Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Banishing Cellulite for Good

By El Bilson

Is there a real solution to banishing cellulite? The cosmetic industry seems to think so. It seems as though every year there are new lotions, creams, body wraps, ultrasonic massagers and medical treatments such as mesotherapy designed to help you get rid of cellulite. Is there any truth to the hype? Can any of these products really get rid of that frustrating cellulite?

Cellulite usually looks like "cottage cheese" or "orange peels". But really it is the display of pockets of fat under the skin. The odds that you will get cellulite are mostly based on your genes and hormones levels. Most women have at least minimal cellulite but some cases are more extreme than others. If you have only a small amount of cellulite, lotions and creams can be a real solution to banishing cellulite for you.

Most over the counter cellulite treatments contain the same ingredients. Caffeine, aminophyline and collagen work towards smoothing and tightening the skin. Vigorously massaging the creams or lotions onto the effected area will increase the circulation in the area. This will help any fat that is getting broken down to metabolize and will allow the body to get rid of it as a waste.

For moderate to severe cases of cellulite, don't waste your money and energy on lotions and fancy creams. Many times, more extensive treatments are needs to get rid of cellulite. One such treatment is called endermology. This treatment involves a powerful electronic device that massages the effected areas. Endermology can be slightly uncomfortable and leave minor bruising. However, most patients see results of smoother, tighter skin within a few weeks. The problem is that multiple sessions will be required and sessions can be expensive.

Mesotherapy is one of the best treatments for cellulite on the market. It is a minimally invasive cosmetic medical procedure that can be very helpful for women who have tried other treatments with little success. Mesotherapy involves a shot containing a special formula that is given to the patient in the effected area. The special injection formula includes pharmaceutical and homeopathic medicines, vitamins, amino acids and minerals. This formula is designed to promote the destruction of the fat in the cells, the metabolism of that fat. This leads to a renewed appearance of the skin and less cellulite.

Mesotherapy treatments are performed in a doctor's office and usually take about an hour. Mesotherapy is great for working professionals as it involves very little recovery time. Patients can be back to there normal routines immediately after a treatment session. Multiple injections may be needed depending on the severity of your cellulite. However mesotherapy may be the answer to banishing cellulite.

Products that usually provide no value in treating your cellulite include over the counter vitamins, herbs and cellulite wraps. However some women swear by certain products that have improved their skin. In general, cellulite pills are not effective and can contain herbs that interfere with your other medications. However it is important to find something that works for you.

Another tip for banishing cellulite is to lead a healthy lifestyle and follow proven healthy habits. All around us are toxins that can find their way inside our bodies. These toxins can build up in the body over time and lead to various health problems including skin disorders, low energy levels and excess weight gain. By eating fresh, healthy foods and getting regular exercise, you can decrease the amount of cellulite on your body. A healthy, balanced body will allow you to enjoy life to it's fullest! - 17269

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Burn Fat Fast: Crucial Tips for Muscle Gain

By Brad Morgan

If you want to burn fat fast, you face a big challenge. Everyone who has ever dieted or stuck to a fitness routine has dealt with this difficulty.

The two most important aspects of weight loss? Diet and exercise, of course! While everyone knows this, you may not know about some easy changes you can make to get more from your routine.

Try incorporating some of the following changes into your life so your body starts to burn fat fast. You'll shed unwanted weight faster.

Burn Fat Fast with Diet

You know that you should eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, protein, and fiber. Try some of the following changes to increase your body's fat burning ability:

1. Get enough fiber.

Fiber helps with fat burning, as well as promoting good general health. You should get about 25 grams of fiber each day ? the average American only gets 10 grams.

Eating plenty of whole wheat pastas, breads, and cereals, fruits and vegetables, and nuts can help you get the fiber you need. They are easy to add into your meals, and they can help you see results sooner.

2. Choose a better bedtime snack.

Certain foods keep your body from burning fat. Eating foods like white breads and pastas, fruit, juice, and others that are loaded with simple carbs may actually cause your body to increase its fat deposits while you sleep. If you feel hungry before bed, eat a vegetable.

3. Eat smaller meals more frequently.

Small meals spread throughout the day keeps hunger pangs at bay. Another simple change: eat your vegetables before your heavier main course.

This can help fill you up so you are less tempted to eat too much of the less healthy foods.

4. Size matters.

Americans have a terrible sense of portion control. Develop this skill ? eat until you are satisfied, not stuffed. Use a smaller plate. Eat more slowly. All this can help you from overeating.

5. Have a pre-work out snack.

Having a low carb, high protein snack 90 minutes before your workout can help you exercise longer and burn more calories. Don't eat any sooner than 90 minutes prior to your workout because it may actually decrease the efficiency of your exercise.

As anyone who has ever tried to lose weight knows, diet alone won't help you burn fat fast and keep it off. You need to get active. Exercise is one of the best things you can do for yourself.

6. Use your nose to breathe.

This helps regulate your heart rate better so you can exercise longer. This means more calories burned! Practice this and soon you'll notice a difference in your workouts.

7. Do interval training.

An example of interval training is to take a walk. After warming up, add in two minutes at a very brisk pace. Get your heart going, and then slow back down for three minutes. You can add more intervals, and make them longer, as your body becomes used to the pace.

By adding brisk intervals to your walks, you can progress to jogging or running. All this helps your body use a ton more calories and burn fat fast.

8. Do your weight training first.

Because your body needs about 15-20 minutes to get into prime fat burning mode, do your weight routine first. When you finish, you will be ready to get the most out of your cardio. Stretch, lift weights, and then move on to cardio.

9. Variety is the spice of life!

Not only that but it is also the ticket to burning fat faster. Don't do the same routine everyday.

For effective fat loss, add some variety. Your routine should feature a mix of cardio, strength, and flexibility workouts. By doing the same exercise, your body becomes an expert at it. It doesn't need to exert itself to perform it, meaning you burn fewer calories.

Constantly challenge your body by throwing it new and interesting activities. If it's too easy, it's not working!

10. Add weights to lose weight.

If you are in a time crunch, do some bicep curls or overhead presses while you're on the treadmill. This will increase the calorie burn and help build muscles.

These little changes can add up to big weight loss. Remember that you need to work on both diet and exercise in order to burn fat fast. - 17269

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Anti-Aging Diet Care

By Marianna Pells

As a result perhaps of the media and the common perception that youth is beauty, more and more people are getting conscious of how they look these days. Consequently, more and more anti aging diet care methods are arising to keep up with this demand. However, if you are to get the most out of these anti aging diet care methods that promise the results you want, you will have to do more than enter into an anti aging diet care method. If you want lasting results, you will have to look into other health concerns such as calorie and fluid intake as well as a healthy lifestyle.

For most people, calorie restriction is a good way to start. It is believed that minimizing calorie intake and maximizing nutrition could benefit many of us who want optimal health and a longer life expectancy. Findings have shown that calorie restrictive diets significantly help us live longer by preventing diseases and deficiencies that are evidently associated with aging.

Studies conducted on the relationship between aging and calorie intake shows that people in their 50s with restricted calorie intake have blood pressures of a ten-year old, are more physically active and have lesser chances of getting heart failures and hypertension. The same laboratory experiment conducted on animals also show the same positive results.

According to Hormesis Hypothesis of calorie restriction, the amount or level of calorie in our body affects our stress tolerance level. Since stress is one of the primary causes or factors of aging, people who are aiming to delay aging should also necessarily lower calorie, consequently increasing stress tolerance and delaying aging.

Other than reducing calorie intake, one effective way of aiding any anti-aging diet care method is having good health food diet. A healthy food diet should include a well-balanced diet and a daily or regular dose of fruits and vegetables as these contain anti-aging properties. Below are also some of the more examples of food that will aid you in your fight against aging:

Berries - These are rich in flavanoids, antioxidants that prevent free radicals from damaging cells.

Avocados - Avocados are excellent fruits to help delay aging since it contains potassium which lowers blood pressure, monounsaturated fat which reduces bad cholesterol, as well as Vitamin E which helps maintain healthy and glowing skin.

Nuts - Nuts contain high levels of protein and minerals that strengthens the body's immune system. It also helps repair damaged body cells, making it an excellent diet for those on an anti-aging diet care.

Garlic - Garlic are excellent remedies for decreasing high blood pressure.

Cruciferous vegetables - Broccoli, cauliflower and radish are a few examples of cruciferous vegetables that are said to prevent cancer.

The next step to longer life is drinking water, which is probably one of the easiest ways to acquiring longer life. Water is crucial to all life forms. According to research cellular dehydration can cause stress-induced damage. Drinking at least 6 glasses of water per day can effectively get rid of waste materials, flush away toxins and improve physical performance.

One of the most effective anti aging diet care programs is said to be fasting. Fasting involves avoiding food (while only being allowed to drink water) for a considerable period of time as an anti aging diet care plan. The basic function of fasting is to detoxify your body and control weight. Benefits of fasting include clearer skin, lighter stance, better concentration and lessened inflammation. When there are fewer toxins in the body there is better blood circulation and decreased deterioration of cells. - 17269

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Different Calcium Types

By Alyssa Devan

Calcium is an element that we need to have stronger bones and teeth. Our bone is the main structure of our body that can be compared to a car's chassis. If it is weak, you can expect several health problems. If our bones are weak, we lose our ability to move properly. For healthy and strong teeth, we also need calcium. Lack of calcium can lead to tooth decays and cavities.

There are different types of calcium although they differ not in their chemical components. Some calcium types can have an added component making them different than the other types. The percentage of the main calcium structure is in itself an issue.

Calcium Citrate

The type is acquired by combining calcium with citric acid derived from citrus fruits. Calcium citrate helps in reducing stomach acids to improve calcium absorption. It also helps in enhancing food flavor and in preserving food.

Calcium Lactate

This type is used mainly as antacids and is derived from a combination of calcium carbonate and lactic acid. It can be found in aged cheese and is also used as baking powder. It can also be added to xylitol to regenerate the enamel of the tooth through the remineralization process.

Calcium Carbonate

This calcium is used as a supplement. This can be found in most calcium pills in the market. For better absorption, it's best taken after meals. It is also used as an antacid and in toothpaste production. One thing about this calcium is that it needs to be used in the right dosage to prevent harmful effects to the body such as hypercalcemia, vomiting and altered mental status.

Calcium Citrate Malate

This is a combination of calcium carbonate, citric acid and malic acid. As the most absorbable calcium known today, it can help women over 50 years old with their bone problems. Aging women, and some men, may experience bone problems, like osteoporosis, as they grow old. To prevent or cure early onset of bone problems, calcium supplements should be taken.

Calcium Phosphate

Calcium phosphate is used mainly for fertilizer production but, like the others, it can be used as a nutritional supplement and in cheese products.

Calcium Gluconate

This is also used as a nutritional supplement for stronger bones, however, it contains little amount of elemental calcium so you have to take more pills to address calcium needs.

Calcium's help to have stronger bones and teeth has been proven in various researches, so we need this in our everyday diet. There are other ways to obtain calcium aside from the food we eat. You can buy calcium tablet supplements. The taste of a calcium tablet is not always tolerable for most people so you can try calcium capsules instead.

There are different types of calcium with varying components so you need to consult your doctor for the calcium supplement that would suit your calcium needs. - 17269

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6 Simple Tips for Successful Weight Loss

By Thong M. Dao

If you are like many people who are trying to lose weight, you have probably tried diet after diet only to find out that the diet you are currently on is not helping your fat loss plans. The reason for this might be that you are using fad diets and weight loss programs that do damage to the body instead of helping it achieve its ideal weight. If you want to lose fat and stay healthy follow the following tips to help you achieve your goal.

1. Consume lots of water. Your body demands a lot of water therefore give it water. Water isn't just a way to flush toxin out but when you have more water in the body you'll in general feel fitter and healthier. This itself will deter any inclination to overeat. The best thing about water is it contains no calories at all.

2. Start off your day with a fresh, clean glass of water. As soon as you get up in the morning, drink one down. This will help your body to get going because it won't be fighting through dehydration. Also, after you drink a glass of water you won't need to eat such a large breakfast. A glass of water wakes up all the digestive juices in your body and gets it well lubricated. You can always have your morning coffee or tea, but be sure to have a glass of water afterwards. Caffeine dehydrates you and you want to ward off dehydration.

3. Drink a glass of water before you start the meal. Water naturally needs some space so that you feel fuller without actually having to stuff yourself.

4. Have another glass of water while you are having the meal. Again this is another way of making yourself full so that you can actually rise from the table eating less but feeling full just the same. Instead of drinking it one gulp, take sips after each morsel. It will help the food to settle faster so that you get that feeling that you are full faster.

5. Stay away from sweetened bottle drinks, especially sodas. Hey all those colas and fizzy drinks are sweetened with sugar and sugar means calories. The more you can cut out on these sweetened bottle drinks, the better for you. So if you must drink sodas, then stick to diet sodas.

6. Fruit juice Is not as healthy as many folks believe either. Juice really has lots of sugar in it too. Whenever you're craving a glass of juice, have fresh fruit juice rather than juice that contains man-made flavours and coloring. It's even better when you could make your own fruit juice. But make certain not to add too much sugar which adds up to the calories. Rather than drink fruit juice, consume more fruit. Fruit provides your body with a great deal of necessary fibre in addition to vitamins. - 17269

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Jump Start Your Metabolism Quickly with Natural Supplements

By Thong M. Dao

Your body is something so amazing. Generally we pay no attention to our body and don't recognize how many functions our bodies are performing at any given minute. All too often in our lives, there is certainly something that we take for granted.

But if our health status starts declining we may start to think about our bodies constantly. It would be a more sensible idea to make sure that we are taking care of ourselves on a regular basis before something goes wrong than to try and correct it once it does.

Controlling weight is crucial to many people. It is really awkward for people who are busy with daily life. That doesn't mean that it is something impossible for us to do.

For example, we can make sure that we are helping our body along to the greatest extent possible by keeping our metabolism running at optimum levels. This can either be done by eating the right way, getting exercise or taking supplements. They work or you can try a combination.

It's pretty easy to boost your metabolic rate by taking supplements. There are lots of supplements available that will get your metabolic process functioning and will keep it going all day.

The most important thing is that you pick out something which is completely natural so you do not damage the body in the process. Using man-made chemical substances in order to alter the way that your body functions is just a risky idea from the start.

While there are some other supplements capable of supercharging metabolic rate, among the safest and most powerful is green tea. This can be taken either in natural form brewed in tea, or concentrated in tablet form.

Green tea contains antioxidants and can help keep metabolism up. Use this product often and you'll get fast results you've always wanted! - 17269

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Need Help Finding the Best Memory Vitamins?

By Royce Linford

There are large number of memory vitamins out there and all of them effect memory and learning to some degree. Trying to find the right one for you can be difficult, well explore many of them to help you.

Most memory vitamins are either in pill or liquid form. I prefer pill form because they contain more of the actual vitamins, so if possible try to stay away from the liquid versions. When choosing a product, you want to get one that mixes several different memory enhancing vitamins, minerals and herbs. This way they are all able to work together, giving you the best results in just one pill.

A lot of vitamins aid memory, some more than others. More common vitamins, such as Vitamin B1 and B6, as well as Vitamin C. Then there are the less common ones, these include Ginkgo Biloba, Guto Kola and DMAE (Dimethyl Amino Ethanol).

Vitamin B and C can be found in many different foods and are included in nearly all multivitamins. Including them in your diet can help improve your memory, but for the best results I suggest using a memory enhancement supplement.

Ginkgo Biloba and Guto Kola both increase blood circulation, they also aid in boosting brain function and reduce stress. Making these two of the best herbs for memory improvement.

DMAE is the basis for acetylcholine which is a neurotransmitter. Its kind of like having two lines at the supermarket, it gets thoughts moving through quicker. Making it easier for you to process thoughts and memories.

Taking Ginkgo Biloba, Guto Kola or DMAE can improve memory function. But you should be careful, taking them without knowing the proper doses, as with any supplement, can cause more harm than good. The best thing to do is find a memory vitamin that contains 2 or more of these nutrients, this way you are getting the proper dosages, while maximizing the effects on your memory.

Visit your local health food store to compare different memory vitamins available in your area. I suggest sticking with whichever memory vitamin you choose for a least 2 months before deciding whether or not to switch. The body needs time to get used to new vitamins and you need time to evaluate the product and see if you like it, if not you can always try something different. - 17269

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