Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Importance Of Muscle And Fitness Training Program

By Peter

You will always be advised to make sure before you start any form of muscle and fitness training program to carry out warm up exercises to lower the risk of injury later on. This is not the only thing that it is important to remember if you intend to carry our fitness programs. To increase your flexibility and to avoid injuries, stretch before and after workout. Ok so none of what I have said so far is a secret but you would be amazed how many people do not do it but were you aware that you should also continue this stretching at the end of a workout as the muscles are warm and more flexible.

For instance, stretching movements for a warm up only have to last a third of the time that the same movements do when you are doing a cool-down, so they need to last for about a minute. Many people make the mistake of stretching and returning to their original position to quickly when the movement should be slow and measured. At the point of greatest stretch, hold the position before you slowly release, this avoids any potential strain or the possibility of injury from jerking your joints. Work slowly in increments instead of immediately proceeding to doing the hardest exercise or position so make sure that you have stretched or warmed up all muscle groups.

For some people, even if they have strong bodies, they tend to neglect the neck when working out because stretching the neck muscles can be as simple as placing the palm of one's hand against the front of the head and pushing it; then, do the same to the sides and the back of the head. Stretch regularly before a muscle and fitness training programto continually increase your range of movements and your level of flexibility and strength.

It is a common sight seeing relative newcomers try to compete with people who are far more advanced but this is never a good idea; just stick to what your body is comfortable with and you will gradually increase you abilities. There is no set standard you have to achieve each time you attend the gym, just work to your abilities each time, you will know when it does not feel right to continue so listen to your body as no-one is at their peak every time they workout.

It is normally advised you don't work the same muscle groups consecutively for two days when fitness training as muscle grows during the period when you rest and not when you are working out. Aerobic exercises are the best for you because they will improve you cardiovascular system, improve your stamina, lung capacity and overall fitness; exercises like skipping running, rowing, swimming, stepping machines etc.

If you are someone that likes aerobic exercise then you should listen to music if possible as it helps to have a regular beat. Just make sure that you take your headset with you so you won't disturb people who may prefer not to listen to your music while exercising. If you are someone who has trouble relaxing or sleeping then you may want to consider stretching exercises as it is good for you even if you are not working out. Finally it is important to use the proper muscle and fitness training program. Any weight trainer will surely build bigger muscle using only the proper routine. - 17269

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How To Build Muscle Quick With Less Effort

By Ricardo d Argence

Those that spend any volume of time on the net, the odds are that you will be bombarded with millions of solid tips on the subject of building muscle quickly. The main problem that people have will be that the tips do not lead to practical results. That is why it would be helpful to follow the advice presented herein since it will aid in building muscle quickly while doing so with less effort.

The following three simple steps will certainly help in your ability to develop lean muscle mass without committing insane hours in the gym.

1. Workout with higher intensity. It does not matter what kind of workout program you devise, you can certainly benefit from increasing your intensity levels.

A number of people opt to go to the gym and merely go through the proverbial motions when they take part in their workouts. They may only lift weight in a lackluster fashion with the hope it leads to huge muscle gains. Folks, that is not how it works. When you want to completely overhaul how your body looks, it is best to pick up the intensity levels a lot.

Whether you do this by increasing the weight you lift, or doing more reps, or both, you have to step it up a notch if you want to build the body of your dreams. If you don't do anything else different the next time you're at the gym, increasing how intensely you workout will make a huge impact on your results. Don't just go through the motions of working out, actually make your body work.

2. It is most definitely important to eat right. To grow additional muscle mass, it is necessary to boost protein intake. That means some protein should be included in all meals. The best selections of this type of protein will include egg whites, chicken breasts and fish.

For many, fish would be considered the absolute best choice since it would be a phenomenal source of Omega 3 fatty acids which aid in losing weight and improving muscle mass. Fish can also be considered high in protein and very low in bad fats.

3. Get more rest. It is of utmost importance that you get enough sleep at night while trying to build muscle, but it is equally important that you rest between workouts. Too many times people start working out and they think that they have to workout every single day, so they over work their muscles and end up reversing their muscle building efforts.

Constant muscle fatigue will certainly not help the cause of developing muscle mass. That is why it is always necessary to get as much rest as possible. This will boost the ability to gain muscle quickly.

If you want to build muscle quickly, you have to make some changes to your diet and exercise plan. These simple changes will give you the results you deserve. - 17269

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Benefits of Vitamins For Younger Skin - Dry Skin Vitamins

By Linda Robison

For dry itchy skin, dry patchy skin, or a severe dry skin rash there are certain skin vitamins that can be pretty effective. Of all the vitamins that can provide help for dry skin, one of the most important and overlooked is Fish Oil which can help keep your skin healthy and youthful by normalizing lipids (skin oils) and cells.

Fish oils contain EPA and DHA which help regulate oil production. This makes it not only very effective for dry itchy skin, but for those who suffer from eczema, psoriasis, and acne.Many people are not aware of the connection between fish oil and prostaglandins which are important for beautiful, disease free skin.

Prostaglandins are responsible for regulating cell functions. They also help keep androgen in balance which helps control excess oil production -- one of the leading causes of acne, clogged pores and blackheads. In order to get these good prostaglandins you must either fish or take Fish Oil supplements.

Fish oil can be found in oily fish like salmon and tuna. But the problem is many people don't like fish and eating fish more than 3 times a week is not recommend due to polluted waters and toxins in the fish such as mercury and others. As a health advisor I have researched to find a safe, Molecularly Distilled (pure source) of fish oil capsules like Super pure Omega 3 EPA/DHA. You must take care in choosing the right fish oil supplement that is free from PCB's and other toxins.

Some other vitamins for dry skin include vitamin A which is an important antioxidant and quencher of free radicals. People who are deficient in vitamin often suffer from dry patchy skin, wrinkles, dry hair and scalp, and dry eyes. Good sources of vitamin A are: Milk, egg yolks, carrots, green and yellow leafy vegetables.

Vitamin E is another important vitamin for dry skin and skin cell renewal. Like vitamin A it helps keep skin hydrated and is an important anti-oxidant. Good sources include: nuts, vegetables, spinach, beef, sunflower and other seeds. Click Here for more information on choosing the best, safest form of fish oil Omega 3 fatty acids. - 17269

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Lifting Heavy Weights Makes Women Shrink, Not Grow - Women's Personal Trainer in Washington, DC Discloses Why

By Josef Brandenburg

Any woman who likes working out has probably heard these famous words of caution about a thousand times over - Stay away from heavy weight lifting if you don't want to bulk up. But how much truth is in this piece of advice. Any DC based personal trainer will tell you what REALLY happens when women lift weights and will help you understand the reasons behind women not being able to bulk up even if they lift heavy weights.

Why is it impossible for women to build up muscles like men in spite of lifting heavy weights?

One reason is that the levels of testosterone hormone in men and women are not the same. The only difference is that women have only 15 to 20 times less the amount of testosterone hormone than men. But this difference is enough to keep women from building the kind of bulky muscles that men can. That is why it is absolutely fine if women lift heavy weights assuming that their health and physical strength supports this.

The truth about what will happen when women lift heavy weights?

Since women have a little amount of testosterone, their body gets toned up instead of developing bulk muscles whenever they lift weights. They end up developing muscle without mass, because of the lower testosterone levels.

* High numbers of sets and repetitions cause muscle bulk, while most women prefer relatively few repetitions.

Men use heavier weights and do a higher number of reps when they lift weights. Women on the other hand use lighter weights and do fewer reps which only results in building strength and not volume.

* Heavy weights build strength, not size.

When women lift heavy weights, they'll gain strength, but won't bulk up. The nervous system is stressed as much as the muscles are during weightlifting, which is going to give women neurological improvement and greater muscle strength, but not size.

* There advantages of lifting weights are manifold for women

Now that all your doubts regarding weightlifting and bulk in women have been clarified, you have every reason to take up lifting heavy weights, provided your health and physical conditions allow it.

Lifting heavy weights has several benefits, so you are doing yourself more harm than good by keeping away from heavy weights. It improves your muscle strength and also ensures that connective tissues and bones become stronger. This helps you in dealing with health issues that occur with old age like osteoporosis. - 17269

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DC Personal Trainer: The Best Weight-Loss Dining In DC

By Josef Brandenburg

Does this sound familiar? Are you trying to lose weight, but deciding what to eat poses a big challenge? It is not easy to manage what you eat when you eat out, when compared to what you make at home. This is an unsuitable situation for any person trying to lose weight. But there is a way to become free from this calorie loaded lifestyle.

It is not easy, if you often eat out. Most of us will still have a small portion of something we are forbidden to eat, even though we know that we should keep away from it in order to meet our goals. A well trained personal at DC can advise you on some best places that offer you food rich in quality, low on calorie and at the same time within your budget. Let us look at few such restaurants in DC area that provide you fresh and healthy food at sensible prices.

Hanami (www.hanamijapanese.com)

Hanami is an ideal place for you, if you are crazy about sushi. This restaurant offers a wide variety of fish that is fresh and the best in terms of quality. If you are particular about starch free items, then you have quite a few items to choose from that help you avoid starch. Other mouthwatering delicacies like tuna and salmon sashimi or dragon ball is also available along with veggies, crab, roe and sauce wrapped in a slice of avocado.

Outback Steakhouse (www.outback.com)

Yep, that's right. When you think of the Outback Steakhouse, you probably think of their deep-fried onion treat, better known as a "bloomin' onion," which is certainly not something you want to ingest if you're looking to trim your waistline. Nonetheless, this seeming fairyland of fattening fare has some really good choices for the low-carb focused, fitness conscious diner. The seared ahi tuna appetizer is a particularly good choice.

Logan Tavern (www.logantavern.com)

You'd be mistaken if you felt that an expert personal trainer in DC would not dare to enter a tavern. They are located on--th and P, across the street from Whole Foods. You can replace their starchy side dishes with vegetables. Their crab cakes are also quite delightful.

The Heights (www.theheightsdc.com)

"Mustard crusted tuna" may not sound very appetizing, but it is the perfect choice of any dieter looking for high nutrition and low calorie. Other dieter friendly dishes are also available. But be warned - the dishes are served with pasta or potatoes as a side dish unless you specifically ask for them to be replaced with veggies.

Grillfish (www.grillfishdc.com)

As long as you stay away from starch, all the items on this menu can be consumed, which is what makes Grillfish the perfect choice. It is best to avoid pasta and ask for vegetable side dishes instead of potatoes.

One other thing: Make sure you loosely plan your meals ahead of time, even if you are eating out. Doesn't have to be set in stone, but making sure you include certain types of foods (like fish and steamed vegetables, for example) and exclude others (like desserts) will help keep you on track. - 17269

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How to Lose Weight and Lose Body Fat

By Joen Devenport

1. The fat loss that occurs in those first few days will more than likely be a compounding of fat, water and muscle.

2. If you are losing muscle it is because your body has gone into starvation mode and is actually began to eat itself!!

3. Losing water is often something which happens at the beginning of the diet especially if you are suffering from any sort of water retention. This is just likely to have such a dramatic effect in the first week of your diet and would eventually settle down.

4. Week 2 may not be so easy. You may start to feel hunger stings or even food cravings.

5. The body goes into starvation mode thinking which it isn't going to receive enough food and so the metabolism decelerates to counterbalance and the chances of you being able to lose weight becomes more difficult.

6. Very soon after the first 7 -14 days you are likely to tableland. Your body needs time to adjust to the dramatic changes it is feeling and you may even feel a small weight gain. This is often the time when people surrender. They haven't extended to lose weight and they think their diet isn't working. They are probably right!

7. If you feel any kind of dramatic fat loss it is highly likely when you take up normal eating, to check that the fat goes back on just as rapidly and Many people even check that they are now heavier than they were when they started.

8. weight loss is a more precise science than most people understand. The body requires the right nutrients to alter over the fat into lean muscle, without these nutrients the body, will, as mentioned above, go into starvation mode and sustained weight loss would be very hard.

9. Exercise is a vital part of any weight loss regime, especially if you are to maintain which fat loss.

10. Some people think they just want to do more exercise to lose fat and begin jogging or visiting the gym and doing hours on a tread mill or cross trainer. Again it is more complex than that.|11. Any exercise program needs to be tailored to your needs. You need to ensure which if you wish to drop off weight and drop off body fat that you are doing the correct muscle building exercises for which to be possible.

12. I have heard it said by some health gurus that it is 70% nutrition and 30% exercise. I have even heard others say that it is 90 % nutrition and 10% exercise. So although exercise is vital for your overall long term success, you must make Certain which you are sustaining your body with proper good quality nutrition, otherwise you are just wasting your time, crushing your health and doing nothing to lose your fat or your body fat. - 17269

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Food For Thought: The Fat Burning Foods

By John Knight

Consuming the right food is one efficient way of burning fat. By taking the right kind of food, you are able to speed up the metabolism process of your body in order to lose some of that extra weight. Thus, there are the so called fat burning foods.

This kind of food contains special and natural ingredients that help burn unwanted fats in our body. Truly accessible, this food can be bought in the market. Very natural, there are no dangerous side effects that one has to worry about, which can normally be found in processed foods. And so by regularly including in the diet these foods, plus proper exercise, you can effectively lose that extra weight and get in tip top shape.

Eggs are most common in terms of fat burning. They contain have fat burning ingredients that can certainly facilitate the healthy balance of your body. They can be cooked in so many different ways: scrambled eggs, fried eggs, poached eggs, boiled eggs, and other cooking techniques. You can also use eggs in combination with other ingredients, like for instance an omelet with cheese and mushrooms.

Seafood also ranks as one of the best fat burners. There are lots of different types of seafood such as crab, lobster, fish, etcetera. Not only is it great to help you burn fat but seafood is full of protein so you are getting other benefits as well.

Such other foods good for burning those unnecessary fat include: apples, apricots, asparagus, beets, beet greens, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, cherries, chicory, cod, corn, cranberries, cucumber, dandelion greens, eggplant, garlic, grapes, green beans, and huckleberries. And also, there are lemons, lettuce, limes, mangoes, mushrooms, muskmelons, mustard greens, okra, onions, oranges, papaya, parsley leaves, peach, pears, peas, peppers, pineapple, prunes, pumpkin, radishes, raspberries, sorrel, spinach, squash, strawberries, string beans, tangerines, tomato, turnips, watercress, watermelon, all perfect for a fat burning diet.

Nevertheless be guided that consuming these foods is not enough. You must still perform work outs in order to keep up with the fat burning processes. It is only through hustle and regulated diet and exercise that are you going to be able to achieve the optimal results. With the combination of eating fat burning foods and regular exercise, you can without a doubt sustain a good and healthy body. - 17269

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Soya Milk: What Is It And Why Is It Good For Your Health?

By Mike Green

Soya milk is an extract of Soya beans and can be traditionally prepared at home following uncomplicated approaches. Apart from tea and ice-cream, the Soya milk is an added significant contribution made by the ancient Chinese civilization in 25 A. D to the world.

It was merely a matter of time before the world accepted Soya milk for its worth and gradually it became a norm in the society to utilize this variety of milk in place of the traditional cow's milk. This shift in the trend was adequately supported by the commercial production of Soya milk which was undertaken by a number of firms and ensured a continuous supply to all its users.

Soya milk in its original form is unsweetened and although after being sweetened it is utilized for numerous preparations, the salty Soya milk is found and is consumed only in China. One of the most popular by products of Soya milk are bean curd and tofu, which are made from this milk in the same way as cheese is prepared from the cow's milk.

The unearthing of Soya milk and its successive popularity has been a blessing for a lot of persons who do not drink the normal cow's milk for numerous reasons. These reasons possibly will vary from one individual to another as some might be allergic to cow's milk and some may perhaps have faith in veganism which prevents one from consuming any animal products.

Despite the fact that the protein content of Soya milk is about the same as that of cow's milk, the difference lies in the type of protein which is vegetable protein in case of the former and animal protein in case of the latter. One more important difference between these two varieties is the calcium content which is naturally present in cow's milk but is added during production to the Soya milk.

The health benefits of Soya milk are further accentuated by the fact that this milk is not rich in fatty acids due to which it hardly makes a contribution to the cholesterol level of the body. It is a rich source of vitamin E, lecithin in addition to isoflavones all of which contribute notably towards one's good health and well being. Thus in turn lowers the risk of heart diseases and allows an individual to enjoy the fruits of good health even in his old age.

The continuing rise of Soya milk's recognition has an after-effect of its rising popularity, nowadays one can find a Soya milk machine in the market sold under the category of household appliances. - 17269

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Burning Fat Fast: The Quickest Guide

By John Knight

Yeah, it may not be very easy to work off those fats. Nonetheless, with the right tips and with willpower, there is a sure effective way to achieve this. There are helpful guides and procedures for burning fat fast. By pacing up your metabolism, on top of exercises and workouts, you can properly do away with that extra kilos and maintain a fit body.

Eat the right food, and eat regularly. The crucial point here is to establish good and appropriate eating habits with the right food. Include foods with high fiber in your daily diet. Foods with fiber help hasten up the metabolism process, and it serves as an instant cleansing tool for the body. Also, these can help prevent constipation, diabetes, heart disease and other diseases. Fruits are rich in fiber, like apples, apricots, banana, dried figs, peach, pear, plum, and raisins.

Likewise vegetables are high in fiber, like cooked beets or beet greens, cooked broccoli, cabbage, carrots, coleslaw, sweet corn, green beans, raw onions, cooked peas, cooked spinach, and tomato. And so are cereals, grains, pasta, beans, nuts, seed, like almonds, cashews, black beans, pistachio nuts, pumpkin seeds, soybeans, sunflower seeds, walnuts are all high in fiber.

Establish regular exercising and other physical activities. Walk around the park, or in your neighborhood. Play ball. Swim. Run. You can even mow the lawn. Do this everyday for at least thirty minutes and slowly extend this to an hour or so.

Try to establish a daily exercise routine that is most comfortable to you. Start at the level that your body can take then slowly increase. These exercises should be in such a way as to get your blood pumping like running, walking, skiing, tennis, or swimming and weight lifting exercises to build muscle.

And, of course, stay away from carbohydrates! Carbohydrates are bear sugar like bread, snack foods, candies, and even fruits and juices which produce body fats. Remember that taking these foods before sleeping will definitely create raised fat deposit in your body. This will prevent your body from achieving your plan of burning fat fast. - 17269

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Six Reasons Why You Are Affected By Easy Bruising, Reason 4 - You Have Deficiencies In Your Diet!

By Carolyn Cooper

Since we've have already spoken about certain types of foods included in your existing diet that can lead to easy bruising, we now need to examine what food items that could be missing from your diet that can also cause you to bruise easily. While you are considering what may be causing your body to bruise more easily, it is time also consider what vitamin and mineral deficiencies that might be affecting you. Diet deficiencies can have a major affect on how your body deals with injuries, and bruising easily could be a highly visible result of a lack of necessary nutrients in the daily diet.

As you are trying to bring your diet into better balance and avoid some of the basic diet deficiencies, you will quickly learn that you should first analyze bioflavonoids. Bioflavonoids are essentially water soluble plant pigments. Over 4000 varieties have been identified, and they are found in a lot of the foods that you probably already eat, and it is important for you to know how they are essential and beneficial.

Bioflavonoids are important in reducing swelling because they act as an antihistamine. Bioflavonoids have great anti-viral properties, and they provide great benefits to your overall health in general. They also provide great benefits for your circulatory system, and this helps you to heal much more quickly. Although somewhat difficult to find, one of the best sources of bioflavonoids is derived from a group of plants generally called bilberry, although the most common source for bioflavonoids is from every variety of citrus fruits.

You cannot afford to overlook the fact that sufficient quantities of vitamin C might be missing from your diet. Vitamin C is used by the body for a variety of different functions, and there is even some evidence that vitamin C can greatly boost your immune system. It can help your body reduce swelling, and it can facilitate the quick healing that will help cause any existing bruises fade quickly and more effectively. Vitamin C is also an important agent in your body's ability to produce collagen, which reduces wrinkling and helps keep the skin elastic.

If you want to add more vitamin C in your diet, you don't have to go any further than the produce aisle of your local grocery store. Any variety of citrus fruit is a great means of adding more vitamin C to your diet, so pick up the lemons, limes, and oranges that you can find there. They are better eaten raw because vitamin C can then be directly absorbed into your system.

Vitamin K is another vitamin that you are going to want be certain is available in proper amounts in your diet, and you will discover that it is essential for keeping your circulatory system completely healthy. It helps heal existing bruises much more quickly, and by adding an adequate amount of vitamin K to your diet, you can help keep bruises from occurring at all.

Another important dietary component in your fight against bruising easily is sulfur. Sulfur helps your body process and metabolize carbohydrates, and additionally it also helps your body repair itself. Given that a bruise is a blood vessel breaking under the skin, you'll find that quick repair is sometimes essential. Sulfur is best obtained from a group of plants called bromelains (pineapple is a bromelain) and a compound called MSM.

It should now be obvious that the various components that are excluded or included in your regular diet have a considerable affect on your ability to combat bruising easily. You would not go wrong to consider adding an all natural, daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned to your diet to insure yourself that you consistently get the proper amounts of the minerals, nutrients, and vitamins that are essential for your body to be able to reduce your bruising easily or prevent bruising altogether. - 17269

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Sick of Visiting Weight Loss Clinics?

By Amelia Handley

Have you spent an inordinate of time dropping by and visiting various weight loss clinics? No matter what they're name was...did they all seem just the same? They seem to tell you to eat less food and to use more calories (in a variety of different phrasing, of course). The sheer monotony is so exhausting! Especially when the plan doesn't work!

Is there some sort of secret agenda that is supposed to be fulfilled by the boring decor that seems to overwhelm most weight loss clinics? Or did they just all hire the same interior decorator? And why in the world do they all hire the same tiny, little, cute college girl to man the front counter? And who in the heck decided she was capable of counseling people on how to lose weight? She's probably, like,-- years old and weighs approximately 85 pounds. Where could she be coming from when she says she understand how difficult it is to lose weight?

So they must keep her there to taunt us as we struggle to figure out why we're up 5 pounds from the last weigh-in. She's all adorable concentrating on our chart and tapping her pencil against her head as if she's really figuring out some tough problem and then she comes up with something earth shattering like, "I guess you ate too much. Try cutting it back a little bit more this next cycle."

If you knocked her out of her chair at this (or another similarly irritating point) there aren't many who would blame you. But you're not allowed to and we can't officially condone such behavior. There could be legal ramifications. We do encourage you to walk out and vow never to put yourself at the mercy of any weight loss clinics ever again.

After you've removed yourself from the negative situation (and kept your vow to never again visit weight loss clinics) you've still got a problem. You haven't lost your extra weight yet. If you still want to (and it's always your choice) you do have another option open to you. You've got online options. Try visiting HCGDietDirect.com and look into their homeopathic HCG weight loss formula.

HCG Diet Direct's homeopathic formula is available for online purchase with immediate shipment. That means you order it online without the need for any annoying doctor's office visits, any unecessarily inconvenient prescriptions, or any required visits to chat with a skinny college girl who wants to know what you've eaten today. HCG's all natural effects offer drastic results of up to 1 to 2 pounds per day. It's an amazingly effective method considering the competition in today's weight loss industry. Get online and check it out. You won't be sorry. But regardless...remember your vow...never subject yourself to weight loss clinics again. Having to discuss your weight issues with that skinny little college girl is inhumane. - 17269

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Liquid Diets Are Not Good For Weight Loss

By Walter Marsaki

Liquid diets are popular among people who want rapid weight loss. But are they really good?

Just taking liquid diets for many days is absolutely unhealthy habit. You expect rapid weight loss based on just liquid diets, but you forget that you will lose muscles mass when you go for such dieting.

Your body will not get all the required energy for its functioning from the liquid diet. So what will it do?

The body will not have any other option but to burn fat first and then the muscles in order to get energy. So you will lose muscles.

When you start eating solid food again, your body is likely to gain back the weight again which it lost. However, the muscles are not so easy to gain back.

You will have to exercise regularly in order to gain back the muscles you lost. When you lose muscles, your body becomes weaker than before.

As muscle loss makes your body weak, it is not a good practice to embark on liquid diets for fast weight loss.

Most liquid diets consist of low calories in the range of 400-800 calories per day. Many overweight people will not be accustomed to such low calorie intake.

Drastic reduction in calories might cause a lot of unwanted side effects. Thus it is better if you try to lose weight slowly and steadily and not aim for overnight weight loss.

Lets recap the major problems with liquid diets - muscle loss, sudden reduction in calories, weakness of body and problem in keeping the weight off.

Liquid dieting is a short term solution. You will struggle to keep the weight off after you start eating solid foods. And you cannot remain on liquid diets forever.

Once you call off the diet, you have high chances of gaining back atleast some of the weight you lost. However, sometimes you might gain back more weight than your original one.

Such rapid weight loss tactics will cause more of muscle loss than real fat loss. They might also cause reduction in metabolic rate.

Beware of continuing liquid diets for a long time. They might cause serious health problems.

Being on liquid diets for many days might cause damage to kidneys and lungs. Your immune system may also become weak with liquid dieting. These are important organs of the body and one should be careful regarding them.

I am sure, no one will like to cause permanent damage to these organs. Hence it is better to try to lose weight through healthy methods.

Final verdict is that liquid dieting is not a good option for long term weight loss. It is best not to try it out as a means of rapid weight loss. - 17269

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