Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, November 27, 2009

Acai Berry: Healing Properties From The Plants Of Earth

By Nicholas Page

Around 2004 Americans were starting to become aware of the little Brazilian acai berry. In the time since, television and the Internet have been swamped with acai offers. These herbal health products and supplements are plentiful. The buzz about them has been so loud in fact that many people are unwilling to jump aboard this speeding bandwagon, regarding it as nothing but the latest health fad. If you have been waiting for all the hype to subside and wait until the final verdict is in, then the wait is over. All you have to do is consider a few of the basic ingredients known to be in the acai berry - essential fatty acids, dietary fiber, and antioxidants - if you know anything about nutrition this should be enough to convince you.

Acai berries do contain antioxidants just like red and purple grapes. It seems the darker the color the more levels of antioxidants and the acai berry is a very dark purple fruit and has a very unique taste some have compared to a blend of unsweetened chocolate and berries. Can you think of a more delicious blend of flavors? Just this alone is enough to make anyone want to try it. And the health benefits are real. Antioxidants have been proven to reduce the oxygen free radicals within our bodies. You may be familiar with the famous French Paradox - low incidents of coronary diseases yet high consumption of red wines - attributed to the antioxidants in the red wine.

Most of the health claims about the acai are the result of these antioxidants. Antioxidants are very effective at neutralizing free radicals. If too many oxygen free radicals accumulate in our bodies we can suffer from oxidative stress which has been linked to heart diseases, diabetes and even cancer. Oxygen free radicals are actually a natural by-product of our cells but too many free radicals will result in damage to our cells. Taking an acai supplement on a regular basis keeps enough of these antioxidants in our system to stop free radical damage and improves our immune system.

Another wonderful ingredient in the acai are the polyunsaturated fatty acids. These nutrients are so important to us that our bodies are actually capable of producing them from other compounds. But there are some fatty acids our bodies cannot produce, these are the essential fatty acids. Acai berries contain some of the same essential fatty acids found in olives. The only way our bodies can get these essential nutrients is by directly eating them. Polyunsaturated fatty acids can lower our cholesterol levels which in turn improves blood circulation, lowering our blood pressure and reducing the risk of heart diseases.

And of course the acai contains its own mix of dietary fiber. It is this component of the berry that is responsible for most claims about weight loss. It is well known that the typical American diet is lacking in dietary fiber, mostly due to our affinity for processed and fast foods. Low fiber in our diets contribute to poor digestive health which certainly can promote obesity, constipation, hemorrhoids and irritable bowel syndrome.

There are still uncountable plants on our Earth that have not been tested for their herbal and medicinal ingredients. It should come as no surprise to anyone that discoveries like the acai berry are still being made today. The little Brazilian acai berry is a wonderful discovery for the herbal and health communities. We may not have direct access to this little fruit but what we have right now is an abundance of acai supplements and herbal products. Removing, concentrating and preserving the natural potency of the acai berry is a very difficult and delicate process. Maximum Acai Power is your best source for this new discovery, giving you the choice to try it first before you buy. What have you got to lose? - 17269

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Where To Find The Best Bodybuilding Supplements On the Internet

By Ricardo d Argence

Several bodybuilding supplements cost a lot without a discount. You will more likely have to buy your bodybuilding supplements on the internet if you are looking for the best deal. Privately owned health food and drug stores give good prices on supplements however, these stores are not common.

BodyBuilding.com. Considered by many to me one of the finest supplement sites on the internet, they'll give you big discounts on your favorite discount bodybuilding supplement you want.

This website contains many great offerings at a fantastic discount. 50 of the most sought after supplements are listed for your shopping convenience. It is important to pay attention to the most popular products as they are likely at the top of the list for a reason.

World Class Nutrition. WCN is a wonderful place for when you are looking for good prices for discount bodybuilding supplements. Available to buy are diet ECA, antioxidants, appetite suppressors, anti aging products and much more. This is a good store as they provide almost everything you want to get the body you desire at a good price.

All their products and bodybuilding supplements are highly sought after and they carry popular name brands. ProCore Advance by Kemistry, Powerdrol by BCI, Testatrol Testosterone Booster, Ester-Bol Orals by Fizogen, No Xplode and many other supplements are on offer.

Building Bodies. The Building Bodies club is known all over the world for providing a large selection of discount bodybuilding supplements. You will get discounts and find sales on hundreds of products, which are great for your pocketbook.

Think about the shipping costs to make certain that what you are buying will be the best value for your money. Know that many products come in different sizes and quantities and so it is advisable to read product details carefully.

Some products may cost less on other websites because you are looking at two products that are the same, however one may be much larger than the other. It is good to first purchase smaller quantities of supplements until you know it is the right product for you.

Please, as written and stated on the labels, take care to avoid overloading your bodies with supplements which can be hazardous, many times counterproductive, and a waste of time and money Too much protein or creatine can overload your kidneys and liver. Your body can only process so much protein at one time, so spreading out your consumption in a sensible nature is heavily advised. - 17269

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New Hair Loss Treatments And Their Efficacy

By James Stevenson

The day that certain unanimously efficient new hair loss treatments are produced, is the day that somebody will become awfully rich. And that time will come.

The amount of money being funneled into hair loss research is phenomenal, and as long as our society puts such great stock in appearance and beautiful heads of hair, the research will continue until that simple cure is found.

People will have to take a trial and error approach until that day comes, testing various remedies with varying degrees of success and failure from person to person. There is no universal cure as each human body is unique, with its own unique levels of hormones and enzymes. While not everyone who uses the product will see the same results, many will notice a reduction in hair loss while experiencing solid hair regrowth.

There are many new hair loss treatments designed for people who have already tried the lotions, pills, herbs, and other hair products without any success. The new treatments include surgical "cures" that work in the same way that most cosmetic surgery does, however it can be a costly fix. Not to mention the pain involved and how long it takes to complete hair transplant surgery. These treatments exist for men and women alike.

Transplant: The process of transplanting hair involves moving a strip from the back of the head, where baldness is less likely to occur, to the balding area. The single follicles are taken from these strips and then planted on the bald part of the head.

Getting the hair follicle to slant the hair correctly is the art of the job. Each hair follicle holds anywhere from 1 to 5 hairs; just think of how many transplants would be necessary to fill in a bald spot, for one desiring thick hair.

The median transplantation price ranges from $4 to $6 for each follicle. A pattern baldness transplant costs, on average, $10,000, which is an enormous sum for most people. Women who experience overall baldness will face an even higher cost.

The use of Provillus is an option for those who can't afford a hair transplant at $10,000. Men with hair loss issues should not feel discouraged considering how realistic hair pieces have become in recent years. Also keep in mind that their is no reason to feel embarrassed for using a piece as it is no different from women using jewelry as a highlight to their looks.

If this is what you decide upon, purchase one of these hair preventative products and use a widely experienced pro who can create one-of-a-kind hair pieces for your particular needs. Don't expect miracles at a low price as the results are generally typical of what you spend.

Fit and ability to have confidence that wind and lots of movement will not move your hair piece are extremely important. While not the permanent cure you really want, the embarrassment of societal reaction to your baldness is eliminated.

Since a good deal of progress is being made on new hair loss treatments, it is best to stay informed with the research. For the time being, you ought to do whatever makes you feel poised and comfortable, and try whatever new hair loss treatments which assist you in lessening the rate of your existing hair loss. This situation will just deteriorate if it leads to constant worry or nervousness. - 17269

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Benefits Of Diet Meal Plans

By Clyde Chu

Losing weight or maintaining a healthy lifestyle requires that a person make a commitment to eat the proper foods on a consistent and continual basis. This is difficult for most people without the help of diet meal plans. When a person uses diet meal plans they can plan ahead for occasions when healthy food would otherwise not be available.

The benefits of the meal plans are found when a person feels better and doesn't have to spend money on fast food or emergency shopping trips. By planning meals around a pay day, it is possible to have a proper diet on a daily basis that will give the body all of the vitamins and nutrients needed to be healthy and active.

When creating diet plans it is important that the person create an individual meal plan that meets their needs. For many people who eat several times a day, a standard 3 meal, 2 snack meal plan will not be effective. To benefit from a meal plan, it must be a doable plan that will keep a person from getting hungry. This means that it must include proper foods for all of the times that a person eats during the day.

A person can get a great deal of benefit from their diet meal plans. Including all of the foods that are required to meet daily nutritional needs and planning for healthy snacks will help an individual to lose weight and maintain weight in a healthy way. By adding healthy alternatives for times when one is hungry there will be little motivation to go off one's diet.

A healthy lifestyle includes more than just weight loss and maintenance. When one is eating properly, they are providing their internal organs and body with vital nutrients that are needed to run efficiently and stay healthy. Many individuals who eat properly are rarely sick. This is because their immune systems are kept in good condition through diet.

Some people find that by including vegetables in the diet plans as a snack food, they can not only lower calorie intake but also get the daily fiber and vitamins that are needed to be healthy.

When deciding the the type of diet meal plans that will be most beneficial, one will want to talk to someone who has experience in healthy foods and diet. Creating a diet plan that provides nutrition and health as well as meets the eating schedule of an individual will provide benefits that will stay with a person for a life time. - 17269

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Not Widely Known Tips That Can Help Build Muscle

By Ricardo d Argence

It is easy to find a lot of information about on how to build up muscle mass. Nevertheless, here are some hints that can effectively help you in putting on muscle mass. Here they are:

Try drinking green tea. This can inhibit the enzyme that inhibits nor-epinephrine which mean that you should experience raised levels of this muscle building metabolic hormone which can also aid in weight loss. It is also packed full of antioxidants which are great for general health and also for post workout recovery.

Take on board healthy fats. These are crucial for correct working of many parts of the human body for example the heart, brain, production of energy and the regulation of hormones too. Great sources of this are: oily fish, natural peanut butter, avocado, and oily dressings.

Try casein protein. This kind of protein takes longer to digest and so it makes an ongoing release of protein. This can be very effective if you have it just before you go to sleep because your body can use the protein to build muscle up while you are sleeping.

As soon as you wake up, consume 20 grams of protein right away. When you wake, immediately drink a whey protein shake. This will help stop the catabolic state of your body that you may have been in while sleeping and it will give you a good start for achieving your protein goal for the day.

On body parts you find difficult to grow try using dropsets. This intense technique can produce growth in even very stubborn hard to grow muscle groups.

First, finish your sets as you normally would and then when you have finished your last rep just lower the weight by 20 percent and do more reps, and then lessen the weight again and do more reps.

Continue repeating this process as many times as you can bear but the next day you are likely to experience significant muscle soreness and a tremendous burn at the time.

Consume plenty of water. Do not underestimate the benefits of reaming well hydrated during the day. water is critical for many reactions in the body especially muscle building ones.

Continue learning about muscle building. There are several new techniques and strategies to try to build up your physique. Test different strategies to see what works best for you and what does not, and stick to the best methods.

By trying some of the above mentioned weight gain hints you can build up muscle much faster than you have before. If you want to look lean and ripped, we greatly recommend trying burn the fat build the muscle e-book. Best of luck! - 17269

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Tips and Strategies For a Good Night's Sleep

By Dr. Robert A. Simmons

Whenever you have trouble sleeping, you probably blame it on your hectic lifestyle and with good reason. You may go to sleep but your body won't be resting especially when your mind is full of troubling issues. The words sleep and rest are not synonyms when it comes bedtime. Sleep is generally seen as that total time in hours spent in bed. Rest is what you get when you "go to sleep" and let your body revitalize itself.

There are two kinds of sleep: REM (rapid eye movement) and non-REM. When a person is going through REM sleep, it means they are dreaming. During REM, the brain is very active and the person's eyes will flutter quickly. This stage will help reinvigorate the body's mental purposes. When people are in non-REM sleep, their psyche is quiet. In this sleep, the person is in a deep state of rest and the body's immune system (along with other processes) are being restored to "full health".

You may not realize it but what you do every day can hinder your chances of getting a restful night's sleep. Studies were done on how electronics affected a person's sleep. The results were that televisions, video games, computers, etc. interfered with how well a person slept. Electronics keep your brain active so it's vitally important to set aside some quiet time to unwind before you go to sleep.

Be aware of what you consume before bedtime. Avoid caffeinated drinks before bed. This includes coffee, sports drinks and soda. Even some teas have caffeine, so be sure to read the labels.

Another reason for bad sleep is a non-active lifestyle. Regular exercise is very important and can improve a person's sleep. If a person hasn't exercised in some time or not at all, they should look into hiring a personal trainer to help them get started. By getting help from the beginning, the person won't waste their awake and sleep time with the wrong type of exercises.

People should take a look at their bedroom and all the items in it. Most bedrooms have a television, computer/laptop or other item that keeps a person from getting the rest they need. This room is supposed to be a place one can relax.

When a person uses their bedroom as another "living room", their body associates this room with that concept. If a person were to remove these items, they could retrain their minds to think of it as a bedroom. While a person may really like their bedroom to be an entertainment center, it's one of the worst things they can do for themselves.

Stress has a tendency to keep a person from sleeping well and the more stress a person is under, the greater the problem. They could even fall into a depression. Depression and sleeplessness tends to go hand in hand. People often have many things going through their mind that keeps them from resting well. A person who is thinking while they are trying to sleep won't get much sleep.

If you want a good night's rest, then implement a nighttime routine that will help you relax before you lay down; 30 minutes is generally sufficient time to get your mind to relax. As time passes, your brain will realize that you're ready to end the day and go to sleep.

So what can you do to make your brain slow down and relax? Consider picking up a book and drink a decaffeinated cup of tea; maybe peppermint tea. Instead of using lamps and the room's overhead light, use candlelight. Be aware that you'll need to blow these out before you go to sleep. A very relaxing scent to use is lavender.

Change can be hard but if a person wants to improve how they feel in the morning after they sleep, it's important to change the habits that's hindering them from getting that good night's sleep in the first place. - 17269

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I Enjoy Having Good Nutrition

By Andy Links

When I was a kid, there wasn't that much to know about nutrition. We had four food groups. Sugar was bad for you, and vegetables were good. It was all very simple, and very easy to remember. Nowadays, nothing seems quite so straightforward anymore. Everywhere you look there is another expert offering a different opinion about nutrition. Every day there seems to be a fresh news article about some new research telling us that everything we thought we knew about nutrition was wrong. Somehow, eating right doesn't seem as simple. It's as though the wealth of information out there has only made healthy eating that much harder.

In reality, nutrition hasn't changed. Food hasn't changed. And what constituted a healthy diet twenty years ago is still good for you today. The trick is not to get bogged down by all the various information about nutrition that's out there. Keep in mind a few basic guidelines, and that's all you'll ever need to know about eating healthy.

The most important thing to know about nutrition is that it comes in several forms: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. These aren't food groups. Rather, each type of nutrient can be found in different amounts in most foods that you eat. And each nutrient plays an important role in keeping you healthy. The trick to good nutrition, is to get the right balance of these five nutrients. This is the one fact about nutrition that will make a difference between a healthy and unhealthy diet, between a fit and fat you.

So how do you find the right balance? It's really not so difficult. You don't have to be a dietician or an expert on nutrition to get this one right. Carbohydrates should make up about one third of your diet. Carbohydrates include most foods which come from plant sources, including wheat, grains, fruit, vegetables, and anything made from them. People who claim to be experts about nutrition have published whole books about avoiding carbohydrates. Nothing could be more foolish! Your body needs carbohydrates in order to have energy to function. They are essential, and should never be excised from your diet entirely.

Another third of your diet should come from protein-rich sources. Generally speaking, protein comes from animal sources, such as beef, chicken or fish. Fish is a wonderful source of lean protein. Be careful, though; protein can be loaded with fat.

The last third of your diet should be fat. Yes, you read that right. Those who really know about nutrition know that fat is a crucial part of your diet, and should not be eliminated. Just remember to incorporate good fats, like Omega-3 fats which come from fish and nuts. Avoid saturated fats and especially trans-fats. If you know how to keep the right balance of nutrients in your diet, then you know all there really is to know about nutrition. - 17269

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Learn About The Jump Manual

By Lindsay Barnes

Jumping high is not a skill that very many people have. For the most part, it is athletes who have the capacity to do so, whether or not they need it for the sport they play or not. But if you want to be able to jump high, you have to find the right kind of exercise program that will help you be able to do so. There are many different types of workouts you can do on your own that can get you jumping as high as you aim to, from squats to jumping exercises to plyometrics. Of course, it's not always easy to follow your own workout plans, especially if you don't have a trainer or coach to work with; you're going to need quite a lot of discipline for that.

So why not try an established jump workout program that you can easily follow? One of the best, tried-and-tested program is the Jump Manual. Judging from its name alone, the Jump Manual is geared towards helping you increase the height of your jump. The program was developed by Jacob Hiller, who has been involved in vertical jump training for more than eight years already. Advocates of the Jump Manual program have already reported incredible results in the height of their jump, and credits it with helping them jump higher in a short amount of time.

The Jump Manual doesn't recommend only one type of workout, but makes sure that you undergo a wide variety of workouts that not only transforms you into a high jumper, but also makes sure that your body is properly conditioned, making you stronger and more capable of pulling off explosive movements.

Expect to see the complete package in the Jump Manual. This isn't a mere collection of workouts, but also contains stretching exercises, a nutritional guide, and a training schedule to follow. Of course, you're not just supposed to do everything all on your own. The best athletes develop their skills and strengths because they have the help of a skilled trainer, and you have one too in the person of Jacob Hiller. Along with your Jump Manual, you have the choice to undergo one-on-one coaching with Jacob to make your workouts much more effective.

Using the Jump Manual definitely takes a lot of dedication and work, so you have to be seriously determined to improve your vertical jump and increase your leg power if you will undergo the program. Every aspect of the manual is crucial, so make sure you go through it step by step and not just skip ahead to the workouts. - 17269

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Learn How To Beat Your Lack of Energy With a Detox Day

By Cecil Kelly

The feeling of being chronically tired is typically caused by many factors. Inadequate sleep, too much stress, poor diet, and inactivity can leave your body filled with harmful toxins. These toxins decrease your metabolism and slow your other body functions, leaving you extremely fatigued.

Correcting the issues that caused your tiredness is the only way to overcome your lack of energy. However, it can take a while for the toxins to leave your system. You can speed up the process with a detox day.

When you are always feeling tired a detox day is an easy way to immediately cleanse your system and gain energy. There is not a lot of planning to a detox day. You only need to buy your groceries and supplements beforehand.

Your first step on a detox day is to ear only natural, organic foods. Starting the day with a "green" power drink is preferred. Green foods include whole, "raw" dairy products like yogurt, coconut milk, fresh fruits, and rice bran. Combine these ingredients until you find a taste that appeals to you. Your power drink should also include protein powder to give you a boost of energy throughout your day.

The next step is to get physically active. No matter how bad your lack of energy is, getting active is a critical step to detoxifying. You will want to perform an aerobic exercise for at least 30 minutes. This will increase your heart rate and speed up the release of toxins in your body tissue.

You should also try to sit in a sauna for at least 30 minutes. If you find it difficult to stay in that long, try lowering the heat temperature. The goal is to increase your sweat production, which is the easiest way to purge the contaminants and toxins in your system.

There are also supplements you can take to increase the productivity of your detox day. A good multi-vitamin will help as will green tea leaf extract. Niacin helps your body tissue release toxins. You should also take magnesium to keep your bowel movements regular so that the toxins will be removed from your body more quickly.

When you are always feeling tired, the simplest ways to increase your energy are the best. This is why a detox day is such a great technique. It is not difficult and you will quickly feel reinvigorated. This energy will sustain you as you move on to more long-term methods to increase energy. The best part is that you can use a detox day anytime you feel you need an extra boost of energy. - 17269

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The Downside Of Energy Drinks For Getting Toned Arms

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Energy drinks pack a powerful punch and they can help you get through the dieting lows when trying to get toned arms. However, chronic consumption of said drinks has its consequences.

Unfortunately, energy drinks are extremely seductive. They can curb hunger when you're trying to lose weight, they can help you overcome a massive sleep debt and they can put you in a good mood.

But here is why you should think twice about taking energy drinks to help you get rid of arm flab:

1. Worsened digestion. Caffeine, the main ingredient in energy drinks, can wreak havoc on your digestive system. When taking in excess, it can compromise your digestive lining.

2. The covering up of poor sleep habits. Even though you may not feel the consequences of sleep loss because of the energizing drink, your body definitely feels it. And sleep loss is toned arms enemy number one.

3. Unconscious sleep sabotage. When you fall asleep, you'll reawake at least 10 times. But the awakenings are so brief and light that you don't remember any of them. Too much bottled energy during the day can increase said awakenings. The end result? Poorer sleep without you being aware of the cause.

4. Aging. Although many factors affect how fast you age, chronically loading up on tons of caffeine can accelerate the process. Especially if the caffeine is being used to compensate for a poor diet and poor sleep patterns.

5. Low grade dehydration. Caffeine can mask many things. In this case, it can simultaneously mask and increase dehydration. Not a good combination for getting rid of arm flab. After all, hydration does effect metabolism and recovery from workouts. Moreover, it has a strong effect on your mood.

Energy drinks aren't all evil. They can do a great job at getting you out of a bind. The main issue is taking them on a regular basis to compensate for something else that is lacking in your daily routine. So use them in moderation when trying to get rid of arm flab. - 17269

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