Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Debunking The Top 4 Myths Of Weight Loss

By Lelondez McQuiston

A big part of the reason that many people have a hard losing weight is the fact that there is all kind of information that's misleading out there. You have like found a resource that explains how to lose weight and then found another source that completely contradicts the advice you read just moments before.

All this misleading information does nothing more than create misconceptions that end up making the entire situation very confusing. In order to clear things up, let's cut through all the unneeded and unwanted myths, so that you can start to lose weight in the best possible way.

1. Weight Loss Needs to be Complicated

Unlike the popular belief that most people have, there is nothing about losing weight that needs to be complicated. In fact, the only reason people think weight loss is complicated is because of the misinformation that makes it look that way.

Some of the most effective weight loss programs are those that are simple. All the unneeded extras and frill do nothing more than complicate things and provide no real benefits.

2. Crash Diets Are a Good Way to Lose Weight Quickly

Next is crash diets or popularly known as 'fad diets'. Every so often, the latest crash diet comes to town which is basically a spin off of the previous diet, with some extras thrown in for uniqueness.

Nearly every one of these crash diets don't work. If they do happen to work, any weight that is lost is usually gained back quickly after the diet is stopped.

3. All Types of Fat is Bad For You

It is a fact that fat contains more calories than other foods and some kinds of fat are likely to be stored as fat, but this doesn't mean fat has to be completely avoided. In fact, there are some kinds of fat that are likely to help you feel full quicker than others and will help you prevent overeating.

The trans fats are bad for you and should be avoided, but you don't have to stay away from all fat.

4. When Dieting You Have to Measure Every Calorie Consumed and Burnt

This is another thing that is completely false. It is true that you have to cut calories when you are dieting, but there is no need to be precise and count every single calorie that you consume. You also don't have to account for the precise number of calories that you burn.

As long as you eat a healthy, balanced, and wholesome diet while keeping your calorie count as low as possible, you'll do just fine.

Now that you know that all these four myths are exactly that - myths, you can now lose weight knowing that it's quite simple and uncomplicated without any need for any fancy diet programs or designer diet pills. All you need is a bit of knowledge and some will power to see your program through to its finish. You'll soon find you're losing weight easier and better than ever! - 17269

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Body Building Workouts & Tips, How to Pump up Your Metabolism with Cardio Exercise

By Ricardo d Argence

Cardio exercise is as necessary for overall health and fitness as anaerobic exercise is. When you do cardio, you get your heart rate going and increase blood circulation throughout your body. It is basically whole body exercise that, ideally, should make you breathe harder than usual, get your heart rate pumping, and help you work up a good sweat.

One of the best benefits of cardiovascular exercise is that it exercises the most important muscle in your body, your heart. By getting your pulse rate up and keeping it there at a sustained rate for a period of time, you increase your overall fitness level and therefore your overall health.

However, one of the most commonly noted and popular benefits of doing cardiovascular exercise is that it burns off excess calories and can help you lose weight. It'll also give you an overall "toning" for your entire body.

With cardiovascular exercise, calorie burning doesn't stop when you bring your exercising to a halt. It is a proven fact that metabolisms retain these high levels of activity for up to 18 hours after working out. And done over a long period of time, because you are toning and making your body more fit overall, it burns calories faster just as a matter of course. A bonus to becoming more muscular and losing fat is that your body will actually continue burning calories while you rest.

Endorphins are your body's natural opiates. They can also help ease depression. Another benefit of cardiovascular exercises is that it releases the so-called "feel-good" hormones called endorphins.

Before you start, make a visit to your doctor and make sure you're okay for vigorous physical activity. If your doctor gives you a clean bill of health, go ahead; but, don't go full steam ahead. Start slowly by walking just 10 minutes at a moderate pace every day, the idea here is to get started and keep going.

After about two weeks, you're going to notice that you have more energy, that you sleep better, that you have fewer cravings for "bad" foods, and that you just in general feel better. Most of all, perhaps, you are going to notice that your mood is a lot more positive. That's great; keep going.

To ensure that you keep your fitness level up you will need to have to increase the challenges you undertake. If you are going to try a cardio program, there are another things you should have in mind. You will get better results as long as you are capable to change your lifestyle. What I mean is you will have to eat right, get enough sleep, drink enough water, etc. - 17269

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Abs Fitness

By James Statham

Do you want to know how to better you abs fitness? Well I'll tell you this, crunches are not the way to go if you want to have rock solid abs. You've probably read that crunches are effective in magazines related to fitness, however this isn't true! In this article, I'm going to tell you what really are the best abs exercises, and how you can succeed in getting ripped the proper way!

Now to get ripped, you don't need to go out and buy the next best abs fitness equipment. What is far more important, is lowering your body fat, and learning exactly how to do this. Even if you had the most muscly abs around, if there is a layer of body fat over your belly, you won't be able to show them off! Therefore, you need to get your diet sorted. Cutting out the foods which are high in fat, is essential. Also, cut out the rubbish, processed foods and sweets such as cakes and biscuits. If you don't, then you're only adding to the layer of belly fat, and you won't get the six pack you desire! Also, instead of eating three large meals a day, try spreading your meals out up to six smaller sized meals per day. This way, you'll take out the snacking you do between meals, as you won't feel as hungry!

To improve your abs fitness, it's also important to have a good workout routine. If you're jogging on the treadmill for hours on end, stop! This isn't intense enough and won't burn body fat quick enough. You need to have workouts that are short, and highly intense. Try to keep your workout no longer than an hour, otherwise your body will switch from a tissue building state, to a tissue destroying state. Did you know that you can't just burn fat from a specific area? That's right, when you burn fat, your body burns it, gram by gram, from all over your body. Therefore, a highly intense exercise will burn fat far quicker than a sit up ever could.

However not all cardio is bad. For optimal abs fitness, combining strength training and effective cardio is a must. For instance, swimming is a great cardio exercise. If you swim intensely for half an hour or so, you're working every single muscle in your body, and burning a ton of fat in the process! Combining cardio with strength training also gives you a break from the weights, which will allow you to recover.

If you take on board the three key points I have mentioned here, then you will see the results you desire. As long as you stay dedicated, and don't give up if you haven't got instant results, then your hard work in the gym will pay off! - 17269

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Discover The Superiority Of Super Foods Like Tomatoes

By Nancy Z Hansen

It is everyday knowledge that fruits and vegetable are a important part of a healthy and nourishing diet but comparisons between foods have found that there are a few that are so wholesome and valuable that they are considered to be "super foods" or "super fruits".

These super foods are foods that have an extreme total of nutritional value based upon the calories that they offer. Many fruits and vegetables fall into this elite group such as spinach, broccoli, pumpkin, tomatoes and many more. Berries are practically all considered to be super fruits, especially blueberries, cranberries and the acai berry from the acai palm in Brazil. All of the super foods boast a elevated ORAC level. That is the Oxygen Radical Absorbency Capacity and it is a measurement of the capability of an antioxidant to deactivate oxygen free radicals in a test tube.

The super foods have a extremely high ORAC value. ORAC is the Oxygen Radical Absorbency Capacity and it is a scientific measurement of antioxidant ability, the antioxidants from a food are tested on their capability to defuse oxygen free radicals in a test tube.

Even though free radicals are forever being developed, they are extremely unstable and they can create destruction if they are not neutralized. Free radicals are at the center of difficulties such as disease, wrinkles and sagging skin, gray hair and even overweight. Free radicals can be damaging to all of the systems of our bodies, from the immune system and cardiovascular systems to the optimal function of our brains.

Free radicals are continuously being produced though, they are very volatile and they can generate many difficulties if they are not neutralized. Free radicals are considered to be a factor in illness, wrinkles and sagging skin and even in retaining too much weight. They can be unfavorable to every system in our bodies from the immune system to the cardiovascular system to our brain function.

Free radical damage is insidious. The impairment shows up little by little and it creeps up on you. Illness manifests after a long progression. It does not come to pass overnight. And the same is accurate for wrinkles, gray hair and sagging skin. The injury from free radicals shows up over the years.

Though, nature provides a natural and organic way to counteract the injury that free radicals cause in our bodies. Antioxidants from healthy foods come in and impart the missing electron to the free radical. It in that way neutralizes the molecule and helps to put off further impairment.

Long-term exploration is proving that antioxidants are extremely advantageous for our wellbeing. So reinforce your diet with blueberries, acai berry supplements, pumpkins, and more and be strong to the finish and eat up your spinach. - 17269

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Body Building Supplements, Some Reasons Why You Will Maybe Need Them

By Ricardo d Argence

Muscle building is not only relevant for men, it has become increasingly more popular for women to be concerned about building muscle. It is often believed that developed muscles are only for strong men like Tarzan.

But, the whole idea of muscle building has two aspects. One, it tones the muscles well and helps keep them healthy and well. Two, it denies accumulation of fat around the muscles. Your limbs are strong yet at the same time, they are kept non-fleshy and strong.

The chances are you lead a hectic life so you'll ask the inevitable question: How on earth will I ever find time devoted to muscle building when I need to use my time to make money instead? That's a good question, but there's a good answer available to this question and it centers on bolstering your diet with health food supplements.

As you will find with a little research, the market is flooded with aids of these types. They'll definitely assist your body's muscle building process and are therefore good for you,they promise good toning and quick burning of fat so if they work well.

However, at this point I must offer you a word of caution. Please remember these health food supplements work by introducing chemical products into your body primarily to facilitate stress and fatigue control. For instance, Glutamine is one of them. Oxides of nitrate or even nitric acid are two others. Proteins and enzymes will be there too.

These items are generally harmless, and the small amounts administered can be absorbed through the body with no trouble. You're likely to feel fit and muscle-toned, soon enough. Sure, you'll also be thrilled!

You'll find lots of choices available when you decide to seek a health food supplement, there are many brands seeking your attention on store shelves. Don't pick one of them at random.

The supplemental additives cited above might possibly have side effects on your health depending on your body's constitution. Don't feel scared but you ought to know that nitric acid could impinge upon your sexual health.

It is always recommended to consult your physician prior to beginning a new regimen of health food supplements. He'll tell you what's best for you. Evidence has proven that additives have been found in many fruits and vegetables, so it is even more necessary for you to properly adjust your diet in order to do the job. Although the risk is limited, before you take any health food supplements seek the advice of your physician first.

In combination, all of these will result in a physique with well-defined musculature reflected in your mirror! - 17269

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Total Health and Wellness Can Be Located in a Berry

By Dr. Jerimiah Crossderd

The acai fruit is a tasteful, fresh, organic fruit that comes with a wealth of antioxidants. In order to prevent damage to the body as well as slow the aging process, antioxidants are needed as part of a regular diet.

The process of the body's cells using oxygen produces by-products (also known as free radicals) that can do damage to our body. Antioxidants prevent and repair damage done by these free radicals. By ensuring your body is full of antioxidants, you can protect yourself from this damage.

The breaking down of the body's DNA and causes of cancer have been linked to Free radicals. They can wreak havoc on the body when left unchecked. The damage can be so severe to the cells that at times free radicals are responsible for them not working at all.

The types of damage these free radicals can do range neurological damage down to hormonal problems. A perfect food with just the right amount of antioxidants to fight these free radicals is found in the acai fruit.

Studies have revealed for years that when antioxidants are taken as part of a regular diet, the body has the ability to repair, and maintain resistance to free radicals as well future attacks.

The acai berry was recently introduced to the mainstream audience by a Doctor by the name of Nicholas Perricone who wrote a book entitled the Perricone Promise. In this book he goes into detail about how the acai berry is what he calls the most perfect food on the planet known today.

When it comes to a food that will make you look and feel young, Dr. Perricone says that the acai berry has all of the ingredients needed to accomplish this. Also, when looking for a diet that will revitalize your health and slow the aging process Dr. Perricone says look no further than the acai fruit berry.

The acai berry is categorized as a super food that gives you all of the nutrients needed when eradicating, preventing, and fighting harmful radicals. This fruit is defiantly worth researching if your goal is improving your overall health and well being

So, if you are looking for a diet that will provide energetic health, a reduction in aging, and a free radical fighter then look no further than the acai fruit berry. - 17269

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Why you Need Detox Recipes

By Ferdinand Emy

In this era of light products and feel excellent attitude, it may be confusing to know which products are good and which ones are bogus and are just trying to get your hard earned money in exchange for nothing.

Among these novel techniques to become healthier, detox recipes are becoming increasingly popular. They're peculiarly sought after by persons who don't have time to do exercise or go to the gym or the sauna, but who would like to get rid of the toxins in their body.

Detox recipes are given by many health specialists and nutriologists. They are also very simple to find on Internet or on health books in bookstores.

Because there're so many of them, it may be challenging to say the detox recipes that work, from the ones that don't. If you are considering|reflecting|deliberating|contemplating|taking into account|pondering|chewing over|weighing up|cogitating|ruminating detox recipes as an alternative for getting rid of all the toxins in your body, here are some useful tips.

Initial of all, trustworthy detox recipes will include their nutritional values. These include number of calories, as well as volume of vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, etc. Detox recipes that work will have all these values available to you. This will permit you to see that you are getting all the nutritional elements that your body needs. Plus, these values are very easy to verify. That means that its very to lie and exaggerate or diminish a value in order to make the recipe more attractive.

On the other hand, detox recipes that lack this information can pretty much sell you anything they wish, without any accountability for outcomes. This can be frustrating, to say the very least.

A lot of detox recipes will also recommend a good number of supplement or products to take. These might be pills, or teas, or anything in between. You might want to check the ingredients of these products. Some of them are simple and organic and they will pose no problem. Others will have chemicals and you must decide how much you trust the person that is prescribing them before taking them.

In fact, one of the safest ways to decide which detox recipes are OK is to demand about the experience of persons you trust and who have followed such recipes. Since these persons care for you and are not attentive in any commission or profit, they are probably the most reliable source you may have regarding detox recipes.

At Last, don't forget that detox recipes are not meant to be taken permanently. The detoxification of the body should not take more than a few days, and then normal eating habits should be taken. Obviously, try to keep good eating habits and you won't have to go via a detoxification process as frequent. - 17269

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Body Building Supplements, How Glutamine Works

By Ricardo d Argence

Maybe you have heard about Glutamine if you are into any type of work out program or you belong to a gym.

You think just because you heard the name of this product before that you now know and what it does and all about it, but you don't. Look below to find out what Glutamine is all about and how it can be beneficial to you.

Glutamine is actually defined as an amino acid occurring in many plant and animal tissues, as well as being a building block for proteins. Manufactures produce this commercially for both biochemical research and medicinal purposes.

It is also used for nutrition therapy, as it is an amino acid. What people like the best of Glutamine is that is it an effective brain fuel. Some doctors have used it to treat alcoholism and depression.

Glutamine is well liked by people who are trying to drop a few pounds because it suppresses cravings for sweets. It also plays a very important part in building muscles and have effects on your metabolism.

Maintaining muscle mass by taking 8 to 17 milligrams of Glutamine per day is popular in most bodybuilders. This should be divided up in approximately 3 doses. One of the best aspects of this supplement is, unlike most others on the market, there's no side effects. Some people have reported getting an upset stomach if they take too much but other than that, there really are no side effects.

Of all the people who use Glutamine, bodybuilders are on the top of the list because it helps to reduce the amount of muscle deterioration.

When body builders work out the put their muscles under a great deal of stress and by taking Glutamine, they can help to replace the amount of Glutamine that they use that is stored up in their muscles. This will help to keep their muscles from breaking down. It really helps a great deal to supplement the Glutamine so that they do not use too much of the Glutamine that is stored in their muscles.

Supplementing with Glutamine may be something that you will want to look into, if you are into bodybuilding. Remember, you should take advice of your doctor before consuming any supplement. You want to be sure that you are doing what is right for your body. You have to check if this supplement doesn't affect any conditions that you may have or any current medications that you are taking.

The Glutamine is the best choice if you have decide to use any supplement in your bodybuilding diet. With practically no side effects it's really good for you. - 17269

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Are You Trying To Get Rid Of Common Warts?

By Deborah Valley

Most of us hate to find ourselves dealing with common warts and many of us tend to panic when we find ourselves suffering from this condition. Even though it may feel as though you are the only one who is suffering from this condition; the truth is that so many of us in our society have found ourselves suffering from this condition. The truth is that most people do not even know what it takes to get rid of common warts.

As more and more people are discovering that the HPV virus is responsible for their skin growths they usually end up coming to the internet in hopes of finding some good tips that will help them overcome this problem. We all know that the internet is full of valuable information that will help us overcome this problem and you should know that thousands of people before you have found out how to get rid of their skin condition.

Well if you want to learn how to get rid of common warts the one thing that you should know is that you have to learn the truth about the truth about getting rid of this condition. Most people who end up suffering from this condition usually end up believing that they have to live with it. However many people have discovered that there are methods to get rid of warts on hands or other areas of their body.

If you know anything about warts then you most likely are well aware that using natural products to get rid of them is your best option. In fact natural products have been proven as the best method for getting rid of warts because they will eat away at the root of the problem which will prevent them from growing back. You will read everywhere that duct tape, vinegar, iodized salt and other household products that have worked for getting rid of common warts.

We all want to know the truth about whether or not such products as these will actually get rid of our warts? We also want to know what is the best method for using these products to begin getting the results that they really want.

If you are serious about learning how to get rid of the common wart then you will want to visit the site below. We have provided you with some great resources that you can begin using to get the relief that you are looking for. In fact you will find information about the best self help guide that will walk you through the entire process. - 17269

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Muscle Building's Effects on Weight

By Kurt Gardner

For people who want to get the best out of their lives, staying fit and healthy is imperative. But that can be hard in this age where lack of exercise and poor diet is a normal thing. It is quite evident on the number of people who are gaining weight. They are alarmingly increasing in numbers.

If you are among these people who have gained significantly in terms of excess poundage, then you must have felt it is high time you lose the fat. But shedding pounds is no easy task. It requires determination, perseverance and the will to succeed if you want to trim your waistline and gain a body to die for.

However, if you are determined to really succeed, then head to the gym and pick those dumbbells. Bodybuilding is an effective way to lose weight and tone the body with muscles. Most weight loss programs tend to focus on losing your extra pounds but now on how you look after you lose those pounds. Bodybuilding can also boost your confidence as your image gets a total revamp.

It has been agreed by fitness professionals and researchers that bodybuilding greatly decreases a person's stress levels as well as stabilizes blood pressure. Normal blood pressure and low stress levels help in losing weight. Bottom line is that if you want to stay fit and healthy, try bodybuilding.

Diet is always a key element in losing weight and making muscles. For most bodybuilders, they adhere to diet programs that are loaded in protein and carbohydrates and less fats and sugars. There is no truth to the claim that diets for bodybuilders are tasteless and bland. You just have to watch what you eat.

Also, a bodybuilding diet regimen reduces a person's risk to certain diseases such as diabetes and some cardiovascular disorders. See, a bodybuilders diet not only helps you in shedding weight. it keeps you shielded from diseases that can cause a lot of complications. You also need to be wary of products that claim to help you lose weight. Consider these products as junk.

Bodybuilding is no doubt a great way to lose weight. But it is no good if you start out string and quit in the middle phase. Determination and the will to succeed is also important if you want to trim down and stay fit and healthy. It may be a long road but the fruits are worth the efforts. - 17269

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Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

By Dr. Richard Edelson

A tear in the anterior cruciate ligament can be very painful to your knee. If this happens, you will probably be considered as a candidate for ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) reconstructive surgery. In this operation, your torn or damaged tissue will be replaced with new tissue.

There are two sources of tissue for ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) reconstruction. One is called autograft. With this option, tissue is taken from the patients own body. The new tissue usually comes from the patellar tendon or the hamstring.

You may also receive tissue that has been taken from a cadaver (dead person). This is called an allograft.

Both options have positive and negative aspects. Your surgeon will review these with you and work with you to decide which option suit you.

ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) Reconstruction surgery is normally performed with the use of an arthroscope. To perform knee arthroscopy, your surgeon will create a small poke-hole in your knee and insert a tiny camera. This camera is connected to a video monitor and allows your surgeon to see the inside of your knee.

The surgeon will not only look at the damage that is scheduled for surgery. He or she will also troubleshoot and deal with any other damage that may be present at the time of your surgery.

Several types of anesthesia are used for arthroscopic knee surgery, but you will probably receive general anesthetic. This will allow you to sleep during the surgery. While you are sleeping, your surgeon will replace your ACL (anterior cruciate ligament).

Click here for more on ACL Reconstruction .

If you will be using an autograft, an incision will be made to remove it. Aside from that, knee surgery using arthroscopy requires only very minimal, small incisions. These are used to remove the damaged ligaments and to place the new ligaments properly.

Your surgeon will create bone tunnels to be used in placing the new ligament in the exact location of the old ligament. Once the bone tunnel is in place, your new ligament will be positioned and attached to the bone with screws or some other form of fastener. This will hold the ligament in its proper place. At the end of surgery, your surgeon will close your incisions and apply a bandage.

Your surgeon will probably take photos and/or film your operation so that you can watch it on the video monitor after your surgery is done. This technique allows the surgeon to discuss findings with you in detail.

Some reasons to consider having ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) reconstruction are: Unreliable knees that give way unexpectedly, unstable or weak knees, pain in the knees, loss of ability to participate in athletic activities or to perform activities of daily living.

Complications are rare with this type of surgery; however, they do exist. Some things to keep in mind are the possibility of: Failure to heal, failure to relieve symptoms, stiffness and pain in the knees, continued weakness in the knees, infection at the site of the surgery, nerve damage, and bleeding. - 17269

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Get Muscle Abs

By James Statham

Did you know that anyone can achieve strong, muscle abs? You don't have to have brilliant genes, or be naturally skinny. All you need is the correct methods of how to sculpt rock hard abs. The problem is, many guys who set out to achieve this goal are often mislead by either what friends say, or what the magazines say. In this article, I will reveal to you the top 3 myths about getting ripped abs, and how you can avoid them!

One myth is that to get muscle abs, you should be spending hours on the treadmill doing cardio work outs. Well this isn't true! Did you know that if you want to burn fat, it's important to try and raise your metabolism. The higher your metabolism, the more fat your body will want to burn! Now a cardio workout does have the opposite effect, and can actually lower it! What you should be doing is getting off the treadmill, and doing short, sharp workouts. The more intense and short the workout, not only will you be burning far more fat than a cardio exercise, but this will help to raise your metabolism!

Myth number 2 is that crunches and sit ups are the best exercises because they work the abs lke crazy. Well I'm going to tell you why this isn't true. Like I have mentioned, the most effective method to get muscle abs is to lower body fat levels, and target high intense exercises. Crunches are just too small an exercise, and won't burn no way near as much body fat as say a front squat exercise. People seem to think that by targeting a specific area, they'll be able to burn fat in that region alone. Imagine how strange some people would look if this was true! When you exercise, you burn fat, in equal amounts, from all over your body. This is why you should do exercises that will really work out your body!

The 3rd myth is starving yourself to lose weight quickly, thus revealing muscle abs. Yeah this a really good idea isn't it! Of course not! The reason why you can't see your abs is because you're eating foods that contain empty calories, such as crisps, biscuits, fizzy drink etc. If you want really great abs that you could see a mile off, you need to cut out these foods, as they only add to the layer of fat around your stomach. Instead of starving yourself, eat six small meals a day, that contain high protein. Having six small meals not only helps your body as there is a constant supply of nutrients, but will make you less likely to snack as you won't be as hungry!

Ignore what you read in the magazines about fat burner pills and powders. These products are generally a waste of money and will only leave you with a hole in your pocket! Stick to a good workout routine and meals, and you will get muscle abs! - 17269

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