Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Article 17: Day Three on VLCD

By Amelia Handley

Alright. Yesterday was a bit rough. I broke the diet and it was only my second day on the very low calorie portion of my HCG program. But in my defense...the mall food court absolutely overwhelmed my sense of self. They arrange it in a semi-circle so it seems as if there's no way to escape. And my kids were taking FOREVER to eat their deep fried food with all the yummy (sugar filled) sauces! Alright...alright. I'll stop defending myself and just move on!

Now on to the good stuff. I did weigh myself this morning. And even though I broke plan yesterday and had food that are definitely NOT HCG approved (like chicken nuggets and buffalo sauce) I went down. I weighed in at 163 pounds. So that's great.

After I weighed myself I took my B-Total and my HCG drops. I whipped out my booklet that came with my products and gave it a quick read through. Then I got online and looked up Dr. Simeons protocol. I decided to call the hcg weight loss cure guide a supplemental guide to Dr. Simeons HCG cure protocol ebook. That's how I ended up spending the morning reading it online. I decided that maybe I'd be less likely to break the diet if I read more of the background information.

I didn't really read anything new. (I did do a lot of research prior to deciding to do the diet). But it was good to refresh my memory of the protocol after yesterday's momentary (but very thorough) lapse from HCG approved foods to deep fried chicken with Chick-Fil-a Buffalo Sauce. Anyway! I'm nowhere near a Chick-Fil-a today so that's ancient history.

I took my second set of HCG drops before noon. I made turkey chili for lunch (lots of fresh tomatoes). I always find that any soup I make with fresh tomatoes in it turns out really tasty. And so far that's so true when it comes to the recipes in the HCG cookbook! I'll also give you a tip regarding the Melba Toast. Try the Spicy 3 Pepper flavor. They're amazing. I think I'll like them even when I'm not on the diet. They're definitely WAY better than the original. I had a snack in the afternoon...an apple (Gala are my favorite).

For dinner I had grilled chicken seasoned with Tony Chachere's Creole seasoning (after I took my HCG, of course). The Creole seasoning is a classic that we should all keep stocked in our pantries. If you don't love it; I'll be shocked. With the chicken we had asparagus and for dessert we had strawberries. I made enough for all of us since the kids really like chicken and I thought they should attempt to eat asparagus. They've never had it before. It didn't go over very well with them, but I thought it was pretty good. I drank a ton of water because I had to stay up late to work and I couldn't have any type of snack. So that's probably a good thing. Even though I'll be waking up to go to the bathroom constantly tonight, I'm sure! - 17269

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Yeast-Free Diets - Food Intolerance & Allergy Testing

By Matt Bournston

Right, if you think you might have a food allergy or food intolerance, there are a few ways that you can test to see if you do indeed have an intolerance to specific foods. One method is called the Pulse Test, and the other way is to get a blood test done.

Blood Test

Having a blood test can be a great option, because it saves a lot of time, and you can be more certain about what kinds of foods you should avoid and which ones you can continue eating. What happens is, you have a blood sample taken, and then this is sent away to a special testing laboratory, where they test it against a wide range of food ingredients. This is a very quick way to see a full picture of how your body reacts to different foods. The only real down side to having a blood test though is that it can cost quite a lot of money.

The Pulse Test

The pulse test is great free alternative to the blood test, and can be done in the comfort of your own home. Although it is free, the one down side to this method is how time consuming it is.

Here's what you need to do:

First you need to cut out all suspected foods for a few weeks, and then for each food (with at least 10 days between each), do the following:

1. Make yourself a meal or snack containing a lot of the chosen food.

2. Sit or lie down, until you are totally relaxed.

3. Once you feel totally relaxed, take your pulse. This is your resting pulse rate. Make a note of it.

4. Eat the food.

5. Record your pulse at 5, 10, 30 and 60 minutes after eating the food. Note each number down, and also write down any symptoms you experience (although there aren't always symptoms at this early stage).

6. If any of your pulse rates after eating the food are 10 points or more higher than your original resting pulse rate, then it means your body feels challenged by the food you have just eaten.

7. Over the next 3 days, note any symptoms, as often symptoms can appear up to 3 days afterwards. - 17269

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Learn The Way To Lose Pounds Easily?

By Squadoo Fatarie

You can find out how to shed pounds while not having to think about what you do. Would it be nice to really not need to fret about how many calories you are eating or how you may deal with that craving for a cut of bread? You can do this. Check out this turbulence training review for the best turbulence training exercises. There are many different trend diets out there today that just simply do not work. Chances are good that you've tried a few. rather than all of that, consider these easily followed tips for weight loss.

Tip 1 : Eat More plants

Without saying anything about the health advantages of eating veg, you want to eat more of them because they do not have virtually the amount of calories that other foods do. You can learn to make them in a number of ways. Find out how. Shed weight because you have filled up on the good stuff without depriving yourself of anything else.

Tip 2: Just Move More

Don't say the exercise word. You do not want to punish yourself. What you do need, though, is to make sure that you get additional movement into your life. As you make dinner, walk in effect. How shed weight doing this? It's simple. By moving your body more, in any way, you will burn energy quicker, thus helping you to drop some pounds as you go thru the week and month.

Tip 3: Reward Yourself With Foods you like

Most people fail on diets because they cannot have the things they adore. Chocolate, bread, a bowl of mashed potatoes may be prohibited on many diets, but by giving yourself a reward when you've been good will help you to stay on that diet. You are likely to continue doing good so you don't have to have feelings of guilt about eating those foods. You can discover how shed pounds by just taking care of yourself. - 17269

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Gout Crystals Form As A Resutl of Uric Acid Buildup

By Judith Allison

When a person is suffering from uric gout, their symptoms include pain in the joints, tightness and stiffness in the joints, and sometimes difficulty in moving those joints. This condition occurs when the levels of uric acid in the body reach unhealthy levels and gout crystals begin to develop and harden around the joints.

Gout most commonly affects the big toe joints, but sometimes it also occurs in the joints of the fingers, the knee joints, the elbow joints and the joints of the ankles. When gout is not effectively treated, mobility can be lost in any joints that the gout crystals have formed around.

Managing uric acid levels in the body can be done in several ways. These acid levels increase in the body due to eating too many foods that are rich in purine such as meats, certain seafood, and sweetbreads. Certain high purine, high caffeine drinks can also cause uric gout flare-ups.

These beverages include caffeinated teas, coffee and high caffeine drinks. Many times, if a person is in the early stages of gout, a change of diet can quickly relieve the pain and stiffness in the joints that are caused by the condition. Eliminating foods and beverages which are high in purines, along with drinking large quantities of water, can help to flush uric acid from your system. The gout symptoms will soon disappear.

If changing your diet does not relieve all gout symptoms, it may be necessary to take medications that are specially made to break up gout crystals. Mild medications such as NSAIDS may offer relief, but it is common for stronger medications, such as colchicine and probenecid, to be necessary to ensure all of the crystallization is dissolved away.

These stronger medications are more successful at relieving gout symptoms, but many people who take them have side effects such as nausea and vomiting. Taking these drugs is essentially the same as putting poison into your system, so if you experience these side effects, it is very important to notify your doctor right away. Your physician may decide it is necessary to put you on a different drug, depending on the severity of your side effects.

Some patients who are being treated for gout crystals around their joints find that exercise gives them tremendous relief. By moving and flexing the area of the body affected by gout, crystals can be broken up and will dissolve more easily. It is also very important to drink lots of fluids during exercise to help uric acids to leave the body when you perspire from working out. If you can exercise regularly it can be a more natural way to keep uric acids levels down and prevent a recurrence of gout flareups.

Do some investigating and find out whether there is any family history of gout. If a parent or grandparent had this condition, there is a good possibility you may develop it yourself. Do what you can to actively control your diet, reducing foods that are high in purines. Drinking large quantities of water will help flush uric acid out of your body. Begin a regular exercise routine to increase your flexibility and deter the formation of uric acid crystals. - 17269

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Bodybuilding Tips, Techniques to Build Muscle In Short Time

By Ricardo d Argence

When you take up bodybuilding, you can't wait to get big muscles. You can build muscles fast if you use the proper training methods and eat the right kind of diet. There is no need to resort to using dangerous or illegal substances. Here are some bodybuilding tips to help you build muscles fast.

You need to make sure you feed your body an adequate amount of protein so you can build muscle mass. Of all the muscle building tips you can implement, getting enough protein is probably the most important. When it comes to fats in your diet, eat mostly unsaturated fats. Instead of eating three large meals a day, you should eat five or six smaller meals so your body is constantly supplied with nutrients. This will keep your metabolism revved up, burning fat and building muscles.

Start bodybuilding slow so you do not injure yourself. This is important for stimulating your muscles to grow. Start off with light weights and your muscles will respond quickly. Before long you will have worked your way up to heavier weights, but take it easy on your body when you first start out.

For the quickest results, be sure to rest your muscles. When you work out you are ripping your muscles, your body needs time to repair them. A good rule of thumb is to give every other day rest to your muscles before working them out again. There are several ways you can fit rest into your schedule. You will probably be given several options in a good muscle building guide.

So start with light weights and do short reps in the beginning to avoid injury at all costs. It doesn't take a lot of weight to get a good workout when you are beginning bodybuilding. Also remember to warm up with stretches and cool down after your workouts.

You should follow a bodybuilding routine that lets you work out multiple muscles. That way you can work out groups of muscles much harder than you could if you tried to isolate an individual muscle. Examples of this include shoulder presses, push ups, pull ups, and squats. You will probably get tired quickly at first but you will rapidly gain strength and be able to increase your repetitions.

You want to be sure and work all of your body parts at least once a week. By doing these workouts which require more than one muscle at a time, you have a positive effect on your entire body. Trying to isolate your muscles is not a good idea. You want your body to have a good balance so being sure to cover every section is important.

It doesn't matter how skinny you are when you start, you can build big muscles if you stay dedicated to your training. That is why having a bodybuilding routine is important. It keeps you focused so you see results quicker. For the best results, you need to put forth your full effort with each training session.

You can build muscles fast with the right bodybuilding routine and the proper diet. It is important to keep safety in mind any time you are working around heavy weights, so work out smart so you don't injure yourself. And don't forget to allow plenty of rest time so your body can repair your muscles and make them bigger and stronger than before. - 17269

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A Healthy Eating Plan Avoids Constipation

By Dr. Gary Gendron

Digestive problems, particularly constipation is rampant! Look around at your grocery store or pharmacy to see aisles of non-prescription laxatives.

Most people, who believe they suffer from constipation, really have a delayed transit time.

Many people have a problem, and don't even realize, because they were told "whatever is normal for you is right."

This is false! Bowel movement frequency problems will cause to diseases such as cancer, hypertension, gall bladder disease, hemorrhoids, etc.

The ideal food transit time is 36-42 hours, which is considered average. From 42-48 hours is the above normal and over 54 hours is excessive.

Conversely, less than 36 hours is the low normal. I use a simple test in my office that the patient can do at home to determine food transit time if they are not sure what it is.

Transit time is a measure of how much time food material spends in your intestinal system. Excessive time in the intestinal tract, as in constipation and infrequent bowel movement, allow waste products and the absorption of these toxins into the body's circulatory system. Cholesterol that was taken out of the body now stands a good chance of being reabsorbed and reaching pathological high levels.

Diminished time in the intestinal tract, as in diarrhea or frequent bowel movements, is usually an indication of protein or fat malabsorption syndromes. These persons are frequently underweight and have poorly functioning immune systems.

The daily diet should contain at least 25 grams of dietary fiber, which can be supplied by ample amounts of fruit, vegetables and whole grains. Water consumption should be improved to 60 ounces a day.

Many people don't realize what a "normal" digestive tract is. If you follow these suggestions, you will be well on your way to a healthy nutrition diet. - 17269

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Finding The Right Substitutions For A Vegan Raw Food Diet

By Ben Pate

When cooking a strict vegan raw food diet, it will be important to do some research on the types of substitutes that can create the flavor you want in a quick and easy way. Vegans do not eat any foods that are made from animals or animal products. This include honey and foods that you may not think had animal products used in their processing.

When cooking for a strict vegan diet plan, you will want to substitute ingredients in recipes that meet the needs of the vegan, but which will also be tasty to the non-vegans who may eat the food. With most of the recipes, where plant substitutes are used for protein and other ingredients, you will want to use more spice than would be used normally. Most of the ingredients used for cooking vegan foods do not have the level of taste that is in other foods. Many will absorb the flavor of the food being made.

Most people automatically select honey when they are not going to use sugar in a recipe; however, honey is not an option in a vegan diet. Therefore, you need to expand your horizons and look to natural syrups. When using syrup as a sweetener, you will want to decrease some of the liquid that is called for in the recipe, as the liquid in the syrup will create some of the liquid called for in other parts of the recipe.

Agave Syrup, Date Syrup, and Golden Syrup are also commonly used with cooking and sweetening hot drinks. Each syrup will impart a different flavor in the recipe you are creating. Experimenting with a small amount of syrup with the other ingredients will allow you to find the best sweetener for your recipe. When finding the best sweetener for a hot drink you will find that herbal teas react differently to each type of syrup.

Baking and stovetop cooking require different substitutions in recipes. Almond and Soy milk make perfect substitutions for milk when a person is baking. Both of these milks have fats in them that combine with the ingredients just as regular milk does. When a gravy is being made, rice milk and cornstarch are an excellent combination. Rice milk will not burn or scorch as easily as Soy and Almond milk and is a great medium for other herbs and spices.

Rice milk does not burn easily and when you want to make gravy, using this milk with cornstarch will blend very well. When you want a creamy, sweet milk that is very easy to whip or use for cream, Coconut milk is an excellent choice. When using this milk you will want to cut the sweetener you use as it is very sweet when used as whipping cream.

When cheese is needed for a pasta dish, it is very easy to create a Ricotta cheese substitute. Silken Tofu or Mashed Tofu that is blended with a bit of lemon juice gives the Ricotta cheese flavor and bakes in pasta just like the real cheese. This cheese also works very well when making old-fashioned cheese break. When using substitute ingredients in recipes, a touch of lemon juice can brighten up the flavor of any dish. - 17269

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Things To Keep In Mind When Looking For A Facial Salon

By Archie Sato

You can see facial salons everywhere. They sprout like mushrooms, dotting almost every corner making it a bit of a challenge to choose the top one. While a friend's recommendation can help you narrow down your options or even aid you go into a good facial salon, sometimes you are left with no alternative but to sample a certain salon (with fingers crossed), hoping you'll come out blissful and satisfied. After all, experience still is the best teacher.

What are the things tosearch when picking out a facial salon? Look at the following:

Cleanliness is next to godliness. You've surely listened of this ancient proverb for perhaps a thousand times now, but this certainly isn't just another line on your proverbs collection. Hygiene is a major thing to regard when looking for a facial salon. See the surrounding area if it's favorable for such sort of establishment. Moreover, make sure that this certain facial salon adheres to the sanitary ordinances set by the ministry of health. The cleanliness of the equipment utilized in a facial salon is as critical as the treatment itself. By all means, verify that all facial instruments are properly cleaned before and after use. Furthermore, you have to be certain on how the therapists in a certain facial salon uphold cleanliness. Are they sticking to strict sanitary measures? Do they change their gloves with each patient? Do they rinse their hands before touching your face or any facial instrument? Do they wear clean scrub suits? Is the area itself clean?

Quality Products. Most facial salons are exclusive distributors of certain skin care products. Normally these products are tested and proven to be effective in detoxifying and cleansing your skin. Even so, some facial salons formulate their own products. Shy away from cheap and synthetically-produced products as generally they fail through quality control standards, hence, more probably to do damage to your skin.

Skin Consultation. A good facial salon should provide this service prior to any treatment. This is the part where you see and understand your skin condition. The therapist should be able to tell you your skin type and assess the needs of your skin. Recommendations for what type of products to apply are based from the outcome of the consultation.

Trained and professional staff. A good facial salon should invest in training their therapists. No matter how effective a certain treatment sounds like or how good the products applied, they're only as good as the hands that use them. Educated and professional therapists pay heed your concerns with credibility. A workforce is an important asset of a facial salon to assure the clients with the best outcomes by putting into consideration the vital needs of your skin.

The price is right. Let's face it, we all desire superb result that doesn't compromise our budget. And so it goes that quantity doesn't always mean quality or vice-versa. When picking out a facial salon, ensure that their services are reasonably priced. If you can have a really good treatment for a very inexpensive price, then good! However, you must also study the kind and quality of products being utilized. Sometimes, it's also better to go for a more costly treatment that promises good outcomes than go for a low-cost treatment only to be frustrated with the outcome.

Customer Feedback. Check out about a facial salon you have in mind by talking to other customer who have been there. You can find various feedback from them, certainly, and that should aid you make up your mind whether it's worth your dough or not. Consider all the pros and cons. - 17269

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Body Building Supplements, a waste of time?

By Jim Livingston

There are many bodybuilding supplements today. Most common are proteins / protein powders and amino acids, mineral replacement products, prohormones, testosterone boosters. These supplements and taken by body builders, sports persons and people looking to maintain their health. They help with building muscle, to assist with fat loss, improving sports performance and for general well being.

But do you really need supplements to gain muscles fast?

Yes. Generally Body building supplements are necessary if you want to gain bigger muscles faster.

This is because various supplements have their own benefits and they work together complementing each other to support muscle mass gain. You will probably not be getting enough of them through your normal meals and that is the primary reason why you need supplementation.

Which supplements to take:

1. Protein: possibly the most important of any supplements - protein is for muscle growth

Protein builds muscle. It is the common supplement that every bodybuilder uses. You need up to 1 gram of protein for every pound of your bodyweight per day for rapid muscles growth. This is a lot of protein, more than most people will get from their meals alone

Kinds of protein

Amino acids

You don't usually need to supplement individual amino acids as normally a good complete protein powder is sufficient. This is because protein metabolizes into amino acids in our bodies. But if you do wish to try individual Amino Acids the main ones bodybuilders prefer are leucine, isoleucine and valine. These are branched chain amino acids and are taken to promote resistance to muscle breakdown.

Soy protein. This is a naturally occurring complete protein. Avoided by some as it may sometime exhibit estrogenic activity. Egg protein is often preferred as a complete protein. Or Casein, another richest protein source of the amino acid glutamine. Plus as it contains casomorphine it releases amino acids at regular intervals.

Protein powders are available online from store such as Bulk Nutrition. They are an essential part in your routine for building muscles, after all muscles are primarily made of protein. Protein also helps us in repairing and growth of muscles. Bodybuilders usually prefer to take their protein just after exercise or as a replacement for a meal.

In addition to protein you may wish to also take these:

2. Creatine Supplements - Creatine can significantly increase muscle volume along with protein. It will also improve your weightlifting performances and raise your energy levels so that your workouts are more intensive and this provides for greater muscle gain.

3. Glutamine Supplements. Glutamine helps in your muscle recovery after your workouts and also prevents muscle lost due to muscle catabolism.

4. Multi Vitamins / Minerals Supplement - an active person need many vitamins and minerals. They also assist in recovery as some vitamins and minerals are antioxidants. They remove free radicals generated after your muscles are stressed out and damaged during a gym workout.

And that's it. Unless you are considering becoming a competitive bodybuilding! Then you'll need a few more things - 17269

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Learn How To Have A Detox Day to Overcome A Lack of Energy

By Cecil Kelly

The feeling of being chronically tired is typically caused by many factors. Inadequate sleep, too much stress, poor diet, and inactivity can leave your body filled with harmful toxins. These toxins decrease your metabolism and slow your other body functions, leaving you extremely fatigued.

A lack of energy can only be overcome by correcting the issues causing the tiredness. However, it can take a while for your body to purge these toxins. You can speed up this process using a detox day.

When you are always feeling tired a detox day is an easy way to immediately cleanse your system and gain energy. There is not a lot of planning to a detox day. You only need to buy your groceries and supplements beforehand.

Your first step on a detox day is to ear only natural, organic foods. Starting the day with a "green" power drink is preferred. Green foods include whole, "raw" dairy products like yogurt, coconut milk, fresh fruits, and rice bran. Combine these ingredients until you find a taste that appeals to you. Your power drink should also include protein powder to give you a boost of energy throughout your day.

Your next step is to increase your activity. Even if you suffer from a severe lack of energy, this is an important part of detoxifying. It will increase your heart rate and accelerate the release of toxins in your body tissues. Try to perform an aerobic exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes.

Try to sit in a sauna for at least 30 minutes. If it is difficult to stay in that long, try lowering the temperature. Your goal is to increase your sweat production, which is the quickest way to purge contaminants and toxins in your body.

Certain supplements will help increase the productivity of your detox day. A good multi vitamin and green tea leaf extract is recommended. Niacin should be used because it helps your body tissue release toxins. Magnesium should also be used to keep bowel movements more regular and help you quickly remove toxins from your body.

If you are always feeling tired, the best ways to increase energy are the simplest ones. This is why a detox day is a great method. It is easy and will quickly give you energy. This will give help you as you move on to more long-term methods to increase your energy. One of the best parts of a detox day is that you can do it whenever you need a boost of extra energy. - 17269

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Are Human Growth Hormone Supplements For Real?

By John Andrews

The human body is an amazing machine, albeit of flesh and blood and more amazing because of it. We eat and drink, walk, run, sleep, swim, read, give birth to our young and never once have we questioned how it is all done. Science is discovering more new things about our bodies all the time and we take it all for granted. That is until we begin to feel the effects of aging. Aches, pains, loss of memory, loss of hair and so on. Even though everything seems to be on automatic it takes upkeep to keep it that way. Plenty of sleep, exercise to keep it strong and flexible and of course a good healthy diet rich in nutrients to keep all of our body functioning properly. Today, however, HGH (Human Growth Hormone) is available and this help slow (or even stop) the aging process and can be taken as a dietary supplement along with vitamins to give us the maximum health benefits available.

A product of the adrenal gland, HGH is a protein hormone and it is linked to many bodily functions. For instance, to help cells to grow and helping the body to keep calcium. However, HGH is at its highest during the puberty years and then its all downhill, declining as you get older. This may also be the cause of brittle bones, wrinkles and even the loss of memory as we get older.

Human Growth Hormone has become all the rage in the world of pro sports, Hollywood, and with the people that need not to feel or look more their age. Athletes usually get injections of HGH and take supplements too, due to the fact of having to stay in shape for their sport performance, and this accomplishes this by strengthening the bones and muscles, and improving the level of energy they have. This helps them make the touchdowns and hitting those fantastic home runs.

Then the actors and actresses of Hollywood love the benefits of HGH, it can keep wrinkles from happening along with some other problems that come with aging as in hair loss, it can make existing wrinkles lines actually disappear. Along with the physical help HGH gives the actors (and actresses) their minds the sharpness to learn and remember all their lines and the quick changes as far as the script that happening in movie making. The movie actors and actresses also have to stay feeling and looking their best to receive the best roles too so the HGH comes in handy for this too.

There are also those individuals that take HGH for their personal well-being and not their careers. These people need help with memory issues, they are worn out forgetting where they put certain objects, or other people's names. One of the largest fears that come with aging is that of memory loss. They may have a low libido, little energy, or a lot of pains and aches. These people want to feel younger and more themselves.

Now you can get these benefits fairly easy and anyone can afford them. It comes to you in a form that is inexpensive and with no side effects. This is due to GenF20 being and supplement that you can take on a daily basis that stimulates the pituitary gland naturally, so that it can maximize its production of HGH but within safe levels still.

A mixture of amino acids, GenF20 Human Growth Hormone is accumulate and builds in your body. You will soon see the results of this by the lessening of wrinkles and the disappearance of small lines. Your energy level will startle you and the more you take this product the more and better results you will see. No more sluggishness, more time and energy to spend with family and friends. You will be amazed at the change in yourself. - 17269

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Yeast-Free Living - What About Pita Bread?

By Matt Bournston

If you have recently started on a yeast free diet, you are probably wondering what foods you can eat and which foods you can't. Since a lot of bread contains yeast to make it rise, you may be wondering about pita bread. It doesn't rise up like normal bread, so does it still contain yeast?

Well, the true answer is: yes it does. Normal pita bread does unfortunately contain yeast. Don't worry though, because there are a number of special yeast free pita breads you can buy. Alternatively, it's quite easy to cook your own yeast free pita bread. Check out this recipe...

What You Will Need:

* 1 tablespoon of Olive Oil

* 1 cup soy flour

* 1 cup of unbleached white flour

* 1 1/2 cups distilled or purified water

* Half a teaspoon of baking powder

* Dash of sea salt

Note: if you are using gluten-free flours, you will need to add egg to the mix in order for it to bind together well.


1. Mix the olive oil, the water and the salt. Add the baking powder and flour, and mix to a smooth consistency like a pancake mixture.

2. Dip a paper towel into some olive oil, and then use it to oil the inside of your frying pan, and leave to sit for about 10 minutes.

3. Place the frying pan onto the hob at a medium-low temperature, and wait for 3 minutes and then tip the batter into the middle of the frying pan.

4. Tilt the frying pan in a circular motion until the whole of the bottom of the pan is covered with the desired thickness of batter.

5. Once the top of the mixture has gone dry, flip it over and cook the other side. This should take about a minute on each side.

6. Eat it.

I hope you enjoy this yeast free pita bread recipe. - 17269

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