Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, March 9, 2009

Using Water Purifiers For Travel And Safety

By Chris Channing

Water purifiers are becoming popular as more studies come forth that suggest that city and town water may not be as healthy as we always thought. This is especially true for travelers who may not even have a water source that can compare to what we are all accustomed to. With the many models available, it can be tough to find the right portable water purifier for you.

Traveling even to a developed country will require that one has a portable water purifier in most cases. This may not because of the lack of quality in water filtration, but because of certain present chemicals or methods used in the filtration process of the country being visited. This is true when United States citizens go to Mexico, in which sickness may come as a result of a difference in the methods used to filter the water. A portable water purifier is key in this case.

There are several different means in which a water purifier is able to work. The most popular of all methods is to use UV sterilization, which uses ultraviolet rays to damage organisms in the water to make it drinkable. Chemicals may also be used, but they are less desired since they will often leave a poor taste in one's mouth. Chemicals may also have certain side effects, depending on the chemicals used in which to sterilize.

Some interesting upgrades have been added to models over the years to improve functionality of current water purifiers. Solar panels may be used as a supplement or complete substitution to a battery source. This type of upgrade is recommended for campers who may be out in the wild for a couple of weeks or more, and can't necessarily depend on batteries for clean water.

With the recent innovations, it doesn't take long at all for water to be purified. Some fast models will be able to create safe water to drink in as little as a couple of minutes. Some methods such as chemical sterilization may require that the traveler wait even longer for the potency of the chemicals to die down or for them to interact with the water. Some water pump models will also be a pain to operate- the best course of action is to obtain a portable purifier with UV sterilization.

Times are changing from a decade ago, when water purifiers demanded a traveler carry around a bulky pump or harsh chemicals that left a bad aftertaste. With ultraviolet light technologies, we can now have a hand-held device that does the same thing faster, better, and all without the odd taste of chemicals.

Closing Comments

Finding water purifiers is easy. Even a common general store should have a basic water purifying machine. For more specific models, you may wish to continue your search on the Internet, where more up to date models can be found that take advantage of the latest technologies. - 17269

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Please Use Professional Clippers

By charlie reese

Because I shave my head, I use hair clippers a lot. I have always bought them at the drugstore. Usually, I can get a cheap one for 20 or 30 dollars. They all work well for a while, but they soon wear out. Although many of them claim to be professional clippers, I am definitely not convinced. I have seen the professional clipper at the barber shop. It is heavy, ugly, industrial, and straightforward. It never seems to choke on hair, always rings with a loud and powerful buzz, and works dependably.

The so-called professional clipper that I was using, however, was as different from this as night and day. First of all, it had this very slick, modern design. This isn't something to complain about per se, but it shows that appearance features prominently in the design of this professional hair clipper. It was slimmer, longer, and more curvy than the hair clippers in the barbershop. It was also quieter.

It did have some features that you couldn't get on a professional clipper. There were several different attachments to get different hairstyles. Some of them would allow you to cut your hair at a certain set angle or a certain distance from the scalp. On first appearance, they seemed like useful functions. I used the attachments all the time, and I knew if I tried a professional clipper, I wouldn't be able to anymore.

Nevertheless, when my hair clippers wore out, was finally fed up for good. I decided to look at real professional grade hair clippers. When I went to the barbershop supply store, I was a little bit disappointed at first. Every professional clipper was huge. The hair clipper set that I had last bought came with two appliances: a large clippers for doing the head and a smaller one for details. The smaller one was battery-powered and portable, a big convenience. By contrast, every professional clipper that I could find was big and clunky. I had seen people do extremely detailed work with professional clippers, but I couldn't figure out how. I supposed that I would just have to learn.

Looking back, getting a professional hair clipper was one of the best purchases I made in the past year. It forced me to depend on my own skills rather than a bunch of unnecessary attachments. I can now style my own hair quite attractively, and have even started giving haircuts to friends. Best of all, it still works! - 17269

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Losing Weight Before Your Wedding With Interval Training

By Ricardo d Argence

From the moment that you get engaged you will start thinking about how you are going to look on that big day. All eyes are going to be on you, and you want to look your absolute best.

The best way to get yourself into a healthy and great condition is to adjust your diet and exercise plan in a healthy way, even when the temptation to try to drop weight quickly is definitely there. Interval Training can help you to be the most beautiful bride.

So, what is exactly Interval Training? It is an exercise plan that offers a mix of high intensity activities in the same workout as lower intensity activities. Because of this the anaerobic and aerobic system so that your body will receive the benefits of these two types of training. That you can get a great workout in only thirty minutes is perhaps the most appealing benefit of Interval Training.

The greatest way to begin your workout is to warm up. You want to start the high intensity part of your workout when you feel your body is warmed up. When you experience muscle fatigue, decrease your pace to one that is more sustainable.

Your body can recover some so that you can breathe with less trouble and you're able to do the activity. After your body feels back to normal, go back to the high intensity activity and redo the cycle.

Probably the redeeming aspect of the Interval Training happens to be the fact that you have an enjoyable exercise for a small duration. This is a simple addition which will make your workout less boring in the long run. And perhaps most importantly it is easy. You can exercise and lose weight without joining a costly gym or hiring a personal trainer. Pay attention to your body's signals and adjust your workout accordingly.

Without a doubt this program will rejuvenate you in time for that special occasion. Fad diets tempt you with extravagent claims about quick and painless weight loss. It is likely that a program like this won't work for you and you won't get the results you expect.

Pounds will melt off and you'll experience other fantastic benefits when you eat a healthy diet and regularly follow a interval training exercise routine. You cannot put a price on improved physical well-being.

Due to that increased health you will physically feel better. You will find yourself with more energy, and everyone needs that while planning a wedding. And perhaps most importantly you will have a greater sense of self confidence. That self confidence is precisely what will make you look the most beautiful on your most beautiful day! - 17269

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Quick Weight Loss Is it Healthy

By Ron C

The American Heart Association recommends adopting healthy eating habits routinely and on a permanent basis, rather than impatiently pursuing rapid weight loss diets in the hopes of losing unwanted weight in only a few days through trendy fad diet quick weight loss plans.

A number of these fad diets, such as the well known but outright silly Cabbage Soup Diet, will effect your wellbeing, and possibly cause physical discomfort (abdominal discomfort and flatulence and lead to the ping-pong effect of gaining weight shortly after losing it. In simple terms the risks far outweight the rewards.

One food or one type of food is generally overemphasized with fad quick weight loss diets. They violate the first principle of good nutrition which is to eat a balanced diet that includes a variety of foods. Because no one food has all the nutrients required for good health, these diets can result in a lot of health problems.

The Cabbage Soup Diet is an example. The myth of this diet is that cabbage soup is some sort of fat dissolving potion. People supposedly lost 10-17 pounds in only a week, eating primarily cabbage soup. Even if the weight loss claim were true, all the damage due to a lack of a host of important nutrients would far outweigh (pun intended) the benefits of losing the weight. Pixies, elves and fairies, or even cabbages, can't create magical weight loss. Moderation and consuming all the major food groups is the best bet.

The second principle of good nutrition is that eating should be enjoyable. You think eating only cabbages every day is enjoyable?. It's impossible to stay on these diets for a long time because they're so monotonous. Consider a week on the Cabbage Soup Diet. By mid week crawling bugs would look good. They'd cart you off in a straight jacket by week's end.

There are many other ways fad diets aren't good diets. Most don't include physical activity, for example, walking 30 minutes most or all days of the week. Physical activity helps maintain weight loss, while physical inactivity is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke. When a diet mentions no need for a workout, run the other way.

Quick weight loss is possible. Just don't fall for tricks or gimmicks that might end up destroying your health. - 17269

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Boosting Your Immune System, with Tea

By Christoph O Conner

Tea has been used as a great health benefit for many years throughout the world. Tea has been known boost a person immune system due to the many disease fighting ingredients it contains. Tea is no longer simply a beverage but rather a way to stay healthy.

Green tea is a great example of how tea can benefit ones health. Green tea is rich in antioxidants including EGCG. It helps in fighting many diseases such as cancer and can really boost a persons immune system.

When tea is processed it can loose a lot of its health benefits. Green tea is lightly processes and therefore is the strongest in keeping ones immune system strong. It is better to drink teas that are not strongly processed in that they contain more health benefits.

There has always been a debate over whether tea really has strong health benefits or not. However recently human trials have been done showing that L-theanine, an amino acid found in tea, increases ones immunity and helps fight against infection.

Tea is great for the immune system but also plays a strong role in helping with many other ailments. Tea helps keep our digestive tract in order and kills of bad cells that cause cancer. Not only is tea rich in antioxidants but it also helps keep our teeth strong.

Tea not only boosts your immune system but also has practically zero calories and is a very healthy alternative to most drinks. In order to gain the benefits of most tea a person should drink about two to four cups of tea day. People who drink tea have been found to have higher levels of anti-bacterial proteins than those who don't.

People who drink tea regulary can count on a healthy immune system as well as strong defense against many diseases. Tea is a great way to stay healthy and prevent future diseases and health problems. Since it cant really hurt, its a good idea to try and incorporate tea into your life in some way. - 17269

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Bodybuilding Supplements and Protein

By Allen Brian

Want to build your muscle faster? Picking the right supplement is critical for this purpose. If you go through some magazines for stores, you will find many brands of supplement on the market and finding a right one for working out is a tough work. Our main purpose is to pick supplements that will give us the best working out results.

Many skilled bodybuilding experts recommend protein as first choice of muscle building supplement. Protein is one of the most important factors for building muscle. Protein helps to transfer all the required bodybuilding enzymes to the place they should be. Another function of protein is to increase your energy level for more workouts.

You should consider incorporating one of the best protein supplements - whey protein into your working our program. The best results can be achieved by taking the correct amounts and correct doses of whey protein.

You could also choose creatine for a body building supplement. Creatine can help for your better workout exercises and fighting tiredness. The level of creatine is important for your workout results. You can improve your muscle building results by taking extra creatine supplements.

When you are lifting weights in your body building workout, your muscles are under a certain amount of stress. Your body will generate NO (nitric oxide) against this stress or pressure. If you are performing highly stressed muscle exercises, and then you should take some bodybuilding supplement to supply more nitric oxide. You can choose nitric oxide as your muscle building supplement. You would use it on your own risk because of the side effect with sexual health.

In order to have the excellent training results, glutamine is an additional supplement you should take into consideration. Glutamine can help the muscle building nutrients to the muscles. This is required in build muscle process to make muscles more toned and larger.

The opinion of which bodybuilding supplement is best is different from person to person. While picking supplement, you have to take your goal into consideration and select one to help you accomplish the goals. Because each supplement has different functions. And this is important to select a right supplement to help you do the most effective working out exercises.

While selecting supplements, do some research and choose one with proven results. The results usually exaggerated by the supplement companies, so you should careful while choosing a muscle building supplement. Read different reviews of specific products and then make the right choice for you. Picking the best body building supplement can truly enhance your workout regimen and contribute to a beautiful body as an end result. - 17269

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Getting A Home Gym Is Not As Hard As It Sounds

By John

Contrary to what most people may think, having your own gym is not really all that hard to achieve, nor is it that expensive. So long as you know what exactly you want, and shop withing your means, setting up their own home gym is something that's relatively easy to do. So let's explore the following tips in setting up your own home gym.

First, you need to determine which parts of your body you are keen to tone or work out. Clarify you needs. Ask yourself what your purpose is for working out"is it to tone? To lose weight, or are you training for a marathon? Ask yourself why you need the instact access of a home gym, and find out your needs from there. Once you know what your goals are, it is easy to determine the various equipment that you'll need.

When still not quite sure what to get, the first rule of thumb, is to get something simple. By simple, we mean work-out machines that are not only practical, but are relatively affordable. While it's easy to fall in love with some of the newer machines and everything they have to offer, these new additions might not be exactly what you need. Start with the basics, you can never go wrong from there.

After you have determined your fitness goals, and where get your different machines, you should then look for a place to put them. An ideal workout room should be well ventilated, and have good airconditioning. Not only will this make for a more comfortable workout, but you won't reek as much as well!

If you're considering on getting a treadmill as part of your home gym collection, you should opt to get a motorized one. You should never skimp and buy the cheapest treadmill, as they can lead to a lot of accidents. Not only is this dangerous, but an injury can severely dampen your momentum. That's something you don't want, so make sure that you buy a good treamill to avoid any regrets.

One way to save money in buying your machines, is getting them second-hand. They may be used, but most machines are built to last. While you should always check for damages, you'll be amazed how much most second hand equipment have been kept in good condition. - 17269

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Green Tea's antioxidant

By Collin James

You have heard of the power behind green tea being it's antioxidant and the power to increase it in the human body right? Do you know exactly what an antioxidant is and what it can do for you?

Antioxidants don't work against oxygen. They fight against a chemical reaction called oxidation, this is the same process that turns bananas black and rusts metal. Oxidation is the interaction between oxygen molecules and the substances they come in contact with. When that substance happens to be living tissue, damage and disease can occur.

Free Radicals with in your body are highly unstable molecules that travel around your body causing nothing but major problems. Free radicals are generated by exposure to UV rays, toxins,smoking and other sources. The major source of the free radicals is from the oxygen molecule its self.

Oxygen usually travels through your body paired up with another oxygen molecule. In some cases this pairing splits into two individual oxygen molecules called singlet oxygen. When this occurs, electrons fall in short demand as there are now to many oxygen molecules. This destabilizes the molecule and in a way, throwing it off balance. In the attempt to try and fix itself it races through the body trying to find an other electron.

The molecule does not just wait for a spare electron to pop up, but what it does is it steals one from another molecule. The problem keeps reoccurring over and over again. The process is what causes cells to be damaged, and the entire body system gets effected by it. This is believed to be the major cause of cancer, heart disease and aging.

Antioxidants work against "electron stealing" by neutralizing and stabilizing free radicals. They do this by donating an electron so that singlet oxygen and other free radicals no longer have the urge to "steal." And while the body does produce a certain amount of antioxidants for the express purpose of taking care of such problems, it also needs the added help of antioxidants found in foods.

Among others, these include beta-carotene, vitamins C and E, the mineral selenium, and various phytochemicals such as lycopene and quercetin. But the catechins, especially EGCg, are among the most powerful and effective antioxidants of all. - 17269

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Losing Weight Before Your Wedding, What Not to Do

By Ricardo d Argence

Many brides find themselves pressured into crash diets, or rushing into a diet and exercise routine to fast in order to fit into that perfect wedding dress. It is important that the method used is healthy in order to achieve the desired results and really look ar your best in your great day.

Before that big day comes, everybody from bride to guests appears to wish to shed at least a few extra pounds. The bride is the person who agonizes most about the way she will look on her wedding day. Many people appear to look forward to giving the impression of being their best on the wedding day.

Perhaps it is because she will be in the spotlight and due to the fact that society pressures us to want to be slim and don the smallest wedding dress possible. It is certainly not healthy or safe for brides to go to extremes in any way.

A lot of brides use starvation has a method. A lot of women could actually find themselves hospitalized for dehydration or even organ failure when their goal was to lose some pounds.

Over training in the gym along with or without starvation is another method many brides will use. While working out is a great thing to do, a person has to make sure that it is done within moderation. Everything, especially when it comes to diet and exercise, should be done with moderation.

These methods, over training and starvation, will appear as though they are working at first but will ultimately fail. Once the bride to be finally eats a regular meal she will most likely put on several pounds. This is because the body decides to hold on to any nutrients it can possibly get when the person finally eats.

If the bride does not nourish herself with a full meal before the big day, she runs the risk of ending up in the hospital. Put a damper on the entire event whether it is for a few days or for several weeks.

The best thing to do when wanting to drop a few pounds is to make sure that a proper diet and exercise routine is followed. Brides who feel as though they cannot go about that alone should consult with a personal trainer or a dietician.

By cutting out the extra sugars and starches you could already find yourself losing a few pounds. Adding more water into your daily diet along with strong and steady exercise is what will give you excellent results in the end.

The best advice is not to wait till the last minute to try and lose the weight, get started before you only have a week or so left. Plan earlier and give yourself sufficient time to ensure that you have enough to lose weight by maintaining your health. - 17269

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Bodybuilding Supplements to Build Muscles

By Allen Brian

Muscle building supplement - how to choose the right one? Choosing the best supplement for enhancing your muscle building workouts is a troublesome work, because there are too many types and brands on the market. What we say "right" or "best", we are talking about the muscle building supplements that bring you the best results.

The very first body building supplement you should take into account is protein. Most muscle building experts agree with that. The necessary muscle building nutrients will be taken to the place they need to be by protein. To have more muscle building exercises, you need protein to enhance your energy level.

Protein supplement can help a lot in your muscle building program, one of them you should not miss is whey protein. With the right dosages and right amounts, the natural whey protein can give you the best results.

Creatine is another bodybuilding supplement you should take into account. Creatine is good for combating tiredness and enhancing your muscle building workout. Creatine is good and can boost your muscle building results. Though your body will produce it but you can still take creatine supplement to enhance its level.

Muscles will get pressured or stressed while doing working out exercises recommended by your bodybuilding program. Your body will generate NO (nitric oxide) against this stress or pressure. If your working out exercises is extremely stressful, then you will need reload nitric oxide with muscle building supplement. Nitric oxide would also have some side effects with sexual health; so if you think this is the best body building supplement for you, by all means, choose it.

Among the user reviews, glutamine is the supplement that can bring most bodybuilders good working out results. Glutamine can bring the needed muscle building nutrients to the muscles for functional and help muscles grow larger and to be toned.

Everyone has his own opinion of the number 1 body building supplement. While picking supplement, you have to take your goal into consideration and select one to help you accomplish the goals. Each specific supplement provides for certain results, so picking the right one will make the difference between having an effective workout as opposed to an ineffective workout.

While selecting supplements, do some research and choose one with proven results. The results usually exaggerated by the supplement companies, so you should careful while choosing a muscle building supplement. In order to make right choice, check out the reviews of certain products. Using the right bodybuilding supplement can heavily improve the working out regimen and lead to a great body as the results. - 17269

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