Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, December 4, 2009

Want To Become Fit? Hire A Personal Trainer

By Shantan Pitt

People in their quest for the ideal figure mostly indulge in dietary restrictions, reducing their eating significantly and doing away with certain types of food entirely. Such desperate measures may help in a decrease in weight for a brief span, but create serious health risks if carried on for a long enough time. Working out regularly for some time under the guidance of a personal trainer is a lot better alternative than indulging in strict dieting.

But the majority of people are not sure about the efficacy of daily exercise under the guidance of a personal trainer, and don't think there is a strong enough case to get into such an arrangement. There are, actually a whole lot of reasons to engage a personal trainer.

People can get fit by themselves. Yet, they may get fit more slowly, make a chance of stopping, and even harm themselves. Those who workout with a personal trainer see quicker and more impressive outcomes. Personal trainers ensure sound and efficient program, render motivation, support with certain lifestyle changes, and keep the exercise interesting, advancing, and fun. However, many people don't know the advantages of getting a personal trainer. As a matter of fact, hiring a personal trainer has many advantages for an individual.

Firstly, the personal trainer, with his well-planned exercise program, prepared especially for you, will help you to remain focused to achieve your goals. This will propel you towards the kind of effort you are capable of putting in to care for your overall fitness.

Secondly, the knowledge of a personal trainer will help you imbibe the correct exercise techniques, and will provide you with a personalized workout and diet program, which will perfectly fit your needs. Hence your self made exercise regimen and reckless attempts at dieting will be replaced by a more planned and concentrated program.

Thirdly, a personal trainer is more honest with you than you tend to be with yourself, and can provide you with a correct picture of your fitness and health levels. A trainer will also offer you tips to help you fight diseases and health hazards, so that you can lead a healthier and more enriched life.

Fourthly, preventive measures against injury and rapid recovery from an injury can also be taught by a personal trainer, and he can make you informed enough to carry on with your exercises without his guidance.

Lastly, a personal trainer makes you responsible enough to meet deadlines and abide by schedules, encouraging you to create a persistent approach to the maintenance of your new found good health.

A personal training arrangement makes it simple to make sure that the trainer is focussing on only you and your needs. Maximising your advantages from personal training is merely a matter of being sure about your requirements and objective right at the beginning. Besides, checking the trainer's certificates and references will give you confidence that you are appointing the correct guy, and you must build a good communication with him once your training starts. A careful consideration of all these issues can ensure a very successful personal training experience. - 17269

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Characteristics And Benefits Of An Effective Fitness Program

By Caroll Murphy

Health and fitness are the current trends that have invaded our lifestyle, thanks to the knowledge being spread about them by the media. Hence it is not surprising that an increasing number of people are now looking for a fitness program.

Be it in your home or a gym, a fitness program always brings good results for your physique. Working out a personal fitness goal and attaining it becomes simple with a fitness program and the plans as a part of it. For example, a fitness program will advise you on the exercises to be done daily and the diet to be followed in order to lose, let's say, 10 pounds in three months, which might be your near future fitness goal.

You can stay enthused and concentrated on your current task through an effective fitness program. It reminds you that you need to stick to the plan and not be lethargic. When you find after regular intervals that you have made impressive improvement since you started with the program, it will remove all your suspicions about its effectiveness, and you will be encouraged to finish it in time.

But some crucial factors should be incorporated to make the fitness program give the desired output. By being careful while deciding on your program, you can ensure that you get the expected outcomes and feel reassured that you have made judicious use of your time.

An efficient fitness program must have only one or two important objectives, and they must be precisely laid down. Thus if your aim is to burn excess fat, then concentrate on related exercises rather than concentrating on bodybuilding exercises.

Whether you need to regularly visit a gym or exercise at home will solely be determined by your health and fitness objectives. Then you have to think about whether you need to engage a personal trainer to guide you about the exercises. But you must keep in mind that the advice of a personal instructor always comes in handy while developing and executing a fitness program.

Last but not the least, you must ensure that your fitness program doesn't disturb your regular routine of the day. You will lose your inspiration if you are a bit too ambitious in your fitness goals as it will result in you having inadequate time for the whole workout. On the other hand, by fixing the aims too low, you will soon begin questioning if all the effort is worth it. So be balanced in your endeavour and then follow the program to achieve your fitness goals. - 17269

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Surviving The Holidays

By Dr. Jason Fowler

The day after Thanksgiving is a milestone of sorts in America. It reminds us of just how quickly the year has gone by, and how close we are to the holiday season. This realization- coupled with the fabulous sales at major department stores and malls everywhere- helps make the day after Thanksgiving our biggest shopping day of the year. And until we flip the calendar over to a new year, the chaos just doesn't let up.

"Our bodies have the capacity to do a little more than we normally do," says Dr. Scott Bautch, past president of the American Chiropractic Association's (ACA) Council on Occupational Health. "But our bodies do not adapt very well to doing more than we normally do. Since the added demands of this season can stress the capacity of our bodies, we need to do everything we can to help ourselves. Eat right, drink plenty of water, stretch, exercise and take a few minutes to slow down and reflect on what the season is all about."

So relax and enjoy the holidays! Dr. Bautch and the ACA encourage you to consider the following tips to help keep you and your loved ones healthy, happy and safe this season.

Treat Holiday Shopping As An Athletic Event Stay hydrated! Drink eight to ten 8-ounce glasses of water a day. (Coffee, tea, soft drinks and alcohol are diuretics/dehydrators. Do not substitute them for water.) On shopping days, you may need to drink even more water. Be sure to stretch before and after a long day of shopping. When you are stressed-out, your muscles are less flexible than usual. Wear shoes with plenty of cushioning in the soles to absorb the impact of walking on those hard shopping mall floors. According to recent studies, 60% of women report wearing shoes that are uncomfortable. Make sure the clothing you wear is as comfortable as possible. It's a good idea to wear layers, because you may be going from a cold environment (outdoors) to a warm environment (indoors). Leave your purse at home. Wear a light fanny pack, or if necessary, a light backpack instead. Pack only those items that are absolutely essential (driver's license, credit card, etc.). If you start to feel some pain, nip it in the bud. Apply an ice bag to the affected area for 20 minutes, then take it off for a couple of hours. Repeat a couple of times each day over the next day or two. "During the holiday season, we're running at absolute maximum capacity, which can lead to stress and even depression," says Dr. Bautch. "Why do so many people become depressed around the holidays? We need to stretch and stay hydrated to increase our capacity, so we are not overwhelmed by the activities of the season."

Plan Frequent Breaks Into Your Shopping Day During a day of heavy shopping, most people should take a break every 45 minutes. Those with less stamina may even need to take a break every 20-30 minutes. If you work in a physically demanding job where you are accustomed to being on your feet most of the day, you may be able to get away with taking less frequent breaks. If possible, obtain a locker. Lockers can help cut down dramatically on how much you have to carry around. You can take a load off by scheduling trips to your locker into your breaks. If your mall or shopping center doesn't offer lockers, try to plan trips to your car. Do not carry around more than is absolutely necessary at one time. When taking breaks, try to eat light foods. A salad and some fruit is a much better option than a burger and fries. Skip the coffee break! Coffee and sodas contain caffeine and sugar, which add even more stress to your body. Pass on the designer coffee at the java stand and keep drinking water. "We actually need to eat better than normal during the holiday season," explains Dr. Bautch. "On average, people gain five to six pounds during the holidays. And heart attacks occur more often during the holidays as well. Eating a heavy meal and then running out on an exhausting shopping trip can be very dangerous."

Shopping With Children If at all possible, DO NOT bring a child or children along on a holiday shopping trip. Most children simply do not have the stamina for such an event, and you and your child will only become frustrated with one another. Do not add this type of stress to an already stressful situation. Try to split "child duty" up with a spouse or another parent. They'll watch your kids while you shop, and vice-versa. "Shopping with children is just a bad idea," says Dr. Bautch. "If your hands are loaded with shopping bags, you may not be able to hold your child's hand, which could increase the chances he or she might wander away from you. Take whatever steps necessary to not have to bring your child along."

Wrapping Your Gifts Since there is no "ideal" position for wrapping gifts. The most important thing to remember is to vary your positions. For example, try standing at a table or countertop for one package, sitting on a bed for another, sitting in a comfortable chair for another, etc. Do not wrap packages while sitting on the floor. Wrapping packages while sitting on a hard floor can wreak havoc on your posture, and should be avoided. Always stretch before and after you wrap gifts. "When wrapping presents, it's a good idea to 'stretch the opposites,'" says Dr. Bautch. "In other words, if you are leaning forward when wrapping your gifts, stretch backward when you are done. - 17269

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Personal Training - A Fast Growing Area Of Fitness Industry

By Jane Brown

Personal fitness training today is becoming an industry which is growing fast, attracting people in large numbers. This is occurring due to the high pressure life styles that we have and the stress it puts on our bodies and brains.

These fast paced times require us to be fit both mentally and physically. When you don't take good care of yourself, it leads to issues related to the heart and diabetes. These problems occur because people are overweight. This is why the best thing you can do is to follow the advice of a professional fitness trainer.

A number of well-qualified personal fitness trainers will even come to your home for personal training sessions. You can get excellent results by eating right and getting the appropriate guidance. You can employ many tools during training. A few of the suggested techniques involve strength training and doing interval conditioning drills. Only a little bit of space and a few tools are required and it can even be completed outside.

Personal fitness trainers maintain excellent business relationships with physicians, physiotherapists, dietitians and other related health professionals. Therefore, they are always aware of the latest health programs and the new trends in work out rehabilitation, energy, nutrition and exercise for weight loss, and analysis for motivation.

When you first start a fitness program, it is wise to set realistic goals and keep in mind that it can take as long as a year to reach fitness goals that become a part of your lifestyle. Don't seek out a fast solution. Drastic methods may help in shedding some fat, but they always have serious consequences on your health in the long run. Exercising regularly for some time under the guidance of a personal trainer is a far better option than engaging in strict dieting. - 17269

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The Reasons to Consider Walking

By Jane Cromwell

I was pretty bummed about the idea of having to give up my car when I moved to a city. Then again, there was a hidden benefit that I never realized existed. People here are slimmer.

Do we eat healthier foods? Perhaps to an extent, though the city is filled with delicious pizza restaurants, burger joints, and other unhealthy food genres that seem to attract very many patrons on a regular basis.

What I came to realize is that this is all most likely a result of the fact that people tend to walk here as a means of getting from place to place. Compare this to the rest of the driving world, and one group of people is burning more calories every day.

Even if you're simply walking to a train, you'll usually have to walk at least a quarter of a mile in order to get to the station, and probably the same once you're leaving the station. That's a half mile right there, and there are many advantages to walking as a result.

While those living in towns would very obviously drive from one destination to another, you might want to consider the idea of walking. It saves money on gas costs, and it benefits your body.

A 15 minute walk at a regular pace could likely burn somewhere around 50 calories. Someone who walks both ways could easily burn 100 calories in the process.

When you consider the fact that you're saving money, losing weight, and getting the general benefits of being outside, there's a lot to like about the idea of walking instead of driving.

While it may be boring at first, there are ways to easily keep busy in the process. Take advantage of the extra time by making a phone call as you walk. Bring some headphones with you and listen to music.

This is a small suggestion, but one that can make a world of difference if you begin walking on a daily basis. Try it out for a few months and there's a very good chance that you'll have some great results to show for it. - 17269

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The Benefits Of Having A Personal Fitness Trainer

By Athea Wilson

We all have very different bodies and once you realize that, then it is obvious that a personal fitness trainer is necessary. If you are unhappy with a generic fitness program, then turn to a personal fitness coach.

Times have changed and now it's not just the rich and famous who can afford an experienced fitness trainer. Today, expect to be paired with a fitness instructor at the time you begin a relationship with a top notch gym. Your personal fitness trainer will oversee the development of a fitness plan that is specially tailored to your physique. Every exercise regimen is tailor-made specifically to the needs of the client as an individual.

There are many advantages to using an expert fitness trainer. Your personal trainer will devise a program that is tailored fit with your body structure and your needs. They will identify and then focus on the part of your physique that will be targeted with rigorous exercise. They will work on the areas that need the most conditioning through personal training sessions.

Your physical fitness trainer can assist you in selecting the proper equipment required as well as the correct techniques for using them. You will learn proper posture from your personal fitness training lessons.

Certified personal fitness trainers are fully informed in the areas of nutrition, proper diet, and bodily makeup. They will create the right diet for you to follow and encourage you to have that fantasy figure that you can have if you follow a healthy diet and a good exercise routine. A trainer will also offer you tips to help you combat diseases and health hazards, so that you can lead a healthier and more enriched life.

To fully comprehend the best weight loss program for you, you should use personal training directed by a fitness coach. In addition, your personal fitness coach provides motivation and makes sure you remain committed to your exercise plan by varying your routines. - 17269

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Personal Trainers: Essential Things They Can Provide You

By Mark Scarborough

In this generation of sedentary jobs and knowledge based economy, physical activity has lost its popularity, which is not at all a good sign. Pollution has joined a number of other problems like hectic lifestyles and cut-throat competition to create a health hazard across the world.

To add to this, increasing competition in the corporate world demands that you stay healthy and fit at all times. Consequently, fitness training has become a vital need for people of all ages and across all segments.

But fitness plans are not so simple and they must never be started without a specialist to help you out. Therefore, it is always prudent to go for a personal trainer who has all the required qualifications and training in this field, and who can provide the correct assistance.

Personal trainers will do a fitness assessment regarding your health, medical, and fitness record. They will ask information about disease history of your family and your personal medical record including surgical procedures, injuries, or any medication. They will also want to know your lifestyle information such as your experiences with workout, your latest exercise program, and how many hours per day you sleep and sit as well as any concerns you have.

Personal training encourages a person to stick to the fitness regime, which he may otherwise neglect if he does the exercises himself without employing an expert. Often, you get tired after work or feel too lazy to hit the gym. In times like these, a personal trainer can be very helpful. Besides, he will know precisely what health program would suit you best, keeping your fitness needs and expectations in mind.

Personal trainers are trained to conduct tests and evaluate the exact requirements of every client. Hence they are of immense help in setting your fitness goals and keeping you informed about the key areas that you must work on. Personal training is all about acknowledging the specific requirements of the body and customizing the program accordingly. An average person will not have this knowledge, and trying these things on your own can easily result in fatigue and even injuries. An incremental progress is necessary for a healthy physique, and a personal trainer can assist you figure out these steps.

If you are a busy person, having a personal trainer can ensure that you don't have to go to the gym on a regular basis. Many personal trainers plan meetings with their clients as per their routine and comfort, and if you have the correct exercise machines at your home then the trainer can come to your house for the training.

A qualified trainer possessing the correct mindset and ready to guide you with focus, politeness and commitment can radically change both your private and public life. Actually, it will not be an exaggeration to say that in today's age, the key to healthy living is simply employing the correct personal trainer. - 17269

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Workout Routines for the Neck: Train the Flexors and Rotators

By Ricardo d Argence

Many people believe that training the neck muscles is nothing more than wanting to enhance appearance but the truth is, the neck is a huge asset in many kinds of contact sports. Generally, it seems that this important training is over looked because people either do not know about it or they do not have the proper equipment to carry out the exercises. With some weight plates, a bench, surgical tubing and a towel, you will be able to cover all of the exercises you need to build your neck muscles.

The Rotators. A 4-way neck machine will not work the rotators properly so you are going to want to go back to some simply manual resistance in order to work those muscles. Of course, you will not be working the rotators with weights, but you will be applying resistance to your neck with your hand while you are slowly turning your head to the left or the right.

It is strongly suggested that you begin slowly with this and do not start off with a great deal of resistance. When you come to the limit of your range of motion, you will want to go a head and slowly increase the resistance and hold it for about five to ten seconds.

You will then repeat this process but turn your head in the other direction. Again, make sure that you are going as far as you can and then hold. Complete 3-5 sets in order to make sure that you are really working out this generally overlooked group of muscles.

Many people find that this exercise is best done while seated. This way your upper back muscles are completely relaxed. You only want to work on the extensor group so make sure that you are relaxing during the whole exercise.

The Flexors. If you have a neck machine available, you can go ahead and use it for the flexors. For those that do not have this machine available, there are some simple things that you can do instead. You want to keep in mind that the purpose of this group is to tilt the chin towards the chest.

First, the simplest thing you can do is lie on a flat bench, face up, with your head over the end. Now, simply put a folded towel on your forehead and put a weight plate on the towel, holding it in place with your hands. Now, relax the head and allow it to drop downward.

You will then need to proceed slowly and raise your head up so that you are able to tuck your chin into your chest. Remember to keep your hands on the weight so that the muscles truly get a workout.

Just as with all of the other kinds of neck work, you want to make sure that you are starting light and that you are slowly moving through the motions in order to avoid injury. Do not use too heavy of a weight for all of your low repetitions since the neck is very fragile. Once you are used to this kind of training, you will be able to slowly increase the weights. For this group, you will want about ten to fifteen reps.

Another option is to take a simple piece of surgical tubing that's available at any medical supply house or home improvement store and tie the loose ends into a knot. Now, you simply have a loop or circle of tubing.

To work the extensors, all you need to do is sit on a chair or bench and place the tubing on your forehead. Take the other end of the loop and hook it on a doorknob, power rack or anything similar. Now, you simple let the head tilt back, then forward, where you'll begin to feel the resistance. Once you've reached the limit of your range of motion, tilt again backward and so on. Again, several sets of 10-15 reps will suffice.

Once you find that you are ready to increase the level of resistance, you will want to move further away from the anchor point by adding another loop of the tubing or by adding a heavier gauge of tubing. You can wrap a washcloth or towel around the tubing that will rest against your forehead. This will make it much more comfortable for you and it will also keep it from slipping while you go through the range of motion. - 17269

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Personal Trainer: Makes Your Body Healthy And Fit

By Love Hanes

It is difficult to acquire the shape you want unless you have a personal trainer who will guide you along the way. Achieving the physique we crave isn't as simple as many folks assume it is. To figure out your body type and its specific needs requires expertise and experience.

The most prized possession that any of us have is our own body. Every individual has unique physical traits. This demands the expertise of a personal fitness trainer who can focus on every client to ensure they reach their goals.

Many times people desire a body that is toned, but are not motivated and this prevents them from turning this desire into a reality. It takes a bit of a push to get us out of this lazy slump. Your fitness instructor will furnish you with this essential motivating factor.

We understand the ideal exercise routines that are required in order to attain this objective. Your fitness coach is armed with the best information regarding the proper positions and equipment needed for workouts. A fitness trainer provides assistance to concentrate on a given part of the body to achieve the desired results.

The required equipment will be provided to you by a professional fitness trainer, who will also teach you the correct method of using them. In addition, your personal trainer will supervise your diet.

A professional fitness trainer's wisdom and expertise is very important. A professional fitness trainer is unparalleled in information and aid. Your personal training sessions will enlighten you with fitness tips as well as broadening your knowledge of fitness.

With individual fitness training, the fitness instructors will assist you in getting your shape back as quickly as possible; you will also learn how to keep your shape. You just need to focus on your workout, while your fitness trainer is responsible for devising your exercise program. If you are aware of the health improvements you need to make and where you have to reach, then you can reap maximum benefits from personal training.

When your lifestyle is assessed more frequently, your body will function conditionally. Personal trainers can assist you in making better food selections, quitting smoking, cutting back or eliminating alcohol, making time in your schedule for workout and having adequate sleep, and so on. Personal trainers can also work closely with other health professionals on your team such as a counselor, hypnotist, biofeedback specialist, nutritionist, and other alternative practitioners. - 17269

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Weight Lose Secrets Explained

By John Adams

There are numerous weight loss programs in the market today; most of them come up with their own specific diets to lose fats. Some use the famous South Beach diet; while others are already comfortable using the cookie diets. In any case, each of them has their own advantages where some people found them very comfortable depending on their current lifestyle and food preferences.

I shall give out some useful information on the best diets to lose weight fast so that you can start it all by yourself first prior to purchasing the products in the market. If you want to shed off some excess pounds in your body, one of the best things you can do is to reduce calorie intake from your diet by as much as 500 per day, coupled with reduction of food intake with same amount of calories. This should be accompanied with regular daily exercise for at least 60 minutes.

The traditional method among these various meal plans is the high protein diet which has been widely used by many people for decades; and it was found to be very effective and at the same time healthier way towards weight loss considering the fact that you also get to enjoy other health benefits from your increased consumption on foods rich in protein.

In order to help your further with calorie reduction, change your diets to lose weight fast by reducing your intake of starch and salt. Salt can increase the water retention in your body; hence if you cut your consumption of salty foods, you will decrease water retained in your system and reduce weight. Other foods to avoid or decrease in your consumption are those that contain elevated levels of sugar such as chocolates, cakes, ice cream, and other goodies. Also stay away from eating fatty foods and the perceived healthy foods like lean meat, skinless chicken, nondairy products and fish. Instead, you can replace them with soy products, fruits and vegetables, and egg whites.

There are still many valuable things to help you improve your diets to lose fats. But the few useful tips mentioned in this article can already help you a lot with your weight loss program. In any case, its efficiency in helping you achieve your desired weight level highly depends on your willingness and determination to achieve your goals. - 17269

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Mother Natures Miracle Weight Loss Fruit

By Chris Arribbat

In todays hectic lifestyles people are looking for an easier way to supplement their food. The Acai Berry is a new product that Mother Nature has blessed us with. This can be found in the form of pills, teas, powders or purees. People do have a preference which is the capsule. Its a way of being lazy but it works. The Acai Berry is an amazing ingredient in foods but some people just dont have the time to cook with it.

If youre wondering how the capsule can benefit you, you may experience extremely fast weight loss due to increased metabolism. You will have more energy. Your body will be rid of toxins because of the powerful antioxidants within the Acai Berry. So basically, you are getting immediate weight loss, detox in a pill and a happier you that is more energetic than ever.

Do you know what one of the most powerful and most potent fruits on the planet is? Yes thats right! The Acai Berry. But what a lot of people dont know is what the full effects are. Mother Nature has blessed us with this fruit and it been around for quite a while now and only recently have seen the amazing effect it has with weight loss. It is now in a capsule form and void of any artificial ingredients.

How many weight loss stories have you heard. I lost 20 pounds in 30 days and all those success stories. You heard of amazing achievements in weight loss such as the bride who had to lose 20 pounds before her wedding day else she wont fit into her dress. Well this one is true, she had to lose the weight so she incorporated the Acai Berry into her diet, she became familiar with it when she read about celebrities taking the capsules and in doing so she succeeded in achieving her weight loss.

When people become sceptical of a new weight loss diet program they do their research and only then will they possibly make a decision. Once they have more knowledge of the Acai Berry diet programme and possibly tried for themselves can they really understand the amazing effects it has on assisting their weight loss. The capsule is the most popular as it preserves all the nutrients. - 17269

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9 Bodybuilding Tips To Look Great In Your Bikini

By Ricardo d Argence

1. Embrace Your Curves. So you've put on a little weight over the winter. This isn't the end of the world because right now curvier women are being toted as more attractive than the runway look anyway. The key is finding a bathing suit that is going to emphasize your best features. When you do this correctly, the parts you are less than confident in will not be as noticeable.

2. Pretty much everyone will look better when they are sporting a nice, golden tan. It is no big secret that all fitness and bodybuilding competitor's lather on the tanning sprays before hitting the stage. Your muscles will be more defined and you will give off an overall leaner appearance. So either give yourself a few sessions in a tanning bed before summer, or if you are worried about the harmful effects of beds, try a tanning spray or cream.

3. Count your carbs! If you eat a lot of refined carbohydrates you're going to find yourself more likely to retain water, something that's not going to help you look your best when you head out in your bikini. Instead of indulging in the carbs, try eating more fruits, vegetables, and unprocessed grains to look your best.

4. Try adding interval training to your workout. Not only does this help fight weight gain and really burn fat and calories, this high intensity workout can also firm and tone your muscles. Start with a burst of intense work for a full 30 seconds before dropping to easy for a minute and a half, followed by a thirty minute rest. As you get better and stronger, you can increase the time you work, and decrease the time you rest.

5. Stand Up Straight. Possibly the single most important thing you could do to instantly look better when in a bikini is use good posture. Pulling your shoulders back and keeping your head up will not only give you loads of confidence but will also pull your stomach in and improve the curvature of your back.

6. Try adding some squats into your workout routine. If there's any single routine that will do the most for your thighs and butt, this is the one. It's an intense workout that will really burn calories while targetting the muscles of your thighs and glutes, helping you add shape and definition.

7. Drink More Water. Staying well hydrated will not only keep your skin looking clearer but it will also help to reduce any bloating you are experiencing from the foods you eat. If you aren't getting 7-8 glasses a day, now is a great time to start.

8. Add In Some Uphill Walking. If you are a big fan of walking for your cardio workouts, try ramping this up by going at it on an incline. This increases the intensity greatly and will really target your glute muscles. If you want a toned back side, this is one form of cardio that will get you there fast! Alternate periods of incline with flat (or alternatively find a hilly path to walk on) to build up your endurance.

9. Relax! Lastly, don't forget to have a good time this summer. Remember that the more comfortable you feel, the better image of yourself you will project and thus the more attractive you will look. Don't force yourself to wear a bathing suit that you don't think looks good. If you still aren't completely confident, look for one of the wraps they have available. - 17269

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