometimes, you discover yourself frequenting the comfort rooms. You might believe your organs require a little assistance from you, and the detox diet will help but that's only a myth.

If you're in good health, the internal organs would be adequate to carry out those actions properly. If you truly want help out your organs, you may wish to avoid consuming too much alcohol, or smoking too frequently: briefly, you need to alter your way of existing.

All the same, certain experts think a well-conceived detoxification program might be better for your overall health. They stress on the correctness of the method to be used and the suitability of such method to the dieter's health condition. Nevertheless, just as readily, quite a few professionals think that detox isn't actually a good method to drop weight and its objective must really be the elimination of toxins. This is why they don't recommend this regimen to go on for longer than 3 days. Therefore, if you wish to attempt the program because you have heard that your favorite stars have practiced this therapy to reduce weight, then the program won't do any good for you.

Therefore, you might want to think twice before trying that sort of diet as while it may seem easy and fast, it likely will not be as easy as you think. The results are just temporary and you may even hurt yourself if you're not adequately monitored by professionals. Before undergoing a detox diet, you ought to learn all the things you need to be aware of. - 17269

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Spiritual Fungi Used Historically in Religious Rituals

By Dr. Markho Rafael

For at least 7,000 years, humans have used mushrooms for spiritual rituals. Pre-historic cave paintings in Tassili, Algeria, from 5,000 B.C. depict masked, dancing, mushroom-wielding medicine men. It is believed the people in the area, known as the "San Peoples," used consciousness-altering mushrooms in their spiritual practices.

Tassili is located in an area that today is an uninhabitable mountainous desert. But in ancient times, the climate was wet, allowing not only humans to live there but also cattle, and even crocodiles. The San Peoples were culturally tied to other tribes across the desert, from Chad to Egypt, maybe even Greece.

Because ancient Greeks, too, may have used mushrooms in their spiritual practices. The "Eleusinian Mysteries," continuous for an astounding two millennia, was the most important spiritual initiation ceremony in ancient Europe. Scholars believe it involved use of consciousness-altering mushrooms. With participants such as Plato and Aristotle, spiritual mushrooms may be an important part of the legacy of western civilization.

Further north and a thousand years later, the Vikings used Fly agaric (Amanita muscaria) to overcome fear before going into battle. In pre-battle spiritual ceremonies, they ate mushrooms and danced through the woods with wild abandon.

Granted, most of us would not consider this form of warrior spirituality in any way "admirable." But it was part of the Viking religious practices, whatever our opinion of them may be. Meanwhile, to the east, Siberian shamans also used Fly agaric as a spiritual tool to communicate with their deities.

In a controversial book titled Soma: Divine Mushroom of Immortality by R. Gordon Wasser, Fly agaric is even attributed as the source of the Vedic juice called "soma" - a liquid described to have been used in ancient Hindu religious practices, and said to be bestow divine qualities to the soul of the consumer, even immortality.

(Please note: Fly agaric is poisonous. It can also be easily confused with other more deadly species. Consumption is strongly discouraged.)

Across the Atlantic Ocean, spiritual rituals using consciousness-altering mushrooms were first recorded in the Mixtec Codex, which is of uncertain age from between the 13th and 15th centuries. In ancient engravings, the Mixtec gods are often depicted with mushrooms in their hands.

In spite of the fact that the Mixtec people of central Mexico self-professed to use spiritual mushrooms in their religious ceremonies, western scholars still questioned it in a characteristically condescending fashion.

William Safford, an American botanist, believed the supposed mushrooms were actually nothing but peyote buttons. Other western scholars, meanwhile, insisted that the "spiritual mushrooms" of the Mixtec people really were mind-altering mushrooms.

Raging on until the early 1930's, this debate finally got settled when amateur anthropologist Robert Weitlaner got invited to view a Mixtec religious ritual including the mind-expanding mushrooms.

Two decades later, R. Gordon Wasser and his wife Valentina Povlovna were the first white people to participate in a Velada (mushroom ceremony). This religious ceremony lead by shaman Don Aurelio was described by Wasson in a 1957 Life Magazine article, which became the spring-board for public awareness of mind-altering mushrooms.

Although the (in-)famous genus of mind-altering mushrooms, Psilocybe, contains 60 species, most do not contain the psychoactive compounds psilocin (fresh mushrooms) and psilocybin (fresh and dried). The Mixtecs are believed to originally have used Psilocybin mexicana and Psilocybin caerulescens. The today more common Psilocybin cubensis is believed to have arrived from Europe.

Today, use of consciousness-altering mushrooms is illegal in most countries of the world due to the fact that they are often misused as recreational drugs. Only in The Netherlands were fresh (not dried) Psilocybe mushrooms until recently legal.

However, that came to an abrupt halt when a 17-year-old girl jumped off a bridge in Amsterdam after consuming Psilocybe mushrooms. In response, the Dutch parliament banned all sale of "magic mushrooms" effective December 1, 2008. So from Tassili to Amsterdam, the use of consciousness-altering mushrooms is now officially history. - 17269

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Cant Easy Bruising Be an Indicator for Diabetes?

By Carolyn Cooper

If you are someone who has concerns about your bruising easily, you will learn that it is extremely important to take sufficient time to figure out what is taking place with your body. Even if you have always had the condition of bruising easily or whether you are now suddenly facing the condition as a new development, you'll find that the more information that you can accumulate about the issue now, the higher your chances are going to be when it comes to trying to overcome the problem. Easy bruising is often pointed out as one of the symptoms for diabetes, and conversely easy bruising is one way that this disease might be recognized.

Are you a member of a family which has diabetes running through the family history? There is a particularly strong genetic link involved with this disorder, and if you have a parent who contracted it, there is a greater chance that you may end up contracting it yourself. Diabetes is generally defined as a condition of a disordered metabolism, where the individual is afflicted with unusually elevated blood sugar levels. The root of the conditions that are manifested in diabetes is normally a result of a flaw in the system for the secretion of insulin or in the way that insulin acts within your body.

With this information in mind, why would we associate diabetes with bruising, and why would bruises suddenly showing up on your body give you a cause for concern? There are two instances that bruises might appear if diabetes is the cause. The first is a condition known as acanthosis nigricans. In this condition, your skin might discolor to black or brown in the folds and creases of your body. This is something that usually happens on the neck and in the armpits. This occurs due to insulin spilling over in the skin, and it is often associated with Type II diabetes.

The other condition that may affect you is the fact that normal healing times can be diminished in people who have diabetes. Your body marshals its resources in areas other than those associated with bruising, and you'll come to understand that there are a variety of different ways in which diabetes can show itself known due to this change in healing.

If you find that you are discovering bruises of the type mentioned above, or if you have some of the other symptoms of diabetes, such as increased thirst and frequent urination, fatigue, weight loss, and blurred vision, it is appropriate to visit your doctor. To the contrary, bruising easily is not on its own necessarily a symptom of diabetes, particularly if you don't have a family history of the disease.

If diabetes is eliminated as the source for your experiencing bruising easily, it could be time for you to examine a system like Bruises Be Banned. This new, completely natural product has been uniquely formulated to reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether; so evaluate what their daily program could provide you. - 17269

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Take Your Vitamins For Vitality

By Dr Jason Fowler

The New Food Pyramid - The U.S. Department of Agriculture has recently released a new, more individualized, food pyramid called MyPyramid. The USDA is offering many tools and tips on www.mypyramid.com. The traditional food groups include grains, vegetables, fruits, milk, and meat and beans. An important new category, Physical Activity, has been added to the overall pyramid. Sample menus, vegetarian diets, and tips for eating out are part of the informative and fun materials provided by the USDA. "MyPyramid for Kids" reminds kids to be physically active every day and to make healthy food choices. "MyPyramid for Kids" posters and coloring pages are available for downloading on the MyPyramid site. "Steps to a Healthier Weight", dietary guidelines, and detailed information for pregnancy and breastfeeding are included, as well as steps for outlining personalized MyPyramid Plans.

People often wonder about taking vitamins. Should I bother? Are vitamins worth the money? Which ones should I take? In order, the answers are yes, yes, and ask your chiropractor to recommend the brand best for you.

Why should I take vitamins at all? The purpose of supplementation is to cover all bases -- to make sure they're covered. How can you be sure your diet contains all the cofactors and trace minerals needed to make your metabolism work correctly? And what about all the antioxidants that fight free radical formation and the phytonutrients that seem to have so much benefit in cancer prevention?

It would take a lot of effort to be certain that your diet contained sufficient iodine, magnesium, selenium, chromium, folate, and vitamins B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B6 (pyridoxine), and B12 (cyanocobalamin).Taking a supplement guarantees that these requirements have been met. It's simple, safe, and efficient in terms of both time and cost.

Which brand of supplementation is best? There is no right answer here, it's more of a practical decision. You'll know if a specific brand is right if you feel healthier and more energetic after taking it regularly for four to six weeks. You chiropractor will assist you by providing expert information and recommendations. There are no peer-reviewed, hard statistical data suggesting that one brand is superior. "Results" here are qualitative, not quantitative. The important point is that vitamin/mineral supplementation is necessary to ensure optimal metabolic functioning and physical well-being.

What about using specific supplements for specific things, such as taking calcium supplements after a bone-density study has revealed loss of bone mass (osteoporosis)? Is this an effective therapy? Well, in the postmenopausal setting, if you are not exercising, the calcium you take will simply be excreted. Completely useless. On the other hand, if you are exercising or begin an exercise program, the additional calcium will be useful in providing raw material for stronger bones, built in response to the stress of exercise.

What about calcium supplementation for younger women? Again, exercise is the key to forestalling osteoporosis2. Of course, this includes taking sufficient daily calcium. The recommended daily requirement for calcium is 1000-1200 mg. So, a vitamin/mineral supplement supplies 500 mg. A cup of yogurt adds another 250 mg. A glass of skim milk or a piece of low-fat cheese adds another 250 mg. Non-dairy sources of calcium include calcium-fortified orange juice, spinach, turnips, and sardines (with the bones). Dietary sources plus your vitamin/mineral supplements provide close to the recommended dose.

Additional calcium tablets or pills can make up the difference.

Vitamin/mineral supplements are important for busy people. Supplementation ensures a consistent, optimal dose of necessary nutrients. Balanced nutrition, in combination with regular exercise, will help provide vibrant, glowing good health3.

1Rosen CJ: Clinical practice. Postmenopausall osteoporosis. N Engl J Med 353(6)595-603, 2005 2Swanenburg J, et al: Effects of exercise and nutrition on postural balance and risk of falling in elderly people. Clin Rehabil 21(6):523-34, 2007 3Speckerr B, Vukovich M: Evidence for an interaction between exercise and nutrition for improved bone health during growth. Med Sport Sci 51:50-63, 2007 - 17269

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Gaspari Nutritions Superpump 250 - A Glimpse

By Chito Moreno

Gaspari Nutritions Superpump 250

Gaspari Nutritions Superpump 250 is a pre-workout drink. The basic use of the said drink is to drink it before doing work outs and then you'll see results from these sessions quickly. Its quietly the same thing as any other product in the market and now I have the pleasure of reviewing it for your knowledge.

The Good

There are a lot of beneficial matters to love about Gaspari Nutritions Superpump 250. As a start, the truth that it has autonomous confirmation of a lot of the ideas placed on the site is a fact that ought establish a lot of people rest comfortably.

This beverage has been examined twice in two distinct trials from known bodies in the scientific community. And it certainly has no trouble in passing those tests. The product have been confirmed and verified by autonomous bodies making it dependable on its claims for physical fitness issues.

Its time for more intense workouts today!

From that, you can actually conclude that the independent tests are the pillar on the claims of the company about this product. Including the claim to gain muscle mass in a short period of time and of course the ability to last longer when doing intense work outs resulting from drinking this fine beverage before starting out.

Aside from that there are other benefits that you can get from the Superpump 250. And all of it had been verified by the independent studies done for the product. So Superpump 250 not only promises to give you the best physical fitness experience ever but its true to their word, they can deliver the promise they have given according to those autonomous studies.

What's Not beneficial With The Product?

Luckily for anybody that's interested in buying this product, it was hard to witness anything harmful at all about the Superpump 250. If there's one thing that stands out above some of the others, it would have to be the deficiency of data about the components. There's info about a few of the ingredient quantities, but the patented blends have quantity info that's kept back for collective reasons.

This is quiet understandable for the company but it would be concealing facts from the public consumer. However, due to the presence of the independent studies, the doubt of the consumers have been eliminated even there is no info about the proprietary blend of the product.

The Silver Lining

There are more athletes that use Superpump 250 prior to their exercise and there are several that have accomplished not only the vascular "road map" look that Gaspari claims is easy with the Superpump 250 product, but there are also numerous that have profited in their sports accomplishments because of it. Because of this, I would surely advocate Superpump 250 to anybody that's concerned in getting afresh pre-workout formula. - 17269

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Understanding The Body Detoxification Process

By Ron Cripps

Detox, an abbreviation for detoxification, is the body's natural, consistent procedure of counterbalancing or eradicating poisons from your body. The toxins are chemically altered into harmless compounds and removed from the body through stool or pee. A detox diet is the system of consuming certain food along with drinks with the objective of removing toxins from the body for better well being, so basically, it's a diet which detoxifies the human body.

Detoxification is good for a body when done right and using professional guidance therefore it is highly recommended that an individual that wishes to undertake this diet first talk to a physician or dietitian. That's since detoxification may be harmful to your body if not conducted right and sometimes the misuse of a detoxification program may create specific diseases or even undernourishment. All the same, with a correct guidance, detox diet might render the body healthier and stronger.

When there's fewer toxins in a body, the blood circulation increases, respiration is more powerful, stamina is raised, stress is decreased, and the person will feel better. But, the most popular explanation for why people go for the detox diet is the fact that it's the quickest and most secure method to lose weight. Most detoxification diets comprise of just fruits, veggies, and water, so because this sort of diet is very restrictive, meat, dairy, alcoholic drinks, and bread are to be avoided at all costs. This allows the body to soak up fewer calories and carbs. Detoxification additionally produces the effect of eliminating detrimental elements in the body such as fat and even cholesterol.

All the same, because a detoxification program is extremely restrictive, it must only be used for a short period of time as it might cause undernourishment. This diet is normally low in protein and carbohydrates so without those, muscle growth as well as energy are quickly depleted. After using that sort of dietary method, most people talk of having more energy and of losing weight quickly, although given that the diet is so restrictive, it is hardly surprising that a few pounds will be shed.

Still, detox is not a weight loss solution. Adhering to the detoxification diet won't teach you much regarding standard weight loss techniques like meal portion regulation or a good meal method. As a result many individuals put on weight once more and will feel about as slow as normal when they stop their diet and go back to their old eating habits.

The true reason for why those programs work in the short-term is because people make a special effort to change their eating habits for a few days. It only makes sense that if you swap cheese curls and soda for fruit and plain water you'll drop weight. Additionally, if you are failing to eat a lot of fat intense meals, that slow your body down while it tries to perform digestion, you will see additional energy. - 17269

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Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

By Bangang Nkouppitt

Hypertension is a common disease nowadays, which, if it?s not treated corectly can cause many damages to the other organs of the body. People who suffer from high blood pressure need to lower blood pressure in order to neutralize the effects of hypertension on their body.

High blood pressure itself is not an illness that damages the body, but if you suffer from high blood pressure for a long time then you are at a great risk to have a stroke or a heart-attack, or to develop a heart disease. Most of the people who have heart disease started with a high blood pressure that they did not treat.

The lifestyle must be changed so that it contains as little stress as possible, and you must start to exercise regularly. You can also try some relaxation tehniques such as yoga. Some experts state that yoga can lower blood pressure in short time if its done properly.

Its simple to lower blood pressure without medication, but always consult a doctor before deciding on a diet plan or on any natural method of lowering blood pressure.

Tomatoes are effective in reducing blood pressure, because they contain lycopene. This powerful antioxidant is still the subject of some hybrid tomatoes grown by the Israeli Lycomato to have higher concentrations of lycopene in each piece of fruit. Other antioxidants found in tomatoes make a super-nutrition in the prevention of heart disease. You can even help keep LDL cholesterol from oxidation which makes keeping the arteries and reduce the shift causing blood pressure to rise.

Work with your doctor to determine just how much weight you need to lose in order to see the most benefit, especially if you are extremely obese or have any other medical considerations that need to be taken into account.

If you happen to be overweight and have high blood pressure then you could lower it just by losing some weight. The kind of foods that we eat can also have an affect as well. So the bottom line is that it can boil down to your effort to make changes to your lifestyle or medication, which one will you choose.

To start though let us talk about a few things that you should avoid and top of the list comes salt. Salt (or sodium) is one of the chief culprits in todays high blood pressure epidemic. Too much dietary fat is also a culprit as it promotes arteriosclerosis, weight gain, and other difficulties which lead to high blood pressure. Hence, two things to avoid in your diet are salt and excess fat, principally saturated or trans fats. So, what types of food should you have in your diet in order to help lower your blood pressure? Potassium is one of the key substances which is missing in todays American diet and which is very beneficial for your blood pressure. It helps lower blood pressure just as sodium assists in raising your blood pressure and so including sufficient potassium in your diet can help stabilize blood pressure. - 17269

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Osteochondral Allograft, Microfracture, OATS, and ACI Surgery of the Knee: Cartilage Restoration

By Dr. Stefan Tarlow

Treatments of biologic origin are best when treating knee disease or injury. This type of treatment can restore the knee to a near-normal state. Reconstruction of the ACL (anterior cruciate ligament), meniscal repair, and anatomic knee fracture repair are three kinds of biological surgical repairs that have good success with knee injuries.

Orthopedists as well as patients often find managing a full-thickness, symptomatic chondral lesion of the knee to be problematic.

Injury leading to articular cartilage cell death can best be treated by restoring the surface cells of the joint. The surface cells are the articular cartilage. This is the shiny white surface of which all joints in the body are made.

Four separate treatment options are possible: Osteochondral Allograft, Microfracture, Osteoarticular transfer system (OATS), and Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation (ACI).

Click here for more on Arthroscopy of the Knee.

In a young patient, a small lesion can be treated with Microfracture surgery. In this method, a pick-like tool is used to enter the marrow of the knee under the chondral defect. Multiple entries stimulate the bone marrow, which, in turn creates repair tissue. This tissue fills the chondral defect with fibrous cartilage tissue.

In this scenario, the patient will be on crutches for a month to eight weeks. The patient must not participate in sports for a six months to year. Additionally, the patient must realize that it may take up to eighteen months to be completely pain free.

The knee surface may be restored to a near-normal condition using a procedure called autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI). If the knee defect is large, this procedure is used.

Articular cartilage cells can be harvested from the healthy part of the injured knee for utilization in ACI. There are very specific criteria that must be met for this surgery to be used.

These conditions are: 1. A full-thickness, weight-bearing, symptomatic chondral injury of the femoral articular surface. 2. A physiologically young patient. 3. The patient must understand and agree to participating in an 18 month rehabilitation process.

There is no guarantee of successful surgery to the tibia and patella. In fact, insurance companies will often refuse to pay for this type of surgery. It is important to note that ACI is not a workable procedure for the treatment of osteoarthritis. In this condition, two reciprocal joint surfaces experience damage. X-rays will reveal narrowing of the joint space. Additionally, bone spurs will be in evidence. 3T MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) may be used to assess for ACI. By using this procedure, the proper treatment can be determined.

Click here for more on Dr. Stefan Tarlow, an expert Phoenix surgeon of the knee. - 17269

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4 Ways to Boost Your Energy

By Curtis Ludlow

The demand for energy has heightened in today's stressful and hectic environment. Eight out of ten Americans experience low energy levels on a regular basis, making them less efficient and effective. Aside from overexertion, the classic causes of lack of energy include poor food choices, pollution and lack of exercise.

How you can put a stop to your state of exhaustion is to take a break and sign up for a boot camp. Outlined below is how a combination of fitness camps and better nutrition can increase your energy levels naturally.


Your best best is to drink more water because excessive caffeine intake leads to increased stress to the adrenal gland and less stress on the adrenal gland means fewer long-term health complications.

Green tea is a well-known energy booster and antioxidant. In relieving your body of the effects of your poor food choices and relatively unhealthy lifestyle, fitness boot camp sessions include the monitoring and careful selection of your fluid intake.


Say goodbye to your sedentary lifestyle. Increase your physical activity with exercise. Fitness boot camps usually involve results-oriented exercises and fun activities. Physical exercise first thing in the morning will jump start your day and effectively increase your body's energy levels.


Make better food choices. It's never too late to start adding healthier food options. A fitness boot camp program can help you with your diet. Be sure to include foods such as oats, tomatoes, spinach, wild salmon, nuts, garlic, and pomegranate.


There are some supplements that can naturally enhance your energy level. Getting enough Coenzyme Q10, L-carnitine and other essential amino acids is important in combating fatigue and in fortifying general endurance. Getting enough vitamins A, C, E and B-10 complex vitamins is important in strengthening the body's defense against free radicals, which usually robs energy.

Fitness boot camps will improve your overall bodily functions, maintain health, improve energy levels, and help you to lose weight. Joining a bootcamp is a wise way to lose 10 to 20 pounds. - 17269

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The Importance of Juicing Vegetables

By Scott Emily

Vegetable juicing has much the same benefits as juicing fruit with key differences. It's important to vary your juicing recipe to include a wide range of ingredients. Constantly look for new mixed juicer recipes and try to notice fruits at your local market that you've never tried before.

One of the ways juicing helps a lot of people are where the texture or particular taste is unappealing. While I always believed, just as you acquire a taste the same is true in reverse. Use juicing as training wheels to eating vegetables.

One of the reasons vegetable juicing is preferred in terms of healthfulness over fruits is the lower concentration of sugar. If you are going to consume sugar, at least it is natural fruit sugars but nonetheless some people who much watch their sugar intake will want to consume plenty of vegetables and scale back on the fruits. Talk to your nutritionist so you know how much fruit you could take.

Chlorophyll contained in vegetables do a lot to promote the well being of our bodies. To plants, chlorophyll serves many functions that at this moment are not of our concern. Our concern is the cleansing, antiseptic, cell rejuvenating properties it provides.

All the benefits that chlorophyll provides to the body are actually the function of hemoglobin in the blood. And because hemoglobin is so similar in its chemical composition to chlorophyll, many experiments have shown that when we consume chlorophyll our bodies actually convert it to hemoglobin. More hemoglobin means healthier blood.

The number of benefits from consuming massive amounts of chlorophyll has been increasing with new discoveries. The most obvious ones include increase in blood count, stabilization of sugar levels in the blood, and relief of gastric ulcers. There are also detoxifying and cleansing effects as a result of consuming chlorophyll.

We know that chlorophyll is what makes plants green. It is the powerhouse that converts sunlight into energy. The greener the vegetable, the more chlorophyll it contains. Ultimately, the highest concentration of chlorophyll comes from alfalfa, barley grass, and chlorella, as well as spirulina and wheatgrass. The only problem is attaining these products as they are not readily available to all areas.

Of the mentioned, chlorella is important for another reason. Chlorella contains high levels of vitamin B12 that is often found in animal products, and rarely in other vegetables. Some vegetarians get in trouble from a lack of B12 when it is easy to obtain chlorella tablets manufactured specifically for that purpose. Crush a tablet and mix it into your juice. Yummy. - 17269

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Muscle Building Made Simple - A Powerful Technique

By Josh Owen

Are you searching for the fastest way to build muscle size? Why would you not want to gain muscle as quickly as possible? You can finally get the body you've always wanted much faster using one powerful concept discussed in this article.

Building muscle doesn't 'just' help you look much better. Muscle improves your appearance, and we all want that, but do you know the true benefit of greater amounts of muscle mass? Can you imagine feeling 100 times better? Imagine high energy levels when you wake up. Imagine not feeling down or tired any more. Body fat weighs you down while muscle mass helps your body. You need more muscle and less body fat. Then you'll feel better!

Okay, it's easy for me say you need more muscle mass and less body fat, but how do you accomplish this? I'm going to tell you about the most powerful muscle building concept on the face of the earth. This is the secret to building muscle:

Before I get to the actual concept, I want you to know that you're going to have to lift weights, eat healthier, eat more often, and eat enough of the right foods. I'm not going to talk about diet and nutrition today, but you need to know that it's equally as important as the concept I'm going to discuss now.

Start your next weight lifting program with very light weights. I don't care how easy the set may be. Do higher reps starting out with lighter weights. I then want you to increase the weight each workout while decreasing the number of reps. For example, you could start out lifting 95 pounds for 15 reps and end your program with 305 pounds for 4 reps. That huge weight increase over the weeks will ensure that you've built plenty of muscle as long as you're body isn't accustomed to those weight loads.

As you increase the weight each workout, you continuously provide your body with a new muscle building stimulus. You aren't wasting your efforts in the gym any more because you're making progress each and every workout. You will begin to see increases in muscle size if you're eating enough of the proper foods.

After you use this method of increasing the weight each weight training session, you'll soon reach a point in which it's hard to increase the weight. Fight hard for a few more weeks only increasing a a small amount each workout, and then take a one week break from weight lifting. Then start over! It's that simple. That is the quickest way to gain muscle size.

If you want to build muscle using the concept discussed above, you must focus on gaining body weight. You can't build muscle quickly unless you give your body a surplus of calories for constructing that muscle. Eat enough food each week so that you're gaining about 1 to 2 pounds each week. Monitor your gains and add more food if needed. - 17269

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