Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, December 7, 2009

Back To Basics Detox Plan

By Mark Walters

Even though there are numerous good detoxification programs available, many are difficult to incorporate into your day to day life. Today we'll detail a simple detox plan, that you should be able to easily adapt your lifestyle to.

- Consume as many vegetables, fresh fruits, fish, seeds and nuts, as you can. Aim for organic foods whenever possible, so as to avoid eating foods contaminated with fungicides, herbicides, pesticides and hormones.

- Drink plenty of water; ideally equal to half of your body weight in ounces at least once per week.

- Sugar, alcohol and caffeine should be avoided at all costs. You can use honey, steva or agave nectar to sweeten foods, but not artificial sweeteners as they contain certain toxins that you're trying to stay away from.

- Take a fiber supplement, such as psyllium or flax (which can both be found in the health food aisle of most grocery stores) in the evening before going to sleep. Each capsule should contain about five to eight grams of fiber and should not have any food colorings or sugar added.

- Exercise on a regular basis to improve your blood circulation. Half an hour to an hour of exercise 3-5 times a week is recommended, but if you are just starting out, begin slow and build up to this goal.

- Take hot salt baths or saunas to discharge toxins through sweating. Keep in mind that you should drink a lot of extra water so as to avoid the effects of dehydration.

Implementing these simple methods in to your daily routine will see you reaping many health benefits. Really, you have no excuse not to. By delaying or making excuses, you're only putting your long term health in danger. So, why not begin now? You'll not only feel better, but will look better too! - 17269

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6-Step Detox Plan

By Steven Gerrard

Most people are aware of the benefits of detoxing but few achieve them because they struggle to find the time to implement the sometimes complex detox programs. Here, we'll review a simple detox that can easily be added to your daily routine, which will allow you to take in less toxins and get rid of those already in your system.

- Only consume natural foods like fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts, and whole grains. Eat organically as you can, so that no pesticides, hormones, or herbicides enter your body.

-Every few days, you need to drink at least half of your weight in fresh water (with a little lemon juice added to it if you want). The days in between, aim to take in at least 8 glasses per day.

- Sugar, alcohol and caffeine should be avoided at all costs. You can use honey, steva or agave nectar to sweeten foods, but not artificial sweeteners as they contain certain toxins that you're trying to stay away from.

- Take a fiber supplement, such as psyllium or flax (which can both be found in the health food aisle of most grocery stores) in the evening before going to sleep. Each capsule should contain about five to eight grams of fiber and should not have any food colorings or sugar added.

-You need to exercise to see the best results of a detox. When you exercise, your body releases chemicals and toxins through your sweating. Exercise also helps your circulatory system by getting more oxygen into your blood. You should aim for at least 30 minutes of continuous exercise between 3 and 5 times a week.

- Take hot salt baths or saunas to discharge toxins through sweating. Keep in mind that you should drink a lot of extra water so as to avoid the effects of dehydration.

This easy to follow detoxification process is achievable by anybody who is determined to make themselves healthier. On completion it will leave you feeling more energetic and vibrant. Use it 2 or 3 times a year to give yourself a boost after any prolonged feeling of not being at your best. Really, you have no excuse not to. By delaying or making excuses, you're only putting your long term health in danger. So, why not begin now? - 17269

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6-Step Detox Plan

By Bryan Charlton

Even though there are numerous good detoxification programs available, many are difficult to incorporate into your day to day life. Today we'll detail a simple detox plan, that you should be able to easily adapt your lifestyle to.

- Only consume natural foods like fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts, and whole grains. Eat organically as you can, so that no pesticides, hormones, or herbicides enter your body.

- Drink enough water (mixed with fresh lemon juice if you prefer) to equal half of your body weight per week. This is a minimum though, and you should drink as much water as you feel able to.

- Sugar, alcohol and caffeine should be avoided at all costs. You can use honey, steva or agave nectar to sweeten foods, but not artificial sweeteners as they contain certain toxins that you're trying to stay away from.

- Take a fiber supplement, such as psyllium or flax (which can both be found in the health food aisle of most grocery stores) in the evening before going to sleep. Each capsule should contain about five to eight grams of fiber and should not have any food colorings or sugar added.

-You need to exercise to see the best results of a detox. When you exercise, your body releases chemicals and toxins through your sweating. Exercise also helps your circulatory system by getting more oxygen into your blood. You should aim for at least 30 minutes of continuous exercise between 3 and 5 times a week.

-Try taking saunas and / or hot baths as the sweating they cause will assist your body in removing toxins from your skin. Remember to drink additional water afterwards so that you don't dehydrate yourself.

Implementing these simple methods in to your daily routine will see you reaping many health benefits. Really, you have no excuse not to. By delaying or making excuses, you're only putting your long term health in danger. So, why not begin now? You'll not only feel better, but will look better too! - 17269

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The Good and Bad of Forced Reps

By Klint Newton

So after six reps of 150lbs on the bench press you decided to call it quits. You were pretty tired even though you know you could have knocked out eight if you had a spotter. You didn't though and didn't want to risk hurting yourself.

Enter the Forced Rep

The situation is the same. You are struggling with your sixth rep, but got it up. Your spotter encourages you to do a seventh. You lower the weight, and lift it about six inches off of your chest and your stuck. Without your spotter, you are in bad situation, but your spotter is there, and lifts about 10lbs of the weight, and you get past the sticking point to power the rest of the rep.

Then your spotter wants you to get an eighth rep. You slowly lower the weight, but its not going back up. You just can't lift the weight, by yourself. Your partner barely lifts the bar with you. He only lifts about 10-30lbs of the weight while you strain and give it everything you possibly have. After what seems to be an eternity, you finally get the bar up and the rep and set is over. That is a forced rep.

The true definition is: an extension of a particular set of repetitions in which your strength level at the beginning of the set has been reduced to a point of positive failure. This is the point at which you can't possibly move the weight by yourself. Your spotter steps in to barely help and you achieve maximum intensity. He only helps slightly but you are so tired that you feel like he's done all the work and you got nothing out of it. Trust me, you are the one who actually lifted that weight, he only helped.

The Good

When performing a forced rep you use up every drop of intensity your working muscles have to offer. When approaching a forced rep a physiological reaction occurs. It's scary when you are in the middle of a rep and can't get the bar up. You don't have many options. You can drop the bar on yourself, try to get the weight off the bar, or let your partner help. This is what your brain is thinking, your body is thinking "this is do or die!" Your body then releases a surge of adrenaline making you stronger and actually able to lift the weight. When all is said and done, if you use one or two forced reps know that you have used maximum intensity.

The Bad

Forced reps are good when used properly, but it's really easy to get carried away. I suggest using one or two forced reps per exercise, not per set. The goal of any size gaining weight training program is to employ maximum intensity. The problem with forced reps can lead to overtraining. When performing a forced rep, your body is lifting a weight that is at its maximum strength capacity, and when intensity increases, duration must decrease. Put simply, the heavier and harder something is, the less you can and should do it. Forced reps are not bad, but doing too many forced reps is bad.

Forced reps are a great way to get the most out of any set. They are a great way of knowing you reached maximum intensity, but within reason. This is why I suggest doing only two forced reps at the end of your last set. If you do more, or on more sets this will lead to muscular exhaustion and actually smaller muscles. - 17269

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Thermothin Plus: Get The Diet Results You've Been After

By Tommy Patrick

Everyone has known for years now that carrying extra weight can be a health problem, but not everyone knows that even 10% of extra body fat can land you with some serious medical consequences like

* Hypertension * Depression * Type 2 Diabetes.

The Center for Disease Control has made it very clear that carrying any extra weight at all can be an obstacle to your enjoying a full and happy life. That's why you need the benefits of Theromthin Plus. This is a revolutionary new weight-loss supplement that combines the antioxidant power of the Acai berry with Western scientific knowledge. It's important to remember that even a 10% weight loss will improve your overall health and even losing those pesky love handles will give you a better outlook on how you think and feel.

So the question is on everyone's mind who is very serious about losing those extra pounds is, 'Does thermothinplus work?" All the skeptics need to do is take a quick look at their website to realize quickly that the testimonials supplied there answer the question with a resounding yes.

Western Scientific Knowledge And The Acai Berry.

It's in the ingredients of thermothin plus with Acai that the success of the product is founded. Beyond the Western scientific knowledge and green tea extract that is used in this product, the Acai Berry that has been harvested by Brazilians for hundreds of years lends Thermothin Plus With Acai the power to help you take weight off and keep it off.

The antioxidant powers of the berry have been well known in Brazil for years now. This is the product that has a four pronged approach to its success. First off, Thermothin plus works by suppressing hunger. That means that the pill actually helps to curb your appetite. Then it boosts your energy levels so that you can burn off more energy. Finally Thermothinplus burns your belly fat so that you can lose weight naturally.

The experts all agree that anyone will see a drastic change for the better when they lose even 10% of the extra weight they are carrying. Of course the smart consumer will want to be sure they get the best product on their side and that's Thermothin Plus With Acai. - 17269

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The Secret Number of Reps to Gain Mass

By Klint Newton

How Many Reps Should I Do? Many people ask this question, and there are as many answers to this question as there are people asking it. One expert will tell you one rep scheme will produce mass gains, and that no other scheme will work. The next expert will tell you that you need to do a completely different amount of reps to gain mass, and that any other amount of reps will not produce favorable results.

With so many ideas how do you know what's right? I'll give you the scientific facts, and you can decide for yourself.

Different rep schemes target different types of muscle, and different parts within the muscle structure. Lets keep this simple and say that there are basically two different types of muscle fiber, Fast Twitch and Slow Twitch. Let's also keep the rep schemes simple and say that there are three types:

1. Low reps (3-5), very heavy weight (88-93% of 1RM)

2. Medium reps (6-8), moderate weight (84-88% or 1RM)

3. Many Reps (15-25), light weight (60-70% of 1RM)

The low rep, high weight rep scheme is for building strength but not muscle mass. Normally a muscle has to be engaged in 36 seconds of continuous tension to spark the muscle growing mechanism. These reps should be done repeatedly and explosively through the entire range of motion, focusing on maintaining form.

The middle scheme is for recruiting fast twitch fiber growth which builds muscle mass as well as strength. This kind of set should be performed slower than the first set. You will lower the weight in four seconds while lifting in two. This combination of time and lifting weight within 84 and 88 percent of your 1 rep max will stimulate muscle growth.

The high reps scheme of 15-25 at 60-70% of 1RM will recruit slow twitch muscle fiber almost exclusively. This type of rep scheme will increase endurance and increase overall aerobic fitness. This rep scheme is also much easier to recover from. One reason this type of rep scheme increases aerobic activity is because your body has produced so much lactic acid that you will fail at the end of a set because of cardiovascular fatigue and not muscular fatigue.

What's best? It depends on what you want. There are two types of muscle fiber, Type I and Type II. They are also referred to as Slow Twitch and Fast Twitch. These muscle fibers usually are found in the bigger muscles like the pecs, biceps, and quads and are made for quick power. Most people focus all of their attention on the fast twitch muscles, as they have more potential for growth than slow twitch fibers. Just remember, your body adapts to your workouts in two to four weeks, so you need to change your rep scheme every few weeks to keep introducing new stimuli to your body. Also, changing up your workouts will eliminate any change of a plateau. Also, be sure to use proper form, and when you can't lift the weight for one more rep, the set is over.

The bottom line is to mix up your rep scheme from time to time to ensure you are developing both the fast twitch fibers and the slow twitch fibers to their maximum potential. - 17269

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Can Using The Prescription Drug Warfarin Make Me More Likely To Bruise Easily?

By Carolyn Cooper

When thinking of bruises, you are usually thinking of discolored marks that occur when you fall or bump into something too hard. What would you think if you glanced down and became suddenly aware that you had unexplained purple and blue bruises on your arms and legs? For people using prescription Warfarin, this can be a fairly common happening, but if you have just started taking this prescription drug, you could find this bruising startling.

The prescription drug Warfarin is usually prescribed to people who have a tendency to develop thrombosis or to people who have already developed a blood clot. When Warfarin is taken, it helps reduce the chance of embolism by reducing the the clot's size and helping reduce the possibility that new clots will form. It is also prescribed to people who have sustained a recent heart attack.

If you have been prescribed Warfarin, you may find that you are now noticing purple bruises on your arms and legs that didn't seem to appear before you started your new subscription. While the bruises are probably caused by taking this prescription, you still need to understand why the bruising is occurring and how you can help prevent it.

Warfarin's designed function is that of a blood thinner and anti-coagulant. By inhibiting the action of vitamin K, Warfarin reduces natural blood clotting, and as a result of that, relatively insignificant contusions will be apt to bleed more freely than they would if Warfarin were not being taken.

Consider how a bruise is actually created. A bruise forms when a blood vessel beneath the skin ruptures even though the skin itself remains intact. The blood seeps into the surrounding tissues from the rupture beneath the skin, giving bruises their dark coloration, and if multiple blood vessels are broken, the the bruise will be larger and darker.

When a person is on Warfarin, more blood comes to the surface of the skin, and if you are not clotting, the bruises can be very dramatic indeed. Take some time and think about all the instances where you bark your shin, or when you bump into a counter or door. These instances can create bruises that look like they have come from a tumble down the stairs.

When you want to prevent the bruises that occur thanks to Warfarin, you should begin by speaking to your doctor. There may be supplemental medications that will reduce these effects or others that can replace Warfarin, but these alternative drugs can be much more expensive and time consuming. Remember that the blood thinning is primary goal of treatment.

Dealing with your easy bruising does not have to be a hopeless endeavor. You should consider the benefits found in the unique, all natural formula found in the Bruises Be Banned daily program. You may not be able to avoid all bruising, but you can take steps to try to reduce your easy bruising. The Bruises Be Banned daily program can help reduce existing bruises in a few days, but most importantly, it can help you reduce bruising easily or prevent bruising altogether before they take place. - 17269

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Dietary Myth Busters - The Honest Truth Regarding Trendy Dietary Plans

By Josh Wintrop

Did you realize that children's stories and campfire tales aren't the only popular myths out there? There are thousands of myths going on all over the world when it comes to losing weight, especially when you start reading about some of those popular diet plans.

It's almost like some of these so-called diet books were really just fantasy books written about a big, magic diet weight loss granting genie. Don't get hooked on these fantasy stories and myths!

These stories won't help you lose your stubborn excess body fat! You might even be doing permanent damage to your body because many of these programs have no scientific proof that they work.

If you're interested in losing weight, here's some of the most popular weight lost lies that you need to keep away from. Don't get caught in these web of weight loss lies, just read through this list so you can avoid the fads and get on the right track to healthy living.

Myth number one will tell you that for a diet plan to be effective, it should be meticulously prepared with laser sharp measurements of consumption. This means you have chart your calorie cycles, plot everything, and tailor your diet to your metabolic rates with lots of yada-yada on the side.

The honest truth is a lot simpler than all that. The only diet you really need is one that works. Restricting your food intake is a sure fire way to fail at dieting. The key to losing weight is to find a diet plan that is easy to stick to. There's nothing easier than simply planning your meals out every day.

Another myth that a lot of diet plans espouse is that you gain weight because of the things you're eating, as opposed to how much you're eating. This is probably caused by diet-fad-guru's twisted idea of how nutrition works.

To lose weight you must cut calories. The key to losing fat is to create a deficit in your calorie intake. This means that if you take in more calories than you burn off you will gain unwanted body fat; it's that simple. To lose weight, you need to burn calories. When you burn fat, you do not allow it to remain in your body.

3) This myth holds that fasting is bad for the body. This is one of those truths that begins with a speck of truth. We know that starving is generally bad for the body. But there is a significant difference between starvation and food addiction.

Over time, the human brain has been conditioned to crave certain foods. Your brain will crave these particular foods even if you are getting the right nutrition and vitamins. These kinds of cravings are really food addiction.

When you develop techniques to control your food cravings you have gained powerful tools to fight against unwanted fat. A flexible fasting program helps you eliminate the cravings due to food addiction and better control your calorie intake.

Weight loss and dieting are steeped in popular myths. You have to repudiate these myths so you can start eating healthy to live happier. - 17269

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How To Prevent Bruising And Speed Healing

By Jan Doan

A people grow older, they tend to be more prone to bruising than they were in younger years. As your body ages, there is less protection under the skin than there was in earlier years. While most bruised offer no serious health challenges and do not require special treatment, there are ways to prevent bruising and ways to help a bruise that does occur to heal.

Although it is a simple step, it is also a very effective one to simply keep clothing over the areas where you often bruise yourself. Long sleeves can protect the arms. Long pants can protect the legs. Long sweaters will protect the hips, while shoes protect the feet and the toes. For bruises on the forearm or thighs there are pads available the will help to protect you. See your pharmacist in order to locate these pads.

For some persons, increasing the consumption of foods that contain Vitamin K will increase clotting that prevents bruising. This vitamin is found in leafy greens and in cabbages. Vitamin K supplements can also help.

To help with the healing of a bruise, use fresh parsley leaves that have been crushed and spread over the bruise. The leaves will promote healing and help to get rid of the marks of the bruise. They can be held in place using gauze and tape or an adhesive bandage.

If you take aspirin on a regular basis for a heart condition, be sure that you are only taking the 81 mg so called children's or baby aspirin. Adult strength aspirin can thin the blood too far and cause bleeding through the capillaries. This bleeding can cause bruises.

Multivitamins can help, especially if your are not eating correctly. In addition to vitamin K, you need to get enough vitamin C. The healthier your body, the less likely you are to bruise.

If you have injured a part of your body, remember the acronym RICE. This tells you how to care for a bruise. The injured area should rest. That gives it a chance to heal. Ice constricts blood vessels and helps to stop bleeding under the skin. Compression and elevation helps the blood to drain out of the area which has been injured.

Add more citrus fruit to your diet. Some of your vitamin C can come from a supplement, but citrus fruit helps to strengthen the capillary walls. Stronger capillaries are less likely to allow blood to leak and thus there will be fewer bruises. The vitamin C that the fruit provides in necessary to promote healing in your body. The daily dose of the fruit helps in both prevention and healing.

While most bruises may not be harmful, they can be both painful and ugly. Take the correct steps to prevent bruising and heal the bruises that do occur. This can stop the pain and prevent further complications from developing. - 17269

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The 9th HCG Day: Still Waiting

By Amelia Handley

Lisa and I are still awaiting the delivery of our HCG and the HCG diet protocol that comes along with it from HCG Diet Direct. While we've been waiting we've been looking around for info online and we've found a few sticky topics that get talked about a lot. And they're going to be a bit rough if they're actually true. We're treating them as rumors at this point; nothing's set in stone until we get the HCG diet protocol booklet from HCG Diet Direct. Then we'll have to really deal with the trouble areas.

But for history's sake I thought I'd dedicate my daily article for today to the problems I foresee. I'm definitely going to have a big issue of diet soda isn't allowed. I figured it might be since it's zero calorie, but I've heard some say that you can't have it. I'm also going to really dislike it if I'm limited to just one kind of berry (the strawberry is great, but there are so many other yummy options out there to choose from). And I also heard that there is no approved ground meat. That seems difficult to me since there are really lean ground meat options out there. And lastly...what's this I hear about no substitutions?

I'll start by bemoaning the potential lack of Diet Soda and Crystal Light. WHAT? Really no diet soda or Crystal Light? That's what I heard, anyway. Some of the blogs I read back in the day pointed to their "twice daily diet soda" and their constant consumption of Crystal Light as their salvation while they abstained from sugar and ate very limited fruit. And I absolutely saw how that would be me. If I can't have chocolate cake dripping with delightfully light and tasty glaze....I figured I could at least keep my hands busy wrapped around a Diet Soda! I'm going to stop considering the dreadful prospect now. It hasn't yet been confirmed.

Next I need to bemoan the removal of berries from the hcg diet protocol. I thought they were included, but we've found several comments from dieters online that suggest the only berry allowed is the strawberry. Could that be correct? There are so many wonderful berries out there to choose from and we're to stick strictly to the strawberry? I'm very disappointed in this possibility. (I'm still kind of hoping that it's not quite true...just give me my pipe dreams. They'll be blown out of the water soon enough).

The no ground meat thing won't really be an option until I get to the monthly barbeque gathering my brother hosts. He's going to be pretty bugged when I just have salad. But I suppose I can just tell him I'm sick and he might just let it go. Or maybe I'm wrong and ground meat is an option; there are all those really lean varieties available now.

So...no substitutions? Yikes! I think it would make it a lot easier if I could split up my little bits of food to have a little here, a little there throughout the day, but some forums are saying you just can't do that. That seems a bit beyond strict, but maybe there's a good reason for the rules. I sure would like to option of saving a serving of fruit for a late night snack, though. So...again...keeping my fingers crossed this one is actually just a rumor.

And now we're at the end of my sad tale. I feel like I've whined at you enough for the day. I'll let you go ahead and hold your breath waiting for my next titillating installment as I document my course through the HCG diet. - 17269

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Learn All About Body Cleansing Detoxification

By Erik Loebl

Your health is the most important thing you have. All of the money in the world won't do you a bit of good if your health doesn't allow you to spend it. Millions of people across America are taking several different kinds of medical drugs today that are actually destroying their health. There is a natural way to avoid those body damaging drugs. Learn all about body cleansing detoxification.

There are many detoxification cleanses that you can use. Some are for the whole body, while others target specific organs of the body. All of these cleanses will have a significant impact on your health.

There are toxins in every area of your environment. As a result, free radicals enter your body and keep the cells from working properly. The free radicals actually cause different diseases and illnesses. All of this causes your body not to work at its full potential.

The purpose of a whole body detox is to get rid of the toxins that are stored inside of your body. You will need to stop eating a diet that has a lot of caffeine, white flour, dairy products, meats and sugar in it. You will need to fast for two days before starting the detox program. The diet you will use should consist mainly of raw fruits and vegetables, water and fruit juices.

You will need to have a good workout plan to follow, and you will need to reduce the stress in your life considerably for the detoxification to take place successfully. Some detox plans include taking herbal laxatives to cleanse your colon naturally.

One of the most important parts of a body detoxification plan is to thoroughly cleanse the colon. All of the putrid materials from the body are dumped into the colon, which acts as the sewage system. When the colon is working normally all of these materials are emptied from the system on a regular basis.

Doctors often do colon cleanses in their offices with warm water enemas. These don't work nearly as well as the natural cleanses that can be done at home. In some cases the enemas can actually cause damage to the intestines.

The cause of most diarrhea and constipation is a clogged colon. If you are experiencing abdominal pain, bloating, discomfort or nausea, you may need to do a cleanse. These symptoms are caused by fecal material that is stuck to the sides of the intestinal walls and have rotted. As a result, these poisons begin to affect the whole body. They can cause diseases such as cardiovascular disease, allergies or cancer among many others.

One of the easiest and simplest ways to get rid of toxins in your body is by doing an ion foot bath detoxification. You just sit in a chair with your feet in the water container. The positive and negative electrons in the warm water that flows beneath your feet attach themselves to the toxins that are in the body, pull them out through the feet and dissolve them in the water.

You can find a variety of body cleansing detoxification methods on the internet or in the bookstore. When health problems first appear, do a complete body and colon detox first. The only way your body can heal itself is by getting rid of the toxins. - 17269

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Juicing Can Save Your Life

By Ellen Valentine, CNC

Is there a certain line of defense to engage when you are not well? Is it true that once you hit a certain age things begin to fall apart and youre at the mercy of a life of medication to keep organ systems going? Well, it will be true for you if you believe that. My job here though is to remind you that your body has the greatest potential for healing, and once you taste the triumph when Infinite Intelligence reverses an illness or condition, youll be empowered for life. Youll be invincible.

Everyone needs reminders. They come in the form of a good friend, a spouse, a mentor, a movie like the Secret or What the Bleep, a class or a book. The reminder is simple yet profound and that is that YOU ARE IN CHARGE. You can turn poor health around by going to the root cause of all disease: bad digestion. Bad digestion simply means youve run out of or are very low in digestive enzymes and minerals. Your job now is to eat whole, organic, take digestive enzymes every time you eat and combine your foods properly.

The Infinite Intelligence in the body considers assimilating food a high priority; in fact, all else takes second place to digestion. As a persons digestion becomes increasingly worse, the body must expend more time and energy grasping for nourishment. As the body becomes more starved and depleted it only makes sense that organs and systems breakdown, usually those that are genetically predisposed. If poor eating habits persist, the body spends more energy trying to work food through the system, organ systems break down, and the Infinite Intelligence programmed for homeostasis doesnt have a spare moment for healing. This is when people are in a real crisis.

The most intelligent line of defense in a crisis is to mineralize and rest the body. This point in a persons life can be a real blessing. It may change their life for the wonderful simply because of the marvelous miracles that they will experience. The idea is to eat as much organic raw as possible. Not only is juicing the most effective way to put minerals in and replenish, a juicer is the best pharmacy you can go to. And you dont have to be sick to juice. Mothers should be juicing every day for the healthy and vibrant future of their children.

There are some really tasty juice combinations. In our home we love carrots, a cucumber, a green apple, celery, spinach, fennel and watercress. The cucumber and green apple lend a lot of juice and cut any heaviness in the carrots and spinach. Carrots are rich in beta carotene, great for the immune system, spinach is rich in folic acid, vitamin E and a great blood builder, celery is rich in potassium, fennel great for the digestive system and cucumber promotes beautiful skin.

Buy a couple of good juicing books and start with those recommendations. Add your own favorite additions for taste preferences. A wonderful mix that does it all for our family is the following for beautiful skin and a healthy immune system: 7 carrots, 1 cucumber, 1 or 2 green apple(s), a handful of parsley and kale. If it seems too green, add some fresh pineapple in there for digestion (bromelain).

Juicing cuts down on the energy the body expends in the digestive process. Always use organic. To do otherwise will make you ill as your body tries to push through the toxic chemicals that are used to spray conventionally grown foods.

Although you can have some lifeless in your diet; make 75% real and live food. As Earth Day is on our minds, take a stand for organic, both for fabrics and foods. Ask store owners to make sure that they do not stock genetically engineered, seedless varieties. Remember that the middle isles of stores contain lifeless food. Eat around the periphery of any store. Quality life as we age depends on replenishing the body storehouses of minerals and enzymes.

If you are healing, there are certain rules of thumb: it is better to not eat than to eat something that will throw the healing process back, drink lots of pure water every day, use only the freshest of everything you put in or on your body, make sure you eliminate several times a day, get lots of rest or meditation time, or both, have people you can trust to talk to, change the way you do things, eat every bite of food with gratitude and consciousness, help a friend, and love yourself above all else so you have more to give to others.

Vibrant Health, Ellen Valentine - 17269

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