Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, May 22, 2009

Creatine, What and Why

By Henrick Scofers

You've heard a lot about the benefits of creatine. But what is it? Creatine is a naturally occurring amino acid-based compound that stores energy from already existing amino acids in your body, as well as from foods. Foods rich in creatinine include red meat and fish. When creatine is stored in the human body, it is known as phosphocreatine. Basically, phosphocreatine works as an energy storage system in your muscles, providing the energy you need for them to contract. Phosphocreatine also contributes to the regeneration of ATP molecules (adenosine triphosphate), which is we learned in high school biology is the process by which we get energy from food.

When your muscles contract, one phosphate molecule is lost from ATP and used to make energy. This converts an adenosine triphosphate (ATP) into adenosine diphosphate (ADP). In order to create more energy, i.e. to have more ATP to break back down again, you need to convert ADP back into ATP. Here is where creatine can come to the rescue -- creatine turns ADP back into high energy yielding ATP. The more creatine in your body, the faster your body will be able to reconstruct ATP. And so your muscles will be able to contract more quickly and effectively. That's why lots of people, when they need extra energy, use creatine for short exercise bursts, like when they are sprinting, bodybuilding, or practicing other fitness activities.

These increased amounts of creatine slow down the possibility of fatigue. It also aids in the synthesis of protein. This further promotes muscle development and growth.

What's even more exciting about creatine is you don't have to wait any significant time after taking it for your body to be able to have access to this extra energy. For weightlifters and sprinters, as well as other fitness enthusiasts, creatine is a supplement that is essential for their fitness toolbox. Not only does it allow for an easier time doing exercise that requires frequent or sudden burst of energy, but it also improves energy overall and helps your muscles recover after doing exercise.

People related to an exercise program or body building probably know about creatine. If they dont know about this then they had better wake up and smell the roses! At this moment it is a great bodybuilding supplement. Creatine maintains water in the muscles very efficiently. It is a natural derivative of an amino acid that is manufactured in the pancreas, liver and kidneys from arginine, glycine and methione. When a person takes creatine, water will be retained in your muscles. With weight training it will be more effective since your muscles can build muscle. Creatine is used not only for increased endurance but to develop more strength as well.

Once you know all of the wonderful benefits of creatine in helping with muscle growth and endurance, you're guaranteed to be happy you tried it out. And it is proven by research to be safe and effective for those who want to improve their performance and muscle mass provided their exercise requires short explosive energy bursts. That does not mean that creatine is a magic wand you can wave to achieve the physique you want without hard work. It will help you if you are exercising, but you can't just take a creatine supplement, sit on the couch, only exercise your thumb by turning the channels, and still expect to have a great body.

It takes hard work and effort to grow muscle. When used with a regular exercise plan, creatine is quite effective.

If you are weightlifter, or if you are taking advantage of the benefits of a trainer, start taking creatine. In time, as you continue to workout, you'll see your muscles begin to grow and also gain definition. The hydrating effect of creatine is helpful in creating definition in the muscle. Creatine works by entering the tissue of the muscle through the highway of the bloodstream. With a regular creatine supplement, your muscles will be more hydrated and appear larger and fuller. 90% + of your body's creatine is stored in muscle tissue. You'll also find some in the heart, brain, and testicles (in men). An average adult will be carrying around in his or her body about 120 g of creatine. It is recommended that you take in about 2 g of creatine everyday. Be careful about this -- if you suddenly stop taking creatine, you will lose the hydrating effects, and as a result your muscles will lose expansion. You'll still have the muscle, but it won't look as healthy. And remember, creatine does not simply build large muscles, it helps your muscles remain strong, as long as you keep up the effort and hard work. - 17269

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Is Green Tea as Effective as Wu Yi Tea?

By Jared Rothe

Wu yi tea and green tea are very similar in what they do. They remove and protect the body from free radicals. They also contain many vitamins and minerals that are very beneficial to your health. The difference is where the tea is harvested and also how it is harvested.

Nevertheless, these natural substances come in different concentrations in green tea and wu yi tea. The main reason for this is the different fermentation processes that these tealeaves undergo. Green tea is dried and packaged without fermentation. Wu yi tea, on the other hand, is semi-fermented. This means that wu yi undergoes a certain level of fermentation under the sun that of course affects its flavor, aroma and texture, and the concentration of substances in it as well.

There are very important substances in tea that are fantastic for good health such as: cathecin, polyphenols, flavin, and tearubigin, these are subcategorized and are in the tannin classification. The difference in the two types of teas is the amounts of these nutrients.

Wu yi tea and green tea contain about the same concentration of caffeine. Studies have concluded that caffeine is good for preventing type two diabetes, colon cancer, and parkinsons disease. Caffeine is no longer being scrutinized like it was before. It is actually quite good for you.

In the tannin sub-groups there are slight differences in green tea and wu yi tea. Green tea has higher levels of catechin than wu yi tea. Catechin is important in reducing the risk of diabetes, stroke, and heart failure. Catechins have been associated with delaying the aging process as well.

Meanwhile, wu yi tea has a slightly higher level of concentration of the tannin teaflavin and tannin tearubugin. These compounds are continually being studied because of their natural capacity to lower blood cholesterol levels, anti-oxidant properties, and capacity to prevent dementia in old age or AIDS cases.

The biggest difference is in there levels of polyphenols. There is a much higher concentration in wu yi tea compared to green tea. Polyphenols help to reduce the risk of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and many other diseases. It is a very powerful antioxidant compound that works to remove toxins from our body. - 17269

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Choosing the right Bodybuilding Routines

By BodyBuilding Guide

"Mike was getting uglier with the body fat and decided to join a fitness / body building program and guess what Mike is now awfully confused in choosing a fitness program as there are so many out there!". This article helps you in choosing right program for you which helps in effective Body Building.

One of the important factors which are to be taken into account while opting for a body building program is the effectiveness of the program itself. This can be know through comparing and interpreting the program through practical tests which were taken by other group of individuals (If any) and deciding if program is worth joining.

Consider seeing these factors before joining any of the fitness programs. See if they mention details about goal of the program , few points about training loads, who monitors the program and recovery period . you can also assess a program with these finer details.

Factors such as age considerations and gender depend upon the type of program. See that the program fits your body , age and is not intense which leads to difficulties and ultimately causing one to drop the program.

Duration and level of program are the important factors which are to be taken into account. You should know how long you need to wait before making any changes to routine and level of the program which is aimed at either be novice, moderate or expert.

Periodic monitoring is one the crucial factors and the easiest one which helps you to decide whether the program is working for you or not. You can consider taking measurements which include body weight, size measurements and one-rep maximums. If you follow the above mentioned tips you stand higher chance of joining and choosing a effective Body Building Routines. - 17269

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Healthy Eating is 100% Fat-Unfriendly

By Thong M. Dao

It's challenging to find anyone today that is not worried about their health and weight. Many people lead an unhealthy lifestyle, making it nearly out of the question to remain fit and thin. Often we find ourselves eating out or on the run.

While at our own homes we could be consuming unhealthy foods and high-sugar junk foods instead of the proper healthy snacks. Is it possible to lose weight naturally, stay healthy and break this cycle? Yes, there is.

One of the initial actions that individuals need to do when they want to lose those pounds is to change some of their habits. This can be very difficult, particularly if you have been eating in a particular way for some time.

Sugar, aspartame, caffeine and bad carbohydrates are just some of the bad things that many individuals are addicted to. It can be really hard to stop these addictions but it is the very best way for you to really have a hold on your fitness. If you're having a particularly tough time, try going cold turkey for a few days in order to end the bad cycle.

When you are clear of the bad eating habits, you need to incorporate good ones. Although it is not required that you eat perfect all the time, you must make sure that you stick with a nutritious eating plan for at least 30 days.

Why does this happen? This is because of the time it takes to get used to this habit. If you follow a diet that is both healthy and balanced for a month, it will become your regular way of eating.

There's more required for a good dietary program. You have to be certain that you eat the right foods. In order to determine your sugar level, the glycemic index should be low.

Make sure that you are eating plenty of raw fruits and vegetables everyday. It's most important that you consume lots of water with a dash of sea salt added. It does need some drive on your part but that effort will be well worth it when you see your health and slim figure return. - 17269

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