Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, January 18, 2010

Best Exercise Program To Get Rock Hard Abs

By Elliott Berry

Hunting for the best exercise routine to get rock hard abs? Read the article and find out here. Burning fat and gaining muscle is likely the primary reason many of us take up some form of cardio training. Over half of the people that perform cardio in an attempt to burn fat are wasting their ages of time! Most people aren't performing the right sort of cardiovascular workouts.

Doing exercises is one thing and doing the right exercises, the correct way, in the correct numbers, with the right target set in the mind is another thing. Always follow the second and benefits are sure to come.

If you mix exercise and simple changes in your nutrition you could easily lose more weight quicker. You need to bear in mind three vital points while taking up any exercise regime.

You should do things that you are going to be in a position to stick with.

It does not do a lot of good to you to work industriously to lose pounds only to put it back on later. That is the reason why many diets do not work- they are not changes that you can stick to. The rule is just to work on straightforward and easy changes. Changes that you can stick to which will make sense for your way of life.

When such a concept is adopted and followed you find that with straightforward changes you will be able to shed pounds and keep it off.

The largest amount of calories burning comes from your basic metabolism. To hurry up the metabolism you want to select the right exercise program. While researching for the best workout program to get very hard abs you will find a number of workout programs. It becomes very tough to decide on the one that meet your desired goal.

Remember you cannot get a ripped abs and muscle overnight. You want a complete complete guide that will help you to shape your body in a healthier way. You have got to exactly follow the rules and guidelines given in the program to achieve success in your goal.

Exercise benefits are too many. But to get the full benefits you must know the right way to exercise and how not to overdo it. Workout programs designed by exercise guru, health specialists and gym instructors can only give correct instruction and suggestions on how to get started. If you are really heavy to get hard abs, here you'll find some of the best exercise routine to burn fat and get ripped six pack abs fast. - 17269

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The Wonders Of Gynecomastia Diagnosis

By Dustin Fennell

Gynecomastia is the abnormal breast enlargement in men, similar to those that are naturally present in adult women. Though not a serious or dangerous condition, it can be a source of huge embarrassment to the men folk who have this problem. Doctors diagnose this conditon in many ways through a series of tests to find out if the problem is gynecomastia or some other health problem including pseudogynecomastia (false gynecomastia)

Doctors diagnose gyencomastia in various ways like male breast exam, BMI calculation, height-weight analysis, body fat analysis, medical history of the patient etc. Lab tests are done to evaluate if it is caused to due to an underlying medical program. Doctor may also advise further scans and evaluations like the male mammogram test or the diagnostic imaging where breast ultrasound testing is done to detect the presence of cysts, fluids and other physical aberrations. There is a certain amount of pathological testing done to rule out the possibility of breast cancer.

It is a myth to assume that men with prominent breasts are obese; there have been several examples to prove that perfectly slim men also have swollen breasts. It is not a medical condition which can cause pain directly per se, but it can cause a dent on a person?s self-esteem. Further it also hints at an underlying health problem which makes it important to diagnose gynecomastia.

Doctors who diagnose gynecomastia have not denied that obesity causes the problem. Apart from obesity, there are other reasons too. For instance, it can be caused by the use of medication that treats schizophrenia and bipolar disorders. The problem can also be caused due to hormonal imbalance and illegal drug abuse.

If obesity triggers the condition, then it could be solved with the help of weight loss programs. It medicinal side effect is the cause of your moobs; it can be treated with alternate medication. If hormonal imbalance is creating this issue leading to surplus estrogen creation in the body, doctors can give hormonal treatments to balance high estrogen levels that cause swelling in the chest area.

Lab test evaluations can give doctors a fair idea of weather you have gynecomastia. They may ask for further tests like male mammogram test where conditions that are involved with breasts of heavier mass are evaluated. A radiologist may also perform breast ultrasound testing to find out the presence of cysts and fluids in the area. A pathologist also goes into the detail of finding out if the tissues are hinting at the risk of breast cancer.

The presence of male breast through gynecomastia may not be a thing that requires urgency but it is definitely a problem that warrants physical alteration. In such a case, male breast reduction surgery can be the best recourse. The diagnosis of gynecomastia can really help doctors find out the extent of the problem and the techniques that can take care of the problem in the best possible manner.

Man boobs usually an embarrassing issue from the society point of view. Instead of hiding your problem, it is better for the doctor to diagnose the issue and find out what is the best course of treatment for you. - 17269

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LearnHow To Reduce Cholesterol

By Danny Lewis

If you have been told that you have high cholesterol levels, one of the first things you may want to consider is learning how to reduce cholesterol naturally. Of course this is something that you will need to discuss with your physician, but at the end of the day more often than not they will recommend statins to control cholesterol levels, and while they will most certainly do the job, unfortunately they do have some pretty nasty side effects that come with them. Therefore, if you can learn how to reduce cholesterol naturally you can hopefully prevent yourself being on a lifetime medication of statins.

One of the first ways to lower cholesterol is by exercising. By exercising I'm not insinuating that you need to go and take out an expensive gym membership and go crazy in there everyday. Researchers have discovered that it is not the intensity that is key but the duration, so doing something as simple as walking briskly for 30 minutes on a daily basis will help you to reduce your cholesterol levels.

Although food does not play a hugely significant part in cholesterol levels, there are a couple of foods that you can cut back on that will help. First of all you want reduce the amount of saturated fats that you consume, these often found in red meats and dairy products: but more importantly you want to cut back on the amount of trans fats that are consumed. Researchers found that trans fats can cause a significant spike in the LDL cholesterol in the body; you will normally find trans fats in fast food's and also ready-made meals. When buying ready-made meals if you see the words hydrogenated or part hydrogenated vegetable oils on the labeling then put it back as these contains trans fats.

Another way to help balance your cholesterol levels is to increase the amount of fish oil omega3 that you consume. You can of course do this by eating 2 to 3 portions of oily fish per week: however the best way to do it is to use a fish oil supplement. The reason the omega3 from oily fish is so beneficial is because not only does it help to lower the LDL cholesterol, but it also helps to raise HDL cholesterol; and on top of that reduce triglyceride levels too. Also if your cholesterol levels have been high then chances are that may have been some buildup on the artery walls, the essential fats in this type of Omega3 will help to rectify that.

One final way helps reduce cholesterol levels naturally is to use what is known as a naturally blended supplement. These are supplements that will contain various ingredients have been blended in a certain way that helped to keep cholesterol levels under control and are as effective as using statins but without the negative side effects. In fact, from my research into natural blended supplements I have yet to find any negative side effects to be reported. - 17269

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Perfect Abs And You

By Tessa Erickson

Through dedication, perseverance, and forbearance are perfect abs possible. People have this idea of what the perfect flat stomach should look like. One's self-confidence is boosted once you see the perfect abs you have been working for. In order to get the look you are wanting, you must drop your body fat percentage and build up you muscles.

To build muscle there are several exercises you can do. You can exercise by performing crunches, in which this can build your stomach muscles by flexing your abs and proper breathing. Best practices for crunches is to cross your arms across your chest and put your hands behind your head at which time you will raise your shoulders to your knees using your abdominal muscles. Do not lift your whole back off the floor as doing this you will certainly be straining your back and neck. Repetitive crunches is what you need to do for best results.

One typical excuse for not exercising the abdominal region is not knowing how. One device that eliminates the excuses is an ab rolling machine. There have been several strides in perfecting a device that properly aids you in the right direction and if done properly, you should be able to wing yourself off this in a year's time.

In the beginning, it is not a priority to work on the muscles on the side of your stomach, but in time it will have to be done. These are muscle on each side of your stomach. There are several techniques you can do to build these muscles. Any technique that includes rotating the upper part of your body with resistance counts as exercising these muscles. A lot of gymnasiums have rotating equipment that can be used, you can bend side to side, you can utilize a medicine ball and rotate side to side while holding onto the ball. When starting to do these techniques, do not over exert these muscles as they usually do not get much exercise.

While this is not a traditional method, electronic belts worn around the waist line has been said to help define and tone the abs via electronic pulses delivered to the abdomen region. Though not used by many, the few that have all agree to the results it has produced. One positive point of this unit, is that dismisses the possibility of back injuries.

Getting the best ever abs is not all exercise. Even with all the working out, there is still dieting to help define your abs. For starters, no more junk food. Junk food is anything full of sugars and bad carbs. No one said this would be easy, but worth the end result if you can stick it out. Examples of good foods to ingest a well rounded diet that is balanced in carbs, grains, and nutrients as well as plenty of water. Water helps keep your system flushed of any toxins.

Deciding to take supplements is a personal decision. There are so many web sites and dietary stores out there with there own variations of supplements, plenty of research must be done to decide which one to take if that is the decision that you choose. You should seek the advice of a doctor or physician to help decide if your not sure you should take these.

Now that you know you want perfect abs you need to find ways to add twists, bends and crunches in your everyday life. Try to duck and twist while doing your daily activities for example reach for things on your right with your left hand and things on your left side with your right hand. While walking or even standing try to duck as if you were trying to get out of the way of something. Adding a few sprints to your routine will also build your abs and give you that great six pack. And while doing all of these exercising you will be losing weight and gaining muscle. - 17269

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Chiropractic Nutritional Products For Your Well Being

By Julio Riess

Chiropractic Nutritional Products Developer, Dr. Chris Cormier has taken his holistic chiropractic training and applied it to nutrition based on years of research and observation during the course of his practice. Once a firm believer in vitamin supplements, Dr. Cormier became convinced that whole foods were a far more effective way to get the proper nutritional balance the body needs.

The chiropractic doctor explains his theory with his "Wellness Triangle." The 3 corners of the Wellness Triangle consist of the following:

Genetics - We are all products of our DNA. There is nothing we can do about that, in his opinion.

Physique - This is our body and everything to do with our body, including the things we can change, such as our posture or exercise routines and the things we cannot change, like accidents of fate or destiny. We have fifty percent control over our physique

Diet - In ideal circumstances, we have one hundred percent control over what we eat. We can choose to eat all natural foods or we can choose to eat junk food.

Because we have control over what we eat and because what we take into our bodies is so vitally important to our overall well being, Dr. Cormier has made nutrition the focus of his life's work. He points out the shocking figure that Americans are far down on the list when it comes to longevity. We rank 42nd in the world, even though we rank first in the amount we spend on health care.

He also emphasizes that Americans don't get enough sleep and that we experience higher levels of stress than are healthy for us. Other contributors include our reliance on prescription medications, in his opinion.

Dr. Cormier's theories are fascinating and make a great deal of sense. He also has some exciting Chiropractic Nutritional Products to help us with our health problems. - 17269

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Losing Belly Fat By Dieting

By Owen Jones

The method of getting rid of the unsightly and potentially dangerous fat deposit around the waist cannot be undertaken seriously without a satisfactory belly fat diet, because the process has to start with a good diet, if it is going to work. You must have the right mental approach too, but it is not enough on its own.

You need to analyze your eating habits carefully, identify the good and bad foods that assist or hinder the weight loss process and eliminate the bad ones. There are many choices of belly fat diets to be had online and most of them stress the importance of adhering to a low-calorie plan.

Everybody knows these days that wholemeal, untreated or brown grains, seeds, certain vegetables, fruits, lean meat and fish should be the main ingredients of any diet and it is the same for a belly fat diet too. Another useful strategy to use against that obstinate layer of fat around the waist is the use of good fats or oils in your cooking and the best examples here are olive oil, soy and flax oil as well as monounsaturated fats from avocado pears and seeds. Nutrients like these control the appetite, meaning that they reduce the pangs of hunger by producing a feeling of being full.

One advantage of a belly fat diet is that it produces great benefits for the whole digestive system, which means that constipation and bloating will be stopped, thereby allowing your body to purge itself of toxins. Toxins can also be flushed away more easily if you drink plenty of water, fruit juice and green tea for instance.

Furthermore, a good night's sleep of approximately eight hour's sleep, coupled with moderate physical exercise will promote the effectiveness of any belly fat diet that you may decide on.

Some of the belly fat diets provide suggestions for different breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks, so that the dieter does not have to count calories - a sort of pick-n-mix tactic. But it is far better to obtain lists of foodstuffs with portion sizes and their calorie count, so that you have enough flexibility to take pleasure in a wider variety of food.

It is not important for this article, which line of attack you want to take: high fibre, low carbohydrate, high protein, vegetarian, or fruit only, it is always a good idea for you be conscious of what you are putting on your table, because this will enable you to make a clearer identification of what works and what does not work for the loss of belly fat in your own individual case.

The main goal of any belly fat diet is to burn more calories than you consume. If you do not achieve this, no positive results will appear even after all the dietary changes you have implemented.

Whether you decide to go for calorie control or you prefer to continue with a slightly adjusted form of your normal diet combined with more physical exercise, it is up to you, but you have to make certain that you steer clear of any dangers and excesses of any kind and try to take a mid-course approach to weight loss, so that you are able to enjoy your accomplishments in a healthy condition. - 17269

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Hemorrhoids Herbal Remedy - Can These Tips Solve Your Sore Piles

By Olivia Campbell-Price

Swelling in the anal tissue, piles, or hemorrhoids, they are all the same thing and will cause pain. But there are some things that you can try to help these problems out. You can feel less pain while they heal or even speed up the time it will take you to heal. Hemorrhoids herbal remedies are becoming much more popular, and many sufferers are turning to these remedies to heal up painful hemorrhoids.

An herb that has been found to help with hemorrhoids is Horse chestnut. This is one herb that will help with the inflammation associated with hemorrhoids. This herb can be found as a tea, so you can drink a quick cup to help with the swelling you have. If you want it in a pill form you can also find that easily.

A little known herb to help with hemorrhoids is Butcher's broom. This herb can help with the swelling in hemorrhoids also. It will also help the body in strengthening and stabilizing the blood vessel walls as the swelling is going down. This herb is available in tea form or as a pill also. Creams are also available and can be very helpful if applied to the affected areas.

Witch hazel is a widely used herb that can help with hemorrhoids. There are hemorrhoids herbal remedy creams that can be applied as a topical agent with this herb in them. With most topical creams you will get some relief, but with the witch hazel in the cream it will help with the itching that hemorrhoids cause. Also it will assist in helping the swelling go down, and to stop any minor bleeding.

Since herbal remedies are becoming more popular they seem to be carried in many grocery stores, discount stores, and pharmacies as well as health food stores. Check all of these different places in your search for these herbs. However, an even easier way to purchase these herbs is by going online and looking for the best price.

Most hemorrhoids herbal remedies do take a bit of time to work, This is because they generally address the underlying reasons for the condition rather than just mask the symptoms, Over the counter remedies can certainly work fast to stop pain, but unlike herbal remedies, they don't really treat the hemorrhoids per se.

Aloe vera is a popular hemorrhoids herbal remedy. Applied topically, aloe gel can ease the burning and itching of swollen hemorrhoids. As a juice, aloe can ease the symptoms of constipation and reduce the inflammation of hemorrhoidal tissue. - 17269

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Impact of Alcohol on Building Muscles

By Homaide Germaico

Consumption of alcohol can be extremely disastrous in the effort to enhance your muscles. It can ruin your desire to achieve a muscular and in-shape physique. It can significantly slow down the muscle building process and can completely stop it even. So at best its consumption should be avoided or at least it should be reduced to a bare minimum level.

Research has shown that diet plays the most important role in the muscle building process. Strict diet plans should be followed with clearly marking the diet you should avoid and the diet you should take. Alcohol definitely should always be avoided for the disadvantages that it carries. Its avoidance is mandatory for people looking to enhance their muscles. Otherwise, it can be absolutely lethal for the muscle building process.

Unawareness about the disadvantages of alcohol has created many problems for the people. Most of them are not fully aware of the exact dangers of alcohol. It should be avoided before the situation gets beyond our control. Moreover, for achieving a truly in-shape body, alcohol avoidance is a must.

There is some information mentioned below that how alcohol can impact the muscle building process.

1.Damaging Impression upon Protein Manufacture: The course of amalgamation of amino acids that brings about the production of protein is termed as protein synthesis. The excessive use of alcohol badly drives it down and brings it to about 20%. As we're aware that the human muscles are a combination of proteins, so it is indeed a great drawback in this process.

2.Disturbance in hormones level: Use of alcohol also affects the hormones and this will create enormous trouble in a person. Hormonal imbalance will create problem in muscle building process. As our muscle building process is dependent on the level of testosterone and estrogen so disturbance in these hormones will not give us any good results.

3.Dehydration: The purpose of human kidney is to filter. Alcohol consumption can worsen its working by filtering large quantity of water to breakdown traces of alcohol. Severe dehydration can be a result of this. Seventy percent of water makes up a muscle. So, even slight dehydration can be hazardous.

4.Diminishes Vitamins and minerals: Utilization of alcohol washes out a lot desirable amount of Vitamins and minerals from the body. They both are considered as the strength of character in the development and preservation of muscles. In addition, they also assist various functions of human body. As we have shortage of vitamins and minerals we will not be able to build muscle as we desire.

5.Alcohol inclines amassment of body Fats: Heavy drinking no doubt drives down blazing of fats. Disruption in the Kreb's Cycle can actually be the cause of all this. - 17269

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How To Reduce Flabby Arms Without Exercise

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Is it possible to tone flabby arms so easily you ask? You probably think I'm full of it, but I'm not.

I'm not saying that exercise is bad for you, or that it has no value. I mean, exercise is great for getting sexy arms. However, there are other ways for getting rid of arm flab.

The trick is to put your body into spontaneous fat loss mode. When you enter spontaneous fat loss, you unconsciously eat less food.

So without further ado, here are 4 ways to tone flabby arms by entering spontaneous fat loss:

1. Keep junk food in places that are not visible. A landmark study showed that an individual will eat 300% more candy when it's close and visible. So keep the junk at a distance if you want to lose that arm flab. And also make sure to keep healthy food nearby.

2. Use smaller plates, bowls and utensils. Our perception can override our "feel full" signal. In fact, one study showed that when using larger bowls and spoons, people unconsciously eat 50% more ice cream! This happens because the scoops of ice cream look smaller next to the bigger bowls and spoons. Use smaller eating devices and the arm fat will fall off.

3. Use tall and thin glassware when drinking calorie-laden liquids. People will poor up to 30% more liquid when using short glasses versus tall glasses. You see, a volume of liquid looks much smaller in a short/wide glass versus a tall/thin glass.

4. Use the same plate over and over again at the buffet. You should do this because as your plates are cleared away at the buffet, you lose your visual cue for how much you have already eaten. Studies have shown that people will eat 25% more because of this effect.

Figuring out how to tone flabby arms doesn't have to give you a massive headache. In fact, it can be much easier than you think. With the above tips I have given you, the process will become that much easier.

Having said that, you still have to take action on this information. You see, without action there can never be change. And the women who get the fastest results are the ones who take action the quickest. - 17269

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How To Lose Fat And Build Muscle

By Kenney Choslayer

Having good and attractive body can definitely put up charming appearance. A person who is obese must have disadvantages in almost every aspect of life as compared to the person having healthy and muscular body. Heavy food with lots of fats affects your body in a manner that it sucks all the fats and remains there. This is certainly not good for obese people if they want to build muscles also. First thing you need to do is to stay away from excessive fats. For that you need motivation and willpower because where there is will there is a way.

People normally lose heart very early as they think that burning fats is an extremely tough job. This is mainly due to their laziness. But once they get themselves into the process of losing fats, things get a lot easier. Nothing is possible in a single night. Similarly, losing fats and building muscles also takes some time. Considerable results are expected to be visible in round about 6-weeks time. So, be patient and properly follow the relevant process.

It might be surprising for most that building muscles and reducing fats are things poles apart. Over feeding is a mandatory requirement for muscle building and under feeding for losing fats. Muscle building requires to intake far more calories for a person than he burns per day and it is totally opposite for the other case. So, focus on one thing at a time in order to hit the bull's eye.

The discussion above is mostly for bulky people as they lack the potential to go simultaneously for both things. But for medium-weight people, it can be done the way they want to do it. A person should judge himself that what are his requirements and depending on that he should set up a routine for exercises and the diet plan.

Medical approach is also a way to reduce fats quickly by the use of anabolic steroids and drugs. Collagen, a protein enriched weight loss product has given considerable results in reducing fats. This product is mostly suitable for lazy people as it works when the person is sleeping. Collagen helps in raising the protein level of the body and ultimately reduces fats and builds muscles. It is excellent in giving you a nice long sleep so that you can wake up with lots of energy in the morning.

There have been a lot more tendencies among most people to go for fats reducing products and drugs. But to tell you the truth, there are a lot of troubles that people face who go for medical treatment. It is mainly because of the harmful side effects that these products carries with them and compromises something in order to reduce your fats and building muscles. This approach is only suitable for old or weak people who are genuinely not able to go for other ways.

It is solely on our discretion that which approach we choose and how we can benefit from it. - 17269

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The Best Way to Gain Muscle Mass is not as Hard as You Think

By Michael Thomas

Finding the best way to gain muscle mass can be challenging for some. If you're like me, your first day in the gym you got on a machine and started haphazardly moving stuff around. Not only will this not get you muscular, you'll probably injure yourself. Whether your goal is strength or aesthetically-driven, I hope you find this article informative.

Now, when you do train, the best way to gain muscle mass quickly is to use free weights. You must focus on compound free-weight training, and lift challenging (that is, heavier) weights. This stimulates the largest amount of muscle fibers.Your body responds to this stimulus by increasing the size of your muscle fibers. In the past, I used mostly machines. I was always told that free weights were a waste of time, and machines were much safer and more effective. Boy, was I mislead! Most machines are a waste of time for us. Machines limit your development, because they help to support the weight. On the other hand, free weights make you support the weight along the entire path of the movement, which helps to stimulate more muscle fibers while also strengthening smaller and/or weaker muscles.

The world is obsessed with getting skinny. People who strength train are different, we want to gain muscle mass. Most men will actually admit they would like to have larger muscles. They usually come up with some poor excuse on why they don't try. The real reason most fail to gain muscle mass is because gaining muscle is not easy.

While free weights are the best way to gain muscle mass, there are some free weight exercises that rise above the rest. Namely, the squat, deadlift, press, clean, and their variations. If you want to get big, you would do well to incorporate these in your workout. Especially the squat and deadlift. The squat is called the "king of exercises," and elicits full body stimulus and growth like no other exercise. If you want to get big, squat. I can't stress that enough. Not only will the squat develop thick, powerful legs, but it strengthens hips, the core, the lower back, and almost every major muscle group to some extent.

It is a little more difficult to find the best way to gain muscle mass without also gaining fat. To minimize fat gains, I recommend cardiovascular exercise on your off days, allowing a couple days to rest. For example, you would train Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and hop on the bike or go for a run on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and Saturdays. On top of this, your diet must be fine-tuned, with almost no junk food. Muscle gain requires a caloric surplus, and to ensure this surplus does not turn into fat, you must be disciplined.

The best way to gain muscle mass and lose fat concurrently is more difficult still. Normally, these two goals are antagonistic; muscle gain requires a caloric surplus while fat loss requires a caloric deficit. I would only recommend this to you if you are young or have just started training, as you grow exponentially in these phases, or if you are very experienced and know what it takes to accomplish this. This is not to say it is not out of the question, because there are numerous cases of people gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time, it just takes a lot of work. Your training must be top notch, your diet must be top notch and your mindset must be top notch.

The best way to gain muscle mass requires the use of free weights and eating. A lot of eating. You have to eat until you're uncomfortably full every meal. You should eat 6 meals a day, and eat 19 calories for every pound of bodyweight you have. So if you weigh 200 pounds, you should be eating 3800 calories minimum to gain weight.

The best way to gain muscle mass is to work out with free weights. No exceptions. Free weights are king for many reasons: you don't have a machine balancing the weight for you, making it harder, they elicit more of a response from the central nervous system, and many more. Also, many machines are terrible for your joints. One example is the leg extension machine. This machine is murder on your knees, and your quadriceps weren't meant to be isolated in that manner. - 17269

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Best Ab Exercises For Ladies

By Frederick R. Smith

Here are the best ab exercises for women... And they don't include crunches or sit ups. Crunches and sit ups suck for getting great feminine abs, or any abs in any way.

They are a complete waste of time. I'll show you what you can do instead that'll allow you to lose 1.75 inches or more from your waist in a few weeks.

Best Ab Exercises For ladies

1. Vacuum Pose

This exercise decreases inches off of your waist better than any other exercise you can do. It's like sucking in your belly, but it's's different in how it's performed. What you do is suck in your belly button area ( your lower abs ) for so long as you can... Try for at least 15-60 seconds everytime. Rest then repeat. Doing just 5 mins a day will make 1.75 inches of fat disappear around your waist in less than a month.

2. Hula ring

Hear me out, this isn't just for children. It's excellent for toning and shaping the entire waist area... Making it a lot slimmer and giving it an especially female look to it. Do this for ten mins a day.

3. Hindu Squats

This isn't a direct ab exercise, but it indirectly works the abs because the abs are stabilizer muscles in the movement. Also, since these create such a big oxygen hole in your body, your body sucks up body-fat for quick energy... Customarily body-fat from your waist.

What you do is squat up and down extremely fast. No weights are concerned, you can do this at home. Be sure to swipe the tips of your fingers onto the ground with each passing repetition.

Do a hundred repetitions in less than 5 minutes. It's not easy, but it's not hard either. Those are 3 of the best ab exercises for women to do to form a nice, lean, female waistline. - 17269

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